88-160 ... rr~-::, g;"~:J" -- ...:..... ...;,g ~n: I-n'.....n ........... ':'::.:J~::I~ f... ...0 ,. n n .... ':r:J. N ::~.::: .-:.>>>... On.......o "':1.-.",... ..... "' '" ~ :;""C)'S- .C.........~. n"'nc.: ~"''''''n " 0>-0 0... :a _ n < . '7 .. .. o ::I ::r < ~ ~f;:::~ .. II ..... .. "0 ::I " . :a n .. 10 ....... :I n ::! :.. ~ t" n 0 .1 . IO"n... ....,.." n... :r ,...4::.... ~ . :a .. o ... t. , .. ....... .. .\ :J , 7... . . ;~~;;'~~ 0.. < ... ..... wn.... :t -... ',...,n -"'10:1' "" u u . ~"':JJa~ . ()Or-Pi... -""'0 . .A .- -_Il ::;~~ ~~ vA. ,.::r ;J~;;':;:= ..- " II g · PI lit ::a . -<':0 .. .. .... n wa.-nn · .;,r (I ~ ;.w. . .. n.. ~::-:;~;a .. It :Ii .. 0 .....n ':I . 0.. "'V . :'l n . n ~.lOf~a=- ...n. .. .. "'. i' CITY 01 CAIU'IU:LI. O~~. or ~U.LIC WOkl~ '0 Hoelh '11'1 Ie. . C.AI.b.II, CA ,~OO. h01l1 lIh-H ~Q "0. Jjt-/I:, 0 ~UbLJC WOkKS '~k"IT Tr1IrVGnnr,. . n ~U. plAbllc 'lVhC-Ol-W.Vt;1 X-ket. tU.' ~ IUIA.d ~ ~(().-! r Appl1C:&l lon Dal. 6/ cF' "".J:;. J-' re'all lip. . I I ao.. ..plee. ~ . A~PLICATIOM - Appllc.tlon 1. b.e.by ..d. tor a 'w~llc Wor~. t.ralt In accoed.nc. with C.a~b.li "wniclpel '04e, '.cll~n 11.0.. '.laH liIOla .4dr... or tr.ct . 271 Shelley Ave. , "tUlly ~r"4:h loc.elon SD1I41G66913, sotl72371B l' . d' t d the attached sketch. ".llAl. o~ W~la. ,Abandon uti it~es as ~n ~ca e on Ale.ch flv. l~l copl.. of a de.wing Ihowlni the loc.tlon, ..tent .nd dl.en.lon. ot the WOCk The dr.wln~ .hall .how the e.latlon ot eh. propo..d wOlk to ..l'tlng ,ull.c. a"d wn~elgeound iaproveacnu. Wh." .pproved by the CHy tngl".." 'aid dU"lng becoa., . p.u 01 thia peeaa. The 'cncr.l Con4ll10n, loe .11 per.it' .rc 11.ted on the cev.c.. alde. ~peclal PrOvl.lon. toe thl. peealt aCe 11.led below. ..ilur. to abid. by lhe.. condillon, and provl.lona ..y le.1A11 In lob ,hWI-dullIn aIlO/QC tuetcltwle ot Pallhlul Perlol.anc. ~""Q, and c.." dcpoaiu,. I~cc '.nee.l Condltlonc 1 and ~I. C. An 'Ppl1Catlon t.e alae' acco_p.ny thie .ppllcatlon. fhle 1, lIon-eetundable. ....c 01 Appllc'Rl' Pac.ific. Gas and Electric Company Telephon.: 725-2114 .o\Gduu 10900 N. Blaney Ave. Cupertino 95014 ,.. I. c. o. II tht. "Q'a being dO"e 'by the prop.ny owne' at th.lI own hlt1dence} _yu no Coapl.t. .tt.Ch.d WOlker.' Coapen'atlon and Contr,ctoe toe... The APfllC."'/~er.1Itee heCeby .ge... by .ttlling thell .1~n.eur. co thi. peeait co hold lhe Clcy ot Ca..pile I, 11. ottlC..., a'Jent. and ...pJoy... free, ..ate and I..'alc.. !tu. .ny cl.1. 01 dC_hl1 fOI d....g.:. le_wlli"... f,o.. the "'olk coy. led by Ihie per..ll. Tl.e A....J ant h.t thev h.ve r..d .nd unGeeetand bolt. It.e teonl .na baCk 01 th..~ a Chell conte.cturl.) ot the 1"toruI10n. 6-6-88 at<<. NOTes: ALL 'WOft. SIIALL CON tOll" .. J TI STAHDAkD OHAWJN~S AND COHOITIOH~. TIU: CONTllAC1'Olt MUST IIAV~ 'rillS ~t:ll"IT AHD APPltOVa::o PLANS ANII MUST "t:t:T WITII Tilt: 1'.W. JH:ihCTOIi 0,. Tilt: SITt: O\r L-&:AST '1'WU OUS 111:,,0,.t: STAkTl"<i WOR.. AP1'MOveo 1'LAN~ ANO ALL APPLJCAbLe CA"l'bt:LL NOTICt: MU~T lit: CJV'" TO l'UIILIC WORKS AT L~A~T l4 IlOUKS btYOkf k~STAKTIHC ANY ~OKK. S~~C1AL PkOVISIO~~ _1. S'e.~1 ..b.ll not be open cut tor unOergrOYnd 1nltlallation.. H!nLuu.. CWI. ".y ~c .!l~~c~ toe con"ecllOIlA; 0' ..ploratlon hol... ~wch CWl. au..l be arcc".c,.!lV appro....a t.y (II" 11IIOP..Clu,. 1'lIVll.fllr_)' DC CuI tor wnd.'~rolAn" Inlll.l1.Iion. .IId ..u.t be lelltO'ed In aCCOe;J..hCc ~all the UtUlIW Thnch JtelilOration St.ndUd Ocelli,,'.). W~'k 10 be alakad bV a Jlcan.ed Land &urvcy~c 01 Clvll ~n9!n.ee .nd tllO (2) COple~ ot tile CUI ahe.l. 'ell&' 10 Lhe I"u&.lhc Work O.Pl. a:..tQle .t.ltlng won,. The houre ot ..ou .,e haLted 10 Qwt.ldc Il.. howea 01 1-1I .... and J-ri p... teo, any .,O(j. .tt.cllng . clatjlc l.ne. 'I " I' ~2. _l. _t. -~. I' '~kHIT ~"I.I,CATIOH '~I PL4H CU~C. P~"QS1T &aQN~ 'Ok rAITUrU1. PtktO~NCE ,. P. IC~U) Ot~IT '~HI'l' r&a: (11-1) C$J~.OOI q :iT.u.OAkP .uaoUNT $ ')D. 00 . $ $ $ .3.=,. 00 kj:;Ct:l1'T ~O. $~O.OO $:'00.00 (100' 0' CNC. &'T.) ($lOOI (4' or DQNP.$:'OO "IN) n. 0' ..... IaONO n!l.OO "IN) Ul'kOV~O .0Jt I:;SuuC~ ~M, '~'~.l(}~:~C - t Y' n f 9 ," /i'i{-f;- '( " at' II t'W('CK"IT lI.v...4 1/U1 ~ I! : I J ' / l^ ppnr;\!r:n r:()f( (",0 I rl. ,,,.......'., t.c,,"'~' .. .. / \ f"'" ;----..t-------j ".-' ~~u\ " ~ ~nc \!,,"~i ",,;.'" r 1 1 I 1--- 1 i ') .. ) ') ,. c ~ ~o ff ~I~ ~~ <'l 19 ~ ~ ~ :\ ';:t 't "" "*1;- ., :l !'. (9 1'1'- o ",jc' ~ Ill! \Ji "i 2.SO ,T-1314 ,- ___J - I ~d{n ~ \i .J .J i~ ~ RD. ~40"'~H-<O.I_ ~IN ---!: 2 () ~ a09 ;t " :;; ~ ~ oS II '# ; '" ~ II r:,"""nlICT"ON ...' ! '.." '. I ~.) I t"\ V . ~,~. t; 'S ',,';'.._';;1. ~ \'y~' -.:: o~ ",v (() '?" .. h h ~ J^ ~ -,- '_ T / ...,- ............-~ _. . ...~.:o.c:.--...:.-~--~.... _.~-.,; ,..!-~.. '.. ,,;. , ....-......, C~JT~~C;.r- ~';;;'. &' 01ih . - -~"'S (1)1)/ --------~.- .. ... ,\>.... ~ ----"'~ , J- -' h_ ~.:_, ~ ___"_ _._ __ "{ . -----. , '.., lJ~fR~i3~, : _u Iq~ '~ ,: -Y1: f't/ o/{)