88-131 "'UlI'l:l .., :,..~. :T" . . g~.O;" ......... .... e .. It O\~,gQ.n~ ~nj:lIl....n N........... .:,::~~::lg fr;l. ....0 ...nn~ ::r'::l. N ~~..:::; .. ::l >.... on........o o-i::l....r;l...., ...... ~P1 n ...n...,n ~ n O::r' CDc::..~". nlllne >...lIl.l:'l z 0 > lC 0 0"0 ::l -- n < ':T .. . o ::l ::r' < " ::l ~ III III ::l . III n B .. .... . . C7' 0 ::l 1"\ :: , n ~::l n ;:!:l58. nOn II> ~n.... CD.........n n..., ::r' .... c::.... Z II> ::l III oQ.Q. . II> --.." :l . ::rQ. .. III ~lIlO""llIo-i ~n""O:l1"\ o CD <: 1"\ r;l. II> Cl3n...... ::s -cten a.....n ......,IIl::r' NOO" ~"":l~~~ .no....o-i..., ....C>>H)" G Vt.-. Hn ~:::;;,g ~'< OPo r-'::r' ,,1:1':1...... :l III lC 1':1 In ....noQ III "11I :l - .... <: C 0 III III .... n tn....rtn III CD::r'C7' :l "'. . " n. ... .... n ::r':l o III 0 .... III .... :l III n CD...n ::r' - 011I"0. e n CD n ~- ~iil=- ....Q. n .., "" ,.... .... N CITY OP CAMPBELL DEPT. or PUBLIC WORIS 70 North Pirat It. Campbell. CA tSOOI (408 I 8h-2UD 'UILIC WORn PIRMIT Perait Mo. cf? cY -/ 3> / ,for WO~Klni In ~n. public ri9ht-of~wa ) X-Ref. file tuued t./ /:s- cr cY Application Date V<~ .P ~ 'erai~ e.plre l~ .oa. expirea In . 'erait in accordance with Ca.pbell- t-3 o tlJ t':I n o ~ 't r tt;' t-3 I:': C tJ; >< APPLICATION - Application ia hereby ..de for a 'ublic Worka Municipal Code, lection 11.04. L. A J.: 4-l0 A. Work addn.. or tract '..!.ltAQ.l ~ lo'6 I tA~1k Vw-. !,~iv ~t. Utility trench location ~ ~1~~ 'Q",~ I 8. Natun of work:JtJC.{ML. . . N(gfllwt~r'lV k...n \ MW~cn~ ~t. ~ ~I~. C. Attach five (5) copiea of a drawing ahowing the location, extent and diaenaiona of the work The drawing ahall ahow the relation of the proposed work to exiating aurface and underground iaprovementa. When approved by the City Engineer, aaid draving become. a part of thia perait. D. The General Condition. for all permit. are liated on the reverse .ide. Special Provisions for this permit are liated below. 'ailure to abide by these condition. and proviaions may result in jOb shut-down and/or forfeiture of 'aithful Performance Bonda and caah deposita. (See General Condi Hons 1 and 2). I ( V c..~ ..s accompany this application. ll~his is ~\1(l((\OtU <V\~'tt<-'1' y~ ~ ~ t-3 ::I: tt; E. ~ '1:: 'U t'"' H () non-refundable. ~ Tel.Phon.:~ ~ oolb Name of Address Is this he property at their own reaidence? ____yes no Complete attached Workers' Compensation and Contractor foras. The Applicant/Permittee hereby agrees by affiXing their signature to this permit to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents and employees free, aafe and haraless from any clai. or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this permit. The Applicant/Permittee hereby acknowledges that they have read and understand both the front and back of thi per it, and tha they viII inform their contractor(s) of the information. ACCEPTED ~;f ~~~~ f 1.-.-.' ".'''',_ ,M. ,.'~~ ,'-'" ~."" i: ,...~ rr. 'r:~' NOTES: ALf wbkiIP~H~Lt. 'g~~FORH. Wi'TH';TH~\~AC~E~,APPROVED PLANS AND ALL APPLICABLE CAMPBELL STANDARD DRAWINGS AND CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AND MUST MEET WITH THE P.W. INSPECTOR ON THE SITE AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE STARTING WORK. NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO PUBLIC WORKS AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE RESTARTING ANY WORK. SPECIAL PROVISIONS ~ 1. Street shall not be open cut for underground installations. Minimum cuts aay be allowed for connections or exploration holes. Such cuts must be specifically approved by the Inspector. 2. ~avement may be cut for underground installations and must be restored in accordance vith the Utility Trench Restoration Standard DraWing. _____3. Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and two (2) copies of the cut sheets sent to the Public Work Dept. before starting vork. _____4. The hours of work are limited to outside the hours of 7-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. for any work affecting a traffic lane. V5. ~+, p ~<..:..~'\.. '"'3 o OJ t>j n o 3: 'U t'"' t>j t-3 t>j o tlJ >< >-3 ::I: t':I n H t-3 >< PERMIT APPLICATION PEl PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT (R-I) ($35.00) $ , $ $ ~ STANDARD /$50.00 $500.00 (100' OF ING. 1ST.) AMOONT ":-;>-0 - RECEIPT NO. J'2u>/ BOND FOR PAITHFOL PERFORMANCE F. P. (CASH) DEPOSIT PERMIT FEE ~. APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE ($200) (4' OF BOND,$500 MIN)~ (7, OP P .P. BOND....... ~~.:'NI ~ l' $ '<'-()O- /cY2~) 35"- /cP27C 4-~-er~ uate f: PWPERMIT Revhed 7/87 TO : C i t Y C I e r k PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ~CT. 35 -=' -' 96 CllZ2J 3521 3521 R-l : ($-35) ($200) ;t elL: ($ 50) ~ 500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7'7u of FPB) ($ 35 min.) eM: Depos i t 3372 3521 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) J373 3373 Project General & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($300) }372 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) 2 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) J~/2 Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment Fi rst Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment:. Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-I ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage 7~-/31 AMOUNT $ '3 S-- NAME TOTAL j/;cK';' ?/~EL(,A../C: /? 2--;;-0 ~ ~ $ 3S-- -3 S' b - 73 3.::.- 7' jO 3. u AfONE LG- ADDRESS ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK .:I'lLY RECEIPT NO. /~;;:L7C, -3 S;-OCJ G-)'P") ;.j - ~- - <? V AMCX,NT PAID RECE 'VED BY DATE' July, 1987 TO: C i tyc C I e rk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. cPi' ~ I 3. ( Plf"'Jse collect & receipt for the following monies: . -CT. 35 'z...36 ITEM Project Revenues (specify project) PubUc. ('Jo,'LIZ-6 Exc.ava.-tion PeJLr.1-U fe.M: Ap I i ca t i on Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit OthV1.: ($ 50) . 500) ( % of FPB) ($500 min.) (TIu of FPB) ($35min.) R-1 : ($35) 3372 3521 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) J373 3373 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($300) 3372 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) - "2 Final Tract Map Filin Fee ($350) )~/2 Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-I ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage ----- AMourn $ ~-o - ~ f' 0 C) $ S-S-O- '3 SC 7 3>"'3~ TOTAL NAME h C /<- 5- jJ I pO ~ I rU c:=- ~~~ ADDRESS / ~ z.. 5' U PHONE L-Cl 9"~"O '32- ZIP , I h} ,/ \ 1..-; FOR C I TV CLERK a-ll.Y RECEIPT NO. / <if .;;L to / -S::-r-. a 0 ~ "') :;) '-'. AMOI.R'n' PAID RECE I VED BY a... r:>t DATE' q- S- - 'l S/ ,l ,; fi} ~j (I' /,(",' ,-11 I, ' July, 1987 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: VICK's PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION (30 spaces) (30 spaces) 350 MARBURG'WAY #B (30 spaces) Address: Line 1: Line 2: City : SAN JOSE State: CA Zip: 95133 (20 spaces) (2) (10 spaces) CASH DEP. REFUND 88-13~ (24 spaces) Description: Exact Amount Payable: $500.00 Account Number: 905.4662 PURPOSE: RELEASE OF CASH DEPOSIT FOR EXCAVATION PERMIT 88-13~. SEE RECEIPT #18261 DATED 4/5/88 Requested by: G, EATON Title: P. W. I NSP Date: 5/4/89 Approved by: Verified by: D. WIMBERLY Ti tle : D I R, OF PUB. WKS Date: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is X Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 " _0- "_____ _ .. _._._.___ PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Pendt or Project 110. .p, B-132;4131 Date ~~~~ Address ~() ~L- ~r 8/0~- 7ype of work a Street Storm.,.". Sani tary Other (desc:ribe) Elec:tric:al o PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attac:hed) o FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attac:hed) ~AL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans? y ~ (If signed, Counc:il ac:c:eptanc:e.) Charges against deposit? y OVertime a hrs. @ $ Date , reasona ~ . $ Barric:ade rental (attac:h invoic:e)? y Date , reasona ~ $' Other? $ $ $ · Refund r:57y)"c- ck. req.) ~otal charges deducted from deposita (Cash nepod t $ ''5b(})(;) less charges $ o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE TEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Releas"lIAint~nc:e bond. Check Request if CAsh.) Engineer ~ Ins or - ' f'\-D v7l-0 - .$ (}'u1.-i ~ "....-:C' , -r c/j'v1.a.A..,-L- --- (;_ ~_ I' / _(_ '--_ ~ t ,l/l_l .'/t~ _. - J.',cb-' .'. 3..-28-/8- ~.~ ~ MARATHON ~ ~ ~2.!'- '25 r'--~O r- N, 79.' '001 18 IV IV IV '" '" ~ ".. :-: N '" . (JO 11> ~ -4_ ~ . f'T1 1:<:... ;"'; L ~':' : Ii t:~r ~<.!~ t~~~'-~ ~.~ ..... ~ (fl ". CIl"l ~ ': 1 r., _ 'lio ", ~ _" I ~ j. ~~ lit. !oJ ::D ,.... rf1'O'" I. ,,,-.. ~;_~ ....W! _I ~~_~.. d~iR"'""J "'0 OIl> ;::;t '" 11f"<ii;~:; _:xl ~i7T'\ I" ^-j'. I" "'\ ~ ~ 81:1,0 -i (/) 01 ~:: t~ ,,~... f. S ,MARIANNA\ V T 11>',1 WAY," ! I C5'..! ,.... rn 10.0. ,., ~ ! ~ ,...::;; t?,. ..... I> ~~?>C .,....,~ + '. (f) -i _'U '~.- 1.1 ~~....... -IJ '" ~ r- '1 ~ _. --1' ~".. g ",." <II. ~ . - " ,,~ cro n _:;, ~~ I::l ~~ ~ i~ 0 N CIl ..'J ..,. -.., ~ "" ~ -.. .. - [h" ~ "'~ yS; 100.0" JOC.DC 1t1(;J,Ii"~" I '" ~ ~. ;;0 . ~ Io.~. - c' (JooI N N:) N ~ ~ 0"'61 CII 0 0: .t ~ lit ,..,~ " C3 ~)- ~ I/) R:J '" ~ _ . 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PD911 ~ f~ ... ~~ c: ~ ~!1 3+30 ^ ".. v I ~ I' C) .. ""'i t93,. JLI ,'9~ "J .tl,. 11> ,9~ ~~ c:c C:l c:c ... I/LO 73 <II ,..t6., ~ b o . v. ... \. ~, o IQO.~ '7 7 I Q:l I C3 l:' . "b Q ... , ... t. ~ 39"R.C.P. -+ '~ I Q) ~. l "! '" .. <(\ -,"l t; . ~MiT'1t 85-(3\ T Transamenoa Insurance Services Transamerica Premier Insurance Company AJJmlOlSlratlYe a'f1ee If"9II08. Cahlorma TRANSAMERICA PREMIER INSURANCE COMPANY c/o Commercial Surety Bonding Agency r Ci ty of Campbell 70 N. First St. Campbell, CA 95008 L o Northern California 1265 S. Bascom Ave.. Suite 108. San Jose. CA 95128 ,,. _.-_ 14081 298-C~A,).,~ SUBDIVISION STATUS INQUIRY ..Ia C ~ '#l- I ,.0(1. ~ DO ~ l'1tJ 'tIt./{,l ~6'e ~#~~:04>..f:I Iq4tQ ~ -.J o Southern California 630 The City Dr.. Suite 120. Orange, CA 92668 17141 971-CSBA 127221 BOND NUMBER TPI 779638 SUBDIVIDER Sea Breeze Villas TRACT NUMBER TRACT NAME Tract 8105 Sea Breeze Villas- Darryl Drive IMPROVEMENTS Sanitary Sewer Improvements I PLEASE ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW AND RETURN THIS FORM. rWJJ 1. Has this work been fully completed and accepted? D Ves ~ No 2, If accepted. on what date? 3, If not accepted. is work progressing satisfactorily? If no. explain 4, Percentage completed? 7.s- l!- Ves DNo REMARKS . ~D --r-o RE{Y\,A',!'J ;~ E:FfE"'-T. Above information furnished by: (signature) c=.. ~-,-r:yJ' Title ;?".8~"L Wo,~~ ::z;:;