88-170 ~--... #..,. c.~ -: ::- 8;.~~.. ..... "!:I~. .:>~n. ... ;) .0 n "'n~"4""n ............. .:..::~~::Jg fQ, ...0 "'''''.' :Y~. N ~~.::: ..:J~... On......o ...~.-...'- ..... "'" ~ n '-n....n II" n O:r .C._". "lIInc: ~""'^.O ~ 0 > " 0 O"'~_n< ':r .. . O:>:r<.. ;; f : :: U .. 17 ..... · "" :.l ... . :a n . .. ..... :> t"I ~:>~t.. 1\ 0 ., . "'n... .....~" "" :r ...c:... ~.:>.. o ~ t.. . . ....... :J , :1''- . . ...0........ ""''':J.. .<,,~. n ... ::J ... .... n "'''''':1' " .. . '-::135: 00......... .",,. . ,... ...." ~;-~ ~'< "II. ,..:r , ,: ........ :I .. )C ... .. - I. n 0 . ..... ::Ii --<.:a .......n ".-nn I .;SU' I :u. . . n. ....n :I;, .. &;f i- .. :a . n ... ,.. :r Q ... 'U . :1 n . n I.Mf~:J:- ..... CITY 0' CAK'b~LL O~PT. 'or YUbLIC NQKI~ . lONOClhl1Utilt. . C._I.b.ll, CA '~QOI ..011) IIh-H)O J-~f'-I 7U ~. PUbLIC WOkKS PtR"JT '.'alt MO. l'flfrVarrnr,. 1 n-t'n. , () \ ~ !;. P"bl1c li'llr.t-ot-w.~) X-llet. Uh\l(.:\...h;~(~'~ ~.A. r: '..IA.d /tJ~~/rp ApplH:ation Dat. C.- 2-2- -<FYI. ".'all .1" .. In ,,~ ao.. ..pir.. lrr Ii 11Io.. ( APPLICATIO~ - AppliC.tion ia ba'aby aade lor a 'wbIlc Work. '.ralt in accordanc. .ith Ca.~b.ll- ~ "wnlC:ip.l coca., II.Ctloll 11.0.. :' r1 0\. WO'k .odre.. or tract . fa '5 Utility treaCA l~atlon ... t lAr. ot WOr II ; . \' '. (Q: \L{,\ "5he,Ue~ (1. C I. Co+-l-, . , I -.If c-, .' .J-,.. -) ~. 'l , ) U' C. Attacb tlv. f~) COpl.. ot . dra.lng ahowLnv tb. location, ..tant and dl.en.10n. ot the WOCk Tbc dravLn~ .'"all ahow the r.latlon 01 the PIOpO..d WOlk to .Ii.ting .u,t.c. .nd ynderglound 1.prove..nu. Whan approv.d &ly tb. Cuy tngLn.cr, ..ld dr..,lng b.co... a part ot Chl. pee.u. Q. Tne General Condition. tor all per.ita arc 11.t.d on tb. r.v.,.e .lde. Speci.l ~rovi.lon. tor thia pelalt are Ii.red below. tailule to abi4e by the.e condition. .nd P,ovi.lon. "Y' re.wl, Ln jOb IhlAl-down and/or turteltwle 01 'aLthlul Pcrto'..nCe bond. and Ca." depo.i,~. ~.e Gene'.l Condition. 1 and 2). , ~~ ~,~ ~. An .ppliCatlon 18 non-:;n'ifJ~e. ~q ~_ \q.-,.. , Na.. ot AppUC:ant -") Tel.Pllon.: (40f:)~11- (6 '~~ _ Adduu L . r:L q $ h thl. WOrk bcln9 done 'by the property ChIn., at their Own r.ildencd _YaM Ano ~~4- ~~ \~ Coapl.te .tt.Ch.d WOlller.' COapen..tion and Contr.cto, tor... ~ .... :; (, ;;.. '\ '\. (- ,... r. :... The Applic:.nt/~cr.ittee beteby agr... by attiling tbelt .i~n.twre to thi. per.it to hold the Clry ot C..plocU. llli oltlc:el~, .'lem. an&J ...ploy... tr.e, ...t. and ...r.l.... 110. any c:l.1a 0' de_,.d ten d....9.:. le~u1tln'J tro.. the WOtk COVer.d by thL. l'Cr.lt. Tne A~~IIC:.f1t/~el.1ttee bereby aCknowledge5 th.t they h.". I.ad .nd lAn4erltand both the Ironr .1'4 "'Ck ./ 'ni. p."." .... .... ~... .." h~"4- '~'u'I" ./ ... ..to,~..... ACCt:I"Tt:D A~ C~"c: ~~ ~O Q ~ f,;-- Z2- gy PIJ~.~ . ~~. NOT~S; ALL'WORI SHALL CON,OkK WIT" THt ATTACHED, APPMOVtD 'loANS AND ALL A~~LICAbLt CAKPb~LL STANDAkD DkAWINC$ AND CONDITION~. Tilt: CONTkACTOJr MUST Il.\V~ TillS PCk"IT AND APPftOVfD PLANS ANII "UST "i:t:T IIIIT" T"& P.W. IN~rt:croK ON Tilt: $JTt AT Lt:A:iT 1'WU DAVS llt:l0kt: 'sT.utTING ..oU. NOTICE "U~T Ilt: GIVeN TO PUIlLIC ..oRIS AT LEAST ~4 HOUkS b~YOJrE kfSTAkTINC ANY WOkl. S~fCIAL PHOVISIONS 1. - .., r -' Street ..hall not be open cut tor underground 1n~t.ll.tion~. "Lnl.u. CWtll "'1 be allw.cd tOl COnllect1on~ oc ..plolation bolel/. :tlleh CUt. aUllt be IlPtrC1l1Cally oppro".,d by III&' l"IOPeCt"". Yav.*~..y be ClAt tor und.r~lownd 1n.tallationa .nd .u.t be ce.tored 1n aCcOrd.nCe ~1tn the UtLlhy Tecnch ltutoratloA 'standald Drawing. W~Ik to Uc Ilt._cd by · lLc.n.cd 1.&n4 S",vcYQr 01 Civil tngin.., and two f2) c:oplc~ ot the CUI .lIcCl. .CIIL to Lhe "ublic WOI" Dept. beture araltLng Vork. The tIOUI. ot WOII .te haited 10 outa;ide the houra ot 1->> .... and J-li p.a. tor cny WOlk ~{t.ctlny a rl.tjlc lane. 2. - a; I'. J. - 'C .. - 'I,,; I~ I': ~. - ~, (', c; u.: ~ ~t~IT ~~LlCATlOH It. la-1) f U~.OO) C'. ST.u.DAkD '~D.OO\...--'" UOO . 00 V""" ;: MOUNT ~ 50 '-,) tl 0 s32,SOo .vo s ~/. 3 IX.? cl iJ n '7 'l'r' () ,', , .,. s ....,. t-- J.6 I) /.1 () "-_. r , /... I:' C1..a;,. ~_c,-~_~ u.~. kt:Ct:I~T HO. I q 5 Vs- / 9 ,:p/ ..5- PLAN CUt:CK D~POSlf IaONO 'Ok 'AITUI'UI. Pt&cI'ORKAHCJ: (' k .... ,... ..;: PlaUII'f ,&:1-: C100.o, ENe. tST.) fnOO) fn or ..a"D,i~OO "lHI;,(~.. fl. 0' '.P. ..aND ~.'H~.OO 'UN) ,......" -n~ c:''J(-;G.L''':::> ,. ... CCA~U) Dt~JT "'PMOV&;D "OJ( II PwP~MHJT kevC..d l/Ul FROM 000000110011 8.21,1992 14:25 p, 1 II LOU JONES 8& ASSOCIATES RE"'VEIJ AUG 211992 IlATfo: : RE: <isIZ11'i2. FAX r.OVE1~ SlIF.F,']' "-uo"c W 'u or_I Engineering tJJ I II, ~~ _.__S,. . CtEr :!:J~ 1/ ~ ].u_~.,_ ~+ AI FROH: l'LEASE DE IVL:;--' 'i'HI:.: I-'ULLUW1N<'~-'- "fti..o '-"-p^cfEs'-CWi,T{HlficIuv'Es' -;rj.i[s- 'COVER SHEET) 10 . If YOU DO NOT RECEiVE ALL THE rAGKS) PLEA'S't: Gi v 1:: ME A CALL AT THE' NUMB't"R LI~TEn BELOW, C~lI c.. h. (~~\ ~pC1'-~ Qy- A~ ~ C l~'1'5 '-Jw r~ ..../a;" ~i'5-\- 3 - I -~ pi/V\-) it F'N 1 CUI' &-, G~~ &~, ~J'\J~lt ~~ ~f ckb: ~ n::v{..c~~ C(O~It:~ ':SJl\JUi '2.-/'.~/t}() ~'l ~(' +l.Ui" 'N'Shc.tt()'Y~'- /'1> 't ~L ,-"", (...,;: ~,'t " I..M l .J.,.- ~Ul't. ~.../ G>uttS ~o\J'S' KIL~~ ~ 411 DOREL AVENUE. SUITE 410, SAN MATEO. CA 94402 P.O, BOX 1327, SAN MATEO. CA 94401 (415) 349-9515 FAX: (415) J4~-9553 .~ n~'lan3l , ", InSUMancp ~ (UIllP~nIQ4 '6~ ~ FROM 000000110011 8,21.1992 14:25 , fl:.1C....Jo^ I , p, 2 0.-' (~_J . r RECEIVED FEB 271989 PUBLIC WORKS P. O. Box 1327 . San MalEtNGll<<lmfltG1 (415) 340.0397 '\ RECEIVED FE 8 2.t1....i'jb~ FINANCE DEPT. , SUBDIVISION STATUS INQUIRY r , Lou Jones & Associat.es The City of Campbell p, 0, BOX 1327 70 N. First St. SAN MATEO, CAl.IFORNIA. 94401 Campbell, CA 95008 ENVELOPE ENCLOSED l. oJ BOND NUMBER. SUBDIVIDER 35M 713 578 00 William S. ClIff, Cynthia Denise Cliff & Alfred G. D'Amico TRACT NllMBEB. TRACT NAME PM 88-07 65 Shelley Avenue IMP ROVEXENTS Subdivicion Improvements 1. Baa chis work been fully completed, accepted ~Ye5 DNo 2. If accepted, an what date? .z. <'-.28 #C? 3. If Dot accepted f is work. progressin~ S&t1slacLodly ". < D"i.es -, .- CJ !tQ...-_ ~.Percentage_~ompleted REXA.RKS "(7Ie F"/I/P..,'-;=ULL /r:!7f!..rt:r~.,.,z.q;vc~ &"rJ-j) ~Sr &.c i?6!L-A-C.e:t:> ~ 4 rn.4-/N~~...uC-r2 ,.:3v/o../D (c.s ~~ o~ T7-/-G r- - /J F' A '\ ~ /.) /1 /Je-"X:-'I'o D 0 F p-;4--, n{,c~,-,I.... rert. U,r,...~"qtVc...~ ,.--0"-" I I y~/(... ( Z/2--B /1 oj -phE 60}J b ".;f-/y}e;u.;oJ ( ..:5rt~.~L. .3rz 4f8( ZS-. 00. ~fJCL R~fLE SEE ME ,\~ C}" FORMATION FURNISHED BY (61gnatur~) C/ /' ~ ~ C-.a70"/ TITLE ~at"(... ~ ~ ~ DATE - / I _ BO~D DEPARTXENT Daniel Jones -- ~ ~4~o / Address t.?:) PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Permit or Project No. " fSe-/70 ~s~;y' 4vE. Type of work; Street"'--- Storm Other (describe) SAnitAry ElectricAl [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) [JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Si9ned plana"? Y N (If tiigned. Council AcceptAnce.) ChArges AgAinst deposit? Y Overtime I hrs. @ $ DAte" reAlion; N /hr. - $ BArriCAde rental (AttAch invoice)? DAte " reAson; Y N $ Other? $ $ TotAl charges deducted from depositl (CAsh Deposit $ leas chArges $ ~YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST $ - Refund $ ck. req.) (AttAched) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Requelit if CAsh.) Engineer ~ In6pector 88 - ItD AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE COMPANY Long Grvve, IL 60049 ,/: ,~'; ;.,,': :;::::.~'~ Iren1peR , .~. . 1 j.~:" inSURanCe compam2B RECEIVED APR 11 1989 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Bond No. 35M 717 726 00 $163.00 PREMIUM: MAINTENANCE BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, W_illiam s. c1iff, Cynthia Denise Cliff & Alfred , as Principal, G. D'~ico and AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE CO... a corporation organ~zed under the laws of the State of ILLINOIS. and duly authorized to transact business in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto The City of Campbell (.hereinafter called the Obligee) in the just and full sum of EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE AND NO CENTS ------------ ($8,125.00*******), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which, well and truly to be made, we hereby bind ourselves and our successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. ~ereas, on the day of , 19 the said principal ,as contractor, entered'-into'a' contract for' the Subdivision Improvements on PM 88-07 Known as 65 Shelley Avenue Whereas~ under the terms of-the" specifications7~for said work~"~ the said principal is:required to give" a bond in the' amount of __ EIGHT THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE AND NO CENTS--------- ( $8",125.00****** ), to guarantee the replacement and repair"of defective -materials or faulty workmanship furnished or installed by the said principal, for a period of ONE YEAR from and after the date of the completion and acceptance of same, namely, until February 28 19 90 Now, Therefore, if the said principal shall for a period of ONE YEAR from and after - the date of the co:npletion /' and acceptance of tne said work by" said obI igee repl ace" and repair any and all defective materials or faulty workmanship in said ~~rk, then the above obligation to be.' void: othen-lise to remain in' full force and effect. S2aled with our seals and dated this April , 19 89 . BOND TO BE EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 28, 1989. 6th day of William S. Cliff B'J\ I/}l~ S ~- Cynthia Denis,e Cliff . /11 #// B~ ~~A.7J! IJ~L ~ 1Alfred G. D'A 'co AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE COMPANY //") .~-~-~ BY : 4L .., )1 ,'\t torney- in-f act Daniel Jones ~:. . .. AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE COMPANY Home Office: Long Grove, IL 60049 POWER OF ATTORNEY Know All Men By These Presents: That the American Motorists Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, and having its principal office in Long Grove, Illinois, does hereby appoint * ** * * ** * ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** * * ** ** * ** * *** * * ** ** ** Daniel Jones of San Mateo, California************************************* . naTlDnil. I Pi!: mmpames . . its true and lawful agent(s) and attorney(s)-in-fact, to make, execute, seal, and deliver during the period beginning with the date of issuance of this power and ending December 31, 1990, unless sooner revoked for and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: Any and all bonds and undertakings provided the amount of no one bond or undertaking exceeds ONE MILLION DOLLARS ($1,000,000.00)**************** EXCEPTION: NO AUTHORITY is granted to make, execute, seal and deliver any bond or undertaking which guarantees the payment or collection of any promissory note, check, draft or letter of credit. This authority does not permit the same obligation to be split into two or more bonds in order to bring each such bond within the dollar limit of authority as set forth herein. This appointment may be revoked at any time by the American Motorists Insurance Company. The execution of such bonds and undertakings in pursuance of these presents shall be as binding upon the said American Motorists Insurance Company as fully and amply to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office in Long Grove, Illinois. THIS APPOINTMENT SHALL CEASE AND TERMINATE WITHOUT NOTICE AS OF DECEMBER 31,1990. This Power of Attorney is executed by authority of a resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of said American Motorists Insurance Company on February 23, 1988 at Long Grove, Illinois, a true and accurate copy of which is hereinafter set forth and is hereby certified to by the undersigned Secretary as being in full force and effect: "VOTED, That the Chairman of the Board, the President, or any Vice President, or their appointees designated in writing and filed with the Secretary, or the Secretary shall have the power and authority to appoint agents and attorneys-in-fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings, obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such officers of the Company may appoint agents for acceptance of process:' This Power of Attorney is signed, sealed and certified by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 23rd day of February, 1988: "VOTED, That the signature of the Chairman of the Board, the President, any Vice President, or their appointees designated in writing and filed with the Secretary, and the signature of the Secretary, the seal of the Company and certifications by the Secretary, may be affixed by facsimile on any pOvVEr of attomey Oi bond executed pur~uant to resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors on February 13, 1988 and any such power so executed, sealed and certified with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, shall continue to be valid and binding upon the Company:' In Testimony Whereof, the American Motorists Insurance Company has caused this instrument to ~9Signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officers, this 15th day of March , 19 . Attested and Certified: AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE COMPANY 7c-#~ F. c. McCullough, Secretary STATE OF ILLINOIS ~s COUNTY OF LAKE ;) I, Rose K. Rayner, a Notary Public, do hereby certify thatJ. S. Kemper, III and F. C. McCullough personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are respectively as Senior Vice President and Secretary of the American Motorists Insurance Company, a Corporation of the State of Illinois, subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowledged that they being thereunto duly authorized signed, sealed with the corporate seal and delivered the said instrument as the free and voluntary act of said corporation and as their own free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. ~.,,~...,. .~,' .. i.O~.. \~~1 By JL ~ ~~. "'~ - J. S. Kemper, III, Senior Vice President C~.~~ My commission expires: August 12, 1991 Rose K" Rayner, Notary Public FM 836-5 7-88 1 M Power of Attorney-Term PRINTED IN U.S"A. fE7l./YlI,r- B~ -/'J 0 RECEIVED FEB 271989 PUBLlC WORKS P. O. Box 1327 · San MatEiNalNEImlNG1 (415) 340-0397 7 l-4\~) "\4Pl- q~\<;. SUBDIVISION STATUS INQUIRY \. RECEIVED FE B ~(:. .bd~ , -FINANCE DEPT. r , Lou Jones & Associates The City of Campbell P. 0, BOX 1327 70 N. First St. SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA 94401 Campbell, CA 95008 ENVELOPE ENCLOSED - l.. ..I BOND NUMBER SUBDIVIDER 3SM 713 578 00 William S. ClIff, Cynthia Denise Cliff & Alfred G. D'Amico TRACT NUMBER TRACT NAME PM 88-07 65 Shelley Avenue IMP ROVEHENTS Subdivision Improvements ASE A.~S\"'ER STIONS BELOW AND RET 1. Has this work been fully completed, accepted ~Yes DNo 2. If accepted. on what date? Z/Z8/8CJ . 3. If not accepted, is work.progressing satisfactorily D~s ""-- 0 h._ 4. Percentage .-completed REMARKS .,-;rIe FA-/~~UL-L /e-;eF~/0n'/.q;JCG" 8e~j) ~S7 tS~ ?6f~~ ~ 4 rn~/A.J~,.q-~~ ~O^,D {Z5 %' o,c ~ ;::#'1 ~m.c~'-'L ,P~~"~;??rf/V(,dj r::oi< A ;Jf:;7(,d'o D 0 v=- I yEA'/L . (Z/Z-B /~oj -pI-G 130M/:) H,r)€)u-"JT 3H71GL .8cz 4f8/ZS-.00. FORMATION FURNISHED BY (61gnatur~) TITLE 56:- ~ C:-~ 'i4'8t-/c- ~4~..5 ~ DATE BOl\D DEPARTMENT Daniel Jones '.0_2 CITY OF CAMllBELl Department: Public Works '. ';~~~ERl-;T'!-' --~J-J '?j rx/. l I HEU~S ..~\'r5"'Q .' .':.,..' __.j ~f\i'{'O.'N. \\rf'. .'J,..,:: t j E~~;--~- i:------1f' I f(;~u~.!":" ....; .' Ill.';f~Q"(E~- "1" - r--- . _..._.,__,....."~_ .......--...t..~~""',f'"':'O. . _I. 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP 8 ELL, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 March 9, 1990 D'Amico Development 2599 Westgate Ave. San Jose, CA 95155 RE: One Year Maintenance, Deficiencies Permit No.: 88-170 Location: 65 Shelley Avenue Gentlemen: We have made a one-year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements, There are deficiencies that must be corrected before we can release your bond and obligations in this matter. A deficiency list is attached. Please coordinate the corrections of these deficiencies with Public Works Inspector Gregg Eaton, Upon the satisfactory completion of the corrective work, we will release your bond. Sincerely, Carlos M, Jocson Associate Civil Engineer CMJ : s d Ene. cc: G, Eaton Bond Co. Suspense - 60 days CITY OF CAMIJBEIl DEFICIENCY LIST Permit No. 88-170 65 Shelley Avenue March 8, 1990 1. Install crack sealant longitudinally along centerline and at lateral joints at the property lines, d'o//,,~ . ... I'. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Date ~~~o Permit or Project No. / Address tR5 S~'1".~E. Type of work: Street"--- Storm Other (describe) ~e-/70 Semi tary Electrical [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) [JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans? Y N (If signed, Council Acceptance.) ChArges Against deposit? Y Overtime: hrs. @ $ DAte" rea&on: N /hr. - $ BArricAde rental (attach invoice)? Date " reason: Y N $ Other? $ $ $ - Refund $ TotAl charges deducted from deposit: (CAsh Deposit $ less charges $ ~YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY ck. req.) LIST (AttAched) [JaNE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenAnce bond. Check Reque&t if cAsh.) (/n rz-:J.-1,~ Enpneer ~ Inspector CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 ~~/ f ~ 7~'-' (#J r~ ~ ~1~C/lle / Department: Public Works March 9, 1989 D'Amico Development 2599 Westgate Ave. San Jose, CA 95155 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No.: 88-170 Location: 65 Shelley Ave, Maintenance Bond Amount: $8,125.00 We have made a Final Inspection of subject public works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date, To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing faithful performance bond, If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action, We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call the undersigned if you have any questions, Sincerely, ~~ Carl M. Jocson Asso iate Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: G. Eaton, P.W. Inspector Suspense - 1 year Date ~~9. _ Permit or Project No. Address Ls- ~y PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT 88 '/70 Type of work: Street Storm Other (describe) Sanitary Electrical [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) [JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) .EtFINAL INSPE~TION - ~EPTANCE Signed plans? '~ N (If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? y Overtime: hrs. @ $ Date 5 reason: c;f2 - $ BArricade rental (attach invoice)? Date 5 reason: Y f!) $ Other? $ $ Total charges deducted from deposit: (Cash Deposit $ less charges $ $ - Refund $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) ~ gineer I~r "'" '\ / "- , -~-"-) \--<l ' \ ) )( , ,..,~ /)- \" -\) " \\ \ ~. . ~~ :),-} \ i.\. ~... "'- '<.~ ,,' \ '>- ~.~.' K D' AMICO DEVELOPMENT '\ '\ -'", t},......----., J, "--' j I 'c) r\ '\ \ \ .:~' ~..... i .. ;:. f' " ' l \ I \ \,~~) ,', .:) '. .i ;~ ,(-~ 2599 Westgate Avenue · San Jose. California 95125 . (408) 265 1299 · License #490987 _." l ," . . \ .... 1,_ r:-""::, ),,/ (-'~j' "'" (;< (' \ .II ) \\ /\~. }/ ',r' /\ I ) i\ '.'. ). / ,\(,' (/\ '-....J " CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Public Works Department: February 28, 1989 D'Amico Development 2599 Westgate Ave. San Jose, CA 95155 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No.: 88-170 Location: 65 Shelley Ave. Maintenance Bond Amount: $8,125.00 Gentlemen: We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, we will recommend the acceptance of the work to the City Council. We will send a copy of their resolution accepting the work upon their approval of same. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above. or maintain your existing faithful performance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action, We will inspect the work in one (1) year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed, Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, . CC;;:;M~ Associate Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: G. Eaton, Public Works Inspector Council Agenda C. Case, Administrative Aide Bond ~ompany: Suspense - 1 year f/acc-ltr Department: Public Works HAi:'?,!"INQ1 r' ", . . .", J .,. I J ",,- " - '. I') i ,JOCSON ..' r;:.:;':-.';-D: '~--r-j _ ,.........,~'nt\.., kBUGER -B. -- 13 L~!.~~. .J.: - ' r.-....,. I WIMBERLY HELMS CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379.2572 April 12, 1989 American Motorists Insurance Company Long Grove, IL 60049 SUBJECT: BOND NO. 3SM 713578 Public Works construction at 65 Shelley Avenue, Campbell, California under Permit No. 88-170 has been satisfactorily completed and accepted. Accordingly, subject bond is hereby released. Please call the undersigned if you have any questions. Very Truly Yours, Car1osM, Jocson Associate Civil Engineer CMJ : tb cc: G. Eaton, Public Works Inspector fjb3sm713578 CITY OF CAMPBELL Permit No. Applicant KJ' -j 7c) INFORMATION SHEET FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Contractor/Applicant C,} (:::\.1'0,\ 'c () ~Q~ "'~ \u ~ 6'\\\l.. '{',:+-- ,. One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration date ; OR .............'.................................. ....... ........ . ............ This Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed), CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for this permit, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Signed Date NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/APPLICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. . , ......................................................... .......... .. . ..... ~ONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Contractor's License and Workers' Compensation Insurance. " ".. C' I' . .. Name of ,Co'}tractor, ' ~~ :' \*~ \, {:u;''' ,~ Telephone '\ Co"-\ - 1 4. \ S Address /2 ~:/\ q \. l.s~_ _,:,--,t: ...:....0..-' State Contractor License No.hi. '-).."'~ClO',~'-\9ity Business License No. Expiration Date Will do the following types of work: _____underground _____P.C. concrete _____A.C. paving _____electrical - _____other (specify) f:PERMINFO REV. 8/88 . , ~;'~ B8~/70 IiEC'"'IV ED ~ ~ . a 4/' ~ ~u c G 1 ~ 19~8 P. O. Box 1327 · San Mateo, CA 944(}1, <<'~ -I llJiANct lJ.ff.L (415) 340-0397 4rt~ ~{Q. ~ (J , ~~ ~- .~&._--, ... ---. - -- SUBDIVISION STATUS INQUIRY ~~~~ ~ r , Lou Jones & Associates The City of Campbell P. 0, BOX 1327 70 N. First St. SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA 94401 Campbell, CA 95008 ENVELOPE ENCLOSED L oJ BOND NUMBER SUBDIVIDER 3SM 713 578 00 William S. ClIff, Cynthia Denise Cliff & Alfred G. D'Amico TRACT NUMBER. TRACT NAME PM 88-07 65 Shelley Avenue IMPROVEMENTS Subdivision Improvements 1. Bas this work been fully completed, accepted DYes t8J No 2. If accepted, on what date? 3. If not accepted, is. work progressing satisfactorily ? ~ er/ 4. "Percent~e .::completed-. ~ ~ . WY.es - - 0 ~~- REMARKS ... &~ TV ~ 1,(/ e-T~r: FURNISHED BY (s1gnatur~) TITLE DATE 7D"- '.o.a BOND DEPARTMENT Daniel Jones REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Cliff Dakan (20 spaces) (30 spaces) (30 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95155 (2) (10 spaces) Address: Line 1: c/o D'Amico Development Line 2: 2599 Westgate Ave. City : San Jose, Description: Cash Deposit Refund (24 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: Account Number: $500.00 001.00.905.0000.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for excavation permit #88-170. See receipt #19545 dated 6/23/88. Requested by: Carlos Jocson Title: Assoc. Civil Engr. Date: 2/28/89 Approved by: Don Wimberl y Title: p. W. Director Date: Verified by: Accounts Receivable Date: xx Mail in :II- 9135Iw1.~)' cJ:td -4.v /81 attached envelope ~ ~ #.LM SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is . Return to: (Departmen t) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. Please collect & receipt for the following monies: pro 'ect) PelLm.{;t eM: Depos i t R-l : ($'35) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) 3373 3373 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) ~372 Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($300) 72 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) J372 Final Tract Map Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Ad.ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Envi ronmental Assessment:' Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Publ ic Works Special Projects 3510 Postage J"cf- / 70 AMOUNT $ ~- 50c; - NAME ~ ?oJ,t l~:- /9~() 9~t~ , $ SEo- 3 7 /- ~ b 7 / ZIP C;'J-/ 2- Y TOTAL PHONE ADDRESS ~-..r- FOR CITY CLERK QN1. y RECEIPT NO. I 99-,L~ SsG). dO CL /?j tb . ;). 3-? ~ AMOI..R'lT PAID RECE I VED BY DATE' July, 1987 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Towne & Country Financial Ser. (30 spaces) Address: Line 1: c/o D'Amico Development Line 2: 2599 Westgate Ave. (30 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95155 (2) (10 spaces) (24 spaces) City : San Jose (20 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund Exact Amount Payable: $1300.00 Account Number: 001.00.905.0000.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for excavation permit #88-170. See receipt #0020 dated 9/22/88. Requested by: Carlos Jocson Title: Assoc. Civil Engr. Date: 2/28/89 Approved by: Don Wimberly Title: P.W. Director Date: Verified by: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: #-9017/ ~ J~4-~ ~tl3J.1,- rf/!JYf:~'f Mail as is xx Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 TO: City C I e rk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. ~- V, 0 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ",..CT. 35-3396 3372 3521 3521 ITEM Project Revenues (specify project) PubUc. ('lOlL/v.. Exc.ava;Uon PVtm,u reM: App 1 i ca t i on Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance (Cash) Deposit R-l : ($'35) ($200) OtheA : ($ 50) '( $500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7'7.. of FPB) ($ 35 min.) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) J373 3373 Project General & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) <<72 Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($300) 2 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) )372 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Adjustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements ($500) 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-l ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME PHONE AMOU tH $ ~ \~~. 00 $ (~e;<...:::;. ~ ADDRESS ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK QIlLY RECEIPT NO. t!J () ).. t!) J 36~. ~o 0--0" 9 - :1- '2.- - 8" sr AMOI.I'n' PAID RECE I VED BY DATE' July, 1987 TO: City Clerk PUBLI C WORKS FI LE NO. f' 1'-/7 CJ Please collect & receipt for the following monies: k...CT. 35-3 96 3372 3521 3521 (specify pro.ect) PVU"f/,(;t FeM: R-1 : ($35) ($200) t elL: ($ 50) '( $500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7% of FPB) ($ 35 min.) (Cash) Depos it Qiij) 3521 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) 2373 3373 & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) '~72 Final Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($300) 2 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) )372 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee (S350) 3372 Lot Line Ad.ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all 0 the r, $2,250) 2395 Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage AMourn $ .:)1 ~ 75: 00 NAME TOTAL D I~ 1t!-tJ DCVELoPME1JT /d() ..5~7V~ Av~ $ ~.;J. 75:"0 . '7J'L/-- 7J/.5 ZIP 9~S"1 PHONE ADDRESS $. L!. FOR C J TY CLERK CflLY RECEIPT NO. o ~ PAID RECE J VED BY DATE' July, 1987 AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE COMPANY Long Grove, IL 60049 l~empeR inSURanCe cmnpames Subdivision Bond - California Faithful Performance - Public Work SUBDIVISION BOND BOND NO. 3SM 713578 PREMIUM OF $650.00 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: ThaL- WILLIAM S. CLIFF, CYNTHIA DENISE CLIFF & ALFRED G.D'AMICO as Principal, and the AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of IlIlinois and authorized to transact surety business in the State of California, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto THE CITY OF CAMPBELL in the sum of THIRTY TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 Dollars ($ 32,500.00 ), for the payment whereof, well and truly to be made, said Principal and Surety bind themselves, their heirs, administrators, successors, and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. The condition of the foregoing obligation is such that, whereas the above-bounded Principal has entered into a con- tract, dated , 19_, with the CITY OF CAMPBELL to do and perform the following work, to-wit: SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS ON PM 88-07 KNOWN AS 65 SHELLEY AVENUE . NOW, THEREFORE, if the above-bounded Principal shall well and truly perform the work contracted to be performed under said contract, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect. SIGNED and SEALED this 3rd day of OCTOBER 19~. "M..<:'"....~\I\~NCE 10: DlR(Cl r" r':'\l\t.,n:"uw .\ f~'\,~"'!a~es lJ:~5 ~:, h.}v"'''' . 'lS ,. .... !,,', ~ " (' t: MM~i\G~~{G GE,:t\;AL t\u'"i7 181 2nd ?Ive P.O. Box 13 SAN M~Tc.O, CA, 94401 (415) 340-0397 Principal Attorney-in-Fact F,\\ 6J2 2-79 2M Printed in U.S.A. AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE COMPANY BOND NO. 3SM 713 578 PREMIUM INCLUDED WITH PERFORMANCE BOND. SUBDIVISION / LABOR & MATERIAL BOND KNOW All MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, WILLAIM S. CLIFF, CYNTHIA DENISE CLIFF & ALFRED G. D'AMICO ,as Principal and AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE COMPANY, as Surety are held and firmly bound unto THE CITY OF CAMPBELL , as Obliqee. in the sum of THRITY TWO THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/IUUs ( 32,500.00 ), lawful money of the United States, for payment of which sum, well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITIONS or THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH THAT, WHEREAS, the above said Principal has agreed to provide certain tract improvements for the subdivision known as PM 88-07 LOCATED AT 65 SHELLEY AVE. CAMPBELL CA. pursuant to an agreement with the THE CITY OF CAMPBELL dated 19____, wherein it agreed to comply with the requirements of ~UF r.TTY OF CAMPBELL , and is required by the said _ r.TTY OF CAMPBELL to give a bond to guarantee payment to the contractor, his sub-contractors and to persons renting equipment or furnishing labor or materials to them for the improvements. WHEREAS, under the terms of said agreement, principal is required before entering upon the performance of the work, to file a good and sufficient payment bond with the Obligee to secure the claims to which reference i~ made in Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part of Division 3 of the Civil Code of the State of California. Now, therefore, said Principal and Surety are held and firmly bound unto TME CITY OF CAMPRFTT and all contractors, subcontractors, laborers, ma~erialmen and other persons employed in the performance of the aforesaid agreement and referred to in the aforesaid Code of Civil Procedure, for materials furnished or labor thereon of any kind, or for amounts due under the Unemployment Insurance Act with respect to such work or labor, that sai~ Surety will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the amount hereinabove set forth, and also in case suit is brought upon this bond, will pay, in addition to the face amount thereof, costs and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonahle attorney's fees, incurred by the Obligee in successfully enforcing such obligation, to be awarded and fixed by the court, and to be taxed as costs and to be in~IIJded in the judgement therein rendered. It is hereby expressly stipulated and agreed that this bond shall inure to the benefit of ary and all persons, companies and corporation entitled to file claim under Title 15 (commencing with Section 3082) of Part 4 of Oivision 3 of the Civil Code, so as to give a right of action to them or their assigns in any suit brought upon this bond. Should the condition of this bond be fully performed, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this instrument has been duly executed by the Principal and Surety above on 10/3/88 ..~ LOU JONES & ASSOCIATES MANAGING GENERAL AGENTS AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSU~MPANY S. CLIFF, CYNTHIA DENISE CLIFF & D'AMICO PLEASE DIRECT ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO: --~-- fI),#. ~..E ETO: LO ~~1 181 .. .,' ;;V~ SAN MATEO, CA. 94401 (415) 340-0397 WILL); A RED BY: BY: BY: AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE COMPANY Home Office: Long Grove, IL 60049 POWER OF ATTORNEY Know All Men By These Presents: That the American Motorists Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, and having its principal office in Long Grove, Illinois, does hereby appoint * U U U U * U U U U U U U uu * U uu ** *u u u Daniel Jones of San Mateo, California ...................................** .. I naTiOnal . . PiC . fompame~ its true and lawful agent(s) and attorney(s)-in-fact, to make, execute, seal, and deliver during the period beginning with the date of issuance of this power and ending December 31, 1990, unless sooner revoked for and on its behalf as surety, and as its act and deed: Any and all bonds and undertakings provided the amount of no one bond or undertaking exceeds FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($500,000.00)......... EXCEPTION: NO AUTHORITY is granted to make, execute, seal and deliver any bond or undertaking which guarantees the payment or collection of any promissory note, check, draft or letter of credit. This authority does not permit the same obligation to be split into two or more bonds in order to bring each such bond within the d.ollar limit of authority as set forth herein. This appointment may be revoked at any time by the American Motorists Insurance Company. The execution of such bonds and undertakings in pursuance of these presents shall be as binding upon the said American Motorists Insurance Company as fully and amply to all intents and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office in Long Grove, Illinois. THIS APPOINTMENT SHALL CEASE AND TERMINATE WITHOUT NOTICE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1990, This Power of Attorney is executed by authority of a resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of said American Motorists Insurance Company on February 23, 1988 at Long Grove, Illinois, a true and accurate copy of which is hereinafter set forth and is hereby certified to by the undersigned Secretary as being in full force and effect: "VOTED, That the Chairman of the Board, the President, or any Vice President, or their appointees designated in writing and filed with the Secretary, or the Secretary shall have the power and authority to appoint agents and attorneys-in-fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, and attach the seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings, recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings, obligatory in the nature thereof, and any such officers of the Company may appoint agents for acceptance of process:' This Power of Attorney is signed, sealed and certified by facsimile under and by authority of the following resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company at a meeting duly called and held on the 23rd day of February, 1988: "VOTED, That the signature of the Chairman of the Board, the President, any Vice President, or their appointees designated in writing and filed with the Secretary, and the signature of the Secretary, the seal of the Company and certifications by the Secretary, may be affixed by facsimile on any power of attorney or bond executed pursuant to resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors on February 23, 1988 and any such power so executed, sealed and certified with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached, shall continue to be valid and binding upon the Company:' In Testimony Whereof, the American Motorists Insurance Company has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officers, this 13th day of , 19 88 ' Attested and Certified: {f?5;;"} AMERICAN MOTORISTS INSURANCE COMPANY 7c- #~ ., .... · By S2-- ~ ~~'^-~ - J. S. Kemper, III, Senior Vice President F. C. McCullough, Secretary STATE OF ILLINOIS 5S COUNTY OF LAKE I, Rose K. Rayner, a Notary Public, do hereby certify that J. S. Kemper, III and F. C. McCullough personally known to me to be the same persons whose names are respectively as Senior Vice President and Secretary of the American Motorists Insurance Company, a Corporation of the State of Illinois, subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person and severally acknowledged that they being thereunto duly authorized signed, sealed with the corporate seal and delivered the said instrument as the free and voluntary act of said corporation and as their own free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes therein set forth. ~...,~~. (..~~:) \\:..~.~~~ ~.." .~~~..... ('....-- ~ \~ '-.., My commission expires: August 12, 1991 Rose K. Rayner, Notary Public FM 836-5 7-88 1 M Power of Attorney-Term PRINTED IN U.S.A. r- i:~f'~~:- I' ";.'t~~'0i';'flEED& GRAHAM, INC. <~:-, '7:"'~';,.,-:.,..-, ~':," ,":, " ",e"" CONTRACTORS L1C. C 12. 158410 "'t;' ;,'-".. , I ,;,;.,'l"~,." FtE!J"Tf.!?ft::/rLm,-T #88- ~ / 70 86- 142754 ROAPOILS,A~D ASPHALTS HOT AND COLD PLANT MIXES WEIGHED AT: 690 SUNOL STREET SAN JOSE CA 95126 408 690 SUNOL ST~EET - P.O. BOX 5940 r-. SAN JOSE, S<~ORNIA 95150 ,TELEPHONE (408) 287-1400 FAX (408) 294-3696 . i' . ; " -. ,,:: : ~ -:- t ",,'.:"1'\' :<~~:~.'}l:'i;..);f CUS!O!IJIEfl;.,!"JlE"7NEWS8ALERS ....' " :;{X;';lt'".SPHALT M,A INTENANC(;. COMP AN Y "'!}?8Q AMES A VE. . :'MILP IT AS, CA 95035 ' , ~j", . " , !j.ii WEIGHMASTER CERTlFICATI: . ,;,~,; , ". " rhil> "' to ;'Certify that till' following d!1,cril1ed uJllvno(jit., was weighed. measured, or counted by a wuighmasler. ~h(;se S1(Jndture is on thIS pertifJGatQ, who 'is a recognized. authority of ~lCCUri.h'::Y,as prescribE;ld by ChaPter 7 (commencing with SeeliG" 127(0) d DiviSion (, ot thE! C(~lifornia Business and Profession~ Codn, ;ichrldW;lIjr(1(j try' the Division of Me<l5lJrOmenl Sl:1l1dards of tho Calilo"lIa Oepartrroelll of Food and Agricultw(l, ; ;" .:\ . -<~;'}," ',:}:;'i(". _ ", , , ' i J090ESCRIRTIQN:rC A MPliE L L. CITY MIX ~> /'," !''',;'.'!',~:'~,!,i' SHELLY 4' ", ";"'" -----_.~_._------------ .-.,.-~--_.__.._.._.,._-_.__._---~ --_.. JOB LOAD JOB TOr\IS TOTAL: 1 TOTAL: <S . 2 f, DAilY: 1 ' DAllY:,e ':' I:, ~~.; ZO {88 91 ~~= ~t3 ION .1' U" 4 I 01m03 . UO.M. OUANTITY - PRla'I--lPTAI. GR~SS -- -1-T"rJiEr; rON 0.25 0.00 _-.!AR~-=w}tf~ NET -_LJ-_J_ffiL~~ :_~1+: . nMElf\J/,1, ;> ':,', \"/;-";.~;fl>-r\1, 1 0: 5 8 A." '{?" 02114is9 . T1jV1l; OUT 01:!52PM 02/.~41e ~; DESC.~U)TlbN' REED & GRAHAf<II. INC. WEIGHMASTER ,. THR.rAl30>.$,flI:CEIVEQ BY; \ . DRIVERS : NAME IN FULL X 12 /A;J, , 'il . ,~~tL( ~_.,... CUSTOMER COpy X KA Tl-L~~_c:H__I:_l,~tU:1~________._ DEPUTY ..... ,......' - -- ---""-'-' -.. ,. .. IECE'VED FEe 2.1 1989 PUBLIC WORKS EN.GINEERING \i:~!.:.~;,;-,;' RE~D & GRAHAM, INC. CONTRACTORS L1C, C 12 . 158410 , ',.:, R<;lAOOII.$ AND ,ASPHALTS HOT AND COLD PLANT MIXES 408 690 SUNOLSTfl,EET - P.O. BOX 5940 :- SAN JOSf' 9,~ORNIA 95150 ,TELePHONE (408) 287.1400 .~::~,,.'~i;;.\:: ',,;:' " , FAX (408) ,294-3696 , NEWSt::ALER~ ' , HAL 1 iliA UHf,NANCf; COMPAN Y '~o AMES AVE. ,ILP 11 AS, C'A 95035 CAMPBELL C:I T YM IX SHELLY TIME OUT 02:49PM 02: 114/89 ~'f-L PfS~mp110N " MED IUM' rHE:'f,\,tJ9~,~jCJ:IVEO BY: ;'::"':[)RJ~~S ~~EIN FULL X ~- PURCHASE ORPER JOB NO H6 - 00 {:;;:::-... ,} J27 'i QUANTITY PRICE rON 14.91 1)..00 .. :-!.; " y, il " \ ,86- 142761 WEIGHED AT: 690 SUNOL STREET SAN JOSE CA 95126 I , "... ' ,: ':;";,,, :;jt;~,,: ".', h",~il"q\:~'r .':, ..... .... ,.1-.-:1' !:'iI4>~:i~kWf;IGHMASTER Cf;RTlFICATE 'f:~,':"~ J,f',<'f' Thil> is. ~o..~tify that the following describHd comrnudity was Wej\jhed.;~red.or counted byaW<lighrnast"r. whose signature is on this 'cllrtifi(;ate, who IS a recognized authority of 'accurac'y, as pmscribEjd i;>y Cl:)aptEjf 7 (commencing With SectKJIl 12700) oj DiVision 5 of theCallforni~ Business and Profession~ Code, <ldml/llstered by the Division <If MeaSuroment Standards of the Cali/orni" Department of Food andAQ':jcultur~. JOB J"OAD :' ~:,;; TOTAL: 2: DAILY: 2 ;.T.... RU.,CK 'f~! i... ~:(~~~~i~~i ;. ','.l'I'.: T JOB TONS , TOTAL: 2 1 . 1 t. DAILY: 2 1 . 1 6 DRIVER -r TAG NO-~ &G NC}'- l) N 14 ~~ ( (;. 1 I I) 1E: :;: 0::: GROSS 'i-i' ,- --j--" : ,'; 4 7 " i ., r'';' . j' ' -- .,-,- +t, 9 ~~I~, __L~ 4 ',' r1 TARE NET ,:f-' " ',,, f~EED & GRAHAM, INC. '.' WEIGHMASTER X KATHLEEN BLUME DEPUTY ~.-----'-" L I 1 I 690 SUNOL STREET - P.O. BOX 5940 - SAN JOSE. 9,~t}aRNIA 95150 I f dr " REED & GRAHAM, INC. ' CONTRACTORS L1C; C12-158410 86- 142752 ROAD OILS AND ASPHALTS HOT AND COLD PLANT MIXES WEIGHED AT: 690 SUNOL STREET SAN JOSE CA 95126 ,\, " , TELEPHONE (408) 287.1400 FAX (408) 294.3696 WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE ! CUSTOMER: HE-NEW SEALERS ASPHAL l MA IN"fENANCE 960 At~ES AVE. MILPI1AS, CA 95035 COMPANY This is, to certify that tll" tollowmg de;;crtl'ud lU1il11l0(11lV w;" \tveightld. rneasumd. or counted by a wel(jhlflc.blu, WhO~f} ~';iuruHur(: j;) on this' certifrcatfi, who is a rt:co{Jnilud dUlhu/lty of uccur.Jcy, as pre~,cribed by CI'!<Jptor 7 (curnnI011cill{j with S(;ctlun 1 ~ J()(j) vI Divi;.;iljfl ::; of thl~ Calitornia BosinesCi ~nd Professions Cod", adllJlnis'lerurl Ly the Division of Measuremont Standards of H,,, Calilc)lllIil DepJIlIlIt"ll of h)()d and AgricultllfO. -------..-.-...------ f --~ --- -.---------.-.-- - ---~-----~-----~------- ----- JOB LOAD JOB TONS TOTAL: :::: TmAL: ~::.;, . 1 ::: DAILY: 3' DAILY -:-;t'. . 1 3 I~G-OOr;3:::'J h:i-60'3 uN 14.:r.:,2 018'::1."3 - J210 TR- 1 -- , ----r----,-'-r--.--,-.. ~-, U.O.M./ QUANTITY PfiICE, i TOTAL GROSS i \ I 2: t!> I 1 li 0 rnN 14 ':;7 n nol '--t- . ~__ '__ - . . .. . , I - TARE ---1-' _ 1 1 I l+~. -~~-_.- -,-~_._~.~~. L:.L~ JOB DESC~I~T10N: CAMPBELL CITV MIX SHELLY )'~p~~E,.'~" TIME OUT lO:58A~~~ O~:61PM 02/14/8'1: OZ/14/t:'i ,!,. '~TE,RIAL DESCRI.PTION , " < :,,<,,';:,;;~'15';,._ .- .' ASPHALT" 4 MEDIUM ' -, .' -- ,(;,f, !~ ;,' REED 8 Gn,l\HAM, INC WEIGHr.,tlASTEH THE'AAQVsae't:EIVED BY; , ,,' DRIVERS I NAME1N FULL ~..::.:..--'" /J./ A.;;/ i I ~/.1Z:;;;~ ~ .., X~~T H L t:'I: r\I..J:.~~!J.~.f~____ DEPUfY < ... ~:~""';"/:!""" ~~~~_._-~_. CUSTOMER COpy --'~---. -------- ," .. ~, I qo I ~./ ftOAD DlI,s AND ASPHALTS HOT ANO CDto PLANT MIXES ) /690 SUNOl STREET - P.O. BOX 5940 - SAN JOSE, ~3~FORNIA 95150 / TElEPHONE (408) 287 .1400 FAX (408) 294-3696 ) I ). I \'/ ~ , I JOijOESGRIPTION: REEP & GRAHAM, INC. CONTRACTORS L1C, C 12 -15841 0 86- 142820 WEIGHED AT: 690 SUNOL STREET SAN JOSE CA 95126 ;."0:.:.: ' CUSTOMEiji 'RE-NEW SEAL ERS ':,"ASPHAlT trfA r trt E::NANCE ""i>(:980AMES AVE.' trfILPI.TAS, CA 95035 -----.........-------------~ This is to certify Thill tll" fOllowing (jt:scl,b,,'(j cornmOuily W,'S weighed, Ol"i1Hured, Or COUnted by a vVeighl1l"~I"1 Who"" signiltur" is on This cnrtiflcare, vvho i, a recognllt;d iJUlhollty of dCClIfiJcy, i" pn~Scnbed by Chaprer 7 (commencIng Wilh Sbction 12JOO) of D,VISI,", 5 of the California BusinbsS and Proftissions Code, admlfllsto'Jrecl bl' Ii ,,' Division of Measuremtmt Srandards of the Culltornla Dbpartmnnl IA r'Ood ilnd Agnculruro, WEIGHMASTER CERTIFICATE CONPANY CA MP BEll ~;:;;ll;--- - --.--JOBLOAO--j------__ -JoBlo7,i's.------- AReooO TOTA~ 4 TOTAL-50. ~O DAILY: 1 DAILY: 14 . .::.7 PURCHASf;:"CiR~E]ii-- --JOB NO.--- -------mUCii-] DkIV~AI--:fAl;--NO~-,--R&- G-r" llG-O<){U89 R6'G~"3 ON 14.',J.'0 0183,) J 2 '( ';I ? DOM_ QUANTITY 'PillCE - ~--- GftOSS -r- ;r,:~~t7'~- raN 14.67 0.00 ,__ TARE I ' . --------.r----- NET --------J_ __ ~,_ ~,1~ REED El GHAHAM, INc WEIGHMASTER TIME OUT I TIrvtF.JN .'. r ., 09:B6AM lO:26AM 02/t5/S9 02/15/89 "1, .'. i,.,;,'i,>l)I1ATERIAl DESCRIPTION I AS~~;~ht', ~ 14 M ED I UM , " , "', THE AaOVE RECEIVED 8Y:~"..( DRIVERS , NAME IN FULL X:--. .' ~........",,/ --- ~--/ /lLKh.I!!U.06EiiM;.l1L__ -------------:--- ~-~.". CUSTOMER COpy -'-'-'-'--,,---,,~- - -- -------.,-------.,---- ? .. I I I ROAD OILS AND ASPHAlTS HOT AND COLD PLANT MIXES I 40;;;: 690 SUNQL STREET - P.O. BOX 5940 - SAN JOSE, %HfOANIA 95150 I TELEPHONE (408) 287-1400 FAX (408) 294-3696 If cu.~iiip~f~I's~A~~#NANC~ COMP AN V I'.;. .,,;:,,>,1"',1,9.80 AMES..". A V E.' " I ' "'i;<':flfILP IT AS, CA 950315 . "'''':''',''',''~~f~iJ,'. REED & GRAHAM, INC. CONTRACTORS LIC. C 12. 158410 86~ 142352 , WEIGHED AT: 690 SUNOL STREET SAN JOSE CA 95126 WEIGHMASTER CERTifiCATE Thi~ !.s to certify that the following descnbed commodity \(Vas weighed; measured, or countQd by ,a 'weigrunoster, whose signa turd is on thi.'i cElftificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as fm;:scribecj by Chapter 7 (comnlOllcing with S<.ction '12700) (;1 DiVision 5 of the California Buslfless ancl Professions Code. adnllnistelod Ly the DiVision qf Measuren},mt Standards of the California DUIJ.)rtment of Food and Agriculture. ;:';::"<:-.:,:";;:< :.ij::' :t::':i ~ :::',::. '.., I ' JOB ()ES~~i\PON: I 1 . TlM~,W} 09 :56A.M 02/H5/89 TIME OLlT PURCHASE ORDER JOB LOAD ---r------jOO TONS roYAL 7~TOTAl 8~ .18 IlGJ~: :~8'3 9 R G _ :::~CK .[Dn:~: R 1 :~'8Nti02 : ~8 ~,~(; J279 ? U~OM QU~:n.T;9 PR~C~O L-- TOTAL .- - ~;OSS -11"~rip .1= TARE I I ,'i'.. -rl '. -= NET _ -=]J]1~:;t CAMr,;l1El,..L. 'CITY M1XSHELLY AR8000 12:0tiPM 02/15/89 DESCRIPTION MEDIUM -- I I ----- -,------__,_,J______.______ REED h GllNli\rv'l. INC. WEIGHMASTER THE ABOVE RECEIVED BY: , DRIVERS NAME IN FULL X -.------.------- L KA l Hl. ::L [\1 B LU I-IE DEPUTY USTOMER COpy '~. T .. , , 1 I ROAD OILS ANO ASPHALTS HOT AND COLD PLANT MIXES 408 1690 SUNOL STREET - P.o. BOX 5940 - SAN JOSE, X~l;.!FORNJA 95150 1 TELEPHONE (408) 287.1400 FAX (408) 294-3696 I 1 I >"'id~~*'~'!frI..'W"',.;'~" ._.' REED & GRAHAM, INC. CONTRAcTORS lIC. C 12 ~ 158410 86- 142321 WEIGHED Ai": 690 SUNOL STnEET SAN JOSE CA 95126 COMPANY. WEIGHMASTER C~RTIFICA1"E This i~to certify that the following des';lllJ"d cOi1if,l(Jdlty was . weigh~."m(ja$ured. or counted by is weigiHl1i::-.:sttJr, WhUSH siilnalUr8 is on. thj~l certificate., who is a r",cognized authority uf c"'CU:.dCY. as prescribe(lby Chapter 7 (wllIolerlcingwlth Section 12700) or DiVision 5 of thQ Gau(ornia Busineso and Profesoions Cude, dclll';i lIi.WIEld by tho Divls;Pll ofMoasurernent Standards of the Colif'jll1li1 Depurtllwnt of Food and Agriculture, ;':. , ',~ f:':.,~ JOB OESCRIPTlON: TIME OUT JOB LOAD TOTAL: e. DAilY: 2: t PURCHASE ORDER JOB NO:---- I .. ...... TRUCK I<G- 00 t~, I RG-'i09 J2-'9 )..s .'~'----"'--._.-. U.O.M. QUANTITY PHlCE . TOTAL =r JOB TONS' - TOTAL: t) ;, . 2 !5 f)AILY. 2.:::: . 1 2: -r:R- 1 ~~:-~~J 0 ~ ::,~: GROSS -~J_ 1 5 4 0 I NET I 8 . 4 '5 -----__J,__,_, ___ ,_L L_ CAMPBELL CITY MIX SHELLY AR8000 lO:28AM 02/15/E:'1 , . .'! ' ';."Jy1ATERIAL DESCR.IPTION. lA$~HAhTJ'~/4' MED rUM I ' I I I I fON 8.45 0.00 TARE .:, ';; '5 THE ASOVE RECEIVED BY: , ,j DRIVERS NAME IN FUll -J_~ REED & GHAHAM, INC. WEIGHMASTER x t1~ (1) / --' .i\ -H'tJ -_.~--_._- X f< A T HL (c rLJ~JU.~_____ DEPUTY - ---.-'---,-.- ~'''--.",-,- -.- - -- -.- - -'---- --.-,-.- - --- CUSTOMER COpy T .. I 1 I ROAD OILS AND ASPHALTS HOT AND COLD P'-ANT MIXES /690 SUNOL STREET - ~,O, BOX 5940 - SAN JOSE, iWj}ORNIA 95'50 I TELEPHONE (408) 287"400 FAX (408)'~9~"3696 ~ I I 1 11' JOBDESr;AIPTION: CAMPaELL CITY MIX ::;HELLY AR8000 REED & GRAHAM, INC. CONTRACTORS L1C. C 12 - 158410 86- 1.~.23S3 WEIGHED AT 690 SUNOL STREET SAN JOSE CA 95 126 CU~TOMER:RE...NEW SEALERS ' " ;"o'ASPHAL T filA 1 Nlt:NANCE '.980 AMES AVE. MILPI1AS, CA 95035 ~-- This is !Q ,Certify tbi~t rbu following d",,,;r/)';d CO"'illOd,ty was wHighed)measured, or counted by a W8IghIH.<iwr. \':V~H):it; si~JI1;:'lllJrtl 1$ orl thi>) certificdtu, who is a recognlzHd out. turn ~t Of ,:K'CLJracy. as fJ''';;ctibed by Ch"ptHr 7 (Gommn'lcing with Sec!lo,; '!:>lOCi) 0f DIVISilill b of the California Busindss and PlOfessions COdn. iJdll,,,,i.,lt:r801 by the Division ()f Mepsurernent Standards of the CaidtJlllia Oup':'lnmf.:nt of fooo <lilCj AgricLJltuf<J, WEIGhMASTER CERTIFICATE - "':,l~'<' COMF'ANY ,'" ---:YQ'B LOAD ,-- ---'~"JO~f3:rONS -~-~~~ , , TOTAL:S TOTAL: ;.::4 . 1 ';1 DAILY: 5 DAILY: 48.0,) , 1<6-0'), 0'" ,,,11<(," 909 ON 1 L '-'0" 0 1" "'OJ QU!'<:T1T~ Z , Y PRICE, f 8 TOTAL GROSS Fl e 9 6 ~.Ol O.UU I TARE 6 9 t'~ H~ __LJ J . 10: lOA~h;. l~:::: 02/15/~9 02/15/89 I'. ..,'~TERlAl DE$CRI~TION AS,PHALr:'t~ii41. MED L UM I . i:' " 1 I I NET <~ l) 1 REED h GHAHAM, INC. wr iGfiMt,STER THE A/30VEjSCEIVED BY: DRIVERS J.-t{ NAME IN FULL X _.::.::-._ .. "'''''').~' ; 'KJ~_ I . "-_~~~~;y__~__ .J~~~__ ...~. ~~_.._-.._-.._- --_....--~----- - '~- ~~.'::: ~J~~:.t~ 1'1E DEPUTY ----... 'I... .... - -----..... ~ ,. .. x e )- \ REED & GRAHAM, INC. CONTRACTORS UC.C12-158410 86 - 1,12323 WEIGHED Ar 690 SUI\1CJL SOl HEET SAN JOSE CA ~Jb 12G J ';, \, ,,' ," , ',1 ....-----;;r---y ..---__________,..--___ __.,.,.. C I r Y M I X ::, H ELL Y \. ;,JOB J,..OAD j J\ lB ro~?, ARB. '000' . . TOTAL: (. V I TOlI\L: /:.,8. 19 It' DAllY:,3 \ DAilY' '.....;.. (. j' ),..., fl. ~ .. , ......_ . . oJ . · TI'\:1I\PUY--:,. !i~RCHASE ORDER- ,iO~ NO'- - TlI~K -~RlVER --1:;; "". I R " G " f/ ~~;l'k <i' ;~~m~:9.' ;'. .i' .~*<) (;,;3) ~G'30} ON 14Cm-~~:;(, ". :.!y,~t;.~TER~.e~!ifRIPT10N U.OM QUANTITY PIIIC, lUTAl .. GROSS I - - r- ~':'I~tl;1'ji~/4 Mf9~~, rON ~. ~'4 O. ')0; --- INAERrE ~=--..-1!,.~_~1_- _1 ~i~ J I, ai.i I '--...-.-- _L..i ) I I ) I rc ) J ROAD OJL$ AND ASPHALTS HOT AND COLD PLANT MIXES I 408 ) 690 ~UN91~STRt:ET - P,O, BOX 5940., - SAN JOSE, X~LXFORNIA 95150 I . . TE:;~HO~E 1406) 267.1400. FAX (408) 294.3696 >- I '", ", ' "'1~~~~~:! R~l~~. ~E'A4~~/'''' .' C:U"""""AN:Y .). I (, -:,.'t!>.~tt\.,..,....':..r.,ASP~A....L. [,.JtA;., ~, .,'~,nENANCE "Ir to !"~~i,\; 9.80 \AME.~ AVE. )'tl~ l'~;~'\ ;;'~;'/~l L P IT ^R:' 'I~\~ 95035 ." ",'.'1 ,"'"W""" \. '!.l r~j >, ,~;-:: :....t'~~x:,':::, Ii. ~'~'i:~l ,.: .-,:"'1, "f . ):'~"?:'J;Dt'l'''"' / ~~. )!~/ ~~ ',:\;'" WEIGHMASTERCEIHIFlCATE. --....7~~ This i:;;to' certify thai the fOlk.lWHll; deC(;IIUed(;u/llI),fXlily Wi.IS weigh~3(t nlOasllrod, 01 cOU~lt.o(1-by it \\JUiUtllJl.:Jstur, 1"",,Ih0S~ signiHufH is on this certificate, wllQoo.~~;, a {ocognized ~Jut!lnrily 01 3.C~U,-ucY. d~ pr~scrl~~ by ,Chapter 7 (COlflll)Hnclng Wili1 Sd~.'(h)ll l:~iOO; pf DjvJ~,i0jl f:, of th.1I California l3i.lsil'''''$ ~nd P'ot"sliions Codl), d,'], I 11l1bll)rud by tl,,, Dwi,ion of Measomme/lt Standards of the C;llifu'ni~ Dep"rtmellt I >I Food and f',gnculture, ",/.'.. ,~ REED EJ CriAH/,M, INC. VVEIGHf'.1ASTER " .. \ I Tl1E'AI30VE RECEIVEOI;IY; ORIVERS NAME IN FULL x } 7;Jt~i/:L:_-_~~~____ , , '.\ J I , .K._K A .l.l:!l:. c lJ:!....~: bJA1\1 E ___.. DEPtH Y _.~.--._.. CUSTOMER COPY ..... "'-', -.----...- ..JT' " .. * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * '* '* '* * * * * *.....1* *.....1* *W* '*"'* ,*Q..* ~?:f~ *u* * * *I.L.,* *0* * * '*>-* *1-* *.....* *u* * * * * * * * * '* * * * * * * * * * '* '* '* '* * ...... (S) (S) (S) (S) (S) u 00 0) I ~.o ...... ~"'J ('oJ' (S) '3) (S)...... .......~ NIIi (S) .. ...... 00 N ~(S) M(S) 0'. (S) I.n I3)M 13) =#: I- Q.. ..... W U W 0::: I" ..... W (I) :z W u .. .....In I- ....J.....2:; ,..., <I: (I) roo') (,0') W :z: .. ..... I- (,.) U :::)u CC1([ w ..... .....I (,0') :::) '" iii .3) M(s) "" . (S)~ 13)..... (S) =#: I- Q.. ..... W U W 0::: I.n :z I- ,..., ([....... UM -M ....J co ,..._ :::),:::;) .. Q.. roo') I- ..... .2:; (,1)..... ([ Ca..(S) ([(S) 1:: WI- ....J U' ([U (J"J([ I::!:) (S) I.n ~ .....I <:r I- o I- CI W 11-. 0::: ""'J W , 0..... :z..... W I- .. ~ I- '-' 5~ o f.._' 2:; <I: (S) (S) 1.1-. ~ (S) (S) " W '-' :z 'Q: ::r: (.:, o "U 0:::..... O%: >-([ ([ Ca..0 ~ I I~ IW ::r::z: u- :::) (J)-' %::::)1- COCa.. >- - f5~~ :>~~ =:. oW(J"J )-1-- <I::t: ~......I- :z:u <:rwCa.. I-:c: 0::: !+! Ca...... Ca..~ <I: W :::t * U '* '* * '* '* '* +of. '* '* +of. '* ...... '* '* +of. '* '* '* '* i't ;: '* '* '* +of. +of. '* * '* +of. '* '* '* '* . TRUCK INSURANCE' EXCHANGE'" INTERIM CERTIFICATE AS TO EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE ~,~ THIS IS NOT AN INSURANCE POLICY. THIS IS ONLY A VERIFICATION OF INSURANCE, IT DOES NOT IN ANY WAY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE PROVIDED BY THE POLICIES LISTED BelOW. Named Insured . Address . Al D'AMICO D'AMICO DEVELOPMENT 2599 WESTGATE AVENUE SAN JOSE, CA 95155 60016 10 89 Policy # Gen. liab, Policy # Auto liab, Policy # CARGO This is to certify that policies for the above named insured are in force as follows: c.., OWNED AUTO- MOBILES, IF COVERED POlicy # Work Comp, This Interim Certificate As To Evidence of Insurance shall expire sixty days from 12 :01 A M" ~ 26 ' 19$-, unless cancelled prior to such date by written notice to the named insured. Please issue a Permanent Certificate COVERAGE COMBINED LIMITS OF LIABIlITY COVERED NOT AUTO COVERED LIABILITY D ~ Owned Bodily Injury $ ,000 each person D Hired $ ,000 each occurrence D Non-Owned Property Damage $ ,000 each occurrence [XJ Employer's Non-Ownership Contingent liability Single Limit Liability for Coverages checked IXI above $ 1.000 ,000 each occurrence GENERAL LIABILITY $ M&C - OLT Bodily Injury ,000 each person . . { Owne" & Conlcodo" $ ,000 each occurrence liJ D Contractual. $ 000 annual aggregate Elevators $ , products... Property Damage ,000 each occurrence liJ D Products and / or $ 000 annual aggregate Completed Operations ' products... Single Limit Liability for Coverages checked IXI above $ 1,000 ,000 each occurrence $ 1,000 o annual aggregate ,00 praducts... D ~ CARGO $ ,000 each vehicle $ ,000 each occurrence D ~ WORKERS' Statutory COMPENSATION "'Includes Goods or Products Warranty, Written Lease of Premises, Easement Agreement, Municipal Ordinance Agreement, Sidetrack Agreement, Elevator or Escalator Maintenance Agreement only, unless accompanied by specific endorsement providing additional Contractual Coverage. D Described D Description below waived YEAR, MAKE, TYPE OF BODY, LOAD CAPACITY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER THE AFOREMENTIONED POLICY SHAlL CONTAIN A PROVI ION THAT THE INSURANCE AFFORDED THEREBY TO SAID CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS AND E PLOYEES, SHAlL BE PRIMARY IN- ~~~~~ SURANCE TO THE FULL LIMITS OF LIABILITY OF THE P LICY, AND THAT IF SAID CITY, SHOWN , BY SUCH POLICY, THATuOTHER TNSU~ANCE SHALL BE morerra llao,fiTi" POLICY NUMBER XCESS I N?URANCE $ $ otIL,~OO retained limit each occurrence aggregate If this Interim Certificate As To Evidence Of Insurance is to be cancelled prior to the expiration date, we shall provide 10 days advance notice in writing to whom this certificate is issued. Certificate issued 'to: Name And Address . ADDIIONAL INSURED: THE CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1ST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 ~ s. s. Countersigned .. Not Applicable In Texas . '" * In Texas the aggregate also applies to owners and contractors protective, contractual and/or completed operations, Authorized Representative 56.05143-8811201 WI200 C11200 PRINTED IN USA (") M INSURED'S COpy -- ...... THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BELOW. LOS GATOS-CAMPBELL INSURANCE CENTER 1935 DRY CREEK RD. #202 CAMPBELL, CA 95008 TOM SORCI COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURED D'AMICO DEVELOPMENT 2599 WESTGATE AVENUE SAN JOSE, CA 95155 COMPANY A LETTER COMPANY B LETTER COMPANY C LETTER COMPANY D LETTER FREMONT COMPENSATION TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE (MMIllDIYY) GENERAL LIABILITY COMPREHENSIVE FORM PREMISESIOPERATIONS PROPEAn' $ $ UNOERGROUND DAMAGE EXPlOSION & COlLAPSE HAZARD PROOUCTSICOMPLmD OPERATIONS CONTRACTUAL BI & PO $ $ COMBINED INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE PERSONAl INJURY PERSONAL INJURY $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY ImLY $ ItWlY ANY AUTO (PER P9lSON) ALL OWNED AUTOS (PRIV. PASS,) IlOOl.Y ALl OWNED AUTOS (OTHER THAN) ItWlY $ PRIV. PASS, (PER ACCIOO{J) HIRED AUTOS ~~~~TY $ NON-owNED AUTOS GARAGE lIABILITY BI & PO $ COMBINED EXCESS UABIUTY UMBRELLA FORM BI & PO $ COMBINED OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM A WORKERS' COMPENSATION WN-87-459883-01 10-2-88 AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILlTY OTHER THE AFOREMENTIO ED POLICY SHALL CONTAIN A P THEREBY TO SAID CIT , ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS AND ADDITIONAL INSURED: THE CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1ST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL Permit No, Applicant INFORMATION SHEET FOR PUBLIC YORKS PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. YORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Contractor/Applicant_(\AKA){- L.-llFf LCJl1st. 0(0, One of the following must be on file with the Public Yorks Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR ~ A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration date ; OR This Certificate of Exemption from the Yorkers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed). CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for this permit, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject , to the Yorkers' Compensation Laws of California. Signed Date NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/APPLICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision' of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. . . .......................................................................... . CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Contractor's License and Workers' Compensation Insurance, Name of Address Telephone {twfh 311- iob lL C', s /24- State Contractor License No. :-jOb'7lo0 City Business License No. Expiration Date Will do the following types of work: _____underground _____P.C. concrete _____A.C. paving _____electrical _____other (specify) f:PERMINFO REV, 6/88 Clf-< ZH ~~ ~~ ~Il< HCl ClZ ZH ~O ...:1 r..H c::> I:Q t.:l uo::: ~~ ::go::: 1 ~ t-l~ o:::~ C...:1 s:... J:::l au ~Z H~ ::>ICC ~ ~d f-< ~H ~~ ICCtil ::>A. U) ~~ 0:::0 2~ U OH ~...:1 Hfg ::>A. ~g, PUBLIC YORKS PERMIT ISSUANCE CHECK LIST City of Campbell Public Yorks Permit No. ~8 - \ '1-0 ~ Applicant section complete f-< H Cl~ Ztil HA. ~ ~~ o:::r.. oz r..o H Of-< ~6 HH ::>...:1 A. ~A. ~--------------------------------------------------------------------- V Applicant signature and date .y/ Permit Application fee, $35.00 for R-l, $50.00 for standard, paid. Receipt number \q "'; ~~ v Plan check deposit, $500.00 for standard only, paid. Receipt number \q 00:;; 4~ ~ Five sets of improvement plans submitted. ~/ Bond for faithful performance, 100% of City Engineer's estimate for standard only, posted and appropriately noted Amount $:t..1..~~(.-.e'l9 Form I.D. # '!JSH7/~~7J!l V/ Cash Deposit: $200.00 for R-l; 4% of FP bond, $500 min. for standard, posted. Amount $ \'~ ('C;l, C"l> Receipt No. c)('::.>"'L-,C.:- ~Permit fee of 7% of FP bond, $35.00 min., paid. Amount $ ,-Z-\s::;. '!!: Receipt No. 000...1..... ~ Yorker's compensation information received for Applicant (see Information Sheet for Public Yorks Permits) All other Public Yorks requirements listed in the Con- ditions of Approval of the development. . --------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Yorker's comp and Contractor's Information received for Contractor (see Information Sheet for Public Yorks Permits) t/ . Certificate of Insurance with Additional Endorsment received from Contractor (see Insurance Requirements for Public Yorks 4,.../' , Three sets of off-site plans, stamped APPROVED (Tract or Development and Public Yorks Permit number and property address on plans) ~permit signed for City Engineer Insured's General Summary of Permits) WEN ALL OF THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE COMPLETE, PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED Issuer: Initial~ and date 16- --uh"~ and file with permit UPON ISSU~CE, I~ITIATE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT REFUND CHECK REQUEST. 6/88 f/permchklst WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY SERVING RESIDENTS OF CITY OF CAMPBELL TOWN OF LOS GA TOS CITY OF MONTE SERENO CITY OF SARA TOGA UNINCORPORA TED MirA 100 East Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, California 95008 Telephone (408) 378-2407 October 4, 1988 City of Campbell 70 N. First Street Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Shelley Avenue Sewer Extension (Damico) This is the District's "clearance letter" for the recordation of subject development. This District has reviewed and approved the plans for the sewer system servicing this development. Fees due this District have been paid. Bond, adequate to insure subject sewer system installation, has been posted with this District. In short, all of the District's requirements for tract recordation have been met. Very truly yours, OJ~.W Preston R. Nichols Assistant District Engineer PRN:mk E-20 Rev. 2-20-86 (FORMERL Y COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO, 4) "" " """=c!'.'" ..,,~ "''' "Tn'<T' Address ~ ~ ~ Surface Construction Permit No. '8~ -110 bY~clate :1' - 'Z 7 'o"fj) Clearing & Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb & Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap Rluop Extruded Curb Ilarricade Street Excavation AC Pavement Adjust Manhole to Grade Adjust Handhole to Grade Monument Ilox w!Konument Street Tree (IS-gallon) Pavement Striping ($100 min) Pavement Legencla ($100 min) Stop, Street Name or Other Sign Pavement Markers Pavement Key Cut , " h CA (/, f?t7 7.'/. 8( t n ~ fJ, tJ.c, 8 Y7 2- f.. 5" Lump Sum Estimate LF@ $ 4.00 --- SF @ 3.00 - LF@ 5.00 EA@ 600.00 7?- LF@ 14.00 ~~q SF @ 4.00 31r SF @ 5.50 EA@ 400.00 LF@ 8.50 /0 LF@ 50.00 ( (,?J c;, SF)X($O.lO)xL~.) (I/"V:?/~SF)X($0.30)X( Ce ") I EA@ 375.00 EA@ 275.00 EA@ 600.00 / EA@ 300.00 LF@ 0.65 EA@ 40.00 EA@ 120.00 EA@ 15.00 LF@ 10.00 dC , ,; ..:) - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ - $ _ $ ?: OQ,) - /, O() tJ, rr() , I. L/3ti>. 0 Q , 1.727,c>0 , 5{)OrO() ',10 ( . (00 2.3~2.8o 37.S-;OD - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ ,/5'90<J :~~1oo Adjust for size: "5.<$30",000 add 20', "5.>$100,000 subtract 10' (+ or -) $+;2tJ;z.C.,~() Street Lh:htimr: Electrolier Conduit Conductor, pair Pull Ilox Storm Draina2e 12- or 15. RCP 18. or 21" RCP Street Inlet Manhole Ilreak & Enter Manhole /'LEAN O~r ') c.( t( R ( f"' revised 6/88 fjcon-cost-est I EA @ 650.00 - $ I 6q. @ /IP/"I{I ,!C. rJ _ $ ;213tJr? 77, 7.j I c., SG 0, 7J TOTAL ESTIMATE $.:52/ s?7/. 5.J $ 3.2; ..J"CJ{), o-D Surface Subtotal .5. EA @ 2,000.00 LF@ LF@ 10.00 2.00 Ea @ 200.00 3;;- LF@ 60.00 LF@ 70.00 EA @ 1,600.00 EA @ 2,400.00 USE FOR 1l0ND - $ $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2100.0'0 , t:so, r {.1 1t);)(J.60 CITY OF CAMPBEll FIRE DEPARTMENT 123 SOUTH UNION AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A'll FOR N I A 9 5 00 8 (408) 866-2189 5eD~ember 2. 1958 Sa~ Jose Wa~er ComDa~y 1221 S. Bascc'IA Ave'/''I\.le Sa~ Jose. CA 95128 ATTENTION: JIM BARITEAU RE: &0 SHELLEY AVENUE Ge'rrt i erne'/"J : This le~ter will serve as au~hc.riza~icc'/"l tc. i'/"lstall Ccl",e fire hydra'/"It (4" by 2 1/2" by 2 1/2") at the lc<catic<'/",(s) listed belc.w: 1. West bou'/",dry e,f p'("c.pc.sed subdivisic..,., c.,/", Shelley Avel",ue. .=- 0;;.. 3. 4. 5. Si '/",ce'("el y, D;( ap7d,~ LYNN CALDWEL::~ ~A~;LLI6N CHIEF Fire l'o1a'("shal cc: Chuck Gomez wp/kp/hyti - ,~ 1 ?~~\.,~ &~-\,D ~~ ~~~~'--~( . ,.. ~ \. ~'-- C-,-L \ F~ U.J~l-r~ 0~\C-~ ~'4 ~ \ ~~ TO e r2...f:::> ~ U~J...:) e.:ES Uc:>. \ ~~~ ~r"L- (}..O~D\-'t"tb,;:)~ O~ ~Pf-=>,~V~,-. <,' ~. ~\~~ \\ 0 /O,-,-~ ~LPh-) ~ \2~~l~M~ 0t.YTLl k.)~ \-C=C\fL- uJ~ ~ \ <; ~U l~ ro B~ <S:.Y6L0G 6U ' \ lV\.PO-.e:)~bY\~~ ~r::>~~. (L. ~ ~~,-~~ L:(::~tI~ ~~ .--:\0 t3~ ~~L0~ r<. P- (;(}(/(T-'~_ ~,-.--L- 0~ ~~--~~ ~ '\ . (l1/ (;'yC >' ~,9~n..e-- I':::::. / ~~~ '\ -Q-~ ~~'""f ~ ~O~ ~ ~~6~ \J~~ L:>O "\ ~~ I ~~ ~~\"U.L-) '-.[L c...,lU\~ \J'\~p) 'Lt-s~e:-k....)~\ ~ \.\~ ~~ '.::..~ -.:J~ '---D ~TlOU ;~ . '-(0 L)f'2- c:::s l~ ~~ ~ c. - ~ I ~~~ ~e-~~~E:? r!--~. ~'.\1 V-.:l e w ~LL C,",VI. Q..- \ \ C--L-. <:..t ~~/,z ~ ~ U) '- '--'- (r\ (" \/ i/ ~ '-(() l.) tL- .~l!:'-;;::;:-~ .' I , / , ~ \.~~ '--lOO tl..- OUL't w . ~'f\.~ L9b~ p-Corr-G~~ w. 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L) '--([) (..),1rJ- P t1.--O..~~ c...~ ~.tJ- \--1. f:>~-n ' a?a~~ 'fO U..?~~ O~ .,1;"'" V (5 ,8 '--\ Nt \ l.) 10 '1 ~ ~ tl...-U- \ C-D ~ 8=". . p~'-C l~~ ~ ~~~ p~~ e.o~FO~~, v ~, , c:::-> l ,,__ ,......"",,, c::::::: ' '\ --::::>~ ~ ~~~r..........,"'\. <.3e.. \-tOUOLt~ .. f/ ct', ~ ~ ,\dOLO "\"0 6~~.::{ l.J 1""""\.. L\5J l ~~., D\.~~U ~ . I PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT ')ate Permit or Project No. BB -;/7'0 Address L5"-~y 7ype of work; Street Storm Other (describe) Sanitary Electrical [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) [J FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ~FINAL INSPE~TION - ~EPTANCE Signed plans? ~ N (If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? y Overtime. hra. @ $ Date ~ reason. ~ . $ Barricade rental (attach invoice)? y Date ~ reasona f!) $ Other? $ $ $ · Refund $ ~otal charges deducted from deposita (Cash Deposit $ less charges $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) Engineer I~r KIER & WRIGHT CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, INC. 3350 Scott Boulevard. Building 22 Santa Clara, California 95054 . (408) 727-6665 STAKING FOR: F. (;. z. '1-8 ll8 6,. OFFSET: V TL COLOR OF NOS.: O~,qN~ PAGE NO.: I ( ~~~"-o) CUT SHEE!-- m~ !y~ 1 -P"J1- B M ,5 J JJI&' BY: Gt" 1- 18-6'9 DATE: BENCH MARK' () o ~ (J o .t Z'fe~7S ~~~ '/::N.5to:: ELEVATIONS -CUT STATION STAKE ,4. GRADIVt / :t" If-it{ '1; Z~1~ ZIf9. '(I F-o~ Z +Of 1:. %. f PI< v vv.... I "''''G( ._~ I Z+So Z'i ;,,'1 Z- z../ q~ 0 1- r- 0 I.E. J z.+-5~B( l-j'l.l.If". 1. I./PJI8 /"O/I/H/M 4"I.VV '-1").00 I C()NFfj"'~ L · {' -",." /COlt '^'" .3 I.f~. ~~ 50.05 i F-(j~ J.j. So .()I; 50'4f~ F_{)"s 5 'f~,11 S"'U F- dB- ~ 'fl.c,o ~1,~~ F -() "!. .f- lo,m 7 'i~ .'to S'O.oL/- f-O(,'i t- 'l-'"7 P, t/q .;5 ~ fJ.-,q FoOD 'Z...:t t- !r\.O'f q ~R. .,..) , :t. F- ~:~~ t- 17~.Q4 10 "It., i> . . -:.0 F-~'.\~ .3~ t rtrf,,. 11 JU.l"l W,5!> F-01i.. t- o.,,~ /z.. ..... /3 ti 1- (A 4/f,4{o F-l~ iL{ *,./~ 'if, 'XJ F-o It.. ., t; 4/~ .Ill 1#,65 r-(')~l J/A 5O.0'f ~.PS C .of) d- ", ., ,. ',,' '. , .,~ ' i.;., I i": ; '" rc- Tt.- re. Ie.... TC Te- Te... TL r'-- FP F1" Tt- Ie..... JOB NO.: ELEVATIONS STATION STAKE GRADE CUT