ENC2003-00126 CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 North First St. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 866-2150 Fax (408) 376-0958 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT (for working within the public right-of-way) . Permit No. 200'- DO 11.(;, X-Ref. file Application Date ~ II 'l)C:> 3 Application expires in' 6 months APPLICATION - Application is hereby made for a Public Works Permit in accordance with Campbell Municipal Code, Section 11.04. (Application expires in 6 months if the permit is not issued. Application Fee is non-refundable.) Utility trench location \ '360 f(bB l'\l t ~ L T ( I ~cy VAN !)Uf> ~) 1(.BNI(t. t. T ~l(W~ LA-r~L A. Work address or tract # B. Nature of work C. Auach four (4) copies of an engineered plans showing the location and extent of the work, and four (4) copies of the preliminary Engineer's Estimate of work. The plans shall show the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground improvements. When approved by the City Engineer, said plan becomes a part of this permit. D. All work shall conform to the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction; the General Permit Conditions listed on the reverse side; and the Special Provisions for this permit, listed below. Failure to abide by these conditions and provisions may result in job shut-down and/or forfeiture of Faithful Performance Sureties and cash deposits. (See General Permit Conditions I and 2.) E. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT THE SITE AND MUST NOTIFY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE STARTING WORK. NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO PUBLIC WORKS AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE RESTARTING ANY WORK. Name of Applicant C ~ &r I ~ COd }t-OVl Telephone Aq I . 7 74-0 Address 11.50 VBVI 'D~&e'1 }!::...in~ ~?"",d~/I t{7~8 24 HOUR EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. ?:.7~~~11 ~ ( Is this work being done by the property owner at their own residence? )( Yes No The Applicant/Permittee hereby agrees by affixing their signature to this permit to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents and employees free, safe and harmless from any claim or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this permit. The Applicant/Permittee hereby acknowledges that they have read and understand both the front and back of this permit, and they will inform their contractor(s) of the information. . / /~../. ._ './ ' ) / / / ,/ ..... 9/:2-ft:J3 Accepted t....,/ f~c.<...,'?< (..../.._.. _/ . ..... / (Applicant/Permittee) (sign) Date COWl~t' \ Co"fO-re:- c....W'(fl,uC.,.tcN SPECIAL PROVISIONS _1. Street shall not be open cut for underground installations. . .1IPproved bv the IlISJlector prior to cutlinl!. . . '. . :. : . .' '.' . .'. .' Pavcmentmay be cut for underground installations and must be restored in accordance with the Utility Trench Restoration Standard Details, Method 'A' Bacll:fin, unless otherwise approved by Inspector. .. . . Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and two (2) copies of the cut sheets sent to. the Public WorksDepanment before starting work.. Per Section 4215 of the Government Code this permit is not valid for excavations utitil Underground Service Aien (USA) has been.notified and the inquiry identifICation number has been entered.bereon. USA PhOne 1~soo.227~2600. . USA TICKET NO. . _2. _3. _4. PERMIT APPLICATION FEE PLAN CHECKDEPOSIT .' . . .... .. '. . '.' .. .... ...... ..' ..... SECURlTY.FOR.FAITHFUL.PERFORMANCElLABOR.&MATEIUAl..S CONSTRUCTION CASH DEPOSIT PLANCHECK& INSPECTION FEE TYPE UT\L AMOUNT. s 275 $ $ $ $ RECEIPT NO. ottO)'~" .:&: . -,--',' . . . . .. c::- .... .'. .forCity"Engineer . 01<<*".,,2.> c, lr 2-{c '?> Date , 1,,:\ ('; , . f/ r <'\. L / f ' f ~I()fo .l1i ( (' () ;.;- ?:o - ::s '" n -0 '"t:l ~ ~ rfcl C'-l ~ (1l ~ ~ ::tt: C'-l 0 ....., .. > ~ C'-l ~ C'-l 0 n ~ N ... ~ 0 """" 0 ~ ~ Q. I ~ 0 0 ~ ... """" N =- 0'\ >-3 0 S- - I:::l = (") ~ ~ <> ~ ~ ~ - 0 ~ 1.0 ~ ~ ~:::::; 0 VI VI ~ 0 w t::J 0 >- 0 0 ~ 0 w TO: City Clerk PUBL._ NORKS DEPARTMENT RECEIPT Effective July I, 2003 PUBUC WORKS FILE NO. PROPERTY ADDRESS '2~3- ~~ \ ~C I~~o (l.eN lc..l< Please coDect &: receipt for the following monies: ACCT. ITEM 435.635.4921 Project Re..enue (apec1fy project) ENCROACHMENT PERM1T 4722 Application Fee Non-Utility Encroachment Permit Minor Encroachment Permit < $5,000 R-l Fint Penult (No Fee) SubHqucnt UtWty Encroachment Permit Arterial/CoUector Street Residential Street/Other Areas Plan Check Deposit. 2% of ENGR. EST. Faithful Performance Security (FPS) Labor and Materials Security Monumentatlon Security Cuh Depolllt Labor and Material Security Plan Check &. Inspection Fee (Non-UtWty) Engr.EIlt. < $250.000 (13% ofENGR. EST.) Engr.EIlt.>$250. (Deposit 8% of ENGR. EST./$30.oo0 min.)" Utility < $100.000 (8%) Minimum Charge Per Location ($180.00) Condultli/Pipelb1e. up to 500 Feet ($2.25/ft) Above 500 Linear Feet ($1.35/ft) Irlaraho1es/Vaulu/Etc. ($125.00jea) Pole Set/Removal ($ 125.oo/ea) Street Tree Planting/Removal ($125.00/ea) 2203 Utility> $100.000 Actual Coat + 20% .. 4780 Project Plan8 &. Speclftcations Project No. 4780 Standard Specifications II< Details ($I/Pg $15.oo/8k) 4780 copl.. of Englneerln' Mapo II< PIaIUl Aerial Plot 24" x 38" ($50.00) Aerial PrInt 8 1/2" x 11" ($20.00) Map8 and Plans 24" x 36" ($7.76) 4722 Penalties: Failure to restore public lmproveme:($ l00/Ca1endiilr Da~{MuaI Codoe Bee.U.a..OID} 4722 Penalties: FaUure to correct unsafe conditioJU($ l00/Ca1endaJ' Day) LAND DEVELOPMENT 4722 Lot LlDe Adjustment 4722 Pucel Map C4 Lou or Leu) 4722 P1nal Tnlct Map (5 or More Lob) 4722 Certificate of Compliance 4722 Certificate of Conection 4722 Notary Fee (per .i~nature) 4722 Vacation of Public Streeu &. Easements 4722 AHa_ment Segregation or Reapportionment Flnt SpUt Each Additional Lot Storm Drainage Area Fee Per Acre 2203 2203 2203 2203 2203 2203 4920 ts:U.742 TRAFFIC 4728 4728 4728 4728 4728 4271 4728 OTHER ($280.00) ($57.00) ($120.00) $ ($500.00) ($275.00) ($500 mini (100% of ENGR.EST.) (100% ofENGR. EST.) (100% of ENGR.EST.) (4% ofENGR.EST.)($5oo mln/$10.oo0 maxI (100% ofENGR. EST.) 4722 220 4722 ($750.00) ($2.400.00 + $35/lot) ($3.200.00 + $35/lot) ($595.00) ($385.00) ($10.00) ........ 4721 ($855.00) ($200.00) (R-l. $2.000) (Multl.R... $2.250) (All Other. $2.500) Parkland Dedication Fee (75%/25% Due Upon Cert. or Occupancy) Pototage Intersection Tum Counts (Two-Hour Count) $72.50) Intenectlon Turn Counts (a.m. or p.m. peab) ($1415.00) TrafIlc Flow Map (Dally TrafIlc Volume.) ($30.00) Campbell Traffic Model {Full Scope Aaaeaamenl (Actual) Campbell Traffic Model (Reduced Scope Aaaesa (Actual) Truck Pennita ($16.00/per trip) No Parkin, Signs ($I/each or $25/100) TOTAL NAME OF APPLICANT C\.-\&t"le~ We> ltoVJ (1 AMOUNT "'Hi \ p.a $ 4~S 5 ~W/ e..-. NAME OF PAYOR ADDRESS L+5~ l/~ ])~'" LVI ." "Actual Coot Pluo 20% Overhead (Non-_ bearlnl! depooltl PHONE ~ - 46f /.- 77~ 0 r~. 3::/1 ZIP Cf5/J tJ'b , FOR CITY CLERK ONLY REC~ BY / I (XLP DatH/1 'v:.ce~~)./) 00g Z, 2-- ( -For Plan Check and Cuh De~lts. send yellow copy to Finance. Date/lnitials J:\forms\receipt from 03-04 7/1/03 D J:" r--. ~ I V ~~ D - ""'1-1-' I J /111I.' PITV f" ,101 ~I~'......, ~ .1-.. :1-1 --_. ."" I I (.. CITY OF CAMPBELL, CA RECVD BY: .JANH D^Viito. f'UAlli t"C: UAi TOM i M tuna wUnl\l...L.\J wn'-l Vi" TuDAY~5 DATE; 09/12/03 01000160822 REGISTER [lATE: 09/12i03 TIME: 11:4t.:35 ItESCRIPTluN c,ioiiiiiNl III :"J'.n~ \ ENGF . SUBDI\.) FILING F $275.00 I:.U::I:' & CHilToTi i rTi TlJr.: t" $180.00 ;.l':WF. 1JUJ.lV.L ~. J.i...tlU; I T!1TAI . i i t H~ 1''I1U-. !.luc.- $455:00 TENnEF~En i tir.t;r.: iiH T :.,..i''o.t: v.... lcOC; ~ l"1!AkU''1f'"'. \"nHfl!1l:.- WEST VALLEY SANITATION DI~.. ,ICT SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 E. Sunnyoaks Ave., Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2407 SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT NUMBER 34678 By flY Issue Date h II / / t/2- I , LOCATION: A.P.N. .tf~~- (ttf:- P 2 b Sewer Location: Bk. 6 Pg. !?.f Tract Lot Proj. Assmt. AJd3~~~--YMr tlUsJi/ ~ Jurisdiction _~~;" BUILDING TYPE: VSingle Family _ Condominium/Town Houses _ Multiple Dwelling Number of Units _ Commercial Industrial J ~a~Nff-;;fk~ ,. Chana~ in Status: :R~ ~T 2~~ ~ -fee- fleJlA1 /{ .3' 4b7 7 FEES: Acreage Frontage Service Advance Processing Other: Capacity $ BUILDING SEWER CONNECTION: _ Feet of Property line _ feet from Main Sewer and _ feet deep. Connection to Main Sewer Feet upstream from M.H. Using AI R"W BACKFLOW PROTECTION: ~ Field Check Required _ Call District for foundation survey Device Required; Yes _ No V-- Type: o Street encroachment permit required from C~~A.eo/-I_ o Permit invalid if not connected within 12 months of issue. o Do not connect until main sewer is accepted by District. o Obtain a building or plumbing permit from the jurisdiction listed above. WEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT SANTA CLARA COUNTY 100 E. Sunnyoaks Ave., Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 378-2407 -# WHITE _ PERMIT I PINK - DISTRICT I YELLOW - JURISDICTION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S COpy I CARD -DISTRICT COPY SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT NUMBER 34677 TOTAL *- Issue Date r;//I/~ ByHY Disposition; ~1 Zone l~ I NSTR UCTIONS: LOCATION: A.P.N. 4~3-/9-p7Zb Sewer Location: Bk..6 Pg.54 Tract Lot Pr~. A~mt. Address: /45'p !/4IIPU5n/ L// Ju risdiction e.Afrl fY?1!t.L. BUILDING TYPE: _ Single Family _ Condominium/Town Houses ~ Multiple Dwelling Number of Units _ Commercial _ Industrial Other Informatio~'f t/AIIT B:~() ?Pile- _ --L . Change in Status: CHecjL,A../O, 65:'rp 6-kvDLI') 6; 1/I/fJ'f /?treY 0/>>/ () 3 FEES: Acreage Frontage Service Advance Processing Other: Capacity Af4~'fjfatRl, TOTAL $ BUILDING SEWER CONNECTION: Property / bl~,~/) 'Z7~ PO 6/J. f': Ii 0 25'S: t/v /z/~3o _Feet of line _ feet from Main Sewer and _ feet deep. Connection to Main Sewer Feet upstream from M.H. Using 1EX/:97J#7 BACKFLOW PROTECTION: ~ Field Check Required _ Call District for foundation survey Device Required; Type: Yes~ No t?6~1Y AI/} Disposition; ~ Zone ~ I NSTR UCTIONS: o Street encroachment permit required from o Permit invalid if not connected within 12 months of issue. o Do not connect until main sewer is accepted by District. o Obtain a building or plumbing permit from the jurisdiction listed above. WHITE - PERMIT I PINK - DISTRICT I YELLOW - JURISDICTION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S COPY I CARD -DISTRICT COPY 6 ik.vr>&::J 6u 1/ i I () 'f .MJ r/" &/5,,/,,'; -55 55 5~g 'X3 > 55 ~ o u) . ~ If) u) .::..............:......:.......I....:.......P ~ o ...... ~~~ B1. ~ -=-~ 0 :i-\ 1 ~ ~ '!1s:\ ". () (} "o,.'Il. ~ \~, i\t \' . ~ ~ ~ (; c::.. c ~ ~ "6 ~ . ~" C)~ ~~ CI::~ V) ~ ~e <oi:( f-~ ::J~ ~~ iJiQ if) .... ---.J ~ ~ Q.. ~ u It. ~ >- h -- \...) " ~ ~~ ~~ h~ --~ ~ CC' w~ CUr) t-.... ~~ 4JQ... ~ ~......J ~~ ~....... ~l!.. ~~ ~'.) lu~ >"'1: ..... --~ ~Cl ~~ ~I.u ~~ ~~ lQ(J) a::J <: Q) C) Q: l:l \ l:l l:l ~ /\ Q ~ ~~ ~ Q ~ e V) Q ~\Ij L.j eJ l:: :::> "~f- ~ c:ti'~-' CI::-.J~ :::>~ ()l..t.J~ ClC) ~-.U) oV)~ ~~~ Q::<oi:(~ l:l , I ::i ~ ~("\j ct~ e8 V)- f- Lu ~ ~ ~8 "0 hC)C) ~:~ I:::::: ><~:::,.: L.j~~ ~C) -I.() <:o~ ~C)~ ~_O) ~~ LUO:: V><:Y.; o 0:>. r a "'02- \S' V. @~ 2- <5'0 rOi' (yo :::r:: C) :::c l.1.. G .1 : -~. :: ~ I \"-~ f< A:: 11 ~ i I :3 r I Q ill V) \'" ~ il ~~: ~;t1 0:: ::J II ~. ~ ~ I ~ Q I Q:: ~ ><1 Q Q I . I G5 I I 1'1 ~ I ~C)> Q::C)Lu !gG:l ::r:-!::l (.)~LU ~lJ.J~ cncjU) U) ~ >- ~ ~ ct CI ~ ~ ~ .J . It!>- ~~ ~~ Qo:: ~Q LJ -- \-- 0--, ~ ~ Q:: ~ '"'- ~~ Q C)~ ~Q:: ~e ("\j ~ LJ \() lu ).. "l: ~ Ll... C) (f) Q < ~ -J --- ~ -. -.J < () /--.. .....j ~ ll. C) V) CJ <: 't ...,J