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41ft o. c:ua'.LL Da". o. .vaL%C lIOaD ,. .,'U .1E'.~ .~. CaapMU, c:a.. ,aoo. (...) ..'.UII. \-7 r;7 - d ..::JC J I) ~:oc::: r:a:.;,c..~~ ~.:,- pU11c1 dCJllt...t...~. ....t. f~1a " s.n.d/olc:t?lf'!"::...~. ,f; ._,u...Uoa 'Da~. /()/d&/ff "Ea1t...l~..);h U. ..:.:" ..,Uo.Uoa uplr.. 1. , .... ","'- :::;':',c"',>,;_,..i',"" " "._.~' ".Llc:a'fIOll .. appu...U.. b "'E'obf .... rOE' . ,.11'0 .0E'u,,.nJ t 1& .ooodaa.~, ri n CUpMll 1lUa101p&1 OOU, ..oti_ ".... (...u..~lo. apb.. la , _..~u it poEa1~ ~t pull.d) '. a. WOI1t due.. .E' ~ t 65 Shell v Ave. .UUt, uoaola 1.....~.. SDtt41G07082, HOtt42265D a. ..tvo.f ..rkl Insti;lll' utilities as i'ndicated Of! tnp ,qrr",rnprl "1.(-p1-r1, c. au.ellf1.. (I) _.i.. .t . er..lat .IaOriDCJtt.1a.10e.Uo., -".t .....1&...1.... .it.1ao .uk 'fll. era.bCJ .llal1 .1aOV n. E'.l.t1cl. .f n. .npo..4I ..rk to ..loti.CJ .vt...... -'..l'9ro_4 iIIP,.."....t.. ft.. appro... IIf tile c.itJ,-.vla..r, ~~4 er..laCJ M.....~.,.n .r \lis.. ..nU. D. ft. ....n1 co.UU... ~.E' all ponto rize11ta'" .. n. n"~.. .1... '...olal ~dai.a. lu nb ..~t u. U.~.. M10.. ..Uv.toul.. IIf tile.. ...41Uo.5 .... .""1...~.. aaJ r..~1t ia in .1l~t.40.. ..dI.~ tOI'Ioitvo .f .aipt~ ..rtO~CI. ha4. .... au'. ..,.dt... ('0. ....I'al coaUu... So aDd I). . . ' "", .. Ala appU..~l.. f.. BUt ........., U1. ap,U..Uo.. ~c' 10 ....ntudU1e.' =-=-:0 :: :.rrU==.a~ Pacific Gas and Electric Company 'f.1.."..1.7"5''1-) 11 (, ....... 10900 N. Rl Anpy A'TP rllpt:)Y't-1nr\ z. ~. _0 Ml&11 .... IIf tIl. .npoRy....r .ttll.1E'...no1.....' --:J.. -- c-p1.to ... .~YU ..nu.' eo.p....U.. ..4 OO.UutOE' liatonaU.. fona. 'fll. appllaaV..n1tho ME'eIiIJ ."nea l'faff1alDCJ tieb .1...~vo to tilt.' ~t to uu tile CltJ .t C..pDoll.l~. .ttioon, ."..,. ..4 ...1.,... fre., ..,. ..4 ~... t~ "J olala .1' .....4 for ....... n.a1tuCJ fnll tIl. .."k ...,."..'1If tilt. ..Ea1\. '-......, ft. ap.ll....~/..n1 tho OJ ....,. nal .... ..4.reua4 _t' tU tna~ .... __ .f tilt. poEa1', h ...trutuC.) .f \Ii. uloIS&U... ~ Lawrenc October. 25. 1988 ... aa Dato ~. . aLL lIOU '~UDUD DDIr1 'fa OOftDCtOl 1lV''f 8ft nz. nU%'f &lID ..noYD KaD an IlVn an an ... ,... IUMC'IO& - na .I'fl a~ .1o&&I'f 'f1IO au UWO", ''fa.nlllG wau. , .. - - -._,-. ... -"'~'.<;,'."~ ";;'.!"- -,,; " , .mG8 an U UftII'fO ..Lle..au uan;.~...IIoDa<:;~DJL'f~ an wou. II!i IliC.. sa - ill I ale . ... .. : i--Ii i d; iil .. :;;1 ...... 11 Ii:: , ~II 1 ;;~ I!G . - ii .n~nGnl%on. .,' .:... <:'\iv~~.' . . ... .,i" :...,', . ',.. r,>' _I.. ~.UoOt .11 ... ~ ...~..~ f.I'...~~:.....tall.U...~ 1I1"':~,~'''' ~..u.... . f.1' ......tl~ ~....~~,. ,_I". .....~..t... nootflaa1.'1Y ,..~,. tI? ,Ia. ~I. 1::::::~;"7 ....:_ _'~ Iaotali~l~....~. ... lN8"~/U'~~I''''' ritll ....' .... .\lll~,................U".Aa~ _~,".,~D<.H;, .' " "";.>:. _I.." .."k to ...........:.11...... .....,81IftOJ.... .~.,~...r ..... el)eopl..oet.Jl,la.. t. :: :::,u:::: .:rl=~'tP..=t~~~~::=k.-. .... f.I'''''~ - . ~f..d.. . ~f1. 1.... ..; '., ..':'." . "',: :,"i.~:>' ',.. . . ..... , " . ..r:::::.......4j..,SE;.s;rznf.E P'c/fATt;Z1C.I-!t:h ~..GJC"<'/ -/et=::C:;7VR~i'J~i.iJf:-'7}<:f'L /Y1~.b A ~) /J1,ChA)i17J'/~ rMJt=:' U);..IF (')/ 77Ar!'/C .4r- /-Jd..' ~E5, L~L4~MAAJ W'#seiE? A;I?jOC-' 'c.'!..~c..JE _ ) ,,":' _'."-!O .a.u .,.1IiI'i1ll.." ,aIICMnI'f ?V,e,'6 Dell" 110. <f .1:.'. naaIft UtLlCUSOll na c."..,) ....~.. · ~ ClICK ..-oI1'f ........ 80IID I'Oa nnaDL ~- CUI. - _. 8ft.) , CUll ..-olD . e........ (.. 0I'1IGIID, ..t. lID) . ~ ClICK I DlJIC'I'I- na~ en,,. ~ . '" lID)' UJtQftD I'Oa I..DIICS ~L.b"_ '0&' r ~I ....un a.wia.4 .,.. -'" /r/:J; 35; eD ~ . c! .. PI ~ . 5 n Cl .. .. " ~ .. . g . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I. I I I . . . I I I I I I I I. I I I .!.. - I I . I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ,I . '1 .1 "'J '~ ',I' ~ 5' .~ .. .c 'n 3 I . ..,.... I I I I I I I I I I I . . I I . . . . . I .. I I .1