88-177 . .. .1": ....... . . '0'00 .C.& ..~... -5~:::: ......,lIj ij2~ u c: ..... . .. ...c... c:o.o. 1~:1! E~..:fo E...: . u..... C llo 0 1<<0 & (,)."'...< ::>..,"'~ ....~.:;). ":0 u ,lIj .........,~ '" ....... ...... ....'O....c:.. 0....".....,0 .....4:1:. ...... .... .... .. . " .. '" .c~~ 4f.JU.... 04 Q- 'U~ c:c:~"'....... o I. I. .. . ............... ......If):I...~ u' D'" c: ~ ;'::~.:....... ..f~.~g . . ....t. . m .. "-aG...'O.... .... - - on 0> .. '0_ .:f~..~ u w u c: . llo. 0 - J:. u..... 4i . Cu. - 0 . 0 c:..cu..."" .... .. .. alGC .0..:.. . ......~'" ........... II:> . ~... . ~ .... Qu........ :~.:;f ..c~ "DO ...oc...", ~EIJ"'''''N U... "'Ii"\ . "'......... ...,......ou. .:~fr:...:. . 0 0 N ..:...- ~.... ..- c .......c :~~!:~~ ......Q"'.... 'I .'C"\'EO 'erait .0. P<f-/77 CITY or CA"P8ELL "" 0 6 1 PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT DtPT. or PUIILIC IIbII'H 988 'tor WOrKln'll In l"ne 70 ~orth ',r.c 'to pUblic ritht-o ..ay) l-a.I. fil. C,,,pbelIL CA .SJrOf)LIC -1 '<2'118'" 7:t~ 'n UOII .. .21~0 ruD WORKS ".ued . /, J CJ AppHcaUon D'te / i.o ENGIN 'er..I a. .Ipir.. an . APPLICATION - APPlicat~'~JV~rebY ..de for a 'ublic Mor_a 'er.it in accordance with C.apbell Runicipal Code,lection 11.0.. "or_ addre.. or tract'. ~cr ~o73 (Jif~ ~('1G'Alj)AAv~1 1ir5'-2.7b UtUlty trench loc:.tton ~~;::: Av..G -."'"": . ..ture 01 wor_: A/1,AJAI____. A.T~_-;; (' lekllJ~ W"gk Attach liv. C~I copi.. ot . dr.wlng ehowlng tbe loc.tion, .Itant and di..n.lon. 01 tbe wor_ The drawlng lball IhOW tb. relation 01 tb~ propo..d work to e'llcing aurt.c. .nd und~rground laprove..nt.. Wben approv.d by the City &ngine.r, ..id dr.wing beco... a pert ot tbl. perait. The ~neral Condition. for .11 per.it. ere li.ted on the rever.. .id~. Special 'rova.ion. for tbi. peraic .re ll.t~d below. t.llur~ to .bida by th~.~ condition. and provl.ion. ..y re.ult In job IhUr-down .nd/or torl.ltur~ 01 ralthful 'artoraance aond. .nd c..h depo'lt.. 15ee ~ner.1 CondlClon. 1 .nd 2). E. An appllc.tion fe. au.t accoapeny tbl. application. Thl. I. non-r.tund.bl~. .... ot Telephone: 277-7847 A. a. C. D. Addu.. I 2. I. thl. work being don. by tb. property own.r at tb.lr own re.idencel ___,e. Coapl.c. .tt,chad Wor_.r.' Coapenl.tion and Contr.ctor lor... Th~ Appllcant/Per.ltC~a her'by a9re~. Dy .tllllng their .I,nature to tbi. per.lt to hold tbe City of C'.pb.ll, It. otticerl, .gant. .nd e.ploy.e. tr~.. .',~ and bar.l... Iroa .ny cl... or de..nd lor daaagel l""ulting froa the vork cov.red by thil pee.lt. eo --- Th~ Appllcant/Peraittee hareu1 aCknowledge. th.t tbey b..e ra.d and under.tand botb tbe b.ck of thl. per.lt, .nd th.t they vll1 iolor. th.lr contr.ctorl.) 01 lhe iolor..tion. ACCEP'tt~ ~t:~l 1 ~ t!t front and IIOTES: ALL WORK SHALL COtltOR" '111'11 Tilt An-ACHED, APPROVED .1.Ul5 UJl ALL APPLICABLE CAJlPaELL .TAHOARD DRAWINCS AND CONDITIONS. Tilt CONTRACTOR "UST RlVE THIS 'ER"IT AND A'PROVED ,LAMS UD RUST UET WIn TIlE '.W. lUPEC'l'OR 0tI TtlE SITE A" LUST nlO DAYS BErORE &TAJlTINC WRIl. tIOTJCE RUST BE CIVDI 1'0 PUBLIC WORkS AT LEAST l4 IIOURS Hrou: RtSTAJlTINlii AllY MOItI. SPECIAL PROVISIONS _1. &tr~et .h.II not be Qpcn cut ter underground In.call.t10n.. "lnl.u. Cute ..y be .llowed tor conn~ctlon. or aaplor.tlon bole.. Such cuta au.r be .peCllically Approved by the I n"~ct or . ..vemenr-aay be cut tor underground In.t.ll.tiona aad au.[ be r.ator.d in accord.nc. with the Utlllty TrenCh a"Lor'tion Standard Dr.wlng. Work l"0 De .taked by . lic~n.ed Land Surveyor or Civil En9in..r and two lZ) copie. of the Cut .he~t. .ent tc the PubliC Work ~pt. before at.rting vork. The hour. of vork .re 11alted to out'lde the hourI of 7.' .... and J-' p... tor any work allacLlng . [rattlc l.ne. _. ~.o:;~ A7TAc.HE:7-" ~ i!9JC.H Z1E,77'YtA 77 0....1 .ae:779" L "'/2. _J. _4. L-!l. .laNIT APPLICATION PEE PLAN CIIECI DEPOSIT ~D POJt rAITllrUI. PDPOilIlANCE P. ~. CCA5HI DEPOSIT 'EJl"IT Plf (.-1) (US.OO) Hell" 110. Q nUDAIID no.oo '~OD.DO (100' or &Ne. 1ST.) ($200) C4' or .oND,5~00 "1M) n, or P.P. .oN!) '\ . . U!l.OO 'UII) Jriiit.e~-'-'-" AROUNT 5 _-5"0.00 . . . 5.35: 00 ii' ..~ 7.' / /,1 I j UAt. APPROVED POR ISSUANCE 1 -, / I "'1"1 ~r t: I'WP tIl" I T a.vlled 7/.1 V,'> - .. c . u - ... '" c:.. . . .c ... ~ .. 'Cl . .. . ... ~ u ~ ... c ... ~ .. l.l . ..c ... '" .0 '" . .. .. r u .. ~ o .. -In/eB @