88-144 .... s.~ -: :- 8;e"':I" ..... ..~..-... .:>Q.n. ...:>~ 1\ &'"'n~"""n ............. .:.::~~"g ~.. -0 _ n " ..... :r':>. ... ~I:'.::: .-:.1,... On..-_o ...:).-........ ..... ,,~ n ....n""n IC" 1\ o:r .c::........". Ruane >-"'.0 " .. > " 0 O'U:a_n< ,:r .. . o :a :I' < ., ~f=:;~ ..cr ..... . "" :> ... . :a n . .. ,.... ;I n ~,,~t. o 0 .. . ".. n .... . ....,-" n... :r ...c:... ~ . :1 .. o '" r. . .. ""'.." :J , :r'&:. .. . "'O"'l"o-i ""'0:1" .. < ... '" . n... " e.. ..... n "''''..;r . "... '''':):J~: t'\o"'o-i... .. ....,.. . r-- _,I ~~~~" ..n. ....:r- 3;~"::;:: "'-""0 . "... :a . .- <( .: 0 ........n .,....nn . .:r., :a ~. . . n. "'" ... 1\ :S::a 0.. u ._ .. It ,::) .. " . .... I. :I' . ~.....,. ~ 1\ . n P~f~J=- ..... .. n ~, ~. ,- -. CITY 01 CAK'b~LL O~~T. 01 rUMLIC WOkl~ '0 ~ortb 'Ir.l MI. C..pb.ll. CA '~OO' C t011l lIh-JUO cr-rf-/ Yy ~ PUbLIC WOM_S PEkKIT lTlJr'VGrrrn.... n"""tn' p~bllc rlw~t-ot-w.y) X-M.t. tll. I;:~:?~ :/i.r./-t?u aOe. APPllC.II:~p~:~: ~c:cY A"LICATIO~ - Application ia blreby ..d. tor a '~bllc Work. 'Iralt In accord.nc. ~lth Ca.~b.ll~ "~nlclpa1 CQd., II.Ctl~1l 11.Ot. Peratt Mo. t;. r: , . ( 'L' 1. 9;),1 f 9:// !/lZiZ-L Ave I I' a1l I/)!X' / I f Work .ddr... or tract . tl2~/30 (1. c:; .. Utility ~r.nCb location MallU. 01 w~CIL; q ~O/},..:; U' ,L)~~ ~ r~ .bowlng tbe location, e.tent and dlaenalone ot th. work ot th. pro~06.d worlL to ..I.tlng .url.c. &,,12 underground City tngin..r, ..1d dr.Wlng b.coa.. a p.Ct ot thi. peralt. " ')/j)i/i L, / ";/,7 ..../ C. Attacb fiv. I~) copl.. of a drawing Tb. drawlnlJ .l..ll .how tb. r.let Ion ll1pUlve_nl.. Wh.n approv.d by th. ..... :: " D. The 'cner.l Condition. tor all peralt. arc 11at.d on tb. rev.r.. alde. Sp.ci.l ~co"'I.lona tor thl. per.lt .r. Iteled below. tal1ur. to abtde by the.. condition. and provlalona ..y re~ult In 10b ahul-down .nd/or lort.lt~r. 01 'althful '.rtor..nce ~und. and C.a" 0.po.l1~. l~.. C.ner.l Condition. 1 and ~.. - ... '\ '\. ,- E. An appllcatlon I.e ..... ot r. Thl. 1. non-r.tundable. ~ Tc hphoRe: cI<:..)/f :5-S-9/ / / -;) . , Add(.~. 1. tbie ~O(k being donc'by the propecty owner at tb.lr Own C.ild.nCe} Coapl.te att&ch.d Work.c.' CO.pen.&tion and Contr.ctor lora.. Tb. Appllc&nl/~er.lttec bereby agr... by &lli.ing th.lr .i~n.t~re to thi. p.rait to hold the CllY 01 C..plIell. It. OUlce.., .<jellte &n&! .IIPIOy... tr... ..1. and h.rale.. tr". any Cl&lll or de_l.d lor d....g6:. 'e.~1tln... fro.. the ,",ork cover.d by tbl. I'Crllll. yu - 400 The AppllCallt/'erlllttee bereby aClLnowled~e. tbat they hav. r.ad and ~ndeC.tand both the Ironl baCk ot th~l, It a~ th~~bey wl11 Inlora tbel1 contraCturl~~) ot tbe 1nl~l~n. ACCt:nt:D . <7, r- IT. and NOT!!S: ALL 'WOfU( SlIALL CO t': .. WITII TH!! An-ACHED, APPItOV!!D PLANS A~D ALL A,..LICA.lU.!! CAKP~t:I.L STA~DAkD DkAWIN~S AdD COHDITIOH~. Tilt: CONTItACTOft MUST !lAVt: TillS t't:It"IT AND APPltOV&::D PLANS ANti MUST Kt:t:T WIT" T"E P.W. IN:-;f't;CTUIt ON Tilt: SIT!: A'J: L&:A:OT 'l"WO DAYS lit;IOkt: STAkTING WOU. NOTICE MU~T lit: CIV'N TO PUbLIC WORKS 1T LEAST It HOURS b~fOkE Mt:STAkT1NC ANY WORK. S~ECIAL t'HOVISIOHS I"'] r -' _1. Street ....11 not be open C~t tor ~nderground 1n.l.l1&t10nl. "In1I1u. C~t. a.y be el1uwcd lor conneCt101l:;; or eaplor.tlon hol.... $~ch C~L. .uut be .Pt!CdlC..lly ..pprovcd by rhco '.lIif-eCl...r . ViVl.tnY-.ay bc C~l tor ~nd.rgroun~ 1n>>t&11ation. anO IIUlt be re>>tored 1n accordanCe ~ltn lhe Utility TrenCh ke.lOratlon StAnd.rd Dra~in9. Wurk r~ Ue .L..cd by a 11cen~cd L.nd '~rvcyur 01 Civil ~ngln..r and two (2) Cople~ 01 th. CUt ehcec. tlClll t~ Lbe "Ulotic WorlL Deyt. bcture atartlng ,",Ork. The ho~re of ",on arc hailed to out~ de the hour. 01 ,-~ &.a. And )-tl p.a. toe .ny ",on .ltect1ng a ('attic lan.. a;. I', _2. _1. t. - ~ , , r .... '''' I' I': ..... "j c:; a.: -~. '~~JT ~'LICLTIOH ,t:K PLAN CU~CK ,DEPOSit >>ONO rOk lAltlU'UL PtkfOkKANCE la-1) C U~.OO) c ST.u.DAkU i~D.OO $~OO.OO C100, 0' INC. tST.) Ct. 0' MONU.$~OO "IN) Cl. 01 '.1'. MOND 'H.OD 'UN) MOUNT <)6 Ilt:C~lI"T NO. C', P. P. ICA:OU) D~POS1T P&aulIT 'ia: /~7E3-1- ,SOL' /257E!>4- $J"1 \ ~,~ 04-c;\ -4(l $4-~\'1..00 J 193 I 1'/13/ /-1,,;-//7 ..; , .- ..... I.PPMOV&:O rOM I nOO) I..UAHC< ~ ~~ ~ IIC $'~4(",. .00 I; PWPI:K"IT It.vl..d l/lIl Permit No. Applicant d-~ -I Y Y A / /l/S- "-- c Y , INFORMATION SHEET FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City License, State Contractor's License and Workers' Name of co~~ractor/tit11k~f ))I!elofll/.l~/Lf~ Address I/() /}ji)-: "75~'T]~/1 J()5{ of Campbell Business Compensation Insurance. State Contractor License No, .-j-/3_;;((- 0 Telephone .fOr ,,-:5- 5;; // / 7 (/{ YS/SC) t...~G"l PT ~ \ ~.::.>-r='l<1 "':;"' <; ....,~ City BuSiness License No.1 ;Y-)C 3)-7-<::'.... Expiration Date """.:::1'.) -""-=".::. \ - ~....., Will do the following types of work: l~dergrOUnd ~~;~C, concrete /~/"- ~ _____A.C. paving _____electrical _____other (specify) WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Contrac tori Applicant Jilll,)-k-y I), IJ(' 4, )(/1&:"/ 2/1(. One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR Insurance Policy No, 00C03031-3/ - {)O OR The Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed). CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in employ any person Compensation baws <-j Signe~ / the performance of the in any manner so as to of California. ~~..-:? work for this permit, I shall not become subject to the Workers' / ./ Date~-;/ ~/<)'j / NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/ LICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you shoulq become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. f:PERMINFO REV. 11/87 [~ i'I ~ i~ f C A [Vi ill II ELL 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 Public Works Department: September 8, 1989 Ainsley Development Inc. P.O. Box 7583 San Jose, CA 95150 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No.: 88-144 Location: 921 & 931 Hazel Ave. Maintenance Bond Amount: $26,950.00 Gentlemen: We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, we will recommend the acceptance of the work to the City Council, We will send a copy of their resolution accepting the work upon their approval of same, You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing faithful performance bond, If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one (1) year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~ C~ M, Jocson Associate Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: G, Eaton, Public Works Inspector Council Agenda C. Case, Administrative Aide Bond Company: Suspense - 1 year f/acc-ltr "...---- .- - . --. - --... .. .. . -- ...- PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT DAte o/~(gl PeraJ.t or Project No. '8B. /44 A4dre.s q C I - q 3". . H-47~= -L ~pe of work. Stre,t Storm Other (describe) Sanitary Electrical o PJU:tIMINARr INSPECTION WITH DEPICIENcr LIST (attached) o FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEPICIENcr LIST (attached) ~AL INSPE~ION - ~CEPTANCE Signed plans?, ~ N (If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? '~ OverU..IIIe. hrs. I $ Dote 5.reason. N /hr. - $ " B4rricade rental (attach Lnvoice)? y Date 5 reason. (!) $ Other? ~/",wn'~ of: ~ t= e:.uM' ~s~ :P;Jo.J<..). ~ /. ( .pA~&;'rn~ri" /'<(R"u~ c;. ;f)J'sTi4t..LIrn'Q"j of $ 4-72, 2... 2- + ~ $ ~otal chArges deducted from deposit. (Cash Deposit $ 4312. .00 le88 charges $~72., 2. Z- $ 472..2. 2- - Refund $~8B~, 7& ek. req.) DONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEPICIENCl LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Relea.e'..intenance bo~d. Check Request if CAsh.) Engineer ~) In or -+- . 5~ A-tTA-<-l-fED ~~N. /" . L({)UAlC l.L ~Nl>A _/k~ qz/- q3f J/4z.~,- L ?~ ,'-r N.o, ~- I~) ~-r 81CEAK.. 1:::::>~,u F~K- ~ PA~tU.Tl'''-I.~ or:=:- PAI..Je"I"'1~",rl lE:c_E:I\..rlS 6ne..1.?"1\J~ 4MD TH-E ; NST)::)(..(..4-rz'C)"-.J D f: fA\./, c/'4l e:^-l ,- ~.:t /GIG-€: il::...s ~ Ei;?~ ~ pM cJV. T .:5T,e \'pc: R- 7: c..\lC.. u. F ~~ STENe..; L ~c..~ 6:. 7S'.PQ ~~ ~a-.(;)O ~~ 1f15[).CO ~ ~ I-~L = I - ~.(. 2-~ .$- 7S-. Db .".. 2.5" . OC ~/~O - ~ LA (50~ So..AfEiLV; 5ofL. MA; ~1Vt.E" vJ,~--{L:II:: MA ; N. 7Cito.j A^,<:.E (,Jo~::C:- -? 28.!lO ~ l-k..c1L .;r 2.". 2S fe1l-'~.c- -- c.et, SO r:#l; Hcu (L. z.. /-(.Yfi..> z... - \~-~ ""2..-L~U ~ 5'=-.00 6< fii z.. 5 c 4r 4'1- co MI'l'11c-Il.-; A '-~ 12- eQ.. rAVIC",^€A.LII'Ct~ ~ -6'~""f' ea. sY4013 -rc:> T-A- L- AD i1'1o,....J. j :i<ne..kn' -.J ~ F.e-E'S. ~ 2- S X- I ~IAL .4 Zt:> . L.8 "377.7\s 94,<:\4 .1!jJ'4-72.2-2... ) ~k~ ~ TrI./ ~_C' ".1 CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works June 26, 1989 Ainsley Development, Inc. P.O. Box 7583 San Jose, CA 95150 RE: Final Inspection - Deficiencies Permit No.: 88-144 Location: 921-931 Hazel Ave. Gentlemen: You have requested a final inspection on subject construction work. There are deficiencies in the work which are indicated on the enclosed list, These deficiencies must be corrected to the satisfaction of Public Works Inspector Gregg Eaton before we can make a Final Inspection or acceptance of the work. Upon completion of the corrective work, please submit a written request for a Final Inspection and acceptance. Sincerely, . .~ C~M. Jocson ~:~~~ate Civil Engineer CMJ: sd cc: G. Eaton Enc. (., CITY OF CAMPBEll June 26, 1989 Permit No. 88-144 921-931 Hazel Ave. DEFICIENCY LIST 1) Clean drain inlets 2) Clean off manhole and monument covers for inspection 3) General clean up of the street, curb & gutter and sidewalk 4) Clean up the tack that was tracked onto the driveway approach 5) Seal coat the 3" to 4" strip just off the lip of gutter 6) Relocate (permanently) the mail box at 752 Craig as directed in the field 7) Repair the stress crack at the handicap ramp at Craig and Hazel 8) Conforms on Craig and on Virginia need to be water tested 9) *Note* - 950 Hazel - the resident was promised by Galante Bros. that his driveway would be repaired due to damage caused by the contractor, The repairs still need to be completed. Electrical 1) PG&E service point pull box lid needs to be made accessable for .inspection (lid is locked down) . 2) Sta. 3+98 is okay 3) Sta. 1+87 A) Replace broken pull box lid B) Re-paint pole C) Re-pull No. 10 field wiring from fuse holder to the fixture *Note* there are no splices in the handho1e cover 4) Sta. 6+68 - replace damaged pull box lid .. .i,i~~I~I;~1~,ii;~~ii~~i~;~21.- , i.,J ,,',1 I :j '.' OHT~ ~ \ ':", I ~ 1ft~ . . ~.f0() J: '~'lt~, ~,te;r.J . . i1'~J:; }?i; . ~ .f'~;) . ',' , _Id :1 11+(/,.,1 i~ ~ ~ ~ OI.J.J t('.'.c...., ! '>i . :I/i , cX~ [)/vJ ~.- ". If.:;;l,. ,11" .J. 'L t;.6 .... ,I I,.. , f1lr)r) 4~A(j',;::/~ 'CC ~ 1.~'4 4./.1/, '/(/ . ".1/ .~ /,;",.( 4- ,V1{J ::'1"1 .. Ht' 0+ 21/'14 ' 'I- " ".,,/ ~ II;) ~i .I t).f A(~, "j q ~ ~u~ , '. 4 ~ I,;'{ nil ".' I" ()I t1 f ,r'oj I ,r' 1',;' '~1..G,() I,t ,11' {.~k ,:"?''!J'/' ~" . :;'f:C ....!;;:,: .....! '"'' ... _ _"__,~ ,. ~" _~" -~~.._~..~,n,.~~~.....-- _ '. ~;,."._,,_ ::--,,:~...--""!1'r~'''- -$1 '( tJ'I '.. . fJ '," I. '1 1>/1 . w 'U, /..' " - :. " .' ~, I <" . 1::'~;!1; ..... >'( ;~, '1 fBl&YVl~r4 BS ~)44 ,9;11- '33/ . ~ .. Cut Sheets Offset~ . HUB [LEV. . PLAN [LEV. 2.'J~ ~o 7/// 3E ,? /.JJ~ 3 ~ 1.lq, C?61', C ' ,,; I C; ( " .,- I {; '!. (/., I ,~. ' /. I .. "j ," ( .' ~. 'I. I C.. 1, .,' ' "7,1(.' <I' !.! f j". 'r .:' " /''It:i36 2'/Cf &~ -; :'-ur,~',!' ; 'i. " .z /"1 :fe 21Cj )?; ..,~ {';';, ~ Q ,-J II"' ". .-', . ' (' LI';7- ./0 I. "" () (. ,., , -? KJ / Q 1\ () '/'2 ...' I ,?f -, ~ -, .,' ',. "), I'L' ;/ /I<'D ,'tl'l. II' re. /1( at..) -T" c '" 1,1) ,. , ' I (.1 "/.') 'I'" (" '.,..I '. /: I'lL 7"8 11.0. DO l (.. I -? j4t, " f?/}/).f.). '...,...., . . ~/ ~,() /- l. IW 2/9. 17 t 1..1), tJ 1/\A I '... Zld ~ 0 1,''U~~!):i/v\1 21tfll/e; ,!.,I~. ~ ((7, ;? 17-5'3 1/"/. ~. F.(:' I .- - ..... .... I/{:W;'" 'h.!. .... . .IT ~:~"!' ,.... .~.!~i;<!;'/.. -v'"'IB' I:~;; ;;,';~' : l'" ....!)!"T'Y ~ ., , '.:-- . , , ......i .;: 'j:':':;';: ~.\~~,.:,;;,- .J;"";'; . J . ~ ~.,'; Uf-\N. -/IP1 '::1 '1'1 . (\~ ce,t (~I.JnE-~~ ;', "~,~';~:".'I. ~ , ~ f.' /.1, :""~., '1,:, ' . ~"'\'. '.; l~ .\.# ":; ~ . .) Checked By ;'J. -z,., I-Jb~tf " ..1{~:", , :t- CUT . f.IL~" ~OT: '~.7" . . ,:'; ; J ."2jJ .or /42" . ". ,,-.:. (~ '57 - '. I '6ZF/: .:. c;'yS (1~' C) \4 I t-.J. '2, ( I 0.4' I ; ,..., 4'7 ....' '-- I I . : I i /. 00 C R">;. /.41 '. " '3 z.. o Z? ( CITYOFCAMPB'EII Public Works WIM8ERlY I~ElMS JOCSON KRlIGER LPENOYER 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: --.l September 14, 1990 Ainsley Development Inc. Box 7583 San Jose, CA 95150 SUBJECT: ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE ACCEPTANCE PERMIT NO.: 88-144 LOCATION: 921 & 931 Hazel Avenue Gentlemen: We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required, By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond, Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE:sd cc: Bond Company f:88-l44-2 (permits PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION Da~eq7;~/qo- Pc=1t or Project No. Address ?P/ ~.. 931 ~ Type of work ; street-"&' Storm SAni tAry Other (describe) REPORT ~g-/14 4u-f , ElectricAl [JPRELIHINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) [JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) D FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plAne'? Y H (If uigned, Council AcceptAnc~.) ChArges AgAinst deposit? y Overtim~1 hrs. @ $ DAte" reAliion; N /hr. - $ BArriCAde rentAl (Attach invoice)? Y N DAte " reAson; $ Other? $ ~ TotAl chArges deducted from deposita $ (CAsh Deposit $ leas chArges $ - Refund S [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) ~NE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE ~RelcASe'm4intenAnce bond. Check Request if CAsh.) ck. req.) Inspector ,- . __. H .._.. _. .. . __ ... _ PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT DAte o/~l Permit or Project No. '88. /44 Address q C. I - q 3'\. . l--f.4z.~= -L 2'ype of work. Stre.t Storm Other (describe) SAnitAry ElectricAl o PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) CJ FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) aFiNAL INSPE~ION - ~EPTANCE Signed plAnS? ~ N (If signed, Council AcceptAnce.) Charges against deposit? . (!) N Overtime. hr.. @ $ /hr.- Date '.reason. Barricade rental (attach invoice)? y ~ Date , reason. $ $ Other? ?AJ",.rn'::~ C>~ ~ ~~.i ~-m. ",P;""<..). ;/N.$"mt..I.AT1'OtJ of $ 4-72.2... 2.... -+- ~ArJG;"m_.- ~__ _ ( ~ $ Total charges deducted from deposita (Cash Deposit $ 4312. .00 less charges $472., z. z- $ 472-.2. 2- · Refund $.383'7. 7~ ek. req.) DONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Releaae'aaintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) Engineer ~) In or v~ 5 ~~ ~~N. ~'c;r;;: ~ . L ([)u Al C ( .L ~r--LbA _'I ~;v\- -_.~ -....,.. '--~-.- '.'.~.---'--'-'-"" _....~.'-'-~ --~~""Y_'_'---~.><<_,.-__....., --~...,- .. ,,_,_,-.-.~~ __,',_ --' ......'_.-._._.,"'-.,.'" _"..,,_~- ---'~.~~'~__...~:.. qZr - q 3 ( J/4z..~L- {~/-r tJo, ~-,~ . - .~ ~-'--, Lobi BIC.EA K ~~,u F~<<- TJ-f--6"" PA ~ tU.. II' ~ ~ a r:= PAUc:er-t~N'-- Le:-~7S S~'.F;I\J~ 4,u,b T1f-E; ; NS~c...4-4lZ~~~ Df: PAv.e:f'el ~,- 1'4 ;f1ClC-E~.5 ~ ~'-A ~ pM E-tJ. T ,sT,e.\'pii:/2- ?~ c..1IC.. U. P ~"'- 6TE"l\Jc.i L ~'-"'- III':.. 7S-.~ ~~ ~a-.(;)O ~~ ttl'5D.CO ~ ~ I-~L = I . ~.(. 2-~ LA a>o~ SV.fiiiLV; :;'ctL MA; ~1Vc.E" w~--{L:rr: MA; N. TaJANC6 r,J.o~:r:- ~ ?S.!lO f"e:II- '~;z., .. 2.". zs- fe'R-'~L- ~ c..,., S"D ~#l; Heu fl.. 2. /-feuti-j. 2.. - \~..~ G-L~ MI'f'l1r::'-n..; A~ 1'- eCi.. rA\Jli/i!i.,.A€~I,l'q.~ ~ ~,( ",,?, ea. ~1.i3 TE>...-A- L Ab n'Io....J. i S<ne.1n"\' ~ €... ~ <? t 2.5;( f'O-rA L ~A.4:-;b ~ TA-f ~-=. .$' 7s-. E)O -- 2-S' . €X::> "*/ao. ~ ~ 5"-.00 N S 2.. S e:. ~ 4'i.oo 4- Zt:> . Z-8 "377.7\s 94.44 "472.2.2-. ) REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Ainsley Development Co. Address: Line 1: P.O. Box 7583 (30 spaces) (30 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95150 (2) (10 spaces) Line 2: City: San Jose (20 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund (24 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $4,339.78 Account Number: 905.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposits for excavation permit no. 88-144. See receipt #18784 dated 5/4/88 ($500.00) and receipt #19931 dated 7/14/88 ($4,312.00 less $472.22 in charges) Requested by: Date: 9/8/89 Gregg Eaton Title: P. W. Inspector Approved by: D.C. Wimberly Title: P.W. Director Date: Verified by: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is x Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Departmen t) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. <::?<S'~/yy Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. --.-- 35-) 96 3372 3521 3521 (specify project) PVl..Y.'la F e.M : R-7 : ($'35) ($200) t Vl.: ($ 50) '( 500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7'1u of FPB) ($ 35 min.) Depos i t 3372 3521 3373 3373 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) & 3372 3372 3372 ~372 3372 3372 3372 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($350) Final Parcel Map Fil in Fee ($300) Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee $ 00 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee (S350) Lot Line Ad.ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250)- Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3370 3395 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage AMOUIH $ .50 ,0) 0 CJ .3 SO - NAME TOTAL ~~. Yo ~7::;-El3 900 5--S-7- /1/7 9S;S-() PH:.lNE Sv ADDRESS ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK ~l.Y RECEIPT NO. AMC:)tJolT PAID RECE J VED BY DATE' $ July, 1987 g 2 -{<-{V PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO.~, &1 '0 / 3521 3373 3373 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: Depos i t Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) & . 3372 Mu' t i - Re s. , 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage NAME ADDRESS TOTAL Ai n 5 \7YUe'\')-<<!: (0 PH1en{ , I r Ph' $ox 7~r3 . J~n . ~ file. ) DJ (", Ca... PHONE AMourn $ 4 3/7.. ~ ~$~ '"3 !"C!) ~ '2 7 7'-1 .- -- 10, I t'Y~ , $ Z S. /70 , ~ ZIP 95/ro RECEIPT NO. AMOl.Nr PAID RECEIVED BY' DATI" July, 1987 FOR C I TV CLERK O<<.v INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST 1575 TREAT BOULEVARD. SUITE 200. WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598 P.O, BOX 9283. WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598-0983. (415) 937-9460 R!CIEIVG:J NOV 14 1989 Public WorksfEnqinoQring November 13, 1989 STATUS INQUIRY CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 North First Street Campbell, Ca 95008 ) RE: AINSLEY DEVELOPMENT, INC. ~ Bond Number(s): 04 74 82 P~n- 88-1# Bond Amount: $5,000 Bond Eff. Date: 3-9-89 to 3-9-91 Tract: #8130, Landscaping, Fencing & Stripping Parking Lot Hazel Avenue, Campbell , L_ Without prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond(s) described above, we would appreciate a status update on the referenced project. Thank you for your cooperation. 1. IF SUBDIVISION OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE COMPLETED, state: A). Approximate date of acceptance of work: ~o+l.-.:J-te~ B) Acceptance date (by Board of Supervisors, City council, or other governing body): PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF THE MINUTES IF POSSIBLE. 2. IF SUBDIVISION OFF-SITE WORK IS UNCOMPLETED, please state the approximate percentage completed for the following: Rough grading Fire hydrants Finish grading Street lighting Curbs Water service Gutters Sewers Sidewalks Monuments 3. Do you know of any unpaid bills for labor or material? _~'t::L-- If yes, please explain: 4. Rem.arks:~AI\.l'-€' ...~~b~ ~~I\.l/(~A.Lee~1 _~-.-&-D./\..l_€= ,-/~~Z.2/-,g.J::J__ DA TE : ~1L4/.~c., PHONE: Bff@:::Z.1 BY:_~~~ ~ TITLE: ~~\..l-c..-WC1~-f~~ Stamped Addressed Envelope Enclosed y NO FEE 10321464 RE{;ORD f'lE~~g~ESl OF A" ... ... ...41>1) ELL erN Of ~.- o \ 39 F\\ I B9 ~ll~ 0 L16 0 PAGE 955 r ~..,' ~,"s Of'f\C',~.'. "'~~:CC1UK1'f s!>.l\ut.3~\E" ~~S,E LRECO\I,ut:r. CITY OF CAMPBELL U/ 70 N. FIRST STREET 0 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 TO BE RECORDED WITt/OUT F~ Sf": 'ION 6 J 03 GOVE?NN.E;-lT CODE 1l\T THi: f,EQUE3T 0;: CI;Y OF CAN.PBEU NOTICE OF COMPLETION 10321464 NOTICE is hereby given that City of Campbell as Owner and Donald C, Wimberly, the undersigned, as City Engineer caused street improvements to be constructed upon the property hereinafter described, That the work on said street improvements was accepted on the 3rd day of October, 1989, That the name of the Subdivider for said Owner is Ainsley Development, Inc, That the nature of title of said City to said street improvements is that of Owner in fee simple, and the names and addresses of all Owners of said property are: City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, California 95008 That the property herein referred to and on which said street improvements are located is situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California and described as follows: Improvements installed in Tract 8130 and having the following address: 921 & 931 Hazel Avenue. Dated October 12, 1989 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA I, Donald C, Wimberly, being duly sworn, says: That I am the Ciey Engineer for said City of Campbell, the Owner of the property described in the foregoing Notice; that I have read the foregoing Notice, and know the contents thereof; and the facts therein stated are true of my own knowledge, Donald C, Wimberly, City Engineer Subscribed and sworn to before me this /3 day of October, 1989 (!";'JJ~ 7'r7, r~ Notary Public in and for said County of Santa Clara, State of California OFFICIAL SEAL CHARLENE M. CASE Notary Pubhe-callfomla SANTA ClARA COUNTY My Comm. Exp. Oct. 12. 11191 INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST HOME OFFICE: SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA MAINTENANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: RICEIVED NOV 06 1989 Bond No. 113 43 16 , Premium: $674.00 Public W orksl EngineerIng That, AINSLEY DEVELOPMENT, INC. . as Pnnci>:aJ, and Tnsl1rrlnr'p Coropan'J of- thIS West . a cor>:oration organized under the laws of the Slale 01_ Californi-_a and authorized to do a surety business in the State of Ca I i forn i a , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the Ci ty of Campbell in the sum of Twentl.;-six thousand nine hundred fifty dollars ------------------ ($26,950.00 *** ), lawful money of the United States 01 America, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bir,d ourselves, our heirs, exeC'-ltors, administrators, successors and assigns. jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: SEALED with our seals and dated this 27 October 1989 WHEREAS, on the . the sain principal as contractor, entered into a contract for for~he sum of ($ 107,000 921 and 931 Hazel Avenue Offsite Improvements One hundred seven thousand dollars ); and,;, WHEREAS, under the terms of the speclflcatlons for said work. the saH principal Is required to give a bond for Twentv-si)( t-hnllc:;mn ninA b'mdr~d fifty 61oll:J.ro r.ity of r~mpb~11 re.ult of laulty materlall or workmanahlp lor a namely, untll October 27 799n ), to protect the against the period 01 one year Irom and alter the date of the completlon and acceptance of same, ($ 26,950.00 NOW, THEREFORE, If th. lalrl principal .halllor a p.rlod 01 one year from and alter the date 01 the completion and acceptance 01 lam. by lair! Principal replace any and all defectl arising In laid work whether relultlng from defective materials or defective workmanahip, then the above obligation to be void; otherwise to remain In lull lorce and eUec:t. ",.,"- -~. ''----.-....------- Insurance Company of the West @!~~ Chr~stie ~ert, Attorney-in-Fact By INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST HOME OFFICE: SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Certified Copy of POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, a Corporation duly authorized and existing under the laws of the State of California and having its principal office in the City of San Diego, California, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint: CHRISTIE PIERT JOANNE M. MAUSETH CHARLES GRISWOLD its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authori ty of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST at a meeting duly called and held on the Sixth day of February, 1973, which said Resolution has not been amended or rescinded and of which the following is a true, full, and complete copy: "RESOLVED: That the President or Secretary may from time to time appoint Attorneys-in- Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company, and either the President or Secretary, the Board of Directors or Executive Convnittee may at any time remove such Attorneys-in-Fact and revoke the Power of Attorney given him or her; and be it further RESOLVED: That the Attorney-in-Fact may be given full power to execute for and in the name of and on behalf of the Company any and all bonds and undertakings as the business of the Company may require, and any such bonds or undertakings executed by any such Attorney- in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Secretary." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST has caused its official seal to be here- unto affixed and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officers this 13TH DAY OF JUNE 1988. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST &~~~ -- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO On this 13TH DAY OF JUNE 1988 before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of California, in and for the County of San Diego, duly convnissioned and qualified, came BERNARD M. FELDMAN, President of INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he is the said officer of the Corporation aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation, and that the said Corporate Seal and his signature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of San Diego, the day and ear first above written. OFFICIAL SEAL NORMA PORTER rmT A'{Y PUBLIC - CALIFORNiA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY My CommISSion E.p JanuAry 8. 1" "t:'MJ; #}1',1 ~ 11~ Notary u 1C STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I, the undersigned, JAMES W. AUSTIN, III, Secretary of INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, do hereby certify that the original POWER OF ATTORNEY, of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy, is in full force and effect, and has not been revoked, 55: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my n~m~ as Secretary, and affixed the Corporate Seal of the Corporation, this 27 day of Oc 0 er 19 89 ~fAJ. ~-7lT ecretary ICW CAL 37(REV. 5/87) DAte f/~>~:' Permit or Project No. 68 - ;14-- Address 92/- q31 /-,(q 2-e7 PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT ~pe of work; Stre.t Storm Other (describe) SAnitAry Electrical o PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) ~ XNSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans? Y N (If signed, Council AcceptAnce.) Charges against deposit? y Overtime a MS. @ $ Date 5.reason; N /hr. . $ BArricade rentAl (attach invoice)? y DAte 5 reAsona N $ Other? $ $ Total charges deducted from deposita (Cash Deposit $ less charges $ $ · Refund $ DONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) ck. req.) u~.~ gineer ~ Inspector 4< per: L(5T /'J~-:05 TO 136 / ~/:V-7b?::> , UN~~ '~liL ~~ -;, ~ / 7'3 ON O/C,I Ve -,-- ---- AINSLEY it DEVELOPMENT, INC. ~# C A. v~, #~ ~~. 'Y..? ,- ~~ tI '# o,.~ {9c9, 4 v~ C9 ~'.;. Go ~, ~ June 16, 1989 City of Campbell, Public Works 70 North First street Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract 8130 - Hazel Avenue Permit #88-144 Dear Greg: The above project is ready for final inspection. Please inspect this project as soon as you schedule permits. If you would like me to be present during your inspection, please give me a call. Sincerely, INC. Chuck Bommarito Ijep 2195 HAMILTON AVENUE, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95125.408/559-1117 P.O, BOX 7583, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95150 ENGEOTECH, INC. Soil and Geological Engineers 473 Sapena Court, Unit 15 . Santa Clara, CA 95054 . (408) 988-8225 File No. ET8-0436~S2 May 18, 1989 Ainsley Development, Inc. 2195 Hamilton Avenue San Jose, California 95125 Attention: Mr. Chuck Bommarito Subject: 9-Lot Residential Development Hazel Avenue Campbell, California TESTING AND INSPECTION DURING GRADING OF STREET Gentl emen: Per your request, our firm performed testing and inspection services during grading of Street for the Residential Development located on Hazel Avenue in Campbell, California. The subgrade in the areas for curb & gutter and sidewalk was prepared and compacted. Baserock in the areas was placed and compacted. After pouring curb & gutter and sidewalk, the A.C. in Hazel Avenue was removed and the hauled away. The area was excavated to accomodate baserock and A.C. The subgrade was compacted with a roller. Baserock was placed, moisture conditioned, and compacted with a roller. Soft areas were excavated and plugged with extra baserock. The results of the tests performed by us indicated that the subgrade was com-acted to 95.1 to 95.6% relative compaction. Baserock was compacted to 96.0 to 97.6% relative compaction. A.C. was compacted to 98.4 to 98.9% relatove compaction. File No. ET8-0436-S1 Page 2 The grading was accomplished under our supervision, If you have any questions, - please give us a call. Yours truly, ENGEOTECH, INC. ~~ Muhammad Hussain, G.E. ENGEOTECH, INC. At~ttlll..;CERTIFICA TEOF INSURANCE (MM/DDIYY) PRODUCER Stivers Insurance SErvice, Inc. p .0. Box 954 Campbell, CA 95009 11/30/88 THIS CERTIFICATE is ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, FXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE CODE 3905 COMPANY A LETTER Ohio Casualty SUB-CODE INSURED Ainsley Financial, Inc. P.O. Box 7583 San Jose, CA 95150 COMPANY B LETTER Reliance Insurance Co. ~~T~~~NY C ~~~~~NY D ~~~~NY E COVERAGES --. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDiTION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MMIDD/YY) DATE (MM/DDIYY) ALL LIMITS IN THOUSANDS GENERAL LIABILITY A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR. OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROTo BLW(89)50093575 11/18/88 11/18/89 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 1,000 PRODUCTS-COMP/OPS AGGREGATE $ 1,000 PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY $ 1,000 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1.000 50 5 $ FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) MEDICAL EXPENSE (Anyone person) $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRE!) AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE $ LIMIT BODIL Y INJURY $ (Per person) BODILY INJURY $ (Per accident) PROPERTY DAMAGE EXCESS LIABILITY EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE $ $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM WORKER'S COMPENSATION STATUTORY B I AND WC0303431 11/18/88 11/18/89 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 (EACH ACCIDENT) (DISEASE-POLICY liMIT) (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLESIRESTRICTIONSISPECIAL ITEMS The City of Campbell and its respective officers, agents and employees are named as additional isnureds from and against any claims, loss liabili cost or expense arising out of or in any way connected with the construction of the project. This applies only to the above Liability policy. Additional Insured endorsement to follow. CERTifiCATE- HOLDER CANCELLATION , I City of Campbell 70 N. 1st Street Campbell, CA 95008 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL~ DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES, i I ! I I l AcOllD 25-8 (318"L s '" TO: City Clerk Please colleet & receipt for the following monies: PUBLI C \40RKS FI LE NO. 3~ - I~ sr ~ Dr-c..: f'.... ,'\CCT. 35-3396 63iV 3521 3521 (specify project) p eJLm-{.,.t e.M : R-l : ($'35) ($200) (Cash) Depos it 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) J373 3373 & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 1372 Final Parcel Hap Filing Fee ($300) 372 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) }372 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Ad.ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment:. Categorical Exemption cost Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) J395 Park Dedication I~-l ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Publ ic Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME f),;'st.V ~lLl ~~,-i:.Jhr ADDRESS PV. ~2)'X 758 3 ~5:r AMOUNT $ l:\t; . D n $50.00 PHONE sse; - (II 7 ZIP 9~-/,,)-O FOR C I TV CLERK a-lLY RECE IPT NO. AMOlNr PAID d-.. 0)" '%6 ~. {Yo Ci.-TYI '0 . 3 -~<;{ RECE I VED BY DATE' July, 1987 I' - CITY OF CAMPBELL - I Department of Public Works CONTRACT IDENTIFICATION Project or Permit No. Name or Location ,/"r: C C I .. / / / / / '/ / PROJECT INSPECTOR'S DAILY REPORT ;/ ~/ --'/c. //' l Page Date C -Iei' of I / .. ( /[~ I -/~ I //:';L/.,--- "1// ~ / ! I ,I / I / i /f //"') /,'j' . " ~'-//~: ! f /-.; Y E // " 'f ~ '/~, / J,/ I .~i .' ) IL ;' ,/"',) I .:"j , ....', i/.,/' ) J // ---- - , /' 7// '-::: --I-- 7 (- I ., . . f_ j,'/) . <: :./,"l r ,~ "/>/ C --r.. J/ /~/ /.J- /. >) /./ I f-/~ i /' __ L,' "/-r /--. ,Ii ~ /./ - '..' '/ ~. . ,." . ." . (', / . .'1/ ., // J ' , , - t, /, - / r"L' ;' /. /// / j'/) I- E i-i.' ,/' ./'/. . >;7'/) o'',/e.-/'';:' ., I " , , I , I - .J .. ' J -' I," ,. I ./ ", j , C /f//~1 /- I .?- -~ I If I/~'~/'\ /J ' I (,.~ /:. 1 ,.' / / .' .' it ..1 "'i .~. I' 1-1 ) ..// /'" --' I? '..,. o'...., --- , , ///~ //J / /; / _./ ;,/ / , j- ., . I / , . I ! CITY ENGINEER PROJECT ENGINEER / ..- 4' {' l' ~'~--r-'- ~;OJECTINSPECTOR - :" ')RDINANCE NO. I 1684 ~r '-' BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AMENDING THE ZONING MAP FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS 921 & 931 HAZEL AVE., AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT (APPLICATION OF AINSLEY DEVELOPMENT, INC., ZC 87-15). The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached Exhibit A entitled Map of Said Property, as per the application of Ainsley Development, Inc. for approval of a Zone Change for property known as 921 & 931 Hazel Ave. from R-1-6 (Single Family Residential, 6,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size) to PD (Planned Development). SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective thirty days following its passage and adoption and shall be published once within fifteen days upon passage and adoption in the San Jose Mercury News, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of Apri 1 following roll call vote: . 19 88 by the AYES: Councilmembers: Ashworth, Kotowski, Watson, Doetsch, Podgorsek \ NOES: Councilmembers: None ATTEST: 2/ ., AP~ROVED: t. (./) k "1~ (:Vi ;;J1Jl~/l'(A', ~, Barbara Olsasky, City C \ , \ ". ABSENT: Councilmembers: None ". 1 of THE FOREOt'llNG INSTRUMENT 18 A ,",ur AND CORR!;CT COpy OF THE OftlGINAl ON FILE IN THIS OfFICE. ~~""'., 0' '''<Y. e'N e"., BY FCA~~ ' OA'ED 1/1l .I ty ~ ':;t J ~ '-..' ORDINANCE NO. 1685 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT, PLANS, ELEVATIONS, DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE, AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION 0 9 SINGLE FAMILY HOMES ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS 921 & 931 HAZEL AVE. IN A PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT I LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT. (APPLICATION OF AINSLEY DEVELOPMENT, INC., PD 87-14). The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the-Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended on property known as 921 & 931 Hazel Ave. by adopting the attached Exhibit A entitled Plans and Elevations; Exhibit B entitled Development Schedule; Exhibit C entitled Map of Said Property; and Exhibit D entitled Conditions of Approval, as per the application of Ainsley Development, Inc. for plans, elevation~, and development schedule to allow the construction of 9 single family homes in a Planned Development Zoning District. Copies of said Exhibits are on file in the Planning Department. SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective 30 days following its passage and adoption and shall be published once within 15 days upon passage and adoption in the San Jose Mercury News, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara. PASSED AND ADOPTED this following roll call vote: 5th day of Apri 1 , 19 88, by the AYES: Councilmembers: Ashworth, Kotavski, Watson, Doets ch, Podgorsek NOES: Councilmembers: None ABSENT: Councilmembers: None ATTEST: APPROVED: Barbara Olsasky, City CI: - THE FORE'GOING INSTRUMENT 18 A TflUI! AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE I~l THIS OFfiCE. ATTEST: BAR!3~.RA 0' S~"I(Y, CITY CLERK, CITY CAMPIilEll, CALIFORNIA, f .:. J5751REATBO EV o o SUITE 200 oWALNUTCREEK,CA 94598 p,O, BOX 92830 AL lIT CREEK. CA 94598-09830 (415) 937-9460 0 FAX (415) 937-8239 E COMPANY OF THE WEST IECIIVID JUN 2 a 1989 Public Worb/Engineering June 22, 1989 STATUS INQUIRY CI.TY OF CAMPBELL 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 petJt4r, #8l5'- 14-4 RE: AINSLEY DEVELOPMENT, INC. Bond Number(s): 04 74 82 Bond Amount: $5.000 Bond Eff. Date: 3-9-89 to 3-9-91 Tract: #8130, Landscaping, fencing & stripping parking lot Hazel Avenue, Campbell Without prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond(s) described above. we would appreciate a status update on the referenced project. Thank you for your cooperation. ~An/~ !3.~/,{/h] mes B. Moffatt, At orney-in-fact Surety Department 1. IF SUBDIVISION OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE COMPLETED, state: A) Approximate date of acceptance of work: B) Acceptance date (by Board of Supervisors, City council, or other governing body): PLEASE ATTACH A COpy OF THE MINUTES IF POSSIBLE. 2. IF SUBDIVISION OFF-SITE WORK IS UNCOMPLETED. please state the approximate percentage completed for the following: Rough grading Fire hydrants Finish grading PD% Street lighting ?.rX Curbs .Ice '" Water service Gutters ~ Sewers Sidewalks ~~ ~ Monuments 3. Do you know of any unpaid bills for labor or material? ~~ If yes, please explain: . 4. Remarks: ~/)"T't' K9'7A/~ ~,.J Iff:.Fpecr BY: .6~ ~ TITLE: f..,&"~ ~I.q 7~7"OIt- DATE: PHONE: Stamped Addressed Envelope Enclosed WEST V ALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY or CAMPBEL I TOWN OF LOS GA T05 CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY or SARA TOGA UNINCORPORA TED ARr A 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell. California 95008 1 pIPl'h(lI11' (408) 37B. ;:>407 July 18, 1988 Dave Valkenaar City of Campbell Public Works Department 70 N. First Street ~~mpbell, CA 95008 RE: Tract 8130 Hazel Avenue, Campbell Dear Dave: This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installation, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Preston R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer PRN :mk E-20 Rev. 2-20-86 (FORMERL Y COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO 4) PA YMENT BOND - PUBLIC WORKS Bond No,. 04 51 49 premi um: Incl ' , . ~n Perf. Bond INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST HOME OfFICE. SAN DIEGO KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thai WI, Ainsley Development, Inc. a. Prlndpal, Clnd IPsurance ComplI\)' or die Wo,t, ' Incorporaled ~nd.r the 10.... 01 Ih.' Stale 01 CaUfornla Clnd aulhorlzed 10 execull bond. and underlaklng. aa IOle IUl.ly, aa Sur.ly, ar. h.ld and firmly bound \IntQ OIly and all perlon. nam.d In Call1ornlQl CivU Code S.etlon 3181 whol' claim ba. nol D..n paid by Ih. conlrac;lor. company or corpQfation, In Ih. Clg'iJr.gal. total of One hundred seven thousand eight hundred Dollar., ($ 107,800.00 * ), 'or the payment wber.ol, well and iruly 10 ~I Dlade, aald Plindpal and Sur.ly bind th.m..lve., th.lr holr., adminl'ltalor., ,UCOlllOt. and asalgfl'. jolnlly and 'cv.rally, firmly by th..e pr...nll, Th. Condlllon 0' Ih. forlgolng obhgallon &. ,ueb Ihat; wb.rea. Ih. above bounden Principal hot ,"tered lnlo Cl ~nlraQ" dOI.d , 19 , with the Ci ty of Campbell 10 do Ibe following ...or~ to-wit: Offsite Improvements - Hazel Avenue Now. Th.r.lor., U Ih. above bO\lnden Principal! eDl\lrador, perlon, ~mpany or c:orporolion, or hi, or i1. Il.Ib.~nlraCIOr, '011. to pay anyelalmanl nam.d In Section 3181 of Ihe CivU Cod. of th.'Slale of CQlUornla. or amounl. due und.r'the Unlmploym.nt In.urane. Cod., wllh respect to w.ort or labor perlorm.d by ony .uc;ll clalmanl. thai. !h. $\lrely on 11ll. ):)and will pely th. leima, In an amo\lnt 1\01 .xc..dlng Ih. allgt'liJal. IUI1\. .pttelfi.d In thl. bond, and al.o, In ealo .ull t. brought upon Ihla bond, a r.a.ona"l. aUorney'. 1.0, which aha!1 bl awarded by tb. court to the prnall1ng )?QtlY In .ald I~it. IQld a1lorney'. fe. to bl t~.d CII coat. In .ald .uit. Thl. bond thall inure to lhe b.ndt 0' any pet.on named In Section 3181 of Ihl CIvil Cod. of lh. Slale of California IQ CII 10 give a rl9hl 0' acllon to them or thelt aitlgn... In any .ull brougbl upon tbl. bonel, Thl. bond" axecul.d and filod to comply wllh the provl.lon. of Ih. act of L.glltalur. of thl SI<d. of California a. de.lgnGl.d In Civil Code, Section. 3247.3152 Inclutlv., and all am.ndmenu ther.lg. Signed Qnd Sealed lhi. 15 day. o' .1888 ' INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST a SQ . ~-" "4;,;t~.: .- r~st~e P~ert ;:., Auor!ley-illotac:t By ~. acw-C.U.IU . . L' .' No .~ ...., ~..r,.' ,"_"'I':,~ I.....~.'\:".' 'l~:"r.!,,:~\~;';~ .',~fl;.i'.;.c~~wiJ'I~~.~~;'Ji.~~~~~;,):~~H+L;~.ki;;J.\"~ \ . INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE weST P.O, BOll 81063 S.n Di'QO. CA 92138, Bond NO.04 51 49 Premium: $2,656 Subdivision Bond-California Faithful Performance-Public Works SUBDIVISION BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That ~ Ainsl e !:!_De vel opmenp' lIne. .. as Principal, and the INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST. corporation organized end existing under the laws of thlltate of California and luthoriled to transact surety business In the State of Californi., as Surety. are held and firmly bound unto Citl./ of Camvbell : in tl\l sum of _~ hundred seven thousand eight hundred ---------- 0011.11 ($ 1 n7 . 800 _ QQ ), for the payment whereof, well and truly to b, made, said Principal and Suretv bind themselves, their heln, administrators, succe$SOI1, and .sslgns, Jointly and severally, firmly by these presenL Th. condition of the foregoing obligation Is such that, whereas the .bolle-bounden Principal has enter.d into a contract, dated , 19_____ with thl ' ____ Citl./ of Campbell to do and perform the following work, to wit: Offsite Improvements - Hazel Avenue NOW, THEREFORE, if th..bova-bounden Principal shall well and truly perform the work contracted to b. performed under said contract, then this obligation shall b. void; otherwise to remain In full force and effect. SIGNED and SEALEO thia_ l~__dllV of_ Jull./ . # 7 qRR ~ '" Witness: ~ BY: BY: ICW tAL 137 INS~NCE COMPANVGdE. W~ST_ Ub-ly . ,. -' -., _. - ;'- - ----" Christie Piert, Attorney.dn-Fact.....: < f. , . /'~.:.~.~~~<:~;;/ .., ,...... .... .', -'~ INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST HOME OFFICE: SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Certified Copy of POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, a Corporation duly authorized and existing under the laws of the State of California and having its principal office in the City of San Diego, California, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint: CHRISTIE PIERT JOANNE M. MAUSETH CHARLES GRISWOLD its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authori ty of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of" Directors of" INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST at a meeting duly called and held on the Sixth day of" February, 1973, which said Resolution has not been amended or rescinded and of" which the following is a true, full, and complete copy: "RESOLVED: That the President or Secretary may from time to time appoint Attorneys-in- Fact to represent and act f"or and on behalf" of" the Company, and either the President or Secretary, the Board of" Directors or Executive Conmittee may at any time remove such Attorneys-in-Fact and revoke the Power of" Attorney given him or her; and be it further RESOLVED: That the Attorney-in-Fact may be given f"ull power to execute f"or and in the name of" and on behalf of the Company any and all bonds and undertakings os the business of" the Company may require, and any such bonds or undertakings executed by any such Attorney- in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if" signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Secretary." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST has caused its of"f"icial seal to be here- unto af"f"ixed and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized of"ficers this 13TH DAY OF JUNE 1988. INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST STATE OF CALIFORNIA ~: COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO On this 13TH DAY OF JUNE 1988 bef"ore the subscriber, a Notary Public of" the State of" Calif"ornia, in and for the County of San Diego, duly conmissioned and qualif"ied, came BERNARD M. FELDMAN, President of" INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, to me personally known to be the individual and of"f"icer described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of" the same, and being by me duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he is the said officer of" the Corporation af"oresaid, and that the seal af"fixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation, and that the said Corporate Seal and his signature as such of"ficer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of" the said Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and aff"ixed my Official Seal, at the City of San Diego, the day and ear first above written. &~~~ -:: OfFICIAL SEAL NORMA PORTER flOT AftY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN SAIl DIEGO COUNTY Mv CommiSSion Erp J."~') 8, 1* ~14/J1A , /J~il4/ Notary u 1C STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I, the undersigned, JAMES W. AUSTIN, III, Secretary of INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, do hereby certify that the original POWER OF ATTORNEY, of" which the f"oregoing is a f"ull, true and correct copy, is in f"ull f"orce and ef"f"ect, and has not been revoked. ~: , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Secretary, and affixed the Corporate Seal of the Corporation, this 15 day of" July 1988 ICW CAL 37(REV. 5/87) ffliJ'n'0 fAJ. ~-:zt7: ecretary r - \\ I " ~~l~ ~~- \-4-4- ~,-\-q~\ ~-z.~ '\ '\ 2-. ~'\ ~.<::::> ~- \ ce,._<e:;.~ ~u ~~"- ec:>"-\.\~~ TC) ~tc- c.- CIa.> - ~~ ~~!!!!JH4- ~C~';;';'l.c:..\\ (.;) ~. ~~ ~ ~~~~L ts'-f. Lo\-I"\ ~\c:s.-s \.D~ C!-ou k.:J G l L COG~LT\.D~ e>r ~'k.)ut~ ~ i-.) ~ Q.. \,""t'-f \3 . ~V:::~~\-:2- <\0 ~k.:) C-~~ t2Lq>U\.t~K~k Yf~ Cx.JTL\U~ <!.... ~~LSU i':::.\.-L !C5L-\.~<r\~/~~~ ~()l..)OK~~~ OU t~Ri-0\.[~~~~ ?~~c-~. 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S' CUt in feet 8 t9' Remark. 0<: ,.fIl :T~ ~ l1:T (I- .....a ClI:T !b~ " w. s::< QI III ,.... ....s:: 111 CD .... !bS:: Q.~ . ... CD ClI lD OM X enll'" :0 Q[I1;'115'!.~ S !3C::lD,.r.Jo; ~ 0 lDfIlUl....UlI:'"' "J " ,.,.....'0 I- 'j IC:: '0:1 n " 0.... 0...., fIl I-*I-*r.JCDr.JJlICD 0 1lI1l1~ ~Si 0 ... .... ,. ,. ... l'J .... 1-* ... "J PI PI'< '0:1 ...... 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'MIGtN wi Pl~ f?UNl---\\\..lGr rUVY t i I t r 5=8,813@ n=0,e150 d=18.ee00 .;t= 1. eeee Q=10.3799 5=9.8858 rl=e,elS8 d=12.898e a= 1. ee8e Q=2.1834 s=0.e130 5=9.8ese n=e.9159 d=12,8e8e a=1.9ge9 .....=2.7800 n=e.e150 d= 18. 880f1 a= 1. e8f;{3 \"=5. ===73=3 5=8,08S0 n=8.81se d=18.8888 a=1. 8880 Q=1.3427 5=~,I.:!~t.;:: n=9.8150 d=lS,8e90 a=1.e880 G!=7.5072 5=8,88S0 n=9,91S0 d= 18, 988\:1 o3=1,89ge \0'=2.4618 5=8.8068 n=8.81S0 d=18,98e0 03=1.8888 .....=4.2482 ..".~ .) m. .:TURAL SECTION DESIGN WORK, .EET PROJECT TI = R = Tf26c1" N~ e>l~o C, . 0 Source: -z.6 DATE G::.- 11-ee C I "'t L1 " F CA M P ~ i::.lA.-- - C, rI- U C, \<- ~ Ovvue. z.. f2 N& ~ oi"};'c...H) I 1'-1 c.- '- AC/ROCK ALTERNATE AC THICKNESS CALCS: GEAC = 0.0032 (TI) (lOO-R) Cl 2 Agg. Base R Value = 78 / ../' GEAC ( o. ZGt j ) ':" GfAC ( Z I :; '2.. ~ ) = O.("Z e;; ft. thick A. C. Rounding up to'?'!z inches (min.3~ inches)A.C. GEAC= O. bll.' TOTAL SECTION THICKNESS CALCS: GETot = 0.0032 (TI) (lOO-R) Native material R Value = 28 GETot ( \ ' ~ ~ .j ) - GEAC 0 I (.e, -, .J) GEAB ( 0\ -7\ ) ~ GfAB. 1.1) ACjROCK ALTERNATE: -? '/2. II AC on (Do not use if A.B. is less than 4 = GEAB ( 0 I ( I v ) = OL &~ ft. thick A.B. ..--.-. ~::>.. t Of . II Cl 2 Agg. Base inches. ) -+ DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE (Using Asphalt Concrete Thickness Guide attache... eEl V E D DEEP STRENGTH ALTERNATE: ~ Y"2. .----;; ~:c~ --t JUN 22 1988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING PCl:f I-Dc~igTl f'lANNING MANUAL 7.604,~ .....~.--..-~~ .......... - --w-r Af',llr,.1<70 TACLE 7.c,04.3 Gravel Equivalents of Structural Layen in Foet - ASl'UAI.T COSClU.:n: C~men\-l'e.led --- --- ~ --- liuo T,a.ftic ladel (Tl) A"r~ t DTU CI_ Aurr- ..Le 6.lld 6,b C.,$ 7,$ 5.$ V,b 10.6 11,$ 12.b 13,$ and ..u. .u~ bd"", 1.0 7.0 8.0 V,O 10,0 11.0 12.0 13,0 ",0 LTB A B bue bue AcL~.1 -- &bieLa_ Or."cl F.quivalcnl .'aorLor (G,)I1, 0, O. G~s C, 01 I.y." Iftt 2.:.0 '.32 2,14 .2,01 1.69 1.79 1.71 1.64 1.57 1.62 1.2 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.0 -- 0,10... ... .., 0,25 0,23 0,21 0.:'>0 O. Jg 0,111 0,17 0,16 D,I6 0.1~ 0.J2 . . .. ... .. ...... .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .... .... .........,. 0,15......... 0.3..'1 0.35 O,3:.! O.~~O 0,28 0.:17 O,~ 0.2~ 0,2. 0.23 0,18 .................... ... .. .. .... ...... 0.20......... 0,$0 0,46 0.43 0,40 0,35 0.3(, 0,301 0.33 0,31 0.30 0.2t ............... ...................... .. .. .. .. .. ...... ...... .... .... .. 0,25......... D,63 O,~ O.~ 0,$0 0,47 O.(S O,t3 0,41 0.3V 0.38 0.30 ...... .. .. .. ................ ........-. O,:to........ . D,75 0,70 D.W D,60 0.67 .... 0.61 0.49 0.47 0.46 0.36 .... .. .. .. ...... ................- ........-.. ...... .. .. ".... D,~......... 0.88 0,8' 0.75 0,;0 O.G6 0.63 O.GO 0.17 O.~ 0.i3 0,(2 .. . ,........- 0.39 D,35 0,40......... 1.00 D.1I3 0.86 O,IloO 0,76 O.'::t 0,&6 0.56 O,CO! 0.'1 0.411 .......-....--... 0,44 D,40 .,U.. .. _ . .., .. .. ...... . 1.0<< o ,Ie. 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J." ... ... ........;.... .._______................................ I." ..- 1M t.. , a.,. ... .... 'AD ,............ ............................................... .... .M I.. I.. ... .... ... j ") GE ~ .~: ,.,. .....t............... >:........."j,Jtt ~ . ,:. . _.I_.-'~ ri ',.,l ~ i ~ .l!.> III 104 ..... E! ~ :n~~ ~~ raJ ..:l ~ .C ~ . ~ ... ~ ~~~~ _2~ ~ ~~~~~.~~f11 ~ ~i~~~b~ ~ ~~ ~ ~i ~ ul.di~~' J~ i raJ~ j \-\J ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . II H l?: ~ = lot III ~> ~:l~ l~ .f: llIas~ ~G) ::l I 8k ~,Q..s i ~ t ! :!~ ~e >OQl ~ Cl g,r04 IIol ~ :::e~ OGl ::l Co as. >o~ IIol m'tf~~" ~ .~ c:: .... ~1IIC::(l tJ~ o 'tf ::l,Q Eo< Cl fI1 ro4C::O H Glr04 U > :2.!~~ ~~.s ~ ~I .c IlQI H u IlQI I =10 rnl i :r:1 ~ 01 !::l HI iI rnl a IlQI ~ QI ClI: = c: ;I an ~ M .-4 .-4 0-4 ceo . . . o c 0 u I 0 I · ~ ~ I I 001n ,.. 0\ 0\ m . . . . 000 . 66.1, .-4~ '" a:l a:l ~ tl . .. .... OOO.lIol l:S.,..j .-4~ ~3 3 J! :2~ ~.-4.-4 k to" ni,H~J: ;:,!t, !f:~E.e .! rn j a,!~ . )(DlD8ll ~88~ UI se~ntrpu U'J .... AOt; ~o aur;.r. ~ ~8a~ Ul ~fluarx ~ (.S.;:-;:>) u ktl:>vd-e:> ublsaa 0 tl' peaq A~1~Ot8A~ -::>as~ 8 o~ E ~tU1lt (.~~)A~poteA >. OJ. G).l,i 1ZOl~~0'1 ( ,J ~ '-.3 Ij , .-4 i -.. r- .' Q ~ ..;;... (; I~ I~ ~ ~ n I ~ rc ~ I~ ~ ,~.~ ~'I~ ~I~ t'~ -;:: ~j ....o~ 06 ~~ ~.r... \- , I I ~ oq ~ ....:. ~ .:..J ,- ~ I~~ ~ \.\> .-' r-':' \S" I~ i~ ~~ o~... - .<5 :52. = I I I 0-1 ~~ -- i~ u' - ~ - <::> ' .. ,""~ ' ~_: ~~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~~ 'I ENGEOTECH, INC. Soil and Geological Engineers 473 Sapena Court, Unit 15 . Santa Clara, CA 95054 · (408) 988-8225 File tlo. ET8-0436-S1 June 4, 1988 Attention: Mr. Chuck Commarito RECEIVED JUN 221988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Ainsley Development, Inc. 2195 Hamilton Avenue San Jose, California 95125 Subject: 9-Lot Residential Development 921, 931 Hazel Avenue Campbell, California RESULTS OF RESISTANCE "R"-VALUE TESTS Gentlemen: Per your request, we have performed laboratory tests to evaluate the Resistance "R"-Value for the near-surface material on the site for the Proposed 9-Lot Residential Development located on Hazel Avenue in Campbell, California. The results of the tests indicate Resistance "R"-Value for the material to be 28. The sample for the tests was obtaine about one foot below the existing grade. The pavement sections should be designed on the basis of the "R"-Value and the anticipated traffice on the Street in the Development. If you have any question, please give us a call at your convenience. yours truly, ENGEOTECH, I NC . ~~~~~ Muhammad Hussain, P.E. \. , CITY OF CAMPBELL, CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE roJ. PERMIT NO. By/Date JIJ tJ E..- 2.. / /988 ) - Na. 'Addreu Cl\ill..- ~1L1'l.H:..a\UU ~'2:..::x:.. Surface Construction CleariDs aDd Grubb ins " Lump Sum lati..te . $ 1.QxI ~ Sawcut Concrete L.r. . $ 4.00 . $ Concrete Reaoval s.r. @ 3.00 . $ Curb , Gutter iemoval L.r. @ 5.00 . $ RECEIVED Inlot Drain with Pipe EA. @ 500.00 . $ Curb and Gutter (..:.07 L.F. @ 15.00 · $ CJ Ie (..,,00 JUN 22 1988 Sidewalk i2.l5s.F. @ 3.50 · $ lCJ(c?:,~o . PUBLIC WORKS Driveway Approach CZE S.F. @ 5.50 . $ --:;qoc., 00 ENGINEERING Handicap Ramp ~EA. @ 1000.00 .$.1coc ,"-! i) E3ttruded Curb L.F. @ 6.00 . $ Barricade L.F. @ 50.00 . $ Street Excavation <:;q O~ S.F. )x($0.15)x( _H) . $ ~E>::. (; ~, A.C. Pavement < ~00 s.r. )x($0.45)x( ") -'$ 'lSl.lo - Adjust Manhole to Grade I EA. @ 300.00 . $ ?CO.c,\..') Adjust Handhole to Grade EA. @ 200.00 . $ Monu..nt Box w Monument EA. @ 500.00 . $ ::- 0:) , (..1 Street Tree (15 aallon) EA. @ 200.00 - $ Pavement Striping ($100 min) 120 L.r.@ 0.65 . $ 4<cB, ~c..' Pavement LeaeDds ($100 a1D) L- EA. @ 40.00 - $ So , c>,) Stop.Street Na.. or Other Sian "2- EA. . 120.00 . $ 610, 00 Paveaent Harkers UU EA. @ 15.00 . $ :?fa..' 00 .. Pavement Key Cut L.r.@ 8.00 . $ . $ - $ Surface Subtotal "SIt . $ pO 60 ~, ( ~ Adjuat. for .1ze: S~ $30.000 add 20%. S ~ $100.000 .ubtract 10% Street Lighting Electrol1er Conduit Conductor. pair Pull .lox EA. f 3000.00 L.r.' 12.00 L.r.' 4.00 EA.' 200.00 Stona Draina.e 12" or 15" acp II" or 21" acp Str..t l81.t Kanhole Ire.k aDd Eater MaDhol. 5~ L.r,' 60.00 i?1'l.-- L.r.' 65.00 Z, IA." 1100.00 "Z- IA. . 2000.00 1., .A.... '00.00 'l'O'l'AL U'fIIIATE . ... .. SOlD . . $ . $ . $ . $ . $ . . p~oo. 00 · $;.6 480.00 . . ~"'()O ,00 . . 4000.00 .. l2QO.OO . . 50 \ 5e;o. 00 at. ~8~.Db \ '," , ...,'-~ - ..\ -. .. .. .-- . ~, /4-J 11-4 -) ,4 - t A -7 /1-8' /1 -c; /1-10 kIt IJ-3- B-1 13- 5 13-0 f5-1 (j-fJ (5-' Ie; , YI / - J:I Cc 't-t. I \V~..,..J I !,~/. ~- ! IAA IJ6 - 11~ 1'/ .k- rtkf'IJ# - IUJ' w(,.k.-... ~J<-4-- . , I . ~ It/IJ - J .J-o 0 M~ ;f?.>t"yc'~ojpJdi~ I 147 IvUrlJe ~ J7) f w'~ ~~J4 k .1v 5?) ~ Ef Sob;.-.,./.o I /00 lWaIJ~ - n/ Ci,Io r 5()b~-4 ~ I 57/ €~ 50brq 10 I C) 7 \&U 14(1 Q.f- I SV "{;.-~ {,,'nil ~ ft,y......,,? 0.; { all.: i I I I I I .I ..; ~ --~. . >- .;. . .. / (......) DRAINAGE WiE AREA /J Location L, L,~ 13 ~ ./-0 I 1-1 (l.1-t; I - {, i4Aj, to I w' € (6 t(/~//r~:f..n., i tJ A J.~ I - 1>lJ'!~ tt/.t l!'t~; '-- ./-c tVe.1/, ;, J /--. I ~ JI I UAI//I4' j.-., - II PI. 70-~ I ~ t!i' fie; fI a1-l; I ! /,i/l If,,;, ~ . '5 I ~ Ih).c / k ,4//l'..n ! W'~ (II~; /..., -.4 tit- n -I-. S ....,; '{t-. 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'.- / '1" .' 0'. 0"0,'0 '\ \' '01,\ 1 ~ '<... ....... /' /I'" ..Ti' -'- &-~ ./ _ _ .! III '\ '\ _'[ -1. ~ _1f.~".....cae-.'.'ii:' .It- .~ ~ .,..... /; " .' ...~. <<" ' .,' . _ ,___ ___=-L ~ : ,J..,..,~.~ ":- ..'!-\~,., , -.sif _ ~ '.... . l:::- /' -*' I I <'~ i 1 ~ , If "" I ,::-;t:::rj' '1 e' n Ic:::j ~ In r . ~ ~' ~ I ;_"" ' I Ie r,'''.~'!l.' I' ~q<s: HR. ,lllJ- \ f ,I .L J /. , :;z" 11 r . 'orle. ;.. 1 ~ r 1 . " ~". -..:1 " ., "- ~~'I. "1/~1. ~ ~1.~.~':~= t.;f-~' ~], J! ,~= , ~ fj ,.."" ...., e- " . ,J, . I' i- ji, I L- . I 1'--+- I lor' .... I 'm ... " .., . I, ~ -' If /~ ~",....-........ .. TO: American Titlp. Tnsurance Co. 950 E. Campbell Avenue Campbell, Ca 95008' ATT: Judi Souza RE: Escrow'#39979 Date: 5-11-88 Property:aE:"921 "~911g~iel A~en~e C~mpb~ll. Ca I/We herewith hand you the following signed, notarized and recordable documents: EASEMENT DERD , covering the real property as described in the above captioned escrow and on said documents. You are hereby authorized. and instructed documents through your escrow. There is signed for the use of these instruments. to record and/or deliver these NO consideration due the under- -" The cost of preparing and recording these documents shall be paid through! this escrow, and shall not be an expense to the undersigned. /" L - l",,' l? -0 t'l! Date signed -/:-l~'{tL '1-/ (1/,,1'7/) l2i~J)-r/) (J--~JLtf;~ Geraldine Neva Watts WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: E A S E MEN T DEE D GERALDINE NEVA WATTS, also known as Geraldine N, Watts, hereby conceys to AINSLEY DEVELOPMENT, INC., a California Corporation, an easement for overland drainage release purposes over the Northerly 5.00 feet of Lot 18, Tract No. 666, Book 24 of Maps, Page 50, in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California. Said easement is to be appurtenant to the "lands of Grantee" as described in the deeds recorded as follows: 1. Recorded December 10, 1987 in Book K385 at Page 1026 of Official Records of Santa Clara County, California. 2. Recorded December 24, 1987 in Book K400 at Page 2133 of Official Records, Santa Clara County, California. Said easement is to be kept free and clear of all structures, except lawful fences and roof overhangs. Dated I .J;-. CC / o.~ ,5\< "" J~j/,fjJ: ,LLIL~ J]L~!-():) jf~ ~~ Neva Watts STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SANTA ~ARA ) SS. On c:S U ~ t:") B \ (~ ~-' 'IS, b e for e me, the u n d e r s i g n ed, a Not a r y Pub 1 ic in a~f or-~-;id--~~;-~~~-pe rs ona11y app eared_["1 F;~A( f) I r~-f t\JcU l\ ~'\~(\Trc~) ______ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose namelSsubscribed to the iwthin instrument and acknowledged that _~~6 -;xecuted the same. . OFFICIAL SeAL JENNIFER A KING ", ': I NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUUTY MY Ot~, EXP, OCT. 19,1990 / _uJ~~~1U\. fj . 11~ ~~ My \commiss~n expires OtT: \~ (elSe ',,---_./ .~-~._-_.~---- t' i! 5"'i"7YERL.4)./,O .PR.4/N4GE , REL..FA~ ~ \.. '\ /?;f: ~ ---r ~ '. ~ ' . \ ~ ~ " ~()y ./8 ." , ~ ~ ~ ~I 1\ ~ ~ ~ ./?500' \S) ~ ~I '\ ~ ..t'O/ /9 . ~ ,;?/? ' Jc' ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ \3 --! ()::r' ,E 9 I L ' ~ - --~-- "- #AZEL - AJ/E/VL/E , ~ P~4"T 7?7 AC~.t"7/YPANY JI!:?~.sC~/P770/V ;r-/7~ /7//FR'L.AI/"o Dli'AIN..4GE A?ELGASG . ' EXHIBIT A - LF @ 50,00 - $ - ~r;:'/2(PSF)X($O,10)X<'~") - $~ (~ qexo,.').($O.,O).L2.) .~-: 2 EA @ 315,00 - $-=:J 60 p --- :2 EA @ 215,00 - $ 5~On-- I EA @ 600,00 - $ (p We ",-- 3 ... '00.00 - '-1-~'-- I J.-.() LF @ 0,65 $ i ,,-- 2.. EA @ 40,00 - $ Y-,D n - 2. EA @ 120,00 - $~ (~O EA @ 15.00 $ 0CO. --- - $ - $ I j.30L- - $ _ $ 4<6 ) OC14. -- Adjust: for size: .S.<$30,OOO .dd 20\, .S.>$lOO,OOO subtract 10\ (+ or -) $4<6')CJ14- CITY OF CAMPBELL, CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE fA '" I - Q~I d /} ~,- . Address \./ I d I Vf ..-- '.... / Surface Construction Clearing & Grubbing Lump Sum Estimate - LF@ $ 4,00 - SF @ 3.00 - LF@ 5,00 -- EA@ 600,00 5'li LF@ 14,00 2:2S,SSF @ 4.00 12.0 SF @ 5,50 4 EA@ 400.00 - LF@ 8,50 Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb & Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap Ruop Extruded Curb Barricade Street Excavation AC Pavement Adjust Manhole to Grade Adjust Handho1e to Grade Konument Box w!Konument Street Tree (lS-gallon) Pavement Striping ($100 min) Pavement Legenda ($100 min) Stop, Street Name or Other Sign Pavement Markers Pavement Key Cut VALLEY 6UT7Ek LF @ 10,00 ~'28 s.F.@5.'X) Surface Subtotal .S. Street Lh:htin2 I EA @ ~LF@ .1::1-LF @ 2 200,00 Electrol1er 2,000,00 10,00 Conduit Conductor, pair 2,00 Pull Box Ea @ Storm Draina2e I pO LF@ 60,00 ~q }.. LF@ 10.00 ';L EA@ 1,600.00 3 EA@ 2.400.00 -:2- EA@ 650.00 - 12- or 15. RCP 18. or 21. RCP Street Inlet Manhole Break & Enter Manhole --- Perm/tro, ~-I44- baL-date U/;;Pr!rz - , _ $ ~k CD.,")_. - , - $ - $ - $ - - - - $ .-- _ $~)Ol~:: _ $l1) \4D. _ $ 3/~wO~""'" _ $ L lo cO."'" J - - $ - $:J,crDn- :~ - $5\~"'- - $ 2. f f) rv---.. ..- _ $ /) \ ' 1.Aj. _ $~.. 0,-- $~' .--- :~~- - $ TOTAL ESTIMATE $lO"llod - J c-) $ \0-1 r-,Cf:). .,- USE FOR BOND rev18ed 6/88 f/con-cost-est / RECEIVE. JUN 2 2 1~11 I-UIUC WlftKS ENGINEEftlNG CITY OF CAMPBELL, CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE roa 'DMIT 110. I,/Date .)UIJE- ZJ /q86 ) Ha.. , Addres. CI\iI\,,, ~'l1nja~\Uc, ~'2"~. I.uIIp Sua Est1aate . $ ct~~ 4-o0Ct- L.r. '$ 4.00 . $ s.r. @ 3.00 · $ L.r. @ 5.00 . $ EA. @ 500.00 . $ - th Q I ~ L-.r::::. .- JSf'7 (,07 L.r. @ 15.00 · $ '1100,00 o..v-LJ- ~2J?5i2l5s.F. f 3.50 · $ 1o,,~"z.~,;17qqcg,~ 7 2.0 2.8 S.F. @ 5.50 . $ "Zqotl, 00 1'?;q (po.- 4 .A:-.EA. f 1000.00 · $ Ao 00 (~D$4-CXX).-- L.r. @ 6.00 . $ --- L.F. @ 50.00 . $ 352(P (~qOc,..S.F.)x($O.1S)x(~") . $ ~~O"" S.F. )x($0.4S)xtL") . "$ ~."*, EA. f 300.00 . $ '- EA. @ 200.00 . $ \ EA. @ 500.00 . $ ~ EA. @ 200.00 .$ 120 L.r.@ 0.65 . $ , '- EA. @ 40.00 . $ 1- EA.' 120.00 . $ ZAo.oo UU EA." 15.00 . $ '100, 00 ~ L.F.@ 8.00 . $ '...."t.C& ~:;. \C@ ~ ,~.O . · $ \tt.04 - Surface Subtotal liS" · $ ~6' 60 ~-+a. 5" 4)<1 (p Adjust. for s1ze: ~~ $30,000 add 20%, S. $100,000 subtract 10% Surface Construction Clear1D1 aDd Crubbinl " Sawcut Concrete Concrete aemoval Curb , Cutter ae.oval Iulot,Dra1D with ripe Curb and Cutter Sidewalk . Drlve~ay Approach aandlcap Ramp -Extruded Curb larricade Street Excavation A.C. ravement Adjust Manhole to Crade Adjuat Bandhole to Grade Monuaent lox w Monument Street Tree (15 aa110n) raveaent ~trlpln& ($100 .1n) ravement LeaeDdS ($100 .1n) Stop,Street N... or Other Slan raVeMnt Harken r.VemeDt ley Cut V'>.1-l ~ ~U"1E~ Street Llghting Ilectrol1er Conduit Conductor. p.lr 'ull .lox StOt'll Drain... 12" or 15" &CP 11" or 21" &CP Street lal.t llaDhol. Ireak aDd later Manhole _f~' t::=:" C a -.J./Il /} '3- j -, ..iL) VI. 1,,:;;r '--/) A . ll; 1,1 0 \(..('JO~- ?co.ov loa...J,- 4CJC'. - ~,.oo . 0 <.' (pCb. -- ~,~O . So,oo - . $ \ 4-4 44- -z. · $ '-=3 OD1.- , ('J · $ r::sd~ - -$ Il(().- .$~LD,-- - . EA. , 3000.00 L.r., 12.00 L.r.' 4.00 EA. f 200.00 (pO ~ L.r.' 60.00 C?il[; L.r.' 65.00 V"'" Z, IA.'. .100.00 '& .. IA. . 2000.00 v 1., IA.". 600.00 . . ?~oc>. o.l-~(Pro,--- · 'P6 460,00 . . ~"o" ,00 \ _ . 4c:> 00,001 tflJD.:-:1> - ." (Zoo.CO . . 50 \ ?eo, 00 ~{1r;1 ':SI. ~.e~;Qb 10TAL ISTDlATI . 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Wat.r Co,,,peY"Y 1221 S. 8a5C'0'" AveY',ue San Jo.., CA 95128 a-tt;.Y',-t ioY" : JIM BARITEAU , RE: 921/931 HAZEL AVENUE - AINSLEY PROJECT GeY"'t 1 ef"eY'.: Thi5 lrt'ter will ..rve as au'thoriza'tioY" 'to iY'.s'tall OY'.e fir. hydraY',t (4" by 2 1/2" by 2 1/2") .t t.h. 10c8t.ioY"(s> list.ed below: 1. 2. HIE Corner of en'try int.o compleM a't Hazel Av.nue 3. 4. /'CC.: Chuck Gomez '., INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST D ,#= Q lS7STREATBOULEVARD,SUITE200.WALNUTCREEK,CA94598 (efl-YV>II ~- 14-4. p,O, BOX 9283. WALNUT CREEK, CA 94598-0983. (415) 937.9460 November 16, 1989 STATUS INQUIRY RE: AINSLEY DEVELOPMENT, INC. Bond Number(s): 04 51 49 Bond Amount: $107,800 Bond Eff. Date: 7-15-88 to 7-15-90 Tract: Off-site Improvements - Hazel Avenue ~~c.. t;j V ~ NOV 2 Ii 1989 l FJJvAIVCl: Dl:/I/. CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Without prejudicing your right or affecting our liability under our bond(s) described above, we would appreciate a status update on the referenced project. Thank you for your cooperation. ffl~/J 8 /llJfi!if:-d !.Ie'/?? ames B. Moffatt, ,t rney-in-fact Surety Department 1. IF SUBDIVISION OFF-SITE IMPROVEMENTS ARE COMPLETED, state: A) Approximate date of acceptance of work: B) Acceptance date (by Board of Supervisors, City council, or other governing body): PLEASE ATTACH A COpy OF THE MINUTES IF POSSIBLE. 2. IF SUBDIVISION OFF-SITE WORK IS UNCOMPLETED, please state the approximate percentage completed for the following: Rough grading Fire hydrants Finish grading Street lighting Curbs Water service Gutters Sewers Sidewalks Monuments 3. Do you know of any unpaid bills for labor or material? If yes, please explain: 4. Remarks: MA;""'T'"Ek1A-,uc ~ ~.r-.-./ I'> -r<:::::..e....e:,...... f"\- L' ,..j, , L 1'\...1 F FPEJ:::T BY: TITLE: ~.EA-7n,.j DATE: PHONE: Stamped Addressed Envelope Enclosed I' 'IN I/I,j JL'f'Q NO/SJIIJlf --, I l.\,~O l'~NOJ ------ ,l~--- III .illl I.'J .1/ I ~ -II I II I ~ . III ""t :" I .: II, ""t " III ...... ~ '" ...... tJ '" ~ ...... " ~ , < '" , C> ., i::: f' ~ " " ,. Cr) ,,. ...... , ~ .', '" ~ '" " ..1 tt) ..... ...! ~ '" tJ ...... . i " " ~ .. ", .... '" ,,,I " '1 I < :~ ,.. 81:- 2~ ::;" ": ,"', ),11 n-!n'll/J ),9 N......'~r1 11" 1~ '1J'f(} I I I ) --../ ---......... \ I I I I Vl .< ., .. ., ,f ,f L.____ JI"'/lAI~NIlS 5lf:nNI"~H' JIM] rt!1#t)S :? Iw::z:"WJ<<., I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I I ) /' -~ "''' if] ~~ ..t ~ n 7" ~l ~ ~ -.:: ;::; ~ ,~ <<" ~'" " , .(~. :1;; ,,:1 , :.1 , " """ 1;'0"" ~ " 1 ~G r'J\J il . t~ ',' " :.... I "'tJ '.7'''~'''~ I:;r~ /'''J''j,di "It j"'" , 'V/N~Odl7tf:J '773fJdW'lt::J dO J...J/:J 16e7. 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