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b/7}& 1)4 /S/~b, QIo. r;.~ -::::' g ~ . '" ~ '. ...... ....g...... -;'''oe ... ;1 .ll n "'n''''...n ......,........ .:.::.:J~:>g f... ...0 - n n ;.' " :I':l. N ~C-.:~ ..~,... On........." ...~,-."'" ....., "'" ~ n """""('1 I<' " ~:r .c:........". Olllnc: '''''''.0 ~. 0,;)110 O...:l...." ( . -:r .. . O;o:r(" ~ f; : ~ a: .. U" ..... · " " :1 '\ : ~ n .......:1 n .... .:" .... :.. :;a t.. o 0 " . ". n ,.. .....w-.. n", :r ,.. c::.... '''.;1. o .. t. o .. ...... .. t\ ;J , -:rc.. . .. .......""c~..,... 4'n""O:JWl 0......... wn.... ;J .... .... .,... n' "''''10;1" "" u u . r:",:lJ5~ .4jQ,........ -.",(1 . Ja ,.. _ i. :::;;'~ ~'< ..n. r':r ;J~;:.:;;= ... .. II g . .,... :;, . .....( .: Q tit ... .... n IA,-nn .. .;,r U' :a~. . . n.. .....-0:1';) G .. U ,... .. It ~ II 1\ ......0 :.1* . 0... 'U . ::l n . ^ ~.lOf~:J:- ..... .. " CITr 0' CA"~U~LL O~~T. or ~UMLIC ~O~l~ . '0 Houn 'IUL 'h. . C.~I'~.II, CA >>~UO. C 60111 U..H ~o cP~"''-- 2 2. 2- ~UbLIC NOMKS '~k"IT rrDrVCJl'fi'rI1I In tn. p~bLlc Clv~t-ot.w.~) haLled ~ 't1F ",c.i'ClIlp . II .0.. A~~LICATlOH - Application Ie hleaby ..d, toe , ~~~llc WQC~' ~'C.lt "Llnlclp.l CQ4., .,cli~n 11.06. ".C.lt "0. X.ket. Uh Appllc.Llon Oal. q/~~~~ '.P1C.a ~. in .Ccoc4anc, w1tn C.a~~'li .\. ~OCk .4(1C... OC H.ct . ~ dE- UtUH~ U.n~h l"c.UQ~ .E /"-<;:' - W../dC ../-/E s..-TL-JL ".t~" "l ""ell. .f.ZA/S.vVL::9 . G.47~ L./ALLJE ~. / R/ ./ /LJ .I.:2LJ' AI. /11 h"L.L" .Ad M. c. I). At~.Cn tlv. I~) copi.. ot a dc.wlng .howlnj the loc.tlon, ..tent .nd (ll.enllOnl ot thl .Oc~ Tn. duwlnIJ ahall allO., thl Celatlon ot the pro~.,d WOrll to ulatlng .uchc. a"d undccgro...o~ 1llpCovclIlcnu. "'1.11 aPPcoud by tn. Clt)' tng1n..c, 'aid dcaWin9 O.co... a pOU ot Hila p.rIlU. The Genec.l Condllion. tor all per.lt. .rc li.tea on the eellcCMe aide. ~peclal ~COvl.10n. toc thla pcrait aCe 11.red belQW. t.llul. lO &b14. ~y tne.. ~oodil&on. .nd pcovlelon. ..y C,.ull 11'1 lob ah...l.aUWO .11l1/"c tuclchu., ot r.1thtul !'.ctor...nc. bunlJ. .nO c..1a a,po.h.. I~cc GeOe,.l '"ndlt&"o. 1 &n~ ~I. t. An .,>phcaUall lee, ....._.~. ~CCOlllp.n)' ttllll appl1~aUall. '. .' .'-, .'.',' ." ,', .' ';",'~ j""'" ,{ ~.." "", ,',' ","'~' ~.' .' ~ ,,, ...... (It AppllCam' ";'0' " 0.'. ._~: >..' 9'.!: 0 ,0 '..: Tnh 1M ClOn-CtltunaaDlc. _____ Telephone: .279, /b...5, AGdceli1l ,.:' '- .) ....~: L<: ',... ~;i..I.. \.'V~~, (..:0;, .'.~i I. tni. wurk be1ng dUlle by the pcop'Cty OWn., at th.ie own e'.ldence} '1-- - x.. no Coapl.LC .ttaCh.~ WOCkcr.' COlllpcn..tlon ,n(l ConlCactoc taca.. Tne App11C&UL/~CI~11tcc neceby '~C.._ br att~.ing thele ai~n&tucc to lhi. pec.it ro hold Lhe CI~y at C'''PIH:Il, h.. QIIlCe.., "'Jenca .n4.1 ..ploY.e. hee.. ...te and hat.le.. t"'11i al\)' cla~a o. "ello.'I~ tu. Q.....9~. Ce....llul~ (co... the .-0.... COVa;t.a b)' Oil. peC.it. ';jee; t h.t the)' hall. c...a ana Llllaet.t alH1 bott. Ltle t COOL aoo '''/0,. ,.." ...."..,.."" ./ ~". '~~. '... C( k. u_ WOTtS: ALL 'WOkX SIIALL COtU'OIt" WITII Tltt ATI'ACIlt:O, IoI'('hOlltO ~1."'H~ ANI) ALl. Al'rLICAJsi.J: CA"~bt:LL ~TAHUAkO O'~WI"CS ANU COHUITIO"~. TIIC CONTkAC1'OIC *,UST IIA"&:: 'tillS l't:k"lT AND 101'1'1t01l1;;0 PLAN~ .1....0 MUST "t:t:T WITH THt: !'.W. JH::irt:C1'Olt ON Tilt: ~1Tt: AT &'';A:t1: "1010 DAY:>> U~"OIU: STAJITl"a WORK. NOTICt: *,U~T Ut: ~IVt:H TO PUbL1C WOkKS AT LI::AST ~. "OUkS bttOkf k&::STAkTJ"C ANY WOkK. SI't:C I AL PICOV IS 1 ON~ 1. - .0 SLCc~t Iihall not be opcn cut tor undcrgcounQ lnlit.l1atiooli. "inL~Ll'" CLlla .av be all~.eQ toc COllncCllolI~ or ..plot&lioll holea. SLlch CLlL. .....". bc .P~CI11C:"llr "pprullcd Ly (he Illl;po:CL...t. }llIVllaellr...y nc C~L toc "&I"I'c'JeQ~n" lnataU&l ion. &lIa ..Ll.t be reatore4 in .CCOrllaliCe .an the Ull11lr TrenCh ",litor.tlon Standard Oca.-illg. W~t'" (0 Uc Ml.._e4 bV & licell.ca L,"a ~LlCvcy"C o. Clv1l I::n91llee, .lIa t~o 121 COp1e~ or lOe CU~ ahee( II aC:IlL ~u the &....Ll ic won DcpL. beturc alalllng '-OCk. The r.c~uU ot .Oll aU hlllL." 10 c.lut.ldc the huur. ot ').~ .... an13 J-' p.lI. t~e 411~ '-00. a'tccLln~ a JCatjiC lan.. '~ I' " 2. - U I' :- r _J. .. - _:l. I', e ", u. f~~JT ~~Ll~AT10H r~K rl.AH C"t:C~ ~t:rOS1~ laO"il rOI. 'AJ~lIrUL ft:krOkkANCt: r. ~. &C...~U) P~~SIT "~IUU T .. t: I:: (M.l) ( $J~.O'lJ ~ r- AP~kOV~P fOk l~SUAHC~ --&1).. :;T~DAJtP ~~O.OO ~:'OO.OO C100, or CHe. C'T.) (~~001 (6' 0.. MOHP.~~OO "lNI (1. Or r.p. MOHP ~__ iJ~.OO "1"1 ~1~ti...&-n,,J - MOUNT ~ .5D.oo , ~ ~ ~ .3$.00 ltl::CC11"T NO. C', I r-. -: ~/:- " . t: t'WPa:It"JT Ian,..cJ 1/11.')