88-104 Qo.. r;.~ ~ ;.u 011; . U '" '1 ea_~~.... . :J ~ n . "';J.Ll (l &:-nc""......... ..... . ,.... .. .. ..... ':';::J'J:Jg t.: ~ ,- ~ ~ ~... 1'" -;r:l. N ~ ~.. ~ ~ . . :J >- ,- On"-""'Q ri :a ,- . "'" N. ..... .. "' t"t n _ n '... n I<" ... <):Y .c~-'1. Of.l)nc:: >,-~..C) 4 0 > .M C Q"'U ;) ........ n 0( :Y .. . o :l :r <. ,., ~ fj :: ~ ti " V' ,_,. . U" 0 :J ''l ,. ::J n .. .. -j I) ... .:" ..... ~J :. (j,. n 0 It . J'\- n _ . .....,.... n 11", :.r ,... r: ..... ."" At :J .,. Q "" r.. .. ......,... ., :> , :Y.. .. .. --"'V)O~""" "'n_o~,., 0.''114. ~ n ,.- :J - ... I,.... n ..... "'.. :J. ~ " 0 fa ~".:JJa~j . no,.,. r-1 n, - lit .... n .. ". ..... r-t r. ;::~~(:~" (, ~ .- ~ j~~':~: t.. II n 0 .. rt Iao ~ . ,- <: ..: 0 ... ". ,.... n -.nr--nn .. ":J (T .:J ~. . .. (l.. L..-n:r;) Q .. 0 ._ M It :l .... 0 . ... n ~,,. . 0... "U . ~ n . n ~ _1.0 r~ ;J :- ....A. n CITY Of CA"~U~LL D~~T. or ~UULIC WOkK~ 70 Noeth rle.t til. Campb.ll, CA >>~OO>> I 60b I Uh-ll ~O -R,:Y, 'j ~UbLIC WOkK5 P~kHIT rrorvo-rrrnl("Tl\-nr , public elvht-ot-wayl luued (}; -I- S- - J' ~ ~.e.lr .IPlr. In l~ .0.. ...ealt No. X-Itet. tile ~ co APPLICATION - Application 1. hee.by .ad. tor a ~uullc Wueka ~ee.lt In accordanc. _lth C.~p~.ll- Kunlclpal Cod., i.ctlon 11.0,. 'l' I " A. Woek addee.. or tract . 153s}lfJ/eca- Avr. 1', C ~C'\ 4\- & II l-f, Utility te.nch lOCation Nature ot _oell. . OF~ ~S' 'ft' IMP/tPIJ&n&f..I"I. Attach tlv. I~I copl.. ot a dea~lng .ho_ln~ the location, Iltont and alaenalona ot the _oek Thc dra~ln9 ahall ahow the relatlon of tho propoa.d work to o.lotlng auetac. and undergrouna illlprovelllcnta. When approved by tho City En91n.c(, .ald deawln9 b.COIIl.. a pact of thla per"ll. The General Condlt10n. toe all permit. arc 11atod on tho reverue .Ide. Special ~rovlalonu toe thl. perllllt arc HUed below. to.llure to Abide uy theae Conalr lona And provl.llonu _y rCloule In lob ahut-down and/or forfeiture ot I'althtul PertoellUHlce bUIHh and callh lJepoliltao. 15ee Gonee.l Condition. 1 and ~l. ~. An appllCAtlon tee ~ual accompany thi. ApplicArlon. Thill 1. hon-eutundAblc. Il. u C. I' o. 'l 'L ( " , ;... NAnle ot AppliCAnt J:::, ~h.nEez..-b..D , 1'clcphonot: 8~ (p - 8003 Mldc Clill JOb ~. 04r\ (J&&U- I.:.VE -# 10;". 0<. q ~o(}8 ' liI thi. woo, bel n!) done 'bY the property ownor at t h.l c own r...1dencd yu lLno - COlllplctc attaChed Worker.' COllipcnuAtlon and Conteaetoe tor... The App1IC.n[/Per~lr[ee hereby agreell by attlling their .l~nature to rhl. perllllt ro IIo1d the Clry at Ca~p~ell. It.. ottlcer.., .~en[. and .1IipJoyeca tree, .Ate and harmle... tram any CIA1111 or de~.l\d tor darnag~. reaoultln~ trom the work cov~r.d by thl. peemlt. owledycli tllat they hAlle reAd and unOeruAnlJ bottl lilt: teont ana will IntoClll th.:!e COlltractuelli1 ot the InformAtion. ACCt:I'Tt:O l-frS-Bi- !lITe NOTtS: ALL 'WOkK SIlALL CONI'OlH1 WI1'II THt: A1JACIlJ::O, AI'P/tOVtO ~LAN~ AND ALL A~t'LICo\J:lLt: CAI1PbeLL ~TAN[)AkO DIiAWJNGS AtIO CONOITIONS. THe CONTIiAC'I'01l I1UST IIAV~ 'fillS ~ekHIT AND APPkOVt:O PLANS AtW I'lUST l1t:eT wl1'tt TII~ P.w. IN~HC1'01i ON Tilt: SITE AT Lt:AST '1'1010 OAYS IJI::I'Okl: S1'J..ItTING WORK. NOTICt: I1UST lit: GIVlN TO I'UIJLJC WOHKS A'r LEAST 26 HOUKS bt:I'OkE Nt:STAltTJNG ANY WOHK. SPt:CIAL PkOVISIONS r-'J " -' _1. Slrt:.:t lihall not be opt:n cut tor underground Inlit,dJAtionli. IHnlllulI1 CUt. IIlAY be al1"weQ torconneCtlon~ or exploration boJe~. Such CUl~ ruuut be .P~ClflCaJly approlled by llle 1111;pa:Cl ur . PilVllmellr..AY De CuI, tor undarqroun4.l In.tollot iono an4.l Iluot bl: rCbtored In Accorll..nc~ war. tile UlilllY Tro:nch Jtclitorotlon StAndard DrAwin'). WDrk to Dc urakcd bV a 11ccnbcd Lan4 Surveyor 01 Cl1111 Enqlncer an4 two 12) COple~ ot the Cut Ohel:lu lIell1 lO the ~uulic Work Depl. befor.. .tortlng work. Tile houro ot won are hllllted to outlildl: Ole: hour. ot 7-~ A.m. and 3-li p.lI. toe allY work ottecllnq 0 tratjlc lone. 'l- ( , (I: -k::.. 2 . J. U:' l' t. :.. ('J C u. Pt:kHIT AVI'LICATION I'EK i'LAH CUJ::C~ Ut:~OSlT OONU fOIt fAlTlIl'UL PCkl'OltKANCE Ol-l) l~l:'.OO) ( STAHD.ut0 ~SO.OO ~:'OO.OO (100, Of ~NG. tST.) (~200) (t~ O~ bONO.~SOO HIi'll AI10UWr kECt:JPT NO. C', ~ '''Sf.!). C?O / ~ :?,p ? i ~0l:>. 0 () / (;. 9'.R 9 'l"Pl ~ ~~11 c,e,6.UlJ ,-nqq 44 s ll4~,~ '~-z...9~ \ <b ""1- 9~ /' / / v6i'ff r ~- ~: ~. ~. (CASU) DePOSIT Pt:IiHIT ft:~ I ' (1, Of f.P. bONO ,,-~j, "~ ~JS.OO KIN) I "\,' '1'." ,1 :" _ L-.....-- -. i ~ "2.[<;9('> _ .:;.A,.:.l APPIiOVED fOR I~SUANCE t: PWPt:lullT keviud )/lJ) . ' " C H E C K R E qUE S T TO: ' FINANCE DIRECTOR , ,Ci ty of Campbe.1l: Please issue check pay~ble to~ Addre~s: Str~et;' Ci ty: ' State: !1l]J(2spaces) . . ~;p:' , "(][]]I][]](5 spaces) (20 spaces) (ZOspaces) (15 spaces) , , (20 spaces)' Exa~t Amount Payabl e: ~500,. 00 Account Number: 01446290500 Purpose: RELEASE OF PLAN CHECK (CASH) DEPOSIT FOR EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 88..J04. SEE R~CEIPT #16989 Requested by:, D. Va,lkenaar ,Approv~d by: '.'0'.' Wimberly Title: Assoc. Civil Engr. Date:6/16/88 Title': P.W. Director Date:6/16/88 ," , ',SPECIAL' INSTRUCTIONS FOR 'HANDLING CHECK: ". Ma 11 as ; s ' , Return to: ~ Ma.il in attached envelope Department Name Ot~er: " . '~;. ' .. . - ' ",0 ,I REV 4/22/83 - -- REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: SHELLEY ESTATES (30 spaces) (30 spa<?es) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95008 (2) (10 spaces) Address: Line 1: 150 E. CAMPBELL AVE., #102 Line 2: City : CAMPBELL (20 spaces) Description: CASH DEPOSIT REFUND (24 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $1,480.00 Account Number: 001.00.905.0000.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for excavation permit #88-104. See receipt #18293 dated 4/6/88. Requested by: Approved by Verified by: : . P.W. Director Date: 2/9/89 Date:~~'( Title: P . W. Inspector Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as .ls \ x Mail in attached envelope , , ! Return to: , , (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 CITY OF CAMPBEll Public Works Department: February 9, 1989 Devland Construction 150 E. Campbell Ave., #102 Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No.: 88-104 Location: 153 Shelley Ave. Maintenance Bond Amount: $9,250.00 Gentlemen: We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, we will recommend the acceptance of the work to the City Council. We will send a copy of their resolution accepting the work upon their approval of same. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing faithful performance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one (1) year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Carlos M. Jocson Associate Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: G. Eaton, Public Works Inspector Council Agenda C. Case, AdministratiVe.Aide~ ~ /J~ Bond Company: 6,-m~ --0. 0 Btl""'Ltt ~ 6. TP r I 7 7' I..f'j Suspense - 1 year f/acc-ltr Date /~J. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT f7C!e - L n!- Plf:Jl.W (}~ ~ . . Dev L.A-VD C-,(2IJSTetLt.5r7 ~ Permit or Project No. 88 --/69 Address /.:73- -.s~~E""./ / Type of work: Street.,.,-- Storm .........- Sani tary Other (describe) Electrical [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) []FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) t:rFINAL INSPE~TION - ~EPTANCE Signed plans? ~ N (If signed, Council acceptance.) 4?; ",<".,6-0 ,t!) 0 /'h.d. Charges against deposit? Y Overtimez brs. @ $ Date 5 reason: ~. lhr. - $ Barricade rental (attach invoice)? Y Date 5 reason: ~ 4- $ Other? $ $ $ - Refund $ Total charges deducted from depositz (Cash Deposit $ less charges $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) ~~- 'gineer ~ SUBDIVISION BOND - CALIFORNIA FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE - PUBLIC WORK BOND NO. TPI 779944 Premium: $740.00 TRANSAMERICA PREMIER INSURANCE COMPANY SUBDIVISION BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Shelley Estates as principal, and TRANSAMERICA PREMIER INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California and auth- orized to transact surety business in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto city of Campbell in the sum of Thirty-seven thousand ----------------------------- Dollars ($ 37,000.00 ******** ) , for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, said principal and surety bind themselves, their heits, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas the above-bounden Principal has entered into a contract, dated , 19 , with the Shelley Estates to do and perform the following work, to-wit: Public street improvements - Tract 8114 153 Shelley Avenue - Campbell, CA NOW, THEREFORE, if the above-bounden Principal shall well and truly perform the work, contracted to be performed under said contract, then this obligation shall be void~ otherwise to remain in full force and effect. SIGNED AND SEALED THIS 31 cl~~' of March ,1988 By: TRANSAMERICA PREMIER INSURANCE COMPANY BY: ~KneY-in-Fact ,r I~~r~n~~~~!!~a N~, 2684 GPA "'__~_~___~_________ Power of Attorney valid only if numbered in red, Transamerica Premierlnsurance Company Administrative Office Irvine, Cahforma General Power of Attorney Know All Men by These Presents. That Transamerica Premier Insurance Company, a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of California. and having its administrative office in Irvine, Orange County, California, does by these presents make, constitute and appoint ____~_ -~------ CHARLES GRISWOLD of San Jose and State oL__L.alifurnJ.a.__~--- its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact. with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name. place and stead, to execute, acknowledge and deliver =- CONTRACT BONDS (S.B.A. Guarantee Agreement - MAXIMUM PENALTYJ5Q(f,Q9_0.QQ___-=_-~=~~~==~ ____--.9ItlJ!L CON}RACT BONDS - MAXIMUM PENALTY 100,000.00 _n__,A.~~_QTHEJrBONDS - MAXIMUM PENALTY $25,000.00 IITHIS POWER OF ATTORNEY SHALL TERMINAfr71JrDBE---n-----~------------ OF NO FURTHER EFFECT AFTER DECEMBER 31, 1989n--==~~_-===-=-=~_==______ and to bind the Company thereby as fully and to the same extent as if such bonds were signed by the President. sealed with the corporate seal of the Company and duly attested by its Secretary, hereby ratifying and confirming all that the said Attorney(s)-in-Fact may do in the premises, Said appointment is made under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Transamerica Premier Insurance Company, at a meeting held on the 12th day of June, 1984. "Be It Resolved, that the President. any Vice-President. any Secretary or any Assistant Secretary shall be and is hereby vested with full power and authority to appoint anyone or more suitable persons as Attorney(s)-in-Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company subject to the following provisions: "Section 1. Attorney-in-Fact. Attorney-in-Fact may be given full power and authority for and in the name of and on behalf of the Company, to execute, acknowledge and deliver, any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts. agreements of indemnity, consents of surety and other conditional or obligatory undertakings and any and all notices and documents canceling or terminating the Company's liability thereunder, and any such instruments so executed by any such Attorney-in-Fact shall be binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Corporate Secretary. " County of Orange } ss Pres i dent________ lfrtL___day of State of California By Onthis__ 16th CALlFO\l~\" ~ ~ day of Joan M. Hynn Jack M. Trapp President October , in the year 1987, before me , a notary public, personally appeared _ . personally known to me to be the person who , on behalf of the corporation therein named and executed the within instrument as acknowl~~ tkaI; tlIf:lt.r:.IO\(~~P'l(P'~ it. J1 /.'fBi~"-~::.\,_ , _or.~!C:~L ~EAL I~ " ,.1.1_-'" .,j,,_(~1,::,', .J( i~\,..J ,~\II' ,;, \.I~IN' " . ",,;...l . ,~.,. . ".. "j ......-.. . I. J \' . f"i. i f:',,' r"(i,",,','','" WWtr" , HY'j Ii,,""',' i':'"'''''~ I~ ii \~~~.~{,./:\)f)R6i,i~;:!',(rI?Y~~'.\:~~~;';~'lt ~'( C(l:1',~~S'2!'.!-1~Ci~~i Fe\'. 17. J~11 ,~ ~,,~..., Y'~ ~ . ~~~ I, the undersigned Secretary of Transamerica Premier Insurance Company hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full. true and correct copy of the Original Power of Attorney issued by said Company, and do hereby further certify that the said Power of Attorney is still in force and effect. ( -:J_11~~- Notary Public And I do hereby further certify that the Certification of this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Transamerica Premier Insurance Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 12th of June. 1984. and that said resolution has not been amended or repealed: "Resolved, that the signature of the Secretary or any Assistant Secretary of this Corporation. and the seal of Corporation, may be affixed or printed by facsimile to any certificate to a Power of Attorney of this Corporation. and that such printed facsimile signature and seal shall be valid and binding upon this Corporation," 31 March day of__________~___________ GIVEN under my hand and the seal of said Company, this 88 19__ _ . -------, THIS POWER OF AlTORNEY EFFECTIVE ONLY IF AlTACHED TO BOND NO. TPI 779944 (Ju/JL Secretary 30024A 10-85 ': ',{.: .;, /-. t l~'::i' t.~.:" {) (~. :.:; ;'(: .C;.;.' ("",., '~.)/.: '...' , '; , > "'1::: " ,: ,:' ,::)/J:1 X ~}/3:9 .,C'{,~.;,L;-) j C" ,'.-,fe"f "!'.~,I;::.: .:7.':':- J\l.., t c.: .:~: :::':i\l: .;.., f.:?C~ t. ..~ ..!. ..,. . i' \ ,;('.,!/::~ ,',-{. I'.': ....: ,. .,.. L C\',~"/ " ,_:.; ,;') ,': ...J. ,.," i.: .r::~: 'I'.': ,:.:. l' {: .....j {_:1.' ('?", iJf"j '\-,',-:",',:.,'/"" I::: (:"1 '~.1' (::- t.. i''''\::''-'' :tc:) ...ti!i,;::~C/ l:.;',,' ,\..'.1 .:: !~:. \." I;:, ,'_.1 h. .,{' '",'(",,~. i' T', :r"'(:', ,:,' > ~l ' A./~{2/j;UV)~ I)I:::' ;':~i- }','/':'-,:::' .t')(.; j"'\ ...... ~ .., :'.':';'E::(':': ..C,.,':-:,:.:;-;....\.... l .F" ...;.' j' C' /: il / ,;' j } -<;1 '/: ;:::-( /"; ,.. . _.. ".l c ... {~:~(J i .'::.::. ..:.:. <':"C',..C'..-',." ,.... /. '.:'>' t: i.: ~ l: c: l'c.'/," ,~':'l'.l-.:. f':-} } ,~::..'v ,~ \.' (:.i "..... .... .. ~7 u (:' ..:.,- .i -( (': .... ,.,i. i.' -"., ~>h '...':'),' "!,,;. ... /:.../ n~~-~BB -/01-- RECEIVED FEB 08 1989 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING ,_. "t. ,J: \ ,'j'", T' ;', .,l. /:t ,~':::" ,.' ENGEOTECH, INC. Soil and Geological Engineers 473 Sapena Court, Unit 15 · Santa Clara, CA 95054 · (408) 988-8225 December 12, 1988 Devland Construction 150 E. Campbell Avenue, Suite 102 Campbell, California 95008 Attention: Mr. Frank Naderzad Subject: Residential Development Shelly Avenue Campbell, California TESTING AND INSPECTION DURING GRADING OF SIDEWALK Gentlemen: Per your request, our firm performed testing and inspection services during grading operations for sidewalk and curb & gutter areas for the Residential Development on Shelly Avenue in Campbell, California. The subgrade under the sidewalk and curb & gutter was prepared and compacted to 95.2 to 95.4% re lati ve compaction. Baserock was placed on the subgrade and compacted to 95.6 to 95.8% relative compaction. If you have any question, please give us a call at your convenience. yours truly, ENGEOTECH, INC. ,~~~ Muhammad Hussain, G.E. hu-~~-# 88-/0-1- '~~_~t_~I;1!;~/,:::tI;' 7J<C~iI4, ~;::e// ___, ______.j-,_ _____h__h,_ 'C5' i7i~ .. - 'l- - H ~_~#, a _____ ----\S------6 _tJj_~' 8 " . --\r\ '."--'- ----------" _.-,-..---- - -, ...-t--. 7-f 3 ~ , ". " .,...... ""-It) tJ ____ 7-+ 79. cf ,. .-. ._~_._. ._..... I E/:; T~ clp" ---- j7@mar/:'-- ___ E.~t>__..Ex:-Clq ~ w - re-..-.-.---.. " Z48.6Js 2tf18 2A8.42. F o~ 1l-1/ /J pr--- 2.48,6/ Iof iJlI? 248').;1. /"o,li- E- it- "-7':' ' . i , .. .. "..... ' ..... i _ i ,. ,- - -'- .---_.-.. "\'''-' - ,,_., . , i I , "-''''-''N~7 eo: ;=. paSE - ."" 't- _y!;4}l~ .lN~_ _ @ 7~"~S--._ ' -,.-..-..,..".t..~ -,,-. " : ..__ rttl/ls/;()U!5 Elld E;t.. C& @ 6-f- '].[j-v'wlt I ! ~; ~~' ,~~ , ---..-...1 . -- 1';; I i: - I It. - .... . .- , .. - ; P:ril OUl rx.. ~ Q ~ fl!fl! H &~ ~~ ::O:ril 08 ::O:H H Ul Z I HZ ::0: 0 PERMIT ISSUANCE CHECK LIST "'" ........c...e: - ~"'b c__~ -tb ~ Permi t No. <-' = ~Ct Applicant section complete c>lc.....O~ Applicant signature and date 6\~ Ce~ Permit Application fee, $35.00 for R-l, $50,00 for standard, paid and receipt number noted. ~ e.. s Cs::4 Plan check deposit, $500.00 for standard only, paid and receipt noted. ~LCC~~ Bond for faithful performance, 100% of City Engineer's estimate for standard only, posted and appropriately noted. ~LC-~~ Faithful performance cash deposit $200.00 for R-l; 4% of FP bond, $500.00 min. for standard, posted and receipt number noted. 6u..... ($::?~ Permit fee 7% of FP bond, $35.00 min. for standard only, paid and receipt number noted. 6lL ~~ Worker's compensation information received for applicant, R-I and standard. eLL C~ Certificate endorsement if property ~ of insurance with additional insured's received from applicant. This does not apply is R-l, owner-occupied, owner-applicant. Permit signed for City Engineer. ~ ~~ Complete contractor's information received for contractor. 6\c. c.~Gq. Workers Comp information received for contractor 6~~Gq Certificate of insurance with additional insured's endors-~ ment received from contractor e.~ :,/'" Dt'"""2-l~ll.)l'.>L- ""S.U~M\."t~~ i.~,,'2- \.::::.l.~<:'" ~t<:S7~O'~ ~... ~. Three sets of plans, APPROVED (Tract or Public Works \...--" number on permit) C::>\'-\~ c-'"O\.C"..i-)~::> ~-lO --ce.~ l:!.'i D {'>(.0 WHEN ALL OF THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE COMPLETE, PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED Issuer: Initial and date C~ (.. -lO'~ and file with permit ~j88 fjpermchklst INFORMATION SHEET FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City License, State Contractor's License and Workers' D&VUl.\JO . t' .U. tI6 Ccl"'S, \U)C-rl Ol-l Name of Contractor QIl j "R of Campbell Business Compensation Insurance. Telephone ...24 fs--l./ 1500 Address J lSe ~. C4f'1pgeu./ #-Io~. State Contractor License No. '5oLfOI '-f City Business License No, 1'~'50652-1-'- Expiration Date (o~?D-gi- Will do the following types of work: _____underground _____P,C. concrete _____A,C. paving _____electrical _____other (specify) Gt~/~c, tl J)e.6/N"b-t.,E. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Contractor/Applicant K. rJ~O fI2-Z~O . One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration date OR The Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed) . CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for this permit, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Signed Date NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/APPLICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. f:PERMINFO REV. 11/87 'i~ TO: Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. 35-) 96 3372 3521 3521 Depos it R-] : ($'35) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) 3373 3373 & 3372 Mu It i-Res. , Unit 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME ~ Lllr;( . E51a h-~ ) SO e.{'~ ~ p 6<// .,. 102- ( ZIP ~ J~CO ( PH':)NE ADDRESS FOR CITY CLERK CIiL Y RECEIPT NO. I S?~q3 J3;O&;8.HJ LP 4/([) / gg I I AMOI..I'rr PAID RECE J YED BY DATE' !:,;~\t.. . NO.~1 t=-y.P. .8'~ -JOf AMOUNT $ J Lf ~O D'""C> - - 2. ..s"'9' 0 _ ......, or Yo 'J 'b.:ar. ..-- ~ 1021 7 9 2. ~ ...-- $ /30~J-~ ./ July, 1987 TO: City Clerk PUBLI C WORKS FILE NO. T\-" 8-1 I t tF~#tJt'-/() 7' Pl'ease collect & receipt for the following monies: Depos it R-l : ($'35) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) 3373 3373 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil in Fee (S350) Final Parcel Map Fil in Fee 300 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee $ 00 Final Tract Map Fil in Fee ($350) Lot Line Ad"ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) Envi ronmental Assessment:' Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Park Dedication In-l ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3370 J395 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage AMOUln $ s o~ 0 0 ,~/J 0- ~ D J C <Z!l 0-0 --- $ f' b"O- c.HJ 2- y~- ~S-o 0 NAME 5"H~-LL~ ' TOTAL i, . ESTit1 T<==~ ~.& ~ t>';t"'l . .J (" 7 '"-, (I (' 77'1) _<lp f , . ~ . PHONE ADDRESS J :::'-0 Er CP-~~ '71- I ~ '2- .' L~~ ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK Ql(LY RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT PAID RECE r VED BY DATE' 9s-ZJd~ July, 1987 ~- l D4- CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOB. PERMIT NO. By/Date ":>- ~-~~ ec;;,.c.- \t2.~\ \.4- Name & Address \. <S.~ c::::;:;",\.~--LLe-t Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing LUlllp SUIII Es t illl8 te · $ ""2.<;;c:o- Sawcut Concrete L.F. @ $ 4.00 . $-- Concrete Removal S.F. @ 3.00 . $ - Curb & Gutter Removal L.F. @ 5.00 . $ - t2 Inlot Drain with Pipe , EA. @ 500.00 .$~- ~ Curb and Gutter qc..,. L.F. @ 15.00 .$\444- J Sidewalk ~4-C::> S.F. @ 3.50 - $ \\'\.0- : ~ Driveway Approach "'2...'...0 S.F. @ 5.50 · $ \'"'2. Go$ - ~~ Handicap Ramp EA. @ 1000.00 . $ - 'r Extruded Curb L.F. @ 6.00 - $ - J ~ ~ Barricade <<5 L.F. @ 50.00 · $~<;:6- ("\4 ') ~q,-) "':''-'-4- trer Excavation ( S.F.)x($0.15)x(~") · $~d2"- 0 ( lx~ <\<0') -::. "2. ~b 4- ( S.F.)x($0.45)x(~ ") · "$'''1_~- ~ . . Pavement Adjust Manhole to Grade -'2... EA. @ 300.00 . $ <-Ob- Adjust Handhole to Grade C~)~ EA. @ 200.00 . $ ~- Monument Box w Monument EA. @ 500.00 . $ Street Tree (15 gallon) :, EA. @ 200.00 . $ ~CC- Pavement Striping ($100 min) l'1~ L.F.@ 0.65 · $ \"1.,- Pavement Legends ($100 min) EA. @ 40.00 . $ - Stop.Street Name or Other Sign - EA. @ 120.00 . $ - (.e),= Pavement Markers 6:. EA. @ 15.00 · $ \<...0- ~ T l """'t/.Teb Pavement Key Cut l'24- L.F.@ 8.00 · $ qc;, - . $ . $ Surface Subtotal "5". $ <...C::>1c..-,~- Adjust. for dze: 5 <130.000 add 20%. S~ $100.000 subtract 10% "2..A ,~ ~ Street Lighting Electrol1er Conduit Conductor. pair Pull Box EA. @ 3000.00 L.F.@ 12.00 L.F.@ 4.00 EA. @ 200.00 . $ . $ . $ . $ . $ - Storm Drainage 12" or 15" RCP 18" or 21" Rep ~~,\. Street Inlet Manhole Break and Enter Manhole ~~ L.F.@ L.F.@ EA. @ EA. @ EA. @ 60.00 65.00 ""l6.e.o 1800.00 2000.00 600.00 · $ '"'2..\()O- . $ ~qeso- · $ Vts00 - .$~- . $ - . $ $ ~'-. <-<;;CZ!!.- $'2.,.',000- ~ \ \ TOTAL ESTIMATE USE FOR BOND Revised 6/85 . TRUCK INSURANCE EXCHANGE INTERIM CERTIFICATE AS TO EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE . THIS IS NOT AN INSURANCE POLICY, THIS IS ONLY A VERIFICATION OF INSURANCE. IT DOES NOT IN ANY WAY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE PROVIDED BY THE POLICIES LISTED BELOW. Named Insured SHELLEY ESTATES Address. 150 E. CAMPBELL AVENUE SUITE 102 . CAMPBELL, CA. 95008 5587 35 32 96-90-39A Policy # . Gen, Liab, Agent Pol icy # Auto Liab, Policy # CARGO This is to certify that policies for the above named insured are in force as follows: Policy # Work Camp This Interim Certificate As To Evidence of Insurance shall expire sixty days from 12 :01 AM" 4-21 ,19 88, unless cancelled prior to such date by written notice to the named insured. o ~ Please issue a Permanent Certificate COVERAGE COMBINED LIMITS OF LIABILITY COVERED NOT AUTO COVERED LIABILITY D D Owned Bodily Injury $ ,000 each person D D Hired $ ,000 each occurrence D D Non-Owned Property Damage $ ,000 each occurrence D D Employer's Non-Ownership Contingent Liability Single limit liability for Coverages checked IXI above $ ,000 each occurrence GENERAL LIABILITY $ M&C - OLT Bodily Injury ,000 each person.. { Own." & Conl'odo" $ ,000 each occurrence [] D Contractual. $ 000 annual aggregate Elevators $ I products... Property Damage ,000 each occurrence 0 D Products and/or $ 000 annual aggregate Completed Operations 1 products... Single limit liability for Coverages checked IXI above $ 1 ,000 ,000 each occurrence $ 1 ,000 000 annual aggregate I products.. . D 0 CARGO $ 1,000 ,000 each vehicle $ 1,000 ,000 each occurrence D D WORKERS' Statutory COMPENSA liON * Includes Goods or Products Warranty, Written Lease of Premises, Easement Agreement, Municipal Ordinance Agreement, Sidetrack Agreement, Elevator or Escalator Maintenance Agreement only, unless accompanied by specific endorsement providing additional Contractual Coverage. D Described / below O Description wa 1'.' ed OWNED AUTO- MOBilES, IF } COVERED , YEAR, MAKE, TYPE OF BODY, LOAD CAPACITY PROJECT : 153 SHELLEY AVENUE CAMPBELL, CA. 95008 IDENTIFICATION NUMBER LAST 3 DIGITS SHOWN Umbrella Liability $ $ $ ,000 retained limit each occurrence aggregate POLICY NUMBER If this Interim Certificate As To Evidence Of Insurance is to be cancelled prior to the expiration date, we shall provide 30 days advance notice in writing to whom this certificate is issued. IT IS HEREBY AGREED THAT THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AND ITS RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES ARE NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED FROM AND AGAINST ANY CLAIMS, LOSS LIABILITY Certificate issuecha COSrOR EXPENSE ARISING OUT OF OR- IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE CONSTUCTION Name CITY OF CAMPBELL OF THE PROJECT. THIS COVERAGE SHALL BE PRIMARY AND A:~:SS 70 B. FIRST STREET ANY COVERAGE CARRIED BY ADDITIONAL INSURED SHALL BE CAMPBELL, CA. 95008 EXCESS I NSURANCE ONLY. . rI- Cooo'."'go.d ~J\ MvL Authorized Representoti e * * Not Applicable In Texas, * * * In Texas the aggregate alsa applies \0 owners and contractors protective, contractual and/ ar completed operations, 56.05144.87 11261 W/200 C/1200 PRINTED IN USA 0 M Cll'Y OF CA/VdPllELi 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Planning April 15, lI'e "" ApI( 1 · b Pww 8 1980 1985- "'o*-, ' ,,"'" Mr. Steve Saraydpour Devland Construction Co. 150 E. Campbell Ave., #102 Campbell, CA 95008 RE: 153 Shelley Ave. Dear Mr. Saraydpour: The Planning Director has approved the design of the rear fencing and wall as indicated in your submittal of April 14, 1988. A review of our records indicates that the following must be sub- mitted prior to this Department's release of the building permit: 1. Landscape bond or agreement. 2. Proposed building color samples. 3. Complete fencing plan for project. If you have questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 866-2140. Sincerely, ARTHUR A. KEE PLANNING DIRECTOR m 'ZC~ MA~ WOODWORTH . PLANNER II ld 'W_ .nll".1UII~1ts' '\, , i/'{ -) ~ DEVLAND J ~ CONSTRUCTION RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT CITY OF CAMPBELL TO: Planning Department April 14 1988 ATTN: Arthur Kee It was brought to our attention that the back-fence of 153 SHELLEY ESTATES project has been of concern. On april 13- 1988 we met with the officials of public works to reach for a selution. Please refer to attached drawing for proposed selution. If you have any questions please call me. thank you: ~ ~~~no/m ~ APR 1 5 1988 CITY OF" CAMPBELL PLANNING DEPARTMENT J 50 E. Campbell Ave.. Suite 102. Campbell, CA 95008. (408) 248-4500 tW D9.~ ~~ r 254----,- 2'-01' 1--\I~H L-J<TICf-kIOr i ~r() p (/-c/' p~j ~< C) f r I . "r.. 7 L- :.;J/_ _ - J ... \to /'" 0" " j? ' U)- f-1IGih r~f".H--,f.- 'J r:, - t:_::::Jr) _ ..--- ..----- - - Nli! (') \<:1..;, 2.4f)_ / 2 4~J"~ ' ,F/' ~fl' - "--- ' -.- ",.,-~./" . rIll ~fl<' / ...- --'- ~ o~~ G.,~'r.~ ,.'" ';.>.:...-r;-;r;;:;~\i!" .? .-n:r::- 1.1;:.. I)' .-,~~\~ __ _H /2r:f.t2 - re:WCE: S~C1ID~ 15-3 sHe:LLey AVE · T Transamenca Insurance Services Transamerica Premier Insurance Company AfJmtOlSlrahve o'hce Irvine. CahtolOla TRANSAMERICA PREMIER INSURANCE COMPANY c/o Commercial Surety Bonding Agency o Southern California 630 The City Dr.. Suite 120. Orange. CA 92668 17141 971-CSBA 127221 o Northern California 1265 S. Bascom Ave.. Suite 108. San Jose. CA 95128 140BI 29B-CSBA 127221 r City of Campbell Public Works Dept. 70 No. First st. L Campbell, CA 95008 SUBDIVISION STATUS INQUIRY -, ..J RECEIVED SEP 161986 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERI BOND NUMBER TPI 779944 SUBDIVIDER Shelley Estates TRACT NUMBERNo. 8114 TRACT NAME 153 Shelley Ave. Shelley Estates IMPROVEMENTS Public Street Improvements 7-~~- PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM. 1. Has this work been fully completed and accepted? 0 Yes I2rNo 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is work progressing satisfactorily? If no, explain crY es ONo 4. Percentage completed? lOX REMARKS l 30M D cD R..El'^Pt. ~ IN EFP E""C- T Above information furnished by: (signature) Title ~ - CffrQ DATE .. TRUCK INSURANCE EXCHANGE INTERIM CERTIFICATE AS TO EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE THIS IS NOT AN INSURANCE POLICY. THIS IS ONLY A VERIFICATION OF INSURANCE. IT DOES NOT IN ANY WAY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE PROVIDED BY THE POLICIES LISTED BElOW. Named Insured . Address . SHELLEY ESTATES 150 E. CAMPBELL AVENUE SUITE 102 CAMPBELL, CA. 95008 5587 35 32 Pol icy # . Gen, Liab, 96-90-39A Agent Policy # Auto Liab. Pol icy # ' CARGO Pol icy # Work Camp, This is to certify that policies for the above named insured are in force as follows: This Interim Certificate As To Evidence of Insurance shall expire sixty days from 12: 01 A M., 4-21- ,1988, unless cancelled prior to such date by written notice to the named insured. o ~ Please issue a Permanent Certificate COVERAGE COMBINED LIMITS OF LIABILITY COVERED NOT AUTO COVERED LIABILITY 0 0 Owned Bodily Injury $ ,000 each person 0 0 Hired $ ,000 each occurrence 0 0 Non-Owned Property Damage $ ,000 each occurrence 0 0 Employer's Non-Ownership Contingent Liability Single limit liability for Coverages checked IXI above $ ,000 each occurrence GENERAL LIABILITY $ M&C - OLT Bodily Injury ,000 each person . . { Owoe" & Coo',""o" $ ,000 each occurrence 0 0 Contractual. $ 000 annual aggregate Elevators $ , products... Property Damage ,000 each occurrence 0 0 Products and/ or $ 000 annual aggregate Completed Operations I products. . . Single limit liability for Coverages checked IXI above $ 1,000 ,000 each occurrence $ 1.000 annual aggregate ,000 products.. . 0 0 CARGO $ ,000 each vehicle $ ,000 each occurrence 0 0 WORKERS' Statutory COMPENSATION . Includes Goods or Products Warranty, Written Lease of Premises, Easement Agreement, Municipal Ordinance Agreement, Sidetrack Agreement, Elevator or Escalator Maintenance Agreement only, unless accompanied by specific endorsement providing additional Contractual Coverage. / OWNED ~ AUTO- 1 MOBilES, < IF i COVERED , O Described below O Description w()lved YEAR, MAKE, TYPE OF BODY, lOAD CAPACITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER PROJECT: 153 SHELLEY AVENUE CAMPBELL, CA. 95008 lAST 3 DIGITS SHOWN Umbrella Liability $ $ $ ,000 retained limit each occurrence aggregate POLICY NUMBER If this Interim Certificate As To Evidence Of Insurance is to be cancelled prior to the expiration date, we shall 30 provide days advance notice in writing to whom this certificate is issued. Certificate issued to: LOSS PAYEE AND ADDITIONAL INSURED CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA. 95008 Nome And Address Countersigned .. Not Applicable In Texas ... In Texas the aggregate also applies to owners and contractors protective, contractual and/or completed operations, FF~ANK f~.. OLMO b. 2005 DE L.A CRUZ P. O. BOX 58152 SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA (408) 72 -6~~2':~ NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED SON BL. AFFORDING COVERAGES :::200 9505~PR 2 1 198 A B PUBLIC WOHK 'COMP;,NY C ENGI N EERI N LI T1r~___ o COMPANY E LETTER DEVLAND CONSTRUCTION 150 E. CAMPBELL AVE :::102 CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 - 2045 This is lo certify that policies of insurar'ce listed below have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this time. Notwithstanding any, requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document With respect to which thiS certificate may be Issued or may pertain, the msurance aTlorded by the poliCies descnbed herem IS subject to alllhe terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. POLICY NUMBER POl.ICY 1 Y PC OF INSURf,NCl [XI'IRA liON OAT( GENERAL LIABILITY BODIL Y INJURY o COMPREHENSIVE FORM o PREMISES-OPERATIONS PROPERTY DAMAGE $ o EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE I " HAZARD o UNDERGROUND HAZARD o PRODUCrS/COMPLETED OPEllATlONS HALARD BODIL Y INJURY AND o CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE PROPERTY DAMAGE o bROAD FORM PflOPERry COMBINED DAMAGE o INDEPENDENT CONlflACTORS o PfHSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BODIL Y INJURY $ (EACH PERSON) o COMPREHENSIVE FORM BODILY INJURY $ DOWNED (EACH ACCIDENT) o tllRW PROPERTY DAMAGE $ o NON.OWNED IJODIL Y INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED EXCESS LIABILITY BODIL Y INJURY AND o UMBRELLA FORM PROPERry DAMAGE o OTHER THAN UMIJI1ELLA COMBINED f'ORM WORKERS' COMPENSATION A and WCG-20556-A 07(()1/88_ EMPLOYERS'L1ABILlTY OTHER $ $ $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATlONSfLOCATlONSNEHICLES ALL ADDITIONAL INSURED: CALIFORNIA OPERATIONS AND LOCATIONS THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES D IF~ECTOf~S AND Cancellation: Should any of the above described pOlicies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany will p.v4 --,,, ,-, mail ~ days written notice to the below named certificate hol.der, L_ n:'~d, r ~ --r-" ---.....-..,. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLlJER: CITY OF CAMPBELL BUILDING INSPECTION DEPT 75 N. CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 - J" ''', ,-'," DATE IS k~ ;;;(~; .1-t:,' ~~:~ 'f"! ",,) '.i.,~,.i :.~!JY "''',~' ?ij,;.;\,~_t \t::::l~';' ,.' F'"'' " ,-'L~.L ~._,{':;,:;;;~Jid..[.~~.Ji~~~~l1t.J.:Ii~~. ";.j,,,l;~"~~ti.~':(J:.::l:'';..;;; i;~~1t.~i.illtit0'i:;":, .',;1'~1~.:;;, ~....t--J\ \,. t;,ce, - lO 4- \'\2,. b \ \ 4- \ ~ ~ ~ H-e\....L.C"'"C A. See attached City of Campbell Standard Plan "Notes." Show on plans. They are applicable to all work in City of Campbell. B. Show all existing utilities in the street including storm mains and services on plan view with offsets from elL. Show existing sanitary and stolnm drain mains on profile view with sizes and slopes. Show existing utilities services to be utilized or abandoned and new utilities services to be installed. All water meters, sanitary sewer cleanouts, electrical, telephone, television cable splice box shall be installed behind the back of sidewalk or right of way 1 ine. C. Show all existing and proposed improvements graphically correct. Show existing and proposed typical cross sections. -OR Cal~ n~ W"ow asp..b.alr ....eEfge-.c..ut to " liiOLlt!;t ef elL. ,"8al &rael~,,._p;:l\'P'W~ ..r..eJ..R.;l:.eflGi"A~a 1:.,. tt""'am:i 1-1 t2~'5'P"'al t Q\l8f'J..a.y. Show manho 1 es and valve boxes, monuments to be advised to grade. D. Show existing signilng, striping and pavement markings. Show remowal, relocation or replacement as applicable. E. Show existing str:eet lighting system, existing standards, -lulldllair-e-- 4;.,ype,y"..wa-t'ta ge.;.,.ma.s.t....a.tm 1 eFlg.t.R.,.".pu.ll.-bo.~e.s-r-,"1!0f1tiU.t"'t9'T.'eGfKlu".toFS~'.0' Show removal and salva~of existing e1ectroliers to city. Install new state type lS:"'standards with 8' mastar,ms. Re-use ex i s t i ng 1 urn i na i res :~;~tT},:s::'ta 11 a pu 11 box adj acent to each. e 1 ec tro 1 i er . F. Show proposed on-site storm drainage system, pipe sizes, slopes, inverts and grate elevations. All on-site storm water to be collected on-site and conducted directly into the existing and/or proposed storm drainage system. Show installation of storm drain manhole, 12" Rep (min.) at '1.00\ min. wi~hin public ric;ht of way with on-site drain adjacent to right of way line and at. an accessible location. Show all existing and proposed inverts and grate elevations. Proposed invert intb public storm drain system to come in at or above crown of existing storm drain but in no event lower than spring line of existing system. Submit storm drain s~~~design calculations using the attached City of Campbell forms ftlld'-'data. ~_., ,,,......... G. Show existing and/or structurat~~ction based upon the attached City of Campbell street s truc tura 1 "sectJon de;; i gn worksheet. City wi 11 supply the traffic index. Furnish~~~th a copy of soils R-value test report as required by city at ~~ions to be determined by the engineer. H. On horizontal control, show exist.ing and proposed monuments, centerl ine, monument 1 ine, right of way 1 ine, basis of stationing, tangent points, curve data for centerl ine, face of curve and right of way line. Show stations for beginning and end of improvements, BC's and ECls, center- 1 ine of driveways, all other ex~sting or proposed surface and sub- surface improvements. I. On vertical control, show all work to City of Campbell datum. Show bench mark number, description, location and elevation. .J " o ::l v' I/' ~ . , II " -n W, '6 ~ /11 S r-~ - j ~ 0'0 ~= ~ r 141) ~ (\. ;I. \) 11l ( N ffl'\) ~ fTl J. C. ~)> - rn Gr. .:t u tJ) ;1:0 ~ o;l ~ r .- ;:x: ~~ )>- r I: J! 0. -ro c m ?- f'\I ,... 0' :Pu' Ci\ IT) ~ N~ ~ m .-1 1'0 TI;) 4\ (\ L 0 ffi ~) (p 11 _ 0 () If\ ;po ~ )>- ~ Y.( ~ ~ ~ '0 r d 7\ '-/ -I r.f\ . (\ m ~ 1111 3 ):.. z: . 0 C 11 rn1l )>. (\ IV 'J) /J U po r ~ 'r? ;r :- ?< z.. ~~C~ g (j ~ 1==1 ,-..." oJ ~ - ::r ", z:, C1l t1I ' 111 ~ 1'J U" ~ .... l'J V'-'" !t ~ (\ ~ ~F~ Z - ~ )> If\ c }> r.... ~ ~ ~ () ~ e ()C (] ,..... S- ~ <i) iI [,;1 V' ~ ~' ;z ll{ \J ro ~ - ~r c ' ~ - ~ ~ ~ G-' ~ 0 \7 fg:l Y :1 ~ \../ ("" ;2 r' ~ () l'> ~ J. :J 0 ~ ..- & ~ 0 & '3~" MIN, .\No,;F/ CA-~s.sL.L ~(\/\ ; T #: 88 -{ 04- /53 -:; H€"I..4.rcy TR.. B I ( 4- C.t:> f"'A .-<-I.oi'-l t c.... A'n '0 .-..L ~ V;:C6 9~~<...;I:.~(., a~\. "I6:;l.~ OO~~ ~ ~ 6A~~ J CA. qro~ -r:~) et: SJ-\o:.LC-? Av iZ.. - Q,..o d..o~@ - ii'~ F~Q. (b:yrts::L ~;::L7L.H S 1- ~ , F\ y ~1 \ ~ Q (: D D:r:. 0-.:) ~AO ~ \)) ~ 2>\.A--~ ~\(.OC-r~ 00>:lC ~:ro p..-M. L~ 6~ ~001R.0u~Ot:) AI' O'.~ ?0. r -- -,,-/1 t~#' I ~0'/ ///, ..//,,1 . . / / . / / /"1 / / /' . / / / ,/' O~ 0[> <ILl 1'0 3~ SLe ~ -..) AvE CE6LJ00 o ~AD C<..o~~u ArJ...EAO ~ k'~ Cb~\"~~m0 A~~J -7 Dk:-ra0c:. "'"' j (0 \. ~ S. }> ~ (,