ReimbursementsCITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department CAMPBELL July 7, 2003 Marc Roddin San Mateo/Santa Clara County Liaison Metropolitan Transportation Commission Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter 101 Eighth Street Oakland, CA 94607-4700 Re~ Citywide Bicycle Parking and Loan Program (Project 02-06B) 01/02 TDA Article 3 Funds Dear Mr. Roddin: As mentioned in previous correspondence to you, enclosed please find a copy of the recorded Notice of Completion for the above referenced project. If you need any additional information, please contact me at (408) 866-2776 or Matthew Jue, Traffic Engineer, at (408) 866-2154. Sincerely, Marlene Pomeroy Executive Assistant Enclosure 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95008-1436 · TEl 408.866.2150 - FAX 408.376.O958 · TDI) 408.866.2790 1'O J~E EECORDED ~v*ITF, OU'I' t ~ SECTION 6103 GOYER~'4?.,'~E:'Tf CODE AT THE REQUEST OF Cfl'Y OF CP,~,' P~EU. Recording Requested by and When Recorded, Mail to: City of Campbell City Clerk's Office 70 N. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 DOCUMENT: ', /16394 ~0016916594~ Titles:l / Pages: Fees .... * No Fees Taxes... Copies.. AHT PAID 2 BRENDA DAVIS SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recorded at the request of City RDE ~ 004 3/27/2803 1:59 PM (Space above this line for Recorder's use.) NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE is hereby given that CITY OF CAMPBELL, as owner, and Matthew Jue, the undersigned, as City Traffic Engineer, caused the Citywide Bicycle Program Improvements to be constructed within the public right-of-way as described in the project documents. That the work on said Citywide Bicycle Program were actually accepted on the 24th day of March, 2003. That the name of the Contractor for said owner is American Bicycle Security Company, of Ventura, California. That the nature of title of said City to said improvements is owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all owners of said property are: NAME City of Campbell ADDRESS 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said Improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and described as follows: Bicycle Lockers and as described in the Contract Plans. Dated: March 24, 2003 Matthew Jue, City Traffic Engineer STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) I, Matthew Jue, being duly sworn, state: That I am the City Traffic Engineer for said City of Campbell, the Owner of the property described in the foregoing notice; that I have read the foregoing notice and know the contents thereof; and the facts contained therein are true to my knowledge. Matthew Jue, City Traffic Engineer Subscribed and sworn to before me this c~A~-~' day of ~/?TJ~P.P_./,-) Notary Public in~t'for said (~unty of Santa Clara, State of California ,20 (This area for notarial seal) CITY OF CAMPBELL FINANCE DEP~ ""TMENT 70 NORTH FIR ;TREET CAMPBELL, CA 9501}8 PHONE: 408-866-2114 FAX: 408-379-2572 TAX I.D. # 94-6003997 .r 'X TY 0[:::' C;i.'.~tvfiz'F.4EL, L '"CF':A! .... T 0 'T' A L TAX ,., April 7, 2003 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL o~ · c,~4~,~ CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department CAMPBELL Mr. Marc Roddin San Mateo and Santa Clara County Liaison Metropolitan Transportation Commission Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter 101 Eighth Street Oakland, CA 94607-4700 Disbursement Request for TDA Article 3 Funds Allocation Instruction No. 02336610 Citywide Bicycle Parking and Loan Program (Project 02-06B) Dear Marc: This letter is to serve as our formal request for disbursement of Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 funds in the amount of $16,135.07 allocated to the City of Campbell in Fiscal Year 2001/02. These funds were allocated under Allocation Instruction No. 02336610 for the purpose of Article 3, Pedestrian/Bicycle Projects, for the Citywide Bicycle Parking and Loan Program (Project No. 02-06B). The City anticipates rescinding and reallocating the remaining unused $10,334.93 during the next call for TDA projects. Enclosed are the above-referenced TDA Allocation Instruction form and relevant accounting reports. The billing includes materials, equipment, and construction costs. The Notice of Completion as filed with the County of Santa Clara on March 24, 2003, should be returned to the City of Campbell by the end of this month. We will forward to you a copy of the Notice of Completion when it becomes available. Please call Matthew Jue, Traffic Engineer, at (408) 866-2154, if you have any questions regarding our claim or if you need any additional information. Sincerely, Public Works Director Enclosures CC: Jesse Takahashi, Finance Department 02-06B (3c) J :\MATTHEWJ~Grants\TDA\l-reimbursement request pool bikes 4-7-2003.doc 7o North First ~treet . Campbell, California 95008-1436 · TEL 408.866.2150 · FAX 408.376.0958 - TI)D 408.866.2790 · Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. A~icle Add~ssed to: Marc Roddin Metropolitan Transportation Col Joseph Bort MetroCenter 101 Eighth Street Oakland, CA 94607-4700 IIA. Sign_ature. 4 ~ /~- /! -_LZI..~/ ~ ^ II ',j~-Agent X f~q~.~-~~ [] Addressee B. R~ec6~v,e?~~nted Name) J C7 Date of Deliveu D. Is delive~ a~dress different from item 1 ? ' g Yes If YES, enter delive~ address below: ~ No tission 3. Service Type [] Certified Mail [] Express Mail [] Registered [] Return Receipt for Merchandise [] Insured Mail [] C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) [] Yes 2. Article Number 7002 0510 0000 3673 2301 (Transfer from service label) PS Form 381 1, August 2001 v~~ _~ ~,meu~(~Trn Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 m ITl r~ Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) u~ C~ Total Postage & Fees SentTo ~7~..~ Postmark Here or PO Box No. '- ~¥,"sYt¥,"2l~ ~'4' ....... ",~~ ................................... CITY OF CA1 '':'BELL FINANCE DEPA,.. MENT 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 950118 PHONE: 408-866-2114 FAX: 408-379-2572 TAX I.D. # 94-6003997 C_ST N0:45'.25.1 ~ METROPOLITAN TRANSP COMMISSION(4TC JOSEPH P BORT METROCENTER ~ ATTN DEAN HUNTER / SR ACCOUNTAN !_01 E!GwT STREP-T OAKL..AND, C:A 94607-4700 I N VO ! C E: DA""E: 06 "C,C',006 ! F:'AGE .1.. Ap, 15, :'2003 OF: .t.. SERV t CE:: CLISTO~¢IER F'(]: .C,L.ISTOP!ER F:'H: ]"ER!~IS: P R, O J E C T R E V E N UE 5; DUEl WI'TNIN ]..:C~ DAYS DUE!: DATE:: May _1.. 1, /' SERVICE ADDRESS METROF'OLITAN TRANSP COMr~ISSION ATTN JOSEPH P BORT ME'TROCENTER 101 EIGNT ST f]Ak't AND .~ ~.A DESCR I F'T I ON .... QTY .... -TOTAl_. PRICE- TAX TDA AFi'T!Ct...E 3 F-'UNDS AI....L. OCATION INSTRUCTION NO 02336610 C:I T'YW I DE B I CYC:LE !::'ARK I h,l(3 AND I_OAN F'F;~OGF;:Ar~ F'ROJEC;T 02-06B .t.... (),:) () C, J. ,A, ..1.. MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: CITY OF CAMF'BELL TOTAL CHARGES: TOTAL TAX: TOTAL INVOICE: F:'A YrdENT S / AI.}J UST: ]"O'r A! .... DUE ~ To: Auditor ~ ALLOCATION h,.,~ .UCTION # 02336610 County: n~nl-n c] ara !!~ ~, !f:ii~::~ili iily ::~i~i~i~i:~:~: ::...:4: ,::~ ::~:~: . ::~:~.,::~: ::~:~:: ::::::: i ~:~ :~:. ~:*~ i i ~ i~ ~ ~i:: ~h ~i~ ~::~i:! ~i~i~ ~ ~i ~ i~i~ ::~ ~;~ii~i~i~:y ~ ~!~ ~i~ ~ ~:.~ ~::: ~:.~:f.f:~if.~ f~:: ! :::.~ii~::i i:~ i::f.~i~ i i ~ ~i:.i i ilif:f/:ii~ii~::~ ~ ~f:~ ~i~i~ !:~:4~iii Metropolitan Transportation Commission ALLOCATION INSTRUCTION Fund Fiscal Year Ending _01/_02__ Total Allocation: $ 2 6,4 ? 0.0 0 PUC: 99233, Article 3 - Pedestrian & Project Description:Citywide Bicycle Program. Apportionment Area: Santa Clara County Bicycle Parking and Loan 26,470.00 Disbursement Authorization = $-0- Terms and Conditions: Funds are reserved in the T',5~F--- for a period of THREE year(s). Eligible costs must be ino~, red on or before June 30, ' 2 0 0 4 . Funds not drawn by September 30, 2 0 04 , revert to the fund. MTC will Issue disbursement authorization upon receipt of documentation substantiating actual expenditure or financial obligation for capital allocations. Fund expended pursuant to this allocation instruction must be Included in CITY OF CAMPBELL annual certified fiscal audit required by PUC Section 99245. Authorizing Signature 04/04/03 CITY OF CAMPBELL, CA PAGE 1 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 1/03 PERIOD PROJECT AUDIT TRAIL SELECTION CRITERIA: proledgr.projl='0206B' PROJECTS - 0206B - CITYWIDE POOL BIKE PROG ACCOUNT DATE T/C ENC/RECV REFERENCE PAYER/VENDOR BUDGET EXPENSES RECEIPTS ENCUMBRANCES RECEIVABLES DESCRIPTION BALANCE 7130 TOTAL PROJECT SALARY & BENEFITS PROJECT SALARY & BENEFITS 7430 TOTAL PROF & SPECIAJ~ SERVICES PROF & SPECIAL SERVICES 7880 LAND TOTAL LAND 7883 IMP OTHER T~IAN BUILDING 07/01/02 15 08/07/02 17 20030117 09/18/02 17 20030218 09/23/02 21 20030117 97041 10/14/02 21 20030218 97437 11/20/02 17 20030349 12/31/02 19 J12/28 01/27/03 21 20030349 99141 03/31/03 19 J3/25 TOTAL IMP OTHER THAN BUILDING 7884 MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT TOTAL MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT TOTAL CITYWIDE POOL BIKE PROG TOTAL REPORT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 26,483.82 00001185-WHEEL AWAY CYCLE 00001185-WHEEL AWAY CYCLE 0000118S-WHEEL AWAY CYCLE 7,307.19~n 00001185-W~EEL AWAY CYCLE 320.43 000038Z5-~MERIC~ BICYCLE gi[~_ 843.93 00003815-~ME~IC~N BICYCLE [~J~t~----~7,679.55 183.97 26~83 82 16,13S,07 00 .00 00 .00 26,483 82 ,00 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 26,483 82 .00 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 .00 BEGINNING BALANCE .00 .00 .0O .00 7,500.38 320.43 -7,500.38 -320.43 7,679.55 .00 BEGINNING BALANCE BEGINNING BALANCE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES BICYCLE LOCKERS #98693 WHEEL AWAY - PARTS -7,679.55 BICYCLE LOCKERS g; C~C1($1 #100229 WHEELAWAY- HELMETS -- -- -~(C~'~¢[1'00 10,348.75 .00 BEGINNING BA~ICE .00 16,135.07 .00 16,135.07 .00 10,348.75 .00 10,348.75 RUN DATE 04/04/03 TIME 17:35:20 PENTAMATION ENTERPRISES, - FUND ACCOUNTANT