97-137 CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 North First 51. Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 866-2150 Fax (408) 376-0958 ENCROACHMENT PERMIT (for working within the public right-of-way) Issued 3/J.1 / 97 /)l~ Permit expires in 12 months r 'lPermit No. 97 -J ~ 1 ~eI. file Application Date j/d--I /77 Application expires in 6 months APPUCA TION _ Application is hereby made for a Public Works Permit in accordance with Campbell Municipal Code. Section 11.04. (Application expires in 6 months if the permit is not issued. Application Fee is non-refundable.) A. Work address or tract # ::5 iJz 0 e . Ca rn phvll A V <- Utility treneh location te.",-\v--", \ Av L B. NatUre of worle '5.; d z.."\.JJCl. , K rt:.-w-. ;:, v a \ ~.,... "Se.r LI .' L..t:--. V {> '1 (a 6J_ C. Attach four (4) copies of an engineered plans showing the location and extent of the work, and four (4) copies of the preliminary Engineer's EstimaIC of worle. The plans shall show the relation of the proposed work to existing surface and underground improvements. When approved by the City Engineer, said plan becomes a pan of this permit. D. All worle shall conform to the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction; the General Permit Conditions listed on the reverse side; and the Special Provisions for this permit. listed below. Failure to abide by these conditions and provisions may result in job shut-down and/or forfeiture of Faithful Performance Sureties and cash deposits. (See General Permit Conditions I and 2.) E. THE CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT THE SITE AND MUST NOTIFY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE STARTING WORK. NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO PUBLIC WORKS AT LEAST 24 HOURS BEFORE RESTARTING ANY WORK. NameofAPPlicanr--::J, ~SCA"",'- \ \ a, CoII.Jr. r.o, Telephone4re qL~.2..13~ ':--.. (priq! name) Address 3,-\1#8 \<.a~5~c\ Dr. -Ss. qs(L.\ 24 HOUR EMERGENCY TELEPHONENO.YO~ S2-\-S~S~f~ Is this worle being done by the property owner at their own residence? Yes K No The Applicant/Permittee hereby agrees by affixing their signature to this permit to hold the City of Campbell. its officers, agents and employees free, safe and harmless from any claim or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this permit. The Applicant/Permittee hereby acknowledges that they have read and understand both the front and back of this permit, and they will inform their contractor(s) of the "'''''''''''''. /J /J ~ Accepted ~ / (Applicant/Permittee) (sign) 'S/2-1/97 . Date SPECIAL PROVISIONS Street shall not be open cut for underground installations. Minimum cuts !!!!y be allowed for connections or exploration hoIes. Such cuts mav be soecificallv lIDoroved bv the Insoector orior to cutting. Pavement may be Cut for underground installations and must be restored in accordance with theVtilityTrenchRestoratlonStandardDeIlIils, Method' A'Badcfill, unless otherwise approved by Inspector. Work to be staked by a licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer and two (2) copies of the cut sheets sent to the Public WorksDepanmcnt before starting work. Per Section 4215 of the Government Code this permit is not valid for excavations until UndergroundServiceAlen(USA) has been notified and the inquiry identiflcation number has been ~red hereon. USA Phone I~8QO.227~2600. USA TICKET N . '& -0 tJ t"",)6- -;?1tkS7' rt4Z I 'M f., _1. _2. =f Ls. SEE PUBLIC WORKS FEE SCHEDULE FOR CURRENT FEES :rng AMOUNT SXJ.5'.J S':;>~- S .~ S "-00.-/ S .JIG ~ 3)11 7 RECEIP'I' NO. PERMIT APPLICATION FEE PLAN CHECK DEPOSIT SECURITY FOR FAITHFUL PERFO CONSTRUCTION CASH DEPOSIT PLAN CHECK & INSPECTION F /0(;757 /60'11:>(;. APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE 1(jC) rfO )6Q c; City of Campbell - Refundable Depos..; Check Request Interim Check Required: To: Finance Director Return Check to: Please Issue Check Payable to: Address - Line 1: Department: Jay Escamilla Construction Line 2: 3468 Ramstad Drive City: San Jose State: CA Zip: 95127 . Finance Use Onlv Description: Refundable Deposit Amount Payable: $500.00 (Exact Amount) Interest Earned Account Number: 101.2203 101.540.7448 Purpose: Refund faithful performance surety Voucher #: Permit #: 97-137 Date: 3/21/97 Title: Public Works Inspector Date: 04/10/98 Title: City Engineer Date: 04/10/98 Title: Account Clerk II Date: Title: Date: Requested by: Receipt #: Approved by: Verified by: Approved by: Special Instructions For Handling Check Mail As Is: xx Mail in Attached Envelope: Other: fln: S:/excel/chkreq - Revised 1/98 To: Accounts Receivable Please Issue Check Payable to: Address - Line I: Line 2: City: Description: Amount Payable: Account Number: ate and Receipt No: Permit No: Purpose: Requested by: Cit )f Campbell - Che,-_. R~uest Jay Escamilla Construction 14hR Ramstad Drive S;:J n ,Tase State: CA Zip: 9 512 7 REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT Finance Only.: INTEREST EARNED $2.000.00 101.2203 101.540.7448 3/21/97 #100759 & #100760 97-137 Refund of Cash Deposit and $1,500 of Faithful Performance Surety. Rahprt- Phi llips t/'-""?~ .... Title: Proiect Inspector Date: 4/4/97 Approved by: jI' kChelle FINANCE ONI.. V: Verified by: Approved by: Mail As Is: Return To: (NAME) Other: rev: 3/25/95 (,2Ulnney TItl~ City Engineer Date: Title: Date: Title: Date: Special Instructions For Handlillg Check xx Mail in Attached Envelope: (Department) 'UBLlC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECEIPT Effecti,'c July I, 1996 TO: City Cler\; PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. 97 ~ ) 3 '7 PROPERTY ADDRESS 3~o 6.r.- D Kr-J Me no. .". ACer, ITEM .... .... I .~.vv,' ............ 43l.l3l.4921 Project Rcvenu~ (specify projcc:t) S ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 4722 Application Fee Non-Utility Encroachment Permit (S22l) R-I First Permit (No Fee), Subsequent PennitiYr (StoO) Utility Encroachment Pennit Arterial/Collcc:tor Street (S32l) Residential Street/Other Areas (S22l) :::J ~.'1 22113 Plan Check Deposit - 2% of ENGR. EST. (SllUlmin) . ( 22031) Faithful Performance Security (FPS) (IIUI\I.ofENGR.EST.) . c;J..O()u 22113 Labor and Materials Security (IIID';' ofENGR. EST.) . V'~~ Monumentation Security (I()(~/.ofENGR.EST.) . "'Il" IX mu:::- Cash Deposit (4%ofENGR.EST.)(S'OO minIS I lJ,OOO max) . '''){) 0 - ~ '" -- Plan Check & Inspection Fee (Non-Utility) 4722 Engr.Est. < S2'O,OOO (12\1. of ENGR. EST.) .. 22113 Engr.Est.>S2'O,OOO (Deposit 8% of ENGR. EST.1S30.(H)() min.)" . 4722 Utility < SIOO.()()O Minimum Charge Per Location (SI211) ;;L I /I ---' ConduitslPipclines up to '00 Feet (SI.611/fi) Above SOO Feet (SI.IO/fi.) ManholesNaultsIEtc. (SlOl/04) Pole ScllRemoval (SlOl/04) Street Tree PlantinglRemoval (SlOlltrce) .. 22113 Utility> SIUO.!"H) Actual Cost + 20-;' .. . 4722 Street Tree Planting/Removal Pennit (Sllll) 47611 Project Plans & Specifications Project No. 4760 Standanl Specifications & Details (SllPg S12lBook) 4760 Copies of Engineering Maps &: Plans (S.lll/'q.fi.) 4722 Penalties: Failure to restore public improvements (SIIXl/Calendar Day) (Muni Code Section 11.34.010) 4722 Penalties: Failure to correct unsafe conditions (SIOn/Calendar Day) LAND DEVELOPMENT 4722 Lot Line Adjustment (SSml) 4722 Parcel Map (4 Lots or Less) (SI.1l611 + S2llLo,) 4722 rmal Tract Map (S or More Lots) (S 1.3811 + S2SILot) 4722 Certificate of Compliance (Sl(KI) 4722 Certificate of COlTC(tion (S3(KI) 4722 Vacation of Public Streets &: Easements (Sllll) 4722 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split (Sllll) Each Additional Lot (SI711) 4721 Storm Drainage Area Fee Per Acre (R-I.S2.II(XI) (Multi-Res. S2,2lll) (All Other. S2.lIXl) 4920 Parkland Dedication Fee 4965 Postage TRAFFIC 4728 Intersection Turn Counts (Two-Hour Count) (S60) 4728 Intersection Turn Counts (a.m. or p.m. peaks) (SI2l) 4728 Traffic Flow Map (Daily Traffic Volumes) (S27) 4728 Campbell Traffic Model (Full Scope Assessment) (S2.2l11) 4728 Campbell Traffic Model (Reduced Scope Assessment) (S7411) 4271 Truck Permits (S3l/lrip) 4728 No Parking Signs (SI/each or S2SIll}O) OTHER TOTAL S:{ q '3 ~ ~ NAME OF APPLICANT Lti 'Y ~5c4W1JLLA GAJ c;rfU-Aq1aN NAME OF PA YOR JA"1 65 c...4 M J J.L4 GJ/V 5ff2 , PHONE qa~./ c;J-j-~7?y ADDRESS 3 Ifb P /d:-ff1 S t-4JJ /Jr. 5'J ZIP 95'Jd / .. Actual Cost Plus 2'''/0 Overhe::ld (Non-Interest bearing deposit) J-- (r;,fUECIIGAi f~ acd# +~(""!J~ / ;W J/;.lt/77 FOR CITY CLERK ONLY Date , ItCEIVED HAR21_ GITV CLERK'S OFFICE . For Pl.im ChecK.iJnd Cash Deposits, send yellow copy to Fmance; h:\rccfrm4(cxc)mp(rev 1/2/97) 037F.ll CERTIFICATE 01<' Ii' ,RANCE. 35RBO - 33RR Agent 2189 AFO 153 This is to certifY that: State Fann Mutual Automobile Insurance Company , of Bloomington, Illinois has coverage in force as shown below for the named insured. Ifthe coverage is changed or terminated we will give Ie days written notice to: CITY OF CAMPBELL, CITY OF CAMPBELL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCV, ITS OFFICERS, EMP AND VOLUNTEERS 70 N 1ST ST CAMPBELL CA 95008-1436 8}': 1f1. -4,'1:" '//r s- ,f: ,Jt::- l'l . ,t, ''''l,l'\ff... .C\ <::IV, _0 (;:j~f'~':>.<f I/< VLi U (~'> "~~ ~"lJ\l . t~,! f'S- ul!b VO ri/- '..1D '74 (<tOO \S'~ 1'(: If. ..AI ~c~ ') B..ia:;.q ~ O~!Gl)t "<O>a rs,<,> Description of Vehicle: 1997 CHEVROLET IGCEK14W8VZ180609 LIABILITY - COVERAGE A Limits of Liability Bodily Injury each person each accident Property Damage each accident Bodily Injury and Property Damage Single Limit $ $ $ $ 1000000 each accident ro ~ This Certificate of Insurance does not change the coverage provided by the described policy. m o tIl ~ Named Insured JAY ESCAMILLA CONSTRUCTION r-- ~ o ~ a: .... u.. r-- ("J o <0 ,.:.. ("J Effective Date AUG 29 1997 12:01 A.M. Standard TinIe ~~~~~SiJ. t' \ c\~~ent Countersigned ,~\S , I \ B~ \{ .~~/~m) AUthO~epresentative Policy Number V30 SOSS-C08-0SF 6037F.1l ~~.::liiil*;~<~II~~ii.'lirl~llf.dil..i"fii ::::i:ASTOCKCOMpAAYWfTHHOMSOFFICESiNBLOOMINGTONFhJUNOfS ..... ADDL I NTEREST COPY NAMED INSURED AND MAILING ADDRESS 2602-F153 ESCAMILLA, JAY DBA JAY ESCAMILLA CONSTRUCTION 3468 RAMSTAD DR SAN JOSE CA 95127-4313 COV A -INFLATION COVERAGE INDEX: N/A CONTRACTORS POLICY - SPECIAL FORM 3 COV B - CONSUMER PRICE INDEX: 158.3 Automatic Renewal - If the Policy Period IS shown as 12 months this policy will be renewed automatically subject to the premiums, rules and forms in effect for each succeeding policy period. If this policy is terminated, we will give you and the Mortgagee/Lienholder written notice in compliance with the policy provisions or as required by law. POLICY PERIOD: 1 YEAR EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/15/97 EXPIRATION DATE: 02/15/98 NAMED INSURED: INDIVIDUAL THE POLICY PERIOD BEGINS AND ENDS AT 12:01 AM STANDARD TIME AT THE PREMISES LOCATION LOCATION OF COVERED PREMISES: 3468 RAMSTAD DR SAN JOSE CA 95127-4313 COVERAGES AND PROPERTY SECTION I A BUILDINGS- B BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY - LIMITS OF INSURANCE $ EXCLUDED $ 11,200 SECTION II L BUSINESS LIABILITY $ M MEDICAL PAYMENTS $ PRODUCTS-COMPLETED OPERATIONS $ (PCO) AGGREGATE GENERALAGGREGATE(OTHERTHANPCO) $ 1,000,000 5,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 DEDUCTIBLES - SECTION I $ 250 BASIC THE SECTION I DEDUCTIBLE WILL BE APPLIED TO EACH OCCURRENCE AND WILL BE DEDUCTED FROM THE AMOUNT OF LOSS. OTHER DEDUCTIBLES MAY APPLY--REFER TO YOUR POLICY. FORMS, OPTIONS, AND ENDORSEMENTS SPECIAL FORM 3 AMENDATORY ENDORSEMENT TREE DEBRIS REMOVAL POLICY ENDORSEMENT POLICY ENDORSEMENT CONTRACTORS BLANK ENDORSEMENT ADDITIONAL INSURED LOSS OF INCOME ENDORSEMENT INLAND MARINE SUPPLEMENTAL DEDUCTIBLES - SECTION II PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY $ 250 PER CLAIM TOTAL ESTIMATED PREMIUM $ 5,049.00 FP-6100 FE-6205 FE-6451 FE-6506.1 FE-6467 FE-7315.1 FE-6324 FE-6306.1 FE-4299.3 DISCOUNT(S) APPLIED RENEWAL YEAR YEARS IN BUSINESS Other Limits and Exclusions May Apply - Refer to Your Policy PREPARED 03/10/97 FP-8051.1 C (08/93) TH COUNTE SI t\1ED BY ENT WILSON, SHIRLEY 408-736-5100 YOUR POLICY CONSISTS OF THIS PAGE, ANY ENDORSEMENTS AND THE POLICY FORM. PLEASE KEEP THESE TOGETHER. (F0115C) 555-7011.1 Rev. 12-91 Printed in U.S.A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This certifies that [K] STATE FARM ~ AND CASUAL TV COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois D STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois insures the following policyholder for the coverages indicated below: ESCAMILLA, JAY (AN IND) Name of policyholder (DBA) JAY ESCAMILLA CONSTRUCTION 2602-Fl53 Address of policyholder 3468 RAMSTAD DR SAN JOSE CA 95l27-43l3 Location of operations Description of operations The policies listed below have been issued to the policyholder for the policy periods shown. The insurance described in these policies is subject to all the terms, exclusions, and conditions of those policies. The limits of liability shown may have been reduced by any paid claims. POLICY PERIOD POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE Effective Date I Expiration Date Comprehensive I ;-his'i~;~r~~~~ i~ci~de-s~ - D - . p~~d~~f!:e~~~~~~~~ 'OperaUons' . - - - . - - J - - - - - - - . - - . . . . D Contractual Liability ~ Underground Hazard Coverage Personal Injury Advertising Injury D Explosion Hazard Coverage D Collapse Hazard Coverage D General Aggregate Limit applies to each project D LIMITS OF LIABILITY (at beginning of policy period) BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE Each Occurrence $ General Aggregate $ Products. Completed $ Operations Aggregate EXCESS LIABILITY D Umbrella D Other POLICY PERIOD Effective Date Ex iration Date BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE (Combined Single Limit) 97-GB-7l55-6 Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability Each Occurrence $ Aggregate $ Part 1 STATUTORY lO/22/96 10/22/97 Part 2 BODILY INJURY Each Accident $ l,OOO,OOO Disease Each Employee $ l,OOO,OOO Disease - Policy Limit $ l,OOO,OOO POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD Effective Date Expiration Date LIMITS OF LIABILITY (at beginning of policy period) PUBLIC WORKS If any of the described policies are canceled before its expiration date, StateZ{m ~ill try to mail a written notice to the certificate holder [) days before cancellation. If \ however, we fail to mail such notice, no obligation or liability w;II be ;mpored 00 St,te F,"" o/'f ',eo"'" ".presenta-. tives. 1 u. L~~- b -ilf7 Name and Address of Certificate Holder THE CITY, THE REDEVOLOPMENT VOLUNTEERS ATTN: DEPT OF 70 FIRST ST CAMPBELL CA CITY OF CAMPBELL AGENCY ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND Title 95008 558-994 a.2 Rev. 12.91 Printed in U.S.A. :tie D:~/ Pi S;. ~ TH Policy No. 97-GA-2400-9 EFF: 03/14/97 FE-6324 (7/88) ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT Owners, Lessees or Contractors (Form B) STAll FAaM A INSU."NCI . Policy No.: 97-GA-2400-9 Named Insured: ESCAMILLA, JAY Name of Person or Organization: THE CITY, THE CITY OF CAMPBELL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES & VOLUNTEERS ATTN: DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N FIRST ST CAMPBELL CA 95008 WHO IS AN INSURED, under SECTION II DESIGNATION OF INSURED, is amended to include as an insured the person or organization shown above, but only with respect to liability arising out of your work for that insured by or for you. FE-6324 (7/88) Printed in U.S.A. TH Policy No. 97-GA-2400-9 2602 FE-7417.1 (12/90) STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS CHANGE AND ATTACHING CLAUSE ENDORSEMENT This endorsement effective 03/14/97 , the effective hour being the same as that designated in the policy to which this endorsement is attached, forms a part of Policy No. 97-GA-2400-9 issued to ESCAMILLA, JAY Loan No. YOUR POLICY IS CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: THE LIMITS OF LIABILITY, PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND PREMIUMS ARE CHANGED AS FOLLOWS: LIMITS OF LIABILITY PROPERTY AND COVERAGES PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOSS DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE: $ NO CHANGE IN PREMIUM: x CHANGE IN PREMIUM: 0 INCREASE 0 DECREASE INFLATION COVERAGE INDEX ENDORSEMENT PREMIUM: $ FULL TERM PREMIUM FOR ENDORSEMENT: $ The following Form Numbers are attached to and form a part of your policy. FE-6324 (EFF: 03/14/97 THRU 03/24/97 ONLY) ADD the interests of the following: The following Form Numbers are voided and no longer form a part of your policy. VOID the interests of the following: Agent ~411Zif4( ~~\-J FE-7417.1 (12/90) CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This certifies that ~ STATE FARM, ..: AND CASUALTY COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois D STATE FARM GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Bloomington, Illinois insures the following policyholder for the coverages indicated below: ESCAMILLA, JAY Name of policyholder DBA JAY ESCAMILLA CONSTRUCITON TH 2602 Address of policyholder 3468 RAMSTAD DR SAN JOSE CA 95127-4313 Location of operations SAME Description of operations The policies listed below have been issued to the policyholder for the policy periods shown. The insurance described in these policies is subject to all the terms, exclusions, and conditions of those policies. The limits of liability shown may have been reduced by any paid claims. POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD LIMITS OF LIABILITY Effective Date 1 Expiration Date (at beginning of policy period) Comprehensive 1 BODILY INJURY AND i-his -i~~~r~~~~ i~ci~cie~~ . ~ - - prod~~rt:e~~~~I~~~~ -operations' . . . . . . . J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROPERTY DAMAGE ~ Contractual Liability ~ Underground Hazard Coverage Each Occurrence $ Personal Injury Advertising Injury General Aggregate $ D Explosion Hazard Coverage D Collapse Hazard Coverage Products. Completed $ D General Aggregate Limit applies to each project Operations Aggregate R EXCESS LIABILITY POLICY PERIOD BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE Effective Date I Expiration Date (Combined Single Limit) B Umbrella 1 Each Occurrence $ Other 1 Aggregate $ 1 Part 1 STATUTORY Workers' Compensation Part 2 BODILY INJURY and Employers Liability 1 Each Accident $ 1 1 Disease Each Employee $ 1 Disease. Policy Limit $ POLICY NUMBER TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY PERIOD LIMITS OF LIABILITY Effective Date Expiration Date (at beginning of policy period) CONTRACTORS 02/15/97 I $1,000,000 (EACH OCCURRENCE) 97-GA-2400-9 ~~TT~," 102/15/98 ~? nnn nnn ( 1 I I Name and Address of Certificate Holder THE CITY, THE CITY OF CAMPBELL REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, ITS OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES & VOLUNTEERS ATTN: DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 N FIRST ST CAMPBELL CA 95008 If any of the described policies are canceled before its expiration date, State Farm will try to mail a written notice to the certificate holder 30 days before cancellation. If however, we fail to mail such notice, no obligation or Iiapility will be imposed on State Farm or its agents or representa. tives. (J)., Agent's Code Stamp 558.994 a.2 Rev. 12-91 Printed in U.S.A. ,d-to O~/ H~ ~ 'rH Policy No. 97-GA-2400-0 2602 FE-7315.1 (12/90) STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY, BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS BLANK ENDORSEMENT This endorsement effective , the effective hour being the same as that designated in the policy to which this endorsement is attached, forms a part of Policy No. 97-GA-2400-0 issued to ESCAMILLA, JAY loan No. o YOUR POLICY IS CHANGED AS FOllOWS: 1 Insured's Name 2 Insured's Address 3 Effective Date 4 Expiration Date 5 6 7 8 location Construction Mortgagee or Lienholder's Name Mortgagee or Lienholder's Address 9 Other (Specify) PRIMARY INSURANCE ENDORSEMENT IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT THIS INSURANCE SHALL BE PRIMARY AND NOT CONTRIBUTING WITH ANY OTHER INSURANCE IN EFFECT FOR THE ADDITIONAL NAMED INSURED ONLY AS IT APPLIES TO THE NAMED INSUREDS BUSINESS OPERATION. HL48 END OF MANUSCRIPT ENDORSEMENT CHANGE IN PREMIUM: 0 INCREASE 0 DECREASE NO CHANGE IN PREMIUM: The following Form Numbers are attached to and form a part of your policy. ENDORSEMENT PREMIUM: $ The following Form Numbers are voided and no longer form a part of your policy. FUll TERM PREMIUM FOR ENDORSEMENT: $ Agent a, L~J~-) *Minimum premium applies. FE-7315.1 (12/90) Printed in U.S.A. . .< !. I Of' C.4-i( I-..~~' . ;b~~ .... r' U r"" . . .. .- 1- "- ~'o G.... kCHAlt" CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department April 10, 1998 Jay Escamilla Construction 3468 Ramstad Drive San Jose, CA 95127 SUBJECT: PERMIT NO. 97-137 LOCATION: 360 E. Campbell Avenue ONE YEAR MAINTENANCE INSPECTION - ACCEPTANCE Dear Mr. Escamilla: The City of Campbell has made the final one year maintenance inspection of subject Public Works improvements and find that no remedial work is required. Your warranty requirements and any surety, therefore, are hereby released. Your warranty deposit of $500.00 plus any interest due, will be sent directly to you from our Finance Department. Alan Horn Public Works Inspector MQ/ cc: Permit 97-137 Public Works/Maintenance Division H:\ WORD\PERMITS\97137 ACC(JD) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . TDD 408.866.2790 of'Ct... "..:~~, ...,.o~~ .... ~ U r-' . .. '" ... 1- "- ~. ,,'" O.qCHA\l.U' CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department April 3, 1997 Jay Escamilla Jay Escamilla Construction Company 3468 Ramstad Drive San Jose, CA 95127 SUBJECT: PERMIT NO.97-137 LOCATION: 360 Campbell Avenue FINAL INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE Dear Mr. Escamilla: The City of Campbell has made a final inspection of subject Public Works improvements and finds the work to be acceptable and in conformance with City standards. Accordingly, the City Engineer accepts the improvements. The one year maintenance period stated in the permit begins as of the date of this acceptance letter. The permittee is responsible for the repair and/or replacement of any defective work or failures that occur within one year. The City will inspect the improvements within one year and notify you, in writing, whether or not any repairs are required. The City will continue to hold $500.00 of your $2,000.00 Faithful Performance Surety cash deposit, receipt #100760, as your Maintenance Surety. Additionally, your cash deposit of $500.00, plus any interest due, is now being processed and will be sent to you under separate cover. If you have any questions, please call me at (408) 866-2168. ~elY," ~ DL~tMlo/ Public Works Inspector &b cc: Suspense - 11 months Permit #97-13 7 H'\ WORD\PERMITS\97137FIN(jd) 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . FAX 408.376.0958 . TOO 408.866.2790 CITY OF CAMPBELL FIELD ENGINEER'S DAILY REPORT PROJECT NO. q 7 - /37 REPORT NO: ''3 G () L:- C~""11' PIS L l DATE: >.- z ~- q7 WEATHER: /". 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