88-101 r """'\ -u ~ Or.>. .r", . . g ~ · &J J 't - -~_M . :.J ~ n . u' :J .n n ...nCVl.....n N. ...... .. ..... .:..~:J:!"g f... _0 . ...... n n .... -:r:J. N ~~-~~ . . :.J , ,- On..-,....o ..... :;) ,-. ""..... "' " (\ ......1"\,.....0 tc" n O::r .C.._". nvanc::: >-V.6C) :.c 0).)( 0 Q"'O ,:) ........ 0 .: ~ .. .. O~;r<rt ~ l~ :: ~ L " u ,_" .IJO~l '1 . :l n .. .. -;J I) rot .:" - :.a :l (... {) 0 II . X~ n _ . .... r-" (I n,... :.r ...... t-: t-. ~ .. :J .. Q ~ (.. .. - ~ '1 :J ~.:. .. .. -ViO'WJ...." l'n_O:1,... ::-J.<"1j;l.a N n - :J - · '" . r- Ii ,.... ~ .. :;I~ o"j" U II ~",:JJa~a ()O t"""rin. ...... ". n " ~ ,-.. ..., f" ;::;;'~~'< uo. '-7 '1 .= I-..~ ... ;J ... )of ._... .- f, n 0 .. .., II- :J .. ,-" .: 0 ... ,., ..... n Vlr-nn .. at;S rr ::t ;u. . .. n.. '--n:r~ o ... u ~_ ... " ;l .. H . "... n ::r . 0... -U a ~ 0 . n ~..&A ~.~ ~ :~ ....... n Cln' Of CAK..bl:l.L. D~~T. or VUbLIC WOK~~ 70 Nocth rlrat lit. Campball, CA >>~oo. I.Obl 1lt.~-21~O %f-/o / ~ VERBAL 'j rUbl.lC WOK~S P~kKIT rrnrvO"f'KTf{'ll11--rl{ e P~bljc rl~~t-ot~wayl X-keto tlla luuad /)u?Ic!?<S' Application Date 1/S/8Z racalt .iplr'. In I~ .0.. ..pICaa ~ A....L.ICATIOH - Application ia haceby .ade toc a P~bllc WOCk. ~.c.lt in accordanc. wlth Ca~p~all KuniCipal C~d., k.ctlon 11.0.. Pecait Ho. c;. C' j. '( I " ~. WOlk addc... oc tCact . 899 Rob i n Lane ex Sunnyoaks) 1'. C Utility (CencI. lOcation II. Natu'e ot WlICk; . emergency main repair u. C. Attach tlve I~l copl.. ~t a dcawin9 .howin~ the location, extent and dl.enaiona of tha work The drawin~ ahall .how the calation ot the propa..d work ta aXlatiog aurtaca aod underground IlIIprOVclllcnta, Whan appral/ad ~y the Cit)' 1:0910ae(. aAld dcawln'J bacom.. a pACl 01 thla pce.ll. The Gencr.l Condltlona for ell per/Aha .rc l1Ulld on thll revarlie .ide. SpcCl.1 plOl/l.lonll tor thl. per"lt aCe 11.ted below. tallurc to .bide by theae candltlane And pcol/llIlon. a4Y rellule in lob .hut-down alld/or torleit~le ot "aithtul PerforlllAIICe bond. ana ca." dej>OlIll.. IS"c GonerAi Conditione 1 alld 21. 'L D. c' ;.. '( t. An appllCAtion t.e ~u.t accompany thii AppliCAtion. Thi. 1. oOIl-cutundAble. , . y NAlIle of AppliCAnt Addre4iu San Jose Water Co. TclephOne: 111 thI. woCk l.leln\j dOlle .by the property own.r at thelc o..n reiiidencci _'fCII no Complete att.C~.d WaCker.' COlliPC'UIAtlon and Contractoc loclla. Thc Appllcallt/"cr~lttcc hcrcby agrllC. by afflxing thelc .1~IIAtore to thi. Per~lt to IIo1d the Cley ot Cal.llpl...:11 , 1(6; otllcu., 4'Jent. and ..Iplaycc. tree, .Ate and 104clllle... {rom .n'i Cl.llll or OC"'AfIU for dAlIlll9". U:.U1tlll'J lrolll the wlHk COI/"rlld by thi. vc:rlldt. 'J'lIc ApplICAnt/p"n'Ht"e hcreby aClI.nowledye. that the~ hAl/e reAd and under.tAnd both tllC tcone and baCk ot th!.' I'ellq!c A'.a that they "'ill IntoC/ll ctle:lr COfltlAceocllil 01 the InformAtion. ACCEPTED KPPIlCAnt IYermltt~e, IIltn NOTtS: ALL 'WOUl< SIIALI. COtUOkl1 WI 'J'1l Ttlt A'M'AClIED, Al'PkOYI:D PLAN':> AND ALL. A~PL.J CAbLt CAI1PULL.L. STANDAkD Dl{AWINGS AtlO COIWI'l'ION:;. TilL CONTkAC'J'01I I1UST IIAY~ TillS HkKIT AND APPROY!::D PL.AN:'; AND MUST I1UT WITH THl:: ".W. JNSPl:CTuk ON Tilt: SITE AT L.~A:';T 'I'WO DAYS I1l::YOUt: STAln'JNG WORK. NO'l'JCr I1U:;'1' Ul:: CIyrN TO PUbLIC WORKS AT LEAST 2. HOUkS btYOkE UE.:>TAkTING ANY WOkK. 5~~CIAI. PIIOVrSIONS .., l. - Street .IIA11 not be: op.:n cut tar under9roond 111'[411.tion.. "inl~um cut. mAY b~ al10wcu torconncCtlon~ oc explOration boleb. Such Cut. ruuut b~ ~reCltlcQlly QPrrov~d by III~ 11I1.peCl uf . l'aVl!me"llr.4Y Oc cut for ~ndac'jco~,u.l inlltAllllt ion. And ..uat bc reatored in ACcordanCe "'an the: Uelllt~ TrenCh ItclitorAtion StAnd.rd DrAwin'l. Worll. [0 o~ IltAked by a liccn..ed LAnd Surveyor 01 Clvll t:n'jinee:c and t",o 121 Cople: ot [n~ Cut .llel:llI IIcnt lO lhe I'Ut.dlC WaCk Dept. 1:>I:tor~ .tAftin') work. The hourll of won ACe lllll1ted ta o~t..ide the: hour. ot 7-!; A.I.II. and J-li p.ll. luc Any 100(11. Atlecting A (rAtjlc lan.. 'l; I' (I: 2. U- l' ). - -'- .. - ~. - l'J C r, u; lit-I) I~)~.OO) STANDJ.kU AKOUN'r ~~O.oO ~ s"(? () 0 ~~OO.Oo f 1100' 0.. tNG. I!ST.l ~ In 01' bOND.~~OO HINl ~ I h or 1'. P . bONO n~.oo I1INI ~ kt:C~ NO. iEkHIT ~VI'L.IC~TION rEK PLAN CI1t:CK DEPOSIT bONO 1'0lt I'AITIII'UL PEkl'OHIU.NCE ... 1'. (CASU I Dt:~5IT PERIUT ....Et: APPROVED I'OR ISSUANC!:: ~A ) --ra~""r r'. I r- r, ~: InOO) Ilbfi;r ( tll r;:Jt- @ II"/!/) {: J'WPt:kI11'r kevll1.d 1/b1