88-176 ....... (:J rt (Jq "'0 "'d 00 Ib ::r I; Ib Ib gglDg~11 --- .....::t~. Ul Ib :l 0. " Ib "':l ..c 0 ~"~Vl.....rt tv (b ,..... CD en ~. ~~~~=,8 l" 0. ..... 0 ~ .....Ort~ ~::r:l Ib N It) p.. Ul ~ ...... 1"1 I'D C1J...... Ib:l;t>.... o " I-' ..... 0 >-l:l.....I1IO'Hl ...... " HI t1 n t-'-rtH'lrt " 0 O::r 1DC:1l>~111b "Vl"C: )- ,.... [f) CO C) Z 0)> >< 0 O'tl :l '-" 0 < .::r III ID o :l :r < 11 ~ ~ e: ~ fJ .. 0" ..... Ib Ib 0" 0 :l I; Ib :l " Ib III ~:l n >-l ~ 0 .....::1 ::I 0. o 0 rt Ib ,... rt ..... (b ~....... n "Hl ::r ..... c: ..... Z Ib ::I III 00.0. . Ib '-"Ill I; :l , ::rOo Il> III ~VlO"lIll>-l l"" .....0 ::I I; o III <1;0.111 (X) n t-'. =' --- (b tn 1lI", 0 ..... 'I:llll ::r NO 0 Ib ~Hl:l~6~ I ()O..........Hl t-" DJ Hl rt fI) lilt-' Hn ~ ~ ~ g ~"< 00. ..::r '1 ~ M H III :l III >< Mill ...... rt 0 0 III I; III :l . ..... <: .; 0 III III ..... rt tn"""'rtrt III Ib::r 0" ::I :U. ID ID rt l1> .........O::T::I o III 0 ..... VI rt -=' In n Ib ..... rt ::T . 0 Ill'tl (> . :l 0 111 0 &?_IIl~~~~ .....0. rt . I.' CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 North First St. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 866-2150 8'8 - J 7 /;; ~ o PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT (tor worK1ng 1n tne public right-of-way) Issued 1#0 fBr~ Permit ex reSt- .Ll DlOS. Permit No. tJ:l M X-Ref. file Application Date 7 '-1- 8 R expires 1 0 mos. o o :3: <U t-t M ~ M Cl APPLICATION - Application is hereby made for a Public Works Permit in accordance with Campbeli~ Municipal Code, Section 11.04. A. Work address or tract' DWG' s 219, 222, 225, 224, 215, 228, 214, 29, 221 Utility trench location Various B. Nature of work: Installation of CATV to unbui1t areas of Campbell. c. lJj ><: ~ ::r:: M D. Attach five (5) copies of a drawing showing the location, extent and dimensions of the work The draWing shall show the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground improvements. When approved by the City Engineer, said drawing becomes a part of this permit. The General Conditions for all permits are listed on the reverse side. Special Provisions for this permit are listed below. Failure to abide by these conditions and provisions may result in job shut-down and/or forfeiture of Paithful Performance Bonds and cash deposits. (See General Conditions 1 and 2). E. This is non-refundable. :P '"0 'tJ t-t H o :P :z: x/240 ~ An application fee must accompany this application. Name of Applicant r; ill r;:J h 1 p. TV Address Box 114, 234 E. Gish Road, San Jose, Telephone:408-998-7333 CA 95103-0114 Is this work b~ing done by the property owner at their own residence? ___yes ~no Complete attached Workers' Compensation and Contractor forms. The Applicant/Permittee hereby agrees by affixing their signature to this permit to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents and employees free, safe and harmless from any claim or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this permit. The Applicant/Permittee hereby acknowledges that they have read and understand both the front and back of this permit, and t will inform their contractor(s) of the information. ACCEPT "1- /- g r uare NOTES: ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM WITH THE ATTACHED, APPROVED PLANS AND ALL APPLICABLE CAMPBELL STANDARD DRAWINGS AND CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AND MUST MEET WITH THE P.W. INSPECTOR ON THE SITE AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE STARTING WORK. NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO PUBLIC WORKS AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE RESTARTING ANY WORK. SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. ~ o V 2. Street shall not be open cut for underground installations. Minimum cuts may be allowed for connections or exploration holes. Such cuts must be specifically approved by the Inspector. ~avemenr may be cut for underground installations and must be restored in accordance with 0 the Utility Trench Restoration Standard Drawing. 0 Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and two (2) copies of the ~ cut aheets sent to the Public Work Dept. before starting work. t-t The hours of work are limited to outside the hours of 7-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. for any work M affecting a traffic lane. ~ uSe:: C, 'ry o,c C;<JtVlI'3cl...L POZ.Z.OLAAI /'J'l,1';< ~A-C./<.j::::,'L..L /JEt<. A~H€1:> M'-X. DES,'<:>Ai. M , I 0 tJ:l tlJ 3. 4. ~5. to ><: ~ ::r:: M o H ~ t< PERMIT APPLICATION PEE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT 80ND FOR FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE (R-l) ($35.00) AMOUNT RECEIPT NO. $ ~O.OO <tQ $ $ $ $ 332.3. 'is q cp-o 1M STANDARD $50.00 $500.00 (100\ OF ENG. EST.) F. P. (CASH) DEPOSIT ($200) (4\ OF BOND,$500 MIN) PERMIT FEE 2//19.3 '-'X' SOOL..r:-.e.z.o=~/OO.oo (7\ OP F.P. BOND 2J.~3L.F,~.lss,t.32.Z.3.q5 $35.00 MIN) I ~ _ APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE ~ ~ tor ~lty eer f: PWPERMIT Revised 7/87 -r~-r--r-' I I' I I I I I I I I I I -TL ,1-,-1- J_ -L-L --L-L , I I BACK tJF ~1t'EWAL.1' -TYPICAL r--- ~---1 r==~ N t<l ~ w W :I: f, en w II '.j w en --1 ~_lN - ._~ ...... IT .. . . . 9.:';'_ -;._ ; .~. .. .. - ~:. ~J.. :; ... .:.. . . -:.~.:.~~ .'1L- =. ' .... . .. (... .4I.~ ;.; :. . .:... . 1-4. IRE NtH lit &: 'a: '" ~ .. i W'~A ~ . c.;ry oFC.A"""p&L.L. POZ.z..'::'L..4N w-,()(. I3AC;::F;L.L.. ,. I'ClrILL to "IIUI I. II1I , - J. I 11 II 1 - -- __ _ I H In. .. 11"1'" ............ 3/4-" . lIallMUII SUI &COllaOAfI. eSE-€ f'/rrAc.,.H:.p "",ix. be:'b;<=:>N OB'>"\IL:J 2. COISOLIDIII fCC VITI "IClallCIL '11"'01. J. 1"1.1 SS-1 IICI coal .ID ..,.,. llta ell .11. MIl I.'. ". flOUD. .LICTIIC ."OW ,bJ'D fOI UlnlC COlI'.... . II.JOI 'IIIIfS. roar IIGI 1.1'11. 'LIITIIII WITI ..... cOIsr,uCTIOI .IIID. IIGII liD '10'1" COlli. .......... liD DII.IIUIOII. I. .,IOtlH TJAnlC COIITlOL It IUln, ....IU ... nll'_ _rr... I IIGI.LIZID IITII..CTIOI. ICI"'~ fOLlCl II LII.T . Villi II II'aICI '77-."J. · TO II IS.D 01 KlJOI IITIIII~ INTERIM POZZOLAN MIX DESIGN 400 lbs. FLY ASH 75 lbs. TYPE II PORTlAND CEMENT 20 gal. VATER 2000 lbs. 3/4- COARSE AGGREGATE 1450 lbs. FINE AGGREGATE (VASHED SAND) (Optimum slump - 3 to 4 inches) *NOTE: THIS INTERIM MIX DESIGN SUPERSEDES THE POZZOLAN MIX DESIGN ON THE CITY OF CAMPBELL UTILITY TRENCH RESTORATION DETAIL DATED MARCH 88. DATE: 8/88 chpt DAte ~/?z.:!.1D Permit or Project No. Address Y~~/'n"u "':7 PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT . !}8,-/7b Type of work; Street Storm Other (describe) SAnitAry Electrical CA-~(.,.~ I. V. [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) ~NAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPT~E Signed plAns'? y ~ (If aiigned, Council AcceptAnce.) ChArges AgAinst deposit? y Overtime; hrs. @ $ DAte {, reAson; ~ - $ BArriCAde rentAl (AttAch invoice)? DAte {, reAson; Y ~ $ Other? $ $ TotAl chArges deducted from deposit; (CAsh Deposit $ less chArges $ $ - Refund $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAChed) (JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (ReleASe'mAintenAnce bond. Check Request if CAsh.) Engineer ~, I r CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Public Works September 23, 1988 Gillcab1e. TV Box 114 San Jose, Ca. 95103-0114 Attn: Jerry Martinez Re: Permit No. 88-176 Dear Jerry: This letter contains an additional condition to the permit recently issued to you. It is an item that Gregg Cooper and myself discussed during a phone conversation, however I inadvertently left it off under the special provisions. Under number 5 of the special provisions there should be an additional line which reads "in areas where there is a chip seal surface the chip seal must be replaced over the new pavement." Our intent is to keep an aesthetic uniformity with the existing pavement conditions. I would appreciate it if you would add this condition on your copy of the permit under the special provisions. If you have any questions please call me at 866-2150. aton Works Inspector cc: Bill Helms, Engineering Manager File 1~1 E lVl 0 r~ l:t 1\1 D U Ivl TO: Kevin Duggan, City Manager D~nE : 10/12/88 FROM: ~ Do)", Wirllbf?t'ly; Public Wot~ks Dit'ectot' SlJBJ'ECT: Gil Cable System Espansion ---------------------------------------------------------------- 8il Cable has Just begun their system expansion in keeping with the agreement reached during franchise negotiations. This expansion will bring their system to all those residences who, ~for whatever reasons, have not had access before now becaus~ there was no distribution cable in front of their home. Attached is a lIst of streets in wnich underground cable WIll be installed. We have issued an encroachment permit for this work which involves cutting trenches in existing street pavement and installing pedestals Just behind the sidewalk. Gregg Eaton will be monItoring progress closely. c.'C: Tat-.a r-~d(3nls; Gr~egg Eaton Hyde Drive Hyde Court Pollard Road Bearden Drive Twyla Lane Twyla Drive Valerie Drive Valerie Court Elwood Drive Fawn Court Sadie Court Eva Court Fawn Drive Westmont Avenue Beth Way Archer Way Archer Court Abbott Avenue Lemoyne Way Acapulco Drive Smokey Court Kei th Drive Hacienda Avenue Parkhurst Drive San Tomas Aquino Road Bucknall Road John-Kirk Court Lisa Way West Valley Drive Maggio Court Virginia Avenue Ecker Court ~ CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE h;"'E' A:72rYn~88~ ~ 7 I YOUR A HENTlON IS DIRECTED TO SECTIONS 3097, .... AND 3111, CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE WH leH REQUIR" US TO NOTIFY YOU "THAT IF BillS ARE NOT ~ ~ PAID IN FUll FOR lABOR, SERVICES, EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS FURNISHED, OR TO BE FURNISHED, THE IMPROVED PROPERTY (WHICH IS DESCRIBED HEREON) MAY BE SUBJECT TO MECHANICS' LIENS." (THIS STATEMENT IS APPLICABLE TO PRIVATE WORK ONLY.) THIS IS NOT A LIEN. THIS IS NOT A REflECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUBCONTRACTOR. 6283 you ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED: INDIVIDUAL OR FIRM DATE 1 (l.- 'n - rLl .r THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FURNISHED OR WilL FURNISH LABOR, SERVICES, EQUIPMENT OR ~ERIAL OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION: ,~';:,i'pit~aq '~18rpri,T" en '() ~~.~'i)~^~ ~nnrr~tp anei p~ 'F3!J9/"1'clJ ")1,-1 l(i'in,] 'r'rlt-ori;'11c.- t'J}j Ie Ph 3'9 ~t',fh~.tS Wc9 4 en .-"i 1 p })111 1 (1 (ADDRESS OF BUILDING, STRUCTURE, WORK OF IMPROVEMENT) Campbell, Calif 1 1 ')I:; '1 II (ADDRESS) ~1i '1 ::-li t- rl '" n 1'7(1 ~1,~ilI)irA~1 (CITY) Ci'!'liF Qfnl"i BY: ,,.-. 1.' '- iLl \ ,i, \ I" ; ! i { I l \\ , .\ (STATE) (ZIP) (SIGNATURE) r.n:,>rl i t- r 1 prk (TITLE) In-?7-R2 (DATE) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP) THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE PERSON WHO CONTRACTED FOR THE PURCHASE OF SUCH lABOR, SERVICE, EQUIPMENT OR MATERIAL IS Ci 1 Ca_blr~ 'II.. V.. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER If bills are not paid in full far Ihe labor, services. equipment. or moler. ials furnished or to be furnished. a mechanic's lien leading 10 Ihe loss, through courl foreclosure proceedings, of all or port of your property being so improved may be placed ogoinsl Ihe property even Ihough you hove paid your conlraclar in full. You may wish to protecl yourself against Ihis consequence by (1) requiring your conlraclar 10 furnish a signed release by Ihe person or firm giving you Ihis nolice before making paymenl 10 your conlraclar or (2) any 01 her melhod or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. lr;()4,? N T7' f)c;t'l TRUST FUNDS TO WHICH SUPPLEMENTAL FRINGE BENEFITS ARE PAYABLE NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS (MATERIAL MEN NOT REQUIRED TO FURNISH THE ABOVE) TO: OWNER, REPUTED OWNER 'ROY ":\ 1 r; 0 OR ' PUBLIC AGENCY C'i'lmnopll _ ('Cllif \ " , TO: Sr.npnrk ('nnc~t- T;> C'(1~10 1111 , or,! (, co ll; n c; .!- ()'~I TO: CONSTRUCTION lENDER OR REPUTED CONSTRUCTION lENDER NOTICE TO CONSTRUCTION LENDER ONLY ESTIMATED TOTAL PRICE OF THE LABOR, SERVICES, EQUIPMEt'JT O~~MATERIAl? DESCRIBED HEREON. I, ,T;1miO'E' Hill (0) 0 By personally delivering copies to PROOF OF SERVICE AFFIDAVIT (SECTION 3097.1, CALIFORNIA CIVil CODE) , declare that I served copies of the above PREliMINARY NOTICE (check appropriate box). at (name(s) and title(s) of person served) (address ) on 19 , at ,m. (date) (time) (b)~ By First Closs Certified or Registered Moil service, postage prepaid, addressed to each of the parties at the addresses shown above on 1 0- ? 7 , 19 -3Jl.... I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Signed at "I;j l~)it~l~ ,California, on 10- ';'7 , r. j 1'L~9: \0 p , " "." .(1\, " \ 'j ,\.', . \ , i t \' hJA : .'v'\;\ SIGNATUR~ OF PERSON MAKING SERVICE [ATTACH RECEIPTS OF CERTIFIED OR REGISTERED MAIL WHEN RETURNED] ~~. 4S449 POlY PAK (50 SETS) 4P449 ~~85 OWNER COPY -r-r-r -,- r I I ,. I ., , ,'I I f , ,:' , , " I -TL11 ~ _J_.L-L --L.L . , I '~\'L~ P"'~;T.88-nb/ ~~~ ' Z ~~ '. ! . '~ 3'~'1 . ~ I , 1 BACK tJF ~1t'E'WAl-K 1Y'P I<::AL r---- ~-~~ r==~ : t-:'-l ~ f..... : II":J ~ . h .~.._ ~ " VARIa VAlUES --..;-\ . La:, e.- .I ~'-",'-"'- ; ., w ,x g - ' , ; . . . . .,... . , I J j ...J " '. . .:.. ". - . - '. ' -.1 ~, _IN - .... . . . . ~ .T., .. Ji.,' . .... , " IRENCH .It&~ ~ , CiTY oF' C.Af"\p~L..L. po Z.Z.~L."lN NI\' l'.. 'i3AC.~" '-'- WIT: A 1. "ClrILL to .I.UI 1- VIT' I -.-- I Il'l IL II ti ~-,' -- II Hln. .. .Ul.... .............. 3/4" , .'lI"U" aUI AGOlIAO"'. (,SEE: r'jTrAc:..>-IE.i::;:> ""ix.. UES<;;'I<':>,."J CB'>'\IL~ 2. COISOLID.fl ,ce Vlf. .IC..IICAL '11"101. ~. ."1.1 as., I.CI COlT liD I"'" VI" CIJ I". III I.'. ~. PlOIIDI ILICTIlC AllOW .!'.IoSID '01 IaUflC COtITlo&. . " ."'01 I1'lInl. POST Ilal LillI. runl.11 win .'OU, COI."UCTJOI .IIAD- IIGII PD ..011.1 COlla, NI"I&III" A'D DI..l.IATOII.;;,<. ';", . ~, ;~',C:'\~}':,\!"'~,':'l);'~~""f~'",. I.' -raOUDI ,..rrle COUIO..I. IIUnl'fOt.IC. .... --.,:'31/:' "(TlUI . .JaIlLIIID 11T11S.CTI01. ICIII..... NUCI~t."\i, LIAIT a V.II, II "UIC& '17..'6:1. ' ,e(:r"l;'{.;',~~ "':': . ~;. :'\j · 10 II ISID 01 ..JOI lITI.JIIL CIT,YOF CA.MPBEll ',., ",.': . 70 NORTH:FrRST STREET CAMPBELL. CALrFORNIA 95008 ( 4 0 8) 8 6 6 . 2 1 0 0 PUBLI C WORKS Department: Gillcable TV Box 114 234 E. Gish Rd. San Jose, Ca. 95103-0114 July 7, 1988 Attn: Jerry Martinez Re: Permit No. 88-176 Dear Mr. Martinez: Please find enclosed the plans that you submitted to us for approval and a copy of our permit. There are a number of. items that need to be changed in order to reflect the City of Campbell requirements. Those items are: 1) The trench restoration detail (see copies enclosed) 2) The city requires a minimum of 18- of cover. 3) A rock wheel may be used, however the enclosed detail including the benching must be followed. 4) .Chip sealed areas must be replaced with chip seal on top of the required minimum A.C. section. 5) All street crossings must be bored. 6) ~Placement directly adjacent to the lip of gutter will be allowed. (Please note that if the 24" off of lip of gutter is followed than ,the Ii A.C. between the trench and the lip of gutter must be removed an4 :, j l \."~ . ;:Pl::,: note on ell plena which .tet.. that USA must be notif~ej~~4J'; utilities marked prior to any excavations. ill "il 'r! [I ill 8) Notes 4 and 5 may remain. '11 :) ~,I' I, II ( - . I, , If you have a~Y_'11q1ll~~~~1.:_l:e~~i,~e~, ~~~:t.,Q~~l, ~n,fo~t~on"pl_~a~e. .gf;V,i me .... . ",' a call at 866.J:U~~:~$ tr(~'~rlu" 'i"][Jllr}l ~J ~=~illo1, JlC..-lII-J!L~JC:~_jit'''li L\[lll I /f!~}l-:-l'r'f:=i~-!~~"'r ,. '. J 4 0\"'_ ..\.~\. I '~1" _.I f~njr.:r I" I I fl ]11tt;f-..,) "I' ,..,!fo., j- - I, fh~ --fJ I ~ mo. ~ '/~'~""~~{:'1:,~~:~~~'~f" ~i 'r' ,,~ . n,r I r j~~,ii::'~: 1:[1 ' ,'I: 1;!II~:~!~Tlli~i;.::!:' 'i' j:~~l~~:f(.,''V.TJdi11 , I-t(l" '''ir:11hl'r~)~.y: ~;..' ~!j.,' ...L,....ij~........... 111.]1 ,II, ii' ! ' II ""_ ~I"~" 1~i1'J.~!I!~)t~'~li!I~.I";';~ti't:\~i,~~,~;II~l.;,"l,r.:"~,l,, ) . I.J i~:; ...,.1 ..' (A\' i r\... J 4 ~'f" I:'A; 'r,"'f' I,....-i~l."l ... i ....... 1- G~", 1~!JlI~, ,.(.1'; ,t.1'1 dJ..,';J..I.., hi'" . ';'>.1...,,11 J "'~ " , ! ""~ t " ' . ,~T)~V~'';... ~, ": t ; t~, ,~'lA' J'"l'l,'~'::'~'''''i l~~~;tl.t2lTm 1"1l."'\ "~;''fI'r<rr'~':''S):&.r::..:.::..!f.r;.~t:'!ItJJ;,, ',;;.;::.i j I 1_::''U,.rZi:~.j~; U.::.:.,_ . -- Greggdat.On ..:o-t':...,.""". .:r;:r~~';1'I;1 n' .,.., ..,-..~..,...~" \\''''.' " ,,,,U, ~:"";"'-'Ii'l.<" ""M _".~"..-._..."" ". . e ..,~ I j~."el'l.:;..jj,.... ..NI.I.o'OU""......... I u.u! IlJ~! r,"""""llb....'r'""1~"'j., "'rf~.I""rr"'lr+r''1''-l~ ,-'~"'':t",-,~.. #.'~'I;._..H._._" .l. ......:..~~"'~'.Pub1ia.~Worka'tl.tft.Rp.eto,..,....' '" , '~" "f Li.i!T'o""MJ.l':l,."L.;.I,___~",'_..lLJ.:.4jl.i.l1F~ r;',~ 1_.L~o!~~i:"'"'''' .........~ f. \.~:" .. 'r"'- ..~,4~:r~~~~il~:~r~~.tW;~~~.~.~f, ~~~".... -y .. ~ ~ ,1 : ~ -r.~~f' ~~. . .:.-'" -. I - ~- :--- r ~J ".....~...' ~~ "").;.~_'Il-~.~:J:.~\olf"d~.'(~~. ~?CJ.J{"'1'4'S"'t:'tt"'~.1"~'~'<I:,1~.~""" A"'_~r'",' ) 'h..'.... i. :';',"..~';';~'k~JJ,,'" ..... .,~, . I' . .... ~)............- ~ ~l ,. I - "'.-"'. '~:J...' t ""--, " " -.,c~(~ )'I.... .:~' .#"""0 "1r"I',J' :'"1,.. " ,,,.. -- _4,~'" J -/,.- I ~'lJ:1ty ,'(,./ '(,"', ,- .;.....~\. ,,~ 0.4~""."" <':.' .~. r~1',.,:n~.$), j... .. 4,.' ... . . ~ .1 . cc' File DNV ',' .,,"-1':'1 . ... " "d.. _" ~ .' _ j ''''''', , j',.: . '''-. .'..,.:':......,. --" ..,d: ':":.;:d::~P.;.C.~;:;~t" ~.,' .".'.::~':; ~ ,,-.--.--------~~~,:,.J:, . - .. . .-... ...... .....---. :-..:-- ....-~---------------:-----------.:.=~---.---~---.~-.-.--.-- ----.--- ~ .-----------.------- -- . - .. . ___ . ____. .... . _ __ __m _un. _______.______ __. _.__ __.___._--.------.--.--.-- _________._______ _._____.___.._ _ __ ...... ..__..__.__. _____ ._... __. _ __ __. . July 1, 1988 Gill Industries, Inc. Offices Address 234 East Gish Road San Jose, California (408) 998.7333 Mailing Address Box 114 San Jose, CA 95103,0114 Ci ty of Campbell Department of Public Works 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 HE: EXCAVATION OF: 400 MILE PROJECT PHASE DRAWING PROJECT NUMBER FOOTAGE MILES Y 219 44007 8,100 1.53 " 222 " 3,620 .69 " 225 " 630 . 12 " 224 " 956 .18 " 215 " 2,500 .47 " 228 " 1,252 .24 " 214 " 1,320 .25 " 29 " 400 .08 " 221 " 700 ~ TOTAL 19,478 3.69 Dear Gentleperson: Permission is requested to make the necessary excavation on the above project(s) to install CATV cable facilities. Should you have any questions or desire any further information, please call the Drafting Department at (408) 998-7333, ext/240. Sincerely, ~wl~ Jerry Martinez Supervisor System Design & Drafting JM/gc Enclosures ,it"---------1, t1 GillcalJle A GILL CABLE TV - CONSTRUCTION PROFILE Gill Cable A division of Gill Industries, Inc. Offices Address: 234 East Gish Road San Jose, California (408) 998-7333 Mailing Address: Box 114 San Jose, CA 95103-0114 Several years ago Gillcable TV started its "400 Mile Build" project which comprises of providing underground cable television service to all residents previously denied service in our franchised areas. The Director of the project is Steve Reifschneider. His responsibilities include interfacing with all sub-contractors, providing detailed directions to his manager, Greg Cooper, who in turn supervises two on-site field coordinators/inspectors, Paul Soltero and Charles Pitt. The direction of the build has always been to provide the best possible cable television service available, adhere to all city, county, and state building codes, and assist, education, and maintain a good-neighbor policy with all home-owners and their properties. Our sub-contractors have provided Gillcable and the cities residents professionalism and pride in their work, respect and care for personal properties, and are always ready to immediately correct any error which might occur. Answering questions and talking with people has made a very large construction project a harmonious project. Gill maintains one person in the area of construction. Our sub-contractors are: Schenck Construction 2066 S. 10th Street San Jose, CA 408-286-6723 Corporate office: - responsible for all main trenching Schenck Communications, P.O. Box 3159 Redmond, WA 206-867 -9694 Inc. A&M Paving Company - responsible for narrow-trench paving 500 Fontanoso Avenue San Jose, CA 408-281-8936 Dryco Paving Company - responsible for chip sealing of streets P.O. Box 464 Redwood City, CA 415-364-2177 or 408-286-6723 Walker Concrete Company - responsible for trench-fill 457 Queens Lane San Jose, CA 408-436-8100 .~L~ Steve Heifsch~er Director SH/gc 8/31/88 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 ].... ." Ii I' .; '. ~, . i! I 1';! ,~' ,- ,,-,-- .-. --, . I L"~) I ii I' f I i ~ ), I[\\! AUG i 5 198~! i1j jl\\L i))1 lJ..\ ----- L/ I CITY' OF CAMPBELL !.,--....._..,.-,.~....-....--- -_.-_....~_._......_-_.._,. "'-- ' Department: Public Works August 9, 1988 .J erry Martinez Gill Gable 1302 N. Fourth Street San Jose, Ca. 95112 ATTN: Jerry Martinez RE: Interim Pozzolan mix design Gentlemen: Please find enclosed an interim Pozzolan mix design which supersedes the mix design on our utility trench restoration detail dated March '88. Three things should be noted about this interim design: 1) The price of this mix should be cheaper than the previous design 2), The water content is specified and is drier than the previous design 3) Cement content is down and should be easier to excavate in the future Please keep track of all data regarding future backfills with this interim design and we will discuss same at the meeting'of September 13, 1988. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact this office. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE/ah enclosures .'V ,).') INTERIM POZZOLAN MIX DESIGN 400 1bs. 75 Ibs. 20 gal. 2000 Ibs. 1450 1bs. FLY ASH TYPE II PORTLAND CEMENT WATER 3/4" COARSE AGGREGATE FINE AGGREGATE (WASHED SAND) (Optimum slump - 3 to 4 inches) *NOTE: THIS INTERIM MIX DESIGN SUPERSEDES THE POZZOLAN MIX DESIGN ON THE CITY OF CAMPBELL UTILITY TRENCH RESTORATION DETAIL DATED MARCH 88. DATE: 8/88 CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works ...i~~~:~~~~P,l:__ _ ~.!!i!~ ~l. i.~ G. fl l:t..:~..1 ~ '.Hf'fi"l L"~,::~:~~:~i~.=:'- L~ }=:~'~:;h':~,'.~:T-l IKRlICFn !; , ;-rr---h'/.. > "..' {(: (1 ,......_......hh_. _,__I_J S" 1'-'~c4 i ' .1 i + t=-------, 11'::NC"';;:R. ji 1.1" -".'...--1--. -"-. --,~-.-;-LT.JJ..E___l.~ 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866.2100 FAX # (408) 379.2572 Department: March 23, 1990 Heritage Cablevision Box 114 San Jose, CA 95103-0114 SUBJECT: PERMIT NO.: 88-176 LOCATION Various We have made a preliminary inspection of the work covered under the referenced permit. Deficiencies in the work have been found and are shown on the attached list. These deficiencies must be corrected before the work can be accepted by the City and bonds or deposits released. Please contact me to schedule corrective work or clarify any questions. Upon completion of all work and correction of all deficiencies, we will need a written request for final inspection and acceptance of the work. This then sets in motion the actions necessary to release your bond and refund your deposits. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE:ja encl. cc: K. Comstock, Sr. Lighting & Traffic Technician , f:88-l76(permit) CITY OF CAMPBELL DEFICIENCY LIST Permit No. 88-176 Various Locations March 22, 1990 1. Repaint X-walk legend at McCoy @ Parkhurst. Re Chip Seal the following locations: 2. Maggio Ct. @ Hacienda Ave. 3. 1589-1525 Hacienda Ave. 4. Westmont Ave., Fawn Drive, Fawn Ct., Beth Way, Archer Way, Archer Ct., and Abbott Way. 5. Keith Dr. 6. Pollard Drive from Elwood Dr. to Hyde Dr. 7. Bucknal1 @ John-Kirk Ct. 8. Lisa Way 9. West Valley Dr. 10. Hazel Ave. 'u:}u::r:;:~-":':-:l 5u:;....':? 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