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. . G-~ ~ ::' 6; · ~ :J '. ...... ....s..... · :J ~ n 6 "":1..Q 0 &"-nc",.-O ...... ,.... . III ..... ,:. ~ ~ ~ :I g f... ~Q - n I' ..... ':r::a. N ~C-.:~ .. :J )..,... On.-.....o .... :l ,... . "'"' ,.... .. .... tl o ,.. n ..... n W' 0 &)::r .C:..-'1. nvanc: )."-"'.0 :.: Q > .. 0 Q"\);1......0< =r .. . o :l ::r < " ~ fj : ~ U " II' .-. .&1'<<;1:1 '\ . :I n . .. .......:J 0 .... ..... ,... :J ~ (.. Il 0 .l . ,," n ,.... ....r-U 0"" :r .... ~.... 4. .. :l .. Q '" r. , .. .......... " :J , ::s... .. .. -VlO.......... S" n .... 0 :'1 1'\ n.''lA-a ....n..... :l - .... ''''' n ...."'..,:.;r NI" (J . t!....::l;J6~ . (') &) ,... ...... n. -. n.n . '^ ,... - (. ~~~(: ~'< wn. r7 ~ ~ ~.:;;:: ,- ,. II g ... ".. :l .. ,- ( .: 0 ."....n 101)"""'0 · .;,s a :a ~. . . ... .......-o:.r;) o 101 U .... ... It :1 till n . .... n ~r . &)"'''. :'l ,.., . n ~.'" ~'~ :J :- ...... n C I T1 01 eM/' IU!l.J. D~I'T. or I'UbLIC WOkl~ 10 "OUh flClt #t. . C.ml'beIIL CA >>~OO. 1.0111 lit. -21)0 "'c.lt "0. cPcI -/62 I'UbLIC WOkKS P~k"IT TrIfrVO'rnlll('"11l--n11 pubLIC Clvht-Ot-way) X-ket. tile luu.d 6//D~/cP~ Appllcatlon Dat. ~-J'-crJ he.lt Upl(U If( U .oa. uplr.. ~ AI'I'LICATIOH - AppliCation 1. heceby ..d. tor a Pu~llc Noc~. ~.r.lt ln accor4.ocl with Caa~uall Municipal COda, ~eCllon ll.O.. 1. WOlk 144r... oc tCaCt . Utl1lt~ tCln~b lQCal10n M. Nature Qt w"ck. ~baRdon 1381 Harriet Ave. SD#alr.hhQ07, ~n#hQ?hY'4h utilities as indicated on the attached sketch. C. Atlach tlv. I~I copl., ot a 4ra~1ng Ihowlni the loCatlon, e.tent an4 41.cn.lon, ot the WO(~ The drawlnIJ 'lieU aho", thl rehtlon ot the propoud work to ..1aUng aurhce .'111 undccgrounl:1 ll1proVClllcnu. Wh.n ailprollcd uy the Clt)' tnglne.r, ..111 dUIo/ln'l b.colII., a PUt ot ltd, peCalt. The General Con41tlon. tor all perllllt. arc ll.toa on lho rcv.rue Ilde. ~pcClal ~rovl.lona toc thl. pcralt ac. 11.ted below. t.ilurc to ablac uy theac condlllona an4 provlalona aAY rc~ull In lob .hLH-du",n ...d/yr torlelture ot '.1thtu! Pcrtorlll"ncc bund. an4 ca.h Ocpooit... I~cc Conccal Cun4ltlon. 1 and ~l. ~. An appllCatlon t.e muat accompaoy thi. appllCatlon. Thle 1. non-c.tunaable. Hallie of Appllc.At' Pacific Gas and Electric Company Telephone: 725-2114 Al1d(CliU]n90n]lJ Rl.<ln",y Au", r.l1p"'rr;nn. Q'i014 III thla I%elL bc1o'J dune 'by the property owo.r at thlh own e'.ldencd _yu no I). .- ~ COlllpletc attach.d WOcker.' COlllpcn..tlon and Contractor lora.. thl. pcrlllu to hold the Clly ot (H"Q any ciall. o( dc*"",j tor tront ana NOTtS: ALL 'WOkK SIIALL CONI'OIl" WI TII TlIt ATTACIlED, Al'PhOlftO Pl.ANS AND ALL A"!'LI CAbL!: CA"I'Ut:1.1. ~TAHO^kl) DJiAWIHGS M40 CONOI'l'ION:;. Tilt: CONTkAC1'Olc t1UST UAlft: 'fillS ..t:IIHIT AND APPIIOIft:D PLANS ANO t1UST "~t:T WITH Tilt: P.W. JNS"~C1'Oh ON TilE SITt: AT L"t:A:iT 1'WO Do\Y~ b~~Oj(t: STAltTING wOaK. NO'nCt: t1U:;T lit: CIV!:N TO i"UbLJC WORKS AT Lt:A5T 2. "OUkS btyOh[ Mt:STAkTJNC ANY WOkK. SI'~CIAL PkOVISJOu:; .., ,. -' _l. 5trc~t "~All not be op~n cut tor undceground ln~t"l!Ation&. Hinl~u~ CUt. ~AY be al1~~ca tor,conneCtlon:> Of CXplofallon holclf. ~uCh CUt~ hluut be: or"cltlc..!ly ..pproved t..y Ih" 111I;pcClur. }'ilVl!llle'nr..4Y Ue Cut tOf unda'<J,ountJ lnutallat ion. alia ......t be feutOrcO In accorll..llca: lOun the Ul 11 it)' Trcncll JtclitorAt ion Standard DCllwin'). W~r~ co Uc ut"ked by · 11ccn~ed L.nd Surveyor o. Civil ~n911l.er .nd two 121 coplc~ ot tile Cut .hecla ."lIl to lhe "Ut..11C WOrk Dept. "ctore at4Ht1119 ",ork. The flour. ot wOCk arc !1II11telJ to out..ldc the hour. ot )-~ A.III. &nlJ )-ti p.lI. tOf .allY ...ou, a,tectln') a tratjlc lana. 'l,. I' ('-: /2. U- I' :I. - _t. -~. 1', C ,..~ u. it:~lT A"I'LICATIOH rt:K iLAN ClIt:CK P~POSIT liON!) tOu "1.1 TIU'UL PEkI'OItKANCt: Iii-II I$H.OOI Q I r- :iTAHDo\kO AHOUNT $ .5V.o'D , ~ ~ $ ..35".00 kt:Ct:Ji'T NO. (0, hO.OO $:'00.00 (100, 0.. CHG. ~'T.I ~. ~: t. ... (CASU) Ot~SIT I'~KHIT ria: 1~200) t., Or bOHU,~~OO H1NI 1./,'/b-2' III 0" r.... bOND ~1Y71 f/ i , $H.OO "IHI --(Vrlr4:h/lLg / -' ~ i; /.:;/ :t'} I /' Ata cf& ~f~ APPKOVt:P rOk ISSUANCE t: "W1'1:k" 1 l' kavi..lJ 1/u1 g f") .... 11 fi'~ ...... ~ () ;.J" ()-o CJ '-', .. ;~. p ~ "j, ~. 5t fOOt,; ...~' ''''~I) t:.l;Z "'-~" ,., , '" ~..'" ,lJ ~) :~ ,~ ~ 2' " ., ~ ~\I'L ~ ~uf\ ~') ~ \ ~: ~... \\ -0 c: 0- - -. () ~ &!!'".....~.. 0' -~. () " 1'1', ""'" L,.J r.,.~ ,: i "1t ;' "'I ,,~ ,j t"'"I- f\' ""\ ~..i..J t~.i ......'.J' "",..~l ""~r~ \..,) ;...,.... .;,- '" ~ ~ ,,~ '=' .r x:. -> ,...'........ -- ..,