88-249 CIn OF eMPBILL I)BPT. OF PUBLIC WOJ.U 70 Bortb Fir.t st. c..pbe11, CA .500. (40.) .61-2150 Pt1BLIC WORD nRMI'1' (for workin; in tb. pu!>lic d;bt-of-wa1') I"uelS . /o/c::<# f P.ralt .-pir.. 12 .0.. P.ral t Bo. Yf-2YY a-a.f. fll. applicaUon I)at. / " ~ -:2./ i. p J> application .-pir.. n' 0.. apPLICA'1'IOB _ app1ioatioD i. b.r.b1' .ad. for a ~lio Work. p.rait in aooordanc. witb c..pb.ll .unicipa1 Cod., s.ction 11.... (applicatioa .-pir.. in , .ontb. if p.ralt not pu11.d) r/A~ Av~ a. Work addr... or uact .--AUDA!l::.t A VIE IJ. i . Dtllit1' tr.ncb 10caUon /oz::tl Aut:J&f AVt::- .atur. of work../lrfr !tdd~ 'lJ;:t ~ 4"lA'17!!1lAL. IOIt 'B:IdllJ6t Jt..~DE'"A.)c.F. .. attacb fi.. (I) copi.. of a draw in; abowin; tb. location, estent an4di.en.ion. of tb. work '1'b. drawin; abal1 .bow tb. r.lation of tb. propo.ed work to .si.tin; .urfaoe an4 underqround iaprn__U. ften approved by tbe city zn;b..r, .aid drawin; beco.... part of thla p.rait. '1'b. G.n.ral condition. for all p.ralt. are li.t.d on tb. rev.ra. .id.. sp.oia1 ptbvi.ion. for tbi. perait are li.ted below. pailure to abide by tbe.. con'ition. and provi.ion. .a1' r..u1t in job .hut-down aDd/or forf.iture of paitbful Perforaanoe Bond. and oa.b depo.ita. (lee GeD.ral CODti tio.. 1 aDd J). C. I). .. aD applicaUon f.. .ut acooapaD1' till. applicatioD. r,~~-::"" 'J,:\~; j:"'" r:-r'f.'ITi'17!i\~.~ r:,".-rll"- r- "'. "'"T" .... of applicaa\-.v 1 .. '-~ ~ 1 '..... l. Ii' II'~ I~ IJ,)! illL I: .~ ~ 'l'bia ia DOD-refundab1.. ? 1'8. Uo1 .1.phon.1 Ch-Ipl!J!U- addr... /00 ~. SU/..JAlfI)M' I. this work bain; done by tb. prop.rt1' owner at th.ir own r..idenc.' ---l.. 'l'b. app1ioant/p.raitt.. h.r.b1' .ckDowled;.. tbat tbe1' bay. r.ad and under.tand botb tb. front "ok of tbia p. , an that th.y .il1 iDfora tb.ir contraotor(a) of tb. iDforaatl~. ~" aCCZP'1'Z1) ro;z ~m8. viEST VALLEY SANITATION DISTRICT OF Sf.l'ITA CLf\R/\ COUNi'f .0'1'BI' aLL on 8BaLL COlfPC)U n'l'B I'D a'l"1'aCDD, UPROVED PLaM8 UD aLL UPLIcaBLB cunBLL S'1'~ DRAWIBG8 UtI) COWI'.rIOBI. ~ COB'l'RAC'l'OR XUI'1' Dn 'l'BIS PBJUa'1' UtI) aJlPROVZD JlLaMI UD XUI'1' Dft n'l'B I'D P.W. D8HC'l'OR OB ~ SIU aT LBU'1' 'l'WO Da'll aBpOD S'1'D'1'DIG WOD. IIO'l'ICB XUS'1' .. fnVDI '10 WBLIC wo.u U JoIIlU!f U .OUU 1li1lFOU U''1'D'1'IMG Ut WOD. C ~...." ~ :OC... o~'" , -4C'" l ::z:>... ...-4'" :I --4 ! -0- zzo 4l:>"'Z c: 8 -C:" "'ZN -C-4- ---.. s: -~ ... ~c:!i: zz ... -40-4 ... -...::z: .. ..,"'... .; -C'> ~"'8 -4~C -Z'" 00'" :~l c:"'z 1::-4 ......... ","'0 ...."'~ .... -4> " r:;;;;i! :- ~"'- -4'" .. -4 ....." ! ~c:... . ~~ --- I -4 ii- ",,,,,,, \ ~~! ......-4 z: c ;!~ -4-4- "'-0 "'.., ...-.., 0...0 "0'" SPlCIaL PROVI'IO" _1. Str..t aball aot be open wt; for uad.r;round in.ta11aUon.. Xlnlallll cnat. .., be al10w.d for eonn.otioD. o~ esploratioD .01... Suob GUt. .u.t be .p$oifioa11Y approved by tb. . In.p.ctor. pav...nt .a1' 1M cnat for uad.r;round inat;all.Uon...d aullt 1M re.tor.a in .ccordance wltb tb. utility '1'r.Dcb a..toration standard Dra.ia;. Work to be ataJt.d by a lie.Da.d LallI! 1~.1'or or ci.U BDqin..r and no (I) oopl.. of tb. cnat .b.at. ..Dt to th. ~lio Work Deptartaent before .tarting .o~k. '1'be bour. of work are lia1t.d to out.id. th. boura of '7-. .... and J-' p... fo~an1' work .ff~tin; a traffio 1.... ~ IJ'> h:;>t.l.OW A-n74<-NE7\ 77tbJcJ R~TOItAno,.J ~,'l (~f)Z:Z.CLAN") iIJ Cl-/,~ .sGAL ..";:: ^,~c..~'$!'.AZ.1./ 0F' @}C"5T7~r- "' l':_$~ _~.J:1LF7\ '\ . ... / -L-1. _,. _4. L-s. RlCBI" 110. 002-/ axoU1l'1' '::;-0 ca-1) 8'1'aB1)DD '10..0 fSOO.'O (100' 01' "G. .1'1'.) 500. ()O ooZ/ .3S.00 ./.,h/~ , "Dat. . f f f f (f".OO) nltllI'l' UPLIc&'1'IOX ... ~ COCK I)B1'O'I'1' ~B lOa FaI'l'UDL nuoRDIICB cas_ 1)81'08%'1' (faoo..O) (., 01' ~B, f500 XU) ~ /2."":'... .n, ~e.r nRJa'1' ... UPROVBD lOR I"UUCB .... , I I , I I I , I , I I I I I I I , -4 o ... ... ,"> o ~ ~ ... -4 ... o ... -c ~ ." ~ and I I I I , , I I , , , I I , I I I I -4 o ... ... ... o ~ ,.. ... -4 ... o ... -c ... -4 oC I I , I , , I I I , , I I I , , I , I I I I , I I I - --' -.c: . ~. ~ ~.,. c;$' ~ .:.~: ~' r- 5 a=~ ~,' ifV" '!"""" .."" I~.OO ~~~~ .. .4.48 U:" 0 ~ & '10.00 ~ ca~~ 8 ~-g II) 1~.OO ""lIo ~!~: CII 110.00 .... '10.00 III '10.00 "0.00 .. A .s :- ... . .. N g N 110.00 .. & II .. g ... ..... .. 110.00 . g . .. ~ .. .. '10.00 . 8 .. ... Apr"""" "'" \ ':""- f""' h U. Ii L:. 114.85 ..... ...- L.-"'5 N (7%) ... .. '''.'0 ... .. .... g . N . 110..1 . .. . !? g . ,57,51 . ... I : ::! ;: . g . N 0"'.0 . '10.00 . ClI ~.- ~ !? (7Z) 0 ~ 0," g '''.12 . ... s 0 g ClI .. 0'4 0 "J> . N (7"') . Vt "0.00 . '" . . 2 " 0 o~ g IS".7] II ... II " .. g 0 '10.00 . N . . .... . . !? 0 0 0 g ~ II ... . 153.'. 0 ~ 0 ... " 2.''''7 l; 0 0 . L-35 110.00 . N ('"'0) !? CD ... II liLt. N g -~ ; N ,"'- /11,.-/ . u..", 'l2 II) "'-, N 110.57 '~, .... ... . - \., . ... IV + CD GO . ... ~ . o. '" ~ ID. : CD ;, .. ID tI) ~ ~ ~ C) C) ~ .... .. l:) ::::: .... i .. ... ~ ,.~ .....-..... ... ::. ,;" ; , \... r~.. .1:1: Pf.CiE tT Contractot n;:"~J l,;,,~'~ t'-,~,.... on the job site d;.:rin9 ':::Gr.;t;.,J..~.!;,)t1. .. ClI . '10.00 .... .so.oo -0 l> . ;0 110.00 Ol) ISO.OO ") 110.00 ()O~S w.... = lD 150.00 III III 0 III () N "D ~ 150.00 t;l III '''25 ... c'..., . (11) ... 150.00 .. 150.00 J+92 "25 (7%) Cii '50.00 GO VI 150.00 . IV =- .... 150,00 ~ ",. iD ~ Ill. '50.00 . . ! g r.~~ '" ;;; ..... ~ ~~:: 150.00 - c)-V? - REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: . . FINANCE DIRECTOR. CITY OF CAMPBELL Plea~e issue check payable to: Glage Underground (30 spaces) I Address: Line 1: 1116 Dell Avenue (30 spaces) Line 2: P.o. Box 961 (30 spaces) City : Campbell. (20 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95008 (2) (10 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund (24 spaces) . Exact AlQount Payable: Account Number: $465.00 001.00.905.0000.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for Excavation Permit No. 88-249. less $35.00 for a permit fee. See receipt #830 dated 10/21/88. Requested by: Approved by: Verified by: . eBJ . Gooaton .00 i b*l Title: P. W. Inspector Date: 11/17/88 Title: P. W. Director Date: 11/17/88 Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: / ;' Mail as is xx \ Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) \ Other: 08/24/88 '--_.........._"""'--._.-:....,.......-.......--.............,.......<~.......--.--.._.~-.;...._....~_.._-_., "................,,-.............. "-'.... ...................--..... CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 Department: Public Works November 17, 1988 Glage Underground Construction 1116 Dell Aveneu P.O. Box 961 ,Campbell, CA 95009 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No.: 88-249 Location: 1027 Audrey Maintenance Bond Amount: Waived We have made a Final Inspection of subject public works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing faithful performance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call the undersigned if you have any questions. J;H~ - 11/17/88 Inspector ~ 35. (;)0 WA--~ .QE1;) ~...(.(;T€"D ~/Z. 7Js..JG Pi:::.lUn ," ..,- FEE". :r:-r w45 N~f CHft1U:,eh A'r ~ TI /rJ~ E) r is)~~ GE:sd cc: Suspense - 1 year ~. Date ';r~~~. Permit or Project No. Address /027- .~~ PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT . S8 ~24CJ Type of work: Street Storm Other (describe) Sanitary Electrical o PRELIMINARY DfSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) [JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ~INSPE':TION - ACCEP~E Signed plans? Y ~ (If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? Y Overtime: hrs. @ $ Date 5 rea&on: ~ - $ Barricade rental (attach invoice)? Date 5 reason: Y 10 $ Other? $ $ $ - Refund $ Total charges deducted from depositl (Ca&h Deposit $ less charges $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Reque&t if cash.) Engineer ~ Inspector November 9, 1988 I I j 1116 DELL A VENUE POST OFFICE BOX 961 CAMPBELL} CALIFORNIA 95009 Telephone: (408) 379-3010 " I:. '..., , City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, California 95008 RECEIVED NOV 141988 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING Attention: Mr. Greg Eaton RE: Bond for 1027 Audrey Street Dear Greg: As you are aware, we have recently installed a sanitary sewer lateral at 1027 Audrey Street and I am reguesting that you release the Bond in the amount of $500.00. If there is any problem please let me know so I can rectify the problem as soon as possible. Sincerely, ~~ JG:dlv - . ._.-. --.- - .. - .--. ...- PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT lAte r~k Permit or Project No. . B~ ":'24CJ Address /OZ 7- . ~~ ~pe of work I Street Storm Other (describe) Sanitary Electrical o PRELIMINARY DlSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) [J FINAL ~NSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) ~INSPEc.:rZON - ACCEP~E . Signed plans? . Y ~ (If signed. Council acceptAnce.) ChArges against deposit? y Overtime I hrs. @ $ DAte , reAsonl ~ . $ BArricade rental (Attach invoice)? y DAte , reasonl v $ Other? $ $ $ · Refund $ Total chArges deducted from depositl (Cash Deposit f le8s chArges $ [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAChed) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (ReleAse'maintenance bond. Check Request if CAsh.) ck. req.) Engineer ~ Inspector