88-224 -.. cr' nOQ"" ." " .. :T '1 .. .. 5~"ga'1 -' .....::J......1Il .. ::l Q. rt .. " ::I ~ 0 C'-M'C:(I1.-n '\oJ It ..... ca CIa .... :., ~ ~ ~ ::l g I"Q. ....0 t:'- ....nn,f:t> i:' :T::l" N .. Q. '" < ... P1 CD II ~ .. ::l > ... Ort.........O -i::l .... .. Q. ... ...... l""tt t1 ') ....rtt"'tlrt <" n O:T D c: III _ ... ell 1(11("tC: >...."'..C'l z: 0 > )C 0 )OO:::s-O< :T ~ .. O::l:T<'1 ;~=~i .. a- ...... II .. cr 0 :l ... I'D ::3 n .. Ul ~::l C') >-l J: 0 .... ::l ::l Q. n 0 rt .. ~rt.... <I....,....n rt... :T ....c:.... 2:ca::l'" OQ.Q. . .. ""'ID'1 ::l , :TQ. III Ul VlC"'1ID>-l t"'t.....O:lP1 1D<'1Q." ... .... ::I CII en ....... n .....,,"':T 00.. "'::la~: C')O....>-l... ~ ... rt .. ..... ....rt ~::g ~'< ;)Q. r-:T "1 J: PI .... ~ jUl)CPI'" ~.... n 0 :II 1'1 AI :1 .... < -= 0 AI AI ...... ("t n.....nn . ":TCT , "'. .. .. rt" ~...o :T::l ) 5U 0 ...... 1 rt ::s lit n ) ...... n :r o ~ "Cl .. ::l n .. 0 ~.Ul ~ a 1:' ....Q. .... CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 North First St. Campbell! CA 95008 (408) 860-2150 NIJ'- tZ Z- Y ., o o:l tr:I PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT 'Ior wor~1"9 1" ~ne public r19ht_~-O~~w~ g' X-Ref. file Isaued 01 I~ Application Date PeI.i~ e~p. "~~ .os. expire. APPLICATION - Application is hereby .ade for a Public Works Permit in accordance with campbell- Municipal Code, Section 11.04. Permit 1~~&~ n o 3: '1j L' tr:I "'3 tr:I o A. Work addres. or tract . 418 Industrial Campbell 8. Utility trench location S 0J;t4}(.,. rt>l ~ 63 Abandon service as indicated on the attached sketch. o:l ><: Nature of work: Attach five (5) copies of a drawin9 showing the location, extent and di.ensions of the work The drawing shall show the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground improveaents. When approved by the City Engineer, said drawing becomes a part of this permit. The General Conditions for all permits are listed on the reverse side. Special Provisions for this permit are listed below. 'ailure to abide by these conditions and provisions may result in jab Shut-down and/or forfeiture of Faithful Performance Bonds and cash deposits. (See General Conditions 1 and 2). E. An application fee must accompany this application. This is non-refundable. Name of Applicant Pacific Gas and Electric Telephone: 973-8930 Address 10900 N. Blaney Ave., Cupertino 95014 C. "'3 ::c tr:I :t:' '" 1:l L' H n :t:' z >-3 D. Is this work being done by the property owner at their own residence? ___yes no Complete attached Workers' Compensation and Contractor for... The Applicant/Permittee hereby agrees by affixing their signature to this per.it to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents and e.ployees free, safe and haraless fro. any claim or de..nd for damages resultin from the work covered by this permit. The Applicant/ e aittee hereby acknow dges that they have read and understand both the front and back of this e it, and tha th y 1 inform their contractor(s) of the infor.ation. ACCEPTED W. Be 8/31/88 ua~. NOTES: L WORK SHALL CONFORM WITH STANDAR DRAWINGS AND CONDITIONS. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AND MUST MEET WITH THE P.W. INSPECTOR ON THE SITE AT LEAST TWO.DAYS BEPORE STARTING WORK. NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO PUBLIC WORKS AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE RESTARTING ANY WORK. E A ACHED, APPROVED PLANS AND ALL APPLICABLE CAMPBELL SPECIAL PROVISIONS ., ,:) 1. Street shall not be open cut for underground installations. Minimum cuts may be allowed for connections or exploration holes. Such cuts must be specifically approved by the Ins_eetor. rav .en~ ..y be cut for underground installations and must be restored in accordance with the Utility Trench Restoration Standard Drawing. Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and two (2) copies of the cut sheets sent to the Public Work Dept. before starting work. The hours of work are limited ~ outside the hours of 7-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. for any work affecting a traffic lane. o:l [TJ ~2. n ::) Z ''J L' [TJ ..-J [TJ o 3. 4. 5. OJ ><: ., ::c [TJ PERMIT APPLICATION FEB PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT BOND FOR PAITHPUL PERFORMANCE F. P. (CASH) DEPOSIT PERMIT PEE (R-l) ($35.00) n H .., ><: STANDARD $50.00 $500.00 (100' OF ING. 1ST.) AMOUNT $ .5l).00 $ $ $ RECEIPT NO. <? ($200 ) (4' OF BOND,$500 MIN) (7' OF F.P. BOND $35.00 HIN) $..35". ()D C) ?/~~~e APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE ~~ f: PWPERMIT Revised 7/87 ) - "~..',~{ ..'..: - ,:'. 'I)!'l" ...'",. CONSTRU~TI'6~~- ~__.. C~ampbel\' ., T4L f -' 0,/":." () ~'\~'li~..t'do. cfP-1-!). . . ",__' Ii , '< ~ ~ . Ii t ,',. ------ , n"' .' ".- ~ :r., i:'~. ~\"" ."''''V "._.._.._ / l' C.":,.,,:.,, '",;Of l<aY't'Jrhes\; 1lM~.-""." 7 on, the job site dUTtn,,f~e "rr.:W'JJ:L~ j/ ..... " . '-,.'. "',0;: i~,b SJ1..:: 2;;tir;g .(....)r!-5;1...;'\t~ ....../' IJ~ SUNNYSIDE 41 qo 3 $ ~ ~ KENNEDY 100 ~"l"''''' Ci ~ AVE. ,tY ,.. .. ., f "', ,. .' , P' 4' to' ~S or'L1 2..-' / " ,f 1IIli:._"-~:..o ._.. ".1'Ioio-" c:.. .' ~__~~~,.-a';'~;'- r~....:.,~_.:l'~,",""r~~"ft~fIu____Jl..",:_\"lo~~.ar~-~:t"'-"z. ~ AuD"':SjiliC: r~J~ft i'ii 1\: lJC Me, , C Or: "'-. ," ./ /,y ,- , i O;.\H: I. if'!r. ;':' A Ikl'~ 'fIj~3 /-.-.. ~_"..J .".) _~~~ ' J ! c' (. WI 1.dt..,A 1 II~)-I, " /. ~ &,.c:..' :'O'~',.c ,_37._'1J"h.7"'1 ! ;:J ~..~_I._.\'I"~ :/.7 " __ :2.._'11 (..... _~~ __ ..~~, ' ~/~r:!" 1b~....~....tIl.;J."'-"""'''' == '....'-. -',,- 741'l..- J S- ... . . '\ ,;' #' .;. .PQVERAGE PART' NUMBER: .-/ COMMERcw.. GENEAAl LlABfLITY I THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POl.ICY. Pl.EASE READ IT CAREFUl.l.Y. . ADDITIONAL INSURED-OWNERS, LESSEES OR CON-TRACTORS (FORM B) ThiS endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAl. QENEAAlI.IABU.flY COVERAQE PART WHO IS AN INSURED (Section II) is 8mended to include 85 8n insured tho person or organization shown in the Schedule. but only with respect to liability .riling out of "your work" for thcst insured by or for yOU. 8CHEDUL.E NAME OF PERSON Q8 pRGANlZATION: It is hereby agreed that the CITY OF CAMPBELL AND ITS RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, AGENTS AND EMPLOYEES are named as Additional Insured from and against any claims, loss, liability, cost or expense arising out of or in any way connected with the construction of the project. .. JOB bESCRIPTION PERMIT NO. 87-224 .. , .!\ .,:~.~ '.:' JOB No. COST ADDITIONAL PROVISION: AS reBpects the above owner. Lessee or Contractor, it i5 hereby agreed and understood that this insurance is considered primary insur~ce for the project/permit described. PERMIT NO. 87-224 INSURED COMP ANY POLICY NUMBER , END. EFFECTIVE: E. A. HATHAWAY AND COMPANY THE AETNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY 05 CO 5257630 CCS 10/01/88 \ " '" .. -' CG-201o-.A 10/04/88 bs CAT. 768200 PRINTED IN U,S,^. .