88-179 . . .l.c ...~ . '0'00 . C a lit -;:.- .'fj .. :: ; -....ol i ~ ~;: U ~...... . .. ""' C . ... ~O,Q. 1::1! f>.cr:o E · .c. V-CQ.O "<0 lit f.,).V)_c ~~....,u ...........;;.. .c 0 u .ol "''-'cu_ U ...~ ....... .....~.-c... I> - - ...., 0 ~ C C . ,..... &I... - .. . "D w .... . C.c-J ..4Ju.... ~ 0- 'O~ ~ , > ~...... C &.. L.. ... . -.~-...... IIJ"IfJ::au.J u' 0" C ~ :::~~." ..~~.~g ......e..1D ....IIII...~........ .... - ... on 0- .... '0_ .:~~.-~ '" .. u r: a~eo . .c. 4.1_. '" . C "" . ....... 0 . 0 ,.<:....-... .... .. · '': t; .s:- .r:.. . 4J~"""1it) ..... - . . ~ .. ~ ..: .... OU4-J_ :~':;E ..r:....l '0 0 a.. 0 c:....eI'\ ~-=6.I........N ..,...... -.,... . .,~...... --....-oU. ~~~,...:. .OON ......- u..-t. .._ C .......~ .-0"')0.0 .... C. 0 - u...;J .......Qtn_ CITV Or CA"P8tLL . DtPT. or PUbLIC ~15 '0 "OUh 'lUI 51. Ca.Pb<<IIL CA '~OO. c.OU .. -JaO ?'j/-/7 f PU8LIC ~kS PER"IT 1tur vor.ln~ In ~n~ publae ,a9hl-o'-va~) ..aued 'ela!~ .'plr.. .n A~ ~a. 'ecait Mo. a-ad. tUe ~,- L..'~ AppUc.laon Date 7 - I 2... ~,y y- ..pi,.. ~.. ~'LJCATION - Applicalion II her.b~ ..de lor a '~blle "~nlelpal Code, 'ecllon 11.0.. A. "orIL addle.. 01 tuel .Jdk,~GU/~~ Ulllal~ trench location .. "I~re of woea;ltJ~1p.,\.A....- N\~~o~ />.....::::.0 0 0 ~ ~1. Coil ~t:t fbi.. Ptol'O\'W p(1..'l 0H=tL.C' C. Attach Il~e 1~1 Cople. 01 a dla.lng .howlng the 10CatJon, a.lenl and 4i..nlJona of the WOI_ 7he d,awlng .hall .how Ihe ,elallon of the plopoaed work 10 ellatang aurface and underground '.prove_nla. ~hen .PPloved b~ the Calf Enilne.c, .ald 4ra.lng Deco.,. a pall of tha. per.lt. ~. 7he ~eneral Condltlon. fOI all pel.Jt. ale 11at.d on the re~el.e .ide. 'pecl.l 'rovillonl for thll perail arc li.ted below. 'allure to abad, by the.c condltionl and provlllon. "y e..ull an 10b Ihut-down .nd/or forfeltule of ralthful 'erfol..ne. .ond. and caa~ dCpo.ll.. See wneral COII'hllona ) and 21. Di'& . . Morka '.,alt in accordanc. With eaapbal1 .:fil)O - w. r' -L,-roAi 1-lh:S.M <;oufl'\ 6f ICfoN hv7c 1. An application f.e ~al .ccoepany thaa applJcatlon. "a_ of APPI\~/~1 V,t;LLEY S\TLHIOli Addu.. {DO ~. <;LV.JlJ.ibA~<' ~ I la Ihll work belng done by the pIOpe(t~ Tnla 11 non-refundabl.. CO;.;tli~pnone; ~\t)-1A-01 LA 90005 own.r at th.lr own '.lldenee} ___yea ~ftO C:;3.i'~i~T OF S/\i~.~,;~: c-i,/:,~/; CAI-A..r'\"}Zd.L Coaplete .ltached ~orke(.' Coapenaatlon .nd Contractor for... The APrltcant/Pelaitlee helebv a~ree. by affilln~ their .19nature 10 thJa peeeit to hold the CIly of C..pue I, 11. ottlcera, ag,nl' and e.ployee. free, .afe and hac.leal ftga any elal. or d...nd for da..gea reaultlng flos Ih<< wor_ CO~eled by thl. peeelt. Thc Appllcant/Pel.ittec heleby aC_nowledgel that they have read and undereland both the back of thl per.1 nd t I they wlll lnfor. thelr contraclorlal of the lnfocaatlon. ACCEPTED '11!L'fb . I ront and D:2TfnCT CF St\rIT:' r.; ;;, --., r'''':'!)J~T'( .....- ,.,.t.._.j, .oTES: ALL WORk ~HALL CONrOR" Wl~H THEATTACHfD, AI'ROVED ,LAMS AMD ALL ~PLICA8LE ~a[LL .TANDARD DRAWIHGS AMD CONDJTIONS. TilE CONTRACTOR "UST IlAVE: THIS PrR"IT AND APPROVED 'LAMS UD RUST 1tf:t;T WI'rIl THE '.W. UtiPfCTCltl ON Tilt SITE AT LtAST TWO DAYS 8ErOkl: 6TAkTIHG WORk. JIOTJ Cl: RUST at ~IVf;H TO PUBLJ C NOIlI(S AT L&.\ST j4 MOUltS urou RESTAkTING AMY WORJ:. 5PfCIAL PROVISIONS _1. ~. -). Street .hall nOl be open cut fOI underground 10ltal1ationa. "Inl.u. Cute ..y be allowed fOI conn~CltOna or ..plorallon hole.. ~ucn CUt. .ual be lpaClflcally approved by th~ J n~~("( or. PIVlm~nr-"r be cut for underground analall.llonA and ~at be r.atored tn accordance With tho Ullllly Tlench a..tol...oo Standald Dla.lng. wor_ to be ata.ed by a Ilcen..d Land Sur~crol 01 Ctvil !n~in.ee and two IJI Copte. of the CUI ah'~IA aenl to lh~ PublIC work Pept. bctore .laltlng WOI_. Tne hour. of wor_ arc ltalled to oUlalde the hout. of }-, .... and tor any woek .tf Ctlng a traffic l.ne. u/- -neGvU{ ON DE . c.. 7V "" A-rc# E Y t',5.n."i(::o . _4. ~!l. PC~IT APPLJCATJON PCE PLAN CHf;CI DEPOSIT aoHD paM PAJTH'UL '&aPORMAHCE r. P. (CASH I ~tPOSJT (It-II UH.OOI HeEl PT 110. / q~t:jI::; J'jf/1-5"" n.ucPAJlD UO.OO ........ 1:'00.00 .......... 1100' or EM(;. EST.) C., or aoHD,5!lOO "III) 1" or P.P. aaH~ ~ U~.oo "UII V" AItOONT 5 ~cJ 5 500- 5 5 U2001 '[IUIl T PEf APPROV[D P~ JSSUANCE \ <2/fUtt1. " ...' r 5 37'- )q~7~ 7 II U'ttt I r fo PWPEkllIT ..vu.a l/l} v'~' .. , . u - - ~ '"- . .. .t:. .. ~ .c "C .. .., .. .- r u .. ,Q o ... ~ .. u .. .r: ... ~ .c "C .. .. .. r u .. .s:- o ... ~ D~~'AT i~ 15\ ;2.\ "<b <t PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO.J:>8'~/7 7' 10: Ci ty Clerk JeT. 35-3396 3372 3521 3521 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ITEM Pro'ect Revenues (specify project) Pu Uc. ('lo,-z. Z-6 fxc.ava.-tion Pvu~-U feu: Ap I i cat ion Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance (Cash) Deposit AMourn $ R-1 : ($'35) so -- ::ro 0 ($200) 3521 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3373 3373 ';>~- Other Cash Deposit (specify) Project General & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 1~72 Final Parcel Hap Fil ing Fee ($300) r2 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) Jj72 Final Tract Map Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment Fi rst Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 1395 Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage NAME ADDRESS TOTAL ~ [~ ~c-~ LY-' Y fJ. C~ -# 70 s - cr-.s- - $ PHONE 2-')1/- 2'2..03 / s: ~ ZIP 9::>- OJ/ FOR C I TV CLERK Q\(l.. Y RECEIPT NO. AMOI.JIIT PAID l?g7~ 5 R s!!..f> '7-/3- jf ~ ~ July, 1987 RECE 'VED BY DATE . , C H E C K R E QUE S T TO: ' FINANCE DIRECTOR' . City of Campbell ' Please, issue check payable to:. Addre~s: Str~et:' City: ' State: ~(2 spaces) Zip: ~(5 spaces) (20 spaces) (20 spaces) (15 spaces) 4 ' Description: Exact Amount Payable: $500.00 Account Number: 735~3521 1 t (20 spaces) Purpose: Refund of Cash Deposit - Permit #88-179, Receipt # 19875 dated 7/13/88 Requested by: Dave Valkenaar . . Title: Assoc. Civil Engineer Date: 8/2/88 , Approved by: Title: Engineering Manager . Bill Helms ,SPECIAL- INSTRUCTIONS FOR 'HANDLING CHECK: Da te : 8/2/88 .., Matl as is x Return to: Ma.il in attached envelope Department Name Ot~er: . ~ REV 4/22/83 . . ~ ,. .._,......, .... .::,', .. ~" ~... -- ... , r CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPaELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: · Publ ic Works August 2, 1988 West Valley Sanitation District 100 E. Sunnyoaks Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 RE: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE PERMIT NO. 88-179 LOCATION: Llewellyn Avenue \'I:I'\Br:<~L';' 'I' i!I!.I,:;L"J~,::; i '-------'-. . '-'j~----~---------~~""'7"--- r. ,,(" , ~ I r '" _ ' ... i _r~."~\..., ". "'<;I.RNIO~ \ " .;,.~~ ~r!:~-.~--=--::----'-~r--~- "/'.L"~':11'-'/'\~, I I' ....';~: ,~t:) I . I' -., '" --~-----+---tr fl'}"'7 I li,..'l- _~l.___.'~__.-J_ !if'l1.t 'i MANLEY PENOYER CASE We have made a flnal,.inspectlon of ' subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable a.nd In conformance with City standards,. Ac- cordingly, the work is hereby accepted. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur. We will Inspect the work periodical1y and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~~ David N. Valkenaar Associate Civil Engineer DNV/le cc: G, Eaton, Publ ic Works Inspector CR :! , @) PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Date ~~I~e. Permit or Project No. 8/5-'?~ Address Sl:JO !..J. ~,',-~~ Type of work: Street Storm Other (describe) Sanitary ~ Electrical [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) [JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) Iil FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans? Y ~ (If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? Y Overtime: hrs. @ $ Date 5 reason: (ID /hr. - $ Barricade rental (attach invoice)? Date 5 reason: Y G:J $ Other? $ $ Total charges deducted from deposit: (Cash Deposit $ leas charges $ $ - Refund $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) ~A!/ J Eng ineer ~ Inspector GRAY EAGLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 2464 EL CAMINO REAL. STlll. 90. SANTA CLARA. CA 95051 (408) 241-2203 July 25, 1988 Greg Eaton Public Works Inspector CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 RECEIVED RE: CAMPBELL MAIN POST OFFICE PROJECT Llewellyn and Hamilton Ave. Campbell JUL 2 71988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Dear Greg: We are requesting final inspection for the off-site Sewer Lateral installation at the above referenced project; along with the refund of $500.00 Faithful Performance Bond as required by the city. Please advise when this inspection has been completed. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, GRAY EAGLE COMPANY / Barbara Silva for/Frank J. Si Lie. No. 383766 co 1&1 C) -0 <C )> lL C Ia.I cr -0 Ia.I "'0 CIJ -. () ;0 ~ 0 < 0 () rn ...... 0 ~''\IY<' 0 " ,..., ;', 0 00 fU,'--" :r ~ 1....:.... III Cl 'T1 o' .... -r, ~ t., ... CO) l:r I -,j '" :3 CD .......;...... -'J ... c: ~.-. .;~ III ~ , "'- _,J ",,--... ~ ". _,.1 ~ ) 0 " 5' '" r+ fD IQ <1l () .... ;. ....1 0 :-~, " <1l Z --,. '" ~ III ""C:I ~;;.. l: 'tl 0 tT en ':. Q o' " . CD -1 ? ,. ;0 C --J 0 ~ -i - 0 z + MATCH 'OINr 3.21/ 25 . o+n ." . (54) 0 III %: 0 01) ... <Ii U po. 01) ~ - .. - ...J at ..J !! - 2 5l.J . 150.02 .M t 5O....VCII ". 3".25 ISI.01 '''LAT. (66) 2-70-4 L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, "" r - 2+22 Lan (66) r----- I I --'" ,- - - - -= HAMIL TC . 3 +50 ,.vep I + 00 p'--...c: (36) o .. on .., Z4 . . SCo ," . N .. on N '" :; flo) " .~J) ~/ "i~:', . .; . .. o N l&J > <( on '" 1ft . .; 1ft .. . ,.: 1ft z >- ..J ..J "" ~ "" -' ..J 10'.00 '11.00 . . I o o '" . I PRODUCER EVERETI' \iT. STARK AND COMPANY 2190 Stokes Street, Suite #103 San Jose, CA 95128 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW, COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE (408) 294-4106 COMPANY A LEITER AMERICAN STAR INSURANCE INSURED FRANK SILVA DBA: GRAY EAGLE CONSTRUCTION 2464 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE 90 SANTA CLARA, CA 95051 COMPANY B LEITER COMPANY C LEITER COMPANY D LEITER City Of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EX, PIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ~R~XS{X MAIL 30 DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT;K~E:XEl~~:klK~~s{~*}t2.t*~x ElXBlElxv{I!IIKKIlrDOOIlGX~~~RR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE POLICY NUMBER: AMS 1506752 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OVJNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the followinr.: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LlPB1LlTY COVERAGE PART. SCHEDUU': Name of Person or Organization: City of Campbell 75 N. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 All California Operations (If no entry nppears abol/c, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declariltions ;)s ~pplic3ble to tt\is 0ndorS0Il1Cnt.) WriO IS AN INSURCD (Section II) i<; amended to include as nn insured the person or orr,:1niZ3Iion shown in the SCI1QUuh;. but only with r(:~l)ect to li'-lbility arising out of "your work" for tll;Jt insurccl !JY or lor you. ~ The City of Campbell and its respective officers; agents and employees are named as additional insureds from and against any clai~s, loss liability cost or expense arising out of or in any way connected with the constr~ction of the project. This coverage shall be primary and any coverage carried by additional insured shall be excess insurance only. CG 20 10 11 r.S Cc:pyriCht. Insurance Servicf's Office. 11lr:- . I c)H'1 Permit No. Applicant INFORMATION SHEET FOR PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Contractor's License and Workers' Compensation Insurance. Name of Contractor Frank J. Silva Telephone (408)241-2203 Address 2464 EI Camino Real. Ste. #90 State Contractor License No. 383766 Santa Clara. CA 95051 City Business License No.J..:!/..5'JAL~jte~ _ Expiration Date / J' J',fc:;, Will do the following types of work: ~underground _____P.C. concrete _____A.C. paving _____electrical _____other (specify) WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Contractor/Applicant GRAY EAGLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Frank J. Silva One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. E.W.STARK & CO. Policy No. r1mS@/'1.5/0 Expiration date \.. j......t - i9 OR --L The Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' \ Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed). CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for this permit, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation La~f California. Signed ~ ~ Date : 9 r.1A~ UOO NOTICE -g~ OR/APPLICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. f:PERMINFO REV. 11/87