88-273 czn_~ - un. or .vaLle woau n IIO~ .ln~ It. C'.-.pMI1, aa HII. C..,) ...-aut ,.eao~CBKZ'" ..JtKrf UO~ wo~ltJ..q i. u.. .~11. ci9~t..t-v.J) z..... /~/ f / fR ..nit up1&'.. &.a u .... ~t. 110. 72' - J '/3 .-"f. fU. _,UoaUo. Dat.. /:.2/ :i /;( 6; _,li..t.io. upl~.. i. 6 .... u.LIClWlGIr _ AppUoaU.. Ie ..I'~ .... t.1' . "'U. .ol'k. ..nit 18 .0oor4aao. vi t.~ CUlpNll lIuai.lpal ooa. ...U.. u.... c_,UoaUoa upb.. la , ...t.u it ..nit aot pallo.) .. ..~ a4ez'U. or Vut: . jo, t:> i\S~A ,;<..- 3'9z5 ftU1q v..- looat.1oa A./ bIV€.-' e S -. de vJ A I'~ .RJ2 pf\~1l c. atac~ 11.. CI) _,1.. ot . er.vla, alanl81 tIl. 10c.Uo., aUat. ... .la.aalo.. of tIl. wort ~~. cr.vl." .luLll ..... tla. 1'.1.t.lo. .f t.1a. ,ro,...a work " oxbU., .vf.c. ... "'.1'11'01&8' ~"....u. Doe .ppl'..... ." Ut. CUJ .."la..~, .d. er.vl." NO.... a p&I't. of ut. ponlt. a. ftO ....ral coatiUo.. 101' &11 pora1to an lb~ .. Ut. r.".~.. al". "'01&1 .ro"ldo.. for tIlla porait are 11.t... Mlov. .&11111'." u1.. ." t.1l... ...Utioa. ... 'I'...blo.. .., I'..lilt. b ,_ .lalit-Cova &a4l01' fOl't.lt.v. .f .dUtt\&1 "I'tonaao. ao.48 &a' ...Ia ..,..It.. ca.. ......&1 OoDUUo.. a ... a). 8. ..t:8n.f _I'k. a. aa ...UoaU.. foa ...t. ~ t:Ia1. .ppUoaUoa. ~. b ao.-nf1la4Ul.. .... of Appu...t. ~yY\ \L)4',)''t<!...> B tAl [J€-IL....<i... ".l.p"'..' ~~,.. 2>uo ueroao 15'< ( J1l C6 II ~~ .l:.l'V' c..;;I ;r; ,Of13CL L C .4 I/. ZO t:Ia1o ..n Hlq .... .., t:Iao ,ro,.n, ....1' at. Ut.b on nd.....' --:I.. ~ .....1... ... .ttaU .0Ren' COap....U.. ... co.t.I'..t.ol' Z.fonaUo. fona. ftO app11...~..niU.. ...~ ap... .., aUlJd.8I Ut.lI' al....t.v. to ut. ,.nit to ..14 Ut. Cltl .f CupH11, la oUloan, ....t. ... ..,107... tn., ..t. ... 1aaI'al... fna .., olala 01' .....a tor ....... naa1t.lat f.... tIl. WOl't ....1'.. .., ut. ..nit.. ft. appl1...t.,..nittoa ...na.r aouowl.4q.. t...t. UtOJ ...". &'ea. ... u..nt.aa. _t.1a tla. freat. ... __., Ut~. ponit, rill iDton Ut.ir ..at~..t.o~C.) .f t.Iao iDfonau~o.. / / MCa~ ~._ / _Wff ODDt. C n..,~ t/.lp Dato ~. u.s. WOU 8DLL OOIWO.. an ... ~, unDQD PLaIII aD aLL un.zc:aau CUlHUoL av-"- DDaIlGI aD OOIIDZI'IOlll. I B I nil ClOII'I'DC'I'Oa an aft all nmat' UID Ul'aQ1'D PLaIII aD an IIDI' an ... .... DI..C'tOa 011 ... Iza AI' IoUoII' 9110 _'II urou II'&a'1'lJIG WOU. I!I ..!! .u~ an .. UftII .. ....LlC tIOUI U IoDIt' .. 80DU urou ...DftIIII an ma. I Iii "It I .. r- II; ==: -a=l-e. !Ig _a. :tEl 811; lil EE"; RaUY UPL%et.U0II ... III IPLU CIIICIt ~ft II ~ .... ... n.zftI'VL ~ cu.. - _. ....) :; D .... 8UOaD c.......) c., _ MIlD, '1.. lID) - i i IPLU cacs . uancaOll ~C7~- .... .., tll lID) ..--- ~ -=-~~ 01' t . I. h~" ..,,1004 ala. ...~'1. ...n'101I8 ~ &. '! .u.ot. ...11 ..t .. .... ..t fo~ ..0I'fI'0U. luta11.U.... 1lia1aa..to.., M &11.... .or ......u... or ...l.nU.. ..1... ......to .\I.t. .. ..onioan. aDDro".. " tla. I..DOOt.OI'. .av...t "7 .. .. for aCoI'pCnUl. Suta11atl... ... ...t H nolo.... la ....1'..... ritla ... .Ullt., 9nU1a ...tor.U.. It.aaCal'C Dl'avla9. Won to .. .t.UoC .., a Uo..... ..... IVYOJ.I' o~ 01.11 ..,i..... ... &we C,) ...1.. .t t:Iao ~ .Ia..t. out. u tla. "Uo .ork De,tartaoat. "f.~. .tarti81 ..~t. ftO Iaov. ot WOR are lla1~ " _tol.. t.Iao Iaou.n .t 'e' .... ... 1-' .... fol' .., ..n aff..t.1.. . ~aft1o lUo. .a-u ftUDUD MOOlIt' DenPI' 110. C,,,.,,) III." . 56, C 0 / ?' ) ,;2 . 5{'C (C / J/;L . ~'\Db - "c....o ~c;, . csoc, - 1....C::> eIe ~ . -z... ,~- ,"oe.~cy \--:L-6t -~~ Data .11.... I I I S = ~ 5 1'1 ., . oC t . i a I B 5 ., . oC n ... :I TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. ~~-4-"~ :t Vl.: ($ 50) '( 500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7'1., of FPB) ($ 35 min.) Other Cash Depos i t (spec i fy) tu .L\EU ala. ~t1t.H"'U'- Peb-\-Ob-~ u~ I?:.c"-.:. l:.:) Project Plans & Specifications ($10) General Conditions, Standard Provisions & Details ($10 or $I/page) "No Parking" signs ($I/ea. or $25/100 Work Area Traffic Control Handbook (S5) Traffic Flow Hap (SIO) Traffic Data Services $ O/hr. + material Ma Revisions to Map Companies $10 Co ies of En ineerin Maps & Plans Fire Hydrant Maintenance ~195/ea. Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. ---- 35-3396 3372 3521 3521 (specify project) PeJLm,u Fe.u: R-l : ($35) (Cash) Depos i t ($200) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee f\ 3521 b) J373 3373 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($300) 3372 Tentative Tract Map Filing Fee ($400) 3372 Final Tract Map Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) ~395 Park Dedication In-I ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Publ ic Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME ADDRESS PHONE AMOUIJT $ 1;. "",::>G( Cl C!> . ~ $~q d!;J. 60 ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK OlLY (~Jee<) RECEIPT NO. ~ () 8g 9 39 u(j / ~. . /:L ~$ 'C~ ~ PAID RECE 'VED BY DATE' I;;l. July, 1987 TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. ~ce.,.-~..,~ Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. -_.- 35-)396 3372 3521 3521 project ) p~'U~,{;t e~: R-7 : (S'35) (S200) :t. VL: ($ 50) ~ 500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7'70 of FPB) ($ 35 min.) (Cash) Depos it ~13372 3521 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) 1373 3373 Project Gene ra I & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($300) 3372 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee ($400) }372 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-I ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Public Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME PHONE AMOUNT $ 1t.cse:.c>, c::'O c:;I. ""2..,~. CJo 0 $ (''l~r60 ADDRESS ZIP FOR C I TV CLERK ClNLY RECEIPT NO. ::2-0 <g gCj (f---l-a'JlLd ,e~c ) -' AMC)lWolT PA I D 7 7 :3. .-r:s RECE I VED BY <:74- DATE/:2 'l:;2- 22 July, 1987 City of Campbell Department of Public Works ~ Applicant section complete ENCROACHMENT PERMIT ISSUANCE CHECK LIST Encroachment Permit No. g g -;2 Zi. .. E-< H ciii Ztil HA. ~cx: _0 et:~ 25 v/ Plan check deposit, $500.00 (waived for R-I Homeowner), Q ~ paid. Receipt number / j' / ::<.. ~16 . ~j1-------~::~:_::::_:~-~:~:::~:_~~:~:_:~~::::~-----_..---..----.- V Applicant signature and date ,,/ Permit Application fee $50.00 ($35.00 for R-l Homeowner), paid. Receipt number /1 /;J. Bond for faithful performance, lOOt of City Engineer's estimate, (waived for R-l Homeowner), supplied or paid. Amount $ ~qC'6 f-i'::J Form 1. D. # Cash Deposit: 4' of FP bond, $500 min. ($200 for R-l Homeowner), paid. Amount $ ~ .60 Receipt No. Plan Check & Inspection fee of 7' of FP bond, $35.00 min., (waived for R-l Homeowner) paid. Amount $ -z...:1~. c:>L:!leceipt No. ~Worker's compensation information received for Applicant (see Information Sheet for Encroachment Permits) All other Public Works requirements listed in the Conditions of Approval of the development. -----------------------------------.--------------------------------------- E-< ~H J~ ~ til :>A. f} f}[f} ~~ ~ 0 )~ .. U :lH ~ ai ~o :>A. )l ~f:> ~Vorker's comp and Contractor's Information received for Contractor (see Information Sheet for Encroachment Permits) v' Certificate of Insurance with Additional Insured's Endorsment received from Contractor (see General Summary of Insurance Requirements for Encroachment Permits) Three sets of off-site plans, stamped APPROVED (Tract or Development and Publie Works Permit number and property address on plans) Permit signed for City Engineer WEN AU. OF THE ABOVE ITEMS ARE COMPLETE, PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED Issuer: Initial and date and file with permit UPON ISSUANCE, INITIATE CHECK REQUEST FOR PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT REFUND 8/88 permchklst CITY OF CAlCPIEU., CITY IMCIIIED' I CDlfmUCT101l COST UTIKATE AMr... ~ -c:.. <<:::;;... ?.;... L c::.. ~ \;,-..\ ,url.e. ee~.~rue~te~ '.ralt IID.'C'&--'l..-\'~ (,,~~ by_....te \""2....q-~~ Clurbl& . Cr\Ibbill& I.IaIp 1_ latiaate - I I8IfCWt C4mcrlt. "S.D u, I ".00 - . .....1.,..()C)- c:.r.c...te Ieaoval ~e. IFf S.OO - . \C>~O - ~ . Outtu Ieaoval 1.-0 U, 5.00 - . \00- IDIot l>ra11l with Pipe lA' 600.00 . . Ourb . Cu~ter ,-n !.Ff 14.00 - . ~~o- 'ldewalk 4<:>0 IF , '.00 - . \ ~ctlO- I>rl_.' Appro.ch IF' 5.50 . I lIaNlic.p ...., .., 4ClCl.00 - . IanuAa' ~ u, '.50 - . ..nlca.... U, SO.OO - . 'UMt ..~.tl_ ,- .F)a(.0.10)al.....) - . "'t~ 1- If)aClO.JO)al.....) - . "jut IItIIlhol. te ClI'elIa .., S15.00 - . ".1 \18 t 1IaNIho1e te Grella IAt 275.00 - . -'-lIt loa wIN-lit lA' 100.00 - . 'ttee~ Tr.. (U...11_) lA, SOO .00 . . '~t .crt,lll& (1100 8111) ut 0.65 - . '_lIt .......... (1100 81n) lA' 40.00 . . I~, Itnet __ or Other 111'\ lA' 120.00 - . '_nt ..run lA' 15.00 - . '~t a.e, CY~ !.F' 10.00 - . - . . . lur'fac. "coul ... . .~'1..~- "jlln I. ala.: ".CSSO,OOO ... 20\, ".>1100,000 _uact lOt (. . .J . CD~- .rr..t: U.ttt:lft. a..cuIUer 1t.I., 2,000.00 u , 10.00 u , 2.00 .. , 200.00 ....It ~cor, pall' Nl loa .~III~ lM>.t..... 12- .. 15. ICP 11. . l1e ICP u, u, 60.00 70.00 'Cl'Mt Ialec 14' 1,100.00 1t.I.' 2,400.00 It.I. , 'SO.OO .....11 ..... . Ilacor .....1. - . - . . . - . - . - . . . . - . - . - . 'IDW. ImIIAft . --L ~..., ~ - ....... . "4:\0{:)- ~ '''1 .'_._t-..t CITY OF CAMPBELL Permit No. Applicant INFORMATION SHEET FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMITS A separate form must be completed for the applicant and each contractor that will work under this permit. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of contractor/APPlicant~ :Dahg- Idl;)/:.~~S r One of the following must be on file with the Public Works Department: A Certificate of Consent to Self-insure issued by the Director of Industrial Relations; OR A Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance Insurance Co. Policy No. Expiration date ; OR ....... .................................................................... This Certificate of Exemption from the Workers' Compensation laws printed below (certificate must be signed). CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I certify that in the performance of the work for this permit, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. Signed Date NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR/APPLICANT: If, after signing this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Workers' Compensation provision of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. ! . . ..... ...................................................................... CONTRACTORS INFORMATION Note that all contractors must have current City of Campbell Business License, State Contractor's Licens~~nd Workers' Compensation Insurance. Name of Contractor ~ (:~~ Telephone 557-t)Zt:TO Address O"~/ ~_ _'-_' State Contractor License No. 3081//3 City Business License No./-ff/W7Z,-L Expiration Date Will do the following types of work: underground ~.C. concrete _____A.C. paving _____electrical . other (specify) f:PERMINFO REV. 8/88 1Ate //~1 , PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Permit or Project No. . g~ -273 Address .~9ZS. s. ~.5lo~ Type of work; Street Storm SAni tAry Other (describe) ;:1.~. C. uJo.e-;~ Electrical o PRELIHINARl INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAChed) [JFINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttaChed) ~AL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans? Y ~ (If signed, Council AcceptAnce.) Charges Against deposit? y Overtime a brs. @ $ Date , reason; @ /hr. - $ Barricade rental (attach invoice)? y Date , reasona @ $ Other? $ $ Total charges deducted from deposita (Cash Deposit $ leas charges $ $ - Refund $ o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Releaae'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) ck. req.) Engineer ~ Inspector REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Tom Dodge Builders Address: Line 1: 851 McGlincey Lane (30 spaces) (30 spaces) Line 2: (30 spaces) 95008 (10 spaces) City : Campbell (20 spaces) State: CA Zip: l2} Description: Cash Deposit Refund (24 spaces) Exact Amount Payable: $9J,5.00 Account Number: 905.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for excavation permit #88-273. See receipt #1825 dated 12/12/88. Requested by: -Approved by: Verified by: ~ ~aton D . c. W iJ!nb e r 1 y Title: P. W. Inspector Date: 1/8/90 Title: P. w. Director Date: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is x Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 ~{~'-~~,Jl-- (Y\,Y. ~~LC REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: . FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL ! Please issue ch~ck payable to: Torn Dodge Builders 851 McGlincey Ln. (30 spaces) (30 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95008 (2) (10 spaces) . (24 spaces) Address: Line 1: Line 2: City : Campbell (20 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund Exact Amount Payable: $500.00 Account Number: 001.00.905.0000.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for Excavation Permit No. 88-273.j See receipt #20889 dated 12/12/88. Reques~ed by. Approved b Verified by: Title: P. W. Inspector Date: 1/13/89 Don Wimberly P.W. Director Date: 1/13/89 Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is x Mail in attached envelope 'Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: ".. 08/24/88 TO: City Clerk PUBLIC ~",,\KS FILE NO. ~~--:z.,~ Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. :5-) -6 3372 3521 ) 3521 )}3372 3521 3373 3373 R-1 : $'35) Depos it ($200) Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) & 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3372 3370 Multi-Res., TOTAL \ME PHONE AHOUUT $ ctt.'-s~. oc:::> <;It 4-'~. GO $ ,-,~~oc::> ZIP lORESS FCR C I TV CLERK ~y RECEIPT NO. ~o <g~? (Ho/Ji d R~c) ANCI..M' PAID '7? 1. ~ RECE I VED IJY . 'Zf DATE' /z -;::;1.- -;!i g July, 1967 '.};i,"{~~~;~"., '~'~_,"',:<~~>,,~,_.:_,_."''' _" --J; '~J;;"i:"'~l: 4'.- I~'H~:.J. ". \" >'~'*':;~ '--:,:'....r..). ~"'{1.;>,-,.:'::;~,> ;;~ ,,, :~' 'NTERIM CHECK ~~\ . '. ,'li-'" REQUESTEP . " -",,;,"~'~~ . ),"~ 'ItEFUNDABLE DEPOSIT : PHECK REQUEST '''i' " 1: ~' >~~:~;'::> \./' ; 951 MCGLINcEY LN. '.f~ :. ,~.." I: ~;">""\ ~;~.. ..:~:~'~.,:~'~::;- " ' . -"""';';':~~' ">>"'~7': .... /'~, :C,':';;>; ...,...;~~j~" " CAMPBELl. " ~' . i~20 spaces) ';'~~l::-;.~: ~"i:~<:'-_:'~:',;_:':~'} ;'--;,~';> "',,~, ;" CASH DEPOSIT REFUND .J-'-' ~:.~' :~":~ ',' , . ~~;~;:~:f~ DEPOSIT FOR EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. 88-273~ SEE RECEIPT ,:~'-,', ,lI.'~'- j "';.,rr:. ~ $3;;475. 00 .,.~ Y;f1f\~t:~~,1.:~l :.' i':>T b,;, . ,.",.' "001.00.905.0000.466'2 /> '(24 spaces) , '~'~",r,:~ '" ;~' ~ <,:~',';.":~.;',-' :;~':.'--/~' ^. > ";~" :,'d,; ; 3900.00 LESS ,--;., ...c, _, ';' ~_:~;.~~,-" -r - "': 975.00 FOR 1 YEAR MAINT: BOND ';)- ",;", AIm'RECEIPT DEPOSIT) - ", '/.}: :~i".;:,;; ;'~ ',"t,J./;"?,:. f;' ....;i . J~ ',>- ,/ ' ,\,-:,.'- f ." ~ ,..,. .. 'i..' ;1 ~ i. ~~/ ' '''. -:;;" ../ ~ '."'.-','-..-;,;,: ,;';'.. ~ J ~ " '1" '. ,j.<' Requested b~: ; G E N ~ ,j by r1- , , " '",. Veriftedby: '.', .. "" .. ."",.'Y',:f't.' ~ i.' ~., ~ d ~i:;~~:\.~'/f~~:.'~, ' Title: p rW~ INSPE~ """Date; >:2/6/89 _ ;<-- ,.:t. { ''',..J' Title:' ~.w .DIRECT6l:t''',.! ,j, ,.1;' ~ Return to: . -~~~~r~~ ~~~;~- li ". ~. '.~-~_~j:;i~' >~' ,- ,... ~-;J: .... L "~' SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FORBANDLING CHECK: i \ , ~:~~;~':ttiN~;;~;r ~" 'X ~~i~\;'\ , (Department) 0," '..\Jli;,c,':/, V'.f ,'" ,~ ",~ WOULD I:.IItE. CHECK al2/~/89 ~:~:, .~, , .' . ~ "I., ,:. . ~:~~,_' ~.~: (' ., < d~:' ~\ >,,;' ';::~'.'\~...~,~,..,.'~..' .... .,.. l, -;,:; ,,_ _""~',' '-".~."~;l{.):,.. ':j~ ~ ;;_: (.: J.'~>'t .': ! . \~ '. .., . ":j-~." .. t " \. ,.. ;< ,,' , :~>i:>\" ' /;:7:'" ~ , ~.). .J; ~ ~i'" :~i, 'w,,~;{,., n ~ '" < ' ~,.~:~.~.~...,i~,.::.:,: ~)-;(r\.'/'~.,' _.~ >~"" , .,>." r ,'";. ~ . .....j .1 ',-I ' , . " '.<!; . ,,,,.,,-- .., (', ,'.'; " J ?' . "" ^':"~~ :'/..,,< ,;iC. _~ ~.,4;.~~~~;.;~.;" . .1" . -" "'. ~~ .~i'~-':i:'M~!'''':'ia~-~i ~""'-'-ii ;.k~."..';.~ _.~....:t ";,&'<-'~a....-"'.'_"_ REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue ch~ck payable to: Tom Dodge Builders 851 McGlincey Ln. (30 spaces) (3() spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95008 (2) (10 spaces) (24 spaces) Address: Line 1: Line 2: City : Campbell (20 spaces) Description: Cash Deposit Refund Exact Amount Payable: Account Number: $500.00 001.00.905.0000.4662 PURPOSE: Release of cash deposit for Excavation Permit No. 88-273. See receipt #20889 dated 12/12/88. Requested by: Approved by: Verified by: Gregg Eaton Title: P. W . Inspector Date: 1/13/89 Don Wimberly Title: P.W. Director Date: 1/13/89 Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail . as is x Mail in attached envelope . Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 ....,._-~.._--..-..._...___..~-.....~..__.lt.....__...._.""---',,,.._.....-..-.,.........."'.........____ "_~~~. ~ CITY OF CAMPBEll 70 NORTH FIRST CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 STREET 95008 Public Works Department: January 11, 1989 Tom Dodge Builders 851 McGlincey Ln. Campbell, CA 95008 RE: Final Inspection and Acceptance Permit No.: 88-273 Location: 3925 S. Bascom Ave. Maintenance Bond Amount: $975.00 We have made a Final Inspection of subject public works construction and find it acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, the work is hereby accepted subject to the one-year maintenance requirement indicated below. You are responsible for the maintenance, repair and/or replacement of all work done should any failures occur within one (1) year of this date. To guarantee this, you must either post a maintenance bond in the amount indicated above, or maintain your existing faithful performance bond. If you post a separate maintenance bond, your current bond will be released by separate action. We will inspect the work in one year and advise you whether or not maintenance is needed. Please feel free to call the undersigned if you have any questions. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE:sd cc: Suspense - 1 year 975t?() PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Date /44q Permit or Project No. ,g~ -27.3 , ... Address ~~9ZS S. ~Sc.o~ Type of work: Street Storm Sanitary Other (describe) fJ. C. C. uJo~{., [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) Electrical [J FINAL INSPECTION ~AL INSPECTION Signed plansi? WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) - ACCEPTANCE Y ~ (If signed, Council acceptance.) Charges against deposit? y Overtime I hra. @ $ Date 5 reason: (E) /hr. - $ Barricade rental (attach invoice)? Y Date 5 reason: cv $ Other? $ $ $ - Refund $ Total charges deducted from deposita (Cash Deposit $ less charges $ ck. req.) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (Release'maintenance bond. Check Request if cash.) Engineer ~ Inspector TO: City C Ie rk PUBLI C WORKS FILE NO. f P ---.:-2 "7.3 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. --~--- 35-3396 3372 3521 3521 project) PeJu'1-U reM: R-l : ($35) ($200) :t elL: ($ 50) '( 500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (?'Iu of FPB) ($ 35 min.) (Cash) Depos it 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee 3521 Other Cash Deposit (specify) l373 3373 Project General & 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Fil in Fee ($300) 3372 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee $ 00 )372 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Ad'ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($500) , Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment: Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-I ieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Publ ic Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME --/f/)) PHONE (L. t'-, (', t.' "'../( ....) /'-. /Jt. ( I L Of.: / )'J AMourn $ 5" c: , CJ () ~-<;uc ,C'C ADDRESS 7.5/ j ).), (~LII~ (' eLl I /v . ZIP ~-.jC: c ,;. .:')..:.'; - '/ - L~ ~) (' ( $ 5 S- 03-E- (i/) In I. FOR C I TV CLERK QIlLY RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT PAID RECE IVED BY DATE' July, 1987 f "\ CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Public Works W,M8ERlYtf- n..--.: H:__. DUNG f. I ~~.. _~ .... .:,.l__tjl !'\ ( .~ ;- I" ~ t::~:::~_.... 'd".! __. KRI'~'-" . i ,> l';:l "; : I .-..-... ,-....-..... -r-"1 PENOYEH i : .. i __L ____",,____...L.._I Department: January 8, 1990 To~ Dodge Builders 851 McG1incey Ln. Campbell, CA 95008 RE: One Year Maintenance Acceptance Permit No.: 88-273 Location: 3925 S. Bascom Ave. We have made a one year maintenance inspection of subject public works improvements and find that no maintenance is required. Your cash deposit refund of $975.00 will follow under separate cover. Sincerely, Carlos M. Jocson Associate Civil Engineer CMJ : sd cc: G. Eaton ~ PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT Date /..p?o Permit or Project No. Address ~?;?S' 5. d.45c..c- 4v.e:;-, '88 -2-7 3 Type of work: Street StoXlD Other (describe) SanitAry Electrical (JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) (J FINAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) o FINAL INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Signed plans? Y N (If signed, Council acceptAnce.) Charges against deposit? Y Overtime: brs. @ $ Date ~ re~lI.on: N /hr. - $ BArricade rentAl (attach invoice)? Date ~ reason: Y N $ Other? $ $ Total chArges deducted from deposit: (CAsh Deposit $ less charges $ $ - RefWld $ [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attached) ~~ MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (ReleAse'maintenance bond. Check Request if CAsh.) , 7n~ I~r /.~~ ck. req.) At~t.III." CERTIRCATE OF INSURANCE ISSUE DATE (MM/DDIYY) I PRODUCER COMPRO Insurance Services P.o. Box 611090 San Jose, CA 95161-1090 (408) 236-3000 12-8-88 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE CODE ~~~~NY A Continental Insurance Company SUB-CODE INSURED ~~~NY B Thomas R. Dodge Tom Dodge Builders 851 McGlincey Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 ~~~~NY C ~~~NY D ~~~~NY E COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. CO TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION ALL LIMITS IN THOUSANDS LTR DATE (MM/DDIYY) DATE (MM/DDIYY) GENERAL LIABILITY GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 500 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY PRODUCTS.COMP/OPS AGGREGATE $ 500 A CLAIMS MADE X OCCUR. PERSONAL & ADVERTISING INJURY $ 500 X OWNER'S & CONTRACTOR'S PROTo CLP5072431 1/1/88 1/1/89 * EACH OCCURRENCE $ 500 FIRE DAMAGE (Anyone fire) $ 50 MEDICAL EXPENSE (Anyone person) $ 5 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE $ 500 X ANY AUTO LIMIT ALL OWNED AUTOS CLP5072431 1/1/88 1/1/89 * BODILY INJURY $ A SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) HIRED AUTOS BODILY INJURY $ NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) GARAGE LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE $ EXCESS LIABILITY EACH AGGREGATE OCCURRENCE $ $ OTHER THAN UMBRELLA FORM STATUTORY WORKER'S COMPENSATION $ 100 (EACH ACCIDENT) A AND 93W838986288A 1/1/88 1/1/89 * $ 500 (DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT) EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY $ 100 (DISEASE-EACH EMPLOYEE OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONSIVEHICLES/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS * Renewal policies being processed for 1-1-89 to 1-1-90 policy term. Updates to be mailed. All California Operations as respects work being done at 3925 So. Bascom Ave., Campbell, Cl CERTIFICATE HOLDER The City of Campbell (Per Attached Document) CANCELLATION ACORD 25-S (3/88) SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL -JG-- DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTATIVES. AUT"D REPRESENTATIVE /~( /' U71/lIj~ ~. t...c..>--=...S:onnie Flores @ACORD CORPORATION 1988