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C.Obl II/. -21)0 cft-I 2-V ~UbLIC WOklS P~kKIT rrarvGrrTllqln-nl1 p~bLIC CI~~t-ot-wayl X-k.t. tll. luu.d '?J - 2... 2--d'P Appll cu Ion o. t. :3 - 1/- SA) ~.C.l~ ..plr.. In I~ .Oa. .aple.. ~ A~~LICATI0H - AppliCation la haceby .ade toc a P~~llc Woc~. ,.r5lt In aCcordaoc. with Caa~~al1 MUlllClpal C04a, JlaCt luo 1l.O.. , I'el.lt "0. A. WQla aCCre.. QC tract . , ; ^, 4- ~ ( . 2-.-rJ .c~.t ~-- '''' f ,.) _._'~ Cai11,pvCl i I. Utility trellch lOCation "at~u of w"ca.. "e"nL~,,(ltd d'I~'tlAiUJ{;(i.FfrCd_(h J' (n~1I nC:UJdiit:.LLli;lt!~rqf(lLGtt{fl. Attach tiv. C~l copl.. ot a dra~log ahowini the locatloll, ..tallt aoC Claen.1Qne 01 tha WOlk The 4ra~11I1J allall enow the celation ot the propoa.d ~ora to ."letll1'.! euetaC. al1l2 ynder'Jrouna Ill1prOIlUlenta. Wh.1I apprullcd by the CLt~ tnglnaer, aaid drawlllg bocolll.e a pan ot ltd. per.lt. Tne Celleral Con4ltlon. toc aL! pecmlt. arc 11.toa on tho rell.,Ue .ide. ~peClal ~CO\lI.lon. tor thle per.lt arc 11.ted below. tallure to Abide by the.. condllloo. and peolll.ione ..y reayle In lob .hul-down alld/or forlelture of 'aithtul Pertormonce bond. alia ca.h depo.h... I~o:c CClllc r al Cund I tl Olla I and H. C. D. thi. AppliCation. 17hel p :/ 3rJ ~. Thh h non-rlltunaable. Tclephone :.~31 'f-8.st'.3 (fe. /~ :2"r XY.II no ., (~"I,.! i.. .. :.1 III Hila Wula bclng 40lle .by the property OWOe{ at thdr OWII COllildellCe? COlllphte aUaCh.d WOlkec.' COlllpcnllAtion and Conteactor tor... The Appllcalll/i'efll~Uee heCcby a9rll.1I by atflung theIr U'JllaCure to thie permit co hold lhe: CICy 01 CaA,pLocl1. Il.. utlll,;u", a'Jellt. anJ ..,ploycce trce, ..ate and har..le... t",/Q any Clala oe del&ol.,j tor 4a..'a9". ee..~llul~ trolll the woea cOller.4 by thl. per.lll. 1~e AppIICant/Per.ltle baCk ot lh~~ pe~~lt a ACC~~T~D ,I e:oy ACknOwled'.leli that th<<:y hAVC Ccad 0.011 unOcratand bott. tile IAt thcy will tntor. ttle!c COlltCACl1JrC1i1 ot the IntoFl~.fAlion. . ~~-"-1Y) UJ ~m tront ana HOTtS: ALL 'WOkl< SIIALL CONI'OIl 10111'11 TtU: ATTACIIED, Al'f'lIOlltLl I'L^N~ AND ALL A~i'LJ C.\.bl.t CMWbt:I..L ST ANOA/iU DUAW J NGS ANU COtW 11' I OH~ . '1'1It: COlnUAC1'O/c "US1' IIAVt: 'fillS ~1::1t"1T ANO APPItOVt:D PLANS ANLI "UST "1::1::1' WITti Tilt: 1'.... INS!'t:C'I'OU ON Tilt: Sl1'C AT L1:hST 'I'wa OAY~ lIL~Ojt~ ~TA.lITINC ..O~.~~_._____ _~~__~_ ---.....~--_.~..........--.__., ,~ ..-.-.-......... C~Ct: "UST lit: CIVLN To.l'UbLIC ..OUKS AT Lt:AST :l. 110UkS lI1:YO/(t: 1tt:5TAUTJNG AWl' WOHK. ' ---_._--._-~ _.~-_._.._--~.. 5PI::CI),L 1'1I01115]ON5 ....., ,- -' 1. 5lre~l IiIlAII 1I0t be open cut tor undergeoulIll lnlital1atiOOIi. "lnL~u~ cut>> ~AY ~c .llo~<<:a torconnecllon:.o or caplorat Ion holc,., Such cuu, h,.....1 be ..peCI t ICall.,. ..pproved Ly I h" 11l/;""Clue, llilVlllllelrr-.oy lie Cul tor ~odoc9rouo&J Inutal!Al ioo. Alia IIlUeL be rcuLor~d III accora..nco: wan till: Ul Illty Tr4:Ilch ltclitorAt Ion StandArd Orawin'). W~ck to Ue "laked by a l1ccnlicd Land Suevcyor o. Clvl! t:nglo.er alld t~o C:l1 copl<<:~ ot tne CUt alllll:l. Ile:nl to lhe l'uLol1c WOrk OCPl. betorc .t.rt1n9 work. The: tlour. of wora arc LL/IIiled to uut..lde UIC Iloura ot 1-~ A.Ill. and l-~ p.ll. tuc .n~ woo. attecling a tr41~lc lan.. ~;.J~~ CJ: '1:>.8. '-'=kJt::o. (';"l ~~_ lI'.L~, : r2-l '-LE"t L1I>. "-I l~H/'J..Jl2" k.t0( ~ ... _ _ _ _ _. _ C:>~l '"4 1', C U. _2. :J. - u- 1'. ~ _t. 'l.. l~ P: ~:l. i'~kHIT Al'i'l.I.CATlON rt:K VLAH CUt:CI< Ut:~OSlT liON/) fOjt 'AI TUrUL P1:ItI'OHIU.NC~ Ik-l) C~J:l.OO) ~ , ~ ~ . '2.....C::C- , C\..:; .I h3 '-I STAHOAkO M'OUN'f g S- --- kt:Ct: 11>T NO. co. / -; cF '7 ~U_ ("" ~~o.OO ~)OO.OO (100' 01' eNe. ~GT.I r- ~- .f;'I! 88: @ 1'. 1'. ICASUI 01:~SJT I' ~K" 1 T rla; 1~200) I., O~ bOHO.~~OO HINI 11, 0' 1'.1', bONO -1;~~;u-_~~~'OO 'UN) ~ APPKOV1:U ,OK ISSUANCt: ;)/Jj/f."~ { I rr t. ~Wf't:1HtJ l' ".III..d l/ul --<" ~ ,~ _o() c B-C~ )00 , ::"''l... '"?- ~'~~.a--u ., ':> '~ ". -:~ ......c' .' .l- ...:,) ." ~ '0. -. Ij --...... r \...";:>. "") \ . :;-.... I 1 I i i I I I I I '- i ~lo-b ;-;.- I : ! ~ I ( i . ~ f I ~ ~ s:::: -. ~-z ~ -t: ~ o. ~i ('\: ~. .'tJ , I j I I i ^ ,,1,_ , 1\. i I ~ j I \ 1 I i i I I \ J., t "', - _ r I ~ ~ "t, .'<... - ..~ ~. "t , \~..~\ tn<::J Cl19 'H :r\...:::> ~ 3 ~ -0 ~ Z \ c;.rc 1~~..a--t.J rn~ '~ I II I i ~ fl - f' ~ .p. \j C - f fJ <r:"'"! Ii ."~ "...... ",."), ",. !'~Tir-."1 teT: >!. . ~ .. ~.... . \: r ~ -_..1. 2-- fL Ie E~ . e g r ~ ~ -\;, ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.r;:. ::. ~ -6-u -R ~ " f, ~ ~ 6 [, \ ,2 --' 'Cl -r- <;) .0",. .0 ~ a.. r - I CITY OF CAMIJBEll Department: Public Works E-.- WIM-BERL '( -~----, .._'., ,-:;-:----/ HAiJDLU'JG J ' ! ' ,ELMS '11 -..-'-'.' --.-./ I -, ...... n' ._' ~-----.-4 .'.. .lter),:!',1;) /.. i. ')OC..S.'~..' i~. ~---'-.__ i 1---. I DISCM1[ I 1 I lUlU"'. [- ::.. . I) i~ n _._--~t--~ I,,'_'~""'~---"J-- _ _ 1 f PCi\!f)'i'CD f I. ---......J ./.' ;; ~ ~.:,l I /--- .~ -.._--"._.~ I ..--......-..-.L---.l 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 July 12, 1989 Mr. Ken Phelps 164 North Third St. Campbell, CA 95008 RE: One Year Maintenance Acceptance Permit No.: 88-124 Location: 164 North Third Street We h~ve made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. Sincerely, Carlos M. Jocson Associate Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: G. Eaton ,.. / 'I[ /'C:::7Z./J7 IT, Date ~/II,(fi '1 Permit or Project No. . 88- /24" Addreli& 1'4- Ai -n.I / ;e.,;) <; ...,- PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Type of work z Stre,t Storm Sani tary Other (describe) R c- c. c..V,,~ Electrical o PRELIMINAR3!' INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENC3!' LIST (attached) o FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENC3!' LIST (attached) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans? Y N (If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? y Overtime. hrs. @ $ Date , reason. N /hr. . $ Barricade rental (attach invoice)? y Date , reason. N $ Other? $ $ $ · Refund $ ~otal charges deducted from deposit. (Cash Deposit $ less charges $ [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST .(:JoNE~EAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request ct. req.) (attached) if cash.) Engineer ~~r PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT late ~44 ~ .. Permit or Project No. Address /64-- - A7. ~ ;eL> , 8~-/Z+ Type of work: Street Storm Sanitary Other (describe) ~A/ ~:flVZ.LJ~ o PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) Electrical o FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ~INAL INSPECTION - ACCEPT~ Signed plans? Y ~ (If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? y Overtime: hrs. @ $ Date' reason: G) /hr. - $ BArricade rental (attach invoice)? Date , reason: CD y $ Other? $ $ Total charges deducted from deposit: (Cash Deposit $ less charges $ $ - Refund $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) ~or Engineer @ G/pr CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Public Works July 11, 1988 Ken Phelps 164 North Third Street Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No. 88-124 Location: 164 North Third Street Maintenance Bond Amount: N/A We have made a final inspection of subje~t .Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. you are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one year of this date. To 'guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing faithful performance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed.. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer DNV / le cc: G. Eaton, Public Wo?ks Inspector Suspense--l year/ July 5.1988 I Mr. Eaton Public Works Dept. City of Campbell RECEIVED JUL 07 1988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING REI Job location; 164 N, 3rd St" Campbell Mr. Eaton, This letter is to inform you that the work stated on permit #88-124 has been completed and needs a final O.K. How soon may I expect my $200 deposit to be refunded? Sincerely, ~helPS P,O, Box 1J28 Campbell, Ca 95009 374-8503 C H E C K R E QUE S T TO: ' FINANCE DIRECTOR . Ci ty of Campbell. Please issue check payable to:, Addre~s: Str~et:' City: . (20 spaces) (20 spaces) (15 spaces) State: ~(2spaces) 4 Zip:. [}[]I][]I]](5 spaces) Description: (20 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $200.00 Account Number: 01446290500 Purpose: Release of cash deposit for Excavation Permit No. 88-124. See ' Receipt #18034 dated 3/23/88. Requested by: D. Va1kenaar . ' Title: Assoc. Civil Engr. Da te : 7/11/88 Approved by: D. Wiinber1y Title: P. W. Director Da te : 7/11/88 ."' SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is Return to: x Ma.il in attached envelope ,. Department Name Ot~er: . .~ REV 4/22/83 TO: City Clerk PUBLI C WORKS FI LE NO.a> 5- /.2 j Please colleet & receipt for the following monies: project) eJl.r.l-t-t f e.M : R-] : ($.35) (Cash) Depos it ($200) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) 3373 3373 Project General & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Hap Filin Fee ($300) ~~72 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee $ 00 12 Final Tract Map Fil in Fee ($350) j372 Lot Line Ad.ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-l ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME ~v ;0 /vzLr~ v / to Y 11/, 3 ./L-~C a<-- ..'----> rz-f!-<-- ~ ( y ADDRESS FOR ': I TV CLERK OIiLY RECEIPT NO. r ?:> SO 0 ~ h- /LJ~ ~y AMOUNT PAID RECE J VED BY DATE' AMOUln $ 3C;-- $ '3 ~ 3 7 y - P ) -CJ .-:) PHONE ZIP July, 1987 TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. Please collect & receipt for the following monies: :CT. ;396 3372 3521 ~ 3372 3521 (specify project) P eJtr.1U 'F ee.4 : R-l : ($.35) ($200) :t eJ/..: ($ 50) '( 500) (4% of FPB) ($500 m in. ) (7~ of FPB) ($ 35 min.) (Cash) Depos i t Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) }373 3373 Project Gene ra I & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Fil in Fee ($300) ~172 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee $ 00 72 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee (S350) Jj72 Lot Line Ad.ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Pub! ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage R j/ -/2Y AMourn $ :;"'CJo- NAME I(~ ?~ / & '-/ /I/~ 3~ $ 2.00- 3 '7 y-?5'cJ .3 9 ^~-o 0 ? TOTAL PHONE c~_ ADDRESS ZIP FOR ': I TV CLERK .:lNL.Y RECEIPT NO. / ~3tj- ;;2..0 eJ 0_<' ~ 3'd-~' ~~ AMOUNT PAID RECE 'VED BY DATE' July, 1987 Permit No. Applicant cPy- /..2->L I<~ p~ INFORMATION SHEET FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Contractor's License and Workers' Compensation Insurance, Name of Contractor S (.f ; (:J cf N -")'{:d-- c-:;t Telephone J) c;--g5LJ5 Address State Contractor License No. City Business License No, Expiration Date Will do the following types _____underground ~P.C. of work: concrete _____A.C, paving _____electrical _____other (specify) Name of Contractor/Applicant WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Kef' Phc (fDS ) One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. Policy No, Expiration date OR The Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed) . CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Signed performance of the work for this permit, I shall not ny manner so as to become subject to the Workers' alifornia. I certify that in employ any pe on Compensatio -------- Date r, . UI "S-O -<So NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/A If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. f:PERMINFO REV. 11/87 Z.w