88-208 CITY OF CAMPBELL DAlPT. OF PUBLIC WOIUtS 70 Mortb Firet .t. Caapb.ll, CA .5008 (408) 8U-2150 ENCROACHMEN'l' PERMIT (for working in the public rigbt-of-way) Ieeu.d I~.;;I)?~ p.rait exp r.s in 12 aos. Pera. o. X-Ref. file APPLICATION - application ie her.by ..de for. Public Worke P.rait in accordanc. with Caapb.ll Municipal Cod., S.ction 11.04. (Application expir.s in 6 aonths if p.rait not pulled) A. Work addr..e or tr.ct . B /0 8 utility tr.nch location 4~ ...:;/?;;>CV/1 L:JJ"J #/a-A-S . B. .ature of workz q L&r .sU73l)I('//J~cvJ c. Attacb five (5) cop!ee of . drawing ehowing tbe location, .xt.nt and di.eneione of the work Tb. drawing ehall ehow the r.lation of the propo..d work to exi.ting eurfac. and und.rground iaprov...nte. Wh.n approved by the City Engine.r, eaid drawing beco... a part of this perait. D. The a.n.ral Conditione for all p.raite are lieted on the revere. eid.. sp.cial provi.ione for thie perait are listed below. Failure to abide by th.se conditions and provisions aay result in job .hut-down and/or forfeiture of Faithful P.rforaanc. Bonds and ca.h d.posits. (See a.neral Conditione 1 and 2). Thie ie non-refundabl.. T.lephone: &;7/- 396--z.. B. AD application fee .uet accoapany thie application. .... of Applioant J/yJ /!hut (/??~/'S Addreee ?&O ,/f4,-' 6e:./A/ce-r Ie thie work being done by the property owner at tbeir own reeidence? yee ~no Co.pl.te and attach Work.re' Coapeneation and Contractor Inforaation foraa. The Applicant/Peraitt.e h.reby agre.e by affixing th.ir eignature to thi. perait to hold the city of c..pbell, ite officere, .g.nte and ..ployeee fre., eaf. and h.raleee froa any cl.i. or d..and for d..agee re.ulting fro~ the work covered by this perait. hereby acknowl.dgee that they have read and und.rstand both the front and t at th.y will infora th.ir contractor(s) of the inforaation. 8-/~~ Dat. HOTI.a ALL WOU 'BALL COlIFORM WIH 'l'BB A'f'l'ACBBD, APPROVED PLAMS AIlD ALL UPLICABLB CUPBBLL .TUDAltD DRAWI.aS AHD COWITIO.S. i! I;~~ "&1" ;y. ..,.. <: III 8. i5~6 ...~... ~1Il~ l!l lil5 ~ o .."4... ...... cr> ... t" ~ lil i ~ ~ ~ 1i1:;1 t ~ ill Pi gS~ ~~~ i~~ l'lQB "Ill" ~ l'l :! ~~~ iijel:i: ~'" if ~ C l'l . ~ ~ --... ..,.. EE:i: ~l!l~ IZ&!..; l'lZ:~ ~~... r;J..." ~~"l "l'l0 -"" HB COftltAC'l'OR HUST DVE HIS PBIUUT AHD APPROVED PLUS AHD WST ItEET WI'l'B HB P.W. I.SPECTOR ON TBB .ITI AT LBUT no DAYS BBFORI STUTI.a WOU. IIOTICI WST BI aIVBII TO l'UBLIC WOUl AT LBUT U HOURS BIFORB RBSTUTI.a AMY WOU. SPBCIAL PROVISIO.S _1. ~.treet eh.ll not be open cut for und.rqround inetallatione. Hini.ua cut. ..y be allowed for conn.ctione or exploration holee. 'uoh cute .uat b. ep.cificallY approv.d by the Inep.ctor. pav...nt ..y be cut for und.rground inetall.tione and .uet be reetored in accordanc. with the utility Tr.nch ..etor.tion .tandard Drawing. Work to be etated by . licena.d Land surv.yor or Civil Inqineer and two (2) copiee of the cut sh..ts sent to the Public Work Deptarta.nt before starting work. The houre Of work are lia1ted to outside the hours of 7-' .... and 3-6 p... for any work affecting . tr.ffic lane. _2. _3. _t. _5. RBCBIPT HO. ,;LOSof .2IJ C;; () I STAIlDAllD A1t0Ull'l $ 50. DO , 500 . 00 , -?1 a-:t.).t>l , 1/ S bO. 00 , J.;"7s 0 I~ , (R-1) ($35.00) $50.00 $500.00 (100% OF SHa. 1ST.) (4' OF BOW, '500 HI.) F.P. BOW, '35 HI.) \ Ii 72 /912 I - ? -;.if:f. ( Dat. PBRMIT UPLICATIO. FBB PLAM CBBCK DEPOSIT BO.D FOR FAI'l'BFUL PBRFORHAHCB t.:] j ~) . CUB DBPOSIT ($200.00 ) f z "PERMIT R.vised 8/88 ~- PLAM CIIBCK , APPROVED FOR ISSUUCE , I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I Cl CIl M 8 3: 'tl r.; o-j M o CIl ..; ;p. '" '" ~ o-j , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o-j o CIl M () !;;l :0 I;; o-j M o CIl ..; () ... o-j ..; g 8/.~ ~ ._A f " .'........... ... .............. I.... May 26, 1994 Subject Review of Permit # 88-208 After review of this outstanding permit, it is to be noted that this permit is excessively old. The one year maintenance period began on 8/23/90. At the end of this one year maintenance period, the final maintenance inspection was never done and/or wasn't present in permit file #88-208. There are no current bonds or deposits remaining with this permit. From these findings, this permit will be closed and archived. Derek G. PW Volunteer (- I I CITY OF CAMPBELL Department: Public Works r.,},!~ t\i P ~ ~ 'LV ~~~~' lI-~lhS ~~J~._~1~5 "'. H~,\~; 8 ~J,N S._ ~""'~-':VI [:':1"" I 'll r\l\t)~).C_K_,::-,=-.~~.~ v -:~~~-: I r-1t r .Olill;.!d I i c !,~ _ 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP 8 ELL, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 September 16, 1991 Mr. Jim Chalmers 700 MCGlincey Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: ONE YEAR MAl DEFICIENCIES PERMIT NOS. . , 88-219 REGAS DRIVE & MC GLINCEY LANE Dear Mr. Chalmers: We have made a one (1) year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements. There are deficiencies that must be corrected before we can release your obligations in this matter. A deficiency list is attached. Please contact me to coordinate the correction of these deficiencies. Upon satisfactory completion of the corrective work, we will release your obligations. Sincerely, Sal Duckworth-Lanzo Senior civil Engineer SDL:djr Attachment cc: Suspense-60 days F:88-208 & 88-219 PERMIT NO. 88-208 PERMIT NO. 88-219 DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 88-208 1. Repair or remove and replace curb and gutter in front of lot #6 that was previously repaired. 2. Repair or remove and replace a section of a curb and gutter in front af lot #7 that was previously repaired. DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 88-219 1. easterly portion of driveway gutter on easterly driveway on Remove and replace approach and curb and MCGlincey Lane. 2. Remove and replace easterly portion of drive approach on westerly driveway on McGlincey Lane. F:88-208 & 88-219 e' .. '. ---.,.- ,,' . ". ..... . CITY OF CAMPBELL COUNCIL REPORT Meeting Date: september 18, 1990 Item # Category: CONSENT CALENDAR Initiating Dept: Public Works Title: Resolution - accepting street improvements at Regas Drive RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution accepting street improvements at Regas Drive and ordering a Notice of Completion to be filed. DISCUSSION: On June 7, 1988, the city Council approved TS 88-02 to allow creation of 9 lots on property known as Regas Drive, APN 412-35-5 & 23. (Application of Pipeyard Inc.) The conditions of approval included street dedication and the construction of public street improvements. On January 3, 1989, Permit No. 88-208 was issued to allow construction of the public street improvements including new asphalt concrete street surfacing, concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk. The work has been completed in conformance with City Standards. appropriate for the City Council to accept those improvements at and order a Notice of Completion to be filed. It is this time Approved by Department Head Approved by CIty Manager RESOLUTION NO. 8007 BEING A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS IN TRACT NO. 8163, REGAS DRIVE WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that public improvements in Tract No. 8163, Regas Drive have been completed in accordance with City standards; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer recommends acceptance of the improvements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council that public improvements be, and the same are hereby accepted, and that the City Engineer is hereby ordered to recored a Notice of Completion of said improvements. PASSED AND ADOPTED this the following vote: 18 day of September , 1990, by AYES: Councilmembers: Kotowski, Watson, Conant, Burr, Ashworth NOES: councilmembers: None ABSENT: Councilmembers: None APPROVED: Mayor \ I. City L1/41..~ ~ -y L_ ~. /// _.r>..... I / ~ ~... ~~ L r ~ '''or7 T'1f. ~~ :u ..... v."ey Dr. I ~~~)'~~~'''' ~ ~~' ~ I SIT~ ~ ; " " ,0 ", ,\( ...... , q I ~D ~'., .-.::-- .. E=-~ ,~,~ ,.,., ~i~~\ ." ':' ~'1 ~~~ ~ I :. ~ ~~ ~ .,. ": ::th ~!~ ~~~'l~ ~~.~ ~ y '-~ C"\J OJ. \~.. '- r-- ~'~~I\.P::)'\"~ T" I-' 4 J I I f---("' T\~ \~ ::;... J f · ~ ,~\ I ~ ~ -~~ . 7cJ. ;1. 1:1 I.. ...1>'1-- \J~J~ I ? 6 , J 0 )-'",':0... ~ . ~---- tJ 1Cl1ll1_ ~n l"- ~~ It.... .-- _ ~ u / I III '\ f- ",",::r- ~ ,r.", ~~ i/ ~"~ I II L.I I;' 1= I.... II · '~~.J L~ LJ~! '\ t Ie .1 11 It ~ ')......., ; '.0811 - /1.."'1 ~7'- () _ [7 0: Y1" t - : ~ AV I .. ,j-ll. & .~ ~ )= ~ { ~~- Qf-DC1~ 41"- I ~-:-. f- / f- { . -=- ~ ___ Jr" -.... r ~'.. I'- '.... _ ~H~ I -..-, I ..... T~"" I -../I., .. _ ~ / ~tl ~ ~~~- /~ ..~ - i .~v 11 1- L / ~"".ot":~ (.."-= ~! >- / / ~.:::: ~~~ I, ~.LL .J//TJ11.'t ~ ~ I i'i"ii' I II ) .. rn; ~;, /~/lm J , Cl .. ( ~ ",l "'''J -.I .' '! '?' . --- ~ ...0 ., It:: V V / ./ \ '\ '- . JI, 3' t- L~ .---- . ~ l ~ ~ .,., r-- 2 o u ..~ . . /;:;:- r- ~ .. ... .. ~ ., r--- .... ~ 1~Li . .J .. !t$ .. . ' - L. ~~ ~ ..:) o ., , . ,t 5 f ' t'..- (. A I ~ \ ~ ~ r \.. CITY OF CAMPBEll '\ W1MBERlY~INGIJ HELMS 1/i..c':TURN rn i I -, : I JOCSON_..1 __ D:SCA.~~___~_:r-'-~ KRUGER ~ 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 -_... PENOYER Department: Public Works October 12, 1990 Mr. Jim Chalmers The Pipeyard, Inc. 700 McGlincey Lane Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Permit No.: 88-208 & 88-219 Location: Regas Drive & 700 KcG1incey Lane Dear Jim: We have made a Final Inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of August, 1990. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE:sd cc: Suspense - 1 year f:208-2l9 (permits) ^ -~ ----j i LJ ./ CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works August 23, 1990 Mr. Jim Chalmers 700 McGlincey Lane Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE PERMIT NO.: 88-208 IDCATION: Regas Drive, Tract 8163 Dear Mr. Chalmers: We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, we will recommend the acceptance of the work to the City Council. We will send a copy of their resolution accepting the work upon their approval of same. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. We will inspect the work in one (1) year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. When we have received your maintenance bond in the amount of $9,750.00, we will release your faithful performance bond. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Inspector GE:sd cc: C. Case, Council Agenda Bond Company Suspense - 1 year f:88-208-2 (permits) ?2c~... . _& Date f/iIIqO- -. . Pcrmit or Project No. Addrc:i& ~ ~ ) Type ot work;' ~taet X- Storm -:AnitAry Othcr (dc$cribe) PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT , yr-;;JoY ElectricAl [JPRELIHINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) [JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) ~INAL INSPE~ION -~CEPTANCE ~Signed plAne? ~ N (It uigned. Council AcceptAnce.) ChArges AgAinst deposit? y Overtime I hrs. @ ~ DAte {, reAliion; N /hr. - $ BArricAde rentAl (AttACh invoice)? DAte" reAson; y N ~ Other? $ ~ TotAl chArges deducted from depositl (CAliih Depolii1t $ leas chArges $ $ - Refund $ [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAChed) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (RelcAtie'mAintenAnce bond. Check Request it cAsh.) ck. req.) Inspector l\ CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L. C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works ~;7 ,H~ll(lU~~t\ . ""-"~~)-" ,~-,- ,. ...---'1;.... ....,-, \ . \ ",. ,.' ._.__r' 0' ") ~ \ ~"'~~-:-;';'-- \: ~ ',". ..~ ~--I-'..\ I . l ,.,,~ ;.-..-:-::-.----t' \. __-.-\...\ \ \I',,~\C:..t\ ',_ -\..,. I \ , "-'~-",~-,"'---'~1 \ _J....--. t:-pr'lcP. ~ .L-..--- e:~~'- April 3, 1990 Mr. Jim Chalmers 700 McGlincey Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Final Inspection - Deficiencies Permit No.: 88-208 Location: Regas Drive Tr. 8163 Dear Mr. Chalmers: You have requested a final inspection on subject construction work. There are deficiencies in the work which are indicated on the enclosed lis~~Tl1~se deficiencies must be corrected.....",',v *-c...oft-~A..Jc.e- irH chI $r:;t-q'J~l::>~ -~ l.... can make a Final Inspection or acceptance of the work. Upon completion of the corrective work, please submit a written request for a Final Inspection and acceptance. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE:ja Ene. Permit No. 88-208 Regas Drive 5/3/90 Deficiencv List ~ Repair crack in D/W approach at 679 Regas Drive. Repair handicap border at 683 Regas Drive. ~~ Repair crack in curb & gutter at 678 Regas Drive. l -X- Repair crack in D/W approach at 672 Regas Drive. /' x ~ Repair cracks in curb & gutter at 670 Regas Drive. , ~~rack seal joints in A.C. where new and existing meet. ~././ ~ Complete the monument installations (set hubs and monuments). 8. Do a general clean-up of sidewalk, curb & gutter, and street. 9. Replace Faithful Performance Bond with Maintenance Bond. 5~e PIPEYARD,3nc. 700 McGlincey Campbell, CA 95008 PLASTIC PIPE" CHEAP" Phone (408) 371-3962 ~(mit 8B-dOS <f 88 -;2 J 9 Rt:CkSIVSii) 'lJl' .). "'''c i~ 1 i. - l:jj) August 17, 1990 Public Works/Enginoering Greg Eaton Public Works City of Campbell 70 N. 1 st Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Maintenance guarantees for Regas Drive & McGlincey Lane Dear Greg: The Pipeyard, Inc. hereby agrees to provide all necessary maintenance on Regas Drive up to a maximum cost of $9,800.00 & also agrees to provide all necessary maintenance on McGlincey Lane up to a maximum cost of $7,500.00; under normal terms and conditions established and specified in the maintenance bonds for l(one) year from the date of this letter. This guarantee is in substitution for maintenance bonds on the 2(two) projects noted above. If I may be of assistance or answer any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 4::~~ers President JSC/jm REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: The Pipeyard Inc. (30 spaces) Address: 70u McGlincey Lane (30 spaces) Line 1: Line 2: City: Campbell (20 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95008 (2) (10 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund (24 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $1,560.00 Account Number: 905.4662 \ PURPOSE: Release of cash deposlt for excavation permit *88-20~. See receipt #19~3 dated ~2/~9/~8. Requested by: G. Eaton Title: P. W. Inspector Date: 8/23/90 Approved by: D.C. Wimberly Title: P. W. Director Date: Verified by: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is x Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 $llcf.2/- 3 7 1- 3 96' L 9 ;)"?) 0 cf TO: City Clerk PUBLI, JRKS FILE NO. Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. 35-)396 3372 3521 3521 (specify project) Pvrm,{;t eM: R-1 : ($35) ($200) -t VI.: ($ 50) '( 500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (]% of FPB) ($ 35 min.) (Cash) Depos i t 3372 3521 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) J373 3373 Project General & 3372 3372 3372 }372 3372 3372 3372 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) Final Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($300) Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) Final Tract Map Fil in Fee ($350) Lot Line Ad.ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additi~nal Lot ($150) Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Park Dedication In-l ieu Fee per Unit 3380 Publ ic Works Special Projects 3510 Postage /"1 - /) /~.1~J--/U~.;j, ZZl'.i:l d, l(!__ TOTAL NAME ~~ C/~ I C/ )/JA .. J2L/~j'---4.A- ADDRESS 7 0 ~ r' I.cC- ~ PHONE ~ ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK ONLY RECEIPT NO. /9<;/'6 ' /7<td/ CJ~O AMOlNT PAID RECE I VED BY c:-~. .Y?) DATE / J- - I 7- (f y ~J-'--2()cf AMOUNT $ ~/73(j .0 () Is:-c. 0." 0 .-- :3/.3.v3- :3 ;3 If 3. & 0 . /()~ /rYd'-- July, 1987 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Jim Chalmers (30 spaces) 700 McGlincey Lane (30 spaces) (30 spaces) Campbell State: CA Zip: 9500H (20 spaces) (2) (10 spaces) Cash Deposit Refund (24 spaces) $500.00 905.4662 Address: Line 1: Line 2: City: Description: Exact Amount Payable: Account Number: PURPOSE: Release ot cash deposit Lor excavation permit #8H-208. See receipt #20501 dated 8/16/90. Requested by: G. Eaton Title: P. W. Inspector Date: 8/23/90 Approved by: B. Helms Title: Engr. Manager Date: Verified by: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is x Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 TO: City C I e rk PUBL. ..IORKS FILE NO. 88-)ur Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ITEM Project Revenues (specify project) PubUc. (1o!dUl Exc.a.va.-ti..on PeJtP.lLt fee.4: A I ication Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance Deposit R-1 : ($'35) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) J373 3373 Project Gene ra I & 3372 3372 3372 )372 3372 3372 3372 3372 cost 3370 Multi-Res., 3395 Uni t ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME IS; /~ PHONE C'~~ ;{1-J @ /L L) AMOUIH $ !:) 0 .~'u Sol). oc) $ 55~. 6c) ADDRESS 70cJ /1 c.. c:: /.//I/~, e v / ?7/- s;;~ 7 ZIP '9 5-00 Y c.iJh? 3 ,zLC- FOR C I TV CLERK CNLY RECE IPT NO. c!ZDS1) / o-S-O tJ-{J h-.P ~J~/t Y AMC)U'fl' PAID RECE I VED BY DATE' July, 1987 CITY OF CAMPBEll., CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTlKATE Addre.. Surface Con.true~iDn Cl.arln& & Crubbln& w.p SUIl btllute LF@ $ 4.00 SF @ 3.00 LF@ 5.00 !A@ 600.00 4-\4 LF@ 14.00 /2)&4- SF @ 4.00 [:L)I SF @ 5.50 I lA, 400.00 LF' 1.50 LF' 50.00 SPClIt Concr.te Concr.te a..oval Curb . Cutter a..ova1 In10t Drain with Plpe Curb 6 Cutter 51devaIk Drive_y Approacll HaDcllcap a..p buuded Curb Permi t No. by_date _ $ 1<']) :> - $ - , - $ $ .-.-,c.. /)) _ $ ~:.. ; ,0. '- ( $ lJc.--0' ( I' _ $ 4c.; (JC-: J-CC). C n - $ - $ Scre.t lacavation - $ fly;: 40 SF)1I($0.10)1I'-.) _ $ I S~ "":',C0 (1 f ....:..SF)1I($0.30)1I'-.) _ $ -:-::>~O \ .-[.0 lA' 375.00 - $ lA' 275.00 - $ " -;.) lA' 600.00 $ lA, 300.00 - $ ~C0 LF' 0.65 - $ lA' 40.00 - $ lA' 120.00 - $ to:; lA' 15.00 - $ LF' 10.00 $ - $ - $ Surfac.SubtotaI .S" _ $L0'110.C\,? AAljust for ah.: .S.<$30,ooo add 20\, .5.>$100,000 aubtract lOt (+ or .) $ ;::~'\O~l::). !.-i-- lanluda AC 'av...nt AAljuat Manhole to Cra. AAljust Handho1. eo Cr.da ~nt 1011 v/Monuaant Str.at Tr.. (15-..110n) '_nt Strip1n& ($100 aiD) '_Dt lA&enda ($100 .1n) Stop. Str.et .... or Other S1m Pava..nt Maritan P__nt ltay Cut Bu..!: U..bt:in. r lA' 2,000.00 /7 ", r-') 10.00 f- ',- LF' LF' 2.00 !.a' 200.00 &lectrol1er Ccmdui t Ccmductor. pair PW.1 lox /' Uf.' "1 (' T Ii. i.- Stora Draina.. 12- or 15. acp LF' U, 60.00 11" or 21' atp 70.00 Street JDl.t IA t 1,600.00 lA' 2,400.00 IA , 650.00 llallhole .reak , Inter Manhole wrA1. ISTlIIATI $ US! rea IClIQ) . \8CO.OO \''1C)''':'' C; "'Z"2.0. C)() - $ 4{~~'c:.~c' . ()(~' _ $ :: ~_.-.\ l.'l. - $ _ $ C;. c>"::J ,c' _ $ iC::7Ci' - $ - $ - . . - . - $ ?JS SC)~. 14 nri..cI 'III CITY OF CAMPBELL Permit No. Applicant INFORMATION SHEET FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Contractor/Applicant 7'h-e, r,j)e..to/iL)J It. C / ' One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR >( A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co./VA-T7D/I/IDI D~ ff) U TV /lL- Policy No. 7'1-tuCJ:;O (I):~(J(l..OOOI-.,cExpiration date 'f -I'I -fCj; OR ........................ IO... IO. IO. .. .. . ................ IO......... . . . IO....... . This Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed). CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for this permit, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Signed Date NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/APPLICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. . . ..................... ... . .................... IO. ........ . . . . . . . . ...... .. . ... . . CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Contractor's License and Workers' Compensation Insurance. Name of Contractor Address Telephone State Contractor License No. City Business License No. Expiration Date Will do the following types of work: underground _____P.C. concrete _____A.C. paving _____electrical other (specify) f:PERMINFO REV. 8/88 ~ 1AtV-/~ I STATE COMPIINSATION INSURANCE F=UND P.O. BOX 807, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94101-0807 CERTIFICATE OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE JUNE 4, 1990 POLICY NUMBER: 1 069681 - 90 CERTIFICATE EXPIRES: 6-1-91 r- CITY OF CAMPBELL ATTN: PU8LIC WORKS DEPT 7S N CENTRAL AVE CAMPBELL CA 9500:3 L RICIIVID JUN 08 J990 Public Worb/En' . 9mo.'IOfI This is to certify that we have issued a valid Workers' Compensation insurance policy in a form approved by the California Insurance Commissioner to the employer named below for the Poli30Period indicated. This policy is not subject to cancellation by the Fund except uponltdt! days' advance written notice to the employer. 30 We will also give you "XIIN days' advance notice should this policy be cancelled prior to its normal expiration. This certificate of insurance is not an insurance policy and does not amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed herein. Notwithstanding any requirement, term, or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate of insurance may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions and conditions of such policies. ,4~ PRESIDENT ENDORSE~ENT #0015 ENTITLED ADDITIONAL INSURED EMPLOYER EfFECTIVE 06/01/90 IS ATTACHED TO AND FORMS A PART OF THIS POLICY. NAM€ OF ADDITIONAL INSURED: CITY OF CAMPe~LL ENDORSEMENT #2065 ENTITLED CERTIFICATE HOLDERS. NOTICE EfFECTIVE 06/01/90 IS ATTACHED TO A~D FOR"S A PART Of THIS POLICY. EMPLOYER r- APACHE PIPELINE CORPORATION PO BOX 8110 SAN JOSE CA 95155 L selF 10262 (REV. 10-86) OLD 262A :J~e PIPEYARD,3nc. 700 McGlincey Campbell. CA 95008 - :.~ 1; t -.:_ 1. n, ,". .' ' F u L<l -.:.- C \" ,.; '- t' r , . : ; j: (~, . -" , _ '" ~.U j '70 " Ci..i"L' uclJ..~ ,-~ r' .\..1.- . l-; c' u '.:~ l r _ L L J . 1(- .-.-. i" r.~.~ e ~ ..:-\'3 l'C'i' ~. L t U 1" J.' . r , 1 .~ ~_' ,,-,'; . :.... :~i-,_ ..L 11 . c'''' ~ --I r; i. ..L___ \\ , , Lt.1 C!. L,...' l'v-1.UC'.'::-L~ '_' f.:.. t Ii ~~:. f{ C-' ~'~~ S '-, tt..c f ..... ':'lC~ j I,:, :-:._L:::;!l-I~)ff>~. :tl'C ;': .:ill',: '- '-"A'l."'_"- L ~> .,. 1 '1 ;-t .LJ 1-.: L 1. C' U U 1 de , ~ t. I \1, U U .1 c"l 1 l L. ~.:' .~ \) ~ '. r., v.:. t L ..:... ~:.' .il '~ L \\ r_ t...:~'--' L ~: . , ~. 11 L ~ 1 C' " , L '- ~ i.. l~l ::.'~ i;.t:':) (J 11 ~_: \_ 11 f::' :::~ i L ~t t ~ 1- ilL !-__~ 1 e- 1 A-lfIi-- · :-'. "'Lj '.:.:: ....., : l-, .... 'J,';:-, ," " ~-'. -_tlL,__ .~. _~_ ~ '_ ~,(_{lL""-.-,- ...'I'CSJ_Cl\_>llt z_ .) S C ,/ ..! Hi n ":#- ,nQ -2DB vEIl/''' r( t:5 0 PLASTIC PIPE" CHEAP" Phone (408) 371-3962 1.1 t.I.":_--,. 1 ~ .~..:< ...-- :_1 r t :'~; 11. -,:-l [1 c- '--,: 1;: p 1 ;"_' t ~.~. ,-1 . t ~ 1 Ii " '" ;' , 1 i ~. C' \ 1-,- uu <. ~-' ! 1.' 1-"'" , .~<.~.id ;...;.. -L d':::'ll . f-' _i (.' (' L: (~) 1" 1 L ;: ~ \.,i. .i. 11 ,--1" r;! L } ~ I In ~ ' ..... J (--~ U ~.'ll L ni:.>- 1 : ',:) '~,/ f_ .1' Ri:Cli:IV~D APR 2 ;') 199U Public Works/Engineering F: T", (,,! - - '-I '_ :t ! ~ I.; !1ij ['.il ~.t 1. , . r! + ~ " , , . f:-> L ;_: L 1 ~ {.) r ',1.[ .: ~ t Ii ',! Ii C l' '}l :1' , ._,IE1Vl C (' .. ; : Ij ~. 1...' t 1 It \ ~',- -,- _.""',~1;>"":..lIt..,.._... H H t..j S:] t',l C Ci t~C R E T E TEL j I: ---, f-,,-' I '-I', f: ~.j ~:' , 1 '1" ~ .:':: -j <~ : -~ :~~ ~ ,j nil. F. I-! 'r~ .:.,-dBB ~ 'La ~ ONE HANSON COURi . MI,~,TAS C/o, 95(l~lS . (408\ ;'6./-1091 . FAt. (408; ;'h2-0g;11:\ n Apt'i1 17. 1989 The Pipeyard, Inc, :/00 ~1c raLnu!y LcllLc' C[!fll~Jh('ll, Co''!. 951103 To v.!l'to::n It ~1ay Concern l Tni.s 13 to certify the 12" (Twelve Inc,h) Re..inforccd Concrete Pipe Rupplied to you for your ya~d m~ctA the M)1't'i C16 requiro?IT'E-_Dt,,,", C132E 4. S-tnceL'~ly I Ci)OfiL (f(Oi)1(JA~ nd\'(~ 1;udgf-r!.'i -JI 1 Hanson Ct. Milpitas, C~. 93035 K{, pc G(;~ ~ f-- Jf--~+-~~ ~ DF'.) hi? ~~:::K :l~2-3t.CASH RECEIPT o MONEY ORDER CITY OF SAN JOSE No. A 149338 ADDRESS 100 DOLLARS I ,--- , 3- E ~ T ~ L-C) ~- 'li FORM 142-13 REV. 8/85 SOM BY ORIGINAL TO PAYOR BANK OF AMERICA MULTIPLE MATURITY 8 2 7 41 0 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT A~oomNQ 06229-02198 Rate 5 .0 O'YlMaturity 90 0 A Y S $**$1,790.00******* Date 1 2/ 07 /88 PIPEYARD FOR CITY OF SAN JOSE Account Name INSTRUCTIONS FOR DISBURSEMENT OF INTEREST Interest to be paid At Maturity of Certificate, (Term must be one year or less), Credit interest to: [j{Checklng Accl # 06220-03755 _ 0 Savings Accl # ~ :J Pay by Cashier's CheCk to' ; / //1 ' ~ /. .~/ 1(t.C---....--- .. .,..... 'i Ii: Signature of Ceoosltor :; '" .... c: CD 0" :::r a; 3 '" 3 !!l. ~ '" ~ 1';- [ 5' !!1. '" -< 0:< OJ Q Q. CD '" 5' 0 iii' r~ n '" ;:>. . ~ =- 0"0 1;- '" '" ~& CD ~ c: ::l g CD '" "0 !,?, '" "0 0: a; Q en '" n ::l a; CD 9, 0. CD Q 0. 5' a; D> 0. n '" 0 n 3 3 0 :2. - 0. o' 0. . . D> ::l D> U1 ::l ~ 1t n 0 '" s: ~ ~. :::r 0 5 0;' S' m n - '< ::l ~ 0 S; ~ =- - S 1''- 5 D> 0 !!l. 0. m e D> ~ - Sl. -;;; r 0 ~ 0- ~ ffi" '" ~ ;;; D> ::l .. 3 '" 0> ~ [ '" 0. 0:< 0. 0> 1t ,---:: - = ~ F: c ,- ~ c C ~ c t c ~ ~ € c E C ',~.. c;~ ' -g;- '0 :I: ~f.c':' ~ ~ ..: '< ~ ,- W ::l a.. , c:' .. u 0 ::l' ~ (J) .. E-- ~~ (:7.::1 it A ~- : ~:::, O' ~ :; ::r ~;- ::3 Q. ~ 0;.: ~ Q1. CD "ll .--::' g:- .= !J! -< '- m ... ::> 0. '" 0 ;;; ---. ",.. t_:~: p. ~ = ~ ~ @ d ~ ~ ~ c.:~' 1_=:S -=m. em ~ ~ ~ efr. "> _Z: """ '-;Z. ..0 -....;;;,;. '.0 gn cO "'7 ~'::D m .<. .:no ':= CITY 0 ~ SAN ~OSE. CALIFOF1 A 601 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95110 (408) 277-4333 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS D. KENT DEWELL. DIRECTOR MINOR STREET IMPROVEMENT PERMIT PERMIT NO: 3-RJ 46 (M1 DEVELOPER: MR. JIM CHAU1ERS DATE: NOV 8, 1988 PLANNING PERMIT NO: EXPIRATION D.L-:-E: FEE 8, 11989 COORD INA TOR: Jim d1aJmers LOCATION: N.E. CORNER OF SWEETBRIAR DRIVE AND CENTRAL PARK DRIVE When cleared by the City for cons';:ruction, this is a pennit for the construction Jf street improvements as shown on the attached plan(s) and i0 accordance with the City of San Jose Standard Details and Specifications. Prior to the issuance of this permit you will be required to: 1. Pay a 15' Fee of S 620..J0 for City Engineering and Inspection. 2. Furnish a Non-Negotiable Deposit Certificate in the amount of $1,790.00 which will be held by the City as the security deposit until the project is completed. Guidelines for using these Certificates are as described in Exhibit "(". 3. Subrnit to the City of San Jose evidence of insurance coverage. Developer~ at develc:er's sole cost and expense and for the full tet^m of this penrit or any renewal thereof shall obtain and maintain at least all of the minimum insurance re1uirements as described in Exhibit "A" prior to commencing any wOl"k under this street improvement pennit. Said insuranc'? shall be ;iled with and approved by the Risk M~nager before a permit shall be issued. The Risk Manager's appt"oval shall be labeled Exhibit "S". If you need further information, please call Ron Se'7{)ur (408) 277-516~, Room 340, City Hall. Public Works Inspection mus~ be notified at 277-4626, 24 hours prlor to beginning wad. CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION: ---- ~--d) I' l6-;l~~~ ~ .-T~nr-T1~l~-~-f------ 0;. t _ . ,,' - ,.J I. . ' .. e ,"-,' ] r"':~ C tOt' 0 f P 11 n 1 1 ': ~ \ () r v: ': COMPANY NAME: THE ~lrEYARD, INC ADDRESS: 700 MCGLINCEY LANE, CAMPBELL, CA. 95008 BY: MR. JIM CHALMERS CONTRACTOR' S LIC. NO.: PHONE NO.: (408) 371-3962 The following Improvement Plans, Details and Specifications are attached and made a part of this permit: DESCRIPTION SHEET NO. PLAN FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF REGAS DRIVE 4 1. Construct std hocXled inlet 2 . Construct std sm rnanhose 3. Construct five feet of std cur;:;, gutter and side'''rolk SEWER LATERALS ONLY SIZE: TYPE: CONSTRUCTION COMPLETED SATISFACTORILY: LENGTH TO CURB: .. ..J DEPTH AT MAIN: DEPTH AT FOC: Public Works Inspection Date DEPTH AT P. 1. : LATERAL LOCATION: 6332W(RC) BOND and..' E and I FEE Estimated Umt Bond, 15% Item Description Unit Q-)antity Price Extension Fee PCC Curb and Gut ter Lin Ft 5 . 13 .50 67.50 10.12 Remove Curb and Gutter Lin Ft 5 3.50 17.50 2.62 PCC Sidewalk Sg -f- a 3.50 t _ I Remove Sidewalk Sq F: I 0 I 1.50 I PCC Driv~ay Sg F: O' 6.00 I Remove Driveway Sq F: 0 2.00 , I I Face of CUrb Drain N/.:' I 0 I 300.00 I I I- I I I I 1- Wheelchair Ramp Eac:: 0 700.00 E1ectrolier Eac:-. I 0 I 1,250.00 I I I , Catch Basin or Standard Eac'"-. 1 700.00 700.00 105.00 Hooded Inlet .. Lateral NIl-. 0 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 TOTALS 1,790.00 620.00 NaTE: FEE IS 15 % OF D:TENSlm I EXCE?T FOR L..~TERA.LS. RCXJND OfF 'IDTALS TO NEAPEST $10. G"""":M.~: d 8850w BOND FEE EYJIIBIT B NOTIFICATION OF CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT BEING PROCESSED (Upper portion to be filled out by applicant) Developer Addr.ess 700 MCGLINCEY LANE, CAMPBELL, CA. Project - Street Improvement Permit 3- 95008 (M) I Date I I OCTOBER 14 , 1988 I I Phone I I I I Amount I I NA I I I Division I Engineering Serv. I Extension I 5161 I Start Date I I MR. JIM CHALMERS Scope of Work Private construction within right-of-way Department Public Works Contact Mike Miramontes Project Manager Ron Seymour NOTIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Comments Date Signature 6360W(RC) 1ft Bank of America TRADE FINANCE SERVICES-CA. MENLO PARK OFFICE #1440 1000 MARSH ROAD, P.O.BOX 2085,MENLO PARK, CA. 94025 ITJ IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO.11020. DATE OF ISSUE: DECEMBER 15, 1988. EXPIRATION DATE: DECEMBER 31, 1989. AT OUR COUNTER IN MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA. BENEFICIARY: ------------------- ------------------- CrTY OF CAMPBELL. 75 N.CENTRAL AVENUE, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008. GENTLEMEN: WE HEREBY ESTABLISH OUR IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT # 11020 IN YOUR FAVOR FOR THE ACCOUNT OF: PIPEYARD, INC. 700 MCGLINCEY LANE, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 UP TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF US$39,000.00 ( THIRTY NINE THOUSAND & 00/100 USDOLLARS). WHICH IS AVAILABLE TO YOU BY YOUR DRAFTS DRAWN AT SIGHT ON US, MARKED: " DRAWN UNDER BANK OF AMERICA NT & SA, IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT #11020", FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: MENLO PARK OFFICE #1440 AND ACCOMPANIED BY THE 1.- THIS ORIGINAL LETTER OF CREDIT. 2.- A SIGNED BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATE, BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, CERTIFYING THAT PIPEYARD, INC. HAS FAILED TO SATISFACTOR PER PUBLIC OR A CLAIM HAS PERSONS FUR OR THAT WORK WE HEREBY COMPLIANCE LETTER OF CREDI AT THE OFFICE MENLO PARK, CALI THAT ALL AND Y HONORED MERICA NT ON OR BEF ..,. ~~: SALAMI.\, A:-~" ~:..: . . c-~,~> e~ ...,..__~ ,/ AUTHORlZE;O COUNTERSIGNATURE ", - .. PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS CREDIT: This credit is siJn)e'et to the-Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1983 revision, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 400. Please examine this instrument carefully. If you are unable to comply with the terms or conditions, please communicate with your buyer to arrange for an amendment. This procedure will facilitate prompt handling when documents are presented. \ R. CHAUDHARY/ __d-t..,c- ' FX-1313 6-86 ENCROArl~'''''NT PERMIT ISSUANCE CHECK LIST City of Campbell Department of Public Works ~ Applicant aection complete .- ,.,~/;/ ...., ./1 __{3 Encroachment Permit No. c: ) II ~ C Vi] foo .... ClZii Zt.:l ....&1" ~a: _0 a:Ca.. OZ Ca..O .... Of-l ~J!_______~_~~~_~:~~_~~_:::~~:~:~~_~~~~~_~~~~~~:~___________________ v ~ Applicant signature and date ;/ Permit Application fee $50.00 ($35.00 for R-l Homeowner), paid. Receipt number Plan check deposit, $500.00 (waived for R-l Homeowner), paid. Receipt number ~ Bond for faithful performance, lOOt of City Engineer's estimate, (waived for R-l Homeowner), supplied or paid. Amount $ 2f7. ........ .:) Form Ct'( t I.. C<', -: . it.D. . II ,:.: _..- .:> . v' Cash Deposit: 41 of FP bond, $500 min. ($200 for R-l Homeowner), paid. ! .? ? -; Amount $ 1)0 Q Receipt No. .f I~ , v-- Plan Check & Inspection fee of 71 of FP bond, $35.00 min., (vaived for R-l Homeowner) paid. " Amount $ "2 ") < ,) Receipt No. ! i '1 ~ ~. Worker'a compensation information received for Applicant (aee Information Sheet for Encroachment Permits) All other Public Works requirements listed in the Conditions of Approval of the development. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- v Worker'a comp and Contractor's Information received for Contractor (aee Information Sheet for Encroachment Permits) ~ Certificate of Insurance with Additional Insured's Endorsment received from Contractor (see General Summary of Insurance Requirements for Encroachment Permits) :.. :... ~ aJ ~ ~ ::> t ) -4 :) :) ) .. ~ Three sets of off-site plans, stamped APPROVED (Tract or Development and Public Works Permit number and property addreas on plans) ~ Permit signed for City Engineer WEN ALL OF THE ABO"" }TEKS ARE COMPLETE, PERKIT HAY BE ISSUED . Iasuer: Initial~' and date I - 7, - Y1 and fUe with permit UPON ISSUANCE, INITIATE CHECK REQUEST FOR PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT REFUND 8/88 permchklst g. , . . f _Certificate of Insurance ~ The Nationwide Insurance Company i. Jted below certifies that the insurance aff, ,by the policy or policies numbered and described below is in force as of the effective date of this certificate. This Certificate of Insurance does not amend, extend, or otherwise alter the Terms and Conditions of Insurance coverage contained in any policy or policies numbered and described below. Certificate Holder's Name and Address: Insured's Nome and Address: r -, CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1st STREET CAMPBELL, CA, 95008 THE PIPEYARD, INC. ET AL ANB BAC DEVELOPMENT DBA: THE PIPEYARD 700 McGLINCEY LANE CAMPBELL, CA. 95008 POLICY NUMBER AND POLICY POLICY TYPE OF INSURANCE EFFECTIVE EXPIRATION LIMITS OF LIABILITY ISSUING COMPANY DATE DATE GENERAL LIABILITY General [i Aggregate 2,000,000. Premises - Operations 74PR506304-0002 8/10/88 8/10/89 Pro Compo Op. Agg. 1,000,000. .[i Products - Completed Each Occurrence Operations 1,000,000. [iJ Personal and Any One Person or 1,000,000. Advertising Injury Organization ~ Medical Expense Any One Person 5,000. ~ Fire Damage Legal Any One Fire 50,000. ~ Other Liability AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Bodily Injury OCCURRENCE bJ Comprehensive Form (Each Person) 74BAS06304-0003 8/10/88 8/10/89 Bodily Injury e9 Owned (Each Accident) ~ Hired Property Damage bJ Non-Owned Bodily Injury and Property Damage 1,000,000. Combined EXCESS LIABILITY Bodily Injury and Property Damage Occ. 0 Umbrella Form Combined Agg. - kJ Workers' Compensation 74WC506304-0001 7/1/88 STATUTORY LIMITS 7/1/89 Bodily Injury Each Accident and by Accident lnn nnn kJ Employers' Liability Bodily Injury Policy Limit by Disease c:nn nnn Bodily Injury . . Each Employee by Disease lOO.OOO DESCRIPTIVE SCHEDULE Insurance in force only for hazards indicated by NATIONWIDE AGREES TO MAIL THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED ABOVE Description of Operations / Locations / HEREON AT THIS INDICATED ADDRESS AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR NOTICE Vehicles/Restrictions/Special Items OF CANCELLATION OF THE POLICY OR POLICIES AND/OR THIS CERT , IFICATE SHALL EXPIRE ON THE EXPIRATION DATE IF IT IS SHOWN- ABOVE AND NOTICE OF ANY OTHER MATERIAL CHANGE IN THE POLICY OR POLICIES. NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY NATIONWIDE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NA TIONWIDE PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY . .COlumbus, O~hiO. __, .) _, .tf<, . ~ . ,-~dlt Vfr ~ .' ' presiderifrr Authorized Representative Dote Certificate Issued Countersigned at: __c:~S~~53~B~_ ~ -12/J.9La8_______ ___ __ THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. POLICY CHANGES Policy Change Number _ POLICY NUMBER POLICY CHANGES EFFECTIVE 12/19/88 COMPANY 74PRS06304 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE COMPANY NAMED INSURED AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE THE PIPEYARD, INC. AND BAC DEVELOPMENT HOWARD H. MEARHOFF, CIC COVERAGE PARTS AFFECTED GENERAL LIBILITY CHANGES IT IS AGREED TO ADD ADDITIONAL INSURED PER FORM B ATTACHED. CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1st. STREET CAMPBELL, CA. NO CHANGE IN PREMIUM. IL :2 0111 85 Copyright. Insurance Services Office. Inc.. 1983 Copyright. ISO Commercial Risk Services. Inc., 1983 POLICY NUMBER: 74PR506304-0002 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1st. STREET CAMPBELL, CA. (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule. but only with respect to liability arising out of "your work" for that insured by or for you. NAMED INSURED: THE PIPEYARD, INC. ET AL AND BAr. DBA: THE PIPEYARD DEVELOPMENT 700 McGLINCEY LANE CAMPBELL, CA. 95008 CG 20 10 11 85 Copyright. Insurance Services Office. Inc. 1984 ADD END U M THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AND I~S RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES ARE NAME AS ADDITIONA~ INSUREDS FROM AND AGAINST ANY CLAIMS, LOSS LIABILITY, COST OR EXPENSE ARISI::G OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. THIS COVERAGE SHALL BE PRIMARY AND ANY COVERAGE CARRIED BY ADDITIONAL INSURED SHALL BE EXCESS INSURANCE ONLY. / /~... ~!.. ~..... ,. / ,& p/ /c:/:;?/0~/ HOWARD H. REARHOFF, AGENT- 0799 ~.. ATTACHED TO AND FORMING A PART OF CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE, ISSUED 12/19/88 to: CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1st Street Campbell, Ca. 95008 ~'E . ~. 0 r ,j' Permit No. "77/ ,.- I / "7 / ;) I f(. r! C, :, /cL /<'/1 < 1Jt<.. Tract No. or Address IMPROVEl':Et,T PLAN CHECK LI ST DEVELOPtlENTS CHECKED: ITEH: V 1) Permit number and prop- erty address on plan? L.r 2) Site review completed? V 3) Applicable standard notes CO:'U1EtJTS: 4) Engineer's Stamp, Signa- ture and Expiration Date /r!c t;o e" Tc /) v 5) Conformance with City standard specifications and details V i/ 6) Street geometries 7) Street grading plan con- fornity with overall street gr~des and/or official grading plan v/ 8) Approved roadway structural section v 9) Street lighting requirements 10) Storm S2wer design 11) All relevant conditions of approval have been met 12) Traffic review 13) Service Center review s-m""2'\A ~...> \I\AP\J'\S ~C"V6 Mi\-CSt ,....u ~ r. JJ -\.v~e., Cc_/j.~ 0J!-.. J>u;vvS( P\G~.:-;;- \N (-"tu:: v v v (,..,/ D..Y. /1- 2/- Jr;~2-g'-S-f' / Plan check co~pleted by -.. Recommeded for approval -:/ ; sJ, (f- Dill t-1'.~ltelms Engineering ~~nager @/l) \~~l ~ Donald C. ~imberly Date 6irector of Public Works I '2.. - I '2--t( Date Send originals for signing CITY OF CAMPBt;l.L ~O\c".",,o<9" , .- o .- 0'1 ~II' * - ':' ,. * n .' q " - '1,....... ~~ <9 0 f{ I C p...\\". NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALI FORNIA 95008 TELEPHONE 378-8141 1 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ~~[R1'W~~~ [R1~(Q)UJJ~~lF N '-, -\ --, -") O. () 'J - ,:'"j ,.: ADDRESS: REC. FROM: · 1]/iliJj!,')~, 1';>1/ /~)7j1///l /1.'1;'''7:1-'1 (~ i I) ,L,I./uri.J~,I1):"Jr.' ! C!'7 ('\ ,./)}I t,tdJ) PHONE NO.:. ,; . REC.BY C ,CO;;(: DEPT.: P U) ,-.-371- /,.7 rl(J YOUR COMMUNICATION REGARDING ~ ') . :J Lv /1, () : t. ~, . DATE: '-'I/. Q / ,:-0 ) !.;Y . "..)/ () (j /t)I.<V /1/1) /"i}i <,I. I} . .' i. .'; .1.,-,1.1 I' (' ~ -. ).fe... ..1 ;~ f,>i/) ;1, . ! I , 0 (; fj'H/) " r){t9' .1"! . /\I.h< S /1'l')/~UI;.':<l/! "itA,) I I I I I Tho CamplJolI Oopartmont d Publ~ _ ~ lrMlI\Iod In many ~as_ SU8JECT: !UCI1 as conllJ'UC1lon and molnlenantt 01 "'""". sldPwalks. _ap II romps, "'""' NgIltlng. sign.IIs. "'""' ........ porb. par courses. tNlc. paths , and CIry porting loll. J ,...... 1M II1Is lam r you WOUd IlI<o to .Il< quostIon~ mok.lUQ9OIIions 1 :~m=:~ 3il-I'~O I FROM: ~W'I.LA ... n~II.'D L~uClO\ No.... ....... I '-1tl SWee.\-b\r'11l..4. b,\. .......... CA ""'h~1I '.~'C II V MI\JL TO: CIry 01 C~ . Dopartmont 01 Nll~ Worts FE 8 1 8 1988 70 NoIII1 Fir5t _ ClmJlbOII, CI\ 95008 We Want To Hear From YOU. - DETAILS OU.STIONS. COMM.NTI _suaa.STIONI L_ w___ Ih~",c. o..\O't '\"\0 WcV-"- 0___ R,Cl.I\l\ cl"Q..\,\s Of\ 01.0.\ $~ c:t~Ht. it 'h. ?'Q"~ WI 1"4 Luea1t. 'to CJ 0 <Il'f. C~ cu.o...-... ~ 1-0 C~I'\""" PcuAt ~ 01. r.JO "Q.l", '^ Wc4l~~~. Oot\ l.l! IfU -+\..uI ~ no ~ ~ Y\a...- c1\ ot oJ H o...A..U QM. tu-u 1\ ~... a.......:o.;.. c.J..4. ~ " ..LlLt# ~ ~ .A.4 Cl ~ _w... AM W4 w~. cJ ~'" 12/8 ~--~---;-~~~:E.~--' -~~-=,.."--.:.c,, _ _ _ 1>"-" ... n.. 'ON a..t.W.c.o. -'V1tttf..- HAS BEEN REFERRED TO E A/:"-"~) DEPARTMENT ACTION j}/5L: rsd S(~~ f.A/ (7 $,. La y-{ l>v1. ~ 1-'(/ ~1-{',.-(-" -/-rv () A VI ~ t1 '7 II r u/ J <7'-> --r-r-. I ; s. II {h-.A; , ----f-h q -r . J/ ,,-te..-- r .s~c1r Ch.1 ~L-J~"7I I fCl v tz .Vl-, (lvOtJ.A.ofcR -j--tf..~ U; vY'"TAv ~ ~.u-(1-!-bv"Jtf'J.-' l,e-!, t1 --f1:-rq-f (J I;::; C. ~ " ;= Y'".-(.~ vvrd hA, ,,- * S.J Se-(~I (""., ~A,--LJI..z d va_t:;'''1 (, ,,# ---f-AA- ~4~ vL- Nlf ,{A-./-t-r_u~ d--1I>>-v~fbY/~Y, -r;rllvtv- --J-t-,~+ b'J11(.bt-.- (~{'tcl,Wa1L~ OJ-~~ cP~ --/-hA r!-r..vt-r,) (_X"~~.. 4 ---j-!,,:-/ 1+C~ --r-(:..,9+'~ TO RJ:O;:P PII OTV r:OJ:l pl:'pnQT TJ-II=I\J Tn [) 1M r)lnr:"'Tno , of I., ;f..... CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 . Department: Public Works March 17, 1966 Mr. David Larson 690 Sweetbriar Drive Campbe11,CA 95006 Dear Mr. Larson: In response to your recent comments, the Public Works Department personnel contacted you and discussed the water standing problem and the two-way left-turn lane on Union at Central Park. Because these issues are under the jurisdiction of the City of San Jose, a contact person in the City of San Jose was given to you. Also your concern for future drainage off the extension of Sweetbriar will be considered by City if and when the street is extended. Thank you for responding to the Public Works Activity form in the "Canipbell Profile." If you have any questions about our service, you're welcome to give me a call at (406) 666-2150. Sincerely, e~m.c~ Charlene M. Case Administrative Aide CMC: dz S.R. #66-63 ~ I . , ' r. i f~' i I ; I I I ' cc: .....,.,. ... 14 ....... 'j /;^,J' \1i: i;:1 i'lli"1 IY;')I I [ii (!II 1 .;!I<\ .. . "" ,.' ".,'1 ";,' :J;;';W;':~['.~-\Ft.i.:~. :! . ' I; j l:'~' ~-,l-,TIl~-rfC':~.:_~- ."'. '....... n".. ,...........<1.1.,..,. '. "". ' " , '. ,I i ["'-' '...~f.'.'...'ln.'".... "'." . .~. '" if ....." .1','. .,', \. III I', L ' '" I ~ , ,',,::'.ir::i:i"i, 'lll,."... "11' I ill 1 I f* "f'~'j:i ", , ....1.' i, ,,',,', ',", ".:" II I I. ~',I' , ';jJ ',\:1 ;i,. _' ~.. ; I . ,'~ ;!'. ,', , I, : ' ":: r, ,~ ,,;'li;'~;.;.'_',",~\'" 'f " ,I j ~ .::~tl;,:;"~i;}..I."i,l, ,:~ ,;..". ~"" .:10:, ,".,.....".1. . .i,.., ;0'''- . -'111 r I t. ....,..~_ .,....,......." .. .'. '::'?:;' : ":,) ,....'..~.l~:r,~:,~~.~;~;~;::i; ',.,' ,." '", .. ,.' ~. ,--. ,r'" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - FILE n TS 88-02 SITE ADDRESS: 700 MCGLINCEY LN. (REGAS/SWEETBRIAR DRIVE) APN 412-35-5 & 23 APPLICANT: THE PIPEYARD, INC. P.C. MTG: 5-10-88 The applicant is hereby notified, as part of this application, that he/she is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the Laws of the State of California. Additionally, the applicant is hereby notified that he/she is required to comply with all applicable Codes or Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California which pertain to this development an~ are not herein specified. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1. Installation of a sanitary sewerage system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the proposed plans of the County of Santa Clara Sanitation District No.4. Sanitary sewerage service to be provided by said District No.4. 2. Installation of a water distribution system to serve all lots within the subdivision in conformance with the plans of the San Jose Water Works. Water service to be provided by said water company. Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be provided and installed at the locations specified by the Fire Chief, Fire Department, City of Campbell. Fire hydrant maintenance fees shall be paid to City at the rate of $195 per fire hydrant. 3. Subdivider shall create or provide any public service easement and any other public utility and/or public service easements as may be necessary for the installation of any and all public utilities and/or facilities. 4. Compliance with the provisions of Title 20, Subdivisions of the Campbell Municipal Code. 5. Subdivider to pay Storm Drainage Area Fee. 6. Subdivider to furnish copy of Preliminary Title Report. 7. Subdivider shall install street improvements and post surety to guaranty the work. 8. Provide a grading and drainage plan for the review and approval of the City Engineer. 9. Obtain an excavation permit and pay fees and deposit for all work in the public right-of-way. 10. Pay a fee of $9,056.00 in lieu of dedication of land for parks. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 11. Prior to approval of final map, subdivider to submit a plan, for the Planning Director's approval, indicating the design and location of a 6' or 8' masonry or pre-cast concrete wall along the north and west property lines. Wall to be constructed prior to final map approval. FIELD CHECK LIST FOR D~VELOPMENT OR TRACT IMPROVEMENT PLANS ~&2 JV1' l T 88 -20g' (12.8(' !> B/'LV(88 tS).~ .. 7 1. Are existing PCC improvements accurately shown? yes no foliA no /VIP N;lA 2. Do existing PCC improvements meet current standards? yes 3. Width of sidewalk? (Do ~ include curb) 4. List non-standard improvements to be replaced. }./o ExeS r. ((A;?'/2(J ,/eNG'/VJ7" 5. Are existing standard improvements in acceptable condition? yes no #/4 Indicate on plans location(s) and dimensions of areas to be removed and replaced. 6. Indicate required sawcut locations on plans. 7. Indicate any obvious storm drainage facilities not already shown on the plans. 8. Is there an existing street lighting system? ~ no Type pole? Type luminaire? Location of nearest electrolier? 9. Are all existing surface utility facilities accurately shown? yes If not, indicate on plans. 10. Pavement condition: Description ~~/:f Acceptable as is ~ Needs overlay ~~ no ,N//9 .AII/! Needs remove & replace /vL~ . If overlay or remove and replace is partial, indicate location and dimensions on plan. \..0 I Y I' L...II~ 111'-'-' . "::J . ----- . - --- 455 Los Gatos Blvd.. Suite (nl Los Gatos. California 95030 Phone: (408) 358-3300 PT. fE.6tA5 C.ttA--\~Ee.s - O:..0N5R AZ. DI~T. ~3 -.;.c, -89 ;:0 N FDQl'A 1Jcx; 1; ICP ct-~ DI\Al_, 'r--.- // '--" ;}(1-. B.c., 1i-ll,Q0 ) ---, -. .,- )Ij t:. a \ t-M. CN: ~) \0 1}(P1./f1 ))')1 l-f5L2~L " l.... ',. ~ 3o~ f7.r. Z+\1.?f1 Ui .~=! '---- "------"'..- .2_01 MI r7, ~+, 1; D 0 ~,~ I '1+{Y~.. ~~D - --- '-', '-'''-'. .-~ '10 l V ~(P.3G'- 701, 3 ~'Z-I.3u ~O~) ct )(vJ 304 ~tC;:G.% /;oCj ct O/vJ -)c:>Cp 7-~1(P,?l..P I ~of\) ~0\Z y[\-\ I ,....----. r, ..' Cut Sheets Offset (j) FIG ", "SoUl H 'SlOE HUB ELEV. PLAN ELEV. C;e0 cf Sur,efZ 1J1-ICj,? CUT Checked By FILL LOT: 7.70 ./ .'I r-,r- ~(}7, RZ:; 101. <to ' I ,[, 'j. J-, 207. c:, C; 101,110 "tr.. 7 7~ B.J,Q. 207: Rz, 107,U, T:CJ -107. 4 ~ loZ,cYll[, 207,7;; 'tOb. \ \ Te, /. r1 '207.100 t--og, 'Z \-rc. 7.4:).. \:l. 73 >;+r."J 20747') 1ol,? I 'fe, ~'"\'::'}'2; t1^n8. s\:;,~'c." '] ?~_..:c~ ".; I Wb . {.,.. \, \ 7,':,4 '3,33.slr:.' 2-;)706 101.Q3Tc.J 7,3;"'" 'O.30.~tr:-; /07. 5,?') ~ 10], <6 ZT (, Jo7. 07 I rz07.7'2--r.C. I r? . 1 r1 ,~.. /1 T /' /..07. I.... {...O(.L>~ .L, 7.U~ ,:t." ::! o7.?? I "lOr. 0tTc. 2f)7.3.4- I 201. '7~c. 7 ^ '7 7/ "2-0""'/' 4'ZTC 0 'J.. : , VJ., 0 \ 1" '-', M7.)! ~1>t~-~.-~j ,. !--~2~!~1-'';1 .' ! - - , - , . . '~.. .'.'">~:...-- Oll ('! .0/ ~ v' .~ --... =- r._": \.....-: . .' o.~ :3 /-:) . :; ~~-:, ;"\ .,~ r-'~J '--" . ,-," - - I ,. .,;. I ~ .33 "'/ ' . . .:-' '::; I I .:.: . ! -~"' ~ --'~ ..- I 01:-5 ! ! -- ~ i ~_ ,"} I /<-, ~'.::;; I I I , ." ,-':--, '''-.c ---'~ I i i I i i I i I I ! I I I i - I I I ~ I I j I I "'.......'- '-.,""....''-'-''...nu "..J..Jv",...nl'-oJ, ....,"'. 1641 No. First Street S'Jite 280 San Jose, California 951!~ Phone: (408) 452-1066 PT. AI. DIST . \CD~\~~~l1-=~~ >--;;,.--., ...... (T~ l~ \ 13.[. 1}\1.C4~) -\~[4~ D(v-J 1 ~ \ '? \ '0 Gi.c. \ -t-44-. fn II ~l~ ~ O(0J \ \~\l \H-q~, ~9 \ I'~ C l\s::l...t..... :'r71-0 fPc. .z.+-n. r 1-1:.'7 -\--_.~T.._'"._"_..-...-T I'V I I 1 ,?U tJ1 D(\fJ 1/~rJ?-. I .; i./ ! .---'-- (' 1'7 !?1-U --- . 'tHp<Q .~<6 I D,t! 10\0':::: -1/'1 \(\J _/"\ 1.... \ ""'\v l:~>~;; 13+ZD.4D I I ,/ I I I 1-?:z.l'~.oLJ 1:)+ .40 I [J'l'b \ '3+&:>,140 I ~ \71-~0'f() \ I C00~~'\(L'r\1 I I -t f1~ I I I I I I - -t I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I + IiI I I I I I I I I 1 I I I + I I I I I I I + I t I I I 1 I +- I I I OFFSET ClITSHEETS (0 riG l) 011'1 \-\ ;;:. \ 1) E CHECKED BY ~ '-) HUB ELEV. PLAN ELEV. ClIT. .- + 107 Z 8 ! 101.<601L ff.o'-f S.31 208. \ 0 ! '1-o7,~l T C. 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