88-219 Iii ~ln: >' O&l'" ~ Ii < III S. 15 5 a ....i.... ~lIIi l!l ;;; 5 t o ioC ~... ....... G\ .... t" t f;l!i! Q ~ ~ III a t :Hl g~~ i~i i~~ 1'1(;)8 "'1110 - 1'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~~t: _"lI III III C 1'1 ~ E~~ Ii EEt: 1II11111l aa~ -= 1'I1Il~ ~~.... Pl....o ~~"" 01'10 M 0'" CITY OF CAMPBILL DIn. or PUBLIC WOIlD 70 Mortb Firat st. C..pbell, CA '5008 (408) 8U-2150 Ho. t:?r... 217 ENCROACHMENT PERKIT (for workinq in the publio right-of-way) I..ued { /&, I{' 7 Perai t expire. n 12 ao.. perait X-Ref. fUe APPLICATIOM - Applioation ia hereby aade for a Publio Work. perait in aooordanoe with C..pbell Munioipal Code, Seotion 11.0.. (Applioation expire. in 6 aontb. if perait not pulled) A. Work addre.a or traot . /CJO /fe-6 JrNc-e v / -3 '?1-39(~ B. utility trenob looation Mature of workz ...s;. ff(.ee..-t J /ljfiooc/u,(.l -I Attacb five (5) oopiea of a drawinq .bowinq the location, eztent and diaen.ion. of tbe work Tbe drawinq aball .how the relation of tbe propo.ed work to exi.tinq .urface and underqround iaprov..ent.. Wben approved by tbe City Enqineer, .aid drawinq beooaea a part of thi. perait. C. D. The General Condition. for all perait. are liated on the reverae aide. Speoial provi.iona for thi. perait are liated below. Failure to abide by theae oonditiona and proviaiona aay reault in job .hut-down and/or forfeiture of raithful Perforaanoe Bond. and ca.h depo.ita. (8ee General Conditiona 1 and 2). B. AD applioation fee auat ,.....- . H..e ot Applio_t .....) J /4 aoooapany thi. applioation. LhCJ r~ e/l.... 5 Addre.a 700 he.- & r,/J"tU'r I. tbi. work be~nq done by the property owner at tbeir own re.idenoe7 Thi. i. non-refundable. 'I'elephone =><' '3 7 I - ~ 9' 2- _yea _no Coaplete and attaob Worker.' Coapen.ation and Contraotor Inforaation fora.. 'I'he Applioant/Peraittee bereby aqreea by attizinq tbeir .iqnature to thi. perait to bold tbe City of C..pbell, it. officer., aqent. and ..ployeea tree, aate and baraleaa troa _y olaia or d.._d tor d..age. re.ulting froa the work oovered by thi. perait. ACCEftlD read _d underatand both the tront _d tor(.) of the inforaation. 9.. z.,G-g Date 1IO'l'181 ALL WOIUt 8HALL COMFOIUl WITH ftB AftACllBD, APPROVlD PLAMS AMD ALL APPLICABLE CUPBILL STUDUD DRAWIMG8 AMD COMDITIONS. '1'BI COftRAC'fOR XUS'1' Dft '1'BIS PIIlKI'1' AMD APPROVlD PLAM8 AMD HUS'1' KIlT WI'1'B '1'BB P.W. IM8PECTOR OM THB SI'1'1 A'1' LIAS'1' no DAY8 BEFOU STUTIMG WOIUt. MO'1'ICI HU8'1' BI GIVEM '1'0 PUBLIC WOIlD A'1' LIAS'1' U BOUIlS BlFOU U8TUTIMG AMY WOIUt. 8PBCIAL PROVI8ION8 _1. ~Street .ball not be open out for undervround in.tallation.. Xiniau. out...y be allowed for oODaeotion. or exploration bolea. 8uob outa au.t be .pecificallY approved by the Inapector. Pav..ent ..y be out for undervround iutallation. and au.t be reatored in acoordanoe with tbe Utility '1'renob ...toration 8tandard Drawinq. Work to be atated by . lioen.ed Land 8urveyor or civil Inqineer and two (2) oopie. of the out abeeta aent to tbe Publio Work Deptartaent before .tartinq work. The boura of work are Halted to out.ide the boura of 7-' .... and 3-6 p.a. for any work affeotinq a traffio lane. _2. _3. -.. _5. (R-1) PEIlKI'1' APPLICATIOM rBE ($35.00) PLAM CllBCK DEPOSIT 8TAMDUD HOUNT RBCBIn HO. :;;~R6 i Z~&~ fSO.oo $ ?be (}7.1 $500.00 $ ~().Ct1J (100\ OF aGo 18T.) $ 7{3:JOAdoJ (., OF BOMD, fSOO IlIM) $ 12d(j. ",..,;; BOND, $35 IlIM) $ 2/:')5/. 00 /yY:7 /9dy /- 6 -8-f Date BOMD FOR rAI'rBFUL PBRFOIUlUCB CASH DBP08I'1' PLAM CHICK , APPROVlD rOR I8SUUCB f: PWPERKI'!' Revi.ed 8/88 8 tll M 8 3: ." f,; .-j M o tll -< > ." ." .. ~ .-j I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I II ',I I I I I ~ ~\ n \. R :;; '- t;; .-j M <:> tll -< n ... ~ 0< ((;) 't/7/8f3 I I I 1 I .!.. REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: The Pipeyard Inc. (30 spaces) Address: Line 1: 700 McG~incey Lane (30 spaces) Line 2: City: Campbell (20 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: Y5008 (2) (10 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund (24 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $1,70U.OU Account Number: 905.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for excavation permit #8~-219. See receipts #~0868 ($500.00) dated 9/6/88 and #1989 ($1,200.00) dated 12/19/88. Requested by: G. Eaton Title: P. W. Inspector Date: 8/23/90 Approved by: D.C. Wimberly Title: P. W. Director Date: Verified by: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is x Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. 6~- ZtC} Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. 35- 3396 3372 3521 3521 ITEM Project Revenues (specify project) Pu.bUc. {~o,'tll.6 Exc.a.va.-uon PeJt.r.1a feM: App 1 i ca t i on Fee Plan Check Deposit Faithful Performance (Cash) Deposit R-l : ($'35) ($200) OthVL: ($ 50) -( $500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7% of FPB) ($ 35 min.) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) 1373 3373 Project General & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Filing Fee 300 3372 Fee ($400) )372 Final Tract Map Fil in Fee $350 3372 Lot Line Adjustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Public Streets and Easements ($500) 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment:- Categorical Exemption ($500 plus actual cost Negative Declaration 'above $500) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre (R-I, $1,875; Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) J395 Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL :ES~t:tcf;:1jt~ < PHONE AMOUNT $ ?Q, cro 53-c ~ tr1J $ 550-8""0 ZIP FOR CITY CLERK QIlLY RECEIPT NO. AMOf.I\lT PAID RECE I VED BY DATE' July, 1987 TO: City C I e rk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. cfir~2./ r Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. --.- 35-3396 3372 3521 3521 pro .ect) pe;unU Fe.~: R-] : ($35) ($200) .t Vl.: ($ 50) { 500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (n of FPB) ($ 35 min.) (Cash) Depos i t 3372 3521 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) ]373 3373 Project Gene ra I & 3372 Tentative Fee ($350) Final Parcel Hap Fil in Fee 300 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee $ 00 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) Lot Line Ad.ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) Park Dedication In-I ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3370 3395 3380 Publ ic Works Special Projects 3510 Postage AMOUrJT $ '<0':)/- / ..J. t:J a - ..300 - 7hL fJ LJuA-T~ ~" lOcAL NAME "' T ( A1. C./,P-tt ~{41 '" tZs ADDRESS 7<..)0 ~~ ~~tJ 3s~-1 - ~~ $ 37(--37'~2- ZIP 7' ':::;;,0 Cl cf- PHONE ('4- FOR CITY CLERK a-lLY r,~, ~~ I '-1" ~< c / I C/ I RECEIPT NO. AMOlJ'lT PA I D -~:s~ S- I 0 0 RECE'VED BY 0-"""17> DATE i).. ~ I 7' - ? B July, 1987 ENCROAt~ENT PERMIT ISSUANCE CHECK LIST'~ II City of Campbell Department of Public Works Applicant section complete Encroachment Permit No. JY- z/ t Eo< H ~i:a Z~ HP-. ~~ r:4~ O~ ~o H ClEo< ~16 ~j[-------~:_~~~:_:~~:_~~-~~~~~~:~:~~-~~:~_:~~~~~:~----_.------------- ~ Applicant signature and date " v Permit Application fee $50.00 ($35.00 for R-l Homeowner), paid. Receipt number ::1.. c) cP G d" ~ Plan check deposit, $500.00 (waived for R-l Homeowner), paid. Receipt number .L u P ~ d- v/ Bond for faithful performance, 100% of City Engineer's estimate, (waived for R-l Homeowner), supplied or paid. Amount $ I '4 I ~ 0 0 Form 1. D. # II 0 I q v' Cash Deposit: 4% of FP bond, $500 min. ($200 for R-l Homeowner), paid. Amount $ 17:(':;,-0 ~.". 0 Receipt No. l' f .x" .r:~ , ~ Plan Check & Inspection fee of 7% of FP bond, $35.00 min. , (waived for R-l Homeowner) paid. a .~ Amount $ z.o " I ,&n Receipt No. I"-(.k' 1 Worker's compensation information received for Applicant (see Information Sheet for Encroachment Permits) All other Public Works requirements listed in the Conditions of Approval of the development. ---------------------------------------------------------------.----------- ~ Worker's comp and Contractor's Information received for Contractor (see Information Sheet for Encroachment Permits) v/ Certificate of Insurance with Additional Insured's Endorsment received from Contractor (see General Summary of Insurance Requirements for Encroachment Permits) v/ Three sets of off-site plans, stamped APPROVED (Tract or Development and Public Works Permit number and property address on plans) ~ Permit signed for City Engineer WEN ALL OF THE ABOV,ij IJTEKS ARE COMPLETE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED Issuer: Initial ~and date {- 6-g-1 and file with permit UPON ISSUANCE, INITIATE CHECK REQUEST FOR PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT REFUND 8/88 permchklst CITY OF CAMPBELL, CITY ENGINEER'S CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE Addms 700 *Gt./,(/Ct3-i/ - , - , - , _, /,2..0.(9(;) _ $ ;).,,((,0.00 . - , - $ _ ,-,<.119. z- c) Adjust for sin: "S"<UO,OOO add 20t, "S">'lOO,OOO subtract lOt (+ or -), ~/307.8l.( Surface Construction ~ Clearing & Grubbing Sawcut Concrete Concrete aemoval Curb & Gutter aemoval Inlot Drain with Pipe Curb & Gutter Sidewalk Driveway Approach Handicap 19p Extruded Curb Barricade Street Excavation AC Pave.ent Adjust Manhole to Grade Adjust Handhole to Grade KonUllent lox v!KonUlHnt Street Tree (15-gallon) Pave.ent Striping ($100 .in) Pavement Legencla ('100 .in) "--- Stop, Street Name or Other Sign Pave.ent Markera Pav..ent Key Cut Street LiRhti". Electrol1er Conduit Conductor, pair Pull lox Storm DrainaR. 12- or 15" RCP 18" or 21" RCP Street Inlet Manhole Ireak & Enter Manhole ."-.. , ~ ~6~t ;;2-00. tr ~ {: .U ~ (:> S I. c -. I revbed 6/88 ~/CDn-CD.t:-..t Lump SWD Eatimate LF@ , 4.00 SF @ 3.00 LF@ 5.00 I EA@ 600.00 fer!; LF@ 14.00 SF @ 4.00 /"'- <-- SF @ 5.50 EA@ 400.00 LF@ 8.50 EA@ 600.00 'I EA@ 300.00 11~ LF@ 0.65 EA@ 40.00 ~ EA@ 120.00 EA@ 15.00 ~I (.p LF@ 10.00 Surface Subtotal OS' I EA@ 2,000.00 1(70 LF@ 10.00 /60 LF@ 2.00 I Ea@ 200.00 LF@ LF@ 60.00 70.00 -- EA @ 1,600.00 EA @ 2,400.00 EA@ 650.00 TOTAL ESTIMATE $ USE FOR BOND $ Permit No. ~ P- 2/1 by~dete /z-6~S J _ $ ~()O,t)v - , - , - , _, ~oo. C J _ $.:2? L/Y-~{) - , _ $3,97/.00 , -- /2-6' 0 r-y() ! 7,1. c( () - $ - $ - $ - $ - , 2J;oO. C'f) , /OOO.cro I 200. rrO Zoo. (yo - , - , - $ - $ - $ - , - :;"1/ J-i{7 ~oV ..?~ 3'00,. ,:;;it) , ( I CITY OF CAMPBELL Department: Public Works 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 September 16, 1991 Mr. Jim Chalmers 700 McGlincey Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE, PERMIT NOS. . 88-208 & REGAS DRIVE & MC GLINCEY Dear Mr. Chalmers: We have made a one (1) year maintenance inspection of sUbject public works improvements. There are deficiencies that must be corrected before we can release your obligations in this matter. A deficiency list is attached. Please contact me to coordinate the correction of these deficiencies. Upon satisfactory completion of the corrective work, we will release your obligations. Sincerely, Sal Duckworth-Lanzo Senior civil Engineer SDL:djr Attachment cc: Suspense-GO days F:88-208 & 88-219 PERMIT NO. 88-208 PERMIT NO. 88-219 DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 88-208 1. Repair or remove and replace curb and gutter in front of lot #6 that was previously repaired. 2. Repair or remove and replace a section of a curb and gutter in front af lot #7 that was previously repaired. DEFICIENCY LIST FOR 88-219 1. Remove and replace approach and curb and McGlincey Lane. easterly portion of driveway gutter on easterly driveway on 2. Remove and replace easterly portion of drive approach on westerly driveway on McGlincey Lane. F:88-208 & 88-219 CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works August 23, 1990 Mr. Jim Chalmers 700 McG1incey Lane Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE PERMIT NO.: 88-219 LOCATION: 700 KcG1incey Lane "~~~\ ~~ c DW~ We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, we will recommend the acceptance of the work to the City Council. We will send a copy of their resolution accepting the work upon their approval of same. Dear Mr. Chalmers: You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. We will inspect the work in one (1) year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. When we have received your maintenance bond in the amount of $7,325.00, we will release your faithful performance bond. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. on Works Inspector GE:sd cc: C. Case, Council Agenda Bond Company Suspense - 1 year f:89-219-2 (permits) CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866.2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Yorks '1 . -......",.,.,.. . . .--"--r. Wl'.-:.~...:~~ BlY I..'.... .'.~O'.._.L.~~..f~_ -/---1 . I [ "lB' ",(' T;:-.: l: ;1") TO i. I r ~:-_ .' 4 ._~_:"':-.~_~._J... ..~, J. rr'Si1N I' r;:S'f; ;,,;e; \ '1 ..::'-....:-_.,~-+_.._:...-- ---------'1' \ I 'H @;;~ jt=~~=-~lA April 3, 1990 Mr. Jim Chalmers 700 McGlincey Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Final Inspection - Deficiencies Permit No.: 88-219 Location: 700 McG1incey Dear Mr. Chalmers: You have requested a final inspection on subject construction work. There are deficiencies in the work which are indicated on the enclosed list. These deficiencies must be corrected to my satisfaction before I can make a Final Inspection or acceptance of the work. Upon completion of the corrective work, please submit a written request for a Final Inspection and acceptance. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Yorks Inspector GE:ja Enc. Permit No. 88-219 700 MCGlincey 5/3/90 Deficiencv List 1. Repair crack in easterly D/W approach & curb & gutter or remove & replace. 2. Replace Faithful Performance Bond with Maintenance Bond. -- 9-/3-cpJ , G cAe T€!c/Ly /. J:<. EM oV E 1 R e P L./:!tG ,,';) 1"'- 0'" 614 S 1t::.7L [y PR I v'E WA "( 6/tS1€"1!..t1 PofG-r/~N 6 F DA oN POI!-1/0N of 0/4 if G 4r0 ?- R 4 '/C. I W 1:i),/6~ L '1 DRIVE WAY CJf 2/ CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT DATE: f? / / / Cj I . ADDRESS: r;m PERMIT/PROJECT No.:?R ---;) / '1 TRACT NO. TYPE OF WORK: me C)JJ'YJCLuj STREET:~ STORM: Law ~ SANITARY: ELEC: P.C.C.: PARKWAY: OTHER: [J PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST [J FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST [J FINAL INSPECTION ACCEPTANCE SIGNED PLANS ? YES NO COUNCIL ACTION? YES NO CHARGES AGAINST DEPOSIT? YES NO OVERTIME: HRS. @ $ PER HOUR s EQUIPMENT RENTAL: TYPE: AMOUNT: $ DATE: / / REASON: TOTAL CHARGES:$ ~ ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST [J ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE ACCEPTANCE ~R :J~e PIPEYARD, !Jnc. 700 McGlincey Campbell. CA 95008 PLASTIC PIPE" CHEAP" Phone (408) 371.3962 "?Q(m d- '6 g -;)01( <f ~- d J <j RhaCk:YVEll3 f\U C ;~:; l~~U August 17, 1990 IJublic W oru./ fnginooring Greg Eaton Public Works City of Campbell 70 N. 1st Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Maintenance guarantees ~or Regas Drive & McGlincey Lane Dear Greg: The Pipeyard, Inc. hereby agrees to provide all necessary maintenance on Regas Drive up to a maximum cost of $9,800.00 & also agrees to provide all necessary maintenance on McGlincey Lane up to a maximum cost of $7,500.00; under normal terms and conditions established and specified in the maintenance bonds for l(one) year from the date of this letter. This guarantee is in substitution for maintenance bonds on the 2(two) projects noted above. If I may be of assistance or answer any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~ /// ~ -"-- / tL/--=- / James S. Chalmers President JSC/jm m Bank of America TRADE FINANCE SERVICES-CA. MENLO PARK OFFICE #1440 1000 MARSH ROAD, P.O.BOX 2085,MENLO PARK, CA. 94025 IT] IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. 11019. DATE OF ISSUE: DECEMBER 15,1988. EXPIRATION DATE: DECEMBER 31, 1989. AT OUR COUNTER IN MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA. BENEFICIARY: ------------------- ------------------- CITY OF CAMPBELL. 75 N.CENTRAL AVENUE, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008. GENTLEMEN: WE HEREBY ESTABLISH OUR IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT # 11019 IN YOUR FAVOR FOR THE ACCOUNT OF: PIPEYARD, INC. 700 MCGLINCEY LANE, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 UP TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF : US$19,300.00 ( NINETEEN THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED & 00/100 USDOLLARS). WHICH IS AVAILABLE TO YOU BY YOUR DRAFTS DRAWN AT SIGHT ON US, MARKED: " DRAWN UNDER BANK OF AMERICA NT & SA, MENLO PARK OFFICE #1440 IRREVOCABLE STANDBY LETTER OF CREDIT #11019", AND ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: 1.- THIS ORIGINAL LETTER OF CREDIT. 2.- A SIGNED BENEFICIARY CERTIFICATE, BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, CERTIFYING THAT PIPEYARD INC. HAS FAILED TO SATISFACTORI NTS PER PURLIC WORKS OR RACTORS ENT ON S A CLAIM HAS PERSONS FUR OR WE HEREBY ENGAG COMPLIANCE WIT LETTER OF CREDI AT THE OFFICE MENLO PARK, CALI D IN NDBY MENT 085, ~AH;rALAMA IlA.c ~~6U'~TERS~E~" ~-_ AUT RIZEDSIGNATURE PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS CREDIT: This cre~bject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Docume~tary Credits, 1983 revision, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No, 400, Please examine this instrument carefully. If you are unable to comply with the terms or conditions, please communicate with your buyer to arrange for an amendment. This procedure will facilitate prompt handling when documents are presented, FX-1313 6-86 I CA~"'"~RNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE - r FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Q.,.-"., ._...,. -a.. If&tCA'YV'J 8~ -2[\ ~ kH;f[: 10 SECTIONS 30'17, 3098 AND 3111, CALIFORNIA CIVIL (ODE WHICH REQUIRES US TO NO<lFY rOUIPMfM OR MAHRIAlS rU~NISHW, OR TO BE FURNISHED THE 'MPROVED PROPERTY SlAH:/lfNT IS APP! ICABLf TO PRIVAI[- NORK ONI Y I THIS IS NOT A liEN. THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION ON THE INTEGRITY OF ANY CONTRACTOR OR SUeCONTRACTOR DATE Irlstructions A hi! out form completely and legibly. Use typewriter If B Assessor's parcel number is to be assigned by originator of form C Estimated total price should be indicated on Copy 2 {Lender Copy,! only 8--10-89 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED: THAT THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FURNISHED OR WILL FURNISH LABOR, SERVICES, EQUIPMENT OR MATERIAL OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION INDIVIDUAL OR FIRM " Charles p. Gagliasso Truckin~, Inc. ,.Jf)'tJ~4 S9(H31 (DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL) P.O. Box 44,04 IADDRE:SSi / Santa,GIara ~.1cGli,nc\1' T.:X1 ~ CA 95054 IECIIVED ,CITY! (STATE) iZIP', BY SIGNATURE! C)(~cretar'Y" B--lq.....89 ~ l' 10"9 (ADDRESS OF BUILDli,G STRUCTURE, w~~~Mr"'civiM~r'ri)::l ,JITLE iCITYi Publl~ Vi fJf 1.../ Eng i n~~~jng (DATE, Pit 'JMIIE AND ADDRESS OF THE PERSO~J WHO CONTR/\CTED fOR THE PURCHASE OF SUCH lABOR. SERVICE, EQUIPMENT OR MATERIAL SWAPnev and Sons ~- -.- --. -- NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER -;1 If bills are not paid in full for the labor, servicos, equipment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's lien leading to the ,,"'. '" ".,' "." " ,.0', ,. ,. ", <0,""". ",,, " '0" " ""' ,,,,., IIY being so improved may be placed ogainsllhe properly even Ihough you have paid your contractor in full. You may wish to protect yourself against I I this consequence bv (1; requiring your controclor 10 furnish 0 signed releose ~y the person or fir mg. i.Ving you this notice. before mak.ing payment to your. I contractor or (2) any other method or device which is appropriate under the ~.~cu~.t~ces_~__~___~-:-=======-..::-=====:..-=.::==-.:~ IS _ _~.__~_~_~_. ____u_~ TO: OWNER REPU TED OWNER OR PUBLIC AGENCY TO: CONSTRUCTION LENDER OR REPUTED CONSTRUCTION lENDER ----~-_._----~-_._------~_._-_._._-----_._._~-~-,._----- P.O. Box 547 CA (,)5009 __..i'ili_()_LG..a.Jnohf? 11________________.. --- .-------- ----..----.1 TRUST FUNDS roWHICH SU?PlEMENTAl FRINGE BENEFITS AREPAYABlf----'" NAME 7 0 "!ort.ti 1 r;t ~T. ;. Campbell,(/7\ 9500;:; ADDRESS ~-~--~-~--~--~-- ~-"~--'--- ~-,._._---_._-_.,.__._-- N/l/v\E Klassnn Tractor I\DDRESS 16?9:) :,oda;-;orinqs Rei. NAME Ln~ Gatns, C~ 95030 ADDRESS iMATERIAL MEN NOT REQUIRED TO FURNISH THE ABOVE; NOTICE TO CONSTRUCTION LENDER ONLY s)\~,m I\S Q"Y'JFP ESTIMATED TOTAL PRICE OF THE LABOR, SERVICES EQUIPMENT OR MATERIALS DESCRIBED HEREON $ PROOF OF SERVICE AFFIDAVIT ,SECTION 3097 !. CALIFORNIA CIVil CODE I, D. Gaqliasso (0) 0 By personally delivering copies to (name(s) and lIlle(s) of person served) (address) (dote) (time) (b) 0 By First Closs Certified ~r_~~:9istered Mail seri~i5e, postage prepaid, on ,19__ declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and Signed at Santa Clara , declare that! served copies of the above PRELIMINARY NOTICE (check appropriate box), at on 19_,at ,m, addressed to each of the parties at the address shown above correct. , California, on S-l\-'; eo) , 19 [ATTACH RECEIPTS OF CERTIFIED OR REGISTERED MAil WHEN RETURNED] RI;Q!~, 4S449 POL Y PAK (SO SETS) 4P449 888 LENDER COpy SIGNATURE OF PERSON MAKING SERVICE CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE /bm,::,-#--B8 -219 itnsrctiol1$ 3097 and 3098, California Civil Code THIS IS NOT A LIEN. "This is NOT. a ref~1Qn o~j~Elinte9fity or or \subcontractori You are hereby notified that REED & GRAHAM, INC. l?D. Box 5940, $an~;J6l?e.C~,95,150has furpis~ labor, service, equipment or materials of the following general description PAYIN9 '~.' ..."., ", ;', ~U$. ctother work of improvement located at MCGLINCEY AVE. \" " " ., CAMPBELLI CA 95008 ,,' ''The name of the person or firm who contracted for the purchase of such labor, services, equipment or material furnished or to be furnisheciis SWEENEV Ie SONS I Ne. In accorda of anyc furnished or. for building, st . !!!~ An estimate of the total price of the labor, services, equipment or material is DATE: 08/15/1989 CALIFORNIA PRELIMINARY NOTICE PREPARED BY: REED 8c GRAHAM NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER ......----. If billsal'8'oot paid Inflfllfllf ttrelallor;s~s.equipm"'t{ormatJriaJs fllmishdlJlttlfbo -furnished. amechanlf s lien leading to the loss. through court foreclosure proceedings. 01 all or part of your property being so Improved may be placed against the property even though you have paid your contractor In full. You may wish to protecl YlHlrseUagalnst.. this consequence by (11. requiring your contractor to turnish a signed release by the person or Urmgi~ifjgYlllllhfsll8ttce.lm"re ~kiIJ.. paymep1tilyourcentraclqr . Of (2) .any lllhormetbodor. device "hlch iSf~~~t~;l/~t~~rc"lB$1ancoS"p !' 1>' ....,>;((,'., ;:~'.;)' CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 30B7S'Q" ' OW.blER CfITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1ST ST. LENDER CONTRACTOR KLASSEN TRACTOR 16295 SODA SPRINGS RD. LOS GATOS, CA 95030 qAMPBELL, CA 95008 .. ... . - . .. .. . .. ;". . "'~~J,f.;jjl;~;,."",,,,,,,-,... . ......-- ~\.,. , F F' 01'1 '..'. 3.1'~t;'~ ::::57 P. 2 . , .. ;~liiiliASiiAli'~HG~:::. 1680 NORTH FOURTH STREET, S!\N JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95112-4676, (408) 453-1180 Project No. 6085 3 August 1989 Mr. Jjm Cha1mm3 4195 Haven Court San Joee, CA 95124 Subject J M::Gl1ncey Lane . C4T{.tlell, California REPORr OF TESTIN; AND OBSERVATlOO SERVICFS IX.JRIOO PAVEHEm' 5tJB3RADE OPERATIONS ON SIDEWALK, CURB AND GtJI'l'ER, AND STREm' ~0 ~ Gentlemen: At your request, TERRASEARCH, !Ie., has provided testing and observation services during the subject grading operations. Grading operations in the subject areas camwanc:ed with clearing and strip- ping. ,Areas to receive fill 'Were scarified, noisture conditioned, and compacted to a mi.rWnum relative catpaction of 95%. Basel:ock was then placed ard carpacted to the aforaoontioned requirements. Relative carpac- tion is based on the maximum <lly density as deteDnined by the AS'lM 01557- 78 Laboratory Test Procedure and as racarmanded in the above rrentioned refOrt . The subgrade areas \'olere I:eady to racei va final iJrprovements at the time of testing. All laboratory and. field test results are surcmarized on the en::losed TABLES I aM II. Surface drainage must be provided as designed by the project Civil Engi- neer and main~ by the property owners at all times. Should you have any questions relating to the contents of this letter or should additional infoonation be required, please contact our office at your convenieoce. ~' ~"'\ I '\ Reviewed by: ~ Tan s. ~at, G.E. Pr1nci~~ Copies J 3 to Mr. Jim Cha1ners ~.yours, ;..~_' I~. ~HsU Staff Engineer 11840 DUBLIN BOULEVARD, DUBLIN, CALIFORNIA 94568, (415) 833.9297 2349 NORTH WATNEY WAY, BLOG, A, FAIRFIELD, CALIFORNIA 94533, (707) 422-3292 FROM :3. 3.1989 8:58 P. 3 '. . Project No. 6085 3 .August 1989 TABLE I Surrmaty of Laboratory Test Results Test N:>. Description Max. Dry Density <>>t. M:>isture (Soil ~) (p.c.f.) (%) (1) Tan-brown Silty SAND w/Gravel 128.0 8.6 (2) Light brown GRAVEL 141.1 6.3 TABLE II SUmnaty of Field Density Test Results Test Date Location Depth Moisture 0J:y Relative Soi1Type No. 1989 Content Density Canpaction & -=-- .Lft,..l (%) (p.c.f.) (%) ~ks SIDE.WALK AREA 1 7/19 Sta 1+25 S.G. 6 125 98 ( 1) 2 7/19 Sta 2+25 S.G. 7 127 99 ( 1) 3 7/19 Sta 2+90 S.G. ' 6 127 ' 99 ( 1) <j.\..- CURB & GUITER & STREET 4 7/19 Sta 1+00 S.G. 7 127 99 (1) 5 7/19 Sta 1+75 S.G. 6 126 98 (1) 6 7/19 Sta 3+00 8.G. B 124 97 ( 1) SIDEWALlS 7 7/20 East/middle portion A.B. 6 135 96 (2) 8 7/20 West/middle portion A.B. 7 136 96 (2) 9 7/20 west portion A.B. 7 132 94 *(2)Rr14 CURB & GUrrER 10 7/20 West portion A.B. S 129 90 *(2)Rl'13 11 7/20 West/middle portion A.B. 6 127 90 *(2)R1'12 12 7/20 Retest of 11 A.B. 8 138 98 (2) 13 7/20 Retest of 10 A.B. 8 134 95 (2) 'I9st ~. 14 15 Date 1989 7/20 7/20 TABLE II Project No. 6085 3 August 1999 SUmnaJ::y of Field D3nsity Test Res~ IDcation Depth .LfhJ. SIDEWALK Retest of 9 CURB & GOrrER East portion A.B. A.B. M:>isture Content (%) Dry Relative Density CQrpaction (p.c.f.) (%) 7 134 95 8 138 98 .j 'I. 't E I~ Co * * * Soil 'lyPe & RsMrks (2) (2) ';'').~ . , >,.', , :' ~ "''-,' ~'I ";,: '~~ii~t;,g:.... !'" ~';1..j'i,?.,...'I~t8;""i".';;~':iJ!'~;::'. . ..',' DE~~rn~ ':'::tY.~~!f~~~~!.';;~+~tt;~~EV.. ..;p '.' I~,., <. .' "Jrr:j ..... DISr. ,4~'.;.,:....:. >"""-".::'<;;;ep'.J':".:. .....,.. . ; ':.:., ~.,:,..;."1.~~)i.,~..."~'. . ". '&jl;.!I"-.V"r &; c.'<' '~;~.1~~JA,?' ... .....~ ~~:J<,J;.~ . l~t~ J~tF~b' _. "- . 'Z1Zi' . -z. 10 I /i2e i!xJ Plw/-f'51 ", ...... 1'/25 /Ico . . ... .::.~. . . \.J:!, fl. ,J: /.}Jc, ,;i ; ... 'Ilt.f t : ,; //- I I ,. , J'" V"'lt I ,,( ,,) t).J 9t cQ \,9 ..,. i"'[~;~~~l':~'8rilt7fh I .. 't/t/i7~2. ia?~'o:3' , > ,~ttZ67. .~Z z6tJ.~'i .. 1s- z,07.7b 2tJR,~$ ,"}. Z07.f;/)/ 208.'7' go ' 208.0\ 208.~ 'r/vI s').. I"' ~ 207.55 7' j,.:'Z07. eo 208.4 ~~ / :~ .,/ , ~c?e10 '" ......."C\t\;~~,:) . ?. of?> ~ I (LJ"" rOil'. " ';20"2."" . 2..0 ~ ' Sfb ,/,) ~---- ()pL ~~~~ / ~D f / j.., ';7 . . .:~, ... .. 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';;:.,. ... .'~. , .-....'...', . \ - ,.- ~- ~ "-;i ;;1" ' .' FILL. . ... 'b,l~ \. 7-.4- \ \ \ \ O~ 0, ~~ rJ~S Ilot n, bb . .. . : " . g. Certificate of Insurance The Nationwide Insurance Company indicated below certifies that the insurance afforded by the policy or policies numbered and descr'Jed below is in force as of the effective date of this certificate, This Certificate of Insurance does not amend, extend, or otherwise alter the Terms and Conditions of Insurance coverage contained in any policy or policies numbered and described below. Certificate Holder's Name and Address: Insured's Name and Address: r CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1st STREET CAMPBELL, CA, 95008 --, THE PIPEYARD, INC. ET AL AND BAC DEVELOPMENT DBA: THE PIPEYARD 700 McGLINCEY LANE CAMPBELL, CA. 95008 POLICY NUMBER AND POLICY POLICY nPE OF INSURANCE EFFECTIVE EXPIRATION LIMITS OF L1ABILln ISSUING COMPANY DATE DATE GENERAL LIABILITY General Aggregate 2,000,000. G9 Premises - Operations 74PR506304-0002 8/10/88 8/10/89 Pro Compo Op. Agg. 1,000,000. ,119 Products - Completed Each Occurrence Operations 1,000,000. [XI Personal and Any One Person or 1,000,000. Advertising Injury Organization G9 Medical Expense Any One Person 5,000. G9 Fire Damage legal Any One Fire 50,000. ~ Other liability AUTOMOBilE LIABILITY Bodily Injury OCCURRENCE ~ Comprehensive Form 74BA506304-0003 (Each Person) 8/10/88 8/10/89 ~ Owned Bodily Injury (Each Accident) 6J Hired Property Damage 6J Non-Owned Bodily Injury and Property Damage 1,000,000. Combined EXCESS LIABILITY Bodily Injury and Property Damage Occ. 0 Umbrella Form Combined Agg. . kl Workers' Compensation 74WC506304-0001 7/1/88 7/1/89 STATUTORY LIMITS Bodily Injury Each Accident and by Accident lnn nnn KJ Employers' liability Bodily Injury Policy limit by Disease "(1(1 (1(1(1 Bodily Injury Each Employee by Disease 100.000. DESCRIPTIVE SCHEDULE Insurance in farce only for hazards indicated by JlATIONWIDE AGREES TO MAIL THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED ABOVE Date Certificate Issued Cos.3253-1-86 12/19/98 HEREON AT THIS INDICATED ADDRESS AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF THE POLICY OR POLICIES AND/OR THIS CERT IFICATE SHALL EXPIRE ON THE EXPIRATION DATE IF IT IS SHOWN- ABOVE AND NOTICE OF ANY OTHER MATERIAL CHANGE IN THE POLICY OR POLICIES. NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY NATIONWIDE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY NATIONWIDE PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY Columbus, O~iO ~.~ / /./ ~.~A.+-~ L ~ " J ~ Secretary President Countersigned at: . Authorized Representative I Description of Operations / locations / Vehicles / Restrictions /Special Items -. I THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. POLICY CHANGES Policy Change Number _ POLICY NUMBER POLICY CHANGES EFFECTIVE 12/19/88 COMPANY 74PR506304 NATIONWIDE INSURANCE COMPANY NAMED INSURED AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE THE PIPEYARD, INC. AND BAC DEVELOPMENT HOWARD H. MEARHOFF, CIC COVERAGE PARTS AFFECTED GENERAL LIBILITY CHANGES IT IS AGREED TO ADD ADDITIONAL INSURED PER FORM B ATTACHED. CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1st. STREET CAMPBELL, CA. NO CHANGE IN PREMIUM. IL12011185 '( Autho ized Representative Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc" 1983 Copyright, ISO Commercial Risk Services, Inc" 1983 ~ . I ;JOLlCY NUMBER: 74PR506304-0002 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - OWNERS, LESSEES OR CONTRACTORS (FORM B) This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART. SCHEDULE Name of Person or Organization: CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1st. STREET CAMPBELL, CA. (If no entry appears above, information required to complete this endorsement will be shown in the Declarations as applicable to this endorsement.) WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to liability arising out of "your work" for that insured by or for you. NAMED INSURED: THE PIPEYARD, INC. ET AL AND BAC DBA: THE PIPEYARD DEVELOPMENT 700 McGLINCEY LANE CAMPBELL, CA. 95008 CG 20 10 11 85 Copyright. Insurance Services Office, Inc , 1984 o ADD END U M THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AND ITS RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES ARE NAME AS ADDITIONAL INSUREDS FROM AND AGAINST ANY CLAIMS, LOSS LIABILITY, COST OR EXPENSE ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT. THIS COVERAGE SHALL BE PRIMARY AND ANY COVERAGE CARRIED BY ADDITIONAL INSURED SHALL BE EXCESS INSURANCE ONLY. L ATTACHED TO AND FORMING A PART OF CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE, ISSUED 12/19/88 to: CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 N. 1st Street Campbell, Ca. 95008