97-151 CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBUC WORKS 70 North First St. Campbell. CA 95008 (408) 866-2150 Fax (408) 376-0958 ENCROACHMENTPERMUT .fof working within the 'PUblic right-of-way) Pe"'lit No. ') '. File Q'7 -/5/ APPUCATION - ApplicatiOli. is hereby made for a Public Works Pell11it in accordance with Campbell Municipal Code, Section 11.04. (Application expires in 6 months if the permit is not issued Application Fee is non-refundable). Application Date~Z e> A'/ Application expires in 6 mos. A.Worl<""",,,o,_# ~~Q ~~\ t~~~ Nu<; Utility trench location G.. I,E<" ~"} S'" t"'l..!;::> ~'--~ "7 "',<' ""/0 C~~.&~:L /1v~ S.D. # e050Z2 _ B. Nature of work -=:- "-.) .",. \. A. C-C ~F\s. :5 2-RJ...) ,(. .:2... C. Attach four (4) copies of engineered plans showing the location and extent of the work, and four (4) copies of the preliminary Engineer's &tUruote of _t. Th, pJ"", ""'" "'ow tho <datioo of tho p,""""" wo,t to ,,,,ling ,""'" "'" -'growul impro'" .llilreo 'Ppro"'" by th, Clty Eog;".",. ,.;d plan> b""'n", "'" of th. Ponnil \.: I! '" I! D. All work shall confoll11 to the City of Campbell Standard Specifications and Details for Public Works Construction; the Ge~eW1!t Conditions 0 listed on the reverse side; and the Special Provisions for this permit, listed below. Failure to abide by these conditions and p@'fi"~6 &~ in io!> ....,-<In.... """'" fod,itu" nf Pmthful Fedo""""", Suretie, """ "'" _. (Soe GenomI P"",it Coodltin", , """ "lllUSltC """" ~[)MJA' WOlVe E. TIIE CONTRACTOR MUST HA VB THIS PERMIT AND APPROVED PLANS AT TIIE SITE AND MUST NOTIFY 'I'm!~~/~RKS DEPARTMENT AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE STARTING WORK. NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO PUBUC WORKS AT LEAST 24 'tiBURs BEFORE RESTARTING ANY WORK. Name of Applicant/Permittee Pacific Gas & Electric Company Telephone (408) 725-2022 Address Is this work being done by the property owner at their- own residence? Yes No The Applicant/P~rmittee hereby agrees by affixing their signature to this permit to hold the City of Campbell, its officers, agents and employees free, safe and hannless from any claim or demand for damages resulting from the work covered by this permit. METER/MANIFOLD DES IN INSTALL 2"NANIFOLD WITH AS SHOWN *1- I THREE OUTLETS, RECEIVED APR 281991 H:~I:'=R:."I I · · TYPICRl T HOUSElINE .-Ui.,;....~\. ii',,\.. , ,~DMJNJSTR~ T";;~ . <.D "-' FIN. GRD. APPLICANT TO STUB HOUSELINE 6" FRON WAll, WITH ADDRESS TAG TYP TRENCH SECTION FIN ORO ~ I -L ! SPEC 90 . ; 3RCKF ILL ~ T)i. 0'-- " ' " , . I i-12"~ , I I t ,"\) -"" , ru <.D FOR01AN'S'IOTES lNSiRLL 26' OF 1" PL SERVICE COMPLETE! 1/4"NC. RISER ~;T~ :/:" aYPASS ~G&E TO JO ALL TRENCHING 8ACKF!LL AND PAVING :ITY OF CAMBELL PERMIT RED. .USTOMER TO INSTALL NE~ , SIDEWALK, CURB AND GUTTER .AlL USA PRIOR TO TRENCHING I [800l 227-2600 T ~. I CUSTOMER TO INSTRll NEW SIDEWALK / EXG. S"HP STEEL GAS MRIN CAMPBELL AVE. .#790 L...J ;:::.. 0: <::: <::> <: :::l I 0- APPROVED FOR CONSTRue ION. Cit\; of C>:1,rn he!! Jt.Jb. II'e, .. ;"()j"lr ;~~-' P":;(!"i(';+ ,'\,1("' tJ'Z -/5/ . Woi.. r... '-' . \;;" . H \. .1 I _ _ __. __ ',-.'on' !nct<..: !<.~!<" "f.'hr {"j, '-". .:J'" .)c; ~l!:> I ,n EXG I J/4HP STEEL DE ~