88-178 -O"nOQ"O ~ OORt:r~tDRt o ftl fD 0 1"'1 1'1 O:l C S '-" ....:1.....cn C1> :l ~ n C1> '" :l .0 0 l:' n J,: V1 ,.... n NrD.....\1) VI,.... ..:., ~ ~ ';1 :l g ,f:'-P.. .....0 ,f:'- ..... n n l:' ~ :T:l C1> '" C1> ~ WI < ..... 1'1 dl CD......, C1> :l ;J> ..... 0"...........0 o-i:l.....o..., ....... f'"t) t'1 n ,....nH')M " 0 O:T tit c: I>> - f'1 tD ntl.lnC::: ;J> .... Vl C1> Cl :z O;J>)C 0 O"'C ::s -- n < ':T II> ll> o :l :T < ,., ; ~ ~ ~ ~ .. 0- t-'o ft) ll> cr 0 :l ,., C1> :l n ll> III ~ :l C"l o-i C 0 ....:l :l ~ o 0 n C1> "n... tD,....,.....n n.., :T ..... c::.... :z ll> :l III 00.0. . C1> ~II> ,., :l . :To. II> WI ~VlO,>]lI>o-i +:'- n ,....0 :3 1'1 011> < ,., ~ C1> c::c rt ..... =' '-" ft) tn a,.... n t-'. "'d In ::r "'00ll> ~"';:l~~~ . C"l0 .... o-i .., ~CbH,n I'll VI,..... .....n ,..." ..... ...... n :c "< VI"';:lO,"" 00. r-':T ,., C t"l H II> :l III X t"llll t-'. no 0 II> ,., II> ;:l . .... < ( 0 Pl Pol ..... n VI,.....n" II> ll>:T cr ;:l ::0. C1> C1> n C1> <-. .... n :T::I o II> 0 ..... l/) n ::1 en 0 (tj .... n :r' . 0 A> "t:' tD :J n CD n ~.IIl~~1r .....0. n '" VI .... ..- '" CITY OF CAHPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 North First St. campbell! CA 95008 (40B) 86b-2l50 i-:J Permit No. e.:.)t;:':ll>'" \"\~ X-Ref. file Application Date lJI~2 ~crd( expires 1n 5./ PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT IIor worK1ng 1n ~ne public right-ot-way) I~:~:~t ~~~!~ mos. c OJ t'J c C 3' APPLICATION - Application is hereby ~ade for a Public Works Permit in accordance with Campbell- Municipal Code, Section 11.04. '1: r- tT ...: tT. t: 0:- K A. s /- / C'c:;r n[ p he'"-// , "'" ~.}..-r Work address or tract f //- ~~ .?l:: .~ ..,- Utility trench location B. Nature of work: ,.:::'51-, tP---? ~ /,.:..'./ P /.~;: L'e> __ /,7.2' = r.!' -/ 7':> /.c:? ,.,;." ;; / ,. C. Attach five (S) copies of a drawing showing the location, extent and dimensions of the work The drawing shall show the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground improvements. When approved by the City Engineer, said drawing becomes a part of this permit. D. The General Conditions for all permits are listed on the reverse side. Special Provisions for this permit are listed below. Pailure to abide by these conditions and provisions may result in job shut-down and/or forfeiture of Paithful Performance Bonds And cash deposits. (See General Conditions land 2). E. An application fee must accompany this application. This is non-refundable. Name of Applicant 1::/......-~~..../-.. C;' ,Af/#<:--E -', ...../ Telephone:...../~.....t: .;j5~~"C$ Address /?C7. ~~ k?J.-~~ L"/--; C 4 -/...---,,~ C::::4'/ "T'::>~ 3/ Is this work being done by the property owner at their own residence? ___yes J<: no Complete attached Workers' Compensation and Contractor fora.. The Applicant/Permittee hereby agrees by affixing their signature to this permit to hold the City of Campbell, its of ers, agents and employees free, safe and harmless from any claim or demand for damages result' 9 f om the work covered by this permit. The Applican /Pe ittee5f!e y nowled~es that they have read and understand both the front and back of thi pe mit, an t '11 lnform their contractor(s) of the information. ACCEPTED ~ . --; - J 't.. - ~ ~ uate e-: :: r ;J: 'T '1: t l- I ;l 7 0- NOTES: ALL WORK SHALL CONFORM WITH THE ATTACHED, APPROVED PLANS AND ALL APPLICABLE CAMPBELL STANDARD DRAWINGS AND CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR HUST HAVE THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AND MUST MEET WITH THE P.W. INSPECTOR ON THE SITE AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE STARTING WORK. NOTICE HUST BE GIVEN TO PUBLIC WORKS AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE RESTARTING ANY WORK. SPECIAL PROVISIONS ...: o tt [T. 1. Street shall not be open cut for underground installations. Hinimum cuts may be allowed for connections or exploration holes. Such cuts must be specifically approved by the Inspector. yavement may be cut for underground installations and must be restored in accordance with the Utility Trench Restoration Standard Drawing. Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and two (2) copies of the cut sheets sent to the Public Work De~t. before starting work. The hours of work are limited to outs1de the hours of 7-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. for any work affecting a traffic lane. { o 3: '1: L [T '" tT G 2. 3. 4. 5. 0: K; t-" ::r: r PERMIT APPLICATION PEE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT BOND FOR PAITHFUL PERFORMANCE P. P. (CASH) DEPOSIT (R-l) ($35.00) ( l- e-: .. STANDARD $SO.OO $500.00 (100' OF ENG. EST.) (4' OF BOND,$500 MIN) (7' OP F.P. BOND $35.00 MIN) AMOUNT $ .f b P.f:!.. $ ~G I ~ $.).'1. ,i'tJ () ':3- $ '992 bE <:)'" $ ~736 ~ { ($200) RECEIPT NO. / fd' /; ? I ? d't 7 I ~4-... -l;;' 0\ \b"-,.:;;. , 7'1 {, PERHIT FEE / /;," , ISSUANCE L../~ L'~ r -';l~ r '7 V ~. Iu~fr APPROVED FOR f: PWPERHIT Revised 7/87 ASSIGNMENT AND RECEIPT OF INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE TO CITY OF CAMPBELL, 70 N. FIRST STREET CA"I.:pnELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2150 P.W. Permit No. 2f-/7,J TR or DEV Loc. I am/We are the owner(s) of a savings account at '<<--1{ /..-,1--20 ~.--?t_~ at its branch office at 'if! f!..-?...t 4d'r~ ,Ca}.,i ornia, Investm.~,.t Certificate No.//~- 9-0-9'o-b7t-'in the namesl()f ~ ;(-t~zt'~ J,t-c.-( V{(/."77- ~K~^--t.4z;;..,a,<-Z:>! and having a present balance of $ tP".;< 5'?', voo . I hereby grant, transfer and assign said account, said Investment Certificate, said balance (includinR interest which accrues thereon), and all other rights in connection therewith to the CITY OF CAMPBELL, assignee, for a good and valuable consideration. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, for the purpose of insuring construction described as follows: Investment Certificate and du licate of this Assi nment I understand that assignee can withdraw from said account any time on his signature alone upon presentation of the Investment Certificate to the issuer. I also understand that I may not withdraw from said account unless I present said Investment Certificate and the si~nature of assiRnee approvinR said withdrawal. The issuer of the certificate assumes no responsibility for the conduct of the assignee and may act on the signature of the assignee without further inquiry. Executed on , 19 at said office of the issuer. Assignor Assignor ACKNO\.'LEDGEHENT BY ISSUER Issuer affirms that there are no other holds on subject account, that subject monies are available, and that the above described assignment has been noted on the Records of said issuer. Date 7 By Authorized Signature Title: INSTRUCTIONS TO ASSIGNEE Please sign below for signature identification and as acknowledgement of your notice of Assi~nment and as receipt of said Investment Certiticate. Return this Assignment and Receipt to the issuer at its address above. Retain one copy of this Assignment and Rece ipt for your files. /) D.t. jh/Jt' ;;'Y / RELEASE BY ASSIGNEE Said assignee hereby releases and relinquishes all his right, title and interest in and to said account, said Investment Certificate, said balance and all other rights in connection therewith. Da t e '7 J ~? let I /4 City of Campbell Bv rt~~{e~ PAYMENT BOND-CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT MULTIPLE MATURITY - NON-NEGOTIABLE Member FDIC CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ACCOUNT NO.: 114-9-045690 THIS CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ISSUED BY OUR [ $ 6,200.00************1 CERTIFIES THAT . w"ESTGATE OFFICE " ~ 45 2 9-9 dors Q-8-ets DOLLARS HAS BEEN DEPOSITED ON NnvPTTlhPr ?R , 19~BY: FORrY 'JW) WEST INVESTMENTS (DEPOSITOR) AND WilL BE PAYABLE TO: CITY OF CAMPBELL (PAYEE) UPON DELIVERY OF THIS CERTIFICATE, PROPERLY ENDORSED, AT THE ISSUING OFFICE WITHIN THE FIRST TEN CALENDAR DAYS FOllOWING MATURI- TY, WHICH IS 12 IDNTHS FROM THE DATE OF DEPOSIT. IF .NOT SO DELIVERED DURING THIS WITHDRAWAL PERIOD, WE WILL AUTOMATICALLY REINVEST THIS DEPOSIT FOR A LIKE PERIOD, IF AVAILABLE, AND AT THE INTEREST RATE THEN IN EFFECT ON THE DAY OF REINVEST- MENT. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT, HOWEVER, NOT TO REINVEST THE DEPOSIT WHEN IT MATURES. A DEPOSIT THAT IS NOT REINVESTED DOES NOT EARN INTEREST AFTER IT MATURES. THIS DEPOSIT WILL EARN INTEREST AT A RATE OF 7.90 PERCENT PER ANNUM, COMPUTED ON A COMPOUND INTEREST BASIS USING A 365 -DAY YEAR. INTEREST WILL BE PAID TO THE DEPOSITOR. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ********TRANSFERABLE. IF ANY OR ALL OF THIS DEPOSIT IS WITHDRAWN BEFORE MATURITY, THE AMOUNT WITHDRAWN WILL BE SUBJECT TO A SUBSTANTIAL INTEREST PENALTY AS DISCLOSED IN OUR PUBLICATION. DOCUMENT SERIAL NUMBER. N 0 0 5 6 6 2 FORM 3117 (REV 11/88) ~~,~ .. (" CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works July 11, 1991 Forty-Two West Investments 106 W. Campbell Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE ACCEPl'ANCE PERMIT NO.: 88-178 LOCATION: 42 W. CAMPBELL AVENUE Dear Gentlemen: We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. By copy of this letter, we hereby release your maintenance bond. You will need to come into the office for release of your time deposit. :J;~~ Sal Duckworth-Lanzo Senior civil Engineer SDL/AS:djr F:88-178 CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT DATE: 1 / ///1 / I , ADDRESS: 4 () w. COt m {)b~ / ( , PERMIT/PROJECT NO.: g<6~ / Ie TRACT NO. Ii1/( TYPE OF WORK: STREET:~ STORM: SANITARY: ELEC: P.C.C.: PARKWAY: OTHER: [] PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST [J FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST [J FINAL INSPECTION ACCEPTANCE SIGNED PLANS ? YES NO COUNCIL ACTION? YES NO CHARGES AGAINST DEPOSIT? YES NO OVERTIME: HRS. @ $ PER HOUR = S EQUIPMENT RENTAL: TYPE: AMOUNT: $ DATE: / / REASON: TOTAL CHARGES:$ [J ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST ~ ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE ACCEPTANCE ASSIGNMENT AND RECEIPT OF INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE TO CITY OF CAMPBELL, 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2150 P.W. Permit No. /(p -/ 7? TR or DEV Loc. I am/We are the owner(s) of a at its branch office at 1494 E~fyi~tce~rnp~gTl savings account at California First Bank Saratoga Ave. San Jose 95lpCalifornia, investment in the names of Forty-Two West Investments, G.P. having a present balance of $ 24, 800. 00 and I hereby grant, transfer and assign said account, said investment certificate, said balance (inClUding interest which accrues thereon), and all other rights in connection therewith to the CITY OF CAMPBELL, assignee, for a good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, for the purpose of insuring construction described as follows: I have physically delivered verification of said investment certificate and duplicate of this Assignment and Receipt to said assignee. I understand that assignee can withdraw from said account any time on his signature alone upon presentation of a written order to the issuer. I also understand that I may not withdraw from said account unless I present a signed release from the assignee. The issuer of the certificate assumes no responsibility for the conduct of the assignee and may act on the signature of the assignee without further inquiry. :> --_/ Executed on ' ,,/ 2-? 19t\""-at said ce Of~ i~ sign - ~~ Assignor print Bruce E. Hodgin G. P. sign print Assignor ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY ISSUER Issuer affirms that there are no other holds on subject account, that subject monies are available, and that the above described assignment has been noted on the Records of said issuer. Date~. -R ~ /f"~ ~~ Authorize Signature Title: J(;P,~. INSTRUCTIONS TO ASSIGNEE ATTACH NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Please sign below for signature identification and as acknowledgement of your notice of Assignment. Return this Assignment and Receipt to the issuer at its address above. Retain one copy of this Assignment and Receipt for your files. City of Campbell By Date: RELEASE BY ASSIGNEE Said assignee hereby releases and relinquishes all his right, title and interest in and to said account, said investment certificate, said balance and all other rights in connection therewith. Ci ty of Campbell By Date: / '"'\ C I T Y II F C 1\ [wi>> iil it L I. WIMBfRl r/j HANDLING HELMS ~ ~ RETURN TO JOCSON r DISCARD I(RU~ER PENOYER 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works July 18, 1990 Forty-Two West Investments 106 W. Campbell Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Permit No.: 88-178 Location: 42 W. Campbell Ave. Dear Gentlemen: We have made a Final Inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. We have received your maintenance bond in the amount of $6,200. Your Faithful Performance Bond will be released by a separate action. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE:sd cc: Suspense - 1 year '- f:88-178 (permits) '~ ; /. ; ,l''!'' ,.... ti' Pcrmit or Project No. (! OAnvIJDeI/ tI REPORT xg~ l7'~ f(rfP, -- ,../". ---- DAte ~7.; 7/90- Addre:i$ 4~. (J.) ~ Ty,p4: of work z Stn:eX Storm Other (dcscribe) PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION SAnitAry Electrical [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) [JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) ~INAL INSPE~TION - ACCEPTANCE ~igned plAn~? Y dOC) (If uigned. Council AcceptAnce.) ChArges AgAinst deposit? y Overtimcl hrs. @ ~ DAte {, re.,lOonz Q) /hr. - $ BArricAde rentAl (AttAch invoice)? DAte {, reAsonz y N ~ Other? ~ ~ TotAl chArgea deducted from depositJ (CAsh Deposit $ lcas chArges $ $ - Refund S [JaNE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAChed) ck. req.) [JaNE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (RelcAae'mAintenAnce bond. Check Request if CASh.) Engineer REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Forty Two \.vest Investments (30 spaces) Address: Line 1: 106 W. Campbell Ave. (30 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95008 (2) (10 spaces) Line 2: City: Camobell (20 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund (24 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $992.00 Account Number: 905.4662 Release of cash deposit for excavation permit 88-178. PURPOSE: See receiot #746 dated 10/18/88. Requested by: G. Eaton Ti tIe : P.W. Insoector Date: 7/18/90 Approved by: D.C. Wimberly Ti tIe : P.W. Director Date: Verified by: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is xx Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. 3 S -/7! Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. 35-3396 ITEM Project Revenues (specify project) Pu.bUc. (~O,'l.lu Exc.a.va.:uon peJtr.I,{;t Fe..M: Appl icat ion Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit R-1 : ($'35) OthelL: ($ 50) '( $500) ( % of FPB) ($500 min.) (]'7u of FPB) ($35min.) @ji) 3521 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) 3373 3373 & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($300) 3372 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) }372 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Comp1 iance 3372 Vacation of Pub1 ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment:' Categorical Exemption Ne at i ve Dec 1 a ra t ion 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-1 ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage AMOUrJT $ fJ9.;f, CJ 0 '/1 7~b. ~O "72. UO $ /,( o~ 3 70 .- y Y Y t 9'.:;,-- C) () rF" TOTAL NAMElu~ T WV !U~ . ~ _. $;; ~"!I' - ," ~ ADDRESS ./ -" / /'U6 u.J. C!~ ~ 7sLb ,;,27;). ~. 00 ~ I CJ -/ X'- Y Y PHONE ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK a-lLY RECEIPT NO. AMOUIlT PAID RECE I VED BY DATE' July, 1987 ( CITY OF CAMI)IlELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP 8 ELL, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works May 24, 1990 Forty-Two West Investments 106 W. Campbell Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: PERMIT NO.: 88-178 LOCATION 42 W. Campbell There appears to have been no repair work completed regarding the deficiencies outlined in the letter dated Januarv 9, 1990. These deficiencies must be corrected before the work can be accepted by the City and bonds and/or deposits released. The .City is requesting that you complete the repair work within 30 days so that you can begin your one year maintenance period. Upon completion of all work and correction of all deficiencies, a written request for final inspection and acceptance of the work must be submitted. This then sets in motion the actions necessary to release your bond and refund your deposits. Should you have any questions or require additional information please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, aton Public Works Inspector encl: cc:A. Scimeca, Engineering Assistant CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Public Works WIMBERLY HELMS JOCSON KRUGER PENOYER Er-:mN TO \SCAfiO Department: January 9, 1990 Forty-Two West Investments 106 W. Campbell Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: PERMIT NO.: 88-178 LOCATION 42 W. Campbell Ave. We have made a preliminary inspection of the work covered under the referenced permit. Deficiencies in the work have been found and are shown on the attached list. These deficiencies must be corrected before the work can be accepted by the City and bonds or deposits released. Please contact Public Works Inspector Gregg Eaton to schedule corrective work or clarify any questions. Upon completion of all work and correction of all deficiencies, we will need a written request for final inspection and acceptance of the work. This then sets in motion the actions necessary to release your bond and refund your deposits. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Carlos M. Jocson Associate Civil Engineer CMJ/sd enc1: cc: G. Eaton, P. W. Inspector B. Long, Sr. Lighting & Traffic Technician f:keyproDEFLTR January 8, 1990 PERMIT NO. 88-178 LOCATION: 42 W. CAMPBELL DEFICIENCY LIST 1. Remove forms at back of sidewalk at westerly end. 2. Sidewalk crack repair is not acceptable. Either repair it so that it is acceptable or remove and replace same. 3. Crack seal along lip of gutter (total lenght of project). ~ DAte f4~o Address 4-2 PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Permit or Project No. '-87 ...6~' ~ 8 -- I 7<3 ~. ~~~ ~. Type of work: Street"..- Storm Other (describe) SAnitAry Electrical [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) ~ INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plAm;'? Y N (If signed. Council AcceptAnce.) Charges against deposit? Y Overtime; hrs. @ $ DAte" reAson: N /hr. - $ BArricade rentAl (Attach invoice)? Y N DAte " reAson: $ Other? $ $ TotAl chArges deducted from deposit; $ (CAsh Deposit $ less chArges $ - Refund $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttaChed) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenAnce bond. Check Request if CAsh.) !n~ ~or January 8, 1990 PERMIT NO. 88-178 LOCATION: 42 W. CAMPBELL DEFICIENCY LIST 1. Remove forms at back of sidewalk at westerly end. 2. Sidewalk crack repair is not acceptable. Either repair that it is acceptable or remove and replace same. 3. Crack seal along lip of gutter (total lenght of proje -a> VYl{) Jf7kr;+... ~ . ( U // ~bvJ ~-- ~ ~ C/lMIUY ~' SEP 06 '89 16:23 KIER and WRIGHT 408 727 5641 269 P02 KIER & WRIGHT Lt L. W_ CAf-4P'e:rtJ-'- CIVIL ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, INC. 3350 Scott Boulevard, Building 22 Santa Clara, California 95054 . (408) 727-6665 STAKING FOR: tJff'7lr, ,"-6- OFFSET: ~ 31 BENCH MARK: f f~ If 8 ~ COLOR OF NOS.: ~ , \1 / ~ ' ::-: . . ( .,: I' \ .:J, . I ." 'k , " , , CUT SHE . BY: )., t... 6.-. DA~: ~-l. 3-og-<\ JOB NO.: &633 f'Lev A TI STATION STAKE '. . .' .. .. ..... '. '-;:'-;;. ' . ., .. .' .- , " : FORTY-TWO WEST INVESTMENTS 106 WEST CAMPBELL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 November 28, 1989 city of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, California 95008 Attention: Public Works Reference: 42 West Campbell Ave., Off Site Bond/Clearance Dear Sir: At this time I am pleased to report that we have com- pleted the "off-site" improvements required at 42 West Campbell Avenue. At your earliest we request that you confirm same and release the certificate of deposit that you hold in the amount of $24,800.00. Enclosed find a new certificate of deposit in the amount of $6,200.00 to be used as the maintenance bond. Please call if you have any questions. t/~Y1~ Bruce E. Hodgin REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Forty Two West Investments (30 spaces) Address: Line 1: 106 W. Campbell Ave. (30 spaces) Line 2: City: Campbell (20 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95008 (2) (10 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund (24 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $500.00 Account Number: 905.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for excavation permit #88-178. See receipt #19867 dated 7/13/88. Requested by: Don King ; 0 Ti tle: En g. Tee h I I Date: 7/26/89 Approved by: Donald C. Wimberly Ti tle: P. W. D ire c tor Date: Verified by: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is xx Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Departmen t) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 10: City C I e rk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. ~ ~- 117~ Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. 35-3396 3372 3521 3521 ITEM Project Revenues (specify project) PubUc. (~O:I.IM Exc.a.va.:uon PeJl.r.1-U FeM: A I i ca t i on Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance (Cash) Deposit R-l : ($35) ($200) OthVt : ($ 50) '( 500 (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7'1u of FPB) ($ 35 min.) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) 2373 3373 Project Gene ra I & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Filing Fee ($300) 3372 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) 3372 Final Tract Map Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment:' Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Publ ic Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME f-c I....)/LI 77<.. r . PHONE L( c Sf / A. ~ ~ ~.)7/} )( .,{ ...... ( AMourn $ -:;~. 0.0 _ C!'S e>c::.. C>O $ ~O. r~ ADDRESS ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK ClNLY \q ~ Gi1 _~ CI() AMOUNT PAID ~ RECE I VED BY L \J f1JI3j8~ -, RECEIPT NO. DATE July, 1987 CALI'-::CIII<I\UA I .... FIRST BANK ~., Member FDIC .-_, twIL.... _V'..U-\"_., I ..-.",1-\. _ _.- "-'-. --.. MULTIPLE MATURITY - NON-NEGOTIABLE CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ACCOUNT NO,: 114-9-041863 THIS CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT ISSUED BY OUR CERTIFIES THAT I $ 24,800. OOi,**,'<*,b',,'<*i.'k I \'JESTCATE OFFICE C';::'4l1.i'F!)},"'~1i~~;2 ~ 8-0 Q ,'i'. "~Q-G ' ,-,-,,' .- ...... - " . .... 'j;~' ....... '" ',j . . l"";'.~:.t .l~<I3~k. . Cd}l ~ Gts DOLLARS HAS BEEN DEPOSITED ON October 26 . 19~BY: ****FORTY - TtJO UEST I flVESTi HiTS, G. P . *......,...:**,..*,',.;...:***i;-/.***..;-/<** (DEPOSITOR) AND WILL BE PAYABLE TO: ***C I TV OF C/\[:P BE L L .,<*';;;'.**':.*1ddr*-:.-:.**"l"-;"-i.."o:*...,'<**,'<*iddd<*.'n'<*****,"i.*id. (PAYEE) UPON DELIVERY OF THIS CERTIFICATE, PROPERLY ENDORSED. AT THE ISSUING OFFICE WITHIN THE FIRST TEN CALENDAR DAYS FOLLOWING MATURI- TY. WHICH IS 1 80 [)a~/s FROM THE DATE OF DEPOSIT. IF NOT SO DELIVERED DURING THIS WITHDRAWAL PERIOD, WE WILL AUTOMATICALLY REINVEST THIS DEPOSIT FOR A LIKE PERIOD, IF AVAILABLE, AND AT THE INTEREST RATE THEN IN EFFECT ON THE DAY, OF REINVEST- MENT. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT, HOWEVER, NOT TO REINVEST THE DEPOSIT WHEN IT MATURES. A DEPOSIT THAT IS NOT REINVESTED DOES NOT EARN INTEREST AFTER IT MATURES, THIS DEPOSIT WILL EARN INTEREST AT A RATE OF 7 . 1 S PERCENT PER ANNUM, COMPUTED ON A s irlp 1 e INTEREST BASIS USING A :JC:; .DA Y YEAR, INTEREST WILL BE PAID TO THE DEPOSITOR, THIS CERTIFICATE IS ******,,< TRANSFERABLE, IF ANY OR ALL OF THIS DEPOSIT IS WITHDRAWAN BEFORE MATURITY, THE AMOUNT WITHDRAWN WILL BE SUBJECT TO A SUBSTANTIAL INTEREST PENALTY AS DISCLOSED IN OUR PUBLICATION, DOCUMENT SERIAL NUMBER N 0 0 0 1 6 6 FORM 3117 9/83 ~W~~ " .. :r.- ~ , PUBLIC YORKS PERMIT ISSUANCE CHECK LIST City of Campbell Public Yorks Permit No. ~~ t"b 4~ ~ ~lt--\,\,~ ~Applicant section complete 8 H el~ Z~ HP< ~ ~~ o::r.... OZ r....o H 08 ~6 HH 0...:1 III ~P< ~--------------------------------------------------------------------- Applicant signature and date ~ Permit Application fee, $35.00 for R-l, $50.00 for standard, paid. Receipt number It( 1"67 V Plan check deposit,!..... $500.00 for standard only, paid. Receipt number I?~ 7 ~ Five sets of improvement plans sub~itted ~Bond for faithful performance, 100% of City Engineer's estimate for standard only, posted and appropriately noted Amount $'~Stie>~ Form ~Lr, O'w::- I.D. #\.\l\--~-<j4\~G:S. \~,,;.\.""'{' . ~Cash Deposit: $200.00 for R-l; 4% of FP bond, $500 min. for standard, posted. Amount $ Cf::t.~. ~ Receipt No. ~ 4-f::,. ~ermit fee of 7% of FP bond, $35.00 min., paid. Amount $ l"t ~ci:>. (;~CJ Receipt No. I 4-~ ~ Yorker's compensation information received for Applicant (see Information Sheet for Public Yorks Permits) elE-< ZH ~~ ~~ ~P< H(,J elZ ZH ~o ...:I r..,H 00 r::Q ~ uo:: zo .:x;r.... o (/)0:: (/)~ HE-< E-< o::~ 0...:1 r.., t:l ou ~Z H~ O.:x; ~ ~...:I O::U All other Public Yorks requirements listed in the Con- ditions of Approval of the development. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-< il H ~ ~ :t: ~ :J P< f) f)(/) -4 ~ :t:o ::>3 ... U ClH ~~ HO OP< ~~ . ~Yorker's comp and Contractor's Information received for Contractor (see Information Sheet for Public Yorks Permits) ~ Certificate of Insurance with Additional Insured's Endorsment received from Contractor (see General Summary of Insurance Requirements for Public Yorks Permits) vi Three sets of off-site plans, stamped APPROVED (Tract or Development and Public Yorks Permit number and property address on plans) ~permit signed for City Engineer WHEN ALL OF THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE COMPLETE, PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED Issuer: Initial _____ and date and file with permit 1/ UPON ISSUANCE, INITIATE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT REFUND CHECK REQUEST. 1/;2 /'/ /Y ~1 6/88 f/permchklst ,0___.._---- _._______.._ -_ This is to certify that CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE KJ STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois o STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois I has in force for Address of Policyholder 'A Name of Policyholder 106 W. CAMPBELL AVENUE location of operations CAMPBELL, CA 95008 42 W. CAMPBELL AVENUE INIUUN' Phillip "Cab" Driver, Agent 120 West Campbell Avenue Suite A - P,O, Box 326 Campbell, California 95008 Phone: Off. (408) 378-3403 the following coverages for the periods and limits indicated below, POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD LIMITS OF LIABILITY (elf/exp.) 49-8 Q Comprehensive 1/8/88 - 11/8/8 o Dual Limits for: BODIL Y INJURY 97-55 28 General Liability Each Occurrence $ 0 Manufacturers' and Aggregate $ Contractors' Liabi I ity 0 Owners', Landlords' and PROPERTY DAMAGE Tenants' Liability Each Occurrence $ The above msurance includes o PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIONS Aggregate' $ (applicable If indicated by ~ ) o OWNERS' OR CONTRACTORS' PROTECTIVE LIABILITY [iJ Combmed Single Limit for: o CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY BODIL Y INJURY AND o BROAD FORM PROPERTY DAMAGE PROPERTY DAMAGE o BROAD FORM COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY Each Occurrence $ 1,000,000 POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD Aggregate $ 2,000,000 (eff/exp,) CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY LIMITS o Watercraft (If different than above) BODILY INJURY Liability Each Occurrence $ PROPERTY DAMAGE 0 Each Occurrence $ 0 Aggregate $ o Combined Single Limit for: BODILY INJURY AND EXCESS LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE o UMBRELLA o OTHER Each Occurrence $ Aggregate $ Workmen's/Workers' Com- Coverage A STATUTORY o pensatlon-Coverage A Employer's Liability Coverage B $ -Coverage B 'Aggregate not applicable if Owners', Landlords' and Tenants' Liability Insurance excludes structural alterations, new construction or demolition, THE CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE IS NOT A CONTRACT OF INSURANCE AND NEITHER AFFIRMATIVELY NOR NEGATIVElY AMENDS, EXTENDS OR ALTERS THE COVERAGE APPROVED BY ANY POLICY DESCRIBED HEREIN. CITY OF CAMPBELL AND ITS RESPECTIVE OFFICERS AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES ARE NAMED AS ADDITIONAL INSUREDS FROM AND AGAINST ANY CLAIMS, LOSS LIABILITY, COST OR EXPENSE ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. THIS COVERAGE SHALL BE PRIMARY AND ANY COVERAGE CARRIED BY ADDITIONAL INSURED SHALL BE EXCESS INSURANCE ONLY, AS PER FORM GL 2010. -, NAME AND ADDRESS OF PARTY TO WHOM CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED I CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 ATTENTION: DON KING I ~MR. L ~ Title AGENT (558) F6,994,8 Printed in U,S,A, Rev, 11/84 WEST CON g~;p Cf~(: ' , ,,,,c.? / /, / vf C f.../ WESTERN CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT CORPORA TlON January 26. i989 Don KIng PublIC Works Dept. 70 N. 1st Street Campbe] ]. CA 95008 Dear Mr. King: Enclosed IS a copy of our Workmens Comp and LiabIlity Ins. that your hac requested from Bruce HodkIn. If you need more InformatIon or have any questions. please do not heSItate to ca.! J . SIncerely. ~~ D. Fred Altmann West Con Dev Corp DFA/p1 106 W, Campbell Avenue · Campbell, CA 95008 . (408) 866-7092 ,/~ " Ie -,\ j D FREMONT INDEMNITY COMPANY HEW 1. THE INSURED AND MAILING ADDRESS: WESTfRH COHSTRUCTION DEVElOP"E~T CORPORATIOli 1445 lOLL CIRCLE _114 SAN .lOSE WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY INfORMATION PAGE FORM NUMBER WC 00 00 01 r.;-, FREMONT COMPENSATION D COMSTOCK L!..J INSURANCE COMPANY INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY ~O: WN88-41501o-01 NON PARTICIPATING EHTITY: CORPOR~TION CA 95112 OTHER WORKPLACES NOT SHOWN ABOVE: .,ONE BUREAU: OFFICE: SAN ~ATEO PRODUCER: WILLOW GLEN INSURANCE AGENCY PRODUCER CODE: 3433/100 DIRECT BILL 2. POLICY PERIOD: fRO" 11/01/88 TO 11/01/89 12:01 A.". STANDARD TIME AT THE INSURED'S MAILING ADDRESS. 3. COVERAGE: A. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE: PART ONE OF THE POLICY APPLIES TO THE WORKERS' COMPENSATION LAWS OF THE STATES LISTED HERE: CALIfORNIA B. EMPLOVERS' LIABILITY INSURANCE: PART TWO DF THE POLICY APPLIES TO WCRk IN EACH STATE LISTED IN ITEM 3.A. THE LIMITS Of OUR lIABILITY UNDER PART TWO ARE: BODILY INJURY BY ACCIDENT: $l,GCu,CCO EACH ACCIDENT BODILY INJURY BY DISEASE: $l,GCU,OOO EACH EMPLOYEE BODILY INJURY BY DISEASE: $1,OCO,000 POLICY LI~IT C. OTHER STATES INSURANCE: PART THREE Of THE POLICY APPLIES TC ALL THE STATES, If ANY, LISTED HERE: HONE D. THIS POLICY INCLUDES THESE ENDORSEMENTS ANt SCHEDULES: ENDORSE"ENlS: 01.WC990601, 02.WCC4C301, C3.~C04036C, C4.WC99C3Gl, 05.WC99C302 4. THE PREMIUM fOR THIS POLICY WIll BE DETER~I~ED BY OUR MANUALS OF RULES. CLASSIFICATIONS, RATES AND RATING PLANS. ALL INFOR~ATION REQUIRED BElO~ IS SUBJECT TO VERIFICATION AND CHANGE BY AUDIl. PREMIUM BASIS: PREMIUM BASIS = TOTAL ESIIftATED ANNUAL REMUNERATION. RATE = RATE PfR $100 Of REMUNERATION. EAP = ESTIMATED ANNUAL PREMIU~. ST CODE CLASSIFICATION fRE'HUPI RATE: EIlP BASIS ----- --_._-------------------------- -------- ----- ---------- CA 5606 CONTRACTORS--CONSTRUCTIO~ OR 30,cee 4.96 1.488 ERECTION--EXECUTIVE SUPERVISORS-- EXERCISING SUPERVISION THROUGH SUP fRItH ENDEfHS AND FOREP\EN--I\O DIRECT SUPERVISION. CA 881GClI CLERICAL OFfICE EMPLOYEES--N.O.C. lC,CCC .70 18 THE CIGA ASSESSMENT SHO.N BELO. IS It Of THE TOTAL ESTI~~TED A~I\UAl PREMIU~. flINIMU~ [EPOSIT DEPOSIT TI<ANSfER ADDITIONAL TCTAl EST If',ATED PRE"IUP1 fiCffUUfi, FRO~ DEFOSII DUt A~NUAl PREfUUPfo ----- ------- -------------- ------- --------------- $1.,50G $1, Sf C $C $Ci $1.566 $16 - CIGA ASSESSfr.Et\T DUE ill HI DEPOSIl. z PAYROLL REP[~lIhG A~D PRE~IU~ ADJUSTMENT PERIOD: INSTAlL"E~T BILLING: PAYROLL R=PORlING FRE~UE~CY: QUARTERLY '" ~ COUIITERSIGHED ATL()S 'UUiELE S, CALIF DRtiIAO" 11-22-88 u; z ~ BY: E~ d- 4~ EDWAADJl.1EBER SEU'cTA.R' c z WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY . ' FORM NUMBER: we 99 03 02 D FREMONT INDEMNITY COMPANY r:;, FREMONT COMPENSATION ~ INSURANCE COMPANY D COMSTOCK INSURANCE COMPANY POLICY NUMBER: WN-88-475070-01 11/01/88 TO 11/01/89 WESTERN CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPMENT CORPOR~TION OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS COVERAGE/EXCLUSION ENDORSEMENT-CALIFORNIA ENDORSEMENT NUMBER: 6 POLICY PERIOD: ISSUE DATE: 11/22/88 11/01/88 INSURED: EFFECTIVE DATE: If the employer named in Item 1 of the I nformation Page is a private corporation whose officers and directors are the sole shareholders, this policy applies to all such officers and directors, as employees, except those excluded below or named as excluded in Item 4 of the Information Page. Officers and Directors Excluded Title JERRY FOURNIER FRED ALTMANN BRUCE HODGINS VICE PRESIDENT PRESIDENT SECRETARY/TREASURER The premium basis for this policy includes the entire remuneration of each covered officer or director. subject to the minimum and maximum remunerations as established by the California Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau, Each officer or director covered by this policy shall be subject to an annual minimum premium charge of $250,00, THE FOllOWING SPACES ARE TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF THIS ENDORSEMENT IS NOT ATTACHED TO THE POLICY WHEN ISSUED, ACCEPTED AND AGREED TO at (Name of Corporate Insured) this day of 19_ by (Name and T,lle of Officer) This endorsement changes the policy to which it is attached and is effective on the date issued unless otherwise stated, PRODUCER: WILLOW GLENN INSURANCE AGENCY COUNTERSIGNED BY: CODE: 3433/100/2 SM:att we 119 03 02 Edward J. Ueber, Secretary (Ed,l-87) CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 WIMBERLY HELMS JOCSON KRUGER PENOYER Department: Public Works January 19, 1989 Mr. Kjartan O. Armann P.O. Box 1080 Los Gatos, CA 95031 SUBJ ECT Public Works Permit No.: 88-178 Application expires: 1/12/89 Permit Address:42 West Campbell Ave. Our records indicate that you applied for subject Public Works Permit approximately six months ago. This is to remind you that applications for permits expire six months from the application date. The expiration is shown above. If you still wish to have the permit issued we will extend the expiration of the application sixty days. Please call this office to find out what needs to be done. Very truly yours, <-PI:' Don King Engineering Tech II DK:sd FIELD CHECK LIST FOR DEVELOPMENT OR TRACT IMPROVEMENT PLANS ~~K~\ ~-tl~ A "-0 _ c..>r -:L - ~- C!:::> G.-b~F~''-^- \. - l~, - ~,~, 1. Are existing PCC improvements accurately shown? ~ no 2. Do existing PCC improvements meet current standards? ~ no <:"c:..~' I ,.~' 3. Width of sidewalk? (Do ~ include curb) 4. List non-standard improvements to be replaced. 5. Are existing standard improvements in acceptable condition? ~ no Indicate on plans location(s) and dimensions of areas to be removed and replaced. 6. ../ Indicate required sawcut locations on plans. 7. Indicate any obvious storm drainage facilities not already shown on the plans. 8. Is there an existing street lighting system? Gno Type pole? Type luminaire? Location of nearest electrolier? 9. Are all existing surface utility facilities accurately shown?~ no If not, indicate on plans. ~ 10. Pavement condition: Description A.-.C- . Acceptable as is ~. Needs overlay Needs remove & replace If overlay or remove and replace is partial, indicate location and dimensions on plan. CONDITIONS OF APPROVJ ~-..... FILE . ZC 86-05 SITE ADDRESS: 42' 60 w. CAMPBELL AVE. APPLICANT: ARMANN, K. PC MTG DATE: 6-24-86/8-11-87 PAGE 3. ----. ~~r PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 19. Submit 3 copies of on-site grading and drainage plan. 20. Obtain an excavation permit, pay fee, and post surety for all work in the public right-of-way. 21. Dedicate additional right-of-way to realign curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Additional Conditions from Public Works Department as of 8-11-87: 22. File and process a parcel map to combine the two lots. 23. Execute an agreement to realign the curb, gutter, and sidewalk and post surety to guarantee the work. 24. Dedicate a PUblic Utilities Easement along the easterly property line of approximately 10 feet. CHECKt:D: V 1) v""/ 2) V 3) V 4) v v v /' v ;! ~ ..:t~ Tract No. ~ ~erc\~'~t? ~ ,'f- or Address I~PROVE!':Et;T PLAN CHECK LI ST DEVELOPtlENTS ITEI-1: CO:-"lE!~TS : Permit number and prop- erty address on plan? Site review completed? Applicable standard notes Engineer's Stamp, Signa- ture and Expiration Date S) Conformance with City standard specifications and details 6) Street geometries 7) Street grading plan con- fornity with overall street grades and/or official grading plAn 8) Approved roadway structural section 9) Street lighting requirements ~. 10) Storm sewer design V 11) All relevant conditions of approval have been met v' 12) Traffic review ~ 13) Service Center review Plan check CO::lpleted by tSlf::-. 9- R'- ~6 '. Recommeded for approval ~l>r-- C, -8- ~~ nill !-1. Helms~Dv,-, Date Engineering r~nager Send originals for signing Donald C. ~imberly Date Birector of Public Works - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ Surface Subtotal 'S" - $ /q 1~9.-3t:) Adjust for size: "S"<$30,OOO add 20', "S">$lOO,OOO subtract 10' (+ or -) $1 ~.137, eb ( CITY OF Address Surface Construction Clearing & Grubbing Lump Sum Estimate ;'I() U'@ $ 4.00 // ~ if- L( SF @ 3.00 /qz., U'@ 5.00 ;J... EA@ 600,00 ICjz.. U'@ 14.00 IIL/~ SF @ 4.00 '37/ SF @ 5.50 --- EA@ 400.00 U'@ 8.50 Sawcut Concrete Concrete Removal Curb & Gutter Removal Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap RDp Extruded Curb Barricade U' @ 50.00 ( ;z.. ~ f' SF)x($O .10)xc:L,") U y SF)x($0.30)xc.1_") Street Excavation AC Pavement Adjust Kanhole to Grade EA@ 375.00 .---. EA@ 275.00 EA@ 600.00 ) EA@ 300.00 U'@ 0.65 EA@ 40.00 EA@ 120.00 EA@ 15.00 U'@ 10.00 Adjust Handhole to Grade Konument Box w/Honument Street Tree (lS-gallon) Pavement Striping ($100 min) Pavement Legends ($100 min) Stop, Street Name or Other Sign Pavement Karkers Pavement Key Cut Street Lhhtin!!: Electrolier EA@ 2,000.00 U'@ 10.00 U'@ 2.00 Ea@ 200.00 li:. <(.. ;,0 19m U'@ 60.00 U'@ 70.00 EA@ 1,600.00 EA@ 2,400.00 EA@ 650.00 Conduit 9 9 I I Conductor, pair Pull Box 121=- LoCAT62 .bL<.:;<:rRo, Storm Draina!!:e 12- or 15" RCP 18" or 21" llCP Street lnlet Manhole Break & Enter Kanhole TOTAL ESTIKATE $ $ USE FOIl BOND reviaed 6/88 .f'1t":nn_e.os~_.st Permit NO.~~ - \ 1 ~ by 7)1:::.. date q -"'l... -tr. r _ $ ..5p:J.. (YO _ $ yl/o,OV - $1tJ3z.,o?J _ $ Qc'06/'J _ $ ',2--00&. 6"0 _ $ )..."~?:rr1J , _ $ ~59z,oJ $ 1-.040. 50 . - - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ _ $ / Ja~~a-o - $ - $ :2 59. 20 7'77. ~o - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1:J' t:J.. 0/; /6.0'0 LOa. C' () I SOo.. a::.) $ - $ $ - $ - $ - $ 21t 83 r: 1& ..J r.; , .;?t))o .. cTr) , j-cf'- I 7 ~ CITY OF CAMPBELL Permit No. Applicant INFORMATION SHEET FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION /' -- - . \~.---- ~ ..--., Name of Contractor/Applicant r 0,.... I ~ - 100:; WA> I '/"/'10-'.,-/.1 ~ / /2r'~ /_'$ One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration date ; OR ... .............................. ............................................................ .................................. ..... .... This Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed). CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION Signed NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/APPLICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. . . ............... .................. ................................................................... ........................ ............ CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Contractor's License and Workers' Compensation Insurance. Name of Contractor Address Telephone State Contractor License No. City Business License No. Expiration Date Will do the following types of work: _____underground _____P.C. concrete _____A.C. paving _____electrical _____other (specify) f:PERMINFO ~... 01 "'i ( ~ MEMO To: Bill Helms From: Jim Penoyer Subject" UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT ~ Karti Armann called late yesterday afternoon, Aug. 10 about the property at 42-60 Campbell Avenue. As a condition of aeproval of thelr request for extension we are requiring them to grant an easement along tne easterly property line for puelic utilities. The easement will be necessary to provide underground servIce to units currently being served overhead that are located south of Karti's proJect. We anticipate that the pole provideing the existlng overnead service will be removed in the underground district. Karti is concerned about what condition the property will be in if PG&E installs the service after the project has been built. In order to avoid the problem he is offering to install the conduit as part of his proJect. To do that he needs to know what our requirements are. Maybe you could have Dave find out what will be needed when he talks to Jim Lauth. If you agree let me know and I'll tell Karti we'll get back to him. , ( CITY OF C1\MPHEll 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 Department: Planning November 12, 1986 Mr. Warren Jacobsen Warren Jacobsen Associates 274 E. Campbell Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 RE: ZC 86-05 42 and 60 W. Campbell Ave. Dear Mr. Jacobsen: Please find enclosed copies of the adopted ordinance and approved plans for the above referenced office project. The City Council's action on August 5, 1986, included the development schedule indicated in Exhibit "B". This pro- ject approval is valid for that period of time and is subject to the conditions of approval. If you should have any questions regarding this approval, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Office. Sincerely, ARTHUR A. KEE PLANNING DIRECTOR 'A :/ ) ~ ,J" v,'. (,', ,: . / TIM J. HALEY PLANNER II TJH:lj cc: Bruce Hodgin, Forty-Two West Investments, 106 W. Campbell I I I i J 'iii) ORDINANCE NO. 1605 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA (ZC 86-05 ). The City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell. together with amendments thereto. is hereby changed and amended. Said amendments being outlined on the map attached hereto entitled Exhibit A. SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective 30 days following its passage and adoption and shall be published once within 15 days upon passage and adoption in the San Jose Mercury News. a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Campbell. County of Santa Clara. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of Aug~ vote: 1986. by the following roll call AYES: Councilmen: Ash\rorth, fuetsch, Watson, Podgorsek, Koto.vski NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ::~ ICHAEL F. KOTOWSKI. MAYOR AITEST:~~~p, ~,""A--iA Louise B. Pena,'Deputy City Clerk , I \ . . Q"...... . ,~ ttjiE oJ '" )( " ~ ~ . zc 86-0S- E"t-J I G!tJ~ WJJ;; ~-- ....... '" V~ I r - -__.:.._ ":'r --._ L .'- c ;f:-r' : ~ AVE .... ~II ( I ; , I ! C i r , I. It r: I I 1 , I I ! , ...~ 1"- , I ' -~ ~ j 3 a ~~ t- n"...-. " r J , " . . . I __-1 0 16 .. ,9 : i "" lIr: '" ~ I" I' .- L- "'- " j / ~ ORDINANCE NO. 1606 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVING PLANS, ELEVATIONS, DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR CONSTRUCTION OF AN OFFICE BUILDING TO BE LOCATED ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS 42 & 60 W. CAMPBELL AVE. IN A PD (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT) ZONING DISTRICT. (APPLICATION OF WARREN JACOBSEN, ZC 86-05). The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell is hereby changed and amended by adopting the attached Exhibit A entitled Plans and Elevations; Exhibit B entitled Development Schedule; Exhibit C entitled Map of Said Property; and Exhibit D entitled Conditions of Approval, as per the application of Mr. Warren Jacobsen for approval of plans, elevations and development schedule on property known as 42 & 60 W. Campbell Ave. in a PD (Planned Development) Zoning District. Copies of said exhibits are on file in the Planning Department. SECTION TWO: This Ordinance shall become effective 30 days following its passage and adoption and shall be published once within 15 days upon passage and adoption in the San Jose Mercury News, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of August roll call vote: , 1986' by the following AYES: Councilmen: AshWJrth, Ibetsch, Watson, Pcx:lgorsek, Kotowski NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None ATTEST: ~~~-~~ Louise B. Pena, Deputy City Clerk ./6M- ' ~- ~~ MICHAEL 'F. KOTOWSKI, MAYOR RECOHtfErWED FINDI~u... FILE NO: ZC 86-05 APPLICA~~T: JACODSO~:t ~..'. SIT'::: A:)DRESS: 42 & 60 t.'. CA'rr>DSLL A','S. P.C. r~G.: 6-24-36 Ii) 1. The proposed parkin'j facilities indicate a parking ratio of 1: 229 is considered adequate. 2. The huilding design \lith modifications as reco;"'L';1ended by the Architectural Advisor are acceptable. 3. The proposed office use is consistent with the Professional Office use s'1o:,m Orl the Larld Use Ele:1ent of the General Plan. 4. The proposed buildin~ setbacks are those typically required of a residential use. co:mITIa::s or- APP~OVA!..: ZCS6-05 ArI'LI CA:~T: JACOnSO::, 1:. SI7[ A~Dr.~SS: 42 & 60 W. CN~PBZLL AVE. P.C. ::TG. 6-24-36 The a?~licant is notified as part of this application that he/she is requirec to neet the follo\ling conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Camp~ell and the Laws of the State of California. 1. P.evised site plan indicating improved buildin~ entry to be subnitted to the Planning Depart~ent and approved by the Planning Director upon recommendation of the Architectural Advisor prior to application for a buildinz per;,it. 2. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and/or added in red on the plans. Landscapin~ and fencing shall be r.laintained in accordance with the approved plans. 3. Landscaping plan indicating type and size of plant material. and location of irrigation systen to be submitted to the Planning Department and approved by the Site and Architectural Revie~1 COioL.,ittee and/or Planning COioL.,ission prior to issuance of a building permit. 4. Fencin~ plan indicating location and design details of fencing to be sU~mitted to the Plannin~ Department and approved by the Planning Director prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. Applicant to either (1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of $10.000.00 to insure landsca~in~. fencin~. and stripin~ of parking areas within 3 nonths of co~pletion of construction; or (2) file written a~ree8ent to conplete landscaping, fencing. and stripin8 of parking areas. Bond or agreement to be filed with the Planning Department prior to application for a building permit. 6. Applicant to subnit a plan to the Planning Department. prior to installation of PG&~ utility (transformer) boxes. indicating the location of the boxes and screening (if boxes are above ground) for approval of the Planning Director. 7. All mechanical equipnent on roofs and all utility meters to be screened as approved by the Planning Director. 8. Building occupancy will not be allowed until public improvements are installed. 9. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Chapter 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. All parl~ing spaces to be provided with appropriate concrete curbs or bumper guards. 10. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Ca::lpbell !!unicipal Code. ~ . CO:mITIO::S OF APP~OVAL: ZC86-05 APPLIC^~:T: JACOESOi:. t.'. SIr;: A!)n!l~SS: 42 & 60 t.'. CA'pnr:L!.. AVe. r. C. IITG. 6-24-36 PACI:: 2 11. Plans suhmitted to the Buildin~ Department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water. sewer. electric. telephone and television cables. etc. 12. Sign application to be subnitted in accordance with provisions of the Sign Ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is ap?roved anc permit issued by Planning and Building Departments (Section 21.68.030 of the Ca1lpbell :tunicipal Code). 13. Ordinance Ho. 782 of the Campbell Nunicipal Code stipulates that any contract for the collection and disposal of refuse. garbage. wet garbage and rubbish produced within the limits of the City of Campbell shall be made with Green Valley Disposal Company. This requirenent applies to all single-family dwellings. multiple apartment units. to all cOmMercial. business. industrial. manufacturing. and construction establishments. 14. Trash container(s) of a size and quantity necessary to serve the development shall be located in area(s) approved by the Fire Department. Unless otherwise noted. enclosure(s) shall consist of a concrete floor surrounded by a solid wall or fence and have self-Closing doors of a size specified by the Fire Department. All enclosures to be constructed at grade level and have a level area adjacent to the trash enclosure area to service these containers. 15. Applicant shall comply with all appropriate State and City requirements for the handicapped. 16. The applicant is hereby notified that the property is to be maintained free of any combustible trash. debris and \leeds. until the time that actual construction co~~ences. All existing structures shall be secured by having windows boarded up and doors sealed shut. or be demolished or removed from the property. Sect. 11.201 & 11.414. 1979 Ed. Uniform Fire Code. FIRE DEI' A..1 r..rr:NT 17. Provide automatic sprinkler system for all areas of the structure. including parking areas beneath the building. punLIC tm!lr~S m:PARTHEr~T 10. Submit three copies of on-site grading and drainage plan. 19. Obtain an excavation permit. pay fees, and post surety for all work in the public right-of-way. 20. Dedicate additional right-of-way to realign curb, gutter, and sidewalk. BUILDING DEPA:"tTHENT No comments at this time. * * * E}JII!3IT n STAIIDARD DEVI:LOP'tE::T SC!!I::>UL!:: FILE NO: C 86-05 APPLICANT: JACOBSO;:. l!. SITE ADDrrCSS: 42 Ex 60 t.'. CAllPBELL AVE. 1. Construction to be~in within one year of final approval. 2. Construction to be co~pleted within one year of starting date. NOTE: Above Development Schedule is a standard used by the Planning Departnent when applicant has not submitted a schedule for his project.