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'.0111 IIh-Jl~O ~tP- /~ / PUbLIC WOMKS '~kKIT TTIfrVarl'Trl..-rYI-rn1 P"bltc C1Vtat-ot-w.yl J. X-k.t. tll. J luu.d 6~/u .L.? c:r Appllcalloo Du. I /cP /"'rf' ".rall' .I~U' In Trao.. ..1'1 r.. ~. APPLICATION - Application la heeeby aad. toc a P"bllc Wur~1 "acalt In accordance .lth Caa~b.ll "unlCI~el Code, ..CtJon 11.04. Peealt tlu. .\. Woo. addre.. or tract I 261 Shelley Ave. Utility tr.nch lOCation Sn/.!41Gn6911. SOl179952C d. d on the attached sketCh. Hat~re ot ."CII. Abandon utilities as in lcate . , Attach tJv. I~I copl.. ot a drawing ahowlni the location, .ltent aod dl.cnll00e ot the .oel TIl. drlwloC;j ....U .Ilow the relation ot the propoud work to uI.tirl9 .uct.c. and undcr'ojrounl:3 ll11prOVclllcnta. Wllell approv.d lJy the CHy tflglnue, ..Id duw1ng becol/lu a port ot ltd. pce./L. Tllc Geneea1 Condit lone tor all per.lta aCe Ilatea on the rev.rac 111:3c. ~pcC1al ~COvl.10na toe thi. pcc.lt arc 11.ted below. tallur. to abide by the.e conl:3ltlon. anl:3 Pcov1aJon. aor reaule In lob ,hut-down .lId/oc torteituc. ot r8lthtul Pcrtoe",onCe bOlld, ana c..1I l:3epo'h.. :ice Geoeral ConOltloo. 1 and ~I. t:. An applaCAtJoo lee IIlUAl accOlllp.ny thll1 appl1CAtJon. Thl. 1. non-retunOab!e. M. C. D. H.",c ot Applicant' Pacific Gas and Electric Company Addee&iu 10900 N. Blaney Ave. Cupertino 95014 1M thi, wock being dOlle 'by the property owner U their own te&i1dencd _y.. no Co~plctc attach.d Workera' COlllPCnllatlon and Conteactor toraa. Tchpholl.; 725-2114 Thc AppllCallt/~er~lttec hereby agele. by ottlling their al~OAturc to th1a pee_it [0 II0ld the CIty ot CaMlpbcl1, h. ottICCC., atJcntll and ...p10ycclI trce, u,te and a...r.1... tCOlll any c1au, oc dCl&Alld tor dOllla9\:' ee.u1tall';j trolll thc work COl/crad by lhl, "cr...l[. that they hAYe reAd alld uOlle:r.tallll both OIC Iroot ana ot [he: Intormatlon. G. -4 .. ~ ~"' NOTI:5; ALL 'WOk I< ~IIALL COt4I'Ok/'l WI STAtlOAIH> D!U.W J HGS A141) COHO 1 T I ON~ . Tilt: CONTkAC'I'OJc /'lUST IIAVt: 'ru I S l't:kHI T ANI) APPltOV&::O PLAN~ AtW HUST "t:t:T WI TII TII t;; i'. W. J NShCTv/t ON Tilt: SJTt: AT L't:"'~T "WO l)AY~ ll~tOJtt: STAJtTJNG woa/(. AI'i'JtOVtD i'LANS ANO ALL A~~LJCAbLt CA/'Ii'bL~~ tlO,'JCC /'lUST lit: GJVCN TO i'UllLIC WOaKS AT L~AST 2. HOUHS bttOkE HE5TAHTING ANY WOHK. Si'CCIAL PJcOVISIONS ....., " -' _1. Stre:\:t ~~Al1 not be op~o cut tor und~rground 1n&ita!10tion~. HJnl~u~ CUtll mAY be allOwell toccoolle:Ctl011:' oe elp10r411ton lio1e". SUCh CUl~ hiUtol be -pccd.caUy apprOved Ly II.., . lI/;pcCl uC . l"iVl!llle-nr-lllAY Ue Cut tor ulld.'lJrouotJ Inutal1At ioo. AlItJ .UAt be: reutoreQ ln aCCOrtl,UICe wan tile urJ1lty Treoch Jl.elitoratlon StAndard Orawll19. W~Ck to Ue: .laked by a 1Iccn~e:d Lalld Sur~e:y~r 0' CJvl! t:nglncer and two 121 COpJeE ot tne: Cut aheCla lIenl lO lhe: PUbl1c WOCk Depl. betore al..rtlog work. Tile tlour. ot won ArC lilllited to outlotdc ctlC houre ot 1-~ A.Ill. and l-l'. p.lI. t{Jr AllY wOn. AlteCtlng . trAtjlc lana. 'l. I ~ (I: ..L2. u.- P. _l. _4. _:I. p, C '-, u. tk-ll l~l:'.OOl :iT-'HOAJ(1) ~)O.Oo ~:'Oo.OO C100, 0' CHG. t'T.1 C4' Ot bOND,~:'OO HINI Cl. 0' I.P. bONO n~.OO /'IJNI AKOUH'r ~CJUiJT AJ'.-I.J,CATION rCK PLAN CUt:CK DepOSIT bONl,) YOI( IAITUl'UL l't:kl'O!iKANCt: 1. P. (CASU 1 OI:~SJT P~"HIT I&a: AP""OVCO ro" lSSUANCt: ~;))rl;~~r~..t kI::Ct:Ii'T NO. C', ~ -50.00 , ~ ~ - ~ I ... ~: 1~2001 ~ .35.00 Q t/ ';1/' ~ ( I 4J ". Q t19~ ---.. t; "Wl'l:k" I l' Italll..d 1/10 ~,~ ~~w t ~., 01.... - -". "0\'/ :;.1 ;. ~ ~0 .. :::- -v G'1 .. ~n a;l~o ~ ~31 -I ~(~"C) ,~'%..... .1_ _'!io~30-:n-r-- 1~"" -I~ ..lEi ~~I~:;; 5S~~ ~" ij~;;~ ~ - ~t ~ .. 0I,.l ~I ;~ r\ all0TEft.l'I.. I I 14E: "'- -r~"5 . .....) 'I. ..~o. ..II 0) IS& PI. fl"U. ~ ('f")", ,..~ 1,- l'" I l'" ~ . 2: ~~~,!oI'Z.I/..t:: ~ ;'.In '" V1.1'C;;,,rn ~ ~ - + 1'1 oS '..,- 41~ 1 I 1 ~ I I t_ I 3 ,... ~ 2. ~ ~ ~"l ,.,'1" ,T-1314 -"T- Go (/')~ Z o (/') a: ~ ~ ~ , -~ i. ~ ~ ~ jpl ~ " "l .( ~ ~i6~ ~~ .-,. i ~ ~ <Ii ~ It 6 ~o a~ ~ .. !;; ,... ~ oj ';f ~ ~~ ~<t l1 A-P' ~- ;) . -".'t''': ,fe, .,...-< ..-,. t"-'-, i'~'-' :'" f ,t""': ...;~ -"~,"", , . {"-'ON ,",j !, ' . Public V.'c, ( i ~." _._!~ - /t/ I c c.', " " ',,,C,', ;-' ,',.5 0:-: :::, I;;.r,-' .'i,:r.;: .::;".].;fr~;:;:.)1). ~14,A0 z-~ :-- . ''\~ _J ..:::: ~ ~j \~~i i J " " . 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