88-168 o,. G-~ -: ::- g;.~;J" .... ...:1..-... · :> p,. n . 0\ :J ..,Q n 8"- n ~ ""... n ............... .:..::~~,,~ t Q,..... n ~..... 1-::r:>. N ~~.:~ .. ~ >- .... On..-_o ...:a.-.&o.", .... .. "'... n ....."""0 ... n O:r .C.._". ""'nt: >-.,.60 :.; 0 > JC 0 O...:a_n< .::r .. . 0:;):1"<., ~ ~ :; ~ U .. rr .-. . U' C. :J ., . :J n . .. ,... :a (') ... 0:" .... ::J :J r~ o 0 .1 . "'nr- ....,-n nno :T .... c: .... ':.C; . ~ WI Q ~ ro. , .. ..... .. " :J , :1""- .. .. -'^O~..... I'n....Q:J" o. -:"... w n .... :J -... c.....n ,... ~~ .. ;r ,,(.t 0 . ~"";)Ja~ '(')0_01... ..11",,,, . "'..... -,.. ;::;~z ~'< On. ,..::r 3;~1::;:; -..nO .. '1'" :J .. ,- < .: 0 .. III ,.. n Ita""'nn . .:.r " :3 :.u. . . n. ......n:r;J o .. U t- ... II :a .. n . ..... ... :r .O"""U. ~ n . n ~!"~~:J:- r-~ 40 n ,- a, CITY 01 CA"PbfLL D~PT. or PUbLIC WOMli 70 Noeth 11r.l it. C..pbell, CA ,~OO. (tOil I IIh-H ~o t:f> cF - / (; <f'" -' r; PUbLIC WORKS '[k"IT ~tlln~ In tnf p~bllc el~ht-ot-way) lUlled 3/i/Y~ ~e'.ll ..pl[..~ n j~ .oa. '.call MO. \;. 1": X-keto Hie App!l~atlon O.t. ~ - /r-'-'~~ ..plr.. ~ , , APPLICATIOH - Appllcallon ia hareby .ad. roc a '~bllC Woek. 'aealt In accocdanc. with Caa~bal1- Municipal Coda. lieCtlon 11.0.. '{' I I' ~. Wock adde... oe teact . 4Dc:::.:> U t--h oN. ,,6,-v:t::=- P. C Utility teench locatlon Nat~u ot woe II ; . ?L::fBL\.G c:;.cn.~ H-t1p.Q..e::.'-f.E-\K.e~ Attach five IS) copl.a ot . drawlng ahowlng the locatlon. extent and dl.enalon. ot tha WOck Th. dcawlnq .t.a11 atlow the ulet Ion 01 tba propO.ad work to ....t ing auetacc alld ~ndcrgrollnd 1.pcoveacnt.. Wh.n approved ~Y tha City Engln..c. ..Id deawlng beco... a part ot thi. peeal1. The General Condllion. tor all peralt. arc llated on the eevccae .Ide. Special Peovl.lone tor thl. pecait ace 11.ted below. tailur. to abide by theee condllion. and pcovlalona aay ccaull In jOb ahul-down and/or loclclt~.c 01 ralthlul Perfocaance bund. and ca.h dcpo.it.. ISee Ganer.l Condition. 1 and ~a. E. An appllcatlon Ice a~at thl. appl catton. Thl. la non-r.fundable. ~.ae of Applicant u::-> I-J /Ii-EX (-Oit A fL Telephone: C;::-,<<..;b-4oco Addccu 42..2.4 &~Ltt-C'P~\A . <-,..6..\J U-:>~~,lCt",,:,-Cc'J ('A C~t<-tlrpj I. tbie wock being done 'by the property own., at th,ie own 'eiLdencel ___yea ~no M. Lf c. ~. ~ l' o. ;;.. '\ '\. IU r. ;.. Coaplcte att.Ched Woekeea' Co.pen.ation and Conteactoe toea.. The Appllcanl/~ccmlttee hereby a C.ca by affixing thelr .i~n.ture to thi. per.it to tlold the City ot C...pt...,l!, Ita. Officer.., a'Jent. nd ...ploycca tree. lIi.te alld har.lc.. leua any clala oc dC1Il4H.d for dallla91:. ce.u1tln~ f co. Ule woe covered by tbl. pcrll1t. The AppliCant/Perlllllcc baclI ot Lh~i pcr.lt a ACCl:I'Tl:D aCkllowled9ci that they have rcad and underatand both the fconl ana they will Inloe. thelt contcactur(tia of tbe infoe.atlon. ft.4ti?/gg- . "OT~S: ALL'WOkK SHALL CON,Ok" WITH T"~ ATTACHED, APPkO~~D PLANS AND ALL API'LICAbL~ CA"Pb~LL STANOAkO DHAWIHCS AHO CONOITIUN~. Tilt: CO,.,TkACTOk MUST UA~~ TillS P~k"IT AND APPRO~t:D PLANS ANO MUST "1:t:T ~lTJj THE P.~. IN:lI't:CTOk ON Till: SITt: AT Lt:A.ST 1'WO DAYS U~10kl: STAJtTING WOIlK. "OTICE "U~T bt: CIVt:N TO PUbLIC WORKS ~T LEAST 24 HOURS befOkE kt:STAkT1NC ANY WORK. S~t:CIAL PkOVISIO,.,S P') r -' 1. - ~. - StUd lIi"All not be open cut foc undeeground ille;taUationto. "11111111'1 cute lIay be allowed toc conneCllonli Of cllploeatlon holell. ~uch CUU. .1I,.t bO! .p~cIIIC..lly opprovrd by lll" IlIt.peCl",r. Pavl.e~r-..y be c~t for undacqroun~ Inlltallalion. And Iluat be CClltored in accocaollCe wltn tlae Ut 111t~ TCench ltcitOCU Ion Standard Drawing. Work lO U" IIt..acd bV a llccn~ed Land &~cvcyor 01 Clvll Engilleec and two (2) coplc~ of the CIIl IIlIeel. .ent lQ the Pllb!ic Work Deft. bdurc alarting WOrk. The hour. of won ace h.itcd 10 Qut. de the houra of 7-!j a.lI. and l-ll p.lI. foe AllY WOell aftccll1l9 a tcattlc 1all_. 'v l~ P"; a;. I'. c ). - .- -.. -~. ~J IOJ G u.: ~EkKIT ~~LIC~TIOH 'EX PLAH CUl:CK DEPOSIT 100ND :'Ok rAlTllfUL PEk'OR~CE P. ~. ICA~ul O~POSIT P&;;IUUT 'l:1;; (a-1) C$l~.OO a r STANOAkD i=-O.OO $=-00.00 CIOO, 0' EWC. tST.) c.. 0' MONP,$~OO MINI (l. o. '.P. MONO $H.OO 'UNa .utOUNT kt:Cl:lI"T NO. /1,/36 $ ~.6>0 11'1::14 :: $ 19o0.oo hm<<.JET / / 7{'J('~:- $ 5C)(). ~/) ,.:.--Jc 23 co. $ -'::Co>_ 60 ,.. APPKOV&;;D 'OK lSSU4NCl: $ for;. 0(.) 32 rj 2- ~ - ~;-t9 t: "'boIP~IUl1 T k,.......d 1/U1 r ,j '. f CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866.2100 Department: .. Public Works Ju 1 y 7, 1988 West Valley Sanitation District of Santa Clara County 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE PERMIT NO. 88-169 LOCATION: 877 ROBIN LANE We have made a final inspection of. subject Publ ic Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards.. Ac- cordingly, the work is hereby accepted. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur. We will inspect the work periodically and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call If you have any questions. Sincerely, David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer cc: DNV/le G. Eaton, Publ ic Works Inspector /' CR Gray Eagle Construction, 2464 El Camino Real. #90, Santa TO: SANDY TERPKO , ~. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ":,1:,': Please issue check payable to: :jf~!~~i';\"C~~ti:'1~1r" Robert Emami ,," ''c_,: " '~- Address: . " ',:-\.~ ../, , ',' ,-"-',~ Une 1: 1 c/o New Almaderi~' Storage "'. 'f -,F.-.- .'.~_,' .,:, Line 2: ) City: sari J~'~~ '<'~ta):e~r:\:CA Zip: 95120 "," *';'t'\~:'~f;:(:., . , Description: Ref Deposit/Permit No: 88":'168:, {INTEREST EARNED ; "~ Exact Amount Payab 1 e : $ 5 0 0 . (IO < LOCATION: Account Number: 400 Union Ave .. . DATE AND NO. OF RECEIPT: 2-6-8~:1}3073 PURPOSE: Faithful performance (~ash) d7Posi~<~ :j/"OOl. 05.540.4448 "~ ::;-- ;?'I' ,',.,,.. :),,..,:,i"~'$j~:f":"-"--; ~/1\f~ '\~~'~:1~~1 ,\'. ,;.~, .'i\ . ~~' Requested by: Mike Fuller Approved by:l!f&iche~le Quinney ,....... ~ :.. f" "- ~ / ,- ".., 'f;;:",,\:" ~- J ,', ') ,', ~~,;;;);)':f,~f~ ',- Title: Asst. Engr.' 'Title: Actlng~ity \ ,~, Date: 8/5/93 Engr.D t ( a e: Verified by: Title: ; .'Jo\'. . Date: " SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK:' X \. ~:, -:~ Mail as ;s Mail tn attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: Rev 11/21/91 , .:.~. ...... '- " -.:',l TO: SANDY TERPKO ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE I,r~'!j{i , I)-~~;.'i. t '~:r;;; " -:, ,- " , '. ,{",~~~~"?;r,.' .~;~~~~i0\~'. Mike 'Feldman '~\X+,' ,~ Please issue check payable to: Address: ~. :., ::~''''-', - ': /; ,.:)~'-,; ~.,;-~, Line 1: ,Etec.u:t.il1EiK~erties \. ,~ " /:. '/ck'\" . ." ') , Line 2: 4224Cali,fornia'St. Ste. 207 ~, J Description: City : i,'.l)"'" , ' Francisca:State: / CA Zip: 94118 '... '\, ,~~,-: " :,. ;- " ,', ~ - ~-., (".J' Exact Amount Payable: Account Number: ~,,' (~- ~~/.' "\:~:tT~,i~(:~'?~..~~~~\?\~;"~~" 001.00. 905,.4662 "~:~.,';;"j;?'(iOl. 05.540.444'8 , ~: ' "~".,.,:;'~J:(t:')t:~.tti,~~~t;~(j~~", '. LOCATION: 400 Union Ave . ,~, DATE AND NO. OF RECEIPT: ;'/6::'16-88 ?:~i9436":':';';~1;'~J~;.,';~'/"':; PURPOSE: Plan Check Deposit r'J~:$)~:-k':;\!,>":'(~::;1;;':': ;p<<4 ~ ",,:,/;,.i",'~~r<s;j:ffii0:~/'+t, '~o; .';'~2\ ' Requested by: Mike Fuller " Tifl~::'NAsst.';'E,ngr~ Approved by: Jl&..iche,lle Quinney "Titl~: Act1:ng,c:tty Date: ,8/5/93 Engr D t a e: Verified by: Title: Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: ,\ Mail as ;s xx Mail!in attached envelope /' , Return to: (Name) (Department) Other: Rev 11/21/91 {//. I I I I I I I ~ (to r T \.1 t... L I' L tlF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 , -i ! Department: Public Works August 25, 1992 Ms. Lynn Wiley Amwest Surety Insurance Company 2105 S. Bascom Avenuel Suite 370 Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: AMWEST MAINTENANCE BOND #1176209, 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NO. 88-168 Dear Ms. Wiley: This letter is a follow-up to our telephone conversation of August 18, 1992. The developers of this property, 400 Union Umited Partnership, were informed to repair a damaged or otherwise inoperable street lighting system (please see City letter dated May 7, 1991). They failed to respond to the City's request and the City found it necessary to use it's own forces to repair the system. This is to inform you and 400 Union Umited Partnership that the amount now due and payable to the City is $702.51. Please remit that amount immediately. The City will release the maintenance bond after payment is made. We are enclosing a copy of the bond per your request. 1) Enclosures cc: Robert Enami, Enami- Wu Development Co., 19601 McKean Rd., San Jose, CA 95120 File (Permit No. 88-168) f:88-168 (wp /jd) TO: Ci ty Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO.cfcF-/ ~ cP Please collect & receipt for the following monies: (specif R-l : ($'35) Depos i t 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) 3373 3373 & 3372 3372 3372 J372 3372 3372 3372 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($350) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($300) Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) Lot Line Ad.ustment Fee/Certificate of Com liance Vacation of Public Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) Environmental Assessment:' Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($l,132) 3370 1395 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage AMOUtn $ ~tJ S-O cJ "1 NAME .MIKe F~ '1:2- 2- If ~ $S-SO- 'f / s- / t , c? ~ Y c/ 0 0 , TOTAL PHONE S;:F 9 y//(p ADDRESS ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK ClNLY RECEIPT NO. Jq'{ ~(, ....~<..nOO ~ PAID RECE fVED BY a.~ DATE' 0, -/b.' F ~ July, 1987 TO: City C Ie rk PUBLIC ~'ORKS fiLE NO. ?is-It:;;?' Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. -_._- 35-3 96 3372 3521 3521 (specify pro.ect) PeJl.r.lU e~ : R-] : ($'35) ($200) (Cash) Depos i t 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) J373 3373 & 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 ($500 plus actual cost 'above $500) 3370 Mul ti-Res., 1395 Unito($I,132} 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME PHONE AMOUtn $ Cr(!l ::tco - $ _ po .-.....) ~O (' - ADDRESS ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK Q\o1L.Y RECEIPT NO. ~01.3 AMOIMr PA I D ~o-o CltJ RECE I VED BY ;{, ~ ~ DA1T ~ 6_ { July, 1987 A Am west Dec. 14, 1992 City Of Campbell 70 N. First street Campbell, CA 95008 Attn: Cruz Gomez In Re: Principal Bond No. Dear Mr. Cruz L6 ~-lb3 RECI''l;'' JAN 211992 Amwest Surety Insurance Company 6320 Canoga Avenue, P,Q. Box 4500 Woodland Hills, CA 91365-4500 TEL 818 704-1111 DIRECT DIAL NUMBER: , w t..J Engineering pubbc grIP (818) 592-3448 FACSIMILE NUMBER: (818) 592-3654 400 Union Limited Partnership 1176209 Enclosed you will find our draft no. 35644 in the amount of $702.51 full payment of your claim against the above- captioned bond. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very Truly Yours, ~42~' Nahed G. Yanni S/Claims Clerk ngy Enclosure TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO, ~<8 16-$ Please collect & receipt for the following monies: 35-3396 ACCT ITEM AMOUNT RECEIPT NO, $ 3372 3521 3521 3521 3372 3373 3373 3373 3373 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3370 3380 3395 3510 Project Revenue (specify project) Public Works Encroachment Permit Fees: Application Fee Regular ($210) R-1 ($58) Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance Surety (FPS) Other Cash Deposit Plan Check & Inspection Fee (First $0-$30,00014%; Next $30,000- $80,000 10%; Amount Greater Than $80,0007%; $200 min.) Project Plans & Specifications General Conditions, Standard Provisions & Details ($12 or $1 /page) "No Parking" signs ($1 lea, or $25/100) Copies of Engineering Maps & Plans ($.50/sq. ft.) Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($1,000 + $21 /per lot) Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($1 ,300 + $21/per lot) Lot Line Adjustment Fee/Certificate of Compliance ($500) Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($525) Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($525) Each Additional Lot ($160) Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre (R-1, $1,875; Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Public Works Special Projects Park Dedication In-lieu Fee Postage ($500) (100% of ENGR. EST) (4% of FPS) ($500 mln,) I5'3M0 70';'" ~/ TOTAL NAME OF APPLICANT A.MwtST 7vICG 1j l JU'ju/Z.;-1NLc: ADDRESS /, S /~f) CJl NO(:I'J A tJ[., f,C - f;OK ;/S'-LFO . c.o~ $ 702.5/ '? / C:;.- 70 <-/ -/ / II ZIP '1/ ~L.s--.G./5v'O W{)(J])U4/V b /i/t.L5 / C/q FOR CITY CLERK ONLY PHONE RECEIVED BY (~ DATE 3/ IX. 3/ 9 ':"=? TO: City Clerk Please collect & receipt for the fOllowing monies: PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. 11 c.. (~ 7 / Tva 8/g-7 35-3396 $ Project Plans & Specifications ($10) General Conditions, Standard Provisions & Details ($10 or $1/page) 3373 "No Parking" signs ($1 lea. or $25/100) 3373 Work Area Traffic Control Handbook ($5) 3373 Traffic Flow Map ($10) 3380 Traffic Data Services ($40/hr, + material costs) 3373 Map Revisions to Map Companies ($10) 3373 Copies of Engineering Maps & Plans ($,50/sq, ft.) 3520 Fire Hydrant Maintenance ($195/ea,) 3372 3521 3521 3521 Project Revenues (specify project) Public Works Excavation Permit Fees: Application Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance (Cash) Deposit R-1: ($ 35) Other: ($ 50) ($500) (100% of) (ENGR. EST) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7% of FPB) ($ 35 min.) CrO Other Cash Deposit (specify) ($200) Plan Check & Inspection Fee ~Sl 3372 Tentative Parcel map Filing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($300) 3372 Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($400) 3372 Final Tract Map Filing Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Adjustment Fee/Certificate of Compliance ($350) 3372 Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($500) 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption ($500 plus actual cost Negative Declaration above $500) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre (R-1, $1,875; Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage . ~ f? nO) C'l rn I NAME OF APPLICANT e:. J,.A...\ t:\ ~: ~ \N' u 1'<'( (. K ~ 4 h PERMITTEE TOTAL $ h5/ ~;t2 vvu PHONE ,. ADDRESS J l' (p 0 I FOR CITY CLERK ONLY 0M l?J 7,<;/ ).1) ZIP RECEIVED BY ~tYJJ d~O-P 9 3:;, <f-^ DATE 72-c-f 7 ( . ~c~IT ~Y:Xerox Telecopier 7020 :12- 7-92 14:16 8185923654'" 408 379 2572:# 1 6Y-/68' /It Arnwest Amwest Surety Insursnce Compsny 6320 Canoga Avenue, P,O, Box 4500 Woodland HUls, CA 91385-4500 TEL 8'8 704-"" olRecr DI.'I. NUMBeR: Date: .u "UKSllr~Al- December 7, 1992 FACSIMILE HUMBEIt Total Page.: 3 IECEIVED DEe 0 81992 D......;,. W ftrltc I Fngineering TO: COMPANY : CRUZ S. GOMEZ Assistant Engineer CITY OF CAHPBZLI:, CALIFORNIA DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORD FAX NUMBER: 408\379-2572 by Hary Symes - Claims Assistant for examiner FROM: COMPANY : AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY CLAIMS DEPARTMENT FAX NUMBER: TELEPHONE : 818/592 3654 818/592-3422 -Lisa G. Freeman - Claims Examine'!:' SUSJ.ECT: Principal: 400 Union Limi~ed Partnership Bon4 No.: 1176209 Encroachment Permit No.: 88-168 If you do not receive all of the attached pages, please call (818) 592-3463 Thank you, . SENT ~Y:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ;12- 7-92 14:16 8185923654" 408 379 2572:# 2 A Atnwest VIA FACSIMILE' u.S. MAIL .ICEMV~~ DEe 081992 Amwest Surety Insurance Company 8320 Canoga Avenue, P.Q, Box 4500 Woodland Hills, CA 91365-4500 TEL 818704.1111 ~ublic W or~J Engineering DIRECT DIAl. NUMBER; (818) 592-3422 December 7, 1992 CITY OF CAHPBELL 70 North First Street Campbell, California 95008 ATTN: CRUZ S. GOMEZ Assistant Engineer FACSIMILE NUMB~: (818) 592-3654 RE: Principal: Bond No. : Obliqee : Project : . 400 Union Limited Partnership 1176209 e!~ 07 ~.~..LL .~.~ !KP~HT8 - TR1e~ ~. 8187 ..eROACJDID1'1' P."XlJI 110. .8-11. Dear Mr. Gamez: This will acknowledge the resolution of your claim against the above captioned bond. Enclosed you will find this company's relea.e and assignment of claim torm. Kindly execute and return to the writer at your convenience. Upon receipt of the executed form, and barrinq any problems, this company will be in a position to issue its check in the amount of '702.51 in payment of your claim. LGF/ms Enclosure ,sr :T aY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ;12- 7-92 14:17 B1B5923654~ 40B 379 2572;# 3 It Ii E c: t: i V ;;,; .", DEe 0 81992 Public Works/Enginooring UT..UB UD .mn~~o. Amwe.t Suraty Insurance Company ("surety"), a California Corporation wi~ principal otfice. in Woodland Hills, California, i.suad and executed ~&~ x. IQDlvtIIO. Bond No. 1171201 to ~ CIft a. ~B.LJ. CALI~mn:.... as obligee anel to 400 mac, LIJaDD .U'1'ldllUBIP as principal in connection with Principal's agreement to do and perform the tollowinq work, to wit: IfttJlJI'f ~DllOnIl1lJl'.ll. 1ft) '1D~ .0. 8187. 400 mao. ~VJlI11JII. eUP..LL I. CO.IIDB"~IO. O. Surety's payment to Oblige. in the amount of IBnJI BmmUD ftO DOLT... UD ~X:r1'Y on CBJI'.lIS. ($702.51), recaipt of which is acknowledged, Obligee relaa..s and forever discharqes Surety, its succe..ors and assiqns from all claims, caus.. of action, or liabilities under Bond No. 11712DI. nIl II A Clllllau. ULlUB 0.. ALL CLUXI known or Unknown. ~ CI'IY CaKPBBLL. CALI.O~A waives the provision. of 1542 ot the calitornia civil Code. saction 1542 providas: "A qeneral release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in hi. tavor at ~e time of executing the ralease, which if known by him must have matarially affected hi. settlement with tha c!eptor." DATBD By (Siqnature (Name and Title CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 January 13, 1993 Amwest Surety Insurance Company Attention: Lisa G. Freeman 6320 Canoga Avenue Woodland Hills, California 91365-4500 Subj ect : Permit NumberiWi,i.;16a,J Bond Number 1176209 Dear Ms. Freeman: Enclosed please find the executed release and assignment of claim form. Please issue a check in the amount of $702.51 upon receipt of this form. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. questions, please call me at 866-2158. If you have any ~~~~ Michael A. Fuller Assistant Engineer i11fB:djr f:88-168.ltr /It RELEASE AND EXONERATION Amwest Surety Insurance Company ("Surety"), a California Corporation with principal offices in Woodland Hills, California, issued and executed PAYMENT IR SUBDIVISION Bond No. 1176209 to THE CITY OF CAMPBELL CALIFORNIA. as obligee and to 400 UNIOR LIMITED PARTNERSHIP as principal in connection with Principal's agreement to do and perform the following work, to wit: STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO TRACT NO. 8187. 400 UNION AVENUE. CAMPBELL IN CONSIDERATION OF Surety's payment to Obligee in the amount of SEVEN HUNDRED TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY ONE CENTS. ($702.51), receipt of which is acknowledged, Obligee releases and forever discharges Surety, its successors and assigns from all claims, causes of action, or liabilities under Bond No. 1176209. THIS IS A GENERAL RELEASE OF ALL CLAIKB known or Unknown. THE CITY CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA waives the provisions of 1542 of the California Civil Code. Section 1542 provides: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the deptor." DATED 1/13 /~3 ~d~~~ By (Signature M tit:, [ FULLCi:./ IA-S515 77l/1/T 6tV&//VcEtz. , (Name and Title Released and sent with the understanding that Surety will make payment to Obligee upon receipt of this form. A Am west RECEIVEi.i DEe 09 1992 Amwest Surety Insurance Company 6320 Canoga Avenue, P.O, Box 4500 Woodland Hills, CA 91365-4500 TEL818704-1111 VIA FACSIMILE & U.S. MAIL 2ublic W orbLfngineering OIRECT DIAL NUMBER: (818) 592-3422 December 7, 1992 CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 North First street Campbell, California 95008 ATTN: CRUZ S. GOMEZ Assistant Engineer FACSIMILE NUMBER: (818) 592-3654 RE: Principal: Bond No. Obligee Project 400 Union Limited Partnership 1176209 CITY OF CAXPBEL!, STREET IMPROVEMENTS.- TRACT NO. 8187 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NO. 88-168 Dear Mr. Gomez: This will acknowledge the resolution of your claim against the above captioned bond. Enclosed you will find this company's release and assignment of claim form. Kindly execute and return to the writer at your convenience. Upon receipt of the executed form, and barring any problems, this company will be in a position to issue its check in the amount of $702.51 in payment of your claim. LGF/ms Enclosure SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ;12- 7-92 14:16 8185923654'" 408 379 2572;# 1 A Arnwest Amwest Surety Insurance Company 6320 Canoga Avenue, P,O, Box 4500 Woodland Hills, CA 91385-4500 TEL 8'8 704-'1'1 DIReCT DI"L HUMseR: Date: .U !IRU8X%T'l'AlI December 7, 1992 FACSIMILE NUMBER: Total Pages: 3 RECEIVE~ DEe 0 81992 Q,oI.li,. Wnrlrc/Fngineering TO: COMPANY: CRUZ S. GOMEZ Assistant Engineer CITY OF CAMPBEL', CALIFORNIA DBPI' . OF PUBLIC WORXS FAX NUMBER: 408\379-2572 by Mary Symes - Claims Assistant for examiner FROM: COMPANY: AKWEST SURETY INSUDNCE COMPANY CLAIMS DEPARTMENT FAX NUMBER: TELEPHONE : 818/592 3654 818/592-3422 -Lisa G. Freeman - Claims Examiner SUBJ.lCT: Principal: 400 Union Limi~ed Partnership Bona No. : 1176209 Encroachment Permit No.: 88-168 It you do not receive all of the attached pages, please call (818) 592-3463 Thank you, SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 ;12- 7-92 14:16 8185923654"" 408 379 2572;# 2 A Am west VIA FACSIMILE & U.S. MAIL RIiCi:iV~.... DEe 081992 Amwest Surety Insurance Company 8320 Canoga Avenue, P,O, Box 4500 Woodland Hills, CA 91365-4500 TEL 818 704.11 1 , Public Works/Engineering CIRm DIAL NUMBER; (818) 592-3422 December 7, 1992 CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 North Fir8~ S~reet Campbell, California 95008 ATTN: CRUZ S. GOMEZ Assistant Engineer FACSIMILE NuMBEr\: (818) 592-3654 RE: Principal: Bone! No. : Obliq_. Project : 400 Onion Limit.~ Partnership 1176209 CITY 01' c.uPBBLL 8'1'0.11' IKPROVlIJdK'l'8 - TaCT 110. 8187 ..CROACBXBft P1!IJlXXT MO. 88-16. Dear Mr. Gomez: This will acknowledge the resolution of your claim against the above captioned bond. Enclosed you will find this company's relea._ and assignment of claim form. Kindly execute and return to the writer at your oonvenience. Upon receipt of the executed form, and barrinq any problems, ~hi. company will be in a position to issue its check in the amount of '7D2.51 in payment of your claim. LGF/ms Enclosure SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 7020 :12- 7-92 14:17 8185923654'" 408 379 2572:# 3 A Ri:CtiWV.,.; DEe 0 B 1992 Public WorkslEnginocring aT..."1 UD BXODDTIOM bwe.t Surety Insurance Company ('.surety"), a california corporation with principal oftices in Woodland Hills, California, issued and executed ~~YXB~ XII IUBDIVI8IOM Bond No. 1171201 to ~H. CITY o. eAXPB.L~ CALI.ORRIA. aa obligee and to 400 U&%OI LIM%TBD ~1RTK828HIP as principal in connection with Principal.. agreement to do and perform the following work, to wit: .~RBB~ XXPROWIU!I)ftIS TO ~ItACT .0. 8187. 400 axo. AVBKUB. CUPBILL 1M CORSIDIRlTIOR 0' Surety's payment to Oblige. in the amount of IIVBII .mmUD TWO DOLT.allA AIm I'ZI'TY on CIRTI. ($702.51), reoeipt of which is acknowledged, Obliqee releases and forever discharges Surety, its succes.ors and assigns from all claims, cause. of action, or liabilities under Bond No. 11712DI. .,BI8 18 A CllnDL RBLBASB OJ' ALL CLAIM known or Unknown. ~ CITY CAMP.ILL. CALIPORHIA waives the provisions of 1542 of the California civil Code. Section 1542 providea: "A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in hi. tavor at the time of executing the release, which if known by him must have materially affected hi. settlement with the daptor..' DATED By (Signature (Name and Title ( Department: Public Works 'I I I I I I I I ! CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 September 25, 1992 Ms, Lisa G. Freeman Amwest Surety Insurance Company 6320 Canoga Avenue P,O. Box 4500 Woodland Hills, CA 91365-4500 SUBJECT: AMWEST MAINTENANCE BOND #1176209, 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NO. 88-168 Dear Ms, Freeman: Please refer to our letter to Ms. Lynn Wiley of your company dated August 25, 1992, requesting payment of $702,51 due and payable to the City of Campbell. This is to inform you that the matter has been referred to Mr. William R. Seligmann, City Attorney, for collection because of non-payment. All future correspondence should be directed to his office with a copy to this office. Very truly yours, ~f~ Assistant Engineer ttZ MQ:jr cc: Robert Enami, Enami-Wu Development Co., 19601 McKean Rd., San Jose, CA 95120 William R. Seligmann, City Attorney Gretchen Conner, Finance Director File (Permit No. 88-168) f:88-168sept \\.A.~ '," \ =-L.{ \ RECEIV~1iJ SEP 2 2 1992 Amwest Surety Insurance Company 6320 Canoga Avenue, P.O, Box 4500 tublic Worb/Engineerini'OOdland Hills, CA 91365-4500 TEL 818 704-1111 A Amwest DIRECT DIAL NUMBER: (818) 592-3422 September 17, 1992 FACSIMILE NUMBER (818) 592-3654 CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 North First Street Campbell, California 95008 ATTN: CRUZ S. GOMEZ Assistant Engineer In Re: Bond No. : Principal: Project 1176209 400 Union Limited Partnership street Ireprovements - Tract No. 8187 - 400 Union Avenue, Campbell, Calif. AMWEST MAINTENANCE BOND #1176209, 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ENCHROACMENT PERMIT NO. 88-168 Subject Dear Mr. Gomez: Your first notice of cla~ro dated August 25, 1992 to Amwest Surety Insurance Company is hereby acknowledged. We will be investigating this matter and ask that all future correspondence be directed to the undersigned. Once the investigation has been concluded, we will contact you with reference to the surety's position in regard to your claim. Nothing in this letter should be interpreted as an admission of liability on the part of Amwest surety Insurance Company as to its obligations under the above captioned bond and Amwest Surety Insurance Company reserves any and all rights or defenses it may have in the matter. Li~a G. Fre n ,9Iaims Examiner LGF/ms ~//' I I I I i I I i i ~ c~ [ T l'T [J: f LAM P 8 ELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP 8 ELL, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works August 25, 1992 Ms. Lynn Wiley Amwest Surety Insurance Company 2105 S. Bascom Avenue, Suite 370 Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: AMWEST MAINTENANCE BOND #1176209, 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ENCROACHMENT PERMIT NO. 88-168 Dear Ms. Wiley: This letter is a follow-up to our telephone conversation of August 18, 1992. The developers of this property, 400 Union Umited Partnership, were informed to repair a damaged or otherwise inoperable street lighting system (please see City letter dated May 7, 1991). They failed to respond to the City's request and the City found it necessary to use it's own forces to repair the system. This is to inform you and 400 Union Umited Partnership that the amount now due and payable to the City is $702.51. Please remit that amount immediately. The City will release the maintenance bond after payment is made. We are enclosing a copy of the bond per your request. 1) Enclosures cc: Robert Enami, Enami- Wu Development Co., 19601 McKean Rd., San Jose, CA 95120 File (Permit No. 88-168) f:88-168 (wp Ijd) To: Cruz S. Gomez August 20, 1992 From: Chris Pena Regarding: Damaged conduit run at 400 Union Ave. (permit # 88-168) ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- In July of this year Charles Gallardo and myself repaired a damaged conduit run at the above mentioned. The following is a list of all costs incurred by the city in doing so. Oty Unit Descriotion Cost per unit Extended cost 8.0 hour city vehicle (pick up truck) $25.00 $200.00 8.0 man hr. time required to diagnose and repair $22.61 $180.88 300 foot #10 THHW (electrical conductors) $0.65 $195.00 1 50 lb. bag mortar mix $4.87 $4.87 2 each fuses $1.46 $2.92 1 each fuse holder (HEX AA) $16.21 $16.21 1 hour rental equipment (chipping hammer) $11. 00 $11.00 subtotal $610.88 administrative fee $91.63 total $702.51 t :~ All material costs (wire, fuses, holders and mortar) include 8.25% California sales tax. If you have any questions please feel free to contact myself or Charles Gallardo at 364-2832. ( CITY OF CAMPBEll WIMBERl Y HELMS JOCSON KRU8EA . PENOYER OUNG 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works May 7. 1991 Mr. Robert Emami Emami-Wu Development Co. 19601 McKean Road San Jose, CA 95120 SUBJECT: PUll BOX IN THE DRIVEW'AY AT 400 UNION AVE. IS FIll.ED WITH CONCRETE; WIRES AND CONDUIT APPEAR TO BE DAMAGED; PERMIT NO. 88-168 Dear Mr. Emami: The contractor needs to chip out the concrete in the pullbox and expose the-conduits. If the conduits are not filled with concrete, the contractor may need to only pull new wire from the pullbox 150' north of the damaged box. If the conduits are filled with concrete, the contractor will need to replace all damaged conduits and pull new wire, as indicated above. To repair the conduits the contractor may also need to remove part of the driveway. All electrical work is to be inspected by the City of Campbell Traffic and Lighting Dept. during and upon completion of corrective reconstruction. Please contact The Public Works Inspector, Alisa Scimeca (408) 866-2165, prior to commencing work, so that the damage can be reviewed with you at the job site. ny Engineer Ted Sr. TT:tl cc: Traffic Signals and Lighting Bill Helms Don King AIlsa Scimeca f:Pullbox /It AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY WOODLAND HILLS, CALIFORNIA BOND NO. 1176209 PREMIUM - 0- MAINTENANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (hereinafter called Principal), as Principal, and AM WEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of California and authorized to transact a general surety business in the State of CALIFORNIA , (hereinafter called Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF CAMPBELL (hereinafter called Obligee), in the sum of **TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE*** DOLLARS ($ 2,325.00 ), lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid to the said Obligee, or its successors or assigns, to the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. WHEREAS, the Principal entered into a contract with the said Obligee, dated FF.'RRTTJl.RV gu 199O for STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO TRACT 8187, 400 UNION AVENUE, CAMPBELL CALIFORNIA and, WHEREAS, the Obligee requires that these presents be executed on or before the final completion and acceptance of said contract and WHEREAS said contract was completed and accepted on the 15TH day of MAY ,19~. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Principal shall remedy without cost to the Obligee, any defects which may develop during a period of ONE YEAR from the date of completion and acceptance of the work performed under the contract, caused by defective or inferior materials or workmanship, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 7TH DAY OF JUNE ,19~. A 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Principal By: /7 AMWEST Sl1RETY INSURANCE COMPANY \ { i " i 7'" !t} (-)\ CHERYL M~WOLOHAN Attorney-in-Fact By: UN-A3014 7/88 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 55. On JUNE 7, 1990 , before me a Notary Public, within and for the said County and State, personally appeared CHERYL M. WOLOHAN , known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satifactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument as the Attorney in Fact of and for the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, and acknowledged to me that he subscribed the name of the AM WEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY thereto as Surety, and his own name as Attorney in Fact. ..u......u....._...-...IlI..............m..... i@.,SHANELRANAEHUDSONj I -a NOTARY PUBLIC-CALlFf.1RNIA: =" PRINCIPAL OFFICE ,N 5 i "-0. SANTA CLARA COliNTY 5 I My Commission Ex pires Sap I. 15 1992 1! UN.A900S ..............-.......m...nUlU-i.u..... ~'-", r_~c_~~"-- ............. ~ NOTARY PUBLIC A AmwBst .ECEIV~" SEP 22 1992 Amwest Surety Insurance Company 6320 Canoga Avenue, P.O. Box 4500 fublic Worb/fng;neerinf'OOdland Hills, CA 91365-4500 TEL 818 704-1111 September 17, 1992 DIRECT DIAL NUMBER: (818) 592-3422 CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 North First Street Campbell, California 95008 ATTN: CRUZ S. GOMEZ Assistant Engineer FACSIMILE NUMBER' (818) 592-3654 In Re: Bond No. : Principal: Project 1176209 400 Union Limited Partnership st~eet Improvements - Tract No. 8187 - 400 Union Avenue, Campbell, Calif. AMWEST MAINTENANCE BOND #1176209, 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, ENCHROACMENT PERMIT NO. 88-168 Subject Dear Mr. Gomez: Your first notice of claim dated August 25, 1992 to Amwest Surety Insurance Company is hereby acknowledged. We will be investigating this matter and ask that all future correspondence be directed to the undersigned. Once the investigation has been concluded, we will contact you with reference to the surety's position in regard to your claim. Nothing in this letter should be interpreted as an admission of liability on the part of Amwest Surety Insurance Company as to its obligations under the above captioned bond and Amwest Surety Insurance Company reserves any and all rights or defenses it may have in the matter. LGF/ms CITY OF CAMPBELL WIMBERl Y HELMS JOCSON KRU8ER PENOYER 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works May 7, 1991 Mr. Robert Emami Emami-Wu Development Co. 19601 McKean Road San Jose, CA 95120 SUBJECT: PUll. BOX IN THE DRIVEWAY AT 400 UNION AVE. IS FILLED VITH CONCRETE; VIRES AND CONDUIT APPEAR TO BE DAMAGED; PERMIT NO. 88-168 Dear Mr. Emami: The contractor needs to chip out the concrete in the pullbox and expose the -conduits. If the conduits are not filled with concrete, the contractor may need to only pull new wire from the pullbox 150' north of the damaged box. If the conduits are filled with concrete, the contractor will need to replace all damaged conduits and pull new wire, as indicated above. To repair the conduits the contractor may also need to remove part of the driveway. All electrical work is to be inspected by the City of Campbell Traffic and Lighting Dept. during and upon completion of corrective reconstruction. Please contact The Public Works Inspector, Alisa Scimeca (408) 866-2165, prior to commencing work, so that the damage can be reviewed with you at the job site. erely, ~~ Ted Sr. Engineer TT:tl cc: Traffic Signals and Lighting Bill Helms Don King Alisa Scimeca f: Pullbox A AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY WOODLAND HILLS, CALIFORNIA BOND NO, 1176209 PREMIUM - 0- MAINTENANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (hereinafter called Principal), as Principal, and AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of California and authorized to transact a general surety business in the State of CALIFORNIA , (hereinafter called Surety), as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto CITY OF CAMPBELL (hereinafter called Obligee), in the sum of **TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE*** DOLLARS ($ 2,325.00 ), lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid to the said Obligee, or its successors or assigns, to the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we do bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, WHEREAS, the Principal entered into a contract with the said Obligee, dated F'F.'RRTTARY g, 199O for STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO TRACT 8187, 400 UNION AVENUE, CAMPBELL CALIFORNIA and, WHEREAS, the Obligee requires that these presents be executed on or before the final completion and acceptance of said contract and WHEREAS said contract was completed and accepted on the 15TH day of MAY ,19~, NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Principal shall remedy without cost to the Obligee, any defects which may develop during a period of ONE YEAR from the date of completion and acceptance of the work performed under the contract, caused by defective or inferior materials or workmanship, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED THIS 7TH DAY OF JUNE ,19~. A 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Principal By: /1 A~W.EST ~TY INSURANCE COMPANY Ie,. (-i (~ " CHERYL M~jWOLOHAN Attorney-in-Fact By: UN-A3014 7/88 t ~!J' ~ ~"c.JO ~~<:< $' 41 ~& ~ ,J ~$ ~ - S 9'0 ~ >>, f}iVS ,.Q)\ ~~~t}.AI ~~ ~ i> ~"'Q,~QJ ~-r ~,~ I ~ cV "J~ (Ji .~\# REellVID MAR 0 2 1990 .I ..... Public W orb/ Engin..ting A 1\ !II; MA~ ~ J ~99tJ CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 .,.. -Bond No. : Subdivider: Trac.t No.: Amount: Description of Improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 400 UNION AVENUE /p~ .:i/~~_ / ~ '? AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. .117.6209 400 UNION 8187 $9,300.00 --LIMITED PARTNERSHIP- 1. Have the improvements been completed? Yes ~ No 2. If not, what percentage has been completed? /~, 3. Is the work progressing satisfactorily? ~Yes No 4. Has this work been accepted? Yes /' No 5. If so, what is the date of acceptance? 6. If not, what is the anticipat~d date of acceptance? /99D Comments: ~^ 70 ~;., /:.v EP~-'-. The above information is provided by: Name 6? ~~ Title /~2 ~~ 7=]<1. Phone No. (~B" ~2./.:;,7J Date f'fhO 30 6/88 CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works June 14, 1990 Mr, Robert Emami Emami-Wu Development Co. 19601 McKean Road San Jose. CA 95120 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Permit No.: 88-168 Location: 400 Union Avenue Dear Mr. Emami: We have made a Final Inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards, Accordingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. We have received your maintenance bond in the amount of $2,325.00. Your Faithful Performance Bond will be released by a separate action. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. ~e:Y. b)hn~ Gregg L;-W . - , ~ PUbliCE~~ Inspector GE:sd cc: Suspense - 1 year Bond Company c:.\ .~. IIClivl. ~\PR 04 1991 RE Tract 8187 400 Union Ave Public Worke/lntii\Ullt!lii RESOLUTION NO. 91.3.10 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING SEWERAGE SYSTEM INSTALLED BY ROBERT ErWH /~'ru DEVELOP~1ENT COaPA~JY AND SITUATED WITHIN THE WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, ROBERT EHANI/HU DZVELOPMENT COMPANY being the sole and exclusive owner(s) of the sewerage system described as follows: 290! feet of 6-inch main sewer and appurtenances installed within Tract 8187, Union Avenue, City of Campbell, Santa Clara County, all in accordance with the improvement plans prepared by the civil engineer, John :'1. Lau, RCE #18881, have constructed said sewerage system in accordance with the provisions of West Valley Sanitation District of Santa Clara County Ordinances and Specifications; and WHEREAS, the District Manager and Engineer of said West Valley Sanitation District of Santa Clara County has caused to be inspected said sewerage system. and finds said sewerage system to be constructed in compliance with said Ordinances and Specifications, and does recommend to this Board that said sewerage system be accepted and thereby be included within the sewerage system of West Valley Sanitation District of Santa Clara County; and WHEREAS, the owner(s) of said sewerage system have offered to convey and transfer to West Valley Sanitation District of Santa Clara County, subject to the terms and conditions of said offer, all of said owners' rights, title and interest in and to said sewerage system; and WHEREAS, said owners do, in their offer, declare and warrant that they are the sole and exclusive owners in and of said sewerage system; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that West Valley Sanitation District of Santa Clara County, acting by and through its Board of Directors. does hereby accept the offer of the owner(s) of the above-described sewerage system, subject to the terms and conditions expressly stated in said offer. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT from and after this date said sewerage system shall be, and it is hereby, made a part of the sewerage system of West Valley Sanitation District of Santa Clara County. PASSED AND ADOPTED by Valley Sanitation District California, this 27th 1991-, by the folloWing the Board of Directors of Santa Clara County, day of ::arch vote: of West State of AYES: Directors -., "'~!. ,- ') , !:..,~: \ ..-.....:.;1.,. '; ~"'#'1.J1'~0:;'~1 i.:...~'~;0;\t1 NOES: Directors iU"tl.-* ABSENT: Directors ---------', !J"~- r -' \: "",- Chai~per n of t e Board of Directors of W' Valley Sanitation District of Santa Clara County, State of California (District Seal) - ~J-_: ' - )1..c...~:J Secretary of said Board B-39 Re. 12-28-83 3-22-88 1tI1 .TiW:T 8187 - 400 UNIOO AVENUE TRAHSrER or SANITARY SEWERAGE SYSTEM TITLI TO NEST VALLBY SANITATION DISTRICT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY WOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the andereigned, Fbarrt ~/WU Deve10ment Canoanv , who propoae(e) to construct, and will be the eole and exclusive owner(s) of the aewer systea described as follows: 290:t Ft. oi 6-incn maJ.Il sewer and appurt.erlarx=es installed within Tract 8187, Union Avenue, City of Campbell, Santa Clara County, all in accordance with the improvarent plans prep:rred by the Civil Engineer, John W. Lau, RCE #18881. hereby grant(s). assign(s). and transfer(s) to WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT OP SANTA CLARA COUNTY, a County Sanitation District, all of the right, title and interest of the undersigned. now or hereafter acquired, in said sewerage system. THE CONDITIONS of this transfer are as follows: 1. It shall not become effective until said sewerage system has been completed. in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, to the satisfaction of the District's Engineer, and the Board of Directors of said District has adopted its Resolution of Acceptance of the transfer. 2. The obligations of faithful performance and maintenance assumed by the undersigned. and guaranteed by various bonds heretofore or hereafter filed with said District. shall remain in full force and effect for the period or periods stipulated in said bonds. . . \~i)9 RiCe-NE.O \- t:. 1.) \ u 3. Ixcept as to the matters covered by sald bonds, the acceptance of tltle by said District. a~ hereinabove provided, ahall conatitute an assumption by aaid District of all liabillty for damage, or claim of ~amage. of any nature thereafter arising out of the operation and/or maintenance of said sewerage system. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has (have) executed this Transf~'!' r:f Tltle thls ~~ day of q.~'Ll ' 198-2-. Ibbert Drani/Wu Develor:nent Canpany .~ /, ..~./- ;' . _ . ~~ :....,,~oC-#< by bY~'~ NO, 203 PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT :l '> ~ : I ~Stateofe.! ~~ 1 d. 55, eountyof ~L ~\., tVl-&t On this the ~l Jay of V..!~ 1911, before me, J!:g~ ;Enc~A- ~7t..-)UI&-h..1 ~ tZderS;gned Notary Pub!;e, personally appeared G6~-f FM~; ~ f!.AJtI) 19A-?-t /LItL. , .. OFflClAL SEAL ftlll\ lOSE TERESA VEAMI...- ..., PIIIIIIc-c.lltlmll SANTA ClARA COUNTY My camm. &po Jan. 2. 1992 o personally known to me [ll.....proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) who executed the within instrument on behalf of the partnership, and acknowledged to me that thZPar nership executed it. :z my hand and oWela; seal. ,j) ~, ". , ,'I ~~~ Notary's Signature ,~ ~ ~ '~ 't ~ " ,.' / \~ ~ ,\ ~ ~ NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION. 23012 Ventura Blvd, . P,O, Box 4625 . Woodland Hills, CA 91364 CITY OF CAMPBEll r--- I WIMBERLY ~_.". I HELMS ~~.- I JOCSCN L:..:-- ~KRUGER PENOYERI 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 .J Department: Public Works June 14, 1990 Mr, Robert Emami Emami-Wu Development Co. 19601 McKean Road San Jose, CA 95120 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Permit No.: 88-168 Location: 400 Union Avenue Dear Mr. Emami: We have made a Final Inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. We have received your maintenance bond in the amount of $2,325.00. Your Faithful Performance Bond will be released by a separate action, We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE:sd cc: Suspense - 1 year Bond Company DAceCp II 3 ! C/O I / Addre~s ~l)() PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT ,gg -/w f ~..e'/'z.'J7 Ltl/<!~/C' o .(>>1 ( CYY7 Permit or Project No. Hue 0 Type of work; streetL Storm Oth~r (d~$crib~) SAnitAry El~ctr1cQl " c". pJ ')/7 ~ ,r ' .:; v I [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) (]FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) ~INAL INSPE~TION - ACCEPT~. E Signed plAne?, Y ~ (If ~i9ned, Council acceptAnce.) ChArges agAinst deposit? y Overtime I hr6. @ $ DAte. re46on. N /hr. - $ BArriCAde rentAl (Attach invoice)? Date. reason. y N s Other? $ $ TotAl chArges deducted from deposita (CA6h Depo61t S leas chArges $ s - Refund $ [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (ReleAae'mAintenAnce bond. Check Request if CAsh.) ck. reg.) 6~ Intipc:ctor A AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY WOODLAND HILLS, CALIFORNIA BOND NO, _-1116209 PREl\lIl:\! $300.00 PUBLIC WORKS - PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, 400 lJNTON T.TMTTED PARTNRRSHTP , as Principal, and A:\IWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, and authorized to transact a general surety business in the State of CALIFORNIA , as Surety, are lwld and firml~' bound unto: CITY OF CAMPBELL , as Obligee, in the sum of **NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED********* OOLLARS, ($ 9,300.00 ), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that WHEREAS, the above-bounden Principal entered into a contract dated the with said Obligee to do and perform the following work, to wit: FEBRUARY 9. 1989 STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO TRACT NO. 8187, 400 UNION AVENUE, CAMPBELL AS PER AGREEMETN WITH THE CITY OF CAMPBELL. NOW, THEREFORE, if the above-bounden Principal shall well and truly perform or cause to be performed, each and all of the requirements and obligations of said contract set forth, then this bond shall be null and void; otherwise it shall remain in force and effect. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED this 9TH day of FEBRUARY 1989_ 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP PRINCIPAL BY BY 67-__''1 :;~T~ANY CHERYL M. WOLO~N ATTORNEY-iN-FACT \ U REV 7/86 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS does hereby make, constitute and appoint AMWEST SURETY'INSURANCE CO. P.O. Box 4500 Woodland Hills, CA 91365 - 1 its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, deliver and affix the seal of the comp tions in the nature thereof, as folio Con and to bind AMWEST SURETY presents, are hereby ratified Laws of the company, whic Article III, Section This Power of A the board of director ny vice-president or se y authorized attorney.in.fac (if a seal be required) by one or mQre ced by the power of attorney issued by the company e signature of any authorized officer ney or certification thereof authorizing the retyship obligations of the company; and such t as though manually affixed, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY has caused these presents to be signed by its proper of. ficer, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 1 st day of April 19 85 AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY ~/f. ~""",. ""'id,,' -1~ ~ C~ Karen G, Cohen, Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - ss On this 1st day of April A,D" 19~, personally came before me Gary R, Peterson and Karen G, Cohen to me known to be the individuals and officers of AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COM. PANY, CALIFORNIA who executed the above instrument, and they each acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, did severally depose and say: that they are the said officers of the corporation aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the above instrument is the seal of the corporation, and that said corporate seal and their signatures as such officers were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority of the board of directors of said corporation. . OFFICIAL SEAL JANICE DRUEZ NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA LOS ANGElES COUNTY My comm. expires MAY 1, 1989 (SEAL) STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - ss CERTIFICATE I, the undersigned, secretary of the AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing and attached Power of Attorney remains in full force and has not been revoked, and further. more, that the provisions of the By-Laws of the company and the Resolutions of the board of directors set forth in the Power of Attorney, are now in force, Signed and sealed at SAN JOSE, CALIF. this 9TH day of FEBRUARY 19~, '-I~ P ~COh". 50""", r CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866.2100 FAX # (408) 379.2572 . ~~t1..I" . ~ '61> . ~. ~~, Department: Public Works April 10, 1989 Mr. Robert Emami Emami-Wu Development Co. 19601 McKean Road San Jose, CA 95120 Dear Mr. Emami: Per our discussion on April 7, 1989 I am writing this letter to clarify the City's position regarding underground utilities in general and the storm drain lateral at 400 Union Avenue in particular. In the construction of underground facilities it is not unusual for the actual location or elevation to be d~fferent than the design., This can be caused by encountering unexpected obstructions such as other utilities or other buried objects in the way. When the City or any of the utilities give information about underground facilities, it is with the understanding that there is no guarantee of the accuracy of that information and designers are expected to confirm the information in the field. In addition, contractors are expected to confirm underground locations and elevations prior to beginning construction of affected facilities. Had either your engineer or your contractor done this, the current problem could have been avoided. Sincerely, , ;J e. ~td J. King Engineering Technician II DJK:p f:4-7DK ~t~ I<crt~ I # ~&G~ v~ ~; ~-s ~o ~~. 9110 ~ ~~~qji~f ~~ $"~~ .~~ ~ ~ i..' ~ ~ ~ .r,,~ v(j ~ ~r;y r::::::::.. ~FE80 11990 A RECEIVED FEB 02 1990 CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 ~ublic W(jtA./Engineering Bond No.: -Subdivider-:- Tract No.: Amount: Description of Improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 400 UNION AVENUE/p~..ff2i~_/t.~, AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1176209 400 UNION LIMITED 8187 $9,300.00 PARTNERSHIP-- . 1. Have the improvements been completed? Yes /"" No 2. If not, what percentage has been completed? IS-, 3. Is the work progressing satisfactorily? ~Yes No 4. Has this work been accepted? Yes ~ No 5. If so, what is the date of acceptance? 6. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? ) '1~ 0 Comments: ~D TO ~47 ~ /~ 'eFPE<:.--r-. The above information is provided by: Name 0~G. e-A7n;) Title ~(,i" rrfo(z'loS T:"t5,' Phone No. ~) ft5u;., -2/..::>-0 Date ~~~o 30 6/88 t ~.jJ' ~ ~ vO J'I;:' #' ,,~ ~& f:~ v~ ~$ c} -s J'O ~~, 9j'O ~ ~.@ &S qfi ~.AI ~ ~ s: ~ <5> ,~lU f:~ ~ o. ~ ~ <V ~SV(;j ~~a- A ~ ~'~';'P""." "." '.,.C. Public Work" Enginoeriog J t\N G '3 199m CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET Ca~BELL; CALIFORNIA 95008 Bond No.: Subdivider: Tract No.: Amount: Description of Improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 400 UNION AVENUE/?.f}v}rdff:?~_ / t.1? AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1176209 400 ~ION 8187 $9,300.00 L!~!~~9 PARTNERSHIP 1. Have the improvements been completed? If not, what percentage has been completed? Yes / No /S- % 2. 3. Is the work progressing satisfactorily? / Yes No 4. Has this work been accepted? Yes /~ No 5. If so, what is the date of acceptance? 6. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance~ /;?;rO Comments: ~ 70 /f't:::7'/?4-/'u/~ F/r-~ The above information is provided by: Name h- CA7V^-) Phone No. Title Date <_> R'r;, -2-/50 //~hD 30 6/88 -...---- NOV J 0 1989 t ~#J' ~ # vO J'~ $" ^'~ ~& ~~ eJ' '$ ~-:S ,8'0 ~ >>, 9;'0 ~ t<i ~ qj.~ ~ ~ ~ $~~ ,~Q,!- ~" ~ ~ ~ ,,~cJj ~~q Public: W orl,,1 Enginooring A ~,~'77l~"', l1!LJlli~~ DEe 0 1 1989 CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 Bond No.: Subdivider: Tract No.: Amount: Description of Improvements: 1176209 400 UNION 8187 $9,300.00 LIMITED PARTNERSHIP STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 400 UNION AVENUE/?~d'ffZi~_/t.'? AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1. Have the improvements been completed? Yes ~ No 2. If not, what percentage has been completed? /5" \ 3. Is the work progressing satisfactorily? ~Yes No 4. Has this work been accepted? Yes ~ No I: .,. If so, what is the date of acceptance? 6. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? ~ Comments: ~ t-..L '" --rc=::> ~('n A4 ~ b I ^-J l?:PPFL:.',-'- The above information is provided by: Name h/~ Phone No. (45:I> 86 b - Z / s-o Date /Z;/7,k / Title 30 6/88 1176209 400 UNION'-LIMITED 8187 $9,300.00 ;t. luO/~ I' # ~& ~ uV:- '$ ~V~~~' $~ ,j ~ Ig ,~OJ 'I ,Q} ,",-' ~ ~ ~ r,l d' ~ <<.(Y CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Bond No.: Subdivider: Tract No.: Amount: Description of Improvements: RECEIVED OCT 02 1989 A*IJ~. P~liCWOrbIE~in..ring. ..." '" . _ N-TLt-f.e I ....L;Q u. ~ ~I~ ~ /{... L "=" - r-J.~-' 0€ 41U.5vJ~ r.:Jil}iCJc..L-t Tl~ Af'f~~.W ~(J*'~c.c.~a~ 1~E"f2-€AJC-EI":::::> vJl/ff ,7711; ~ A-bD,ZE.5s. ,4 }A.rENTl'CAJ w-A-s rr1 4- b E: v'F- .,--H--iS .oN Ut-&-r- fV1.. ~,u.~ '.,J Q. L.{...j it.) . 95008 PARTNERSHIP .., STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 400 UNION AVENUE / ft7vn ,", #gB- I ~~ AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned. improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1. Have the improvements been completed? Yes ~ No 2. If not, what percentage has been completed? IS-' 3. Is the work progressing satisfactorily? ~Yes No 4. Has this work been accepted? Yes /" No 5. If so, what is the date of acceptance? 6. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? Comments: Bo.u.:D"T"r"-\ IC...e:-fV\A:to..1 ~tU ~ The above information is provided by: Name 6~ ~~ Phone No. ~) ~ . Z/.$C> ~~l Title ;;loc./c... ~/UV<, ~a:.:mc., Date 30 6/88 . 9.101 t~/~ I ~ ~&G~ v~ ~$~ ~-s ~o ~~, 9j'O,s)\ ~((.; ~ qy .~. .J ~ ~ .$ ~ ~ .~OI ~ ,s)\j,.' ~ ~ ~ r.,~ d' ~ <<.0' A c=::.: ~ .. NOY 0 1 1989 CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 RECEIVED NOV 011989 Public Worka[Engineering Bond No.: 1176209 SubQivid~r:_400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tract No.: 8187'" Amount: $9,300.00 Description of Improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 400 UNION ~VENUE/'p~.ffg,y-_/~ 1? AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1. Have the improvements been completed? Yes / No 2. If not, what percentage has been completed? I~ , Is the work progressing satisfactorily? ~A Yes No 3. 4: Bas this work been accepted? Yes / No 5. If so, what is the date of acceptance? 6. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? Comments: ~ D-t.... Li'\ --rL:> f(EI'YIA; ,.J o. 1,J E P~e:-c.... -r . The above information is provided by: Name G~ ~ Title ~8'-"(.... ~ ~~ Phone No. (~ tEC.C-2/SQ I~/~~ Date 30 6/88 I ~ -1,)01 .&> ~CJO~l::' #' ,,~ ~&~ V~ 1$ ~-S ~O ~~, \}j1O ~ gJ ~'qfi ~"i! ~ ~ .i~~ ,~OJ ~ ~ .+' ~ ~ tV ~.;:j CJ<:i ~ <<,f:1 ml-.iJ/l.......-"_.. ~~!~r~ . S E P 0 1 1S ~ r A RICilVED SEP 011989 Public Worka/Enginoering CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 ?~5E- Ll:::>f'.i T7 AJ,U- EO: Ia f2 eF G7C-EilJ ere '"'1'VfE( ~0L:Ow;NG. ~\'I Nto, Bond No.: Subdivider: Tract No.: Amount: Description of Improvements: 1176209 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 8187 $9,300.00 STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 400 UNION AVENUE 88- I ~-B AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1. Have the improvements been completed? If not, what percentage has been completed? Yes /" No 2. 3. Is the work progressing satisfactorily? Has this work been .accepted? 15 \ k / Yes No Yes ~No 4. 5. If so, what is the date of acceptance? 6. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? C *. -:::;. omments: DN .s,,-rE. o.,JO,eI<'" n....J 1...-'-1 l~rUD TO ICEMA' ~ / I,.J El7r::-~-r The above information is provided by: Name ~;-c:.c:= be.. --- c::- A77:Jt,J Phone No. (~) B6~ - 2/50 f~M Title ~~(., '... Jo~IC~ 7::rTT:JL. Date 30 6/88 t A!jJl ~vo i" 4' ~ & ~~ u~ $: $ ~-s ~o ~~, 9;'0 ~ ~~g!~~i ~~ .sr~~ .~ ~ ~ ,~. ~ ~ cV ,?.;;j u(j ~ ~\Y _........... . 'It". AUG 0 t 1989. A RECEIVOD r.U G 0 1 1989 CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 Public Workl/Englnoering Bond No.: 1176~09 Subdivider: 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tract No.: 8187 Amount: $9,300.00 Description of ~ ~ " Improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 400 UNION AVENUE(f<=fUYI1T 88-1 ~8.-J AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1. Have the improvements been completed? Yes /' No 2. If not, what percentage has been completed? ~, 3. Is the work progressing satisfactorily? Has this work been accepted? ",.-- Yes No """'---No 4. Yes 5. - If so, what is the date~9f acceptance? 6. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? ",lit . Comments: f<.~l~ --,-c; REmA-:Afj I"",, e:FFEc..:r The above information is provided by: - Name ~..Q"'::soC:, t::::'ATDI<.../J Phone No. Ti tle f6ae,j L '^ kfl,,<.6 .L..;sP. Date I (4'Q5) 8~b -- 2/ SO ~~;Ri 30 6/88 . t ~! ~ I # ~~o t ~ :- .L':)lCJ o~ 0" S',~ ."," ;- ii ~/' rg ~ W' qy .~ t9 ~ .I ~ (9 .i '" -",. 'f ~ tV '?~ d:i ~ ~(Y RECEIVED JULQ31989 .Public W orbJ Enginswlng A c- ,r-- Jut 0 1 '~7:-, CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 Bond No.: 1176209 _Subdiy~der: 400 ONION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tract No.: 8187 --- Amount: $9,300.00 Description of / Improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 400 UNION AVENOE(PE:"e,m-rr tJo .lS8-{b/S AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 3. Have the improvements been comple~ed? If not, what percentage has been completed? Is the work progressing satisfactorily? Bas this work been accepted? Yes / No 1. , 2. JD , .,/' Yes No 4. Yes .-" No 5. If so, what is the date of acceptance? - 6. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? Jqaq Comments: ~b TO RE'~AI'~ J'rJ EF(::ECt The above information is provided by: Name 6~ ~ Phone No. (~) f<,b(;.., -2/.50 Title ~a1-I'r 0o/2-K.s -r:: ~. Date ?,,~/89 30 6/88 ~M;r ~ O~'- tlo8 f ...t 9. '?:' Q, b'~ t l~ ttV ~ G ~ ~J ~ ~& ~ v~ rP$ ~~s ~uo ~~, C})li5 ~ ~srqf~':S)Qj ~~ ~~~ .~(U #- ~~. ~ ~ cV ":J.:i CJ<:i ~ <<,<:1 IICIIVID MAY J 0 'S89 Public Worka/Engin..,lnt A CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA MAY 2 6 1989 95008 Bond No.: 1176209 Subdivider: 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tract No.: 8187 Amount: $9,300.00 Description of Improvements: STREET IMPROVEMENTS - 400 UNION AVENUE AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY is Surety on the above captioned bond. We would appreciate your cooperation in providing the information requested below. Please return the form to us so that we may have current status information on the above captioned improvements. A postage-paid envelope is provided. Thank you very much for your assistance. 1. 2. Have the improvements been completed? Yes /'" No If not, what percentage has been completed? 3. 4. Is the work progressing satisfactorily? Has this work been accepted? Z-O % /Yes No Yes /'" No 5. If so, what is the date of acceptance? ... 6. If not, what is the anticipated date of acceptance? 198~ Comments: ~1""" TD ~EI'-'1.A~~ . I/'J EP,::.-rzc..-r The above information is provided by: Name ~ EA7l:>AI Title ~,8t/L Woel6 ~Sfj. I Phone No. (~) Bf;C -Z/SO Date ~~/~7 30 6/88 EMAMI-WU DEVELOPMENT COMPANY RECEIVED APR 1 0 1989 QUALITY HOME BUILDERS PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING April 7, 1989 DeArch Att: John W Lau 456 10th Ave San Francisco Ca 94118 Dear Mr Lau RE: 400 Union Project I met with your engineer Mr Horon Lee, Tony Mello our underground subcontractor, job supervisor, Westfall Engineers and Mr Don King from Public Works. Your improvement drawing was never verified and the site was never checked by your company and we are facing the following problem. The storm portion of the Improvement Plans for the project which stated Rim and Flow Line Elevations for the on-site work were to match on existing laterial under the street. The existing laterial elevations were depicted on a as-built obtained from the city. Apparently, the planned Flow Line elevations do not match the existing elevations being approximately 1.5 feet higher than planned for. Therefore, the on site storm system as planned is approximately 1 1/2 feet to low. This problems is very costly for us to correct and is delaying our job at the present time. We can not measure our cost but we will need your complete assistance to solve this problem immediately. Hopefully, we can minimize the cost. We will keep you on our cost and we are expecting to be reimbursed for costs. We are also informing the previous owner of this for their help and assistance. informed all the project Yours Truly , " / ' r:/ ~/-;:/r.j./L- , Robert Emami cc: Executive Properties cc: Mr King, City of Campbell Public Works Dept 19601 McKean Road/San Jose, California 95120 (408) 268-4173 In USA (800) 242-7653 FAX (408) 268-0462 EMI(I\IJI-WU DEVELclPMENT COrvlPANY RECEIVED APR 1 0 1989 QUALITY HOME BUILDERS PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING April 7, 1989 DeArch Att: John W Lau 456 10th Ave San Francisco Ca 94118 Dear Mr Lau RE: 40" Union Project I met with your engineer Mr Horon Lee, Tony Mello our underground subcontractor, job supervisor, Westfall Engineers and Mr Don King from Public Works. Your improvement drawing was never verified and the site was never checked by your company and we are facing the following problem. The Storm portion of the Improvement Plans for the project which stated Rim and Flow Line Elevations for the on-site work were to match on existing laterial under the street. The existing laterial elevations were depicted on a as-built obtained from the city. Apparently, the planned Flow Line elevations do not match the existing elevations being approximately 1.5 feet higher than planned for. Therefore, the on site storm system as planned is approximately 1 1/2 feet to low. This problems is very costly for us to correct and is delaying our job at the present time. We can not measure our cost but we will need your complete assistance to solve this problem immediately. Hopefully, we can minimize the cost. We will keep you on our cost and we are expecting to be reimbursed for costs. We are also informing the previous owner of this for their help and assistance. informed all the project Yours Truly ~.~ ' L? /L~)/C'_.. Robert Emami cc: Executive Properties cc: Mr King, City of Campbell Public Works Dept 19601 McKean Road/San Jose, California 95120 (408) 268-4173 In USA (800) 242-7653 FAX (408) 268-0462 \~., PUBLIC YORKS PERMIT ISSUANCE CHECK LIST City of Campbell Public Yorks Permit No. ~~- \b~~ v Applicant section complete 8 H ~~ Zril Hp.., ::><: :ii ~ 0:::!:L< OZ !:L<O H 08 rilo:t: o:::u HH ::>...:1 p.., ~p.., ~---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Applicant signature and date ~ Permit Application fee, $35.00 for R-1, $50.00 standard, paid. Receipt number \q+~c.. for ~ Plan check deposit, $500.00 for standard only, paid. Receipt number \ q4~c....., v Five sets of improvement plans submitted ~8 ZH ~~ rilril rilp.., Z H~ ~z ZH rilO ...:1 !:L<H c::> /:Q ril UO::: zo o:t:!:L< :::> U)o::: u)ril H8 8 O:::ril C...:1 !:L< r.:l ou ~Z H~ :::>o:t: Olril ril...:1 o:::u L Bond for faithful performance, 100% of City Engineer's estimate for standard only, posted and appropriately noted 7' Amount $ /' . Form I.D. # / Cash Deposit: $200.00 for R-1; 4% of bond, $500 min, V' FP for standard, posted. Amount $ /;((i J C' Receipt No. ,:)t /1 V Permit fee of 7% of FP bond, $35.00 min, , paid. Amount $ Receipt No, ~ Yorker's compensation information received for Applicant (see Information Sheet for Public Yorks Permits) All other Public Yorks requirements listed in the Con- ditions of Approval of the development. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 rilH ~~ o:t:ril :::>p.., U) U)U) H~ 0:::0 os: !:L< U OH ~&il H::> :::>p.., Ol ~f:) v/'Yorker1s comp and Contractor's Information received for Contractor (see Information Sheet for Public Yorks Permits) v/ Certificate of Insurance with Additional Insured's Endorsment received from Contractor (see General Summary of Insurance Requirements for Public Yorks Permits) ~Three sets of off-site plans, stamped APPROVED (Tract or Development and Public Yorks Permit number and property address on plans) ~ Permit signed for City Engineer WHEN ALL OF THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE COMPLETE, PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED Issuer: Initial and date and file with permit I UPON ISSUANCE, INITIATE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT REFUND CHECK REQUEST. 6/88 flpermchklst A.~.tlllt~ CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ISSUE DATE (MM/DD/YY) ~l i x 2-10-89tm PRODUCER Lords Insurance Agency Box 6058 San Jose, Ca 95150 408-559-4140 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE ~~T~~~NY A Firemens Insurance Co. of Washingtc~ D.C./Crump Fairmont Insurance CODE SUB-CODE INSURED ~~T~~~NY B RTV Referral Network Inc. Emami/Wu Developments Co. 19601 McKean Rd. San Jose, Ca 95120 ~~T~~~NY C ~~T~~NY D RECEIVED ~~T~~~NY E CO LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION DATE (MM/DDIYY) DATE (MMIDDIYY) ALL LIMITS IN THOUSANDS GENERAL LIABILITY xx COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY A CLAIMS MADE xx OCCUR. OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROTo F89CF00054 1-12-89 GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 1, 000 PRODUCTS,COMP/OPS AGGREGATE $ 1, 000 1-1 2 - 90 PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY $ 1, 000 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1, 000 FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ 50 MEDICAL EXPENSE (Anyone person) $ none AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ANY AUTO ALL OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED AUTOS GARAGE LIABILITY EXCESS LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE $ LIMIT BODILY INJURY $ (Per person) BODIL Y INJURY $ (Per accident) PROPERTY $ DAMAGE EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE $ $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM B WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND ~!!jj!~ (Renewal)~=~g=~~ ~=~g=~6 STATUTORY $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 (EACH ACCIDENT) (DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT) (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSIVEHICLES/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS 400 Union St. Campbell, Ca TIle City of Campbell and its respective officers, agents and employees are named as additional insureds from and against any claims, loss liability, cost or ~xpense araising out of or in any way connected with the construction of the proiect. This coverage shall be orimarv and. any CERTIFICATE HOLDER coverage carried by additiaMtllCELLATION insured shall be excess insurance only. City of Campbell 70 North 1st Street Campbell, Ca 95008 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ~ TO MAIL 1-0-- DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, ~ ACORD 25-S (3/88) ~~H~:REa~~ @ACORD CORPORATION 1988 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA A AM WEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY BOND NO. PUBLIC WORKS - LABOR & MATERIAL BOND 1176209 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, 400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP That we, , as Principal, and AMWEST SURETY INSURANCE COMPANY, a Corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Califor- nia, and authorized to transact a general surety business in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto: CITY OF CAMPBELL , as Obligee, in the sum of **NINE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED***** _ DOLLARS ($ 9,300.00 ), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment whereof, well and truly to be mali we hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that WHEREAS, the above bounden Principal has been awarded and has entered into a contract dated with the Obligee to do and perform the following, to wit: STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO TRACT NO. 8187, 400 UNION AVENUE, CAMPBELL AS PER THE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF CAMPBELL NOW, THEREFORE, if the above-bounden Principal or his subcontractors fail to pay any of the persons named in Section 3181 of the Civil Code of the State of California, or amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Code with repect to work or labor performed by any such claimant, the Surety will pay for the same, in an amount not exceeding the sum specified in this bond, and also, in case suit is brought upon this bond, a reasonable attorney's fee, to be fixed by the court. This bond shall insure to the benefit of any and all persons, companies or corporations entitled to file claims under Section 3181 of the Civil Code of the State of California so as to give a right of action to tll.em or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED this 9TH day of FEBRUARY 1989 /~400 UNION LIMITED PARTNERSHIP BY (/ Q~ETY INSURANCE COMP :NY- BY f--- -----'~' . LAY '".. . -CHERYLU~HAN Principal Attorney-in-Fact C,103 (7/78) CITY OF CAMPBELL, CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE Addu.. 0/0 Q VAl I 0 ^, Permit No. gy'-IC,Y bY~dAte /(-/6-rSJ' Surface Constru~tion \..J Cl.aring & Grubbin& Sawcut Concrete Concr.t. a.aoval Curb & Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb & Gutter SidAwalk Driveway Approach Handlcap laIIp Extruded Curb BardcadA Str.et Excavation AC P.v.aent Adj....t Kanhole to Gr.dA Adj....t H.ndhole to Grade Kon....nt Ilox w!Kon....nt Street Tr.. (15-g.110n) p.v.aent Striping ($100 aln) }lave...nC LegendA ($100 aln) '--./ Stop, Street N..e or Other Sign p.v....nt Karura P.v....nt Key Cut Lump SUII Eat iraa te 18 LF@ 2- -Z I SF @ Id')LF@ EA@ b3 I'~ ).~ LF@ SF @ SF @ $ 4.00 3.00 5.00 600.00 14.00 4.00 5,50 EA @ 400.00 LF @ 8.50 LF @ 50.00 SF)x($0.10)x(____") SF)x($0.30)x(____") EA @ 375.00 EA@ EA@ -3 EA@ LF@ EA@ EA@ EA@ LF@ 275.00 600.00 300.00 0,65 40.00 120.00 15.00 10.00 Surf.ce Subtotal "S" - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Street LiRhtin. Adj....C for alze: "5"<$30,000 add 20\, "5">$100,000 aubtract 10\ (+ or .) $ ElectroUer Condul t Conductor, p.lr Pull Box StDrm Draina.8 12- or 15" ltCI' 18" or 21" ItCP Street Inlet Kanhole Ir.ak & Ent.r Kanhol. "--..-/ rav1aed 6/88 ~/t!.ftn..e.o.t::....t -- --., -3 I EA @ 2,000.00 LF@ LF@ Ea@ 10.00 2,00 200,00 LF@ LF@ 60.00 70.00 EA @ 1,600.00 EA @ 2,400.00 EA @ 650.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE $ USE FOR ION>> $ ~~go r3~.,.O(' SOD. 00 72- 0 0 ~~3., 0-0 ~3/r,C)o %[1." oV h 72.bO yS67. r-" -- -" 9~. tP (J ~~?/,SO , I.//~ 30 , - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ /JtJ. LJO - $ $ - $ _ $ :;., lft;Or(}O - $ - $ Permit No, Applicant rJ2-cf -/{.~ 0- INFORMATION SHEET FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit, CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Contractor's License and Workers' Compensation Insurance. ~11c:'.o..",i" ) Name of Contractor t--A. i ke. Fe1d.VV\~ Telephone (4\13) ~c:,P-<./-oc D Address <:::} 2. 24 (oj \ t-oYV\ eCL ?tV' . csR-, CA- q ~(kf' State Contractor License No. City Business License No. Expiration Date Will do the following types of work: _____underground _____P.C. concrete ~.C. paving _____electrical _____other (specify) WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Contractor/Applicant b1Lk F("':.tdV'A QAA One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self. insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration date OR fr The Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed). CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for this permit, I shall not employ any person in any ma er so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of Cali nia. Signed Date ~//!:J- . NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/ PPLICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. f:PERMINFO REV. 11/87 Ref. No. ,TELEPHONE CALL RECORD DATE \ b - --z.-b- ~ TIME \ C>~. <;:'D PROJECT p~ \<r ~:f~b.-.. ltO~ o PLACED CALL ~ RECEIVED CALL ~ Uu LOU /';)\l!iS c.... C'qC)\--t~~ OF C 6f'C SPOKE WITH~~ U L~ N~E N~E OF \)~lG:7U A-R-CUt~ (4-lS) Cs:::.~,-~~ COMPANY TELEPHONE NO. ITEM DISCUSSED/J\CTION REQUIRED ~ ~y~ ~ .~ C.~~L)~ UU\'"O~ ~ ~ ~Gk:-~ hT ~ ~~T e .f2.lTl~L ~l u,- D."l ~ .\::)\2.,\\.telA..V)~ t.U\.LL- F6E3"' 4.<;:; "\. ~ t.Ul( \, ~ WDLU ~~ <3~ ~~ \':)~~.. Lyuu ~~ L.\:::> U9 ~L \ ~ t'::::>~--r. ~ ~c::;,.,.r=:YJur~ ~~ ""\ c.~ l~~ !::::-~~ U ~ ~'-I. CSt 1" DISTRIBUTION: .~~ CONTINUED: DYES' ~NO CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Public Works PENOYER January 19, 1989 Mr. Mike Feldman 4224 California San Francisco, CA 94118 SUBJECT Public Works Permit No,: 88-168 Application expires: 12/15/88 Permit Address: 400 Union Ave. Our records indicate that you applied for subject Public Works Permit approximately seven months ago. This is to remind you that applications for permits expire six months from the application date. The expiration is shown above. If you still wish to have the permit issued we will extend the expiration of the application sixty days, Please call this office to find out what needs to be done. Very truly yours, c/) ;to Don King Engineering Tech II DK:sd /--23-$ r~ c~~~.ktr~~c!~ dU/~. / t?R'4~~ ~6 c(~) ci21:- CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Public Works July 8, 1988 Mr. Mike Feldman 4224 California Street San Francisco, CA 94118 SUBJECT: PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT STATUS PERMIT NO. 88-168 APPLICANT: Mike Feldman PROPERTY ADDRESS: 400 Union Avenue APPLICATION DATE: June 16, 1988 EXPIRATION DATE: December 16, 1988 This letter is to inform you of the status of the above permit application. Please refer to the attached Public Works permit issuance check list for your permit application. It shows what items are required before the Engineering Division will issue its letter of clearance to the Building Division, and also what items are required before we will issue this permit for work in the public right-of-way. The status of the submittals for this permit is indicated. All requirements still outstanding must be completed prior to the expiration date of the application. Please call if you have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Cruz S. Gomez Assistant Civil Engineer CSG/le attachments cc: Bill Helms, Engineering Manager Dave Valkenaar, Associate Civil Engineer f/perm-stat;us ! l~ ?~t~ 'b~- \~~ ~c::> U 6-.) \ 60 ~.t:::> 'b\ - \ , ' ~ \ \.~ \~.c\J::)~U "\- ~- ~~ ~.. '~~ '\. <.::> 0~. ~ \~cq ~ FO\~ Q.OUrQl.~lD~ o\rc:... ~ PPn-oV/';;),L, ~ . ~.r~\:2.. "' 0 ? \.J;:>~ Q.~L- ~cru\~M~T~ 00TU.U~ Fat?- u.)~'{" ~ (:..L\'1 ~\~~ ~O ~~ ~U8~li'\.~~ lDl~ \-::::::>~~~ ~.~~ W~ ~ ~cyUl ~ ~ C) ~"'6- ""S we U.J ~ 0 F--J Tl~ P ~t.-..J~ ,! . Q... <;:U~'b\\'T ~ S~rc:s O'F- C\.'-ltL \:)~\.A.J.G~~ u.J \'<fW.P~ "--.)" h \.-)~ ?\L.e)\z...\.~ "F-C::>t"""2- ~L..L o tc=-~ -c:::;:;. \, Te- ~ l~c- 0 \-....) '-'-( -c-- --. U0L~ \'U'l~\=>~~~ LU\"tU- 0O-sl~~'= '-..LDl~c-. ~L- bA-C:-~\~ e l '-f t L ~ ~CU l k.....)C':srs ~C:::> 8 e-- ,~ C-\'-Ct '-- ~~~I-.)~~\2-~~S.. 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'i c::::::> ~\~'\ ~ ~ \:::> \1.-\ '-L~~ '-( ~ ?\J-oPO~~(~ Dtl-\.'-lE:-~'--( It TC.:) ~~ eLC::r1;~ ~ ~", .\2-~\ )b.LJ~L6 rc:> ~~t~~ K~\L.)\6\U 6 ~~\\'-1(:5:,,--'-( ~~<r \dLJY\\e.otL-~ D~ ~t~\---t.\ ~\L o ~ \~\2\ '-lE:"L..V~ '-( ,0 t-C:::> \ ~~T D~ '~Q...\c-' O~ f0t'L.\ '-LE'LU~l . (\..~\-\ . ~~ l.D ~ p~~~ S~~~~\~ Q\.'1"'l 0.F- ~~ ~\C>~l.-\'-'\ \.~~\.u ~^ ~~ ~\ ~C-\1'.- C:>F- ~lr:;;:,~~U'-- ~""" J() UC-<T lDLJ f3c-~u:)e-~f-..) ." PO ~\C- ~'-tS~e-~ rb ~(')..\'-fl\~- ~'f~\~~. ~l\lou~ C.00E- ,<S~c.Jr\DW s~'--''- \~~..::- t-Ge-eU~\..L. I.. ~~ EtL-\S"1""\t.-:>~ ~L?~ pnv~~ ~U~~ ~\~~~~ ~~~ .,D~\.b-.)~~ <b'-<~\C-4 Ui@"~D~ '\0 ~~ ~~V0\-) OL.:) DU~ ~\.-\- Co. ~--r ~ \, -r- \ --s ~I'"::> \)..$\\ ~ LL "i ,<; ~4-0 L0"-.:> Ou ~ \'~e\~ ~-~ ~~b c- \ "1l:+-G2--0 C -~ . " , , ~ , J "-, ,. ORDINANCE NO. 1696 \~(n\- \.....C~oL ~ LUDU ~ (p(p~ -<e~~Co BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 01 CAMPBELL APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PERMIT. PLANS. ELEVATIONS. DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE. AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO ALLOW CONSTRUCTION OF 21 TOWNHOMES ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS 400 UNION AVE. IN A PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT I HIGH DENSITY IESIDENTIAL) %ONING DISTRICT. (APPLICATION OF HR. A. XOTYLAR . PD 87-11). 1be City Council of the City of Campbell does ord.in .s follows: SECTION ONE: That the %onins Hap of the City-of Campbell is hereby changed and amended on property known as 400 Union Ave. by adopt ins the attached Exhibit A entitled Pl.ns and Elevations; Exhibit B entitled Development Schedule; Exhibit C entitled Hap of Said Property; and Exhibit ~ entitled Conditions 01 Approval, as per the applic.tion of Hr. Alex lotyl.r for pl.ns. elev.tions. .nd development .chedule to .llow the con.truction of 21 townhomes in a Planned Development %oDin, Di.trict. Copie. of ..id Exhibits are on file in the Plannin, Dep.rtment. .. - SECTION TWO: Thi. Ordin.nce .h.ll become effective 30 d.y. followina it. p....S. and adoption and ah.ll be publi.hed once within IS d.y. upon p.ss.se and .doption in the S.n Jose Hercury New.. a newsp.per of seneral circul.tion 1ft the City of Campbell. County of S.nt. Cl.r.. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd d.y of May Toll c.ll vote: . 1988. by the followins AYES: Counci1members: Ashworth. Kotowski. Doetsch NOES: Counci1member.: Watson. Podgorsek ~ . ABSENT: Counci1members: None APPROVED: ~- AT'1'EST: yor .rbaT. Ol..sky, City Clerk By: Louise B. Pena, Deputy City Clerk THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT IS ~ mUI! AND CORRECT COf'1' OF THE ORIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. ATTEST: E! SARA OlSASKY CITY CLERK CIT OE MPB,ELL. CALIF. ' NI , . 01 DATED --.) '-'. -. EXHI!IT B j STANDARD DEVELOPMENT SCHEDuLE nu: NO: ZC 87.12/lD 87.11 APPLICANT: KOTYLAll. A. SITE ADDRESS: 400 UNION AVE. 1. Construction to be&in wlthlD one year of final approval. 2. . Construction to be completedwlth1D one year of startin& date. _OIE: Above Develop.lnt Schedule 1. a .tancSard u.ed by chi 'lannin& Department when applicant hat not .uhmltted a .chedule for hi. project. .. ., -.;. . o \- '. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FILE. ZC 87-12/PD 87-11 SITE ADDR.ESS: 400 UNION AVE. APP1.1CANT: KOTYLAll. A. 7C KTC >>ATE: 2-23-88 EXHIBIT D Tbe applican~ 1. hereby no~lfled. a. part of ~hl. application, that be/she i. required co ..et the following conditions in accordance vltb the OrcUnance. of cbe City of Campbell and the Law. of the State of California. Addi~lpnally. the applicant i. bereby notified that he/.be i. ~equir.d ~o comply'vith all applicabla Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell and Che State of California Which pertain ~o thi. development and Are Dot bereiD specified. . .. - 1. aevi.ed elevations aM/or site plan to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Planning Director upon recommendation of the Architectural Advisor prior to application for a building permit. , 2. 'roper~ to be fenced and landscaped a. indicated and/or added in red on the plans. Landscaping and fencing Ihall be .aintained in Accordance vith the approved plana. 3. Landscaping plan Indicating ~e and .be of plant .aterlal. and loca~ion of irrilation system ~o be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural aeview Collllllttee and/or Planning Commission prior to i.suance of a building permit. 4. Fencing plan indicating location and d..ilft detail. of fencing to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Planning Dire~tor prior to issuance of a building permit. So. Applicant to either (1) po.t a faithful performance bond in the &mount . of $15,000.00 to insure landscaping, fencing. and Itriping of parking areas vithln , Donths of completion of construction: or (2) file vri~ten alreement to complete landscaping. fencing. and Itriping of parkini are... Bond or .greement to be fned vlth the Planning Department prior ~ applicatioD for a building permit. 6. Appli,cant ~ submit a plan to the Planning Department, prior to Installation of PC&! utility (transformer) boxe., indicating the location of the boxes and acreeninl (if boxes are above around) for Approval of the 'lann1n& Director. .. 7. All ..chanical equipment on ~oof. and all utility .eter. to be .creened .. approved by the Pla~lng Director. I. Bulld,lna occupancy vlll DOt be allowed until public bprove.ent. are iDatallad. f. All parkins and driveway area. to be developed in compliance vith Chapter 21.50 of dle Campbell Municipal CocSa. All park11\& .pace. to . be provi4ad vith appropriate concrete curb. or bWlper cuarcls. . 10. VnderSrouncS utilitl.. to be ,rovlcSad .. required by Section 20.'6.150 of the Callpbell Kunicipal Code. . ..J '-' CONDITIONS OF APPllOVAL · nLE .. ZC 87-12/PD 87-11 SITE ADDRESS: 400 UNION AVE. APPLICANT: ICOTYLAR. A. PC KTC DATE: 2-23-88 PACE 2. 11. Plans .ublli~tecl ~o the luncline Department for plan cbeck .ball indlcate clearly the location of all connectlona for under,round utilitie. includinl vater, ..ver, electric, telepbone and televilion cables. etc. 12. Slln application to be .Ubmitted in accordance vith provilions of ahe Siln Ordinance for all .ip1l. No..ip to be installed until application is approved and perait i.sued by Plannin& and luildin& Department. (Section 21.53 of tbe Campbell Municipal Code). 13_ Ordinance ~o. 782 of the Campbell Municipal Cod. .tipulate. that any contract for th. collection and dllpolal of refua., ,arbal" vet ,arba,_ and rubbi.b produced vithin the limit. of the City of Campbell sball be ..de vlth Creen Valley Dilpolal Company. Thil requirement applie. CO all .inll.-family dvellinl" .ultiple apartment unitl. ~o all cOllllercia1. buain.... industrial, .anufacturinl. and constructlon eltablisbll.nu. 14. Tralh contalner(.) of a .1ze and quantity nece.,ary to .erve the development shall be 10cat.d in area C.) approved by the Fire Department. Vnle.. otherwi.e noted, enclo.ureCI) sball conaist of a concrete floor surrounded by a .olid valloI' fence and have s.lf-clo.ine door. of a .ize specified by the Fire Department. 1.11 enclosure. to ba constructed at Irad. lev.l and bave a level area adjacent to the tralb enclolur. area to .ervice th..e containerl. 15. Applicant .ball comply vitb all appropriate Stat. and City require.ent. for Che handicapped. - . . . 16. Noise level. for Che interior of re.identia1 unit. .hall comply vltb ainlmum State (Title 25) and local .tandards al indicated in the Noi.e El....ent of the Campbell Ceneral Plan. 17. Applican~ II hereby notified that be vlll be required to pay Park DedicatloD In-L1eu Fee whicb vill b. al.el.ed at the time tbe .ubdivision ..p 1. .ubmltted. 11. Tbe applicant 1. bereby notified that the property i. to be maintained free of any combustible tra.h, dabI'll and veeda. until the t1llle that accual cOl\ltnactlon co.ence.. All exlltlnl Itructure. shall be .ecured by bavlD1 windows boarded up and door. .e.1ed .hut, or be demolished or removed from th. property. Sect. 11.201 . 11.414. 1979 Ed. Vnifoa Fire Code. BUI1J)INC DEPAR"l'KENT 1'. "'talnlDl "alle at property line. are U..ited co a "ei,ht of 15 inches if conatru.cud of "oocS. 20. 'l'here "7 .. a requir..ent CO .how 2 uit. froll the 3rd noor ar.a. Other c01\l~ruction I'e.erved for cODltruction plana. ,J '",--,,' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. FILE. ZC 87.12/pD 87.11 SITE ADDRESS: 400 UNION AVE. APPLICANT: KO'NLAll, A. PC HTC DATE: 2.23-88 RACE 3. PUBLIC \lORKS DEPARTMENT 21. ~rocess and file a subdivision aap. 22. aeimbur.e Ci~ the cos~ of .treet improvements. 23_ Dedicate ~O foo~ ha1f-.tree~ rllht.of.vay on Union Ave. frontale. 24. Meet a~ other .requirementsa. determined ~y the City Enlineer. nilE DEPARTKENT 24. ~lana ~o be reviewed .. a-1 occupancy due ~o lack of proper~ line protection. 25. Provide an automatic or ..nua1 fire alara .y.tem per CAC title 24, Section 2-1216(a). 26. Smoke detector. (hard wired) .ha11 be provided. 27. Provide one on.sl~e fire hydrant. 28. Provide fire extinlUlsher.. 2'. Bui1dln& construction .hall be one.hr. (unl.sl buildln&1 are protected with automatic .prinkler sYltem. 30. Mee~ any other requirementl a. determined by the Fire Department. - . *** . . .J FINDINGS FOR APPRO,- ltECOKKENDED FINDINGS: ZC 87-12 SITE ADDRESS: 400 UNION AVE. APPLI CANT: lCOTYLAR.. A. P. C. MIG: 2.23.88 Sl~e and Archi~ec~ural Approval 1. The proposed proJec~ is an .pproprl.~e scale in rela~lonshlp Co ~he AdJ acent developed uses. 2. The project is vell desisned and architecturally blends into the Deighborhood. 3. The building design Is considered acceptable and interesting by the Architectural Advisor. 4. The projecc density of 21 units per gross acre is consistent vith che Ceneral Plan designation of High Density Residential (21.27 units per gross acre). s. The 68 parking .paces provided exceeds the code requirements by 10. 6. The project is designed to minimize infringement on neighboring properties. , 7. The project i. of a high quality desisn and vill be aesthetically pleasing. 8. SubsCantial landscaping h.s been provided vhich adds to the aesthetics of ~e projec~. Planned Developmen~ Permit 1. The proposed.development or uses clearly vill result in a more desirable. environment and use of land than vould be possible under any other zoning cl.s.ification.:i 2. The us~vll1 be compatible vith the General Plan of the City of Campbell And vill Aid in the harmonious development of the i~ediate area. Zone Chanlte ~ 1. The propo.ed zoning vill be conaistent vith the Land Use Element of the Ceneral Plan. 2. The propo.ed zoning vill be compatible vith the .urrounding zonings and land use.. 3. The propo.ed zoning vill not be detrlllental Co the health. .afety. peace, aorala, . comfort or seneral velfare of persona residing or working in the neighborhood. or be detrlllental or injuriQus to property And 1IIIprovements in the neighborhood or to the seneral velfare of the City. . . . . , o RECOMMENDED FINDINGS FOR DENIAL: ZC 87-12/PD 87-11 SITE ADDRESS: 400 UNION AVE. APPLICANT: ICOTYLAR. A. CC MTG: 4-19-88 '-.../ 1. The proposed project is not of appropriate scale in relationship to the adjacent developed uses. 2. The project will not architecturally blend into the neighborhood. The long linear building will not enhance the area. 3. The project is not designed to minimize infringement on neighboring properties. It will overlook the project to the south and create a loss of privacy. 4. The tandem parking plan will result in insufficient useable parking for the project. 5. The proposed development clearly will not result in a more desirable environment and use of land than would be possible under ~ny other zoning classification. - -.-- .- .-- - . - --~-- -- ------ ~ -- --------- ~ CITY OF CAMPBEll FIRE DEPARTMENT 123 SOUTH UNION AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 008 (4 08) 8 66- 2 1 8 9 July 11, 1988 Kathleen Wong DeArch Design Architecture Ass. Inc. 456 10th Avenue San Francisco CA 94118 RE: EMERGENCY ACCESS FOR 21 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES 400 UNION AVENUE Dear Ms. Wong: This letter is a follow-up to our phone conversation on July 8th, regarding potential access problems at the proposed development of 400 Union Avenue. Enclosed are blueprints developed by the City Engineering staff, illustrating grade limitations and how they effect fire apparatus access. Please review the enclosed prints and notify me with factual data insuring emergency vehicle access will be guaranteed. If you have any questions regarding this, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, c::>7 (! dddf LYNN CALDWELL, Battalion Chief Fire Marshal LC/jc Enclosure CITY OF CAMPBEll FIRE DEPARTMENT 123 SOUTH UNION AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 95008 (408) 866-2189 c-~:-,[i) i~ ~, .-?' .. ()~ _? 'i //' RECEIVED AUG 301988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Date: 29 August 1988 San Jose Water Company 1221 S. Bascom Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 Attention: SUZANNE LEACH RE: 400 UNION AVENUE, CAMPBELL CA 95008 Gentlemen: This letter will serve as authorization to install one fire hydrant (4- by 2 1/2- by 2 1/2-) at the location(s) listed below: 1. N. side of -Executive Lane- driveway, 4 feet E. of property line of Union Avenue. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sincerely, ~~.~/r- Tyrone L. Chew, Captain Fire Prevention Officer cc: Chuck Gomez wp/kp/hyd .' ~~ ~ARCH DESIGN ARCHITECTURE ASSOCIATES INC A fRAPIICISCO CA 94"1 tEUPHONE (415)168-1886 ..J 456 10th AVENUE Letter of Transmittal SEP 2 81983 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING liE !o CATY Or lj,M f&r;A...l../ (0 NPtl-T# {-( flST 37ftf':4 CP<Mnf-LL c--~u~ ~~fb Ann ~2 s &tP6--1!-? L wr~ ARE SENDING YOU: .0 Attached o Prints 0 Shop drawings o Copy of letter 0 o under separate cover via J2fPlans 0 Specificat:ons .. tt.e following items: [] Change order C;C,"llS DATl NO, DESClll.T.ON ~ 'tHESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: ~'or rour use D Approved as lubmitted D Relurned 'or corre,ctions o A~ requested 0 Approved as noted [] REMARKS. . ?.tu..~ ~'~ ~ A9-lJ/;~ AL M H- ~ ~I '~ /VI1L .u..;. ~ .~~~ ~~~~.~~~:: ~ --...t; ~ =~';''T r. ~~ ~~ ~ _ ~ r I< . loL ~ . . ~ ~ (0;/ I ~si"d' 4~ ~ ffld ~ " ~~~t f~ ~?). tk~' ~~ ' "'>>~~~ ~ ~ .....t &011 ~ /~ ~(al . /LOW ~ ~ <::1 ~ ~ ,~, wit( ~ ~ ;S ~ $~ ,f ,J~ -Iff- 1rftCAf4-1- ' ~ rA . COpy TO SIGNED. 1l-1 ~- - .f/"IeDAJ ~ "...cl..u,ea .'. .... n ".11'. I."d;, ...',f, "' .t . lie< , . CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE roB. PERMIT NO $- )(O go By/Date _ $ 5VO.Cl t) - $ 72.00 - $ b b 3, 0 l) -$ 3f5.co - $ _$ Cftl{.o0 . $ ....-::' ~/~J'~". ('(-) ...J ,\"; ._,.",_ · $ 1.-5b? <:,() I . $ . $ - $ - $ -"$ - $ - $ - $ _ $ 1;;.00. ("') . $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Surface Subtotal "S" · $ 5, 2 "3 :;,('" I J Adjust. for abe: S < $30.000 add 20%. S'> $100.000 aubtract 10%'1 I; Ot/("~ (, Name "Address 4 (:)0 Surface Construction Clearing and Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb , Gutter lemoval Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb and Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap Ramp Extruded Curb Barricade Street Excavation ( A.C. Pavement ( Adjust Manhole to Grade Adjust Handhole to Grade Monullent Box v Monument Street Tree (15 gallon) Pavement Striping ($100 min) Pavement Legends ($100 min) Stop.Street Name or Other Sign Pavement Markers Pavement Key Cut Street Lighting Electrol1er Conduit Conductor. pair Pull lox Storm Drainage 12" or IS" lep 18" or 21" acp Street Inlet Manhole Break and Enter Manhole u ,,\ Of'\ Ave.... LUlllp S UIII Ea t iIU t e 115 L.F. @ $ 4.00 '] LI S.F. @ 3.00 b'S L.F. @ 5.00 EA. @ 500.00 (,:7 2; L. F. @ 15 . 00 I b 3 S. 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I _ I J.4-. .._ t::1Je~DeARcH & ASSOCIATES INC WIMBERLY HELMS JOCSON KRUGER IiANOLlI~;'-'r-i RE~l~RN .~a- , DISCARD ~1$ ..Jb<6 0#. 456 10th AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO CA 94118 TELEPHONE (415) 668,888 Ap I' i 1 1 7, 1 989 MI'. Robel't Emami Emami-Wu Development Company 19601 McKean Road San Jose, CA 95120 'rCEIVED APR 1 8 1989 PUBLIC W ENGINEER~~gS Re: 400 Union Project Deal' ~1r'. Emami: T his i sin I' e s p 0 n set 0 you I' 1 e t tel' 0 f A p I' i 1 7, 1 9 8 9 regarding the storm drain elevation problem. I am particularly concerned about your accu5stion that the improvement drawing was never verified 3nd the site was never checked by my company. Our plans were designed ace 0 I' din g t 0 SUI' ve y i n f 0 I' mat ion f U I' n ish e d b y the pI' e v i 0 u s owner and information furnished to us by the City of Campbell. We have again verified that our plans are accurate based on the best available information given to us and records in our files. Our plans were reviewed and approved by the City of Campbell IS Depar'tment of Public Wot~ks. Also, I disagree with the statement that our company never checked the site, since indeed we have field visited the site on various occasions during the development of the contract plans. However, it is impractical and unreasonable to expect my staff to field check a drain pipe that is ten feet or so underground. Under the notes of our plans, we have asked for the general building contractor and the sub- contractor to field check all utilities prior to the beginning of construction. Please see utilities Note 2 of Sheet C1 and Notes 4 and 11 of Sheet A1. It is very unfortunate in this situation that the City's contractor had not constructed the lateral connector according to the plans. However, the City of Campbell has accepted this situation and did not notify the previous owner of this project who paid for the construction of this lateral connector. Now we are trying to assist you, on a timely basis, in solving the problem at hand which is beyond the scope of our r'esponsibi1ity. Howevel', even if the gener'a1 contractol' discover this discrepancy prior to the excavation as they were supposed to, or the City of Campbell had given us the information prior to designing the storm drain system, the solution would have been the same as the one we have PI'oposed on Apr'il 8, 1989 in the plans subtitled "stor-m D r' a i n L ate I' a 1 Con s t r' u c t ion ", sin c e all the h 0 use e 1 e vat ; 0 n s cannot be changed. ~~DeARCH & ASSOCIATES INC. 456 10th AVENUE SAN FRANCISCO CA 94118 TELEPHONE (415) 668,8886 Page 2 of 2 Therefore, the amount pertaining to the cost of construction due to the change of design is not the responsibility of the designer. Ve r' y t r' u 1 y you r' s , ~~.~ ..John W. LaLl, P.E. cc: Executive Properties Mr. King, City of Campbell - DPW