88-267 .treet .hall DOt be OpeD out for \Ulde1'9ro\UuS iDatallaUoD.. IliDiaua cut. aay be allowed for ooDDectioDe 01' explor.tioD bol... Bucb cut. .u.t be aD.cifioallY aDDrov.d by the In.D.etor. ~a....nt .ay be cut for \Ulde1'9ro\Uld in.tallatioD. and au.t be re.tored iD accordance with the utility ~r.ncb a..tor.tion atandard DrawiDg. Work to be .taked by . lioen..d LaDa .urYeyor 01' Ciri.l Engin.er and no C2) oopi.. of tbe out .h.et. ..nt to the IUblio Work Deptarta.nt before .tarting work. ~h. hour. of work are U.uted to out.id. Ue hour. of 7-' .... and S-I p... for any work .ffect~Ii . traffio Ian... ~ ~;:::::::::,~~.~L f-hm~/~. i __._ -,,_~__<€f. ._ U77L7 ~GI/ ~t(T'.5i'T~A77'DJ ...:)&:"t7L /'11E:'/71c,;)A E '" CI III -c r> -I -c I , , , I I , I , , , I I I , . I I I I I I I I I I -- CIft 01' CNtPBILL 1)BI"1'. or ~UBLIC WOllU 70 .orth Fir.t .t. c..pbell, CA .1001 C..OI) 1"-2110 PUBLIC WORD nRKU (for workinli iD tbe public rigbt-of-way) I..u84 / 2-/~ --;/ d' ~ ..rai t expire. i.D U ac.. ~.rait .0. j1 f -02t, 7 x-aef. fUe application Date 1/;I~~~J?Jr applioation azpir.. iD . .0.. a~~LICA~IO. _ application i. h.r.by ..de for a Publio .ork. perait in aooordanoe with Caapbell xUDic:1pal Code, .ecUoa 11.U. (applloatioa expir.. ia I .oatb. if p.rait Dot pulled) &. Work a44re.. 01' tract. _~ ~ ,~'" T vUll.. ...... ,,,,U" ~ .1'w!"a.:)1A t:' i .. ..ture of work'~~ _ ~ ~"/~ MAJ~ AuV) ()~ 1}-/1. ~/A. #..AA.ul~ ~ c. attach fi.. CI) oopie. Of~aWiag .bowiag tbe locatioa, extent and dillen.ion. of tbe work ! ~h. drawing .hall .how the r.lation of the propo.ed work to .zi.ting .urface and \Uld.rground : laprov....U. nea .pprovelS by Ue City Engineer, .aid esrawiDIi beco... e part of th1a penLit. ~ c 1). ~he QeD.ral condition. for all p.ralt. are li.t.es OD the r..er.. .id.. .p.eial pJbvi.ioD. for tbis permit are lishlS below. Failure to abilS. by tll." cOD'iUOD. and providoD. .ay r..ult in job .hut-down aDd/or forfeiture of Faithful p.rformance BODd. anlS ea.b d.po.it.. caee General CODtit:loDs So ane .). B. &Il applioa~!l_ f.. .uat aoooap&Dy thi. applieaUoD. ftb 18 Don-refundable. turf\T 'I" L'"" ~ \tl'jTr -'L~f-' Dl"T"''''- 0" ('A"r' Cl ~R~ COUtlT'L <? -14li!. ./1./1.c:}-r .... of applio....;; ~I-'.L ty vi ,\ ;UIII~ .,:,; t\lvl r ,) 1'1 Ii d~ I-I ,'.. 'IelepIlOael~ &d4re..JQQ..J.. SUkJ~ ~<:, .hvbwtA.l1 I ~.,,~ %. tbi. work b.ing don. by the prop.rty own.r at th.ir own r..ideno.' ---7.. ~DO coaplete and attacb Workere' coap.D.aUoD and CODtraotor XnforaaUoa foJ:'lL8. h.r. aoknowl.dg.. that: th.y have read and un4.r.tanlS botb tbe froat anlS hat they will lDfora th.ir oODtraotor(.) of the lDforaatl~. ~ II z.~ 15 I '^'E<::T ,\! I rv Sl\fJiTATlON DtSHdCT or SJ\laA CU\Rt\ COUNT'{ .0'1'B8' PI< we> '~tttW6u Uft ~ a'1"l'ACDD, aPPJtOVJ:D PLAKS UD aLL UPLIcaBLE CUPBBLL 8'1'aHnUD DU_IIIGS UD COHDITIOlla. aCCZftBD ft. applioant Nek of thb P 'I'D COIITRAC'l'OR KtJS~ BAVB UI' Pmua~ UD apPJtOVJ:D PLAKS UD xva~ 101ft WID ftEB .... DSPBCTOa o. 'I'D .I~B a~ LBU~ ftO Dan 8BFOD B~"~IJIG woo. IIO'nCII xvaT .. QIVBJI '10 FOBLIC lIOaD &~ UUT U BOVU .BI'OD DS~"~DG an woo. c: .,...."'11 '" Z)('" ~ CI~'" , ...c'" l ::I:~," ,"...r> :I --I ! -0- zzc <Q"'Z C g -C'" "'ZN -C-l- -.... s: -~ o C N fOIC'" zz N -ICI'" ... - ,"::I: ... ..."''" ~ -C't ~~8 -tcc - z '" OCl'" :~l c",z 1::-1 ...r>r> ","c "'0 ':i~ '" -'II n n~;! ~ ~"'- -I'" .. ... -"'II !' !c'" '" '" . ~z --- -I ~~- "''''''' ~~! ,","-I z= c '"z~ zor- ...-1- ...-CI "... ... - ... 0,"0 .. 0" 8PZCIaL PROVISIo.a 1. - ~.. _I. -... -W::::::-1. DeBII"1' 110. alIOVlft' .~umUD 1.-1) /S6 <; . ~:p, (f () , . , . .Ie;; ? ') /~-;/88. "I)at. nun' &PItLICA'f1011 WD C,SI.OO) '10.00 '500.00 ftoaII CDCK 1)BI08IT ClOD' OP "G. ..~.) aDW 1'0. Pax'l'BJ'UL nuo....CII /st? .:5DCJ.CJV 35'. ()C ~ I PlrPBIlX:l'l' C,IOO.OO) C'" OP aDW, '500 ~) ~ cn OP P.~. BOJII), '31 lID) ~~ CUB 1)BIOBIT nma~ ... D1l~D 1'0. x.aVUlCB III ... r> C iI r- ... -I '" CI III -c ~ ... ... r- ~ Z ... - . I , I , , , . I , I , I I I I I I ... C TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. J7J7-~~7 . Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. 35-) -6- 3372 3521 3521 Depos i t R-l : ($'35) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) 3373 3373 & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Filing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Ma Filin Fee ($300) 3372 Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee $ 00 3372 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Adjustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements ($500) 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment:' Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) J395 Park Dedication In-l ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage AMOUtn $ SCJ . 0 0 S~CJ . t!J l:J 3.5: it) " NAME (! If [LA f-J J-'. ;cJ TOTAL ') j;2 c t)Et2 T", E';.- $ SRS: t!)o .37 '1- 7p. ;/(;- PHONE ADDRESS u. ,c-/" /..:J L /t ') c.Rnl idD-( ZIP c FOR C I TV CLERK ClNL Y RECEIPT NO. J S gC; _~ ~5 o~ am /:/b r - r:g f5 ANOUIJT "AID RECE I VED BY DATE' July, 1987 ~ ~ :~ @ ~. -12 <i> .. ~ " '" .. ~~) ~ ,.. <- h ~ ,,~~ .. ... ~ ~ ~' ~J ~ 10 ~ < , - ,e ~ ,<) SAN ToMAS AQUINO CREEK SAN TOMAS EXPRESSWAY --..L- CI':Y~~ "" ~I.. ...U ....0. IIWi ..8+[ l :!\ J -". --, -" r --'>. <: \ - ~ .. i ~ S ~ r -< ... 'I i i ~ -f I~ I~ @ :D QJ i : : -f -:: -< 1-. II> . " a o ;- o. r< B ... .. ,."t.lf- i~ ;~ :::: ~ ",--" l>" r g,'i6.... :'101 ."'. en """I-:1! :~.......... to VI"", ~ "V 0) ~.,.~ ell, 1R\~.....:b ~ ~ 9 VI CO ')"cl.. ,..., +J en 0) 'I ~ ~ """I ol/{J; (:~\ ~~ 00 It ~\) ~ - - ~Sonita'y Former Campbell District ~ + . ~ ~ ~ ~ h (') "t1 lJ) Ul :::;; ~ 'i Cloca ~ i- ca ~.., 10) EB -ll> Q) I~ 6; 5: ~I~ ~"I ~c5~ o .. o <.... ~ ~ ~ '( :. ~: s ~ ",0-", ~ 8l1+1 c:-~ :><; - - t ~ .. 11\ -0 c:: -",-U ,:..-" -0 -:D ...,.... ,.t,,) C) t~)'. ...........,... (, ~ w Ii . , ''') '~-. ~ J~ ~\. :', ~ i I ri <"i't r CITY OF CAMPIIEII 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP 8 ELL, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works July 7, 1989 Callahan Properties 850 E. Campbell Ave. Campbell. CA 95008 RE: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE PERMIT NO.: 88-267 ISSUED TO W.V.S.D. LOCATION: 563 RINCON, TRACT 8186 Dear Sir: We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find the work is satisfactorily completed in conformance with City standards. Your cash deposit will be refunded under separate cover. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~~ Car s M. Jocson Ass ciate Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: Gregg Eaton, P.W. Inspector f:88-267 (permits) _. --------- - .. --,~-..- PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT llAte ?/f4! Pezal.t or Project No. . 88 -z," 7 . .. A4d~.'Ui 5t3- 'A!~:V~ . 1'ype of wo~k a Str..t Storm Oth.~ (d.sc~ib.) Sanitary V- El.ctricAl C PRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAch.d) C FINAL ~NSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (Attach.d) GJFINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE . Sign.d plana'?, Y @ (If .ign.d, Y &) Ih~. Council Acceptanc..) Charg.. agAinst deposit? Ov.rtim. a hrli. I $ DAte ,.r.Aliona . $ '." BArricad. rental (attach invoice)? y DAt. , ~.Aaona @ $ Other? CONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (.ttached) QONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACOPTANCI: (aele......int.n~nc. bond. Check Request if c.lih.) $ $ $ · R.fund $ ~otal charg.. deduct.d from d.po.ita (Cash D.posit $ 1... charge. $ ek. req.) Engine.r ~ Inspector Department: Public Works E.;M.BE";'.-J...Jt:. ~~~i~I~~.. --,i~~] ~~;:N ~ >l~~~:~;;O'~IJ11 I~ -r---.----- I KRUGER- l- _______lJ IPniOYE-R---- --'1 --- LI \...-,",,~_.._~"'---'~ _....~.~--------" CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 July 7, 1989 Callahan Properties 850 E. Campbell Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 RE: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE PERMIT NO.: 88-267 ISSUED TO W.V.S.D. LOCATION: 563 RINCON, TRACT 8186 Dear Sir: We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find the work is satisfactorily completed in conformance with City standards. Your cash deposit will be refunded under separate cover. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Carlos M. Jocson Associate Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: Gregg Eaton, P.W. Inspector f:88-267 (permits) DAte ?/~~ Permit or l'roject No. . 88 -2," 7 Address 5(;,3 - .A'~ ~ZoN. - I'UBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Type of work. Stre.t Storm Other (describe) SAni tAry V-- Electrical [JI'RELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) o FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) ranFINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plAns'? Y ~ (If signed, Council AcceptAnce.) ChArges AgAinst deposit? Y Overtime. brs. @ $ Date 5.reAson. aD /hr. . $ BArriCAde rentAl (attach invoice)? Y DAte , reAson. 6J $ Other? $ $ TotAl chArges deducted from deposit. (Cash Deposit $ less chArges $ $ · Refund $ DONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttaChed) ck. req.) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (ReleAse' maintenance bond. Check Request if CAsh.) ~~ ~ Inspector REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Address: Line 1: RSO F.. C~bell Ave. (30 spaces) (30 spaces) (30 spaces) Callahan Properties Line 2: City : Ca:rnphell (20 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95008 (2) (10 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund (24 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $500.00 Account Number: 905.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for excavation permit #88~267. See receipt #1589 dated 12/1/88. Requested by: Gregg Eaton Title: P.W. Inspector Date: 7/7/89 Approved by: Donald C. Wimberly Title: P. W. Director Date: Verified by: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is xx Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88