88-140 .. . !}~ ~ : g;."J" ..... ...~..... -:>A.n. ... :J .0 " ~ n ~ "'Ii... n N......... .:.. ~ ~ ~ :> g 1:.....;;-:.... ~::r:J. N ~r:-.::: .. :J )to ... On........o "':J ,- . ~... .... .. ".,., n ....nnan II" " O:r .C..........,. nlnnC ~....'^.O ~ 0>><0 O'O~.....,,< .::J" .. . o :I ::r < ... ~ E :: :: U .. a ..-. . "" :J .... . ::J n - .. ...... :> n Pi 0:" ... :> :l r. o 0 ... . ,,- n .... . ..,..... n". :r ... c: ... ':.C..~.. o A. ro. , .. ........ :> . 7"- .. . -&AO~..... ,...n....o=''' 0.. <..A.- wn.... ~ -... ....0 "'''''';1" "" Ci u . ~"':I~S: . no......... ~......... - ..,...... -,,, ~:;~(; ~'< "'" r-:r ... ,: .ot.... .. :J_MI_.M ......ng .. "... ::a ... .... < a: 0 .......n .n,...nn .. .;,s II' :l :.u. . _ n_ ...-n:r:1 o"Ut- .... ,. :>> .. n . .- ,.. :.r . 0... "U . ~ n . t\ ~.IA ~~ ;J =- "'A. ... ~, .- -. (, ~'-j~ RECEIVED ~?~ ~ITY 01 CAKPb~LL PUbLIC WOM~S PEkKIT 'ecalt Mo. ___ ~~PT. or PUbLIC WOkl~ l11nriWGnrrn~ In-t~1 ~ 10 Noeth fllel i1f\.OR 151988 p~bUc c1~tlt_-O~-wa~) X-ltet. Uh 7X. t!5IJ 2-- [1: ~:O~~e~~,_~~~O'~CUi lUlled 8rf.. ,2)- 4 J AppUcallon Dal. '-I J{J'lcrcP I, PUBLIC WORKS h,.a up nA ~ .01. ..pll" ~ . I ~ APPLICATIO~ - APPd~D6t*M~'C.bY .ad. loc . 'llbl1c Woca. ,.calt In .ccor~anc. ~lth Ca~~bell- Kwn1clpal Cod., ~~~~~!~ ri -' ll. w.," ........, ...c.. /?/?/ ~.P7~~. {l~ ..Il It. .. ..ch loc~".. '/ 1n';,erJ~mMo-T 1"?/1nr.S = l' g-/3 ">- "at~Ce ot WOCI&;, fl1b/fC- S/?~.E:'Er- (,."....fliZ-~ v~~ f:s . AttaCh flve (S) copl.. of . 4rawlng .howlng the locatlon, e.tent an4 41..nalonl ot the WOtk Th. duw1n9 .t18U ahow the uhtlon ot the plopo.ed "'Ola to .Hlting allllac. and undelglollnd 1.pcoveacnte. When apPloved ~y the City Englne.r, .ald drawlng b.coa.. a paCt ot thi. peCalt. Thc General Conditionl tor all perait. arc l1et.d on th. cev.,.e .1de. Speclal ~covi.lonl tOt thl. perait ace l1a'ed below. tailul. to abide by thele conditione and provlllone ..y 1.lult In 10b .hlll-down and/oc tOlteltllle 01 'elthtlll 'ector.ance b~ndl and caeh Ocpo.it~. iSc. Genecal Condition. 1 and 1). Thill 11 non-cdunOablc. '''2-4-4-_4(;.('.b-o Telephone: ,9f'~-/;(/ C+. r/.' 8 _yu cs:no 'l' I I' (1, C U' M. ~, C. ;; C' o. ;;.. '\ '1. c- I. )00 t. _ ~n aRPJ&Cat~on tee Nd/ ~ I)e..y-,.~ ." Halle ot Applican' A(l(lCC6ill I. thi. wOla belng (lonc'by the propccty own.c at tn.lc own ce6ildenccl Coaplete attach.d WockecI' Co.pen.ation and Contcactoc toca.. The Appllcant/~er.lttcc heCcby agl... by aftaxing thelc .i~natule to thi. pelait to tlold the CIty ot Ca..plH:ll. lla ottlcel., a'lellt. and ...ploY..1 tree. ..ate and har.le.. hUll any claL. 0' de..,.d tOI d4u.a9.:a t..ultJn~ frOIll the WOta covered by th1. peCllit. tcont and NOT~S: ALL'WO~K SlIALL CONrOMK WIT" TH~ ATTACHED, APPhOV~D PLANS AND ALL A~~L1CAbL~ CAKP~~LL STANDAhD DkAWIN~S AND CO"DITIuH~. Tile CONTltIlCTOf( MUST IIAVt: TillS Pt:ItMIT AND APPROVJ::D PLANS ANU MUST K1:I:T ..ITH THE P.... IN~I'~CTOIt ON TilE SITE AT LEA:OT ,'WO DAY~ b~tOk& ST.\ltTIHG WOU. NOTICE "U~T DE GiVeN TO PUbLIC ..ORKS AT LEAST 24 HOUItS berO~E kESTAkTINC ANY WORK. S~[CIAL PItOVISIOHS ., r -' _1. StUd ..hAU not be open cut tor underglound in5t.llation5. Hln1"ull Clltlll Ilay be allowel1 toe conhectlo"~ oe explocation nole.. ~uch cut. .uMl be IP~CltlColly Approved by thc IlItiP"Cll.ol. P~.~..y be Cllt tOI und.'~roun~ in.tallation. and aUlt be te.totcd 1n eCCOC~AncC "Ltn the Uti1ltV Trench ae~toratlon Standard Dra",inq. W~rk to Uc .lAked by a 11ccn~ed Land &ulveyoe 01 Civll En9in.cl And twO 121 copies ot the Cllt Ihcc'l IClIl to lhe A'ua.lic Work DePt. befurc Alaltlng WOlk. TI~ houl. of wor. alc llllilcd to out.ldc the bour. ot 1-~ .... and )-6 p.ll. tor .ny wOtk attectln9 a (Iatllc Ian.. q "J C u.: a;. I', _2. Vl. -- 'l,; I~ C'; _4. -~. (a-I) (U~.OO ) rOjt ST~DAk1) $SO.OO / $~OO.OO \/ (100' 01 ENG. ~6T.) ($200) (4' or MOHD,$~OO HINI ~ (" 0' '.P. MOND " ~r U~.OO KIN) lSSUANCt: -.:.......)v10. ,i (I>-'\. I.. ,__ ~ el' ...OUNT kt:Ct:ln NO. ro, . PL/ /-t- (" $ ~.l)O /0 L)'..J .... , ~OO. '-0. /,F'YS'.) .<\ :; , '~.C;;oa. (,~~"""~ $ \1b 1~..oo~4. s: \ ,,~ $ '",~\c...OO llf1G,'8 '\\,'1<.e.. ..eo /111i1 f /~ ~~JtI' I u' f: PWP'IUU T lI.vi..d l/U' ~ PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT DAte 3~ ~ P~rmit or Project No. /p;p, ~/-f!-O / ' Address /...3t!3/ -~dd!-~".:-r. 4v~. Type of work. Street ~rJD SAnitAry Electrica.l Other (describe) [)PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) [JFlNAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plAn&? Y N (If signed, Council AcceptAnce.) ChArges AgAinst deposit? Y Overtimez brs. @ $ DAte' reAson; N /hr. $ BArricAde rentAl (AttAch invoice)? DAte , reAson; Y N $ Other? $ $ TOtAl chArges deducted from depositz (CAsh Deposit $ less chArges $ $ - Refund $ ck. req.) []ONE~INTENANCE ~ YEAR MAINTENANCE (ReleASe'mAintenAnce WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) - ACCEPTANCE bond. Check Request if CAsh.) Engineer ~ Inspector CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 Public Works Department: March 22, 1989 Nicholas A. Speno & Assoc., Inc. 1142 S. Winchester Blvd. San Jose, CA 95128 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No.: 88-140 Location: 1381 Harriet Avenue Maintenance Bond Amount: $42,600.00 Gentlemen: We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, we will recommend the acceptance of the work to the City Council. We will send a copy of their resolution accepting the work upon their approval of same. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (I) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above" or maintain your existing faithful performance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one (l) year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~.~ Carl M. Jocson Ass ciate'Civil Engineer CMJ : ad cc: G. Eaton, Public Works Inspector Council Agenda C. Gase, Administrative Aide Bond Comfa~y: Suspense - I year ';'""., f/acc-ltr ~~"-rttB8 -'/fu f ~ C~ /)~C .1 I ., ~ b PIiO/ 3 /9~ rlM <II] JI1 '0 ENGEOTECH, IN\.;; ~/4'ttMVR,fS Soil and Geological Engineers 1'4'0 473 Sapena Court, Unit 15 . Santa Clara, CA 95054 . (408) 988-8225 November 30, 1988 N.A.S. Development 1142 So. Winchester Boulevard San Jose, California 95128 Attention: Mr. Nick Speno Subject: Proposed Residential Development Harriett Avenue Campbell, California TESTING AND INSPECTION DURING GRADING OF STREET Gentlemen: Per your request, our firm performed testing and inspection services during grading operations of Street for the Proposed Residential Developmnent located on Harriett Avenue in Campbell, California. The area under the Street was rough graded and excess material was removed. The subgrade under the curbs and road was scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted. It was finish-graded and rolled. The results of the field density tests performed by us indicated that the subgrade in Harriett Avenue and new street was compacted to 95.6 to 97.5 relative compaction. Baserock in the new street was compacted to 96.7 to 97.8 relative compaction. A.C. was compacted to 97.3 to 98.2% relative compaction. If you haye any question, pl ease gi ye us a call your conyenience. yours truly, ENGEOTECH, INC. ~~ Muhammad Hussain, G.E. ENGEOTECH, INC. ? --.r- --_.....-w_____ ~ . ~ ". ~1iIQ I . ,~~~ ~ Lm .- :5 ~,~ ~ .~ t::! ~ a ~ Il) ?5~ 111102 I, & .J XI/STon/ y. 21~,p" .. ,) (L 54,t)tL . ~ 0 I~ I~ '" 0 ,.I~ '" l~ .. .. ... ,- 0 . 10,. J!l~" , "!;fL( !'O . '0 LM*",,~51'';! S4 g I~ -'-..' II~ ~'- I~ I 117,36 11'1.) ... CT. Cl"_ ...,I IlS,90 PI CT'l CIlI 11'0/ I 14,72 I~ 24,12 - -..~ 0.4 D --". "~f - '" /71U l~ ~ 125.13 ." n r ,~ 87 , '238. B3 'to I. ~ t ~ ~ i J~ l! "'" !) )fa If ,,) 11.]6 ~j ~ \.., . AVE " IlU2 -( 0 :0 =- ~ .. ^ ~ '" "',tlO' BII," .... I~ 0 20 !O -. ~ 11162 ~ ~ ... ."N ~_ - 1: '. :0 I;: .. .. 1> , < rf1 ... I~ .... .. ... m 3 .~ . ... - - , rJ i ~ Azm/7- rr 6B-/4D l~ ~ 11' I~ 1: ." S l\.h n r 'J ,CZl 8 B7 ,~ I' 't '''' u ~ ~ ... ~ . ';~- ' ~;: ~ ~ ;,. I ~._j I I ".JI I 101 '\) 1110 10\ - ~~_._- ~ """ ,'"" Il~ '"' ~I ~ ",)1 II ~. t ss l~ a' , &i:t ~ Att~rn tttiiJ~J A'- ~~.. _ __ I , , A. . \~: i_I ~ " . ~ ~ -- T I ..".. '- /;. ~~. l} ....' '. ~ ~ i> '1 T '-4,\- D --r'F""\ \ , / \ \ .,;... , '. . ~~ fTrT"lu..IJ}-,; ~ ~. . . . '. j ~ '. -kn:J~.~ :~. \ _ ~ ' ' ~it-<Z0, r- - ~ ". :. d;' _~o ' 1 : - :' ::. ~ l.,.: ~ ,4 0 . t~ ;~\ ". ..-; - ry~' , ~ -", ~ \;:: ,0'" ~ - ~.$ .~, Lb / :- l""" . ,"'" ": i-l " ---.......... -J 1_....K '" '-,~ .' . ~ .,1.~ .!: I:,; '< r ;Q \1 , H~'., ~~) 2 i ;' - ''>-- '''. · J \ II .~ r_ II 1 'Mr ~r , l~ i".'ft. . ~-~ '='d.::- '-- 1.1:" \ \ ~T 1 I '1 I' 1./, · o' . ~~~~ r~ \~n ~;I~...t!!.. ~ &l."~ !_ ;= · · , i~ ..':;- ] II I----l ~r I ~ -J. ",-. <,.. .. "...~ -1~ · >--.' 1 L I II ~~oo;oc~ (Ii ..~ .... ~ ' ~'--JI~:= 'J lfi //Jr~1~\~\.- fti~"'-l:r.'j!C I I >-.:..:., J ':., i\ .'t ... : " -J I I II I I - -R 'i- . " j -:;ifH1. ". " '., ..J !G H I 4;b-.J :fH :. I . , . . . m~l' - ~'R-\iUll I B1' '. - J ~ m\~~rT1 "'~~JJJTH I~i --!=Jr :U.[~.... ITRi~ ~~., I J I I h ::J=-,J=8;r~iP:z1~mim' L,R-~B=~ \- r r, I--J r .I II- ..... _ ~.~...- :-Ir.;fi '--- ~'L- " r:=L-oi, , " I v.,. . "/.' I~ f! __~. ~ _"" :~.'~~P:'~' 11 I--- . ., .., "'~_ . I, . ...., . I .~. ,- .- ~ -, ..... I . :k -,~:" -;*,...~~ . \ }i!L Curb Grades o Sewer Grades (Sanitary) JENNINGS-McDERMOTT-HEISS, INC. 925 Regent Street San Jose, California 95110 286-4555 Sheet No, j of Street o House Connections ,/ Tract No, Date , 19 CONTRACTORS ATTENTION Grades are given from top of stakes, In case of a sidewalk the given grade refers always to the top of a curb; in case of a pipe or flume, it refers to the height of the bottom of invert, or inside bottom; the slope of sidewalks as shown on plan, The contractors are cautioned to observe the following rule in using the grade stakes given by this office for putting in curbs, sewers, flumes and all other work, Three consecutive points that are shown to be on the same rate of slope must be used in common in order that any variation out of a :perfect straight grade may be de- tected, and in case any such discrepancy is found, the same must be reported, Otherwise this office will not be responsible for any error In the grade of the finished work, Curb to be feet from property line. STAKES ARE SET to FEET OFF rC- liNE Grade sheets for plans approved by the City of "', ''\.-1 '-- f.'1 (', t' "'~1 o t,~, '- SIDE SIDE STATION CUT FILL CUT FJIJ. OR LOT NO, Felli Feel FN'I FON u_.. 'PPGlP LI.)f.~ :tU , .., 0 /13 I /1'.'D . yL be. 0 'Le:;; OJ ......,... r~ ~t:, () '2 '1 - '1/ ,., () L~ 1 , "c l 2, ;) . ...... ; ;..,. - "fJ- UK. (\ 04 ilk,. D 1St , . :.-IL. -- ~q 0 I P::. uP i..' -) to', U "1-\4 C.>-.l (I ('_lilt. ;~ ()l ,6 Wo ,,/ i 1:, ;J.. -~ \I ~.. 7 : , ...,. l /.'tC fi 1" ~_... . ,: ,,,,J Jol N '..._;a."'-"" -~ .-- ---- ----..-. - \'t ---'-~ -- FL ~) ",) t <-~ I r------ --- ~i~ -------- i---'~- --- --- U_'_'-_ --.--- ). i', ~ () ---+--- I ,. l.- V ----" 11~- ----1 ---- 0 ;~. \? 0 f' L.. -~ I - --.- .-L I --- ---- ------- l- - -- t-~_.. --.- -- I --..-- -------.- - I i --._~- -----+ -11--- -;gr- . =--u- .. ~ - ---I . -- ,---- -- --+- ./ / / Description: Cash deposit refu.nd State: CA Zip :95128\' (2) (10,~pacefi) (24 (30 (30 .. REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Robert Dewey Address: Line 1: 1142 S. Winchester Line 2: (30 spac~s)' ~..:\:" ,...t.'; , City: San Jose (20 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $8,356.00 Account Number:, 905.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for excavation permit 87-140. See receipts no. 19968 on the date'cof 7/18/88 for the amount of $6,816.00: no. 18455 on the date of 4/18/88 for the amount of $500.00: no. 20635 on the date of 8/24/88 for the amount of $1,040.00. ..~ . .' ,. .'",' J. . . ..' ..,'~ ;:'1 Mail as is x Title: P.W. Inspector Date: Ti tIe : P.w. Director Date: " , ' Accounts Receivable Date: CHECK: Mail in attached envelope , I Requested by: Gregg Eaton Approved by: Donald c. Wimberly Verified by: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING Return to: (Departmen t) (Name) Other: , 08/24/88 / TO: City Clerk / T. 35-.2..>96 3372 3521 3521 3372 3521 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ITEM Project Revenues (specify project) PubUc (:)0:1.1<-6 txca.va.:t.ion Pvr..mU feM: Appl ication Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance (Cash) Deposit R-7 : ($'35) ($200) cPcY-/YO PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO.-7f/-/7V AMOUNT $ OtheJ1.: ($ 50) ($500) (4% of FPB) ($500 m in. ) (7% of FPB) ($35min.) .5 tJ q:'- .5-POt? ~ Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) NAME ~~'l, -I- e+:dl~,LL-cl- , · U/ ADDRESS //,/02 xl k/~'!.t;.k~" v/;' tJ<---- / ? L/ ~- S- -c..,,~ 00 b='v" - Lf-I ~, 1'% ~ :2373 3373 3372 3372 }')72 .. 3372 3372 3372 3372 3370 :2395 3380 3510 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) Final Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($300) Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) Lot Line Adjustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements ($500) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($500) · Each Additional Lot ($150) Env i ronmen ta 1 As se 5 smen t: ' Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) Project Plans & Specifications ($10) General Conditions, Standard Provisions & Details ($10 or $l/page) "No Parking" signs ($l/ea. or $25/100 Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($5) T r a ff i c Flow t1a p (S 1 0 ) Traffic Data Services $ O/hr. + material costs Ma Revisions to Map Companies $10 Copies of Engineering Maps & Plans .50/sq. ft. Fire Hydrant Maintenance ($195/ea.) Publ ic Works Special Projects Postage TOTAL FOR , I TV CLERK ONL.Y RECE IPT NO. AMOUNT PAID RECE 'VED BY DATE' $ ,..-- iJO ...:; 5?/ ,-- PHONE ZIP ~5/~ ;' (3kl J " .//1 July, 1987 TO: City C I e rk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. ~8'-lcfD ':T. ---- J5-) 96 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: AMOUNT $ (specify pro.ect) PeJLmd e.M: R-l : ($'35) ;t eJl.: ($ 50) '( $500) ( % of FPS) ($500 min.) (7% of FPS) ($ 35 min.) &,g/ C:, , 00 I 1 1 'J.S, DO J Depos it Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) 3373 3373 J373 3373 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil in Fee ($350) J372 Final Parcel Hap Fil in Fee 300 2 Tentative Tract Map Filin Fee $ 00 3~/2 Final Tract Map Fil ing Fee $350 3372 Lot Line Adjustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance ($350) 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements ($500) 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Envi ronmental Assessment: ' Categorical Exemption ($500 plus actual cost Negative Declaration 'above $500) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre (R-l, $1,875; Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 2395 Park Dedication In-l ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Publ ic Works Special Projects 3510 Postage 3373 3373 2520 TOTAL NAME I?Db/1/~J<..., CJ- A<;"OQ~-f;,<,; (IfOhP;=j Ikw(?1/ ) , ( ADDRESS /1 C/2 [-Ju)~ks& R/ve/.. 5~ ,-k'hd- ZIP 9C:;/:2i{ RECEIPT NO. )C19G0,~ ) '8 , '7 -+4-. (J.t) k--P 7!/2(rf! July, 1987 "'OR .; I TY CLERK Q1iLY AMOUNT PAID RECE I VED BY DATE' -" ..'-1-- r".-' ':'~;:~'H"~'i '1-,;:,';;1"[; :;.";~-:~, ~:=]~~~~~~~-:_,i . "." \ J --- 'I \.__,__..--1--- -- , I \ )'j;;,IOYEH \ i _-.----. ._J L ::....~---..._..,._..;,-- ------ ( CITY OF CAMllBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Public Works Department: March 9, 1990 Nicholas A. Speno & Assoc., Inc. 1142 S. Winchester Blvd. San Jose, CA 95128 RE: One Year Maintenance Acceptance Permit No,: 88-140 Location: 1381 Harriet Avenue Gentlemen: We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond, Sincerely, Carlos M. Jocson A~sociate Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: Bond Co. G. Eaton IT' r/iA(-L~ PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT DAte ..:3~ .4t; Permit or Project No. ~R ~/#O / 7 Address /3tB/ - ~,e/€r 4vE: ' Type of work: Street ~rm SAni tAry ElectricAl Other (describe) (JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) (JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans? , Y N (If signed. Council Acceptance.) ChArges Against deposit? y Overtime: brs. @ $ DAte' reA6on: N /hr. - $ BArricade rental (Attach invoice)? Y N DAte , reason: $ Other? $ $ Total charges deducted from deposit: $ (CAsh Depodt $ less chArges $ - Refund $ ck. req.) []ONE~INTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (Attached) ~ YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) ~~ ~ Inspector CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Public Works Department: March 22, 1989 Nicholas A. Speno & Assoc., Inc. 1142 S. Winchester Blvd. San Jose, CA 95128 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No.: 88-140 Location: 1381 Harriet Avenue Maintenance Bond Amount: $42,600.00 Gentlemen: We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, we will recommend the acceptance of the work to the City Council. We will send a copy of their resolution accepting the work upon their approval of same. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above,. or maintain your existing faithful performance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one (1) year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, . ~~ Carl M. Jocson Ass ciate'Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: G. Eaton, Public Works Inspector Council Agenda C. Case, Administrative Aide Bond Company: ;'>'~""~ Suspense '-', 1 . year f/acc-ltr Date ~~/ PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Permit or Project No. '~~ ~~ ~ Address /3~/ - ~~~;e:7- . (' ~BN'U L-r'. ') - Type of work: Street Storm Other (describe) Sanitary Electrical o PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) rD 4/.;2 a. tP CJ / [JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ~INAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans'? . ~ N (If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? y Overtime: bra. @ $ Date , reason: (!) /hr. . $ Barricade rental (attach invoice)? Y Date , reason: ~ $ Other? $ $ $ · Refund $ Total charges deducted from deposit: (Cash Deposit $ less charges $ ek. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) 9~ gineer ~ CITY OF CAMPBEll FIRE DEPARTMENT 123 SOUTH UNION AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 95008 (408) 866-2189 C ~:::i'4 &~ i~( ~ ":] v\ y Date: 29 August 1988 RECEIVED I\UG 30'988 PUBUC WORKS ENG\MEER\NG San Jose Water Company 1221 S. Bascom Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 Attention: SUZANNE LEACH RE: TRACT NO. 81-32, 1371-1381 HARRIET AVE, CAMPBELL CA 95008 Gentlemen: This letter will serve as authorization to install one fire hydrant (4" by 2 1/2" by 2 1/2") at the location(s} listed below: 1. N. side of Robnick Court, approx. 300' feet W. of Harriet Avenue 2. 3. 4. 5. Sincerely, q~~.~~ Tyrone L. Chew, Captain Fire Prevention Officer / cc: Chuck Gomez wp/kp/hyd .\.".) bL l\..;.;.""'........~_~"~ ._ ............., I SEClION 6103 GOVEn:-~MENT COOl: AT THE REQUEST Of CITY OF CAN\(ll:I~Ll CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 NOTICE is hereby given that City of Campbell as Owner and Donald C. Wimberly the undersigned, as City Engineer caused street improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. NOTICE OF COMPLETION 10125663 K 965 PAGE 834 .------'---.-..-.- - - ..-." That the work on said street improvements was actually accepted on the 18th day of April, 1989. That the name of the Subdivider for said Owner is Robnick Associates, a general partnership, consisting of Robert W. Dewey and N. A. S. Development Co., Inc. That the nature of title of said City to said street improvements is that of Owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all Owners of said property are: City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said street improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Improvements installed in Tract No. 8132, Harriet Avenue and Robnick Court and having the following address: N/A Dated: April 27, 1989 UpQ\~~ Donald C. Wimberly, 1 City Engineer _____STATE_OF CALIFORNI.tL__ ___________ ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA I, Donald C. Wimberly, being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the Owner of the property described in the foregoing Notice; that I have read the foregoing Notice, and know the contents thereof; and the facts therein stated ar~,_true of my own knowledge. -,- Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of April, 1989 Donald C. Wimberly, City Engineer OFFICIAL SEAL CHARLENE M. CASE Notary f'ubllc-Calllornla SANTA CLARA COUNTY 10125663 (J) :po . zO ...,j '\ r- ,"'" JJl'-"'- ;'!'Icoe g :2 ~: r ::n r<1 ;,; :u C,:'):>:.P-/Tl ~~.: t"') g .- ;:': (") .... ..,e.... _,; 0 ::~ -(t" ;sf ~ Q1 ~~~~ CT1l 0 ~ ~"T. OJ ~ gi o ~ I'l_ I- '" Ul~ ~ 1-.... -fc ;;:;c 0 0 - ..,,;:;:: CD ,C; C-O ~ (!'ICVt~~1" m ~ Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California 88-140 NO FEE My Comm, Exp. Oct. 12. 1991 RESOLUTION NO. 7712 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS IN TRACT #8132, HARRIET AVENUE AND ROBNICK COURT WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that public improvements in Harriet Avenue and Robnick Court, Tract #8132, have been completed in accordance with City standards; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that public improvements be, and the same are hereby accepted, and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to record a Notice of Completion of said improvements. PASSED AND ADOPTED this following vote: 18th day of April , 1989, by the AYES: Counci1members: KOTOWSKI, ASHWORTH, BURR, CONANT, WATSON NOES: Councilmembers: NONE ABSENT: Councilmembers : NONE APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: ~J;.dJ7 ~. LOUISE PENA Deputy City Clerk THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS A TflUE' AND CORRECT COpy OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE, ATTEST: BARBARA OLSASKY, CITY CLERK, 7ft;:;:;f;5~ Jj -~~- ~ DATED fIres-consent J .' Permit No. ~~- \4-D Applicant ~\~ f:::>.~ 1i\;~~~. ; INFORMATION SHEET FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Contractor's License and Workers' Compensation Insurance. Name of Contractor N dd'~ A S~; ~ ~ Telephone rs1-/'J-/1 Address IIc(YSt ()JltJcJesrEx. 15/ui 5',IW JOSe, (If- 9ftl ~ , State Contractor License No. ~C>+3 tf 2- City Business License ~.~r'".sr7' Expiration Date 7(~~ ~ Will do the following types of work: _____underground P.C. concrete _____A.C. paving electrical _____other (specify) WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Contractor/Applicant One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration date OR The Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed). CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the perfo~ance of the work for this permit, I shall not employ any p son in any ner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensatio s C i rnia. Signed Date 1-(\-fr ,.. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/AP ICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. f: PERMINFO REV. 11/87 ~ o ~ l-I (J) +l +l (J) .-l 1Il ~ l-I ~ U ..-i .-l ~ Po< ~ o (J) u ~ III ::3 1Il . 1Il ol-l ..-i 'g l-I (J) ,0. 't:l 0> (J) ~ l-I 'rl 'rl 't:l &:-;:: (J) ::3 IX:1Il PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT ISSUANCE CHECK LIST (J) ol-l III 'rl ol-l 'rl ~ 'rl City of Campbell Public Works Permit No.~~-\~ \~b\ \~r>_\e-'"\ 1'::t.",e v Applicant section complete T'\2-. 'e:>\"""o1- v Applicant signature and date o . ol-l~ u 't:l (J) (J)..c:: l-I U ..-i ::3 ~ III (J).-l p:; 0. v' Permit Application fee, $35.00 for R-I, $50.00 for standard, paid. Receipt number \~~c;.~ ~' Plan check deposit, $500.00 for standard only, paid. Receipt number \ ~fe.~ ~ Five sets of improvement plans submitted ------------------------------------------------------------------------ vr Bond for faithful performance, 100% of City Engineer's estimate for standard only, posted and appropriately noted Amount $ \"\Olol\oCO.WForm \u... e.. ~(III. 1.D. # 04 "":.\ ~ '''fbte ~~"l" ~ Cash Deposit: $200.00 for R-l; 4% of FP bond, $500 min. for standard, posted. Amount $ c.~ \ Co.. G Q Receipt No. \ q", c.!:::. ~ Permit fee of 7% of FP bond, $35.00 min., paid. Amount $\l,~1e."O Receipt No. 'Otc\ <-&. ~Worker's compensation information received for Applicant (see Information Sheet for Public Works Permits) / Land development requirements met (see separate letter from land development section) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Worker's comp and Contractor's Information received for Contractor (see Information Sheet for Public Works Permits) v Certificate of Insurance with Additional Insured's Endorsment received from Contractor (see General Summary of Insurance Requirements for Public Works Permits) v Three sets of off-site plans, stamped APPROVED (Tract or Development and Public Works Permit number and property address on plans) c/ Permit signed for City Engineer WHEN ALL OF THE AB~~.'~J'EMS ARE COMPLETE, PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED Issuer: Initial ~ and date ~- *lq--~ and file with permit UPON ISSUANCE, INITIATE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT REFUND CHECK REQUEST. 4/88 f/permchklst t.J ~ ~ ~f ~ (' /'l '" = . o t!J ...::::; ....J ~ f '" ~ . .!!.J .!3 J J; !:l~~ ~ iJ cr' ia! lli1v ~j . ~~ ~ zr ~ r;:fl v~ J ~ ~"='- t40 CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE rOR PERKIT NO. By/Date Nt.:::::a~ \0~.,J:. c:'e/. ~ Name' Addrus---r-12. ~.L- ~~ ~ ~- Surface Construction .. 0 ::: ~ Clearing and Grubbing ~ ~ P I) /' () ';", 9 ~ X{; ~ jj ~~ ~ B.o, ~~~ 'J,v lli~ ~jJ ~-\~-b!:. \-br2.f2..\ ~T LUIIlp SUIIl E.tiaate .$~- Sawcut Concrete L.F. @ $ 4.00 . $ _ Concrete Removal S.F. @ 3.00 . $_ Curb' Gutter lemoval L.F. @ 5.00 . $ ___ Inlot Drain with Pipe - EA. @ 500.00 . $_ Curb and Gutter iC\~ L.F. @ 15.00 · $\\ct>Cl\~- Sidewalk -"L 4CS4 S.F. @ 3.50 · $ ~4-e,.q.- Driveway Approach , , , (.. S.F. @ 5.50 . $ fo \~~- Bandicap Ramp , EA. @ 1000.00 · $ ~ "00 - Extruded Curb L.F. @ 6.00 . $ - Barricade 'i;O L.r. @ 50.00 . $ "'2...~~- Street Excavation (S.F.)x($O.15)x(_") . $1..4.."(..- A.C. Pavement (S.F.)x($0.45)x(_") . '$~"l-, ~'"),.~- Adju.t Manhole to Grade EA. @ 300.00 . $ --- Adjust Bandhole to Grade I EA. @ 200.00 . $ 1...00- Konullent Box v Monument ~ EA. @ 500.00 . $ ,<;;;~- Street Tree (15 gallon) <1 EA. @ 200.00 . $ l Cf::oOo- Pavement Striping ($100 min) L.r.@ 0.65 . $ ,,,"-- Pavement Legends ($100 min) EA. @ 40.00 . $ \ 60- Stop.Street Name or Other Sign \C;) EA. @ 120.00 . $ \"'2....Cr>- Pavellent Markers 4- EA.' 15.00 · $ <.c:>- Pavement Key Cut L.F.@ 8.00 . $ - ~G c:.oUF.<""'(,O)~~~l~'S.") - . $ \~~1- . $ Surface Subtotal "S" · $ \ \ ~ t 4'~ Adjult. for dze: S<$30.000 add 20%. S"> $100.000 aubtract 10%JO")' , "'"14 Street Lighting Electrol1er Conduit Conductor, pair Pull Box 4 EA.' 3000.00 CS~'5 L.r.' i2.00 <i;~ L.r.@ 4.00 ~ EA.' 200.00 · $ \2.. CCi:>- , · $\0"2...0- . $ ----,~- · $ \ Coeo - . $ StOB Drdnage 12" or 15" RCP 18" or 21" RCP Street lnlet Manhole Break and Enter Manhole Sl:tc\ L.r.@ 60.00 L.r.' 65.00 "(. EA.' 1800.00 ~ EA.' 2000.00 EA.' 600.00 · $ ~C;; l~40 . $ · $~c..O(:)- · $ 4000- . $ - . $ - TOTAL ESTIMATE USE rOR BOND $ \~b, ;.,4-- $ \ -, 0, 4..c:>o- Reviled 6/85 R.G. SPENO, INC. 18900 STEVENS CREEK BLVD. CUPERTINO, CA 95014 INSURED NICHOLAS A. SPENO & ASSOC., INC. 1142 S. WINCHESTER BLVD. SAN JOSE, CA 95128 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE COMPANY A LETTER COMPANY B LETTER COMPANY C LETTER COMPANY D LETTER COMPANY E LETTER SCOTTSDALE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI. TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER GENERAL LIABILITY COMPREHENSIVE FORM PREMISES/OPERA nONS UNOERGROUNO EXPLOSION & COLLAPSE HAZARO PROOUCTS/COMPLETED OPERA nONS CONTRACTUAL INOEPENOENT CONTRACTORS BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE PERSONAL INJURY GLS193375 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS (PRIV PASS) ALL OWNED AUTOS (OTHER THAN. ) PRIV PASS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY EXCESS LIABILITY UMBRELLA FORM OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM ~ XXXXXJCANDCXXXXX ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 POLICY EffECTM DATE (MMIOOIYY) LIABILITY LIMITS IN THOUSANDS OCCQ~~~NCE AGGREGATE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DOIYY) BODILY INJURY $ $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ $ 7-20-88 7-20-89 BI & PD $1,000 COMBINED PERSONAL INJURY $ BOOILY INJURY $ (PER PERSON) BOOIL Y INJURY $ (PER ACCIDENT) PROPERTY DAMAGE $ BI & PD COMBINED $ ~~t~~ED $ $ $ $ $ (EACH ACCIDENT) (DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT) (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE) '~~~lT ce:,~- \40 \~~\ \~G2C2-\e-l \r2-. ~\~""2.. 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Z L_OT 6 (f) \~~. \' "'A 5 ~), ,8 f:~, (:) t1 ~ iJ '.,,: ('10 (>(;.r-'i.J , :33.38 .. ~ INGRESS & EGRESS EASE...EN1' ia 145.:36 t-~ 16" 45' 20~ E ~ .J ~~ J :s- UI- ew 'I .IJ i.i ~~ > ~ 1\ ~ fl~ rU. V t .0 UJ r] (!) 0 UJ \ \ . " , ~ ^ 1.;:., 40' V AN DUSEN LANE . (PRIVATE STREET) 10 N .0 N LOT 1"'''~ItIN~ ~ ~p ROBNICK J<.' )- e-K ;:?"-.~-o FUTURE STREET LANDS OF LOPE~ 4:~1A~ \' ",I:' ~I ~ 20' ,.'~ 0)- ......" U ~() z\.r 8':<, .,. .", '(- } ..~.: '" \. , " .. ~3,62 "" ..{~ .v.-4) ~ ~ . -UJ ..J> ~~ 0LL. ~O ~8 ~UJ ZX gUJ .. - ~ ....... a: x UJ .... UJ ~ .... oo ~ ~ J ) .I UJ a: ::::> .... ::> LL. LLJ ::) Z lLJ ~ ~ lLJ a:: a:: <{ J: 20' 10' Constructione I 1. All salvageable City of Campbell property (i.e. ele~troliers, castings, etc.) shall be delivered to the City's Service Center at 290 South Dillon Avenue, Campbell. 2. Two sets of construction staking cut sheets must be submitted to~he City Engineer It least two working days prior to inspection of the work relating to the staking. See also Section 1-0 of the City of Campbell "Standard Construction Provisions". .. - ----....-...-....:.-- JMH JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEISS, INC. SUITE 200 286-4555 925 REGENT STREET - SAN JOSE, CA, 95110 Civil Engineering Land Planning August 24, 1988 Land Surveying Don Wimberly City Engineer City Hall 75 No. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Re: Our Job #2876 - Tract No. 8132 Harriet Avenue - Developer Dewey/Speno Dear Don: This letter is to confirm our telephone conversation of yesterday regard- ing the construction of the Van Dusen Land cul-de-sac and removal of the "temporary cul-de-sac" imporvements within Rodnick Court. (1) The Developer will agree to construct the surface improvements within said Van Dusen Lane cul-de-sac, along with the other required tract improvements. (Incidently, all underground improvements are part of the existing contract) The Developer also agrees that the subsequent home owner of Lot 7 can not access into Van Dusen Lane, until the State of California creates a public street for the existing private Van Dusen Lane. (2) The Developer, as part of his existing contract with the City, will improve the Rodnick Court cul-de-sac with curb, gutter, sidewalk and paving as indicated on the Improvement Plans, which will remain in place with no future intention of removing same. (3) The Developer will post cash or bond (your choice) for the removal of the temporary driveway that will be used for access to said Lot 7. Since the tract rough grading installation of sanitary and storm sewers are now installed, I would think that the $170,000 plus bond that you now have for the tract would certainly cover the improvements for the Van Dusen Lane cul-de-sac? This office is in the process of developing the surface improve- ment grades for said Van Dusen Lane cul-de-sac and will transfer same to the original Improvement Plans and add an additional signature back for your approval. Mr. Dewey, the Developer, has read this "letter of agreement" and I have added a signature line for his approval. As you are aware, the "City" has stopped the curb and gutter installation until the above problem was resolved. I anticipate that he can now proceed with same. Thank you for your cooperation. Regards, ~~\YcA:) Bob McDermott JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEISS, INC. . CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND PLANNING CHECKr:O: r':~'::>tr c..~ G'"""5L~ G. 5a:J c:... ~ """'" C-"'"S..C'.a ~f>, C-s.r~ c::..SG:t <:::.~ co c.<s~ G~c~ c. eor:... c:,;- Permit No. ~~- \ 4-0 - Tr-2...b\~L. ,~~\ \~t2f2l~1 ~ract No. or Addres~ IMPROVEl.:tZ;T PLAN CHECK L1 ST DEVELOPt1ENTS ITEJo1: 1) Permit number and prop- erty address on plan? 2) Site review completed? 3) Applicable standard notes 4) Engineer'. Stamp, Signa- ture and Expiration Date S) Conformance with City standard specifications and details 6) Street geometries 7) Street grading plan con- fornity with overall street grades and/or official grading plan 8) Approved roadway structural section 9) Street lighting requirements 10) Storm sewer design 11) All relevant conditions of approval have been 'irlet 12) Traffic review 13) Service Center review Plan check co~pleted by Recommeded for approval Send originals for signing CO:-~lE!lTS : 4- - \'1- '6~ ~LU Ar - \q - ... ~ e:. \c:- r~(Sq -,-\q -~e-__cP/(, .~..,} ((' rJf'b/l~ -. CJJC, ~-f-j-;;y , Bill M. Helms Date Engineering Hanager Donald C. ~imberly Date Director of Public Works B/12/BB PRODUCER THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. 3I/EVERETT W. STARK & CO. 2190 STOKES STREET #103 SAN JOSE, CA 9512B (40B) 294-4106 COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE SERVICE COMPANY A LETTER COMPANY B LETTER COMPANY C LETTER COMPANY D LETTER E ONTINENTAL NATIONAL AMERICAN MPLOYEES BENEFITS INSURANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS, AND CONDI- TIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECT"'E OA TE (MMIDDiYYi POLICY EXPIRATlm, DATE IMMIODiYYI L I M I f;L ~~ITi ~mf~W's $ $ $ $ $ MEDICAL EXPENSE (ANY ONE PERSONI $ F'RE DAMAGE WiY ONE FIRE! 500, 500, 500, 500, 50, GENERAL LIABILITY COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY I;ZJ OCCURRENCE OWNER S & CONTRACTORS PROTECTIVE GtNERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTSCOMPIOPS AGGREGA 'E COOOOB43560 10/lIB7 10/1/BB PERSONAL & ADVERTIS'NG INJURY EACH OCCURRENCE 5 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY CSL $ 500 BUABOOB43561 10/lIB7 10/11 BB BDDIL Y iNJURY (PER PERSON) $ BODIL Y INJURY ~CEC~DENTI $ PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EACH OCCURRENCE $ $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM B WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 2B8620 10/1187 10/1/88 STATUTORY $ .1,000,000 (EACH ACCIDENT! $ 1, 000, 000 (DISEASE POLICY liMn $ 1,000,000 !DISEASEEACH EMPLOYEEI OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/ LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/ RESTRICTIONS/ SPECIAL ITEMS STREET IMPROVEMENTS ROBNICK COURT AT HARRIET CERTIFICATE HOLDER TO BE NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSURED OF CAMPBELL ) N. 1ST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 9500B BUILDING DEPARTMENT SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EX, PIRATION DATE THEREOF. THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE . -. ...... POLICY NUMBER: C0000843560 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITV' THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART, . SCHEDULE Name of Per$on or Organization: CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1ST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 BUILDING DEPARTMENT (If no entry appears above. information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations ~s :Jpplic3Dle to this ~ndorscmcnl.) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or org3nizJtion shown in the SchCdul.;. but only with respect to liability arising out of "your work" for th~t insured by or for you. . STREET IMPROVEMENTS ROBNICK COURT AT HARRIET, CC 20 10 11 85 Copyricht, Insurance Services Offic~. Inc.. 1984 . I POLICY NUMBER: GLS193375 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART, SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: City of Campbell (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement,) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of "your work" for that insured by or for you, "The City of Campbell and its respective officers, agents and employees are named as Additional Insureds from and aganinst any claims, loss liability, cost or expense arising out of or in any way connected with the construction of the project. This coverage shall be primary and any coverage carried by Additional Insured shall be excess insurance only." CG 20 10 11 85 Copyright, Insurance ~ervices Office, Inc" 1984 o Faithful Performance B d N 04 51 93 on o. Premium $3,908.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Whereas. The City Council of the City of Campbell, State of California, and Robni ck Court Associ ates. A General Partnprc::hi p (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into an agreement whereby principal agrees to install and complete certain designated public improvements, which said agreement, dated Ju1 y 19 , 19.88.-, and identified as TR 8l3? is hereby referred to and made a part hereof: and Whereas, Said principal is required under the terms of said agreement to furnish a bond for the faithful performance of said agreement. Now, therefore, we, the principal and Insurance Company of the West , as surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Campbell, hereinafter called "City". in the penal sum of One Hundred Seven tv Thousand Four HIJndrpn ;mn nnhl nnth5 dollars ($ 170.400.00 ) lawful money of t e United States, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, successors. executors and administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounded principal, his or its heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns, shall in all things stand to and abide by, and well and truly keep and perform the covenants, conditions and provisions in the said agreement and any alteration thereof made as therein provided. on his or their part, to be kept and performed at the time and in the manner therein specified, and in all respects according to their true intent and meaning. snd shall indemnify and save harmless said City, its officers, agents and employees, as therein stipulated, then this obligation shall become null and void: otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. As a part of the obligation secured hereby and in addition to the face amount specified therefor, there shall be included costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees. incurred by City in successfulJy enforcing such obligation. all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change. extension, of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the agreement or to the work to be performed thereunder or the specifications accompanying the same shall in anywise affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change. extension of time. alteration or addition to the terms of the agreem7nt or to the work or to the specifications. 1 of 2 In witness whereof, this instrument has been' duly executed by the principal and surety above named, on July 19 , 19-1lli-. WITNESS OUR HANDS this 19~ 19th day of July PRINCIPAL Robnick Court Associates, a General Partnership 1 SURETY Insurance Company of the West (Attach Acknowledgments ) (Both Principal's and ) (Surety's Attorney in fact) 2 of 2 Labor and Materials Bond No. Premium 04 51 93 nja CNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Whereas, The Ci~ Council of the City of Campbell, State of California. and Robnick Court Associates. A General Partnprc:;hip (hereinafter designated as "principal") have entered into an agreement Whereby principal agrees to install and complete certain designated public improvements, which said agreement, dated July 19 , 19.-lliL. and identified as TR 8132 is hereby refer~ed to and made a part hereof: and Whereas, under the terms of said agreement. principal is required before entering upon the performance of the work. to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the City of Campbell to secure the claims to which reference is made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the state of California. Now, therefore. said principal and the undersigned as corporate surety, are held firmly bound unto the City of Campbell and all contractors. subcontractors, laborers, materia~en and other persons employed in the performance of the aforesaid agreement and referred to in the aforesaid Code of Civil Procedure in the sum of One Hundred Sevent Thousand Four dollars ($ 170.400.00 , for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind. or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that said surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought 'upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees, incurred by City in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be included in the judgment therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed that this band shall inure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies and corporations entitled to file claims under Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. The surety hereby stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of said agreement or the specifications accompanying the same shall in any manner affect its obligations on this bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension, alteration or addition. 1 of 2 INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST HOME OFFICE: SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA Certified Copy of POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Insurance Company of the West, a Corporation duly authorized and existing under the laws of the State of California and having its principal office in the City of San Diego, California, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint: PATRICIA GOLDEN its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authority of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Insurance Company of the West at a meeting duly callei~ and held on the Sixth day of February, 1973, which said Resolution has not been amended or rescinded and of which the following is a true, full, and complete copy: "RESOLVED: That the President or Secretary may from time to time appoint Attorneys.in-Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company, and either the President or Secretary, the Board of Directors or Executive Committee may at any time remove such Attorneys-in-Fact and revoke the Power of Attorney given him or her; and be it further "RESOLVED: That the Attorney-in-fact may be given full power to execute for and in the name of and on behalf of the Company any and all bonds and undertakings as the business of the Company may require, and any such bonds or undertakings executed by any such Attorney-in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Secretary." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Insurance Company of the West has caused its official seal to be hereunto affixed and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officers this 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1985 INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST ~~~q STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 24TH DAY OF OCTOBER 1985 On this before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of California, in and for the County of San Diego, duly commissioned and qualified, came ERNEST RADY . President of INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknow- ledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he is the said officer of the Corporation aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation, and that the said Corporate Seal and his signature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporation. SS: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of San Diego, the day and year first above written, ~V'olV'''v..~:;fc'{;:-'t:::..v.v.YVI .: t~"V, NORMA PORTER :~1z.5'~.:~rll'NOT"IlY PU. BlIe. CALIFORNIA ~ ~'t!t PnllCJpel OffICe on San Diego County S ., My CommiSSIon Exp, Jan. 8. 1988 ""V..~.......V.YJY'....e.~^~..r...V^"., STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ' ~//JUUllh Notary Public I. the undersigned, Richard S, King, Secretary of the Insurance Company of the West, do hereby certify that the original POWER OF ATTORNEY, of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy, is in full force and effect, and has not been revoked, ICW CAL 37 (REV, Slot) lIT I I \ I I r r I LI Location From To )>r Incremental area in acres o Runoff coefficient ... ",j % Product t"J ~ ~ Product 103 Time of conc. (min. ) n Tc = Tr + Tp t-t Rainfall intensity CD in inches/hour o Runoff in c.f.s. ::a 0 = CIA o Pipe diam. (inches 03 Slope in feet per foot .<: Velocity (ft..-sec.) limit 3 to 8 ft./sec. ~velocity head .0 o Design Capacity n (c.f.s.) t" Length in feet >4 Time of flow HI in minutes ! In feet .... .... ::s Invert Elevation g IT Finished Grade at M.H. ~ Cut in feet o c: IT Remarks ::u ~ "1 "1 o o t'1 "'1 "'1 I t1 o ~ ~ ~ HI rn o n . .... I ~ ID o ;; 0 (') t-t :! Ul t4 O::S C .... III ~0.11~11.5::l CD~~~~tno. 11 1'1'.....'0 ..... I C nl1o.~o....,Ul ..........CDllIenPJ CD lllPJ::l ::sEl ~....rt 1'1'..... ..... .....~ III Ill'< .... .... OC= rtUl ::rID en 11::r ~..... ......0 Ul::r III III 11 ""'" c< tlI III rt~ .....c HlllI ..... ~S ..... 1lI III III 000 . . . CDlXlO\ VtOO I I I 000 . . . \O\OoooJ VtOO Irn I III Vt 0. 0. HI c= -- I"'" .... CD.....OtllH03 ... ....'< ::l P! 11 ID ::l III ::a ID 1'1' 3 rT rT 1lI ;IlIH ~ 10 O<Olll.....lDtIl::rlDrt ... m g: 11 ~ It ~ ID ~ ::r 2: 0 l::a 11 CD..... 11 1'1' Lol ..... 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'ij:trT -:::: lD \0 '" ID 0 IQ CD 0 I t-t103 J E lD ID ~ ::l IQ ~ ~ ~ '0 l'iI;IlI ~::a n ~~ ~ tzl~ 0 e: 0 "'1 Z"'10 G) '0 i!:: o~ ~ ~t" ~ t-t H t1 03 0 t" Ss Z~ ,,:: ~ ~ en ~ ~ g lD City of Campbell Department of Public Works Engineering Division INLET TIME GRAPH 1000 9~0 900 8!50 800 7!50 700 6'0 GOO . L.... 550 500 . , I ~_.___~ --1'--- I - -.--.------- i : . I ; -..-.....- . i I 1 L ! , r -:-.....:,.: ,tJ' .1 I - '. ----4 i . ! I I ': ! 'I I -4'0 .... 400 W IIJ ..... 350 Z '300 &IJ U Z 250 c( t- ~ 200 0 ISO 100 il 'U !5:> " .J 0 ~"I>.. t' 5 : I .... I I 2' .-- --,---- W . I I :i;. 1"' ;. - ; loIJ ; ~ ' ~--------- .- :. ! I : ~.- . i ~~.~~.-~~- 10 15 20 25 30 3~ TIME IN MINUTES , , INTENSITY TAE~C DURATION INCHES PER !-lOUR 3 YEAR 5 YEAR MINUTES INTERVAL iNTERVA! 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 --13-- - -- -14 15 16 -i7 16 19 _,~O. _ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 _._29 30 ~=-' ~ ~- -,"- 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 ~2 __54 56 sa 60 2,00 1.85 1.70 1.58 1.48 1.40 1.32 - 1.26 1.20 1.15 - 1.11 _..1.07__ 1_04 1.00 _ .97 .94 .91 .89 B7 .85 .83 .81 :79 ."T? .76 .73 .70 .G6 "')'." .. &...."-4;> 2,04 1.87 1.75 1.65 1.57 1.49 1.42 1.35 1.30 1.25 1.20.' - _.- -- 1.16 1.13 1.08 1.06 1.03 1.00 - , -, n~ ~~1 ~~ 1 78 ;~- . :rC"~ ~ ;~ ~'~ 157 .66 :;~ ..1--, ~~-- . .53 _ . .lil ..: .52 .f/:) ~ -1 ~~- :66 .64 .62 The volu~s on this table ore token from the "C:ty of Comtibe:1I J Freq:.Jency- DuroHon Roinfoli lnier.~ify .. Graph, R.....'....~ ..~-I;;;. L"". City of Carnpbell Department of Public Works ,. Engineering Division FREQUENCY-DURATION RAINFALL INTENSITY GRAPH I ! : I I -~~-~-~l-=r t !-II:-'-'-: ., : : I . !; ! 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". -:; .'J .1 ~ -.. -. - .- .1 ~ ') 12 15 .8 21 24 27 30 36 42 48 54/~. ..-/ --- 1.~ 2 2.5 3 4 o IJ ,f.~ MINUTES HOURS Rainfall intensity curves, based on U.S.W.B, intensity curves for the City of Son Jose, Paper No. 7821, mo"dified for seasonal precipitation of 17.5 inches. January: 1965 JMH JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEISS, INC. SUITE 200 286-455') 925 REGENT STREET-SAN JOSE, CA. 95110 Civil Engineering Land Planning Land Surveying June 8, 1988 ~NIM33NmN3 S)fMOM ~1l8nd 88616 Nnr Chuck Gomes City Engineer's Office City Hall 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 a!AI!)!1 Re: Our Job #2876 - Tract No. 8132 Chuck: For final approval, attached find the following: (1) Original Tract Map (2 Sheets) & one print (2) Original Improvement Plans (2 Sheets) & one print (3) Copy of PG&E "Easement Clearance Letter" as requested by Jim Penoyer (4) Corrected calc sheet as requested by Jim Penoyer (5) Subdivision "Map Guarantee" All corrections and/or re..visions have been made and the developers are most anxious to receive final approval. Also attached find our cost estimate letter that you suggested we submit to Dave Volkenaar. Please review and give to Dave. The developers will be in touch with you regarding bond amounts, fees and the alike. Thank you, . "::~"l.-'I<'-- f j, f) ....-... ",,-~........., -,~ --... Bob McDermott cc: Nick Speno Bob Dewey JMH JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEISS, INC. SUITE 200 286-4555 925 REGENT STREET--SAN JOSE, CA. 95110 Civil Engineering Land Planning June 7, 1988 Land Surveying RECEIVED Dave Valkenaar Dept. of Public Works City Hall 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 JUN 91988 PuBLIC WOHh3 ENGINEERING Re: Our Job #2876 - Tract No. 8132 Harriet Avenue Developer - Nick Speno/Bob Dewey Dave: The developers have asked me to explain the extreme difference between the bid street improvement costs and the bond estimate as prepared by Chuck Gomez of your office. We met with Chuck and he advised that we make contact with you, hence; this letter excluding the sanitary sewer installation, which will be bonded to the West Valley Sanitation District, the bid for the under- ground and surface imporvements excluding some minor items such as barricades, monuments, street trees and the alike, is $73,940.00 and have attached copies of same for your review. It's evident that the bond amount prepared by Chuck in the amount of $170,400.00 is unrealisticly high. As you are aware, our cost estimates are based on existing unit bid prices that we receive for other projects of similar nature and we usually add a 10% contingency factor to take care of price increases and the alike. We note no major difference in quantities, but have a problem with 3 items, normally street excavation $24,776.00, A.C. pavement = $52,325.00 and 12"/15' RCP = $35,940.00. Our estimates for these items are as follows: (1) Street Excavation 1100 cu. yds. excavation at 10.00 cu. yd. (2) A.C. Pavement (A.C. = 0.25 sq:ft/inch) (Base 0.10 sq:ft/inch) Harriet 2.15 sq. ft. $ 5,418.00 Robnick = 1.45 sq. ft. 26,622.00 Total Excavation, A.C. & Base $43,040.00 (this exceeds the bid price by $2,000.00+) (3) 12"/15' RCP $11 , 000 . 00 543 In. ft. @ 35.00 $19,005.00 (this also exceeds the total bid for storm sewer work) Our total for these 3 items = $62,045.00 compared to Chuck's total of $113,041.00, a difference of $51,000.00. The developers concern for a realistic bond amount is requested and we respectfully ask for your review of the above. Very truly yours, ~B H'LD- Bob McDermott cc: Nick Speno Bob Dewey JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEISS, INC. . CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND PLANNING ~~ 140 '~ CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE rOR PERKIT NO. Iy/Date ~ N~~ ~~.~. ~! ~ Na. 'Addreu\"1':2.. ~1- B~ " t4. 1 d"'_ Surface Construction ~ ('~~ ,1""'\ ~ ~ ~II .. '" " :vf ,. ..:5 ....J II r /J ~ ~ rl.; ~ -;. :;'_0 ), '.!!J - ~ ~~ X IJ ~ f) !e. ,,~, ~ () ~ " JV .:!J~~ '6~ I:- :J V ~ 8ll.. W:S .~ ~~ . a~ 'V,v ~ :f ~ lli1 ~ J ~j! I ~-\~-b~ \-br2.:Q..l ~~ . $ Surface Subtotal "SOl · $ \ \ '<<s, 4l ~ Adjust. for .1&e: 5<$30.000 add 20%, 5> $100,000 subtract 10%JO~ ,~-"14 Charinl aDd Grubbinl LUlllp SUIII EsU..te . $ ~- Sawcut Conc:rete L.r. @ $ 4.00 . $ _ Concrete lelloval s.r. @ 3.00 . $_ Curb' Gutter lelloval L.r. @ 5.00 . $ ___ Inlot Drain with Pipe - EA. @ 500.00 . $_ Curb aDd Cutter "1~~ L.r. @ 15.00 . $\\~,\~-- Sidewalk ~4CS4 s.r. @ 3.50 · $ <04e:A-- Driveway Approach " ,(. s.r. @ 5.50 · $ b\-a.~- Bandic:ap Ramp , EA. @ 1000.00 · $ \"~b - Extruded Curb L.r. @ 6.00 . $ - larricade <;:;0 L.r.. 50.00 . $'1..c;OO- Street Exc:avaUon (s.r.)x($O.1S)x(_") . $1...4,"(..- A.C. Pavellent (s.r. )z($0.4S)x(_") . '$<;:z... ~~~-- Adjust Manhole to Grade EA.' 300.00 . $ --- Adjust BaDdho1e to Grade I EA.. 200.00 . $ "'l..(:)o- Manu_nt lox v Manu_nt ~ EA.' 500.00 . $ ,<;;"'~- Street Tree (15 aallon) Ca EA. @ 200.00 . $ l ~- Pavellent Striplnl ($100 aln) L.F.@ 0.65 . $ \C>C)- Pavellent Lelends ($100 aln) EA. @ 40.00 . $ \00- Stop,Street Na. or Other 51ln \'0 EA. @ 120.00 . $ \.~- Pavellent Marken 4- EA.' 15.00 . $ '(.(:,- Pavellent Key Cut L.r.. 8.00 . $ - ~c::::. ~ <..~(,O')~ ,,~ l~b ") - . $ \,"~1- · $~'-'''C- · $ 4,",00 - . $ - . $ - $ \-Z-Or ;,,4- - $ ,., 0, 4.ob- Street Llghtlng Eleetroller Conduit Conduc:tor, pair Pull lox 4 EA.' 3000.00 C:;~~ L.r., 12.00 ~~ L.r.. 4.00 ~ EA.' 200.00 Storm Drainage 12" or IS" ICP 18" or 21" ICP Street Inlet Manhole Break aDd Enter Manhole $'1'\ L.r.f 60.00 - L.r.. 65.00 ~ EA. f 1800.00 ~ EA.' 2000.00 EA.. 600.00 toTAL ESTIMATE DSE rOR 10ND levhed 6/85 · $ \"2...\ OCb- · $ ,0"2..0- . $ --..,~- · $ \ foGO - . $ · $'Wa~l~40 ., - ~. e:~,-,-v. ~n-Q..\. e--r ( \''T-e:. )L -::... o'J -=- 4..... ~ 0 f2-c:>~ u' C-k:. (~,-~j(~~:. ~\~O ~4. ~~ lCS-6~ -;c. ., GGO l-,) (~)(";"1.) -:;:. -, ~ 0 , \OS\ b~~ "'-IA.u ~O~~ ~\eO~F ~'"2- - ~ \ <to ~~U\C-t<- (~""l-~) (\b) -= ~~C;;O <.. \+0> <.. ~(..") ':::: ~D +- <:) C.,) (~<""(.J --- , ~o '...J~U ~c:;.e: U ~ ~4-'" "'l.. 14-,0 I 1- 'f;;;;. c.. c....o \-) 'F- <-~~) <L~ ") -::. "'t.h - ... - '.J- ~ ~ "LA-~ "l.. HENRY LITTLE TRACTOR SERVICE, INC. 14632 Cole Drive San Jose, Calif. 95124 License #302736 (408) 377-0504 (408) 371-3047 RECEIVED TO: Bob Dewey / Nick Speno 1142 S. Winchester Blvd. San Jose, CA 95128 JUN 91988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING .. PROPOSAL HENRY LITTLE TRACTOR SERVICE1 INC., a California corpora- toin, proposes the following work: 1. Scope of Work: To make grade for curb & gutter and sidewalk. Place base rock for curb and gutter and sidewalk. Make sub-grade for driveway for lots 6 & 7., Rob Nick Ct. and Harriet Ave. Driveway 6" class #2 A.C., ROb Nick 7" class #2 base 3" A.C. Harriett Ave. 14" class #2 base 3" A.C. 2. Site of work: Harriett Ave, Campbell, CA 95008 3. ~,~~t~~~ or Contract: Curb & Gutter & Dig out grading p~acing base Paving Sidewalk & . $5,980.00 $20,147.00 $14,838.00 $40,965.00 4. Terms a) Your payment is due 10 days after we mail our invoice to you. Payments not made within TEN !_j' days of mailing our invoice will be charged interest at l~% per month. b) If court action is instituted to collect our invoices or to enforce this agreement, attorneys' fees shall be awarded to the preva~ling party. c) This proposal is void and withdrawn unless you accept it within 14 days of the date of this proposal. D). Progress payment on work completed. Dated: ..t-!:- J "-- /I~.:.;.- ~ r- .v# , '-' /, , / . -- ,- . ~//, / . /;t",:/, / ./.,. /; :'..../<; / /,-..~ - t.... (' , ,"~ ,,,--"~ -~ r'::,.{~-r. -?- ........ -- I HENRY LITTLE .../ c.~1 <" --;:~ . ACCEPTANCE The undersigned acknowledges that he or ~he had read aha understood the foregoing proposal, understands it meaningl accepts the proposal. and agrees to be ~ound by all of its terms. Dated: ,~ .~:.;,' Nance Concrete & Constructjon Inc. 334 So. Abel St. MilpitAB, CA 95035 LiceMe , 454932 (408) 946-7430 ~ Robert Dewey 4-48-88 pTI.OPOSAL JOB: Harriet, 7 houses Tract #8132 Plans per Jennings - Me. Denr.ott - Helss rnc. March 1988. 1) curb and gutter 70~' @ $ 10.50 per. s.f. $ 7,403.00 2) city sidewalk 2667' @ 1.85 per s.f. 4,934.0U J) 5 approaches 563 s.f. ~ $ 2.10 s.f. 1,1B3.00 TOTAL$ 13,520.00 subgrade by others within l/lOth ft. (~ \"\ , \ , -1 ('Th "r 'y V _:..!....J..-\...__... Darrell Nance, I. .~ ~ \; ') \,' \,1 I.. \,~\~ ,\ President /- ~ V~lC~n~ ,...,..11 PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION ~ t8250 Burton Rd. loa GaIOI. CA 95030 May 17, 1988 Nick Speno 1142 S. Winchester Blvd. San Jose, Ca 95128 ATTN: Nick Speno RE : Robnick Ct. Dear Nick: We propose to install, for the above referenced project, the storm drain and sanitary sewer as per plans and specifications not dated. The total lump sum price comes to $35,935.00. Below is a cost breakdown for each system. If you have any questions please feel free to call. Offsite Storm - $11,680.00 63 LF - 12" RCP 153 LF - 15" Rep 1 ea - Curb Inlet 1 ea - Manhole LS - Restore Asphalt Onsite Storm - $7,775.00 385 LF - 1211 ReF 1 ea - Flat Grate 1 ea - Manhole Offsite Sanitary - $3,970.00 15 LF - 6" VCP 60 LF - 4" VCP 1 ea - Manhole 1 ea - Tap-Tite LS Res~cr2 Asphalt .' :-, ;.1'. . Onsite'Sanitary - $12,510.00 6 492 1 1 ea - 4" Laterals LF - 6" VCP ea - Vertical Riser ea - Manhole ~ Exclusions: Permits, fees, engineering, spoil removal, concrete replacement. Thank you for this opportunity, and we hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours, VICK'S E CONSTRUCTION, INC. MP/sah -~C-~~~_~"-'''_~~~'''..':'''~'>---''''~.'- ......"'---""'~-<"::"':~~~~~,.~.,':'"-.."'I~-'~Ir-'."'T~.".'-..,",t"~~Il~,~'~,. JMH JENNINGS - McDERMOTT - HEISS, INC. SUITE 200 286-4'5'5'5 92'5 REGENT STREET - SAN JOSE, CA. 9'5110 Civil Engineering Land Planning Land Surveying April 1~, 1988 RECEIVED APR 1 5 1988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGtNEERiNG , "> ~)e~0 o ' ~ng Dept. of Public Works City Hall 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 ,1"~< ..... . .. ~,~,.'r;>: Re: Our Job #2876 - Tract No. 8132 Harriet Avenue - (Dewey & Speno) Don: For your review, attached you will find the following: (1) Copy of Soils Report (2) One copy of Tract Map (3) Two copies of Improvement Plans (4) Two copies of Grading Plans Sometime ago, I sent Jim Penoyer, required copies of the Tract Map, etc. for his review. If others in your office, also have to review said plans, I would appreciate receiving all comments on your "check sheets". This saves a lot of time and allows the developers to proceed in a timely manner. Please call when ready. Thank you, ~eU~ Bob McDermott cc: N.A.S. Development JENNINGS.McDERMOTT -HEISS, INC. Civil Engineers - land Planners 925 Regent Street Suite 200 SAN JOSE. CALIfORNIA 95110 OJEuu[OO @[f UOOW~~[K1] D1f1fw[L (408) 286-4555 TO C~ 0 F Lf+7V r~i-LL _E:1'lt7 JZ. P iZ.-P T OATE! - _ ~ 'ff ATTENTION C \711 C \<:: RE; JOB NO. '7-. 1 b G CJ .fr'! t" ~ 'V WE ARE SENDING YOU ~ttaChed D Under separate cover via D Shop drawings D Prints D Plans JUL 05 PUBLIC ~~wing items: ENGINEERING D Samples D Specifications D Copy of letter D Change order D COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPTION f\r. , I .s ( 2 ~+-J t THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ~For approval D For your use D As requested D Approved as submitted D Approved as noted D Returned for corrections D Resubmit_copies for approval D Submit_copies for distribution D Return_corrected prints D For review and comment D D FOR BIDS DUE 19 D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COpy TO SIGNED: - "i -::d 0 '""B If """',,..ure.. ere not es noted, kindlv notifv us et once, NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE is hereby given that City of Campbell as Owner and Donald C. Wimberly the undersigned, as City Engineer caused street improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described. That the work on said street improvements was actually accepted on the 18th day of April, 1989. That the name of the Subdivider for said Owner is Robnick Associates, a general partnership, consisting of Robert W. Dewey and N. A. S. Development Co., Inc. That the nature of title of said City to said street improvements is that of Owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all Owners of said property are: City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said street improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Improvements installed in Tract No. 8132, Harriet Avenue and Robnick Court and having the following address: N/A Donald C. Wimberly, City Engineer Dated: April 27, 1989 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA I, Donald C. Wimberly, being duly sworn, says: That I am the City Engineer for said City of Campbell, the Owner of the property described in the foregoing Notice; that I have read the foregoing Notice, and know the contents thereof; and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge. Donald C. Wimberly, City Engineer Subscribed and sworn to before me this 27th day of April, 1989 C'/tlJtlanu, W, ~ Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California 88-140 OFFICIAL SEAL CHARLENE M, CASE Notary publlc-Callfornla SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Comm, Exp. Oct. 12. 1991