88-148 . . .1A: ....... e . ~~o . C e & ....~... ~.....::~ .....,M i~8~ U c..... . .. .., c: . .. cO,Q. 1~:1! f~A:cO E · .z:. u.......cQ.O _<0 & uelll...< ~~"'... ..........;). .z: 0 U ,M ......u... u ....... ..- ....-a.-c:... O"'_e.lO -<C. ..... .... .... ,. . ~ . .... . C.z: 4 4UU_ 4 Q- ""~ C I: ~ "'..... o L. ~ ... . -.."'.N ......II):JfJ.;:z u. v c: tIO . .... ~ C . a-t:... _ ..e5.~:5 . .. ....&. . c .. c.""..,Q..... .. ~- .:e~..~ '" . U c: .Q.eo - .s:. 601.... u_c..-. ... 0 . 0 C.z:,,_'") ... . .. .. c .A.z:.. . ..,.......M ...-.. o >> ~... - C .... OU"'''' :~':;f ~...J ~ 0 ....OC....... ....z:~...-N U... _., . ............. ........""OU. :~eC"': eOON A:...... U". . e_ C -.-...c :l=!::~ ......Q..- 1:, ' CITY 0' CAMPBELL ' DEPT. or PUMLIC ~KS 70 North '&I.C 5C. C..PbellL CA '~OO' UOIl .. -laO C J'- /,-/j/ '.rai c .0. tJ I-a.,. file ~-,- -"L",-:l.- AppUc:at 10n Dac. <) / (;., - J' cJ-" .oa. ..plr.. .n _ .oa. 'eralt in accordance wlCh Caapbell PUBLIC ~KS PERMIT 'tor worslng In ~n. pub1ac rltht-ol...y, ...u.d s-~/ (:: 4/' d ..'.l~.. 1".. n '4 AP'LICATION - AppllCacion ia hereby ..4e lor a 'ubllC ~rk. ltunac:1pa1 Code, Section 11.04. -7OJ 4 'Z:.:.>/ A. "orll addre.. or tract, .~ Do? AJ/F- UtU&cy tuncll locuaon II MA/~ /AI.Ii'!'Id.Ar/~ c:' I etV1CF I WORK. eM - 2..5"0 ) a. "ture of work: Attach five C~I copl.. of e drawing ellowing the locacaon. eatent end d1..n.aon. of tll. work Yhe dr.vlng ehall .hOW che re1ataon of the propo..d vork to .xl.ting aurt.ce and und.lground l.prov...nt.. Mhen apploved by Cb. Caey &ngln.er, eaad drawing beco... a pert ot clla. per.,t. Yh. Cen.r.l Condition. for all per.lta ar. 1a.ted on the revere. ald.. SpeCial 'rovl.lona for thl. per.'t .re 1i.ted below. 'ailur. co ebide by tile.. conditaon. and prova.ion. ..y r.ault in job .hut-down and/or forf.ltur. of f.,thful '.rtolaanc. aond. end c..h depo.'ta. 15ee General Condltlon. 1 and ll. t. An applic.taon fee ~.C accoapany Cha. applacatlon. Yhi. a. non-r.fund.bl.. "a.. ot '-PpUcane JAN JoN /4IATFl (lOMPANY Telephone: 27'1-7947 Addr... 1.2..2. / .f' IlArcoM AVE c. o. .a tlla. work be1ng done by tbe propercy owner at thelr own realdenc.l ____'ea -JCDo Coap!ac. .eeaChed ~orkers' Coapen..tlon and Contractor foraa. Yh. Appl,c.nt/Per.'ttee lIereby agr... by affixing their a19n.tur. to this per.it to hold the City ot C..pbell. Its offlc.r.. egent. and e.ploy..s Ir... ..t. and b.ral..s froa any clai. or deaand for d."gel r..ultang froe Che vork cov.r.d by ehla pee.at. Yhe Applic.nc/Per.ieeae h.reby aCknowl.dges that th.y bav. reld and underatand botb tba back of this perait, and Chat Ch.y wl11 lnfor. their contr.ctorlsl of the lnforaaeioo. ,.CCEPTED ~l~ S-:~;'it front and MOTES: ALL NO~K SHALL COH'ORM WITH THE ATTACHED, APPROVED PLANS ,..D ALL APPLICABLE CAMPBELL .TANOA~D DRAWINCS AND CONDITIONS. YIlE CONTRACTOR MUST RAVE ,.HIS PERMIT AND APPROVED 'LANS AMD MUST RUT MU'H TIlE '.M. llliPEC1'Oa ON TilE &ITE A" LUST ,...0 DAYS aEFORE liToUTING NORIl. aIOTICE lUlU at C;IV~ TO puaLIC WOIl" loT Lt.A.5T l. IIOUU "PORE RESToUTING "'Y ~K. SPECIAL PROVISIONS .... - - .... . _1. /"l. l. 5tr..t ah.ll not be open cut for underground an.t.llataons. Rlni.u. cuta aay be allow.d for conneccions or exploration bo1... Such cuta .ust be SpeClflC.lly .pproved by the Inlp.clor. 'aVeatRr aay be cut for underground tn.t.ll.caon. and ~at be re.torad an accordanc. vith tha Utility Tr.nch Il..torlcion St.ndlrd Driving. Work co be .tl..d by a licen.ed Lend Surveyor or Civil Engin.ee and two III copie. of the cut .heets ..nt to the PubliC ~ork Dept. before .tarting WOlk. The hour. ot work are 11.Ited to ouc.1d. the houl. of 7-t .... and l-' p... tor eny voek attecc,n9 a traff1c lane. -.. -~. PE~IT APPLICATION PEE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT .oMP FOR fAITHfUL P&a'ORNANCE ca-1) CU~.OOI ~ rtAllDUD UO.OD '~DD.DO ClOD' or INC. 1ST.) AItOUNT , ~b.("D I I I ucun liO. P. ~. eCASHI DEPOSIT 'EaM'!' PIE ., "'PEIl"IT an,nd 71.7 \',~. ' CI~OO' C4' or aoND.I~OO RIN' (1\ OP P.P. aoND ~zJj "'....,., ~Pl,'~~/ RECEIVED c~. ~~-~~ "'"1. I~ S-. DC:) s- AP,aOVED POll ISSUANCE MAY 13198,8 PUBLIC WORKS [ j"; , ,.J - OJ C . U .... - r:o. ~ . e .z: ... '" ,Q ~ .. ... 5 - ! " 5 ~ o to '" .. - U 5 .z: OJ ~ .A ~ oil .. OJ pO ! " .. ,Q o to