88-193 -4 -< I ,~D. 0(:> d).O/SD : I I V"W P c:e.~,- \.AO! ~ \\. l\ : ~ ~ \\ h Z,1a I I I I I I I I I ..!.,..- CITY OW' OKPllBLL DEPT. OF JUBLIC WOUB 70 lIorth Pir.t st. campbell, CA .500e (C08) ."-2150 POBLXC WORXS PBRKY~ (for wor~inq in the public ri ht-of-way) I..ueel 7 ;Z 1 8 g perait exp re. 12 ao.. pe1'lllit 110. ??f? - (Cj 3 z-aef. file Pu.JF ~~.- \~ Application Date -, I nlg f? Applic.tion ~e. in , ao.. APPLlCATIOII _ Applic.tion i. hereby aaele for . Public Work. pe1'lllit in .ccorelaDce with Campbell MUDicip.l coele, section 11.0C. (Applic.tion expire. in , aonth. if perait not pulled) &. Av.e.. atM~~a..L. I utility treDch location --3 V\i\ .p (lO ClE-W1 ew T P L I'h-tl ~ T VIl-I'l-IN'1e Sf STEw\ CA. f?/~2 Work ad4re.. or tract f 13<51 ~,er B. lIature of work: Sn>12..11A C. Attach five (5) copies of a drawinq .howinq the location, eztent aDel elimenaion. of the work The elrawinq .hall .how the relation of the propo.eel work to eziatinq .urface eDd UDelerqroUDel improv..ent.. When approved by the city Enqineer, .aiel dr.winq become. a part of this permit. D. The General Conelition. for all permit. are li.teel on the rever.e .iele. special PJovi.ion. for this permit are li.teel below. W'ailure to abiele by the.e conelition. aDel provi.ion. a.y result in job .hut-down and/or forfeiture of F.ithful Perf01'lllaDce Bonds aDel cash depo.it.. (see General Conditions 1 anel 2). B. AD applioatioa ~.. auat accoapeDY this application. This i. non-refUDelable. .am. of Applicant R 0 6NfC-U. Cl.T A-8S0C/~ Telephone: 984...../2/ ( Aelelre.. / I t/ 2.. SO, W fA) '- ~ es r en... (,.I v d SItN TO ~ C I"f- 9 S-/2. g Is this work beinq done by the property owner at their own residence? ---yes ~no Complete anel attach worker.' compensation anel contr.ctor Information foras. The Applicant/permittee bereby .qree. by affizinq their .iqDature to this permit to bolel the city of Campbell, ita officer., aqent. and employee. free, ..fe anel harmle.. from aDY cl.im or demaDel for d...qe. re.u1tinq from the work covereel by tbi. perait. GGrJ~ ~ 1I0TES: ALL WOU SHALL COD'ORK WITH TBB ATTACBBD, APPROVED PLaNS AND ALL APPLICABLE CUPBELL STANDARD DRAWINGS AND CONDITIONS. 'I'D CONTRAC'l'Oa MUST BAVE THIS PERKI'r AND APPROVED PLaNS AND MUST IOIBT wITH '1'D P.W. IIISPEC'l'OR ON '1'D SITE AT LBAST no DAYS BEFORB STUTIIIG WOU. c: )>...... CI'I Z ><", )> 0 ~:lD .... -4 < fIl ~ ~~\!: :I --4 G -0- zzo PfIlZ c: CI) -C.l:'" 8 ?:~~ -...., 0- -r- oC" 0 0 N ,.,C"'f'I ZZ N -IQ-t .6:- -1""1: .6:- .",.,,,, oC" - C'> n:lDC'> )>00 -4C:< -Z'" 00:lD Z Z fIl:E Z,.,,., C::lDZ :E<-4 1>>- ",nn :lD"'0 fIlO - '" -4 -4> -r--4 n n.... 1i ~~;;; .. -4 ~." ! ~~; .:.....~~ -4 .. )>)>- .~ '" '" IIOTICB 1108'1' .. GXVZJI '1'0 PUBLIC wOUB AT LEAST U BOU1Ul BEFORB RBSTUTIIIG BY WOU. SPZCIAL PROVXSIOIIS _1. street .b.11 not be open out for underqroUDel installation.. Kini.ua cuts ..y be allowed for oonnection. or exploration hole.. Such cut. must be .pecificallY approved by the Inspector. Pavement aay be cut for unelerqroUDel installation. and .u.t be re.tored in accordance witb the utility Trencb Restoration stanelard Drawinq. work to be .takeel by a licensed LaDd surveyor or civil Bnqin.er and two (2) oopies of the cut .heet. .ent to the Public work Deptartaent before .t.rtinq work. Tbe hour. of work are 1iaiteel to outsiele the bour. of 7-' .... and J-' p.a. for any work affectinq . tr.ffic lane. /'2. V s. _c. _5. RBeBIPT 110. MOUNT STANDARD fSo.OO (R-1) ('31.00) nRKIT UPLICATIOII ~EE $~e~ , ...\. $ " $ \\ l\. --; /:z- 'lI fl/ / te PLAII CBBcr; DBPOSIT $500.00 1 ~Z "0 ~-4 --< "'z> zor- -4-4- "'-0 :lD'" '" - .., 0"'0 uO:lD ftRKI'1' DE BOND NR ~U'l'DUL PZRFOJU(AIICB (100' D~ "G. BS'1'.) CASH DBP081'1' ('200.00) (C' OF BOIID, 'SOD KIN) ( ~??J/1~' .........0.. """ , for C ty Enq Deer &PPROVBD FOR IS80AlfCB .. 'DW'D'I!'DVT'II -4 o I>> '" n o ~ r- ,., -4 ,., o I>> -< > ." ." r- n > Z -4 ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -4 o CD ,., n o :E ." r- ,., -4 ,., C> CD -< n \\ TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. <gO - (( 3 Please collect & receipt for the foilowing monies: ':T. 35-)396 3372 3521 3521 ITEM Project Revenues (specify project) Pu.bUc (~o:LI<-6 Excava:Uon peJl.r.l,{;t feM: A 1 i ca t i on Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance (Cash) Deposit R-l : ($'35) ($200) OthVt : ($ 50) '( 500 (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (]% of FPB) ($ 35 min.) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) 3373 3373 Project General & 3372 1372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) Final Parcel Hap Fil ing Fee ($300) Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) Final Tract Map Fil in Fee ($350) Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($SOO) Each Additional Lot ($150) Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Park Dedication In-I ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) )..,,2 3372 3372 3372 3372 3370 3395 3380 3510 Publ ic Works Special Projects Postage TOTAL AMOUNT $ 50.DO NAME f\) let, 0 l.::t sA. 5~T\ C/ "' ADDRESS '} l L{;:).. ~. W I ncA~ '5:~r $ C;o, 0 0 PI-<<)NE 18i-I~Ik. D I vt{. "S..::J.. ZIP Ct":J-/26 -OR I TV CLERK ClNLY RECEIPT NO. ::? 6 / ..2)-0 0(:) C> 0 t2/-??-, 7 '~-PcY AMOlNr PAID RECEIVED BY DATE July, 1987 r CITY OF CAMllBELl 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Pubic Works April 14, 1989 Robnick Court Associates 1142 South Winchester Boulevard San Jose, CA 95128 SUBJECT: PERMIT 88-193 LOCATION 1381 HARRIET AVENUE BONDING COMPANY: INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST BOND NO. 113 50 41 Public Works construction at 1381 Harriet Avenue, Campbell, California under permit No. 88-193 has been satisfactorily completed and accepted. Accordingly, subject bond is hereby released. Please call the undersigned if you have any questions. Very Truly Yours, ':Z~ Associate Civil Engineer CMJ/p cc: G. Eaton, P. W. Inspector Insurance Company of the West, Bonding Company f:bondre1 ~;'T'-Jt ~ -It!J.3 CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 Department: Public Works November 9, 1988 Robnick Ct. Assoc./N.A.S. Development Co., Inc. 1142 So. Winchester Blvd. San Jose, Ca. 95128 Attn: Nicholas Speno Re: Use of Vandusen St. for access to the Robnick Ct. development Dear Mr. Speno: This letter is a follow up to a conversation I had with your field representative Steve Birch. I explained to Steve that Vandusen is a private street and that it is not to be used for access to the Robnick Ct. development. Written permission from all (100%) of the adjacent property owners must be submitted to the City of Campbell prior to any further use of Vandusen. This includes ingress, egress and ~he parking of vehicles along same. Steve was very cooperative and he assured me that he would no longer use Vandusen unless the required permission has been secured. I am also requesting your cooperation in policing this matter. If you have any questions or require additional information please call me at 866-2150. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector Pe.-~;~88-lq "3 ~ I I ~ I I HANSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS, INC. ONE HANSON COURT · MILPITAS, CA 95035 · (408) 262-1091 August 3, 1988 Mello Pipelines 260 HcGlincey Campbell, Ca. 95008 To Whom It May Concern: We hereby certify that all 12" Reinforced Concrete Pipe delivered to hello Pipeline, Job Name, Harriet Ave. in Campbell meets or exceeds ASTM Designation C76 Class 5, and the 15" Reinforced Concrete Pipe Class 4. CJl~~ Dave Rodgers Hanson Concrete Products * 1 Hanson Ct. Milpitas, Ca. 95035 DR/beE RECEIVED AUG 4: 1988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE BOND INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST I. C. W. PARK P. O. BOX 81063 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92138 Bond No. 113 50 41 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That. ROBNICK COURT ASSOCIATES, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP --~NSURANCE COMP1\NY-UFiR'rWI:.S I . ' as Principal, an" CAL I FORN I A ' a corpora hen yrg~mzed. under the laws of the State of and authorized to do a surety business In the State of a, orn, a , as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Campbell in the sum of Forty- Two Thousand, Si x Hundred Dollars and No/lOO-nn---n--- ($ 42 ,600n-----), lawful money of the United States of America, for the payment of which Bum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: SEALED with our seals and dated this Apri 1 7. 1989 July 19, 1988 , the sai" Robnick Court Associates, A General Partnership as contractor, entered into a contract for WHEREAS, on the Public Improvements Tract 813t Bond#04 51 93 for theaum 01 One Hundred Seventy Thousand .Four Hundred Doll ars and NoIlOO-n-nnn-------- ($170,400 .00n-:); and, WHEREAS, under the terms of the specifications for said work, the sal" Robnick Court Associates. A General Partnership is required to give a bond for Forty-Two Thousand. Six Hundred Dollars and No/I00-------------4$42.600.00-----),~~0~ctilie Pub 1 i c Imorovements. Tract 8132 against the roiiitilt of faulty mt,;t!erlal, o~X'ork~~hlp lor a period of one year from and aftet the date of the completion and acceptance 01 same, namely, until MarCn c.c., !~~U . NOW, THEREFORE, If the lal..l Robnick Court Associates, A General Partnership of the completion and acceptance of lame by lal..l City of Campbel I -hall for a period of one year from and after the date replace any and all defectl arillng In laid work whether felultlng from defective materials or defective workmanship, then the above obligation to be void; otherwise to remain In full force and effect. General Partnership 1thllV-1 _~_ l~ ~c~~ u n torn -In-Fact INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST HOME OFFICE: SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Certified Copy of POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Thot INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, a Corporation duly authorized and existing under the laws of the State of California and having its principal office in the City of San Diego, California, does hereby nominate, constitute and appoint: Catherine Gustavson its true and lawful Attorney(s)-in-Fact, with full power and authority hereby conferred in its name, place and stead, to execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver any and all bonds, undertakings, recognizances or other written obligations in the nature thereof. This Power of Attorney is granted and is signed and sealed by facsimile under and by the authori ty of the following Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST at a meeting duly called and held on the Sixth day of February, 1973, which said Resolution has not been amended or rescinded and of which the following is a true, full, and complete copy: "RESOLVED: That the President or Secretary may from time to time appoint Attorneys-in- Fact to represent and act for and on behalf of the Company, and either the President or Secretary, the Board of Directors or Executive Committee may at any time remove such Attorneys-in-Fact and revoke the Power of Attorney given him or her; and be it further RESOLVED: That the Attorney-in-Fact may be given full power to execute for and in the name of and on behalf of the Company any and all bonds and undertakings as the business of the Company may require, and any such bonds or undertakings executed by any such Attorney- in-Fact shall be as binding upon the Company as if signed by the President and sealed and attested by the Secretary." IN WITNESS WHEREOF, INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST has caused its official seal to be here- unto affixed and these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officers this 1st day of December 1988 INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST ;W~.nt - STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 55: On this 1st day of December 1988 before the subscriber, a Notary Public of the State of California, in and for the County of San Diego, duly commissioned and qualified, came BERNARD M. FELDMAN, President of INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, to me personally known to be the individual and officer described in and who executed the preceding instrument, and he acknowledged the execution of the same, and being by me duly sworn, deposeth and saith, that he is the said officer of the Corporation aforesaid, and that the seal affixed to the preceding instrument is the Corporate Seal of the said Corporation, and that the said Corporate Seal and his siynature as such officer were duly affixed and subscribed to the said instrument by the authority and direction of the said Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of San Diego, the day and year first above written. STATE OF A COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO I, the undersigned, JAMES W. AUSTIN, III, Secretary of INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE WEST, do hereby certify that the original POWER OF ATTORNEY, of which the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy, is in full force and effect, and has not been revoked. OFFICIAL SEAL NORMA PORTER Notary Public-Califomia SAN DIEGO COUNTY JJ!t) YV ' , /,' ~'/' ~ -.I ~ttr/U , otary ~ubl1C My Comm. Exp. Jan. 8. 1992 55: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Secretary, and affixed the Corporate Seal of the Corporation, this 7th day of April 19 89 ICW CAL 37(REV. 5/87) ~1/rYV1 fA.}. ~-?II-' Secretary