88-183 . . .l~ ...~ . . "'''1:10 .~.It. ...;:;.- ii...::~ ......oM iti~~ u ~...... . .. .,c:... ~ 0 ~ . 1~:1i E~~to E · .c. ""-c:~o "<0 It. U.U1_C ~..,.,,~ ...."-".:;.. .cO .. jI. ......U_ " .. -... .. .... ....og.-C... 0--""0 - C c: . ,.... .... -- .. . "'D . .... . c ~ ~ ....,U_ ...a 9- ..,~ C c: ~ ~...... o ~ ~ .. . -..-.,...,. "'~II):J6.J~ U CTC~ :::!~." ..e~.~g ......t.... ~A.IID~A........ .... - ... '" ... ... "0... .:e~.-~ " . u c: .~.o - ."C. tJ _ . u_C...,. - 0 . 0 c..s::.t,,;_.... .... .. · '': c: .Cl.c.. . ..,--." .... - . . o ~ >... _ c: ..... cu..._ :~':;E 4:....1 .., 0 LOC....tIf'\ ""x:.".........,.... ~..... ......,.. . ..,.......... .........-oU. ~~er:...:.. .00.... .-a.._ u ..... .._ C .....4J~ . "C ... )> .0 ... &: 0 _ 6.1 ~ ........::1......... AItOONT aJ:CUPT 110. f .,0.00 (J..IJ (), 3 j , f f SOO.DD r2D 0 3 I 5 /3S. 5S -tll.JJ1 @. 1f~ CITY 0' CAftPBtLL ' DCPT. 0' 'U~LIC ~Ii '0 1I0lth 'lll' i,. ClmpbcllL CA '~OO' (tea) II. .~ao ~S-183. I-ad. t u. @, 8 - (40 &ppHc:auCNI Dat. 7.t< 3~BB ..pir.a in .u. APPLJCATJON - Application 1, h.r.by ..d, tor a '~blic Mork. '.ralt 1n accordane. wlth eaapbell .~nlclpal Code, 'ectlCN1 11.04. PUbL1C WORkS .ERftlT "ur vurclnv In cne publlc ri9ht-of..ayl "aud '1. - ~ ~ - }/ :r ..'.1 I PI.. .n &4 .0.. '"ai t "0. .. C. A. Mork addl'.' or tract . - /I4/~iC/EI il. Atlach live C~) Coplel ot a dr.wlng ahowing the location, alt.nt .nd diaanllona of the work The dlawlng ahlll 'how the r.ll,lon of the propoled work to .llating aurtac. and undelground laprove..nt.. Wh.n approv.d Dy tbe Cltl ~niln.'r. ..id drawing blcoae' . parl of Lhl' peralt. The ~enel.1 Condltionl for all parait. are lletad on the r.verae .idc. 'peci.l 'rovi,lonl tor thl. perai, .re lia'ed below. 'allure to .bld, bl lhe.e condition. and provl,lon. ..y r.lult ln job ahut-down and/or forfeiture of ralthful '.rfor..nce .ondl and c..h depolitl. IS'e wnerll Cond'"on. 1 and ~I. It. toddre.. II thl. wock Dclng done by th. pcopartl own.r at tb.lr own r.ald.ncel .......y.. ao Coapl.t. attached Work.r.' Coapen.atlon and COntraclor loraa. The AppllClnt/Peralttee her.by agc.ee by attillng their .Ignlture to thil perait to bold the City ot CI.puell, ltl offlcec.. .g.nll Ind eaploy.el fcec. a.fe and blr.l.al fro. any clala or d...nd tOI d...g.. r.lulting fcu. the Wock covec.d by lhll perall. The Appllcan Dack of etll. ACCEPTt:D .e hereby aCknowledlel tbat tbey beve r.ad and underetand both the and t tbey wll1 nfor. th.lr contraCtor I.) of ~' infor..rlon. ~ (~/~eo I ... r.w front and IIOTtS: ALL WOR" SHALL COHfOllft ."1 TH THt ATTACHED. APPROVED '~S AIID ALL APPLICA.8Lf CMPaf:LL .TANDARD DRAWJNGS AND CONDITJONS. TilE CONTRACTOR IIUST HAVE Till S PERftIT AND APPROVED 'LAMS AND IIUST en' "12'1 THE .. .W. UUiPCCTC.ltl ON TIi[ SITE AT LUST ",.0 DUS IIE'Okt: STo\JlTlNG WOR". IIOT J ca: ROST Bt: (;1 Vt:H TO PUBLJ C NOII..S AT LU.ST ~. MOURS UfOllE IltSTAlITI HG ANY MOIlI. SPECIAL PROVISJONS _1. 5tr.et 'hell not be open cut tor underground inltlll.tionl. 1I1niaua cuta ..y be allowed tor connectlon. or acploration holel. SUCh C~te au.' be lpeC"lCllJy approved by the Ino;~Clol. ~~mfnr-"r bI cut tor underground lnallllatlonl and auel be r.ator.d ln accordanc. Wlth lh. U',11'y TrenCh a.ltorl'lon 51lndlcd DClwlng. Work to be atlked by I )Icen..d Land Surveyor or Civil tngin.er and cwo (2) c:opi.e ot the cur .n..ll aen, to the Publ,c Work Dep'. b.fore .tartlng work. The houri of work ar. llalled to outaldc the bOUl. ot l-t .... and J-6 p.a. tor any worl att.cllng a trarflc l.n.. '5€E AlTACHEA 77eEN.Crl iCE<'T7VcAT7'OA1 D FT'A ; L -L.~. /J. _4. ~~. .EkMIT APPLlCATJON rEE rLAN ClltCI Dt~IT 80MD rOR 'AITH'UL .cafORMANCf: C.-l) CU~.OOI aTAIIDAJlD UO.OO 1:'00.00 ClOO\ or EM(;. EST.) r. .. CCIo&HI DEPOSJT C$~OOI C., 0' aoND,5~00 IIJM) rEllIIJ T rEf /.. 0' 0' r. P. IIOHD 137 ~.F. -= Sooer. e .2.0et4/237 L.F';:g5". ~q, u:..OO. Ill") APPIlOVED rOIl J:>SUANCE ~-Gh. Ii /e_---.... ____- I ur 1..1 ntj ...... f: I'WPEkftlT a.vu.4S "., Vv...~ - Av-z: ... r: . u - - "" ... . OJ 4 ... .... ... "1:1 .. ... .. - t .. .. ~ o to ~ ... u .. .c ... >-. ... ~ .. ... .. f .. .. .0 o ... "~s' 0.'. \'" i II ".6 \.o).c, ,'0 k-'" I&J C) c( D. LLI LLI U) I \ \~ ,..-. ': '''"'.-.m ~,'o' r II ; . i f..j ~1.l I jJ ~ G , nnit No.~- is'' C '"~ ",cl,)r m'~st hove these plans )!' 1!'tC' ;nb <;h'f' during construction. CANTA CLARA COU~~TY E:AP'HTATIO"J DIE:TRlCT "JO. .( BOOK PAGE SCALE CORRECTED TO BY 6 54 1" = 100 FE;':' '82 f). If: ~ '", I t ffU (J f (~A Nt t>> Ht It 1. 1L 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Public Works Department: October 31, 1989 Mello Pipelines 260 McGlincey Lane Campbell, CA 95008 RE: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE PERMIT NO.: &9-183 LOCATION: 1381 Harriet We have made final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find the work is satisfactorily completed in conformance with City standards. Your cash deposit will be refunded under separate cover. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~ Associate Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: Gregg Eaton, P. W. Inspector - .__.~~_.. - .. . -- ...- PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Date /t:>a 7. /~ 1 Permit 01' Project No. . ES 8 - Ie .3 r I Address /.J 8 I .;. J.-./.".{t.~,'rr Type of worka Stre.t Storm Other (describe) Sani tary ..----nectrical o PJU:LIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) [J FINAL XNSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ~ INSPE~ION - ACCEPT~~ . Signed ~lans? Y lll-J(If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? y Overtime. hrs. @ $ Date '.reallona G0 /hI' . - $ ., Barricade rental (attach invoice)? y Date , reason. ~ $ Other? [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) $ $ $ - Refund $ ~otal charges deducted from deposit. (Cash Deposit $ l.ss charges $ ck. req.) ~.~ ineer In6 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Mello Pipelines 260 McGlincey Lane (30 spaces) (30 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95008 (2) (10 spaces) (24 spaces) Address: Line 1: Line 2: City : Campbell (20 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund Exact Amount Payable: $500.00 Account Number: 905.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for P.W. Permit 88-183. See receipt #20031 dated 7/21/88. Requested by: Gregg Eaton Title: P. W. Inspector Date: 10/31/89 Approved by: Verified by: Donald C. Wimberly Title: P.W. Director Date: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is x Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (N ame) Other: 08/24/88 TO: City Clerk ~T. J5-3 96 3372 3521 3521. 3372 3521 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: project) P eJl..P.1U eM : R-1 : ($'35) ($200) PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. ~g -IR3 AMOUNT $ t elL: ($ 50) '( $500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7% of FPB) ($ 35 min.) Depos i t S' O. 0 0 5'DO ' 00 /?;~,j;$ 2373 3373 3373 . . 3373 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit' (specify) & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) )372 Final Parcel Map Fil in Fee ($300) '2 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee $ 00 ~J12 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Adjustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements ($500) 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption ($500 plus actual cost Negative Declaration 'above $500) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre (R-l, $1,875; Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 1373 3373 1520 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL $ 085,;5 S- NAME r4~UOvJ !"~E L~:VE<" C7O.JV1V!€LLOW) PHONE 377- c,.,/o 3 / / ADDRESS 2~O - M~ GLI~c.e--l LN. - (' A-MtJi3ELL C.A. ZIP ~.5lJo B / 'I' RECEIPT NO. d?-CYn?J{ 0~;/~~ L--- . I FOR C I TV CLERK a-n. y AMOUNT PAID DATE July, 1987