88-223 I . . .l.c ......... . . J'ao . . & - - -:i...::~ -..."" ij2~ u c: ..... . .. ...c:... c:o~. 1~:12 f~.cfo E · .c. "......c:~o "CO & L).",-c ~..",~ ..........;:1. .co .. oM .. .... '" .... ... ...... .. ~ --'a.-C:" 0..-....0 -Cl:. ..... .... .... . . " .. .... . C.c4 ..~U... ., 9- "oJ r:.l:~~..... o .. '- ... . ................ .,...If2,~~... u. VC-a :~~~.- ...~~.~g . . ....c. tI m .. ~IG...~... . ... .,- .:~;;..~ '"' . u C eQ._O. .&. u.... " . C ... . - 0 . 0 c:.cll_"'\ .... .. .. '.1: ~.c.. .. ~....... ...... o.~_ . c .~... Cu....... :~:;f ..ciol':"" .,.,.a:.....-N ...... "'11'\ . .,........ "::SiiOlJ,; 1IlZ.'-C...... .00... ....... u.... ......... C ......... ::l=!:::~ ......Q"'.. . 'I, \ (:' 't I (\ t CITY 0' CA"'ltLL ' DePT. 0' ,uaLIC ~li '0 Nortb 11r.l St. C.apb.ll, CA '~OO' UOII '..-~ao PU8L1C WORKS .ERIII,. '.rait .0. 8g r Z- 'Z- ~ Tror wor.lnV In ~n. pYbliC litht-ol..ar, a-aet. tile hayed ~ >~f'( AppliCAUon Date ~.AZ.-.e.. ..,.11;.... 110I. . .apir.a ~. .....'L1CATIOH - AppUcat ..on h hareDr Mcae 101 a 'IIbUc Mon. '.,ait 1ft accordanc. with ea....u "wn1cipal Code, Section 11.04. , A. "Olk alldr..a or tract t ~ ~~'-H~~IL-.""-=-~ ..c:....v-~......'-- E:. UUUcr tlench loc:acion H.a...l-1 I '--~t--.J ~"-'t:=:..........\.....-t:::.- "twn of work' ~~\...... I "-!.ST..<:::.-' ~:-r-I"""''''''''' Attacb liv. C~, copl.. of a lIrawlng .howln, the location, eltent and lI.Mn..ona 01 the work Tb. drawtng ahall .how the relacion ot lhe propo.ad wor. to e.lating aurtac. and wndervroynd i~rov...nt.. "hen .pproved br tbe Cicy In,in.er, .aid lIrawin9 beco... a parc 01 thi. per.it. !'he wn.,al Condit 10n. tor aU per.h. ar. lilt.d on tile reveree .ide. 'pecial. 'roviaion. tor thi. per.it .r. liated below. 'ailur. to abid. by thl.. condition. .nd PJOv..ion. aar ra.ult in job .hut~down and/or lorhUyre 01 raUhlul 'ulor..nc. lond. and c;a.h depo.u.. ie. wn.ral Conditlona 1 and ~,. C. An application t.. au.t ac;coapany tbl. application. !'hi. ia non-r,'undabl.. ..... of ~Ucan& ---==-~ '>-~-=:; --....-.....e:=l2..... ~ !'d'P"onea .2.7'''':!:) -7.e:..4-? Addr... J 2..Z-. ~l../I~ po- ~ - """,t'-'l .o-",~,,-,~~ a. C. D. I. thai wor. being lIone Dr tb. propertr owner at tbeir own r..illence} ___V.a ___10 Coapl.t. attach.d ~orkara. CGapen.acion aAd Contractor lor... The Applicant/'er.itt.. h.r.oy aqr... DY atlilln, their ai9D1ture to thi. perait to bolll tile C.ty 01 C..Pb.ll, ata officera, aqent. and ..ploye.. Ira., aat. and ..rll.a. froe .nr clai. or lIeaan4 fOJ lI...~.. l.aYltini Iroe the wor. cOv.red br chia per.it. !'be Appllcant/Per.itt.e her'by ec.nowl.dg.. that lb.r ha.. r.ad and underatand botb thl ffont an4 Mck 01 UU~5~' ~~hlt. they WAll 1,,'or. th.ir contraCtort.1 of thl lAtoraation. ACCEPTED ~~?-~ 9-t.-;fP ~e:. v .....,r ",I Y"......."..,.c.. .... - - on .. IIOTtS: ALL WORK 5HALL CON'OR" "11'11 TIlE AftACHCD, .u,aOVED '&.AIlS UIl ALL AI"LICIo8U CAIlPa&:LL .TAHOARD ORAWIN~S AND CONDITIONS. Tilt COH1'RAC'TOR ftUST RAVE TII1S PER"JT AND APPROVED ,LAMS .lieD IlUST un ..1ft '1111 ,.... lU,&CfQa 0.. TilE 5lTE AT &.tAST 1"010 DAYS U'ORl: 5TAJlTIMC MaRk. IIOfJCE IWST IE GIVEN 10 'UBLIC NOR" AT I.L\5T 2. IIOUU NPOU &ESTAJlTJMG AllY ~l. SPECIAL 'ROVISIONS _____1. Str.et ahall not be open cur for und.r,round inatallation.. M(ni.ua cut. ..y be allow.d tor conneClion. Dr elploration bol... ~uch cuta au.. be .pecfflc.lly approved by the 1 nli~CI 0'. ~ 2. ?lvI.,nt..y be cut for wnd.rqround In.tallatloRa 814 auat be I..tole' 1n .ccordanc:. with ----- tb. Utl1itr Trench a..loralion Standerd Dra~in9. . J. ~ork to be ataked by · licen.ed Land Surv.yor or Civil &ngine.r aDd two t21 copi..ot the ----- cyr antera ..nt to tht Pybllc ~or. Dept. Defore atart.ng wor.. ~.. 1'n. hoyu of ~o,. are h.U.d lO DUtlld. the boy.a 01 ,-, .... and J-' p... tor a"r _n ----- a tecun4jJ a tratUc l.n..(o.-J HA......L.T()Io) w...." ......~) .. ~~.~ - , A _. _ !at a;:&, 61iii.a~7"l()""" Dli:i:e,' L ~)II^' F'F>-~';, A""""~~~ .,',:;:9~;~::~' ::,.,;c~ ~~ Co).2.4 I-bu.~ AbvA~<"'E" N.DTl~, '-!Z___o(' _L _l_ _ i!.~__,;-.<.6~-...J....:...- INS=--~~ _ , .ElunT ,",,'UCATICltt PI& 'LAM CMtCI DE~IT "D ,0. fAITltrUlo 'DIOMIWtCE ..-11 un.DOI 9 IT.lIeDAaD no.oo nDD.OO uoo, or &MG. IST.I IoIIOUNT , So 00 , , , , /47. 70 UCEIPT 110. ,. ~. CCA5ltl D&:PO$IT .'2001 t., 0' aoND,f~OO "llll 'U'UT In 8/8 L of / ~Oo "P. ~. z.oe~':~OO.<<t" or .... IOfU) /31S I...~,@ .I:i'e.t. :;""47.10 IU.OO 'Ull' ,",,'ROVED rOIl ISSUANCE f)~ .-/l' lur ~I ._ J4 fl N'tll"IT aevued U" \,,1.. - .. c: . II - - ~ ~ . . .c .. ~ ~ 'a .. .. - .... r u . ~ o t-: ~ .. u . .c .. ~ ~ ~ .. .. .. t u .. ~ o .. PUBLIC YORKS CITY OF CAMPBELL MAY 19, 1989 PAGE 1 OF 1 ADDED CONDITIONS OF PERMIT 88-223 900 EAST HAMILTON AVENUE, ISSUE TO SAN JOSE YATER COMPANY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE YATER SYSTEM ON CREEKSIDE YAY, HAMILTON AVENUE, YINCHESTER BLVD. AND LEIGH AVENUE I. PURPOSE AND LIMITATIONS OF PERMIT: This permit is issued to allow the permittee to perform the water system construction work as shown upon the plans prepared by San Jose Yater Company entitled "Main Installation Creekside Yay," drawing number B8-298, sheet 1 of 2 dated October 6, 1987, revised May 12, 1989; sheet 2 of 2 dated October 7, 1987" revised May 12, 1989. This permit is issued subject to that it may be amended as may be agreed to by and between the City of Campbell Fire Department and San Jose Water Company. II. CITY OF CAMPBELL REQUIREMENTS: This permit is subject to the following requirements. A. The City of Campbell General Conditions, Standard Construction Provisions and Standard Construction Details for Public Works Construction, as amended. B. That the Contractor for San Jose Water Company shall obtain an encroachment permit from the City of Campbell Public Works Department to perform the work within the public right of way. C. The 10" water main at Creekside Yay and Hamilton Avenue shall be installed by jack and bore method. D. All meters and boxes shall be installed at behind the back of sidewalk and or driveways. III.OTHER REQUIREMENTS: This permit is also subject to that San Jose Water Company and their contractor shall obtain encroachment permits from: A. The State of California, Business, Transportation and Housing Agency, Department of Transportation, said permits and conditions thereon are incorporated herein and by reference made a part thereof. 88-223 Department: Public Works WIMBERlY HELMS JOCSON KRUGER PENOYER CITY OF CA1\tll)llELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 July 27, 1989 Mr. Bob Kagiyama San Jose Water Co. 1221 S. Bascom Ave. San Jose, CA 95128 SUBJECT: PERMIT #88-223 Dear Mr. Kagiyama: This letter is to advise you that your contractor, West Valley Construction, while working at the intersection of Winchester and Hamilton on May 30, 1989, cut the detector loop for the northbound left turn. We have had this loop replaced by our contractor. Please remit the total costs as follows: 1 ea 2 hrs 6 x 50 Type "C" Detector Loop Administrative Costs @ $42.50jhr $780.00 85.00 TOTAL $865.00 Your immediate action on this would be appreciated. Very truly yours, Kevin Comstock Lighting & Signal Technician KC:sd encl. f:88-223 ---.. .-..... .-w. lJa.__ '-".'1.....~.. City 0/ Campbell 70 N. FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 To . 'rraftJ.c KAtJ.uu1ng ~fI..~.4~ . .. .. 1'.0. ~ 634 c:&m4alJ.u Bay, CA 95711 ... ~"'. t ... 1: .',,~ ,.. ''- 01. ~. '.. 1!: ~.., .", .. _ ',_ Attn. 84 III &flia VENOOAPHONE'( aoo) 3:W"~552 DUARTIlIEHT IlGHATURI DATI lo.....l!!!:!V R.S. LoAg D.C. W.1ab.rl (;/3Q/&9 ",': :i:}.;::;i,;?l~!1~~Il:f12..E';-:'\';;-:":::'::-'.'~:':i~..;'''., ~~:~:-/~f'::::::.i:.~.~tf;~... No. 0-0005 I ~.. Shl To Addr... Checked ''': CITY OF CAMPBELL ',J 70 N, flR8T8T. CAIoIP8ELl. CAUF. 16008 '.~..>'" ACCOUNT 110. 721.~4~9 " " TIIlMI '., .: , .;; OfIIlII'~TI . ' -.........<lIIIool-.._.I...__._.. i.... 1 .'\"~\;}!,:: :;i:~~{':"~~'/;\;::;~;'2.:\':n:L1,::2'::.PJ.!e.!MU~..:t:;~;:-l:.:r::'-;b~~~"" J'~ . M~' ~ UNIT ~ 'AIIIOUNT I' ': ~..:... ......w_...........;",__. JI.~ ... ,. x SO. CoAtJ:actor W 1Aa~ 100 ~~ 1.ft. 1;g.n V1Ac:h-.tN' a1.YIl. " ~11;oa A: . the new U 100 N&G owes to coua4-,.. tNII t.he tu.. of &clC &ACta t.&oh..l >>O~. for C11; Q as nOIwa lwrrJ n n> ALL INVOICES A~E TO BE ADDRESSED TO CITY OF CAMPe~LL, FINANCE OEPARTMENT 70 N. FIRST ST., qAMPBELL, CA 95008 . . ORDER COMfLETE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ! DATE DATE DELIVERED t CERTIFICATION .... SIGNATURES .,. Only employees so designated are aulhorized to sign tor the receipt ot the materials and/or services indicated on this order. 780.0G 780.00 7ao.OQ The above signed cenities thai the quantities and quality are received as indicated.