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{CITV 01 CAM~b~LL PUbLIC WORKS PEkMIT ' ".\ Ot:I'T. or )'UtiLIC WOilK~. rrarvarKTlU('"1l1-nl. ~\ 10 ~oeth 'lr.t jt. pwbllc Jl~bt-ot-wayl nJ-.1 f:ol:~'~lL_~~)Oll~OOIl luued ~ J'Rf? '~ healt ~. In , A~~LICATIOH - ApplicAtion ia haceby .ade tOJ a Pw~llc ~ MuniCipal Co4e. ~ectl~n 11.Ot. -. G-~-:. g; . ~ ~ 'I ..... ...~....'" .:JA.na '" :l .n n &-nC:"'.-n ............- ':'::.:.!~:ag t:"r-n~..'" It. J"':r:l. N ::1:-::.:: c. .. :J , ~ On.-,....o "';1.-.,",", ,... .. "'., ~ ::;- n ~ ~ I). .c...-.". n"'nc.: >...."'.0 :.c. 0)00 M 0 0"U;)""'0< .:r ., . o :a ::r .( " ~ fj : ~ ~ '0 IT r-. . V C. :l .\ . ::J n .. .. -;::; :> ,,~ A(;I(;IeCliu lad / r*' :J :a r.. ____ Il 0 II . JII. n .... .""r-'"O n,.... :r .- Co: .... '.4; .. :J .. Q j;l. c. , .. -. 'l :J . 7';" .. .. .......V)O"W).,.... I'I"tr-O:.l" n.. .; ... ~. wn.... :1 -... ..... n ...."'..;1' "" u u . ~"':l~i5~ ....Q,.......n. -.",(1 . .A.... _ ... ..... - - .-. .~ '< J6",:1 " J.U "'(I. ('::I' 3~~J:~~ ,- It " g · "... ::J ... .- ( e: 0 · "" ,.... n '-'l..-nn · -:SU' .:J :.-... . . n.. ~'-o:r~ o .. IJ .... lit " ~ lit 0 .....n :r .. 0..."0. ~ n . n ~.t; ~.~ :J :" ....~ " BS -ZQl X-keto 111a B?-2$5 Application Date ~hQ~ '.Ple.e ~ Pelalt No. 1~ aO.. WQl~' fecalt ln accordance .1th Caa~b.l1 1. SOL) LLli ~./r:J./L /2J ~ ALlE orl EK L L€UJULY..-J A U /~7lt-....2:7~:5/ hA,n1/L7LJA ,.~l /- /',1 or- / -.:2 i, -SZe.d/~ ANb /cILL .3-~~ .hQ~lni tho locat10n. e.tont a04 41acoa100' o;Sffi~~dei:~ ot the peopO.ad IIIoell to &II 1,t i09 ,ue laca and 1I0dcr':jrounl1 Cltt toglnoee. .01d deawlng becom.. a paCt 01 tht. pee.lt. WOlk a44eo.. OJ tCeCt . Utll1ty tleoch luCatlon ..atwce ot WQCII...;l:A{5-JA..LL / Attech tlvo (~) copl.. ot a 4ea~lng The 4ra.io~ ahall .ho~ the eal.tloo l111PCOI/Clllcou. When approud ~y tho The General C0041tion. toe all pecmlta arc 11.t.4 00 the CCl/cCUe .1de. Speclal l'eO\/l.lon. toe th1, pcrMlt aCe 11.ted bclo~. tailure to ablde by theee condition. anl1 peol/lelone ..y re~ult ln lob ehut-down alld/or forlelture of faithtul i'eetOCIllAOCC lhillO. .n(;l ca.h l1cpo.tu.. I~ee 'oOeeol Cundltlun. I and ll. 1:. An apphcaUon f~e ..u..t ~olllpeny thlll apPHCllt~,. Thl.1. non-edllnaaOle. ,__ "OAle ot Appl1cant~A1N dLLSE LLl47L-L- L1>mAJllv Telephone; 27'9'-7.J'...:1.S. ...-. So , AASCLJ/77 /1-U SA/ll J D~E LP.,4 95 /~r _yu A. no 111 tht, WUOL being (;Iulle 'by the PCOperty OIIInoC at thole 0~1I e."ldencc? Complete altach.d WorkeCa' Compcollatlon and COntcactoc toea.. The AppliCan~/~er"lttcc heeeby a9C.el by attlxin9 thele 'l~nAtllre to thl, pce.it to Ilold thc Clt)' ot Ca"pbcll, lt~ ott1Cet~. aqent. ana ..pJoycc. tccc~ ~atc and hac.le.. {rum any clA~a or (;Ie..hd tor 4.~a9~. ce.ultll1~ tcorn the ~O.~ ~Ol/~c.d by thl. pcr~tt. ac nowlc(;l"jeli that they havc eCAe! and undef.tend boO. the y ~11J Lotu'lI thelc CO~tractuel~) ot lh~ Ih{ormatl0n. g-l--ff% aYe {eont ana HOTtS: ALL 'WOfU( SIIALL CONI'Ok" WITII Tut ATI'AC1U:D. AI'flliOlltO "L"'H~ AND ALL Af'rLJ CAbLt C"'M~bt:LL STAHOAkD DKAWJ..cS ANO CONOIT10H~. TUt: CONTkJlC1'OIC "UST IIAIlt: 'rillS f't:ItKlT AND APPkOllt:D PLANS ANO MUST "t:t:T WITH Tilt: fI.W. Jt4:;1't:C1'01t ON Tilt: SITt AT L't:AST 1'WO OA't~ Ut:tOk1:: STlJtTLNC WOkll. N01'lCt: MUST Ut: GJIIL" TO (fUULIC WORKS AT LLAST 2. "OUkS btYOkE k1::51AkTJH(; ANY WOltK. Sf'CCIAL PkOVISIO"S -Ll. SlCc~t ~hall nOt be open cut tor IIndergcollnd lnlitallotlon~. Klnl~u~ Clltl .ay be al10wel1 tor con/lCCtlo114 OC c.plOCation bolelll. SUCh ClIl. h1U"t be .r~Cl"C"l1r "I'provc-(;I Ly fh., 11I/;pa:Cl uC . l'iVlllllellr..AY Oe Cut toc IIlldoe':leOwnd lnlltall&t iona alld .110(. be relltorcli In accoed"nCe wan the Utility Tr~nch Mc~toratlon StAndard Dr.~illg. WQrk ~o Ue "l"keel by · l1celllicd LAlld Gllevcyor or Civil L/l91noce and t~o 121 COple~ or the CUt .heec. toe/li. to the l"ul.ll1c Work Dept. bcfure .t4rtlng ~oek. , The rloura ot won acc hlllited to ~lIt.lde the hour. ot l-!; A.II. an(;l J-li p.lI. toe any IIIOn. attcCt,I/1'J a UAt,llc lane. . / ,..,. ClhP ~EAL ALL. .Jt)Av€/l#7&,v7"" .RE.~TD.I!.A-n~,",S ~.' 8 A,c. ..sEen.o"",, ON L.t...€k//;(;Lv-.! -' ~v ~. C XS~<:>Vfo-~ ~'L i3~ PuT .!!.A~~ ' , ., ';') uJ KllVb nLLL."i 2. , u. U. I' _l. -). :- ~ t. - '" l~ P: ~~. .-. /" G Pt:kHIT ~),LICATIO" 1LK PLAN Cijt:C~ Pt:PO~lf aKlNP 10lt rAJ TlIl'UL "~kYO.U'ANCt: Ik-l) ($H.IHI) ~ I r- :tTAHP.\Jtp :t:tO.OO $~1l0.00 C100, OJ' C"G. t~T.) AHOUNT $ 50,00 , ~ $ $ .3S. 00 kt:Ct:l1-T NO. C'. ~. ~: ..--- t. ~. lCA~U) Pt~SlT t'~kHIT tt:t: ($200) Ct, OJ' bONP.:t~OO HINI /1 l'h Or ".1'. bONO ~r:~~OO "IN) 'o/1'~ @ e/f;/~ APPkOva;o YOk l~SUA"Ca; t: t'WPtk"I'I" IlOV1..4 "I/Ul APPROVED FC~r~ CONSTRUCTION. City nf Carnpbe!l: Public Works Permit No. ~~ -.20 ( Contractor must have these plans on the job site during construction. f-) AJv1/LI + I , ~\ 's~ MEr6/!. s j/J SA~ L.ccAIJ~ AS ~ X. J Sf J iJ 0 f1e:7€e.5 - .J5~ IF toss 115 LL ICO'~ uJ ") -<:t. ~ >-- ..J ..J 3 LU I .....I -l tI ,\ \ -'" ---- ~~ \ ..., -- \ \ %uJ ~o . -- . ~ CC uJ c.f) ,'" ',,-,,- ".."'~,...;..~, A -JJ~ N ...... ::i ...; \2[:'-. ~ -.... .11) ~ f'-. ~ /).J 08 " .- --- n C I -1' l.r') - bJ L.hl'6E -tciI) ~ ~"'\l~~ +V \-' en (/. en ~ ~ u.I ..1 c u.I'a _I ~o ~ "..,. r:: I J j i , , I I . ! \ l