88-165 '" . ... -a ... ., ... . . g;a~:J" .... ...~.-.. -:>Q.na ... :>> .0 " ""n~"''''n N......... .:.::~~:a~ ~.. _0 .... n n ,;.. :r:>> _ .... ~~.::: .. :J )tIo ... On.....o "':I'-a~,- .... .. '" ~ " r-n",n Ir t\ O:r .c.._~. n"'nc: ~-"'-O :.; 0 > .. 0 O,,":I_n< ~:s .. . 0::>2"<" ~ ~ : :: U .. a .... . U' C. :J " . :a n - .. ....;a 0 ~:J~t nOn. Irn_ . ... .... .. n.... :7 ...c:... :.; - :>> .. 41 .. C. . . ........ :J , 7~ . . "'0....... ",..o~" . <...... n ... :>> ... ....n -"'.:7 " .. . '-:a~a: 00_....... .. "I'. . ... r-tn ~;-~~"< "A. r-:r ... r. ,..... . :I .. )it ... till ,.....ng . ..... :::>> - < 0: 0 .......n A.-nn .. _;III' :t )U. . an_ .. ... n ':1::1 . . iU ._ ~"~.n I ... f'. :r Q ....... . :'I n a " \&;!~;J:- -A- n ., CITY 01 CAK'b~LL O~'T. or ~UbLIC WOM1S,' )0 Noetb 'lr.t Mt, C..pb.ll, CA ,~OO. ..0111 IIh-21~O ri hr.ll "0. 88-1"65 X-laet. U 18 .r.ppllcaUon Date 6-13-88 ..ple.. ~ PUbLIC WOitKS Ptk"IT TrDT"VanTlrrtlll-nl. p~bllc CI~bt-ot-w.ya I"~ad (.;, - 1)-- Y-Y ~eCal~ ..plr.. In J~ aoa. ~. ~ r: I. ~ APPLICATIOH - Appllc.tlon I. hereby ..de lor a .~bllc Worka '.ralt In accordanc. wltb C..~b.l1- "~nlclpal coca., lIecllolI 11.04. 'L' A. Work acacare.. oe Uact . 173 Car1yn (x Hedegard) Utility tr.acb l8G.tlon I I' (1. C .. "at~r. ot worll; U' Main break, emergency repair c. Att.Ch tlv. (Sa copl.. ot a deawlng .howlng tha location, ..tant .nd dl.en.lon. ot tb. woek Tbe drawln~ ....11 abow tb. ralatlon 01 the propo..d work Co ..I.tlng .urtac. .nd ~nderground lapeov.acn,.. When .pprovcd ~y tbe City 'ngln..r, ..ld drawing baco... a part 01 Chi. p.ealt. Tbe Gener.l Condltiona tor ell peralta ar. 1lat.d on tb. rever.e aide. SpecI.I 'roYlalona toe tM. per.lt ace H.ted b.low. f.Uure to abide by th... condit ion. and provlalona ur' r.....ll In 10b .b~l-down and/or tort.1C~e. ot ralthtul 'eetoeunce b~nda and c..lI depoaiea. ~.c Gen.cal Condltlon. 1 and ~.. E. An appliC.tlon te. .~at ecc~pant Chi. .ppllcatlon. Tbl. 1. non-eetund.ble. ..... of Applicant' San Jose Hater Company Telephone: .... :: l' D. ;;.. '\ '\. C .... r. '.. Addee... I. thia woek being done 'by the property owner at tbetr Own reildeRcel Co.pl.te .tt.ch.d Worker.' Co.pen.ation and Contractor lor... Tbe Appllc.nt/~er.lttel beeeby agr... by att.xing tbelr .t~n.tur. to thi. p.r.it to hold the Clry o. C."Pl..:11, Illi olflcera, a'.)ellta an~ ...ploy... tr.e, ...t. .nd ...e.l....lro. .ny clal. 01 de_,.d t~r d....94:. cca~.ltln... teo.. the work COVered by ebh per..it. yu - _RO The AV~l.calle/Per.lttee bereby .cknowledge5 th.t they b.ve r..d and under.tand both the tront .nd b.ck ot th~' pee.lt .na tb.' tbey will intor. thel1 conteactur'..a of Ihe IntoraAtlon. ACCi:PTt:D <<PPIIC&nl ,rcl.l~t'" lilT. "OT~S: ALL'WOfUt SIlALL CONrOICK WITIt TH&: ATTACHED, APPJtOV&:O PLANS AND ALL A~l'LICA.bL&: CA"Pla~LL STAHDAkO DKAWINCS AND CONDIT10N~. Tilt CONTICACTOJc HUST IlAVt: TillS Pt:kH1T AND APPJcOVI:D PLANS A"" HUST "1:t:T WITH THE P.W. IN~f't;CrolC ON Till: SIU AT Ll:A:lT ''WU D.r.V:i tit:10kl: STAltTINC WOiK. NOTICE "U~T bt: GJV&:N TO PUtiLIC WORKS AT LEAST 1. HOUkS b~YOkE k&:ST.r.kTINC ANY WOkK. S~&:CIAL PkOVISIO~S '"1 r .' _1. Street ..hall not be open cut for ~nder9round In..t.ll.tion5. "InLa..a C~tM ..y be .llowed torconllectloll:' oe ..ploCatlon hole.. Such cut. MU.t b. IIIlt'cdlC..lly .I~proved by th~ IlIlipcc,...r. Pavl.~..y be C~t tor und.C9r~nd In.tal1alion. .nd au., be ee.tored in .ccor4anCe wltn th. Ut111ty TrenCh kClitoratlon Standard Or.wing. W~r~ to Uc Mt..ed bV · 11cenacd Land 6~eveyor 01 Civil ~n9In..r and two ,1a COple~ ot the CUl ahel'. lIell' to tbe I'ublic WOCk Oert. beture at.rclng WOIk. The rlour. of won .re li..ited to uuta; de the lIoura ot 1-11 .... anCl l-c. p... tor any lIIoe.. att.ctlng a rr.tjle l.ne. '" I~ I': ~. - a:. I'. 3. - ': ... .. - ~. - ~. I'. C u.: 'E~IT ,.....LJ~T1ON 'EK PLAN CU&:CK O~PQS1T >>ON!) '(ijc 'AITIIYUJ. .tkI'OkKAHCa: I. ... IC.r.~UI D~~IT '&:lUIl2' Il:t: (a-I) . U~.OO a r :; IiTANDAJtD MOUNT no.oo ~ 50. co ,~OO.OO f C1OO' 0' CIoIC. 1ST. ) f en 01' 1W)H>>.i~OO "INI , '" 0' '.P. ~HD 'J~.OO 'UN) f IU::Ct:ll-T 1010. Q ('. ... ~. ..; o'V W' ~/8P; (i) .nOO) & . -c' .j J~ ". u."'.- , , APPMOV&;P '(ijc ISSUANCE -.r'br a;uJ' ..n'gbtaer . ~ fl PWP~M"IT lieVhed 1/111