88-187 CITY OP caMPBILL DBP'l'. OP PUBLIC WORD 70 Horth pirst st. c..pbe11, CA '500a (408) 866-2150 PUBLIC WORD PBRMIT (for workinq in the public riqht-of-w.y) I..ued f ~I Cf ~&>9 pera! t ezp res I n 12 aos. perait No. 88-137 X-Ref. file Applic.tion D.te zLl if 2 (; Applic.tion asp es'ln 6 aos. APPLICATION _ App11cation ls hereby ..de ror a Pub11c Works Permit in accordance with c..pbell xunicip.l code, section 11.04. (Applic.tion expires in 6 aonths if perait not pulled) A. Work address or tr.ct . N. S. Hacienda - 100 Ft West of Sonuca utility trench location B. Nature of workl Locatinq and reDairino oas lenks C. Attach flve (5) copies of a drawinq showinq the location, extent and di.ensions of the work The drawinq shall show the relatlon of the proposed work to exlstlng surface and underground iaprov..ents. When .pproved by the city Bnqineer, said drawinq beco.es a part of thls perait. D. The General Conditions for all peraits are listed on the reverse side. speclal pJbvislons for this permit are listed below. r.ilure to abide by these conditions and provisions ..y result in job shut-dOwn and/or forfeiture of raithful Performance Bonds and cash deposit.. (See Gener.l Conditions 1 and 2). B. AD application fee .ust acco.pany this application. This is non-refundable. -I o N_e of Applicant Pacific Gas & Electric Address 10900 N. Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 Is this work beinq done by the property owner at their own residence? ---yes ___no Telephone I 725-2114 CD ,., n o 3: .., r- ,., -I ,., e CD -< ". .., .., r- n ". Z -I Complete and attach Workers' compensation and contractor Information forms. The Applicant/permittee hereby aqrees by .ffixinq their siqn.ture to this permit to hold the city of c_pbell, its officers, aqents and employees free, safe and harmles8 from any clai. or demand for d..aqes resultinq from the work covered by this permit. The Applicant/peraittee hereby acknowledqes th.t they have re.d and understand both the front and b.ck of this permit, and that they wlll lnform their contractor(s) of the information. ACCEP'l'ED NOTBSI ALL WOU SHALL COlflPORJ( WITH 'l'BB ATTACBBD, APPROVED PLAIIS UD ALL APPLICABLB CAKPBELL STAIIDARD DRAWINGS AND CONDITIONS. 'l'BB COIl'rRACTOR MUST DVE THIS I'BRKIT UD APPROVED PUBS UD MUST HZBT WITH TBB I'.W. IIISPBCTOR ON '1'BB SITI AT LBABT TWO DAYS BlrOR! STARTING WOU. e: ".,.,.., '" z ><,., ". en"" ". .., -1<11> 5" :z:".,., ,.,....n ::> -.... CD -0- zzo pll>Z e: CD - e:..,. 0 ""ZN 0 -<-1- -...., '" - r- ..,. e 0 N ,.,e:.... zz N -Ie-l ..,. -,.,:z: ..,. ...."'''' ..,. -" n"," >00 -Ie: < -z'" oe"" Z Z "'3: z"'''' e:",z 3:<-1 CD- ,.,nn "",.,0 II>e :j'". ,., -I -r--I n n,.,:Z: ",. "''''- CD "'-111> .. -I ~.., ~ ze:'" 011>'" .:.....~! -I ~~- 'n c.n va u."caz ,.,,.,0 "''''-1 z::;: < ,.,z> zor- -1....- ,.,-e "".... ,.,-.... e,.,O ..e;lD NOTICB XUST BB GIVEN TO PUBLIC WOJUt8 AT LBUT 24 BOORS BBNRB RBSTARTIIIG AllY WOU. _3. street shall not be open cut for underground inst.ll.tions. Kini.ua cuts .ay be allowed for connections or asploration holes. SUCh cuts .ust be specific.llY .pproved by the Inspector. P.vement aay be cut for underqround inst.llations and .ust be restored in accordance with the utility Trench Restoration Standard Drawinq. Work to be staked by a licensed Land surveyor or civil Inqineer and two (2) copies of the cut sheet. sent to the Public Work Deptartaent before .tartinq work. The hours of work are liaited to outside the hours of 7-9 .... and 3-6 p... for any work affecting a tr.ffic lane. ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I o SPICIAL PROVISIONS _1. /2. APPROVED lOR ISSUAIICE t" or r.p. BOND, $35 XIN) f)l)'~ii~i{/ C~--" ci'ty ng n~er ~n ,~_..(~) CD '" n o 3: .., r- ,., -I ,., e CD -< n .... -< I I I I I I :~ ~ ! 1/i't} I I I I I I I I I -- _4. _5. PERMIT APPLICATION rll (R-1) ($35.00) STANDARD AKOUlIT $ .,SD. 00 $ $ $ $ $5-00 RECIIP'l' NO. CASB DEPOSIT ('200.00) $50.00 $500.00 (100' or BNQ. EST.) (4' or BOND, $500 KIN) Q PLaB CRECK DEPOSIT BOND roR I'AITBlOL PBRNRKAIICB PBRMIT rBB Date ror