88-217 Iii ~~nl ~ t:l &l '" :J >i<:1Il 8. f5~a HiH ~lIli ! ; I; t o ;.c:t... H'" .,. H t" ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ll~ gS2 i~! i~~ 1:1&) 8 lIlC - 1'1 :! ~e~ ~ ~ ~:;: -'" ~ ~ ~ ~ --H >i EE:;: 1II111Z !:!I'I~ li!~< ~E HC "l <'lH"l 01'10 - t:l '" )> '0 '0 ["' ~ o-l I I I I 409 - 3i '1-} 0 'It 1s,-ocg> ! I I I I I I I I I , I I I I : I I I that they have read and understand both the front and t ra their contractor(s) of the inforaation. ! I <(- - j>O ,- 8' 0 -=-- CXTY OF CAKPBBLL DBPT. OF PUBLXC WORD 70 Morth lirat It. Caapbell, CA 15008 (408) 8"-2150 ,~/ j' - /--;z; I I I t I I cpS' ! I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 2 Permit 110. BNCROACHMEHT PBRMXT (for vorkinq in the public riqht-of-.aYI Issued ~.3 {fl$ perait rea' n 12 acs. I-aef. file Application Date cF' Application exp A'P~CATIOM - Applic.tion ia hereby ..de for . Public Works Perait in .ccordance with Caapbell Municipal Code, lection 11.0.. (Application expires in , .onths if perait not pulled) A. Work .ddress 01' tract . IY ~S A--....l~ (O~f~~U t:- I c:... "'"^ B. utility trench loc.tion lI.ture \ 0-- ----j... sea: P I. ~ , Attac five (5 opies of a dravinq showinq the location, extent and di.ensions of the work The d s .11 ahow the relation of the proposed work to eXistinq surf.ce .nd underqround i.prov..ents. Wben approved by tbe City Bnqineer, said drawinq beco.es a part of tbie perait. 0.. ~ '1.... P-- Io"'-\-.A.> fi! e __ s~Je ~o..ll, + CvcJ.j '0 r.; o-l n 1:1 '" ..c C. D. Tbe General Conditions for all peraits are listed on tbe reverse side. Ipecial .rovisions for this perait are listed below. Failure to abide by these conditions and provisions .ay re.ult in job Shut-down and/or forfeiture of Faitbful Perforaance Bonds and caab deposits. (lee General Conditions 1 and 2). B. AD .pplication fee .uat .ccompany tbia applic.tion. Tbis is non-refundable. lI..e cf Applicant Go-...... +~ e: 0 f (L \ \ ~ Telephone: Addre.. I ~ <? S-- P I "- """" J4 v e.. C 0- --.. f k, e II (' -=I..... Is tbis work beinq done by the property owner .t their cwn residence7 ~yes ___no Co.plete and attacb Workers' Co.pensation and Contractor Inforaation foras. Tbe Applicant/Peraittee bereby aqrees by affixinq tbeir of C..pbell, its Officers, aqents and ..ployees free, safe d...qea reaultinq fro. tbe work covered by this permit. siqnature to tbi. perait to bold tbe City and h.raless fro. any clai. or d..and for ACCBPTBD qn GA......-l-L-. R ~ 0 fe \<:- Date IIOTB81 ALL WOU lBALL COIllOIlK nTH TBB AftACIIBD, APPROVED PLAII8 AIID ALL APPLICABLE C>>IPBBLL ITAIIDAIlD DRAWIIIGI AIID COIlOITIOIII. THB COIITRACTOR XUIT DVE THII PBRMIT AIID APPROVED PLAIII AIID KUIT KBBT WXTH THB P.W. IIISPBCTOR 011 THB SUB AT LBAST no DAYI BBFORB ITDTXIIG WOU. IIOTICB MUIT BB GIVBM 'fO PUBLIC WORD AT LBAST U B01JR8 BBroRB RBITDTXIIG AllY WOU. IPBCIAL PROVIIIOIIS _1. . Street sh.ll not be open cut for underqround inst.ll.tions. Xini.ua cuta ..y be .llowed for cODaections 01' explor.tion boles. Sucb cuta .ust be specificallY approved by tbe Inspector. _2. p.v..ent..y be cut for underqround installations and .ust be restored in .ccordance with tbe Utility Trencb Restoration Itandard Drawinq. _3. Work to be ataked by . licensed Land surveyor or Civil Bnqineer and two (2) copies of tbe cut abeeta aent to tbe Public Work oaptartaent before atartinq work. _.. Tbe bours of work are lialted to outaide the bours of 7-1 .... and 3-6 p... for any work affectinq . tr.ffic lane. _5. PBIlKXT APPLXCATIOII FBB (R-1) (t35.00) 8TAllDARD AHOUllT .2> ;~ - IBCBIPT NO. 207S-~ 1A/4'/'l/6~ z-e 7 S8 ~ /A-t V ~-r-.. ~/ t4 j 'u ~-~-}'... r~$k oate "0.00 $500.00 (100' OF BIIG. B8T.) (., OF BOlIO, $500 MXII) PLAII CHICK DBP08IT , $ , .:2 () 0- BOlIO roR FAITBrUL PBUOIlKAllCB - CAlK DBPOSIT ('ZOO.OO) , , PLAII CHBCK , ,......,...... 4" o. .... ...... ,.. KI., l:88UUlCB ? ~ for I' APPROVED FOR f 1 "PERMIT aevised 8/88 Dl M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I o-l o '" M n Q :;; !;; o-l M o '" 0< n ... "l 0< I I I I I I I I I I I .!.. OL n i);1Hd 09 os Ov 08 0<: O~ ..; ." ~p .,(... ~r...('), ....9:~ . \ iD -:;1il . . ,~ ~ IL,;;. '0':: i-- (J) ~ () . ..If (." . !~ -..,,!t; :v c,. ! .--;:>" 6.s.:... C1,~ () 1- ; i' '. ~.~ '..\at Cl. ;;, CI ~ VI t: '~e C), ,tIl " t: -2: ":; ~,{; lo'Il,., 00, IJ t' .~ n'~ t.!:, [, ~:J o ~ \.J t: o ~~ #.'_.. () (~, E 1- ("~ CL c) L:- Cl · l' J ')>..~~ i,,},_ C) ~':"'l ..,....l (I) ....'" ........ .!J..;. o ~ u - .0 ~ 0... u ! ~' ! '';-.;( ) i'P\.' ~. C,-ZST ~ ,) " J .' . .l33HS DNINN\f1d OI::l\fA .1181::10 1" o O~ 0<: 08 Ov os 09 OL 09 06 OO~ I I TO: City Clerk PUBLI C \-JORKS FI LE NO. c?cf- 2 / 7 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ,CCT. ----- 35-3 96 (specify pro'ect) PVU!/-<.-t eu: R-l : ($'35) Depos i t 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) J373 3373 Project Gene ra I & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Hap Fil ing Fee ($300) 72 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) }372 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Envi ronmental Assessment:.. Categorical Exemption cost Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res" $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication 11'l-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage NAME {; rr-r' 1 (),/,--;:" -r\ [/ JY A ~;; TOTAL "L(; /-:',J' ",/ PHONE ,3 7 'i - /GY 7 ) 2. / a /J E Lee 'S.-' ,I / C-<". L' --y rL-- L.--- AMOUln $ 3s~- 200 $ r-- ~2 J-:> ) /' '. /.. ,) ., //1/ (,_(' ,;; /'L'~ <\4-(>,,-,---'- ~, ZIP ~..f, ) 7 of) f ' ADDRESS FOR C I TV CLERK a-lLY RECE IPT NO. d-.-O 7 ~~ ., .---00 C7'- ?> ~ ,- ~ ~ 3/, ~ r AMOl.I'iT PAID RECE I VED BY DATE' July, 1987 ~O ___ .__ _ O_'___.h.._ PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT JAte /~,;j-z--4~ Permit or Project No. .88 ~ 2/? , ,. Address /48S": 'EZ4ii1 ~pe of work; Street Storm SAnitAry ElectricAl Other (describe) M-A::.t:.WI'l1'/ ..-/ [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) [JFINAL lNSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) ~ INSPE~ION - ACCEPT~ . Signed plans? , Y <...JL-J (If signed, Council AcceptAnce.) ChArges agAinst deposit? y Overtime I hrs. @ $ DAte 5 reAsonl ~ . $ BArricAde rentAl (Attach invoice)? y Date , reAsonl C0 $- .- Other? $ $ $ · Refund $ Total chArges deducted from deposita (Cash Deposit $ less chArges $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAChed) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (ReleAse'maintenAnce bond. Check Request if CAsh.) Engineer .~~ CITY OF CAMPBELL Permit No. Applicant INFORMATION SHEET FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Contractor/Applicant One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration date ; OR .....~.................................................................... . . . . : This Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation : laws printed below (certificate must be signed). CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for this permit, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Wo rs' mpensation Laws of California. Date g.- ,30 -S8' Signed NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/APPLICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. . . ................................... ........................... .................................... ........................ .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Contractor's License and Workers' Compensation Insurance. Name of Contractor Address Telephone State Contractor License No. City Business License No. Expiration Date Will do the following types of work: ______underground ______P.C. concrete ______A.C. paving ______electrical ______other (specify) f:PERMINFO REV. 8/88 CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Public Works December 13, 1988 Mr. Garth Riopelle 1485 Elam Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No.: 88-217 Location: 1485 Elam Ave. Maintenance Bond Amount: Waived We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing faithful performance bond. If you post' a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not mainten~nce is needed. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE/sd cc: SUsp~nse ~ 1 Year .':0\)/,'(1 PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Date /Z:~f:~~ Permit or Project No. ,88 - 2/? Address /485"-' El4/i1 Type of work: Street Storm Sanitary Electrical Other (describe) m,e~",,/ .-./ [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) [JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ~ INSPE~TION - ACCEPT~ Signed plans? y ~ (If signed, Council Acceptance.) Charges Against deposit? y OVertime; hra. @ $ Date" reason: ~ . $ Barricade rental (attach invoice)? Y Date " reason: C0 $ ... Other? $ $ Total charges deducted from deposit: (Cash Deposit $ less charges $ $ · Refund $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (ReleaBe'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) Engineer (W TO: C i".:y C I e rk ' PUBLI C ~JORKS FI LE NO. J cf'- 2 / 7 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: "'--"1CCT. 35-J -6-- Depos it R-1 : ($'35) 3372 3521 J373 3373 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) & 3372 1372 72 'j372 3372 3372 3372 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) Final Parcel Ma Fil in Fee ($300) Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee $ 00 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) Lot Line Ad.ustment Fee/Certificate of Com I iance Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) Environmental Assessment:' Categorical Exemption cost Ne ative Declaration Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res.. $2.060; all other. $2.250) Park Dedication 11'l-lieu Fee per Unit ($1.132) Public Works Special Projects Pos tage 3370 J395 3380 3510 AMOUtn $ 3 :;;- - 20<:0 r-- .) TOTAL atJ.-~ n IcJ PELce- tJ9-/-3-.5 NAME: 'f ' / PHONE (j / 'T d:r g~~- c::; ~ ADDRESS c:'v~$ 23 $ 379~/oY/ /<)Uocr ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK C1NLY RECE IPT NO. ~CJ 7 ~-g-' ;) ?> ~" ~ '7/-3/. ~r AMOI.JIIT PAID RECE: J VED BY DATE' July. 1987