88-172 . . 1?.&. ... .- . .., '" 0 .Cec. -=.;;- .&. ...... 4)__. -....... i~g2 u c- . .. 6.J Co: ~ ... c 0 L . ~:.!~ . . ... ~ > .&. t; 0 ~~-cio [M<O C Q.V._< .::. ... V\ ~ .~.......:;.. ..c c \.I .... .....~- U ... - -.... ... "C . _ ::.... O--wC <I( = s ....... Iii..... ,.. . ""= .. ~ Il c...: ~ "6JU_ ....: o - "t:'.,: ~C:t=-.t~ -..-........ ...._.",=--.7 L,I O"'::..Q .~-CC. .. - e_ II =' c c ... c . . '-" .~~.,C..ec .... ~"'~..c.- .... .... '" "0 .: r. ~ .' j v ... u C .u...C4O ,J:. ~ _ . lJ .. C ~ . - 0 . 0 C J.: v........... ..... .. ... · ~ t: .D ..c: &0 . ~""-1Jo') . . ~ ~ ~ -;: .' n u ....._ :::.:;e ..C...1 "0 C 1-'~~':~~ ......,..... ...... """ ,. .~...... -- ...... ~.... t~ -.. V U . ~~ ~ e Co....;;. Ii CON ..r.:.",,-_ u_. .._ C ___ .... .., fIl " .... )10 IIil D .... (': 0 _ ...J ..:I ,...'-I.....Q....._ CITY 0' CA"P8ELL ' DCPT. or 'Ub~JC NOAl5 10 ,"orth rill( 6t. C."f'~~IIL CA .~OO. (."kl .t. -2!:'O J' J-/7 2- PUBLIC ~.s PtR"IT TT17T>10TTT1l Ii' n l" n ~ pUbllC r19ht-o'-W~' ';:~:~c .U.~. cr:cfltOa. 'eralt .0. I-a.,. 'lle~~ 88-/~4- APpl1c.Uon Oat. ~ - 2.4 - 88, I ..ph.. in. .0.. C/2118ck! Mora. 'er.it In accor4enc. with C..pbell APPLICATION - Applic.tion ia hereor ..d. lor A 'uolic "wnlCipel Cod., Section 11.04. A. Wora .delr... or tuct F. ~ 1\ 4 / /53 S~L.L...V I \......1/ Jtt. 0... '" / Util1tr tunch loc.Uon 810 01=' ~OOTI-I I~A~G-nM. e. Ilatuu af workl (nll'MA.I..) 1.J5.'"{6.11^'-\l::)r-.\ ~ 1-(0 II W'-<O!ZA,..:)T 88-2b5> J!.u} EA.)u~ C. Att.cn llV. C~I copl.. ot a ~r.w1n9 ehowing the loc.tlon, ..tant and '!..n.ion. o( the work Th~ drawlnq ah.ll Inow the r.l.tlon ot thr propo..o work to ..lat1n9 'wrtace .nel undrr9round iaprov...nta. ~h.n approved br the Clty ~nglneer, Illd dr,wlng Deco... a ~rt ot thll peralt. C. The ~eneral Condition. for .11 p.r.lta ar. 111ted on the reverie aCde. 5p.Ci.1 'rovlalona for thl. peralt .rr 11.ted below. tatlur<< to abld. by thear condltiona .n4 provl.lon. "r re.ult In job .~ut-down .nel/or tort.itur. ot r'lthful P.rtor..nce 'ond. .nd cI.h d.po..t.. See Cenerll Condltlona I and 21. t. An .ppllc.t!on tee au.t .ccoa~ny thi. .pplic.tion. Thl. 1. non-retund.ble. iii" ot Appl1cant SAN ...IrI~E klA-rel7 ~O Tehpflone: Z19-1842- ""'~rtla 12.21 S~TI-i e,A~i:r>r-1 Ade 5.1 LA q~ICfta 1. thll ~:k being aone ~l the property owner at th.ir own reatd.nce? ___yea ___ftO Coaolet. att.cr~d Worke,.' Coapenaatlon .nd Contr.ctor 10'''. T~~ ACCllC~rt/re!Sl!te= herlDy aqr.ea by .(fi.lng thelr ,Iqn.ture to thi. p.r.it to hold the C!!y ct C.&c~cll, Il. offlcera. egent. and e~ployeel trle, 'Ite .nd hlrale., fro. .ny cl.!a or d...nd tor ~.~~~. '..wltlng troc the work covlred by ,nl. pecalt. T~~ ~~ellc.r.l/P*i.lil.e h~reoy 'Cknowledge. th.t they hlvl r'ld and under.t.nd both the ~.~. y' (hil ~!~lt, .nC thlt they will infora th.ir Contr'ClorCal of the lnto,..tl0". "CCl:P'l'l:D ~j;'~UI ~/.~I t cont .n,;! ~~.~~" ALL ~-~'- ~HALL CONro~~ WITH T~E ATTACH~D, ~PROVE~ PLAHS'~D ALL APPLICABLE ~8rLL i7A~CAR~ DRAWlhCS ~D COftD!tlONS. Tt[ C'ONTRACi'OR "lJS'!' !!.WE THIS PER"IT AND APPROVED PL.UcS #.ND "UST fl.tt1' !fITll TilE P.V. Ill.iPfc-rt.lli Oil T:[ ~I~[ A~ L~! TRQ DAI~ ~LFC~t STkRTIHG ~R~. "'~l ~[ "OST U Cl\lt~ T"';; PUllL.,lC WVliAS AT -1.Z.4ST H 1I0000S-azroRE RESTkRTIN<; UY WORl. li>-t:I."L PRO'iElOtl$ 1. Street ehel1 fiOl be o~n Cut tor underground In.tll1.tions, Mlniawa cut. a.y be .1Iow~~ tor ':0"",,,...::0..,, wi clp.orltion hol.a. SUCh cut. .uar be ';>CClflcal1y approv~eI by the In''~(''tor. ~~..y be cut for und.rqround In.t.Il.tlona .nd auar be ,eetored 1n .ccordcnc. Wlth th~ ~llllty Tr~nch Re.lorlllon Sland.rd Dr.wlng. Worl to b~ .[&'e~ Py · llcen.ed Land Surveyor or C!vll Engineer .nd two /21 Cop!.a ot the CUl Inrrl & ..,nl to lh~ P....bllc kon Dept. before at.rt lnq "orl. Tne ho~[: of wcr. .,e llaltej to out'lde the hOwl. of 7-' .... and J-' p... tor any worl .tteclln9 . tr.ttlc I.ne. /2. 1. 4. ~. ,taMIT APPLICATION tEt r1~ CatCl DEPOSIT ""-'" 0 '011 'AI TllFUL PUI'C>>llU.NCE: 1'. I". 'CASH I DEPOS IT 'l:RIII!' fEt (It-l ) (n~.OO) ~ aT.uI DAJI 0 UO.OO I:aOO.OO AItOUHT 5 5r).00 5 5 5 UCU PT NO. ClOD' Of' ItHe. 1tS1'.) ,., 0' aoNO.5~OO "IN) ", or r.p. aOHO SH.OD 'UNI ($2001 ArrIlOV[O rOR ISSUANCE I -2. / I~' ~ ) LU~~~ --- $ ..3S: 00 -7 /7 ~&. ! ' . t: 1"1<11'(11111 T );eVI...J 1/il1 \,\> - ... r: . '" - - "" '- . . .&. ... '"' .c:. '!: .. ~ .... c.. ~ .. .r e ... '" ... '-' 1 .. >-. .t:. 'C c; ... .. g '" II ,Q I) ... ~. ~jt/ !!.