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Do,taJ'YOat ...fol:. .~1." Wl't. . Ii I ~ t. "b. IIov. .r vo~ DI'. Ua1te' to O1Ito1.. &be lIoun .t 1-' .... ... 1-' ,... t.1' .., w~ I r! d'..U." · vdn. 1.... _~ 8 ~.. Iii <5G"-.d h-r~e~ :! :SE~ ~ ~~-~CS;;:4- I Hi; -. , liB IE~ 11ft 1ft E -- lOa nusnr. ~~ .r;a Ji ~~P\.'TlO~ ~ ~...b-\l~ .a-it ft'UDUD I'SDIII" anLItal'lOll .... nail CIDC& _roe II' ctn...) ...... t... ... eun or _. an.) au. NJOan ctl.....) c., or DQIID, t... IIDI ftUI aacK I I118nc'11011'" ~ en or ."t __, P' II1II1 UnanD lOa l.auuCll -J 1_. I ~~ ,.~ c rt...1' fl ....utl' 8ftb.' .,.. - I I , I I I I I I I I I I I a :: i 5 a . oC t . r" i I , I , I I I I IaI , I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I \ .!. - I I I I , , I , , , I I , I I I , I I I a :: 9 5 a . oc PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. CITY OF CAMPBELL PAGE 1 CONDITIONS OF ENCROACHMENT PERMIT #88-254, 900 EAST HAMILTON AVENUE, ISSUED TO JOSEPH L. BARNES CONSTRUCTION CO., INC., FOR EXCAVATION AND EROSION CONTROL. I. PURPOSE AND LIMITATIONS OF PERMIT: This permit is issued to allow the permittee to perform the excavation and the erosion control work as shown upon the "Excavation Plan" dated November 7, 1988, and the "Erosion Control Plan" (EC-l, EC-2) dated June 8, 1988, and November 7, 1988. This permit is limited to the following items of work: A. The performance of excavation work, including the maintenance and restoration of any existing public and/or private improvements damaged as a result of the performance of the excavation work. B. The furnishing, construction and maintenance of the erosion control facilities, and, the removal and disposal thereof when no longer necessary. II. CITY OF CAMPBELL REQUIREMENTS: This permit is subject to the following requirements: A. The requirements set forth in the City of Campbell General Conditions, Standard Construction Provisions and Standard Construction Details for Public Works Construction. B. The specifications and special provisions for the project approved by the City Engineer. C. This permit is subject to the issuance of a permit by the Santa Clara Valley Water District. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. CITY OF CAMPBELL PAGE 2 CONDITIONS FOR PERMIT 88-254 (CON'T) D. Trucks hauling materials from the site will only be allowed to turn left onto Hamilton Avenue from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. and only on weekdays. Trucks hauling materials from the site turning right onto Hamilton Avenue will only be allowed from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and only on weekdays. Up to twenty (20) trucks per hour will be allowed to turn left. Flagmen with appropriate dress, equipment and forewarning signing as prescribed by the Ca1trans Manual of Traffic Control shall be present to assist trucks entering Hamilton Avenue at all times of exit from the site. E. This permit is subject to all the conditions and limitations as conditioned by the City of Campbell, Department of Public Works for permit #88-156 issued to 900 East Hamilton, Ltd., reference to which is hereby made and by referenced made a part hereof. F. Permittee shall take all necessary actions to protect and preserve all existing facilities on adjacent public or private property. Prior to excavation within or adjacent to public right-of-way or utility easements, permittee shall provide topographic survey of such areas including sufficient information to insure correct location and condition of all existing facilities. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. CITY OF CAMPBELL ~GE 3 CONDITIONS FOR PERMIT 88-254 (CON'T) Permittee shall provide evidence satisfactory to the City Engineer that appropriate analysis of existing underground facilities has been completed, including but not limited to photographic review of storm and sanitary sewer pipelines where warranted. G. Permittee shall construct, maintain and remove when no longer required, a driveway of adequate width and structurally adequate for use by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. The permittee shall be responsible for the removal and/or relocation of any obstructions in order to construct the driveway and shall relocate and/or protect any other improvements from damage. The existing chain link fence gates shall be relocated to provide access at the new driveway location. f/88-254 (sd disk) PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. CITY OF CAMPBELL 6/2/88 PAGE 1/2 CONDITIONS OF EXCAVATION PERMIT #88-156 ISSUED TO 900 EAST HAMILTON, LTD PURPOSE OF THE PERMIT: This permit is issued to provide authority to the permittee to commence work on the property known as 900 East Hamilton Ave. for the purpose of constructing a six story office building and site improvements such as parking lots, lighting and landscaping in accordance with the majority of the work will take place on private property, it will be adjacent to public property including Hamilton Avenue, State Route 17 and Los Gatos Creek. Certain aspects and activities a part of the work will take place on public property and other aspects have the potential to impact those public facilities. Because of this, the work is to be conducted under the provisions of this excavation permit. LOCATION OF THE WORK: The work as defined herein will take place on and adjacent to the property known as 900 East Hamilton Avenue. WORK INCLUDED IN THE PERMIT: The following activities are included in this permit: 1. Site clearing. 2. Removal of materials from the site. 3. Delivery of materials to the site. 4. Temporary parking for construction workers. 5. Construction of temporary roads, drainage and storage facilities. 6. Construction of temporary security fencing. PERMIT CONDITIONS: The following conditions apply: 1. All operations shall be conducted in a manner which protects and preserves public and third-party private property and the safety of all persons. 2. All operations which take place on public roadways shall be accomplished with proper traffic warning and control methods and equipment as provided in the City standards, Caltrans construction manuals and in accordance with procedures established by the City Traffic Engineer. 3. All adjacent streets and other public facilities shall be kept clean of any materials other than clear water. All spillage, tracking of mud, etc. shall be remo~ed immediately. The Public Works Director shall be the sole judge of the adequacy of clean-up and the timeliness thereof. 4. Dust shall be controlled at all times in accordance with the permittee's dust control plan and to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. 5. Drainage and erosion from the site shall be controlled at all times in accordance with the permittee's drainage and erosion control plans and to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. 6. All operations on adjacent public property shall take place only with the specific approval of the public agency with primary jurisdiction. PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. CITY OF CAMPBELL 6/2/88 PAGE 2/2 CONDITIONS FOR PERMIT 88-156 (CON'T) 7. Permittee shall post a $10,000 deposit with the City to guarantee compliance with the above conditions with the express understanding that those funds can be used by the City to correct any damage to public property or to correct any condition which threatens the public safety or damage to public or other private property. If at any time the balance of this deposit remaining with the City becomes less than $6,000, the permittee agrees to make necessary additional deposits to return the balance to $10,000. REMEDY FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY: In the event the permittee fails to comply with any of the above conditions, the city may, at its sole discretion, act to protect the public or third party health, safety and welfare. The cost of such actions shall be the responsibility of the permittee. The City may use funds deposited by the applicant to reimburse the City for the costs of such actions described here. It is the intent of the City to take action itself only as a last resort after good faith attempts to have remedial action taken by the permittee. These attempts may be in writing, by telephone or verbally and no particular advance notice period shall be required. All actions by the City will be documented and appropriate invoices provided to the permittee.