88-276 - czn ow CUOa.LL DZI'l' . 0.. .vauc woau ,. lIun nlr.t at. CUpbell, QUO~. C.O') a..-auo ,.eaoACBKE~ ..RMI7 (for vorkiaq la ~be .Ublic lrigbt-of-v.J) ~.....d ;';;--/1 '1/ !f P ..DLf.t .-plr.. ill U ~.. hDLf. t 110. ff-~7t, a-"f. fU. "pU_Uo. Da~. 1~/J3J f ; "pllo.tlo. -.plr.. i. . ao.. U.UC&~zOll - ..pUo.Uo. 18 It.r.by ..d. for . .....Uo wort. ..DLf. t la .ooordaao. vUIl caapbell ....lo1pal COde, ..0Uo. 11.... CappH_Uo. apb.. b I ~.t.. if ..DLf.t aoto FIll.d) a. won ..4ft.. or vaot. Tf2..AcT Ch /79 - 49,0 - 4CJb - ~l./OAI(..S. S .tiUt, v..ob looaUo. vV' SUfI}/UYCJ/11<5 AU e "= a. "~un of wort. 1!lJ sTAlL I - Lj I f) / A ( HftIJ HOLt. ff/V D CZs 1: F 1: (:; 1<}..-1 AI ru Foe ITZA&- 'g1T1 ... c. attDcla fi". CI) oopie. of a er.vbg .laoviav tIl. 100aUo., at..t u. dia..do.. of tIl. wort ,~ ~b. er..l.q .1l&11 .bow ~e lrelaUo. of tll. pro....a wort to ezl.tl.q .1&Z'fae. ua 1&Daerqro_a a iapro.......t.. n.. ...rOYed by ~. C1tJ ..,l...r, .&1a erav1., bee.... . pan of ~1a ..ra1t. = >>- ... ... r ~ D. ~b. ....r.l Co.41~10_ for all ..DLf.u an 11.U4 .. &H Ir.....r.. .1... .,.e1&1 .ro,,1.1o.. for Ub ..rait u. lbt.a belovo ".U1&Z'. to u1.. by tla... oo.atu... ... provldo.. "J r..ult b '0 .but-lIon ud/or forf.1t1&Z'. of l'&1t1lful hrforaaao. ao.a. ud outa ..podt.. ca.. ....ral Co.41~1o_ ~ ... a). .. All ...U_~.. aut...aoQppu, tIai..--8PPUoat,1u. __ .ftJ...i, ao.-~fU.ul.. .... of appudKiST VALLEY SAN!TATION DISTrlICT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTV.I.pbO... 375 - :2'-1 (}"7 U4Z'ea. /I)() F __ SUN/Vyo#lKS HiJ!3/l}{)!;) CJIMfA[LL z. tIai. won Mi~ 40.. ItJ tIl. propeR' ....r at n.b ... Ir.d.....' --f.. Lao eo.pl.te u. attDn .olrku.' co.p....Uo. ... CO.tractor l.foraaUo. foraa. Yb. appUoaav..DLf.tt.. IlarebJ agre.. ItJ .ff1a1q tlldr aLqaat1&Z'. to ~h ..DLf.t to Itol. tll. City of Caapboll, it. offioeZ'a, -V..t. u. .-ploJ... fre., aaf. ... ~.a. Irea UJ olaLa or .....a for ihaaq.. nault1aq f.... tile vOlrk oo".red by t.b1. perait. ft. appUo..t/P.DLf. tte. Ilareby ackDovl.a9.. t...t ~.J ....... reaa u. ..a.nteaa _tll tla. fn.t ... Mok of t.b1a peDLf.~, ... tIla~ ~.y vl11 lafora U..lr ooD~ractorC.) of ~. laforaa~1o.. ~pl'-11 - U - ~~ 1 I~J/J/tt' WEST VAt~l StM~A"'OI BtST~ICf~L ~ CLARA COUNTY Dau ~a. aLL waD 8DLIo OOlll'OU DBI'D ~, UHQQD l'LUIa &lID aLL UPLZe&aLl cuoa.u. '7~ DDWZIIG. &lID OOIIDUZOll.. ~ I D:II I'D ooll'1'DCtOa DI7 Do" ax. ..-aaa~ &lID UI'aonD .LUI. &lID IIV'~ an DBI'D .... lII8..~a 011 ~ g Ii I'D .zn &~ LIIoI~ ~ Mn ....OU ''fU'l'lJIG WOD. r s 5 ft .wZC8 ...~ .. enD wo ....uc IIOUI U LIIoI~ Ie mna UJOD auDa'l'IIIG an IIOU. ~ iii I Ble ~ rl~ _I. i B ! _I. -- Ii ;1 _ :: !Su :! :!E~ ! 8~~ -. f Bca . :..! 25 ..-it IftIIDUD UOVll'l' !! I!! oil:! Ii' _ nma~ UPLIC&no. nil Cln.oo) '10.10 , .67J. tJo I & n I'LUI CDCIt DZJOan '.00.10' U~ :::...-:- ~I'.""OI I::: ::;.::~) : :itJ{)tJtJ - s ~ I'LUI CDCIt I lUncu~... C en 01'/... IIOIID, ,n~) , 3s. DCi UPaG't'ID 1'0. IUVUC8 __~~ I ~6 t'::::::~ J 8a9 ..er / f. ....1UIt7 .....1... ala. ...-cu.r. ftOnIlO.. _I. '!' .v..t .b.ll aot .. 0'" nt for ....rpou. lut&11.Uou. lIi.ia_ nu .., be all...a 'Olr oo...ctl... Olr ..,loraUoa "la.. auola nu ....t be .D.clfl.allY .DDroV.. bY tb. t..peetor. ........t .., .. _t for ....rpo_. laat&11aUo.. ... aut be n.t.red b aooor..... witla no .tUit, ft...1a ..atoratio. ateaCaZ'd DZ'avb9. .olrk to be .taIl.. ItJ a 11...... LaD. .1&Z"Y8Jor oZ' Ci"U -.atia..r ... aro ca) _pi.. of tIl. nt .Ia..ta .ut to tb. Pub110 .ork Doptana..t before .taniq work. ~Il. Ia01&Z'. 01 won u. 11.iu. to o..taL.. tile 1toUZ'a of ,-, .... ... I-I .... for uJ work affeaUav ~ vaffl. 1.... . (/J(t4u<.PI '-L. ,pee Cr/"';Y ~CH .c657CI/CAnOJ ""Ei>7'Ho D .4 A)Ak77&Li A"'t'UJil /P./U= n;: L/./,..,IE" c.'-0.5uteE'. P~.o~ .S-.Ie:-.NN~ / . Wt"ni ;:t.-.a62,,"A.IL/ /V7<<.6r II!?J€ ~~ DenPI' 110. ;f!!} /'ltJ7 ~M ~~{.~ s . .. ~ 5 o . 0< n ... = ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NORTH FIRST STREET C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works WIMBERl Y HELMS JOCSON \ KRUOER PENOYER ~---- DISCARD June 8, 1990 Chateau Chambord 150 E. Campbell Ave. Campbell, CA 95008 SUBJECT: FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE PERMIT NO.: 88-276 LOCATION: 490 - 496 Sunnyoaks, Tract 8179 Gentlemen: We have made a final inspection of subject Public Works construction and find the work is satisfactorily completed in conformance with City standards. Your cash deposit will be refunded under separate cover. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Gregg Eaton Public Works Inspector GE:sd f:88-276 (permits) PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION REPORT DAte (PI-'7I510 Permit or Project No. .g-fr -c)7~ &I Addr... 110 -1.1~ .Jall;Vjoab .;H tU T 2/7 L Type of workl Street Storm SAnitAry~ Electrical Other (describe) [JPRELIMINARY INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (attAched) ~NAL INSPECTION WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAchedJ ~FINAL INSPE~TION - ACCEPT~E ~igned plAns? Y ~ (If tiigned, Council AcceptAnce.) ChArges AgAinst deposit? y Overtime I hrs. @ $ DAte" reAson; N /hr. - $ BArriCAde rentAl (attAch invoice)? y N DAte " reAson; $ Other? $ $ TotAl chArges deducted trom depositJ $ (CAsh Depod t $ less chArges $ - Refund $ ck. r eq . ) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE WITH DEFICIENCY LIST (AttAched) [JONE YEAR MAINTENANCE - ACCEPTANCE (ReleASe'm4intenAnce bond. Check Request it CAsh.) Vii ~J'(i inti ctor REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT CHECK REQUEST TO: FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY OF CAMPBELL Please issue check payable to: Chateau Chambord Line 2: City: Campbell (20 spaces) (30 spaces) (30 spaces) (30 spaces) State: CA Zip: 95008 (2) (10 spaces) (24 spaces) Address: Line 1: 150 E. Campbell Ave. Description: Cash Deposit Refund Exact Amount Payable: $500.00 Account Number: 905.4662 Release of cash deposit for permit no. 88-276. See receipt #1907 PURPOSE: dated 12-14-88. Req uested by: Greqq Eaton Title: p. w. Tm:;pA~t:or Date: h-7-QO Approved by: Bill Helms Title: EnCJ; neAr; ng Mi'lni'lqAr Date: Verified by: Accounts Receivable Date: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR HANDLING CHECK: Mail as is Mail in attached envelope Return to: (Department) (Name) Other: 08/24/88 TO: City Clerk PUBLI C ~/ORKS FI LE NO. .Y F - ,~ 76 Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ACCT. 35-3396 ~; 3521 3521 projec t) PVW1a eM : R-l : ($'35) (S200) .t VL: ($ 50) "( 500) (4% of FPB) ($500 min.) (7'70 of FPB) ($ 35 min.) (Cash) Deposit &l]2:" ~' Plan Check & Inspection Fee Other Cash Deposit (specify) 2373 Project 3373 General 3372 Tentative Parcel Map Fil ing Fee ($350) 3372 Final Parcel Map Fil in Fee ($300) 3372 Tentative Tract Map Fil ing Fee $ 00 3372 Final Tract Ma Fil in Fee ($350) 3372 Lot Line Ad.ustment Fee/Certificate of Compl iance 3372 Vacation of Publ ic Streets and Easements 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Spl it ($500) Each Additional Lot ($150) 3372 Environmental Assessment:' Categorical Exemption Ne ative Declaration 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee per Acre Multi-Res., $2,060; all other, $2,250) 3395 Park Dedication In-lieu Fee per Unit ($1,132) 3380 Publ ic Works Special Projects 3510 Postage TOTAL NAME--1tbC-"\ g,~ aHA~.r.~V CJJA,.,~'{)eD ADDRESS It;O e . (//:,.nf7~kl-L ~14- PH:lNE tS U (, - ~ i-gg ZIP CJ50() fj FOR C I TV CLERK ONLY RECEIPT NO. /907 p--Q?c::- DC> ~, i:$.c?:> AMOlI'rr PAID RECE I VED BY DATE ~ / :2 - / '-JL- fi f{ AMOUNT $ ~. tJ{) 3.5- c; D 5?io-tJo $ /' -r,-. --, o X g - t'u July, 1987 ~. ortert' _ ~ 8 0 . 2 i N oO'OJ ~I '1' ,... III a- t e . \.) ci ~ 0 .. .(p " - -- . ~ ~ ZI+I tl , 'l O",Lli~ ,.. 'ILl - 0 .._~ 0 .0 . :i-- ~ ~ ~. --..I ~<t ... ~ z , i \':. 0 (/~ ~ > t>O'.,L1 ) I !-. ) C' ,; ~ :1': ~-_.~ ,'- Ot'ts: / .0'1"-' -.,.. 'oe'leet. ~"n . i .~. b - BL f'!NIcI_77No'/ft'v 00'011 . . o . Gl ~ = . . It) : o o . . OO'Oil U'''''W CZoLI "+1 o . 0'. ,:; .,-/. ~ - :- ." : _ :fZI I') , - . -.- ......... " 0'0'., ~ ';J. It) 10 Jal' ) -~ ., . ',,", o .. .. i o C! o o .-......0.' o ~ . .. I ,I jL. 'f '. " OO'OU ~ W ,;> (~) f......... ......- ......., ....- , -- G" '. z o (J' ..''''1.....'' .~-- '" <,. z o - J- () :::> 0::: I- if) - - CD -Q 0 ~Z C- Cj -+-' I' ') .~= ,,- ;-- .1-....... ~'::- J..~..._ ("\ Q) ',. n ...~ ( '\ '-' f1' , {;> " . .~ 10+ .. " I '. ,. o o o . to... o ci - o 00 .. ' '0 -. ~ IO"t .I'O,L . . III III .. . = I"tl-.,'- : ;,. o ci M'.1i ~ ,~ .~ 'I ~ '"" i:: z: ~ C) c.;> <C 0:: <C .. c: -..I c: ,~ c..> t:J Ii t ~ E ~ ", z c.; c: c:c: -:: 0 (/) " OJ '" ...... ;.. .~ 0 t:J -<, " I- -u '-, . " " OJ C"~ E .~ 1-. 0 C/O -0 t .2, Cl " "- OJ z 1: -:: 0 c:., V c: t= " <t' !:: '-- 0::::: C/; ::- LW -..I -..I ~ I- en LW S: , (I') v -.... . ...- o $ u '- .c ~ Q.. .