88-158 [) y\ '\\v.~ I 0(' ,II jlJ- , )l h Y--, W ?{ll ?ft'~ ....!}~-:: g~."~" ...... .....~..... . :J ~ n . "':> A n ~ n , "'... n .....,......... ~::~~:a~ j:... _0 ..... nil.... ..:t' ~. N ~C-.:~ .. a , ~ on.......o ~;I.~.~"' ".. .. "'-- t\ ,..."....0 ... n I)::r .c..,........ /l"'nr.: >...."'.0 :.: 0 >- .. 0 ""U ;I .... n < '':I" .. . 0:>:1"<" ~ t : ~ ~ .0 u ... . U'" :l .\ : , 0 .....;, 0 .... ~ '" ..... :J :a (,. I) Q ., .. M. n II- .~r-a" 11..... :r ..... ~,... ~.~.. o ~ c. o .. """ . .\ :J . 7... .. .. ~~~~~~ 0.. ( ... ~. "'0,... :I - ... ''''' 1\' ...."'..;1' f\,f u " . ~",;IJa~ .I)I)....~... -.",n . Jt .... _ it ;::;:i'~ ~'-< ,,~ ,..::r a :; ;;.::: = .- It n g · ".. :J . .... ( a: 0 ........0 "'r-nn .. .;J'u ~ :.-.. . . n. o-::;~:> lit " :) III 0 . .... 1\ :.- . 0........ :J f\ . n ~.lOf~;J:- ...~ .. " ~, .- CITY 0' CAtll'b'LLI E eEl V E ~bLIC WOIUtS P':k"IT D~I'T. or ~U~LIC WO~I~ . ~GrrTnw-rn-rn. '0 NOUh llfal IH.kIUN' 7198B p~bllc el\lhl-ot-....y~) X-keto tlle f:~r~.:ll-~t,..,..~ I....~ ~~ ': __d'cf .ppll<..I.. D... ~/'7~ .f~ hC_l," Up<< . FIt ~ aO.. .ap1f.. TlV"'t-r.d . AI'I'LICATIOH - APPlPJ1ebAC ~cut~~bY .ade toe a P~~11c Woe~. ~.r.lt 1n accoe4anCe _ith Caa~~.11- "~niCl~al Co4., ..cE~IN~oqt .. WOCIl a44u.. oc traCt. 5/~ fl)E~TL!.IIE-ST~..e. .D~ UtUlLy Ueli~b lQCaUon W/5' aJ~~J-/E....rzi;;:~ -1)/2.. .d/5.2.1 ~)AI AIL' ~L/A~E'/ >>. ".~~te ~~ w"CIl. /;:iLL. 'oj- .r.i.EA/ELLJ L~4.JCullt, u.J4JE:(2 ~ER.i.JJLe . , C. .ttach Ilv. I~) copl.. of a dr.wlng .n~wlni the location, ..t.nt and 41acnalana 01 the IIOr' The dU"ln~ al,all anow tr,. r.latLon ot the PfO~..d "Ofll CO uld1n9 al.ulac. Alld yndug(ouna i..peallelllcnu. Whell aPP"~ud by the C1C)' tnglnue, ..14 drawlng becollu . paet at Ud. pcr.u. ~. Tne General Con41t10n. tor all pcrll1t. arc llataa on the relleCIe .14c. ~PcCl.1~eOlll.1on_ lor thl. peealt .re 11.ted below. t.ll~r. to abide ~y thea. condition. and pcoll1aion_ ..y re~~lt in lob .hI.U-down ,"d/"r lurtelt~tc 01 r.1thlul l'ecIOr".flCc ~,,"a. and Ca." Gcpo_It... I~cc Gonecal '"n41tl"n. 1 .n~ ~l. h, aH Mo. ye! --/!) cP 1:. .n 'I)pl&C4Ulon I.c Il~.t accolllp.ny th1. 'PpUC.t101l. Thh 1. 'lon-cd~nG'D1c. H'lIle Qt AppllCant 'S..aAl J o5.~ LlJ.A-JE?/L_ f}..cu7J.r:bAl'::/ Tdcphon.: 2.7'1-7lr.::J..S::' AddCea" }f)'2/ ~.o, A..4SL.LJn1 nLJ SA/\/ cTA.s.e /'4 q..E12~ - ~ III C1"I1. w",1l bc1n9 ehUlC 'by the propcny CAmel at Chdl own r._ldcncc? _'tell Lno CO"pleLe .tt.ch.a Worker.' Co..pen.ation and COnteacLo, loea.. The .pplicallt/~crllittcc heCcby .9'... by .tt.xing thetc et~flatu,c to thia pera&t to hold the Clrr ot C."PlocU, it.. otIlCe..., "Jcmll anl.l ...ploy... teec, .a'c and tl.'ale... (ruJIl any cla~.. Or clClIlIII~ ("f cllllJia9U rc..~h'J\'J 'co.. the wC)tll COYl;hc1 by 'hh l'CtI,lt. · II.flowlcl1"jcli that thcy h.lle re.d .nd undcrat.andrUI .IC Iron, cy wUJ Il1torll Ule!r COfJtr.ctur lliwot t u: lntorlll on. ~() t. f tl ffc ano HOT&:S: AI,; 'WOhl( SIlALL CONYOIU, WITI1 Tit&: A"ACU&D, A....hOIl&:J;I I"LAN~ AHD AL.L A~rL.l C.wL.&: CA""beLL STAHUAhO OHAW1NCS ANU COHOITIOH~. Tilt: CONThAC1'O/, "UST I/Alla: 'CIIIS "1:k"IT AND Al'PkOllfO PLAN~ At." HUST "t:t:T WlTt! Ttlt: I'.W. IH:->fot:C1'Ok ON TUt: slrt: AT 1.1:~1: "'WO OAY:i 1H:10JcC STAltTlNC WOftl. NOT1Ct: "U~T ut: GIV~H TO I'U~LIC WOkKS AT Lt:AST ~. "aUkS b&:YOk& Jct:STAkTJHC ANY ~OkK. S..t:CIAL (l1.01IISI0N:; ..;--- 1 . - " Strc~t .hll11 not be Open cut tor uodcl9roun4 In_tallation.. "lnLIl~'1 C~t. ..ar ~c .11c...co toe cO'UlcCtlOl\:t 0, exploration hoJclI. ~~Ch CUl.. _Lu,1 be arl:cdlc..lly "prfO\lel1 loy Ihe 11I1;I'J:Clu,. l'ilVllaellr...y. Ue C~t tor ~nc1.r'Jeo~ncl 10Ilt.11at ion. ancJ IlU.L be r"'Lorca in acco,caancc "UIl the Utility TrenCh hc.,oratlon S'anl1.'4 De...illg. W"CIl 10 l.Ie .talLed DV a HCclllied L..nd ,"L1Cllev", O. C1vU 1::1I91n.er .nd two (2) coplc.:; 01 tne CUt .heCl. "eM to Lhe ~ulollC WOek Ocrt. ~cture atau tng I%ell.. The Miura O( ,",0(11: .u hail.c1 to u~t..ldc the hour. ot 7-~ .... and J-.. p.ll. tor any lifOU. al'ectll1~ a rfat)lc lane. 'l- e' II: 2. - U I' :I. -. ... .. - ). - ,-, J', C u. IIl-ll UH.OCIl nAHOIWiO ~)O.OO ~~OO.OO ClOg, or CHG. ~~T.) f.' Oy ~"p.~~oo HIH) C" Or 1'..1'. ~Nj) U~.oo 'UN) MOUNT $ rn.t!Jo , $ ~ f~~lT ~fLl~ATIOH r~K rL4H CU~C~ Pt:"OSlf ..oH~ 1'0., l'AITUI'UL. PtkYO~tUl.NCt: r. ~. (CASU) Pt~SIT C~~OO) "~HHIT ..&:~ ~"fMOv&:P rOM ISSUANC&: -;.;{~'i kt:C&:lI"T NO. C'. ~ .. r- ~. -: ~ .35:00' ~ f.,/trr-j- . &.I.". ~~ t; ~Wf'a:h"IT 11.111..4 '/u, ,~I~ ,""i~ . ~~I~ C) -I"" ~~ '~~ ~~ ,~~ ~I.IJ 18 ~' 17 16' ...... I / 90 14 , 1.2 89 ~B ..J . . . W 51 16 I ; I a: , 91 60 N 94 c:{ ~9 18 Cl. . I 93 62 . 96 i I I 61 20 I i - 95 I (.4 98 c:{ ..J 63 22 . 97 66 I 100 c:{ ~ 65 24 99 0 68 ..J 102 cr I Cl. 67 26 J 104 101 70 ; 89 28 106 103 72 7t" 30 ! 105 i 74 ! 73 32 REC EL PASCO SLOG \~; \ O~ '0 41 \ .J.~ 40 39 38 37 ~ .... t' " = 17 J8 I . c:{ ~ o ..J c:{ Q. 17 . ....,;:.-.1' 4C.. C", ...,..~... 21 I , . I . .-.. 'Chi '<::11' t; "l I' 'II~ ' 't" . Clo . "l.l IW) , .~II~ \~I.... ....1 :~ 19 ~,..,. (' ';, ,",...,:" l 23 C ..J 25 27 29 31 33 34 35 20 19 ~ /J ~f '\, ;1: ~ ~!:! Ii :! II' ~'A ,/.. ' (1.// : [ )' \, f ': " I - . \ I ~ .... 2~11[. ';Ilo.-ji,q Ji I~ ~ r , .,;,. ~c - l l~ i ~ $E IV.<S. 2:" 7 .'" f . ' , A