88-151 .:', '.l.'IS' ~ ';'40<" ," ......a:,(.. .;..,~..;.,....'.:;.. ~...,..,'.. ~_. O,,'CAA, . ~. ;..4.~~tt> ... r" U f"" . . .. .. 10~ ...... '0 C. -CHA"O' /;<' ./ _.,..~~~.-"., ./ /./. CITY OF CAMPBELL October 24, 1995 Public Works Department Mr. Russ Aleshi 548 Hacienda Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: ! I PERMIT: #92-114~_ ~8.:~~-,' LOCATION: 548 ~IJA AVENUE FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Dear Mr. Aleshi: The City of Campbell has made a final inspection of subject Public Works improvements and fmds the work to be acceptable and in conformance with City standards. . Accordingly, the City Engineer accepts the improvements. Due to the length of time which has transpired since the improvements were originally constructed, the one year maintenance period will be considered to have been met. No maintenance is required. Your warranty requirements and any surety, are hereby released. Please fmd attached your original Perfannance Bond which we are returning to you. Additionally, your cash deposits of $2,012.00 for Permit #88-151 and $800.00 for Permit #92- 114, plus any interest due, are now being processed and will be sent to you under separate cover. If you have any questions, please call Randy Westfall, Public Works Inspector, at (408) 866- 2165. Sincerely, 1IuW~, ~ Robert M. Harary City Engineer ~ Attachment cc: First Assurance & Casualty Co., 16901 N. Dallas Parkwy, Suite 210, Dallas, TX 75248 h:aleshi(mw)6.0 70 North First Street. Campbell. California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.379.2572 . IDD 408.866.2790 NEW PW FAX # 408.376.0958 To: Accounts Receivable Please Issue Check Payable to: Address - Line 1: Line 2: City: Description: Amount Payable: Account Number: ate and Receipt No: Permit No: Purpose: Requested by: Approved by: FINANCE ONLY: Verified by: Approved by: Mail As Is: Return To: Other: rev: 3/25/95 City of Campbell - Check Request Mr. Russ Aleshi 548 Hacienda Ave. Camphp 1 1 State: CA Zip: 95008 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT $2012.00 101.2203 1/20/89, #2619 88-151 Finance Only: INTEREST EARNED 101.540.7448 Refund Cash Deposit Randy Westfall ~ ~~'b Robert Harary Title: Pub. wks . Inspector Date: Title: City Engineer Title: Title: Date:l0/24/95 Date: Date: Special Instructions For Handling Check Mail in Attached Envelope: Marlene Pomeroy (NAME) Public Works (Department) City of Campbell - Check Request To: Accounts Receivable Please Issue Check Payable to: Address - Line I: Line 2: City: Description: Amount Payable: Account Number: ate and Receipt No: Permit No: Purpose: Requested by: Approved by: FINANCE ONLY: Verified by: Approved by: Mail As Is: Return To: Other: rev: 3/25/95 Mr. Russ Aleshi 548 Hacienda Ave r.r1mphpl1 State: CA Zip: 95008 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT Finance Only: INTEREST EARNED $800.00 101.2203 5/14/92, #41853 92-114 101.540.7448 Refund Cash nppn~iT Randy Westfall ~ ROberf1l;:1ag. ~ Tille: PUb.Wks.lnspector Date Title: City Engineer Date! 0 / 24/95 Title: Title: Date: Date: Special Instructions For Handling Check Mail in Attached Envelope: Marlene Pomeroy (NAME) Public Works (Department) (~\ .4.... {-I et tMi..t- '1 Z - n Lf THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS . AlA Document A312 El)ND NO FA 190845 Performance Bond Any singular reference to Contractor, Surety, Owner or other party shall be considered plural where applicable. CONTRACTOR (Name and Address): JRT Construction Company 18191 IDs Gatos Saratoga Rd..., Monte Sereno Ca. 95030 SURETY (Name and Principal Place of Business): First Assurance & Casualty Canpany 16901 N. Dallas Parkway Suite 210 Dallas, Tx. 75248 OWNER (Name and Address): Ci ty of Campbell 70 North First St. Campbell, CA. 95008 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Date: December 13, 1991 Amount: Seventy Thousand Three Hundred & 00/100 ($70,300.00) Description (Name and Location): Offsite Improvements at 548 Hacienda Ave., Campbell, Ca. BOND Date (Not earlier than Construction Contract Date): May 11, 1992 Amount: Seventy Thousand Three Hundred & 00/100 ($70,300.00) Modifications to this Bond: IXI None 0 See Page 3 CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: JRT Constru SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) First Assurance & Casual.11 C'.cl:l@ny ~" \ Signature: , {JL. ,~ Name and Title: torney-in-F3ct Signature: Name and Tit (FOR INFORMA TlON ONL Y-Name, Address and Telephone) AGENT or BROKER: OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE (Architect, Engineer or other party): AlA DOCUMENT A312 . PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND' DECEMBER 1984 ED, . AlA ~ THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N.W.. WASHINGTON, D,C. 20006 THIRD PRINTING. MARCH 1987 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying vlolat.. U.S.lrldemalilla.. and IIIUbfect to legal pnlHCullon, A312-1984 1 . . ." "'\':'\""'\i"~:":';"::'.~~r./s~~}r..t0f~~!'01,~~.?'"7Jy;\:),r-:: ~:':!~~~}i11;~!1; . ,-', . . " ' ....:.,~:;,::,::;'>::\.",;~,(y:.i\:>,~:.:;;~ ,~~~,;>,.:'." " ., ".. . 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'." , 1 The Contractor and the Surety, jointly and severally, bind themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns to the Owner for the performance of the Construction Contract, which is incorporated herein by reference. 2 If the Contractor performs the Construction Contract, the Surety and the Contractor shall have no obligation under this Bond, except to participate in conferences as provided in Subparagraph 3,1. 3 If there is no Owner Default, the Surety's obligation under this Bond shall arise after: 3.1 The Owner has notified the Contractor and the Surety at its address described in Paragraph 10 below that the Owner is considering declaring a Contractor Default and has requested and attempted to arrange a conference with the Contractor and the Surety to be held not later than fifteen days after receipt of such notice to discuss methods of performing the Construc- tion Contract. If the Owner, the Contractor and the Surety agree, the Contractor shall be allowed a reason- able time to perform the Construction Contract, but such an agreement shall not waive the Owner's right. if any, subsequently to declare a Contractor Default; and 3.2 The Owner has declared a Contractor Default and formally terminated the Contractor's right to complete the contract. Such Contractor Default shall not be de- clared earlier than twenty days after the Contractor and the Surety have received notice as provided in Sub- paragraph 3.1; and 3.3 The Owner has agreed to pay the Balance of the Contract Price to the Surety in accordance with the terms of the Construction Contract or to a contractor selected to perform the Construction Contract in accor- dance with the terms of the contract with the Owner. 4 When the Owner has satisfied the conditions of Para- graph 3, the Surety shall promptly and at the Surety's ex- pense take one of the following actions: 4.1 Arrange for the Contractor, with consent of the Owner, to perform and complete the Construction Contract; or 4.2 Undertake to perform and complete the Construc- tion Contract itself, through its agents or through inde- pendent contractors; or 4.3 Obtain bids or negotiated proposals from qualified contractors acceptable to the Owner for a contract for performance and completion of the Con- struction Contract, arrange for a contract to be pre- pared for execution by the Owner and the contractor selected with the Owner's concurrence, to be secured with performance and payment bonds executed by a qualified surety equivalent to the bonds issued on the Construction Contract. and pay to the Owner the amount of damages as described in Paragraph 6 in ex- cess of the Balance of the Contract Price incurred by the Owner resulting from the Contractor's default; or 4.4 Waive its right to perform and complete, arrange for completion, or obtain a new contractor and with reasonable promptness under the circumstances: .1 After investigation. determine the amount for (~. --I,:), which it may be liable to the Owner and, as soon as practicable after the amount is deter- mined, tender payment therefor to the Owner; or .2 Deny liability in whole or in part and notify the Owner citing reasons therefor. 5 If the Surety does not proceed as provided in Paragraph 4 with reasonable promptness, the Surety shall be deemed to be in default on this Bond fifteen days after receipt of an additional written notice from the Owner to the Surety demanding that the Surety perform its obligations under this Bond, and the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. If the Surety proceeds as provided in Subparagraph 4.4, and the Owner refuses the payment tendered or the Surety has denied liability, in whole or in part, without further notice the Owner shall be entitled to enforce any remedy available to the Owner. 6 After the Owner has terminated the Contractor's right to complete the Construction Contract, and if the Surety elects to act under Subparagraph 4.1, 4.2, or 4.3 above, then the responsibilities of the Surety to the Owner shall not be greater than those of the Contractor under the Construction Contract, and the responsibilities of the Owner to the Surety shall not be greater than those of the Owner under the Construction Contract. To the limit of the amount of this Bond, but subject to commitment by the Owner of the Balance of the Contract Price to mitigation of costs and damages on the Construction Contract, the Sure- ty is obligated without duplication for: 6.1 The responsibilities of the Contractor for correc- tion of defective work and completion of the Construc- tion Contract; 6.2 Additional legal, design professional and delay costs resulting from the Contractor's Default, and re- sulting from the actions or failure to act of the Surety under Paragraph 4; and 6.3 Liquidated damages, or if no liquidated damages are specified in the Construction Contract. actual dam- ages caused by delayed performance or non-perfor- mance of the Contractor. 7 The Surety shall not be liable to the Owner or others for obligations of the Contractor that are unrelated to the Con- struction Contract, and the Balance of the Contract Price shall not be reduced or set off on account of any such unrelated obligations. No right of action shall accrue on this Bond to any person or entity other than the Owner or its heirs, executors, administrators or successors. 8 The Surety hereby waives notice of any change, includ- ing changes of time, to the Construction Contract or to related subcontracts, purchase orders and other obliga- tions. 9 Any proceeding, legal or equitable, under this Bond may be instituted in any court of competent jurisdiction in the location in which the work or part of the work is located and shall be instituted within two years after Contractor Default or within two years after the Contractor ceased working or within two years after the Surety refuses or fails to perform its obligations under this Bond. whichever oc- curs first. If the provisions of this Paragraph are void or prohibited by law, the minimum period of limitation avail- AlA DOCUMENT A312 . PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND. DECEMBER 1984 ED. . AlA ,!!J THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVE.. NW.. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006 THIRD PRINTING. MARCH 1987 WARNING: Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S. Irademartllawl and II subject to legal prosecution, A312-1984 2 able to sureties as a defense in the jurisdiction of the suit shall be applicable. 10 Notice to the Surety, the Owner or the Contractor shall be mailed or delivered to the address shown on the sig- nature page. 11 When this Bond has been furnished to comply with a statutory or other legal requirement in the location where the construction was to be performed, any provision in this Bond conflicting with said statutory or legal requirement shall be deemed deleted herefrom and provisions con- forming to such statutory or other legal requirement shall be deemed incorporated herein. The intent is that this Bond shall be construed as a statutory bond and not as a common law bond. 12 DEFINITIONS 12.1 Balance of the Contract Price: The total amount payable by the Owner to the Contractor under the Construction Contract after all proper adjustments have been made, including allowance to the Con- MODIFICATIONS TO THIS BOND ARE AS FOLLOWS: 0' ~',.> tractor of any amounts received or to be received by the Owner in settlement of insurance or other claims for damages to which the Contractor is entitled, re- duced by all valid and proper payments made to or on behalf of the Contractor under the Construction Con- tract. 12.2 Construction Contract: The agreement between the Owner and the Contractor identified on the sig- nature page, including all Contract Documents and changes thereto. 12.3 Contractor Default: Failure of the Contractor, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to per- form or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Construction Contract. 12.4 Owner Default: Failure of the Owner, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to pay the Con- tractor as required by the Construction Contract or to perform and complete or comply with the other terms thereof. (Space is provided below for additional signatures of added parties, other than those appearing on the cover page,) CONTRACTOR AS PRINCIPAL Company: (Corporate Seal) Signature: Name and Title: Address: SURETY Company: (Corporate Seal) Signature: Name and Title: Address: AlA DOCUMENT A312 . PERFORMANCE BOND AND PAYMENT BOND' DECEMBER 1984 ED, . AlA ,11; THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS. 1735 NEW YORK AVE.. NW., WASHINGTON. D.C. 20006 THIRD PRINTING. MARCH 1987 WARNING: UnllcenHd photocopying vloIat.. U.S. lrademartc laws and Is _bled 10 legal prclMCutlon. A312.1984 3 .4.i1-~!ft'\i;>{t'g';'~i~1'~~ ~-<iJ.l1:.+;~~~-~~';~~ ~. ~~....,:, .~~:-~ ~ ~ ",:"",. W::J~'. .. ..~; ~"'''or.'' .>.~'-" ... "; -.r~ "'f'~,,""II'.~~..,..,.,.,:s: ~:'. ~:"~':-:~'''':;;''''~;::~;;j''0J~Y~ ~.,,:'"";..~O\~r. -"'}'::-' i~1~' ,I ~ rmST' ASSURANCE ANt> CASUALTY COMPANtrtTD ~.~~~ ~~.,. I i.1 - ~ .",j ~..;';: ',:1 jf .,~~ ',: , ::~t~:' 'KNOW AU. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That tbc FIRST ASSUltANCEAND CASUAL1Y COMPANY, LTD., 0ftU0D HClUIC, ' 4~~. .DukeStrcet, GrInd Turk, TlIJbaDd CaicOl BWI, by JCllCJ. Maynanl, Maalgiac Dircctor.ia~ohlllboril:ylJlllllcd by.Baud . if<~~. ..._; i':;" ,ofDirccton Rcsolution dalccI July ht, 1990, which iJ let forth below baeot'aDd wbichRcaoIutioa iibcrdlf to boia lUll force and effcc:t .,; Wj' ~~:1*\ !..~,":;.':{:?' ,011 tbc date hereof, do hereby 1IIIIDiaale, coostilllle aDd appoint: ' . :~:i,. ~~)\. ".~{'it.~~.\ . ~':~r '......) ~:i:~,l f ...=.'~.::.......;" ..<, " ,:~!Ji',~:, J.. ". ,j. ..' ~ . '>.=..' , "'" ,~, ti' ~; :........ 100M - u A_...."'" of - ..........:... ...;.;.:....., .. ....;~::.:...:t.:~.,;;.,:.; _ '1 ~~~l ~f:~~~,~i ~ i:,:,;"' ",' "f:~:~;1 '. ,to aU me=. and purposca, of tbc l'CIpCClivo company at Ibeir oIT~.iaOIUd Turb -Caiooa. ill lbeir;~.--.ClreIIco HOUle, '~f/~ t.~~&, ~ iif'~1!::"':., '::.::":.:W1' "~T~~,~~ '." "",) '. 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CuuaI1y Company Ltd., to DIO ~ bawn to be lbe iDdividuala aDd otrlCCB deacribod bercia and wbo elIOCUlIed lbo pnlCCdinc IW~ri,~::=, ~7: ?\, ~~: in:dnancm, aDd tbt...~ each acbowledaed the execution oftbe &IDle, avera1Jy aGd each fOf'bimIeIf dcpcMeda ad uiIh that they are the i /,.' .fI....~ .-.-:' '\ ~~~~'. :~.;=~~'::~ore:'.:c~~:~~m:u=::.x.~::=: :-; ~ CI~; .~l~j~ '1' ~. I t\Y'<~ ~;:>>..' :~...';.:ji ~,:;.;j' WITNESS:' ~S~ ,';'~j' ..~'I:"lI'S; e~i,L. :~~;i~~';i;/f ., ADDRESS: _~~_ '--__ "'Lr,~)";F<fLi20.i.~~'!' .:'~:'j /f!j; ~;l. . . ..,......\ :';,:,' ~ na.C-W "Ii.,; ,,<:,,',' "';\ ;:." CERTlFICATB. ,.~ .i '~~::;ilf" ':-f~~\~ :~}j\ I, the UDdcrsigncd certify tbat 1 am tbc Manacinc,Direclor of Fint AIIII_ aDd Cuualty Compay Ltd., _ tbat the . :~~~~~,., .J:~) );::: \', .' .,"XJ. '.ttacbcd Power of A1lonIey rcmaiDa m fun force and effcc:t, and has DOl been revoked: ADd ful1bermon is - in fun force and c/Tcct. j f'.~'~"'f> . '::;:Y'~y '~.,;!' '.71 IN TESTIMONY WHEREoF,I have bcrcuato aublCribcd my IUUDO aDd affw:d thc~ Seal oflbe said Company ,";; ,';{ "}/i : {...."')~j '1' ,Ibis lliL day of Dccember~~ Q 'le.: ~;~"t.~' ; ':;;":,\.11 (~ ",tft,'!~,:::c~ ':\~')~' .. :, ~ \.,~ , -4 ~7 .J,', .:/.:' . .:-V." .A~..' "!-<~1~ , ',"~~~ 't~..~?:):; ':,:,." :;~.. (.::~.::, ~...., .&~,~ 1;/;....... \:L:\. ::~i~;: \~~~: . _ . _ .~.!:^ , : ~~o~ ,~__., ~_ _ _ _ _. _ .',. ,. , ._' _: J,~~::l .if)'}:.-.;!;,>' l;;i:'~~~~~~~$~:i~1~S~~;:~~~f~!!:; DoudNo.FA 1901J4S_ , " POWER OF ATrORNEY \\.~.~~;:. . ',......... \",' ;-/-.';';