88-115 " '" "Q "Q .t..., . . ~:i.";J" - ..-g-- · :> '" n _ O\:J.Q n t"-nCVl.....n ........-..,... .:. ::.:J ~ ::J g f'" ....0 .- n n ...... ':T :l. IU ~r:-.:~ .. :J .,,.... On..........O .... ::J ,- . ~ "" ...... ......., n ""'0""0 ". (> o::r .c:,._". otnnc >.-Vl. C) :.c 0 > " 0 0"\:1:1'-'0 ( ::r .. . o :J :r 0( " ~ fj = ~ U " U' .-.- ,. (f c; :.l '"t . ::J n . .. ........ ;J, () ..... c" ,- :l :J {~ nOn _ ,,- 0,.. ......,..." n,.,. ::r - c:,.... ~... ::l lllil Q '" r. . -... '1 :J , 7.. .. .. ...........,..O~...r; 1'0'-'0:1" ().. , IF1 ~.. wn,..... :J -- · 11M ...... (\ ....."'..;.r N u U . ~"'::JJa~ " () 0 ,........"t ~. Man . ..n r'" _ (. "U ,- ..... n .~"'< ,.n ....:J " lU "'no r-::r 3 1= ,.,...... M )C .'a.. ~-"og .. ,...,., ::J .. .- "= .: 0 ~ .., ..... n Vlr-nn .. . ~ (f ::l ;.u. . . n_ ~.....n:r:l o .. u ,_ '" .. :l .. n . ,.... ft :r " O"'"'U. ~ n . n ~."'~~:J:- ....'" CITY 01 CA"P~ELL D~PT. or PUbLIC WOKKS 70 Noeth 'lr,t at. . C,mpbell, CA >>~OO. 1.0111 lIh-21 ~O hc.lt "0. J',Y - / / S- X.X.t. tll. \I2~ Application Oet. ~ cfd? ..pir.. . '"1 PUb~JC WORKS P. 11T Tn! I""'"\nrrn'"nl, "Tn II! p~blIC C1Vht-ot-~.yl U- P: I..~.d P.e.l~ ..plr.. In l~ .0.. ( , ( APPLICATIOH - Applic.tion i. hec.by ..d. for a '~bllc Wock. ',ralt in accord.nc. wlth C.~pbell- K~nicipa1 Code, lI.ction 11.0t. 'l' I I' 1. WOtk addc." oc tc.ct . 3 Ct 75 S. 130.- SLom ~\l €-Y\\J-€-- - ~p be_II 1', C M. Utlllty tc.nch locatlon "at~ce of ~ock: G'~I'(\,~ IAI/I,J \~(()\f. Plo...v\ fu( \0wl'l ~OVC:""::>~s. Att.ch flv. (~I copl., ot a d awlng ahowini the locatlon, a.tent and diaen.lon. or the woek The drawin9 ahall .how the r.l.tlon ot tha propoa.d work to a.lating .urr,ca .nd ~nderground improvement.. Wh.n .pproved by the CLty Engin.er, .aid drawing beco.., a pact of thi, pcr.it. The Gener.l Condition. for aU permit. are Ihtod on tho rev.elle alde. Speci.l I'covi.lon. tor thi. perait .re 11.ted belo~. ~.1lure to abide by the.e condition. and provlaiona aoy rc.~l[ ln jOb _hut-down .lId/or torre1t~fe ot Faithtul Peefou14lRce bonde and c.all dcpoaiu.. IScc Conccal Condition. 1 and 21. '\ 'to C' U' c. ~, :: D. I' t. An applleat10n t.e mu.t .ccompany thia appl1c.tlon. Thi. 1. .... of Applle.", l.O()/S i DlrDE~C-)I /~i" Addulill 77Jf A/. F/RC,T <:::::'J. SA-tV J[)~,f {. c-A I, non-elltund.ble. )- Teh:phon.: (#pg') 2CJ7- 3/{)O ~. ClS-// ,;{ _'I.. Lno li thi. work being done 'by the property owner at th.lc own re~ldencc? Co.plete .ttached WOCkec,' Co.pena.tion and Contractoc tor... The App11c.nl/Per~lttec hcceby agr... by atfAling the1c .i~n.tuee to thi, permit to hold the CIty ot Cal..pocll, tea; olliecrAi, .IJenta anu ..lpJOyeea tcee, ai.te and haCllleaAi feum any cl.U1. Of dCl&al,d for dAlIIllgt:a teAiu1t!nij (roul the w(jek covceed by thl_ pec"'it. TtH: Al'pl!cAnt/h:e8lUtee hereby aCknowledCjeli that they have read and underlltaod both Ule teont b.ek ot th~1i peeuait. ~~t~ey "'111 LntoCII theh comractoC,llil of the informAtion. Ammp ~;"'J ['lAD 1\JAFf-f>. --3l,.'i/'6'f! NOTtS: ALL 'WOIU SIIALL CONI'OHH WI,'U THt: ATTACHED, APPHOVt:D P1.ANS AND ALL A1'1'LICAbLt CAHPb~LL STANDAj(D DRAWINGS ANO COHOITI0N~. Tilt: CONTHAC1'OU MUST IIAVl:: TillS PI::HHIT ANO APPROVJ::D PLANS ANLJ HUST Ht:I::T WITII Tilt: P.W. IN::;I'~C1'01t ON Tilt.: SITE AT 1.t.:A5T "I'WO OAYS ULJ'Oj(E STAJtTING WORK. .nd NO'I'ICE: HUST tit.: CIVL:N TO l'UULIC WORKS AT 1.EAST 24 HOURS btl'OkE k~STAItTING ANY WOIt)<. SPECIAL PltOVISION5 -Ll. Str~e:t /Iihall not be open cut tor underground lnlitallationl>. K101"~al CUtM iliA)' be: .ll".ed tor connections or cxplOrAtion holc*. S~ch cut/li m~~t be: UP~CltlCaJJy approved by [11C: I....pectur. _____2. P4VI.~r-*AY b~ cut for und.rqco~na inutalllltion, .nd 81~at be: rcutorc:d 10 .ccocaanCe WIth the Utlllty Trench Jtel>torUlon StAnd.rd Drawing. Work [0 0<<: >>taked bV a l1cenllied LAnd 6~rveyor 01 Clvll 1::ng1o.er .nd two 121 cop1c:~ of the e~l _hecla IIClll tu Lhe Public Wock Dept. betore atart10g work. Tllo: tlour. ot' WOrk arc llluitcd to Q~tlliide the hour. of 'l-!; a.Ul. and J-ci p.ll. toe /Any ~oek atfect1ng . trAttlc l.n.. " r -' 0;. I', ---k:. J . -Lt. -"- 'v I' [I; :). ----- ....J I'J G u; PE:kHIT APP1.ICATION rEi PLAN CIlt:CK DEPOSIT &WNO rOIt J'AITIIJ'U1. PEkl'OkMHCE (&-1) ($J~.OO) [', ST~DAkO $~O.OO $:)00.00 (100' Or ENG. t6T.) A)tOUNT $ oS () i 500 $ ,-, \ ,Oa - ~ ., C>~ - $ \ 2. ':><t - kt:Ct:lI'T NO. /772..Y / 7 7 .). >": :: \.\~O\~b~ /if'93f ( ..... ,. P. (CASU) Dt:~SJT I' t:k!l1 T 1'1;:i;: ($200) 14' 01' ~NO.$~OO HINI / it-'ll Or 1'.1'. ~NO <. .~ 1.7//.. '''.PP .1.' I ~ /(l/~:.~~/1 L-__ --l"br IIbllr ~<P9" ) 9 -~/ t:fg: APPHOVt:D 1'0k ISSUANCt: t: 1'WPI:HHIT k.vi..d 'l/U7 I/o ".. - .-----.- - ..---...- PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Date p ;~i. Permit or Project No. Address 3~7S-'...5:. ~ec.-r +e-. ~-R-//s- Type of work; Stre~t Storm Other (describe) Sanitary P.c..,.::.. Electrical ..,/" o PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ~ INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans?, Y ~(If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? Y OVertime a hrs. @ $ Date '.rea5ona ~ - $ Barricade rental (attach invoice)? y Dat. , reason; o ~ Other? $ ~ $ - Refund $ Total charges deducted from deposita (Cash Deposit $ l.ss charges $ DONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) ck. req.) ~ ~ineer @J Inspector DAte ?/?~~ PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Permit or Project No. '88 - //,5- Address ,3C:,7S- ",5'. "E4SLo;-' Type of work: Stre~t Storm Other (describe) Sanitary Electrical ____ o PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) ~NAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) [J FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans? Y N (If signed, Council Acceptance.) ChArges Against deposit? Y Overtime: brs. @ $ Date 5.reason: N Ihr. - $ BarricAde rentAl (Attach invoice)? y Date 5 reAson: N $ Other? $ $ ~otAl chArges deducted from deposit: (Cash Deposit $ leas chArgea $ $ - Refund $ DONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ck. req.) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (ReleAse'maintenAnce bond. Check Request if CAsh.) ~ ~neer ~ Inspector Ate ~/1~9 Permit or Project No. Address ~ c.... 7 S" . .5 . B~.5 Co,.", PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT AB-/ /S--- Type of work I Street Storm Other (describe) SAnitary Electrical ___ o PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ~NAL XNSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (Attached) D FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plAnS? Y N (If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? y OVertime. hrs. @ $ Date 5 reason. H /hr. - $ BArricade rental (attach invoice)? y Date 5 reaaon. N $ Other? $ $ $ - Refund $ ~otal charges deducted from deposita (CAsh Deposit $ less chargea $ DONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENa LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Releaae'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) ck. req.) Engineer ~ Inspector . ' .,",', "-',-',' .", .' : ',', .: ','i. ',',.:;.':,,'.:;,'! """i#)".,,:j"'i[;i;>~ .. ., ,c,., i"',ill;i~~ID~'lO,\i_~' , . ;;-:'~,(I"~f~,,:;,.:;~i~,~;~~,~:i,;,:~:t~;....-,.;;.LJi,,;~,~t~~.,;~~&~,:~a~i"~ ~, "" CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Proje~t or 0<:;; -L (5 )/C fj/ 5' 2- V Permit No. 72.JL _ Nam~ or 3 0 7~ .J> lJ/f5Co/Yl /I r/E Location J Y rt-Fc(, J/V5~Fc7IcJ/i./c)/f/ /-?-Sc; #1 :, '~ CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works ~ PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT I of L r;,-7-~) Page Date /j) F( X 7i/ Il E- O (PI!/!/1I~E I.-kA/5 ?/ltJ/Y7 SF~;Z-t'f/Tdr,.c 72Jt!1/7~~~ Z u.J//?E5 )//JNtr/);/1-- tfJ(;J75'lb€&FFI )Crt//2€ 1 F/XTU/2E 7/L Fh r/2!6/17F~ b) ../ ',,---- ' ?cJI-E G (Fj/!/b/)/lb) I) ? /?(!)() T ~CJt-B 13/l5.1Z- / . , 2-) 6//SE flt){)r/t 5{1/!FN ST/f/P()FJ-/?,rJ/-,1ctF IT ':J t()/JCJ/!/I- tPc;LtJ/Z /1)(;2 E c;~::TA/tf- t/SEj; r/?~?Y7 FtJS€ 1!c:J/.-'bf/z-rtJ H T(J~E-- SIULL. VS'€=tL-/lct:- 711w /LJ~ HI-VE ~) lUo &;(c;PUA/b ;?~b IAJ /JOI-E b/JS€ t!. ) /J U Lt.- /:;cJ X /Uk KT 7 t:J 57/J/lJP /)/Z b / b ft/I-t- EoX' J..-/b S/I/jL-L- I//Jt/E j/t1?b fx:JC<ht/bYJ.-7S - ~ ;2 ;::::. U5E ;Iff /.-8~/t jl/tJ T 5 P"-I (I iF fJ ~/?t)f€/? 1-;- /? E5 1-/-11 ~ ];) / f{)~C:&J)( /l/r-Xr (0 pO-rEI SE//t1I/L'E fc:JIII/T iJ fN.-L /j!J K At b S/l/tt-L- fl1f(i 1It't-b btYtUN lJ4--7JS .2) r US5 IIIli-bF/! A/t:J / 5 P/--I t FJj #)/??)l>~/2 L ;- - ~ CITY ENGINEER PROJECT ENGINEER ~/ CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works "-/ CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Proje?tor ~ -( /5 T/Z <;2/5' ~ V Permit No, ~~~~oo~ 30 /5' r1 Z4S~O/YI /! r/E PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT :2 of 2- Date If; - ) ~ CC 9 Page 9 S"p/-'-I (' pS /IN]; 51-A {! t:- j) R.EfUL-L /ILL Me-tV F/~Lb WIRr$v-- F/'?CJ/r7 ?6'YE 5F/!//t(;€~~/AJT 7b 5T/PF/&T~/OC-/!T;=1 t(u~k: ;:::, (I /I WIRE IAlSUJ.../l7/t:J/l./ S///1LL /:5E T//w 2) T//E~E S 1-/4LL BE 3 r.ccT &F 5L/}C t:. Itt/ 14 11/1/7) !/tJt- E tOll Et2 /IN D //1/ f VL L 73 (J Y- , BE('IlV5E C) F 1/ /JtJ{/~I-E 130 'f- it;'l~X f f-~ /Je? T 1-/ AJEX7 70 TilE ?~rE 5F/2tJlr!E ?CJ(/l/T TIIE/lE5///1L-[ t>E Sr/7~7{!JFtiLjJQ/L I/V U I- L /?o Y. t() liE /1./ 5 fJ.-1 {I 1/7/ C- fO F uSE /;lCJt.-!J F/<? - bo /1/0 T {' UT Wf/lE5 CJFF 70 F/ K I/l/S/bE //(/LbF~ 1 WI/? E ::r/VSUI-Ii 7/6/J 5/;y::/L-L 13E (7-,#0 II e!-1C!K -~/ S?LIC~S 5r/4LL O/ULT bE I/LI ~ULL /50)( IV 11."6 1V1k'e. m 'PULL /50 X '--../ CITY ENGINEER PROJECT ENGINEER L~ Ii' PROJECT INSPECTOR 9rct ~~I REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST .. ,- i. t""""Cl '.. '-w 'to 'J'.. t ... ~ - J iJ :... 0. >.- .j JUL 19 1989 fiNANCE DEI~r. TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Emami/Wu Development Address: Line 1: 19601 McKean Rd. (30 spaces) (30 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95120 (2) (10 spaces) Line 2: City: San Jose (20 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund (24 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $2,708.00 Account Number: 905.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for excavation permit #88-115. C'<~ See receipt #18939 for $708.00 dated 5/17/88 and ~ receipt #4523 for $2,000.00 dated 4/28/89. Requested b~":7 Approved bY~ ~Eaton ~ v>1~itle: Dona '~er1Y Title: P. W. Inspector Date: 7/17/89 Date: .J..( nl ( <6, Date: 7 jd1,JJ9 P.W. Director Verified by: ~k ~b Accounts Receivable SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is xx Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) @. J2.~D~(~ !( rJI(; 01\989 t\l\' Of CAMPBELL :E\N"~~CE DEPAR1MlNT Other: 08/24/88 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. 88 - //s- $7s .5, &SQ:>;vl. l TO: City Clerk 35-3396 ACCl ITEM AMOUNT RECEIPT NO. 3372 3521 3521 Project Revenues (specify project) Public Works Excavation Permit Fees: Application Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance (Cash) Deposit $ R-1: ($ 35) Other: ($ 50) ($500) (100% of) (ENGR. EST) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7% of FPB) ($ 35 min.) '-1;;'5 ~ 3521 F'o~ ($200) .a€ 3372 /6;>eo eo 3373 Project Plans & Specifications ($10) 3373 General Conditions, Standard Provisions & Details ($10 or $1/page) 3373 "No Parking" signs ($1/ea. or $25/100) 3373 Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($5) 3373 Traffic Flow Map ($10) 3380 Traffic Data Services ($40/hr. + material costs) 3373 Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10) 3373 Copies of Engineering Maps & Plans ($.50/sq. ft.) 3520 Fire Hydrant Maintenance ($ 195/ea.) 3372 Tentative Parcel map Filing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($300) 3372 Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($400) 3372 Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Adjustment Fee/Certificate of Compliance ($350) 3372 Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($500) 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment Categorical Exemption ($500 plus actual cost Negative Declaration above $500) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre (R-1, $1,875; Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL PERMITTEE E:~""""'i/klu, oet/e:L~e-NT c..o. EMA~ 1/ INU .Dell LofW/ENT 6:::J . NAME OF APPLICANT RTV KEFER..~ L NEr. TI'\.J.< . $ 2 t::AOO .t'W ADDRESS ,. 19'~of- /'"'7C.Z~AJ J2p. - <; A-,.J Ios. E cA. - / ZIP 7'-5" / Z-'O &J (z7~9 PHONE 408-2'8"'4173 FOR CITY CLERK ONLY RECEIVED BY ~ If -'J-~~'?/ DATE 0M ~ ':T. ------- 35-3396 3372 3521 ~ Ctty Clerk J cY- //.~ I PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. Please collect & receipt for the following monies: AMOUNT $ (specify project) PeJwlU eu : R-7 : ($35) ($200) -t VL: ($ 50) '( 500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.)v (7'K, of FPB) ($35min.) 7 ()? o-v /279 c/U Depos it Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) 2373 3373 Project General & 3372 3372 '2 ~)J 12 3372 3372 3372 3372 70 I costs .50/sq. ft. Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) Final Parcel Hap Fil in Fee ($300) Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee $ 00 Final TractMa Filin Fee ($350) Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) Envi ronmental Assessment:' Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit 7 )~. d-o IS- ,cPY,J< (.10 3380 Publ ic Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME f ~Li- e tV) ~ ,V / {j' (II/! u Ai u ADDRESS / tJ t. 0 ) //Vl C /'<"Y-t:'--L J:? (!i/ ,..:;:' :r- <JI- -; $/' I S 5 . (; cJ PH:lNE 2_ b cf - <7L-/ 7 ~ ZIP 9:> /2- 0 FOR C I TV CLERK CI'lLY RECEIPT NO. i 8131 JR I SSl, H; I ~p S-//7/d'K 1 I July, 1987 AMOUNT PAID RECE J VED BY DATE RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NAMF KrUJ.V..J::: C4IA ClA1 " , f (!htUJ- ADDRESB JC1001 fYJ c~tt.- RA I.l.Ju..- ~t l1::; - q5/~O FOR~~__~ ~ Ae, .~5:J J - -:f~'-p, ll:fftXLP i-: 7() ~. ()-O 301:2. - ~ ClLLcL /~9 ' tJ-d J~Zg--~~(;u! /01~tg~' f; . / '! J S:S-I.. fH) REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 4..-u- ~ FUND NUMBER HAY17~8 2010 -t*18,551.0ft o MONY ORDER 0 CASH HAY 17<t9 952010A *lS.,848.Ctz DATE AMOUNT IlAY 17; 7 no loA *. 1, Z39.CI:r." HAY 17~8 C/201OA *** 708.C~ . ~ECK QhcK:fF i\~ THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. BY <~ "'j, \ t"l ~ ! (. Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL o M CITIZEN COPY REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Line 2: 778 N. FIRST STREET (30 spaces) (30 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 9511 2 (2) (10 spaces) Please issue check payable to: LOUIS & DIEDERICH Address: Line 1: City: SAN JOSE (20 spaces) Description: 3675 S. BASCOM-CASH DEPOSIT REFUND (24 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $500.00 Account Number: 905.4662 PURPOSE: RELEASE OF CASH DEPOST FOR EXCAVATION PERMIT 88-115. SEE RECEIPT NO. 17724 DATED 3/2/88 FOR $500.00 G. EATON Title: P. W. INSP. Date: 4/28/89 Requested by: Approved by: D, WIMBERLY Title: DIR. OF PUBLlCWKS Date: Verified by: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is Mail in attached envelope . Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. f'?-//';- TO: City Clerk :T. 35-.)396 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ITEM Project Revenues (specify project) Pu.bUc. (~O:tlM Exc.ava.t-ion PeJt.r.1U fe.~: A 1 i ca t i on Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit AMOUIH $ R-1 : ($'35) s-o- so c) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) .2373 3373 & 3372 3372 "">72 ~2 3372 3372 3372 3372 3370 3395 Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($350) Final Parcel Map Fi1 ing Fee ($300) Tentative Tract Map Fi1 in Fee ($400) Final Tract Map Fi1 in Fee $350 Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Comp1 iance Vacation of Pub1 ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Sp1 it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) Env i ronmen ta 1 As se s smen t: . Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all 0 the r, $2,250) Park Dedication In-1 ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3S-C; 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL t: .P t /Z..../ c ry yerU L(}U,-J c! p( NAME ._ PHONE $ ;2 7 7 - .3 / ()O 9S- 1/ 2- ADDRESS ZIP 77 Y Ai /.6l-f'- ..rr s~ J j!/ ,\' / //1 ,( i RECEIPT NO. / 77 d. r:: q DO ~o RECE I VED BY a. m ....1 -,.:) ~ <R ff FOR : I TV CLERK a-lLY '~k 1/.1.(./;:" " ,[/'1 I j 'I.,~ ,,' , AMOUNT PAID DATE' July, 1987 f CITY OF CAMPBELL Department: July 7, 1989 Public Works -:-;',::--~;~,-\-'C;~;~':Nc-"'Tl 1""on',GE",.', I~ ........,..,- L~[~~=:~:( '" :~i~/'__.' ,,' ',i L,. '\ ,+ . \ -1\'"'' 'c<": , 10"""'1' l ;c"(""'" \, V-~~'--'-_--jj-';'-'\ ERU~- --t----- ! PENOYER.l-..._____ ~i - 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Louis & Diederich Inc. 778 N. First St. San Jose, CA 95112 RE: Final Inspection - Deficiencies Permit No.: 88-115 Location: 3675 S. Bascom Ave. Gentlemen: You have requested a final inspection on subject construction work. There are deficiencies in the work which are indicated on the enclosed list. These deficiencies must be corrected to the satisfaction of Public Works Insp~ctor Gregg Eaton before we can make a Final Inspection or acceptance of the work. Upon completion of the corrective work, please submit a written request for a Final Inspection and acceptance. Sincerely, Carlos M. Jocson Associate Civil Engineer CMJ.: sd cc: G. Eaton Enc. f:88-1l5-2(Permits) CITY OF CAMPBELL Permit No. 88-115 Location: 3675 S. Bascom Ave., Tract 8152 ELECTRICAL INSPECTION Inspection done on 7/6/89, #2 l. Pull box in front of street light pole A. Wrong size fuse. Change from 20 amp to FNM 3 amp. B. Grounding wire loose between conduit ends. 2. Pull box in front of P G & E service point A. Wrong size fuse. Change from 10 amp to FNM 30 amp. f:88-115-2(Permits) I CITY OF CAMPBELL WlMBERl Y HELMS JOCSC-N KRU\5ER PEWOYER 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works June 14, 1990 Louis & Diederich Inc. 778 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95112 SUBJECT: ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE ACCEPTANCE PERMIT NO.: 88-115 WCATION: 3675 S. Bascom Avenue ., We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE:sd cc: Bond Company f:88-ll5-3 (permits) DAte (() J .I;; /90 . ! I Address 3 h 7 S- - $- Type: of work; StreetL' Storm Other (describe) PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Permit or Project No. &8 - / / S- #/Z-<} C' Q/)-n / SAnitAry Electrical (JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) (]FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plAn!;? Y N (If uigned, Council AcceptAnce.) ChArges AgAinst deposit? Y Overtime. hrs. @ $ DAte {, re4ltOn; N /hr. - $ BArriCAde rentAl (AttAch invoice)? Y N DAte {, reAson; $ Other? $ $ TotAl chArges ded~cted from deposita $ (CAsh Deposit $ leas chArgeli $ - Refund $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAChed) ~ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (ReleASe'mAintenAnce bond. Check Req~est if CAsh.) @) Ineop.:ctor /~,r-#88-//.s:- ~ Q, .&> ~* ii ~.:j $' ';:it,. .::-;' ~/ l ~ IV 0 ~ a- "~ ~ . G .~' ~ C>.~ Q,.!l ~ .... q C' ~~ c} ~" 'S ~ (lA' .^.. ~ ~ ~~. ~Q, o.,V5 ":'r Q.' ~ ^-'t ~ ~ -s:Q. '$:'O,J; ~ 1:/:)0 ...0" .....::: ~ ~ s!'"\.. .~ ;) _~.> \:S.~Q, ~ Q,'i. a, ~ 0 ~ __ ~'~~ ~ "l ,J ~QJ ~ ~(j ~' ,,~ ... CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET 95008 RECEIVED DEe 02 1988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DEe 0 1 1988 Bond'No.: 1150186 Subdivider: ROBERT EMAMI AND CHAO WU Tract No.: * Amount: 17,700.00 Description of Improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO 3675 S. BASCOM AVE. CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1. Have the improvements been completed? Yes /NO 2. If not, what percentage has been completed? Is the work progressing satisfactorily? .5"\ /Yes No 3. 4. Has this work been accepted? Yes /No 5. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? /~ Comments: ~ TO ~7nA-7~ /~ e-/"~-;- Above information provided by: Name ~ ~~ Phone No. Title ~&,~ Wo~~ Date (~) /9~' Z/..,,)l) ;/1~~ F30 6/87 A AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY WOODLAND HILLS, CALIFORNIA BOND NO. 1150186 PREMIUM -0- MAINTENANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, Robert Emami & Chao Wu (hereinafter called Principal), as Principal, and AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of California and authorized to transact a general surety business in the State of California , (hereinafter called Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto City of Campbell (hereinafter called Obligee), in the sum of ****Four Thousand Four Hundred Twenty Five****** DOLLARS ($ 4,425.00 ), lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid to the said Obligee, or its successors or assigns, to the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal entered into a contract with the said Obligee, dated May 1988 for Stree Improvements to 3675 S. Bascom Avenue, Campbell, CA. and, WHEREAS, the Obligee requires that these presents be executed on or before the final completion and acceptance of said contract and WHEREAS said contract was completed and accepted on the May 1989 day of ,19_. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Principal shall remedy without cost to the Obligee, any defects which may develop during a period of from the date of completion and acceptance of the work performed under the contract, caused by defective or inferior materials or workmanship, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. One Year SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 25th DAY OF May ,19~, A Robert Emami & Chao Wu ... . /~ Principal B'~ //;< y. =---.:J " UN-A3014 7/88 RETY INSURANCE COMPANY Rochelle P. WoessnerAttorney-in-Fact LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY (READ CAREFULLY) To be used only in conjunction with the bond specified herein. VOID IF NOT USED BY: JANUARY 1, 1990 No Power of Attorney on this form shall be valid as to bonds, under- takings. recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof executed on or after said expiration date. POWER NUMBER E15587 BOND NUMBER 1150186 This Power of Attorney has been delivered in connection with the above bond number. A AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY P.O. BOX 4500, WOODLAND HILLS, CA 91365-4500 ... (818) 704-1111 NAME OF PRINCIPAL: Robert Emami & Chao Wu PENAL SUM $ 4,425.00 NAME OF OBLIGEE: City of Campbell This Power of Attorney may not be used in conjunction with any other power of attorney. This Power of Attorney is void if altered or erased, This document is printed on blue paper with black and red ink. This power of attorney bears a raised seal of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY. Only originals of this Power of Attorney are valid. No representations or warranties regarding this Power of Attorney may be made by any person other than an authorized officer of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, and must be in writing. Questions or inquiries regarding this Power of Attorney must be addressed to AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY at the address and telephone number set forth at the top of this Power of Attorney, Attention: Underwriting Department. This Power of Attorney shall be governed bY the laws of the State of California, Any power of attorney used in connection with any bond issued by AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY on or after February 21, 1989 must be on Amwest Form UN-A1007 (REV. 2/89). All other previous power of attorney forms issued by AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY have been revoked and are of no further force or effect. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, A CALIFORNIA CORPQRATION, (the "Company"), does hereby make, constitute and appoint ROCHELLE P. WOESSNER AS EM.PLOYEE OF AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with limited power and authority for and on behalf of the Company as surety, to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the Company thereto if a seal is required, bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof, as follows: Bid Bonds to $250,000; License, Permit & Miscellaneous Bonds to $25,000; Contract, Court & Subdivision Bonds to $250,000. and to bind AMWEST .SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY thereby. This appointment is made under and by authority of the following provisions of the By-Laws of the Company, which are now in full force and effect: Article III, Section 7 of the By-Laws of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY This Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following resolutions adopted by the board of directors of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting duly held on December 15, 1975. RESOLVED that the president or any vice-president, in conjunction with the secretary or any assistant secretary, may appoint attorneys-in-fact or agents with authority as defined or limited in the instrument evidencing the appointment in each case, for and on behalf of the Company to execute and deliver and affix the seal of the Company to bonds, undertakings, recognizances, and suretyship obligations of all kinds; and said officers may remove any such attorney-in-fact or agent and revoke any power of attorney previously granterl to such person. RESOLVED FURTHER that any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or suretyship obligation shall be valid and binding upon the Company (i) when signed by the president or any vice-president and attested and sealed (if a seal be required) by any secretary or assistant secretary; or (ii) when signed by the president or any vice-president or secretary or assistant secretary, and countersigned and sealed (if a seal be required) by a duly authorized attorney-in-fact or agent; or (Iii) when duly executed and sealed (if a seal be required) by one or more attorneys-in-fact or agents pursuant to and within the limits of the authority evidenced by the power of attorney issued by the Company to such person or persons. RESOLVED FURTHER that the signature of any authorized officer and the seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any power of attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution and delivery of any bond, undertaking, recognizance, or other suretyship obligations of the Company; and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 21 day of February 19 89 ~4~ Gary R. Peterson, President ~p~ Karen G. Cohen. Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - ss On this ~ day of February A,D" 19 ~ , personally came before me Gary R. Peterson and Karen G. Cohen to me known to be the individuals and officers of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, CALIFORNIA who executed the above instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same. and being by me duly sworn, did severally depose and say: that they are the said officers of the corporation aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the above instrument is the seal of the corporation, and that said corporate seal and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority of the board of directors of said corporation, :.............................: :~. '- KARE~";:ORITA I : 0. . NOTUI"f'.......1C CAt.1f<:JANlA : . ~ ~PAl OFflCt IN . . LOS ANGllESoCOVHTY . :" MyComm fIC). Aua.14. 1990 : :.............................: (SEAL) ~ J !!(~~ Notary PubliC STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - ss CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, secretary of the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked, and furthermore, that the provisions of the By-Laws of the Company and the Resolutions of the board of directors set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now in forcs. Signed and sealed at San Jose, CA. this 25thdaYOf Hay 19~ A UN-Al007 (REV 21891 Y~t-~ A9~-_ Karen G Cohen. Secretary CITY OF. CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: July 17, 1989 Public Works WIMBeRLY HE~ JOCION ICRUCER PENOYER "-r .J NOUNG Louis & Diederich Inc. 778 N. First St. San Jose, CA 95112 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No.: 88-115 Location: 3675 S. Bascom Ave. Maintenance Bond Amount: $4,425.00 We have made a Final Inspection of subject public works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-yea~ maintenance requirement indicated below. . You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your exist~ng faithful performance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by a separate action. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call the undersigned if you have any questions. Sincerely, Carlos M. Jocson Associate Civil Enginneer CMJ : sd cc: G. Eaton, P.W. Inspector Suspense - 1 year .~ V CITY OF CAMPBELL V Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION G ~~~~fttN~.~-1(5 J/C~/5"2- ~:C~tioo~ 3675 / d/l5cofr? /lVE r?Fc?; ;71V5(.>ffcTIr1NtJ~ 1-7-97 IF! PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Page I of 2- h-7-~c; '7- 0-~c; IZ-2- Date o . t: ., I O'.<\.' :J ('J IJ- r-'() "::' 1:.- (t! 11 /./C-ji F kJ3 ;7/7 v '- 7--(7- <J-7 ,/'{ /') -(- '. /1) l~, f' /,,.. 9' /-,.., 7. ,. (/,. . )"'" I'. IV- ../1 ,,' / :'...;:1 <1/ C/ ''',' ._,...~t'...;.,/I ~./.-". ((, C.' / ,~'/ ,,' ,,< .7J/SrEEc Tto~ f11S5- (:I3V I A/ u:- PROJECT ENGINEER CITY ENGINEER CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Project or (" ~ Permit No. " C / / (,.....- /( ./ !~. l !. ...:' PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT Name or Location / ( ./ 'r Page of r . /. " ".,;, z. .t ~. Date .' .. .i ,"/ . ,I , ,.... /' / I I "/ A) . , // f,p::"'J/' / "'} / J/ ,/ "'//:. f / ," ../ ///1/,/;; t f/" ~'.' ';/":/7 /" '-- --;:-/....) 1.- 1/ J1A .--: F ('I ~ L /\,../-j ---/ - , ,Ii-- """j.')" ~j . ."/ < / 0' ,'/ .1 /~/.'''..' ... /' '" ~,. / /'t'.!/j/ ),-- ,t-, /. / /:.J!- L :--9/ '// /j"",/ -'/ "f' ).',L.' ",../" . ''''; ('/ .::; ;E..: r /. i /' r;~ !/f/ A.?/" J ,0; c::/- ,~ I / ,f' I~ /v /' ' "l/ /0,/:/";' <) CITY ENGINEER PROJECT ENGINEER '-".:----. ~--- PROJECT INSPECTOR LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA A AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY BOND NO. PUBLIC WORKS - LABOR Be: MATERIAL BOND 1150186 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, ROBERT EMAMI AND CHAO WU , as Principal, and AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Califor- nia, and authorized to transact a general surety business in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto: CITY OF CAMPBELL , as Obligee, in the sum of **SEVENTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED**************** uu DOLLARS ($ 17,700.00 ), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof, well and truly to be ma(' we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that WHEREAS, the above bounden Principal has been awarded and has entered into a contract dated with the Obligee to do and perform the following, to wit: STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO 3675 S. BASCOM AVENUE, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA MAY 26, 1988 NOW, THEREFORE, if the above-bounden Principal or his subcontractors fail to pay any of the persons named in Section 3181 of the Civil Code of the State of California, or amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code with repect to work or labor performed by any such claimant, the Surety will pay for the same, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, and also, in case suit is brought upon this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the court. This bond shall insure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies or corporations entitled to file claims under Section 3181 of the Civil Code of the State of California so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED this 26TH day of MAY 19 88 4~~/ ~;f;~ ~ ROBERT EMAMI AND CHAO WU BY Principal ~. SU. RE~Y INS BY ~~=~ CHERUM. !OLDHAN I , ANCE COMPANY A t't'o~ "e'';' - i n - F act-- C-l03 (7/78) A AM WEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY WOODLAND HILLS, CALIFORNIA BOND NO. 11 ')0186 I'RE:\IIl":\1 $885.00 PUBLIC WORKS - PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, ROBERT EMAMI AND CHAO WU , as Principal, and A:\I\\'EST SCRETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California. and authorized to transact a general surety business m the State of CALIFORNIA , as Surety, are Iwld and firml:, bound unto; CITY OF CAMPBELL , as Obligee, in the sum of **SEVENTEEN THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED**************** DOLLARS, ($ 17,700.00 ), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that WHEREAS, the above-bounden Principal entered into a contract dated the with said Obligee to do and perform the following work, to wit: MAY 26, 1988 STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO 3675 S. BASCOM AVENUE, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA NOW, THEREFORE, if the above-bounden Principal shall well and truly perform or cause to be performed, each and all of the requirements and obligations of said contract set forth, then this bond shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in force and effect, SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED this 26TH day of MAY 1988 _ ROBERT EMAMI AND CHAO WU PRINCIPAL BY "{, L:~~: /Ic~t:,,/r t~~t",,#--/ URETYINSURANCECOMPANY c0 ~-- BY CHERYL M. / , / ; , 10Lo.~N ~ ATTORNEY-IN-FACT REv 7/86 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT does hereby make, constitute and appoint AMWEST SURETY-INSURANCE CO. P.O. Box 4500 Woodland Hills, CA 91365 -11 its true and lawful Attorney(s).in-Fact, deliver and affix the seal of the comp tions in the nature thereof, as folio Con and to bind AMWEST SURETY presents, are hereby ratified Laws of the company, whic Article III, Section This Power of At the board of director ce,president and attested and sealed (if a seal be required) by any see- any vice-president or sec y authorized attorney-in.fact (if a seal be required) by one or rTlj)r$ia,t1 .. .. . .. ....... t ced by the power of attorney issued by the company to such person or he signature of any authorized officer ney or certification thereof authorizing the uretyship obligations of the company; and such ct as though manually affixed. d IN WITNESS WHEREOF, AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused theSe presents to be signed by its proper of, ficer, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 1st day of April 19 85 ~/f. ~"..~o, p,,,,,,,, AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY -1~ A:/. C~ Karen G. Cohen, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - 55 On this 1st day of April A,O" 19~, personally came before me Gary R, Peterson and Karen G. Cohen to me known to be the individuals and officers of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COM. PANY, CALIFORNIA who executed the above instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, did severally depose and say: that they are the said officers of the corporation aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the above instrument is the seal of the corporation, and that said corporate seal and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority of the board of directors of said corporation, . OFFICIAL SEAL JANICE DRUEZ NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA LOS MGELES COUNTY My comm, expires MAY 1, 1989 (SEAL) ~4U Cj M~~P"bli' STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - 55 CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, secretary of the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked, and further. more, that the provisions of the By-Laws of the company and the Resolutions of the board of directors set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now in force. Signed and sealed at SAN JOSE, CALIF. this 26TH day of MAY 19--8JL, ~ .--6( ~COh'" S,,""~ i- Ii ~ ~* ~ "t:-" o.~ .cs'>- ~#~ ,~ sY ~ (.;0 l #~ ~ iI" '* o,~ o/~, S'c:. (.~ .g.~ 'S" -: (~ t:- t ~\~~" ;:-" &,' ~ ~+ J"/A ~~/ ~ "n;, 'S: '$:-0 <.3) ;:-f>; "C ':f -~ ~ ~~" ~q, ~Q;q,~ ~ 0' ;:- ..... ~-~. tV,,~ (.;0 ~Qj ~ ~(:j~, ~ ... CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET 95008 RECEIVED FEB 02 1989 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING rEa 0 1 1989 Bond No.: 1150186 Subdivider: ROBERT EMAMI AND CHAO WU Tract No.: * Amount: 17,700.00 Description of Improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO 3675 S. BASCOM AVE. CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1. Have the improvements been completed? Yes ".....- No 2. If not, what percentage has been completed? - 0 _ , __ ();.J~ 17e c::"oJ L-'j 3. Is the work progressing satisfactorily? ~ Yes No 4. Has this work been accepted? Yes ".- No 5. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? '9.p,q Comments: ~^ [1;::) -,-c:::> ~A-;iJ ;-/oJ (~-r Above information provided by: Name ~~ ~A7V.J Ti tle 1Z6t.,'c W0tU::-5 '7:";/, Phone No. (~ ~~"~/~ Date ~~~ F30 6/87 ;2-7t/n / r #- B B - //5" ~,Q. ~ ~~ ~ t:-.... Q.,~ ~ ~ ~ ,Q. .~ ,,- ~ ~ 'J> ~ Iv 00 ~ l " Q.,~ ~. c ~ o...~ ~*~ ~ Co' i c,Ci 8'-': -SQ. ~ C.A~ t:- $- ~ ~~~' ~Q. Q.,' ~ c"'r ll.' :<or ~ '=' ~~;. ~o ~ 0.. ~ ...o~ ~'\ "" "" ~ "'" ,;:;. ~ -~ ~ \:)" ~Q. ~ Q,"'~ ~ 0' t:- ..... ~.~~ cV ,,:;s (} ......Q} ~ ~(j~, c,;. ... CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET 95008 ,Q . #:- f~'" 88- (IS R E C E IVE D , APR 07 1989 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING APR 0 5 1989 Bond 'No. : --Subdivider: Tract No.: Amount: 17,700.00 Description of Improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO 3675 S. BASCOM AVE. CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1150186 . ROBERT---E.JolJl..MI AND CHAO WU- - . * 1. Have the improvements been completed? Yes / No 2. If not, what percentage has been completed? Is the work progressing satisfactorily? Has this work been accepted? 7~ , 3.' .,......-Ye s No 4. Yes ___ No -'--'--~ -.-------.. -~ ._~ .- 5. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? /98'1 ~~ 7C> :e~;;;~-~~ Er~~'- . Conunents: Above information provided by: Name h~ E~ ,Phone No. (~ ~b -2/.sr> Title /b~J~ Waves 4~' Date P~/Bi F30 6/87 ~ ~ 9.~ Q, b'~_# iP <'ICV ~ G~.;s #' ';\<::Jv ~&~ (J #$ t;. -s ~vo!::l~' r;xlO ~ ...~~qf~~ ~~ J: ~ ~ .~Q, t- ~~.. ~ ~ cV '?~ CJ(j ~ <<.,() A Itil~ .. "" tip f" R 2 8 1989 PUBliC ENGINE!::! CITY OF CAMPBELL APRIL 27, 1989 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST ST. CAMPijELL, CA, 95008 oA.lt1J; e, ~ fadon Bond No.: 1150186 Pr incipal: ROBERT -EMAMI-AND CHAO Amount: 17,700.00 Description: STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO 3675 S. BASCOM AVE. CAMPBELL, CA. PERMIT '88-115 AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return this form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned job. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you for your assistance. PLEASE COMPLETE ONE SECTION ONLY 1. IF THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED: What was the completion date? Date of acceptance? What was the final contract price? Was the work satisfactory? Have all labor and material bills been paid? 2. IF THE CONTRACT HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED: What percent of work has been completed to date? ?o Total amount paid to Contractor to date? What is amount of retainage? What is anticipated date of completion? ~~Ne /9~' Is the Contractor paying labor and material b1lls? Is the work progressing satisfactorily? ~~ Comments: r30t.Jl\ "TO Rem"h~ /:V €~~L" FIRM: BY: ~~6 e-~ DATE: ~~9 ADDRESS: PHONE: (~) B~~Z/SD 29 6/87 '#' 1'\>10 $' OJ ~-. ~ (:0.:1 Oi "" ~#~l'.~ .# ~ (;0 O~ ~~ _~ ~. k) ~<.) ~ 6'...f CJi. ,g.'tJ"o ~OJ ~CJ, (;~ f... ~ ~.~~. ~/ (),. ~ :r ~'A ~ 9:-~ c,' ~ ~Qj ~o ~ S>J qf ~c5' -~ ~ ~ ,~OJ ~~ '::-..1lJ~ g;' .~{:' Q' ~ .... ~. ~w tV c,~,(;Ci ,,OJ ~ ~CI ~. c; ... CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET 95008 RECEIVED JUN 2 1989 .'Ct,i/o JUlY ~1I6/;c ~ ~, .. -~'. 'neerina Public Works/En" -- JUN 0 1989 Bond No.: 1150186 Subdivider: ROBERT EMAMI AND CHAO WU Tract No.: * Amount: 17,700.00 Description of :A Improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO 3675 S. BASCOM AVE.~~/~~.~_//S- CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1. Have the improvements been completed? 2. If not, what percentage has been 'completed? /00 % ____ Yes No 3. Is the ,work progressing satisfactorily? ...-- Yes No 4. Has this work been accepted? 5. If not,. what is the anticipated date of acceptance? Yes -- No ~~9 Conunents:. .~ TO Re-/n4/;,p ,",.J EPF{;;""C.~/#- 2S)3:{ NfA-/';v~A./ANCt-= ~ (/'::> ~LL .RtjPt:4cG"' ~ F'Z/577',..,-~ ,eb"{/J ~,.,..~ *_U=-~C-~ 4~t> />'I4.57".L3F ':;'4-(.:v"9-/~ ~ OAJ~ Y(C7d./l Above information provided by: ~.r-=b6 Ed-rO.J Ti tle ;c'At..,(.. fA./~5 ;7;.;~. Name Phone No. 'ffd..) f?&;~ - 2./ S c> \ ~~~ Date F30 6/87 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE FOR PERMIT NO. ,SX / /~) By IDate So - '-z.. _ ~~ Name & Address 3 (-f) f__') ~) {.)~~~ 0 ) \ r)' - /ll(',;'(,'I)~/~~-1 ! I i' Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing Lump Sum Estimate - $ 1 <;:::7") - Sawcut Concrete ~ L.F. @ $ 4.00 - $ '-C:> - Concrete Removal S.F. @ 3.00 - $ - Curb & Gutter Removal .,,, L.r. @ 5.00 - $ ~ (oS' - Inlot Drain with Pipe , EA. @ 500.00 - $ -S~- Curb and Gutter ..,~ L.F. @ 15.00 -$l~ct~- Sidewalk 16~c. S.F. @ 3.50 . $ "ac.:t4- Driveway Approach ~'" I S.F. @ 5.50 .$\q~c.- Handicap Ramp EA. @ 1000.00 . $ - Extruded Curb - L.F. @ 6.00 . $ - Barricade L.F. @ 50.00 - $ Street Excavation (- S.F.)x($0.15)x( ") - $ - A.C. Pavement (- S.F.)x($0.45)x( ") -'$ - - Adjust Manhole to Grade EA. @ 300.00 - $ Adjust Handhole to Grade EA. @ 200.00 - $ Monument Box v Monument EA. @ 500.00 - $ - Street Tree (15 gallon) " EA. @ 200.00 - $ ~- Pavement Striping ($100 min) L.F.@ 0.65 - $ Pavement Legends (S100 min) EA. @ 40,00 - $ Stop.Street Name or Other Sign EA, @ 120.00 - $ Paveaent Markers - EA. @ 15.00 - $ - Pavement Key Cut L.F.@ 8.00 - $ - - $ - $ Surface Subtotal "s" - $ 0\04"2..- Adjust. for aize: S $30,000 add 20%, S $100.000 subtract 10% \6 ~"So- \ - $ -$~- - $ $ 'it C.=>~L- $ l-",~- Street Lighting Electrol1er Conduit Conductor. pair Pull Box \ \4, 14, '- EA. @ 3000.00 L.F.@ 12.00 L.F.@ 4.00 EA. @ 200.00 Storm Drdnage 12" or 15" Rep 18" or 21" RCP Street Inlet l'\ L.r.@ 60.00 L.F.@ 65.00 EA. @ 1800,00 EA. @ 2000.00 EA, @ 18Q<?do~O Manhole (u ~ Break and Enter~nhole - TOTAL ESTIMATE USE FOR BOND Revised 6/85 - $ ,\(X:o- - $ \, ~ - - $ ~~~.. - $ 4-'->0" - $ - $ - $ - $ ...,~-- - l-l o ~ l-l OJ .jJ .jJ OJ r-i III ~ l-l ~ U ''; r-i ~ ill ~ o OJ U !:: III ~ III ' III .jJ ''; 'g l-l OJ 0.. '0 tJI OJ !:: l-l ''; ''; '0 &;.:l OJ ~ P::1Il PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT ISSJANCE CHECK LIST City of Campbell ~~-\\~ Public Works Permit No. "2::J<O\~ c;. ~S~ V Applicant section complete OJ .jJ III ''; .jJ ''; !:: ''; v'" Applicant signature and date ~ Permit Application fee, $35.00 for R-l, $50.00 for standard, paid. Receipt number \" -z..4- ~ Plan check deposit, $500.00 for standard only, paid. Receipt number \ 1 1 "L.. +- o . .jJ~ U '0 OJ OJ..c: l-l U ''; ~ !:: III OJr-i ll:: 0.. ~ Five sets of improvement plans submitted ------------------------------------------------------------------------ v Bond for faithful performance, 100% of City Engineer's estimate for standard onlYl.~osted and appropriately noted Amount $ n.l(;O.(.{) Form^J.-~e-'..T" I.D. # \\~, !l.c. ~ f2.&'T'-t for R-l; 4% of FP bond, $500 min. V' Cash Deposit: $200.00 for standard, posted. Amount $ , 6""'.00 Receipt No. \~9~9 v Permit fee of 7% of FP bond, $35.00 min., paid. Amount $ I'l:~q. 00 Receipt No. lb<\''1:l9 " Worker's compensation information received for Applicant (see Information Sheet for Public Works Permits) Land development requirements met (see separate letter from land development section) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Worker's comp and Contractor's Information received for Contractor (see Information Sheet for Public Works Permits) ~'Certificate of Insurance with Additional Endorsment received from Contractor (see Insurance Requirements for Public Works Insured's General Summary of Permits) ~ Three sets of off-site plans, stamped APPROVED (Tract or Development and Public Works Permit number and property address on plans) ~ Permit signed for City Engineer WHEN ALL OF THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE COMPLETE, PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED Issuer: Initial ~ and date 7- 14--t!!.t;!;l. and file with permit UPON ISSUANCE, INITIATE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT REFUND CHECK REQUEST. 4/88 f/permchklst Permit No. Applicant INFORMATION SHEET FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Cont,a tor~s License and;wprkers' Compensation Insurance. j). /) ~c..C-St CZ> ~--.vc'77Ur-/1 Name of Contractor./ . ~~~ " t J Telephox\e 7'DJ.....~.r- '1/"l3 Address / t((DfJ! /rJC/6~ V./ ~t-->.{ -' Q.vt../ d, cJS'/,,)() . .Jfft;;Z;%;Jf2L? State Contractor License No._5'DO.;(.;2/C.ZJ' City Business License No. Expiration Date Will do the following types of work: ~underground ~P.C. concrete ~A.C. paving _____electrical _____other (specify) WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Contractor/Applicant ~j,{~f ~A/Y'M.J:' (~tlJ~,.(./ One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR A Certificate~f Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. /Lif}ornA.AAf'iPrAl.AAbA~0Cc Policy No. RI/33/...2- Expiration date ,.;) - ;} t., ,- j<9 OR The Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed). CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for this permit, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Signed Date NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/APPLICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. f:PERMINFO REV. 11/87 Lawson - Hawks Insurance Associates July 13, 1988 Mr. C. S. Gomez City of Campbell 70 North First street Campbell, California 95008 Re: Telesis Construction Co. Dear Mr. Gomez: Please accept the enclosed copy of a Certificate and endorsment which were sent to us via FAX this morning. The originals are being issued by the insurance carrier in Arcadia, California today and should be in our office early next week. At that time we will forward them on to you. If you have any questions regarding the enclosed please call me. {1:~~ef:~4 ~ Doris Way~y~~IJ'~ Commerical Accounts Representative Ene. n cc: Telesis Construction 883 N, Shoreline Blvd. . P,O. Box 39. Mountain View, CA 94042 (415) 964-8000 . (408) 733-0426 . FAX (415) 964-0816 PRODUCER Lawson-Hawks Insurance P.O. Box 39 Yntain View, CA 94042 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIACA TE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. ' COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A LETTER Tri-Star Insurance Com an INSURED Telesis Construction Co. 19601 McKean Road San Jose, CA 95120 COMPANY B LETTER COMPANY C LETTER COMPANY D LETTER COMPANY E LETTER PERSONAL INJURY , Jt~..",: . THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICA TED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO AU. THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POliCY EXPIRA nON LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS DATE (MMIllOIYY) DATE (MM/llllIYYl ~Jit.~i OCC~R~NCE BODILY INJURY $ $ PROPERTY 11/20/87 11/20/88 DAMAGE $ $ A GENERAL LIABILITY COMPREHENSIVE FORM PREMISEs/OPERA nONS UNDERGROUND EXPLOSION & COLLAPSE HAZARD PRODUCTs/COMPLETED OPERA nONS CONTRACTUAL x INDEPENOENT CONTRACTORS lROAO FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE PERSONAL INJURY TMPH110138 BI&PD $. s;... COMBINED '1.,000, ~, 000 , AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO AlL OWNED AUTOS (PRIV. PASS,) AlL OWNED AUTOS (OTHER THAN) PRIV, PASS. HIRED AUTOS NON-<JWN ED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY BOOIL Y I~RY $ (PER PERSON) BOOIL Y I/wRY $ (PER ACCIDENT) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ BI & PO COMBINED $ BI & PO $ COMBINED STATUTORY $ $ $ $ EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM (EACH ACCIDEND (DISEASE,POllCY lIMID (DISEASE .EACH EMPLOYEE) OTHER DESCRIPTION OF QPERATlONSllOCATIONSNEHIClES/SPECIAllTEMS City of Campbell Attn: C. S. Gomez 70 North First Street Campbell, CA. 95008 is an Additional Insured as per attached ..:::. ~'tot' . .. I JUL 13 '88 07:28 CRLIBRR .~. . e __.. . _ .:1.72 P02/02 ENDORseMENT (The spaces below need be completlld only when thi~ endorsement is issued subs!quent to preparation of the policy.) TH:S ENOCi'lSaMi:NT. :FFi:CTIVe 7/12/88 ~XPIFlATION OAn OF POl.ICY E:COM::S A PART OF POl.ICY NO. ISSUEO TO FORM TMPH110138 Telesis Construction Co. . , ENDOR.SE~ENT NO, I DATi TYPED 7 13.88 ACOIT. PREM, TBD t RETURN pn:~ :! " , ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT - GOVERNMENTAL/QUASI-GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES 1. IT IS AGREED THAT THE "PERSONS INSURED" PROVISION OP THIS ~OLICY INCLUDES AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED, THE' Ci ty of Campbell ITS BOARDS, ~~LO~EES OR OFFICERS WHILE ACTING WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THEIR AUTHORITY BUT ONLY WITH RESPECT TO HAZARDS ARISING FROM ANY AND ALL ACTIVI~IES OF WORK PERFORMED BY OR ON BEHALF OF THE NAM~D INSURED(S). i I: j' 2. THE POLICY TO WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT IS ATTACHED SHALL NOT BE SUBJECT TO CANCELLATI~ CHANGE IN COVERAGE OR LIMI~S EXCEPT AFTER WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE ADDITIONAL INSURED, , BY CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, NOT LESS THAN 30 r: DAYS PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF. i ~ ' 3. THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICY TO WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT IS ATTACHED SHALL B~ , , PRIMARY INSURANCE AND ANY OTHER INSURANCE OF THE ADDITIONAL INSURED, SHALL BE IN EXCESS & SHALL NOT CONTRIBUTE WITH THIS INSURANCE. 4. THE POLICY TO WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT IS ATTACHED SHALL APPLY SEPARATELY TO EACH ;, INSURED AGAINST WHICH CLAIM IS MADE OR SUI~ IS BROUGHT EXCEPT WITH RESPECT TO THE. LIMITS OF THE CO~~ANY'S LIABILITY. s. THE COVERAGES AFFORDED U~~ER THIS ENDORSEMENT SHALL ~ BE APPLICABLE IN THE CASE. OF THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF THE ADDITIONAL INSURED OR I~S i BOARD~, EMPLOYEES OR OFFICERS. 6. EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL BE HELD TO WAIVE, ALTER OR EXTEND ANY OF THE LIMITS, AGREEMENTS, OR EXCLUSIONS OF THE POLICY TO WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT IS ATTACHED. ADDRESS CANC~LLATION NOTICE AS FOLLOWS; ISSOE ENDORSEMENT TO: City of Campbell Attn: C. S. Gomez 70: North First Street Campbell, California 95008 Telesis Construction 19601 McKean Road San Jose, CA. 95120 1 j Certificate of Insurance Box San THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION '_;NL y Me[) CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR Al.TER THE COV~RACE AFFORDED BY 'HE POLICIES LISTED BELOW. I Brokers Incf CO~PANIES AFFORDING COVERAGES =~:"'::;'i' A Fairmont Insurance COMPAi\'y B LE-Tl"FI"-I COMPA1\, i' C :...F.:TTER COMPANY 0 L E TT E R COMPANY E L E TT E R NAME AND ADDRESS OF AGE"CY Atlantic Pacific Insurance Lords Insurance Agency 5520 Jose, Ca 95150 NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURED Telesis 19601 McKean San Jose, Ca Company Inc. Rd. 95120 This is to certity that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and are in torce at this time. Notwithstanding any requirement, rerm or con- dition ot any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the Insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. COMPANY LETTER DATE TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER GENERAL LIABILITY 80Dj~Y INJURY COMPREHENSIVE FORM PREMISES-OPERA TIONS EXPLOSION AND COLLAPSE HAZARD UNDERGROUND HAZARD PRODUCTS/COMPLETED OPERATIONS HAZARD CONTRACTUAL INSURANCE BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS PROPERTY DAMAGE BOOI L Y INJURY Af\lD PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBll\iED $ PERSONAL INJURY PERSONAL INJURY AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BODILY INJURY lEACH PEASON) BODILY INJURY lEACH OCCUARENCEI $ COMPREHENSiVE FORM OWNED HIRED I I I I ~-~. I BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ NON.()WNED EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM BODIL Y INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE COMBINED $ WORKER'S COMPENSATION I 12-26-89 I 1 , 000 lEACH ACCIDENTI A and EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY OTHER Rl13312 ESCRIPTlON OF OPERATIONSILOCATlONS/VEHICLES Cancellation: Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com, pany will endeavor to mail 10 days written notice to the below named certificate holder, but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company_ NAME AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER City of Campbell Attn: Curz S. Gomez 70 North First St. Campbell, Ca 95008 ,)- S'~ DATE ISSuED $ CITY OF CAMPBEll r WIMBERLY ~-lHANDl;:"G-=O KELMS _~ .,,__' ~~TU~~.~i.1J ! "-""50'1 dfI' 'trJ','~'~m. --r- " .J ~-'v, \ f" I t !'~,;V,""\fll" I .-....-.'.........' '.- 1..,_.____ .1-1 i t ~ -..~1-~~., I f<RUG:R I I , 1 fr~~o~E~~=[]~_,c..I+ 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866.2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works June 20, 1989 EmamijWu Development Co. 19601 McKean Road San Jose, CA 95120 RE: Final Inspection - Deficiencies Permit No.: 88-115 Location: 3675 S. Bascom Gentlemen: You have requested a final inspection on subject construction work. There are deficiencies in the work which are indicated on the enclosed list. These deficiencies must be corrected to the satisfaction of Public Works Inspector Gregg Eaton before we can make a Final Inspection or acceptance of the work. Upon completion of the corrective work, please submit a written request for a Final Inspection and acceptance. Sincerely, Carlos M. Jocson Associate Civil Engineer ~MJ:t cc: G. Eaton Enc. 88 -115 PWP 88-115 TRACT 8152 3675 S. BASCOM AVENUE ELECTRIC INSPECTION DEFICIENCIES NOTED JUNE 7, 1989 A. FIXTURE 1.. Change lens from semi-cutoff to cutoff 2. Wires hanging outside of fixture 3. Fixture tilted - straighten B. POLE (STANDARD) 1. Grout pole base 2. Base cover screw stripped - replace it 3. Wrong color wire being used from fuse holder to fixture-shall use black (THW) , not blue. 4. No ground rod in pole base C. PULL BOX NEXT TO STANDARD 1. Pull box lid shall have hold down bolts 2. Fuse holder not spliced properly - resplice D. PULL BOX NEXT TO PG&E SERVICE POINT 1. Pull box lid shall have hold down bolts 2. Fuse holder not spliced properly E. SPLICES AND SLACK 1. Repull all new field wiring from PG&E service point to street light fixture. Wire insulation shall be "THW". 2. There shall be three (3) feet of slack in hand hole cover and in pull box. Because of a double box depth next to the PG&E service point, there shall be five (5) feet of slack in pull box. 3. When splicing to fuse holder, do not cut wires off to fix inside holder. .4. Wire insulation shall be "THW" black 5. Splices shall only be in pull box 6. wire wire slack PULL BOX 88 -115 Date tsl;;k9 Address 3 c-. 75 Permit or Project No. REPORT ~ . AB -/ /~ ...~ ..;~~:2-~-~ / PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION 5 .Bi"9.f, C-O,+1 Type of work: Street Storm Other (describe) Sanitary Electrical .....-- [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ~NAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans? Y N (If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? Y Overtime I hrs. @ $ Date '.reason: N /hr. - $ Barricade rental (attach invoice)? Y Date , reason: N $ Other? $ $ $ - Refund $ Total charges deducted from depositl (Cash Deposit $ less charges $ ek. req.) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) ~~ ~ Inspector (,1<17 ~ /flf' --(zJ ~ ~ _ uJ.M../ 026 8 ~-(/ r/d:,~) e~~ CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works Project or c-;-.. !! ./ Permit No. elf . ./ , Name or :=-; ({; '/' ~ 5' Location ~ ---' ~-'''.-:/' " /:--/r' l c_, PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION #1 / .. Page of ,L 0 ~ ,-. / -' C Date I,'" ~ 1,/1 , ! /k LF-;', '')}1'i II r / ;.:-: ./ // ../ ~,,' ' /7'/ t'.-' -;;/ /.~ ,:;./ L I' ::; J ,/ / ' ",~ ~'. / F :; / / 0/1./ @.. 1"-2 ; fJ/ f' /X --'j /? E- ~ t:,.:/J;~ / / fir:; />~/J//' 5f":'/ U', /':/ -/~ /,:? --:'1/ J (/'--'j1 //: i: / uJ/;t/rj' ;/1/'Jrf li:/;- d/~/-~; ',' E .?/,' r/'v --r://E::. '/ /' t'J::. /Y'-;"I)//'f. T/ L7 F; ~ -;c-kJ /6/1 /P/:/ / t:.. J ,- r - )--"tJ i- E ",'---' -f' / /,' " ",7';, j ('/Iv j/ / _ .// ;; J/>//^/7' I-,/"f ~ /- ./,;.,~- f" ,.... (/"., 1 '.' ~ .L: .. F /'., ,,,<'/ .... 1/ - /,rf: , .-- t/!~ E ;1/'J.Y Fir "5,1// F/7J -,-' -;r- , .. .. I U) ;/r:'Y:/ f- (Q) l (/ /? /1,) / ;<" E / . f ;:.' ~/>~~ / j I " /'/ / J/ .-r! I <' " (,,- ;r'-"_' // ,/ Fj,-> E' ,/ /l "";. I <' ,.....-;/;'" I" ,.' ',/ )'; /;' /! ~r'/- ' .' /;/ ,.' ' f. ,/ ( .,:... ~ " /.''':' ' :I-',c" J .. /: T )/C/./ " -. . / I .~ /1.-/ () 7 !-) I- i.:J:c;/ -.- _._~.._-_.,--_.- ~ , L/; 1:/0 G;(:/}lt)/u!; _/ ;(IJ Z /J '}y L (.. /)<" F" ",' ,1 >r-"'- j/ ,- "'"'' I')'" I-'./~ <".f /)1 Y7 --r; ~-;-/yI' /,/" ,,' / 0!/ I / 1/','....) " /' " / ~ ('..-.. ) ,/ ! t. L- 1/" .,. f L- j / !~/ L~ L. l ~// E ';":J/- ' <'7"/) / 'i j/ .._~' .'. .. /, .t:::i / _ ),' ~ ()~~E '/'1/ / .//;' 1,)(') 7' ~ t<,~ ' /;. , ./ '1': )'/''''/ , ;;....:.: !," , , E' t, v; l- 4,t //!/-.;' -,>?') t6 Y E-- -::~ 1'/"'1l ' f,! , r "/>:',/ ~... L/) t ( \ I) / ..- "/, 1//1 I'/, . / --;'/j /' ) l~>?:1 --- 1~/'1: ~~/- / i--)?-' I" /" ,1 ~ /~ rU:;E "I /. ~- '..A" J _ ~--;_..- / .... / .' u 1'7, -. ,(I /( I'.... 1/// ! . " 'Y ,-T" I' "'' ,.,' , --./ / tF<' ~/' ~~~ CITY ENGINEER PROJECT ENGINEER CITY OF CAMPBELL Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Proje~t or uC - (' /5 Permit No. v 1) Name or .2 /" "'5' ..) Location ~j c.o I' Z PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT T/t <;2/-5':2- ~,;fS ~ 0 ft~ /! r/ E ;; /' Page of /- Date ~ r") ~ ) , ( I E.! / ./ C-.1' / 'I r:""" "--' (~(!'. ( / // _ ':.~-,' /.1 l:.. .. .v frk L j L- L /! L C I/FI--J r/~/ l !/)///'/"8;;;- /r"/..;~-'7 /77 ~ l/('5" PC "~--;F/ V(.-1[" /-CJ/,r): .......,.-' '0 ~ //,/ FILl ~- / /y/....,.<' j. '.. f ~"'H \ . /' ''1--_.' I /~"1 I , '/ .:./ /.-:/ /. /1.. I I jJ i/?E" //),..7 l/' / ,"Co/ />>',' LL C" ~//;{/ 2 \ -----;7""',. ./.4"' /-.'.L.- ~ / / F7!. / /..... E. - ) . ,/'~''''' r:-- /' .~/ L~-- -.J r/ / / -' L-- /J -~ :..-' j:'"'f... ~'---_) r. / /" > I Ie." :- ~." L ,.' ,. ~ /;-/ ;ll f i' .~ ,'-.. ! , / '\ '/ If.) IJ /) C / / f ;L ,j Lit /./ , -t l '~./ '/~-l ~,C.l f--' ),:/ I /) (---' .. I r f r' '. ,.--c L- " I I~ ("', ~..L-:=~ : [.. , "f if I IE Y ../ --:-?) ,',~/ :...., \-".!-- .... r~ ! /1/' ~ .1' '/'J "//~- 'f,///j; 'E" ..-. " ""/"/ ,~ lE [) ;-;/ -1) ~;.:/'"' / L-' C',:~ ;" '/) - // (/ i-! l,...l1 ' /" -- J) ../ '/,' ..f /~ /-- /' /./ '/,":/, ,.-;. -'" r- 1./.,) Ii")' r: -/1 . i ,-" , 1,'0/i/:J T ,it /j~; :fl',/'?- _ - /'/ I L ~ l. .' ./~ u,-;1"//I. ,-" ,'~" L.'- if) ,) ./ / 'J( ? r !/. /; c-. :.~=~// :: <.~' /"/ -~ l. -"1/ ...... .~. , ~ 'ie- i..__..- ..~_M'_"- ,/ ,- , . ,.'/j -- k / <' 7 t:~ /! ( " r--' ~ f" I / '.r:--. ~ /-/ r-- ,/ /;,..'" ~-f" i_~~ _ C. ~j_/ J ;:-- ,/./ FUL C 1< /j ',/ f1;; / ./ nL .~ -rf(E--;~ viP' if)" " -g r;C;~~0~ : I) ~:P' lc. ' p- I ,,-,. , -- __t__,__..__~__"_. ----------.....1 !.- '//:: I c';' CITY ENGINEER PROJECT ENGINEER L~ v PROJECT INSPECTOR