88-138 ~. G-~ -: ::- g;.U;J~ .... ...~...'" .U~n. ~:J~ n ,.. n ~ ""..... n .............. .:..::~~:>g f.. ...0 ... n n ,.. ":I' :J. N ~~.:~ .. :J >- ~ On......o ....:J.-...."" ...... "' ~ n ....n"," I<" n 0:7' .C.._". "lnnC >.-"'-" :.: 0>"0 Q'U:._n< . 7' .. . o :J :r < .., ~E:::~ .. a r-. . U"" ~ ", . :J n .. eo ..... :> n ... "" .... ::J :;J (. n Q n. ....n... .....,.." On. ::r ...c:.... ~., :>> -. o .. r.. . .. ......... :J . 7,"- .. . -""C"'''r1 I'ft.....O:1" 0.<...... wn... :J -... ....1\ "'~.:r ~oo. ~"':I~~~ .00........... ,....."'(1 . "'" r- .., ,.. :::~~Z ~'< "A. r:r ;Jf~..::;= -unO . ".. :) .. .- < .: 0 .......n "'....nn ~ .:.r II :J ~. . . n.. ......n :1';) o .. ~ ._ .. " ,:) .. n . .... n :r . u... -u . ~ n _ n ~~":1=- ...Q. ... n ,- ., CITY 0' CAKP~~L~ Ot:PI. or t'UbLIC WOkKlt . 70 Horth 'll.t it. . C..pb.ll. CA '~on. (.0111 IIh-21..0 P.ralt a10. ~rYf--/3cr -' ~ PUbLIC WORKS PEkKIT lTlJrlmtl1n~ lR'tlff publlc el~h~ot-W'Yl IUIl.d '-I I 'J..{.. C ~ ~.C.l~.W f. In 14 ao.. APPLICATIOH - Appllcatlon 1. hereby a.d. lor a 'ubllc ~ock. 'er.lt "uniclpal C04., II.CI1011 11.0.. (;. [1: x-Iter. t1 Ie AppUcallun D.l. :f- /~- cf".,p-- f, ..plr.. 1 . ao . ln accordanc. wlth C..~b.ll- 'l' I I' ~. ~ork a4dee.. or te.ct . /~ 7/ CL. >bL Yo [1. c UtLllty te.nch loc.tlon ...tuc. 01 WQCk:, AZe/:%..-4C-tf"" 2>.4-/'1.;46"- c7:> ~L>6'A/;IIJ'-~ . . Att.ch Ilv. C~l copl.. 01 . drawlng .ho~lni the loc.tlon, ..tent .nd dlaen.lon. ot the WOck Th. dr.wing .t.a11 .holll the c.latlon ot the plopo..d WOI~ to e.l.ting .urt.ce .nd undel9tOund L.proveaent.. ~hen 'PPloved by the Clty tngln..r, .ald dra~lng b.co... . pact ot thi. pcralt. The Gcnel.l Condltion. tor all peralta .re 11.ted on the rev.rae .1de. Specl.l Prowi.lon. tor thl. petlllt ar. 11.ted below. t.l1ure to .blde by the.e condltlon. .n4 prowl.lon. ..y eCMult in 10b .hut-dollln and/or torteltuee of ,.lthful Pertoeaance bund. .nd ca.t. depo.lt~. ISec e.necal Condltion. 1 and ~l. t. An .ppllcatlon f~.t acco~p.~ th~~apPllc.tlon. Thl. 1. non-r.fund.ble. ....e ot Applic.nt. ~tuE & HAlo! ~ Telephon.: Addc.u /19 7/ E L-. S /J ,-'y 0 c'Al'1 ~ G'L-'-- U' Ia. c. ~. ~ l' I). ;;.. '\ '\. (" r. :.- '377,. 7.1) 1/ I' thla ~o,k being done 'by the property owner at th.l, own re~ldenccl ___yea no Coaplete .tt.ch.d ~orker.' COllpen..tlon and Contr.ctoc tora.. The Appllc.nl/~erlllttec herebY '9r... by .ttl.ing theic .i~n.tuce to thl. perait to tlold the Clty ot C...p..u:ll. it. OttlCef~, .'lenta .nd e..ployee. teee, ..Ate .nd harale... feull .ny cl..... or delll...d foe 4....9.:. fe.u1tln'J trolll the ~ofk COVefed by thi. pee.it. ACCtl'TED hereby aCknolllled'Jeli that they hawe r.ad .nd Ilndcratand both UIC fcont ana t t th wll1 1ntora thelr contr.ctucC.1 ot the intor.at~. " iLZ~ ~9 .nO "OT~S: ALL'WOkK SHALL CONtOkK ~ITlt TH~ ATTACHED, APP~OV~O 'LANS ANO ALL API'LICAbL~ CAKPb~LL STANDAkD OKAWIHCS AND CONOITI0H~. Tilt: CONTkACTOk MUST IIAVt: TillS Pt:kHIT AND APPROVt:D PLo\Hlt ANII "UST Kt:tT 1lI1TH THE P.W. IHSf');;CTOIt OH Tilt: SITt AT Lt:A:>T '-WO DAY:; b);;10kt STIUtTINCi WOIUl. H01'ICE KU~T U~ GIV'H TO PUULIC WORKS AT LEAST ~. HOURS btYOkE R~STAkTIHG ANY WORK. S~ECIAL PkOVISIOHS .. r -' _1. Stred ."All not be open cut tor underground In.t.U.tionli. "lnl"ulIl cut. ..y be .ll..,",ed tor connectlon:; oe ellplor.tion hole.. Such cut.. aUII" lit! .r~Cdlcolly opprovrd by (hr IllIi(.rCl lIr . pavl~e~.ay be cut tor undergcouna Inllt.ll.tion. .nd au.t be relltoeed 1n .ccora.nce wltll the Ut illty Trench ItcaltOlat Ion Standard 01.lIIin9. Wurk to ~r IIl.ked by . licenaed Land 6urveyor 01 Civl1 Englneer .nd two C21 cople~ of the Cll( ehectll acnL tQ lhe Public Woek Oept. bdore at.rting WOCk. TI~ hour. ot work .,e lLaited to out~ldc the hour. ot ,-~ .... and l-~ p... toe any WOCk .ttecllng . (Iattlc 1.n.. ~. (IJ Ci a;. I', _2. c _l. 'l,; (~ Cl"; -.. -~. u.: PERMIT AP~LIC~TIOH ,tK ,LAN CU~CK DEPOSIT >>OND 'Ok rAlTl1l'UL ,tkI'OkKAHCE ,. ~. (CA~UI O~~SJT ca-l) '/($l~.OO) .. AHOUNT IlJ::CJ::II'T NO. P. i JS'- //377 I ~ f ~. " $ $ ;!..(JO - /J>377 $ fPZ!'t. 4-- i2 -e~ LJ'~. (f) ST...OAllD i~O.OO $~OO.OO (lOa, 01 ENe. tGT.l ~C$~OO) c., 01' MO"U.$~OO MINI "tltlllT rEt: Cl' 0' '.P. MOHD ~ ".... .J.' 'SSIW<C< ~~j "Pl'ltOV~O 'Ox f: PIllP~ItKIT Il.vh.d l/bl ~ ...,., # ~ c:::::> ~ {'Io '~ " (. '>:' ~ ..c. ..... ~ i\._l.o'_~ V.. v 1 tl'\ r l' ~, ~~ I .t'.> "" j.,_.. .. \'.. flit 0. . :1~'. ~~~'=:J.". . .. I I t. ..j \ , " <..tJ i .. " "\, -..l >...- i ~--'-~'1 ,--....1 -... :j , I,. { t l. Ih~ I !t ..... 11 I '-t ~. SP.1\ \ . ( ~, i t~ \ \Jt ) ~ 1) r- ,'.!":.- C,.;- );;~ --,"'" o ;,;: ..p.c1"II (" .. ......".--~'__...,_"..........~.....#...~.~;o~..:,,,..,.',;;.><.-.,... ';:~J~"'-"""'--"""----'''.''---"''''"'"'-~~.. ...........-.... .....---=- \1 ) / / ........." j , f . , !~ )~ j \ , '- ~ ~ .t ~ "'_....-......-.,....-_....._.__,~,___.:l:.~ "-'.. -J ,.'" ~ .~ .~ t ~. \~ ~ ~ ~ R: L/) '. D ~, , 0 ~ \ ~ \ .Ii --0- -~ ----- /' ( '-'- --,~ ,; . . I ......~~~. L...-...-"~.,..,, .~/ ".....! ~~~,..~. ~ ~ G) ~ ....... ftl. . ~:. , ~ . ! /if ~v l/l ,", ....____",.z..",...',....,-... ....;.c~..-~....r'-,;J REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Address: Line 1: 1071 El Solyo (30 spaces) (30 spaces) Please issue check payable to: Air Service City : Campbell (20 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95008 (2) (10 spaces) (24 spaces) Line 2: Description: Cash Deposit Refund Exact Amount Payable: Account Number: $116.00 001.00.905.0000.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for Excavation Permit No. 88-138 (see receipt #18377 dated 4/12/88). Requested by: Approved by: Verified by: Gregg Eaton Title: P . W. Inspector Date: 11/2/88 Date: 11/2/88 Don C. Wimberly Title: P . W. Director Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is xx Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT late Jolt ~8 / / Address /,0 7/- Permit or Project No. '88-/38 E/~ SO<-/10 /" Type of work: Street. Storm Sanitary Electrical Other (describe) .51'~4'I'~ eo/.2).d:"i,...~~ ~..a~..Ie:::S [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) [J FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY ~AL INSPE~TION - ACCEPT~~E Signed plans? Y ~ (If Charges against deposit? . ~ Overtime: hrs. @ $ Date Ai rea&on: LIST (attached) signed, Council acceptance.) N /hr. - $ .5eE'~/CA-l?k: kA-1TlC\~ Barricade rental Date Ai reason: (attach invoice)? ~ N J~ - .LJ / b A.h!S7" ..s6i::L.~c ../,013 s,''''';- ,,?li"/l ~U~/~e;s, $ ..33~ 7D ~T.:rt3S2..1 /fa..f.r,i'r# /8.3 7 7 LGEN~ ~/'J) Other? $ $ Total charges deducted from deposit: (Ca&h Deposit $ less charges $ $ - Refund $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) Engineer ~ Inspector r (~ I T}I 0 F C}\ M P It E it 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 Public Works October 28, 1988 Department: Mr. Gene A. Haun 1071 El Solyo Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No.: 88-138 Location: 1071 El Solyo Maintenance Bond Amount: Waived We have made a Final Inspection of subject public works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing faithful performance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action, We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed, Please feel free to call the undersigned if you have any questions. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE:sd cc: Suspense - 1 year TO: City C I e rk Please collect & receipt for the following monies: PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. c:fYc - /3? (specify project) peJLm,{;t eu: R-l : ($35) AMOUtn $ :J~- Depos it 2-00 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) 3373 3373 & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) .-'2 Final Parcel Hap Fil ing Fee ($300) :2 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) 1372 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Adjustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements ($500) 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Envi ronmental Assessment:' Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res" $2,060; all other, $2,250) J395 Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage NAME ~- J!:r u A/ ADDRESS 2(f& ~ V~ ~ TOTAL $ 2-:3 s-- PH:lNE '3 77- 2- 0 / / /J /J ~/) {~~ ZIP fS-u & cY DATE / '7'1 ~z:so 0-11;)./ ~S ( J July, 1987 FOR C I TV CLERK ONLY RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT PAID RECE I VED BY POLICY NUMBER: PR 505 975 0001 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY r> THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: City of Campbell and its respective Officers, Agents & Employees 70 N. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS AN INSURED (SectIOn II) is amended to Include as an insured the person or organization shown In the Schedule. but only with respect to liability ariSing out of "your work" for that insured by or for you. (:.' "It is hereby agreed that the City of Campbell & its respective Officers, Agents, ~. and Employees are named as Additional Insured from and against any claims loss liability cost or expense arising out of or in any way connected wtih the construction of the project. This coverage shall be primary and any coverage carried by additional insured shall be excess insurance only." JOHN GLAGE UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTION 1116 Dell Avenue Campbell, CA 95009 CG 20 10 11 85 Copyrtght. Insurance Services Office, Inc. 1984 n PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Jate ~~7h~. Permit or Project No. '88-;38- Address )07(- e L Soyu ~pe of work: Street Storm Sanitary Electrical Other (describe) .s,~c..V4LIc.....C.U.e~ ~~ ~Q~~ ~PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) []FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans? Y ~ (If signed, Council acceptance.) -(1) @ $ Charges against deposit? Overtime: hrs. Date 5 reason: 1:D /hr. - $ Barricade rental ~~ttach invoice)? CD N Date 5 reason:_.J4l.a'LL-- At})/) ?Al C,'AJ/tf., au~uE $ Other? $ $ ~otal charges deducted from deposit: (Cash Deposit $ less charges $ $ - Refund $ o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release' maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) Q Inspector Engineer IQ) ek. req.) _~~c;hCLGv:7 L,,,;r ~/T~. 88~/3.f3 /07/- E'L- 5'7'0 ~7 Z? /f~t3 ~.dj7~~ C-0-;? j:"" L~oE 6p~~~r 0;' E~ ._~Lv~~_d-r:'//2 C)4G~ _.j;)-&/~r I~Low~L-~ L-.~or6u~~ AT _.~_.__V&?L~Lacd72~oS~C>A4.C.. ~5r ,&~ R-,ODCD ._._ m_~ 1M' -k~r/;frl~ . , ..yJ)_C0-/ _ O-?~ _ .4-??/V~w_ A. C. ~L&F~_j~_~t';)C;7l.- -'-_u_~a:rI_&XI':S 77';'" (; /f'Q&2~/lc;~ ___.q)__6t2Y€Jt4?,. _ _ _C~ u Cd;4-{)E-..5./~7-t.J~L4'&16~/..577L?:;--r- __~~.~_.L5n2fr- ~._..;:;/? 6;...;,qLL~y.'-~72Q,...j 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 [--- .~, r~--_~yc - \,Y' 'h_.____ CITY GF CAMPBELL --- Department: Public Yorks , . ..-: ----r-;'- I, May ~'i~.""JI"'o___,~=IJ Gene E. Haun 1071 El Solyo Campbell, CA 95008 RE: PERMIT NO. 88-138 LOCATION: 1071 EL SOLYO Ye have made a preliminary inspection of the work covered under the referenced permit. Deficiencies in the work have been found are are shown on the attached list. These deficiencies must be corrected before the work can be accepted by the City and bonds or deposits released. Please contact Public Yorks Inspector Gregg Eaton to schedule corrective work or clarify any questions. Upon completion of all work and correction of all deficiencies, we will need a written request for final inspection and acceptance of the work. This then sets in motion the actions necessary to release your bond and refund your deposits. Thank you for your cooperation. DNV/le encl. cc: G. Eaton, Public Yorks Inspector B. Long Sr. Lighting & Traffic Signal Technician CITY OF CAMPBELL DEFICIENCY LIST Permit No. 88-138 1071 El Solyo May 27, 1988 1. Repair chip in lip of gutter (west of easterly driveway approach). 2, Asphalt is low (below lip of gutter) at various locations. More AC must be added. 3. Chip seal all new AC surfaces in order to match existing road surface. 4. General clean-up of sidewalk, curb, gutter/street. 5. Submit letter for final inspection, Permit No. Applicant ty~/)? INFORMATION SHEET FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Contractor's License and Workers' Compensation Insurance. Name of Contractor Telephone Address State Contractor License No. City Business License No. Expiration Date Will do the following types of work: _____underground _____P.C. concrete _____A.C. paving _____electrical _____other (specify) WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Contractor/Applicant One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self.insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration date OR The Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed). CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in employ any person Compensation La work for this permit, I shall not become subject to the Workers' Signed Date YZ-0/9.r NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/APPLICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. f:PERMINFO REV. 11/87 ,~,~,o..,.._.,~..---_, o. .0.................... :l: - . . . CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NO. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 866-2150 FIELD MEMO 0.', .'.~. - -: ..."'. ) ~ - 'J': . ~\"~'~ 0: .,,': DATE a~//8B / ' PERMIT OR PROJECT NO. ADDRESS/LOCATION I I:L INSPECTOR/ENGINEER G:eeG,,~ - .t::-/I7Od " . i~ RECEIVE08y~EFT o.J ~/~A~ CONTRACTOR/OWNER