861 McGlincy Ln. (67-62) 1612 ,'.ulber:::,s' L~:1i1e San Jose, ~alifornia Decem1)cr 5, 1967 il1chard ~o~8n, ~l~nninp Director City of '~,:).~~-;~\~Jell 7 5 ~\orth Cerltr:?l f.VOI)l~e ";::;;:j>;Y~lJ, '';81i:~crDla 9500'>3 l)eqr (.Jir: Ii} r8rrc:n:'Q tv electric:'.l servj.ce of 80:r:-;:crci8.1 bu.; 1:3 i n~- loC,u ted "'It 'jl)l l'iCe; 11 ncey AveYJue, we !;JOuJ.d "ave :-;, ,-:;2V(~re '(l.3.rdshil~ to IJ1~ovide 1.m.J.er{'rclund service for ttis l)rOperty. :2~e a~jacent property o:\':-:er \',ri 11 -n8t urlder L-n~.' cir~CUlllstrlYJCe E:r',Stl1t us arJ :="-:se~;ellt :,cro,;s the front of :1i8 property. I'he ...'.v. -:,; w. '..\'ill not prov:\.de the conduit nor the l~lc\ci;,~; of S',,:;18 in the lJ.clrl:l;jg strii), whic1-:. if i ~:l::' to ,n.',' for this cOllduit;/}ould cost an additional S.LX ijU[j:~l"'~d ten \. .",610.00 j dollars. 1.:' tl18 ..r'.:";. :c ;::.. Doletl~j,c1 been ~_ocated on the ):"OlJ81"'t,y line (~'Jl1ich is tIle usual case) it ','!oulc1 r::ct~l(; 088l'l 3. normal i11stellation. ~ith your a~provul r shall place the overl1ead service. Sincerely, llfi#!:<~ , tl ('I) ~ :' -:;./ (:'-','\ \..:~'_\./ '.~ 1'" ......~~_ 1 ',' ;.>. '..., O[ ~/ /' .--// /.-....... ~<~:fj ]~ ~)'~ ( -~ ).~ ',"; ..'. (j: ,(. ,.,.-1-, ',J' ..' ,,' L " i () .t> ~. ,", " "'. r , '"-' I" '-! .......... !....... 0" t ".1 ~ "I , ~~ , ( ',:'\ --.-; \ " ,r .__~"_r~_...,._,........._ ..'" V i (\ I '" t~ '-, ~ /\ ~";) \ . ", C""':j n~\ ........~ ! ...."., / / / ,/ J.__._____ / ./ ' Y(Yl!y LP' (j /f'~' d. (sf) PLANNING DEPART:-IENT C1 'rY OF CAHPBELL 75 :mRTH CENTRAL AVENUE C~!PBELL, CALIFORNIA Date 9-19-67 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Robert L. Dodge , FOR C0NSTRUCTION OF industrial building TO BE LOCA!ED AT: 861 McGlincey Lane CONDITIONS: 1. Landscaping to be provided as shown on approved plan. Adequate watering system to all landscaped areas to be provided. 2. Landscape plan, indicating type of plant materials to be used and~ anb for watering system to be submitted for approval of Planning Director at time of application for Building Permit. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500.00 to be posted to insure landscaping within three (3) months of c~mpletion of construction, or applicant may file agreement to complete land- scaping prior to. final Building Department clearance. The Bond to cover striping of parking areas as well as lafidscapiAg. - continued over - Section 9316.1 of the Campbell ~:unicipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one llundred eighty (180) days after tile date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extens~on for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF C~~PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 18th DAY OF September 1967 CITY OF CM4PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION RVH : b t cc - Engineering Dept. c_.' . , By: ..::..-1'[',,1 t), I / ".v. "0'0" ~ra,.y IJ -I~r 1 t.. l' .... ; ." , ,:.:) . i ~ ~::')i':~~l~ .-, I. ~ I, ..l ~':":/ ",~(I \,' '," .~".. 'J ',_,.- " :.',: j~ j l~:i lJ /. .' ,. . ~... , #. _I' ~ ',. ..J . I ' ,~ , ,~ " .t r . " . . . . . '~o~~a~la s~~oM ~llqnd pUS ~o~~9~la iUIUUVld aq~ lq P9lu81lseAul eq 1111>\ ~9~l.m slq~ '~UU~llddv aql }O lsanba~ lV 'epo~ t~dl~lunw Ilaqdw~~ ~qllo 9'Ott6 u01+~9S Aq pe~lnbe~ S~ selllll~~l puno~j~9pun 10 uOll~n~lsuoJ '01 .apo~ Ivdl~lunw tteqdmvJ eql }O 6t~6 uOll~es qllA ~~UVltdmo~ uI pel~n~~suo~ aq Ol ve~v 8uI~~Ud '6 , .' '~uot'{~ltni~'i)z J .~itt6i ';e'j,;ld ~i1:i.ft 'l~am "tt~tts ~1JU''fPl1nir: lr'g'< -:;~ ;,~:',.I. ;:::;4:i.,9A<<~~ . 'i~lf4e~ ~~t>1 ;~~9i ::iil~;.i~d .1,~~f~~A.~:~:~d.til"'l ~cf;o;~~~~~:,.tt,~~V';.~'\/~ , , d":,!,,:": '.: ,- .';U' b'.;;:!:; "~i: ;~'i'o.iBi~d1i:'~t ti6j~.Wdd.i'; ,;~ ";iJ~tlrt;. ":P.Itl!'~~u'f'j\1'd-d~d'f~ 'd~ ' ;i~.'$yIj--'tt:,)~cii; '!~~.,tilP.~ti'~!lS:;; .,,: }O 'SUOISIAO.ld qll1>\ G~UVp~o:>>~v 1I1 'p,O~~~qqt ~q.Ol,lIOI~1~lttrdi'u!TS""'9" ~ ' " . b :;i. :;,:' ". :,;; ,'1, ",::, i' :;, >: .~ '. :':-~' .,' ;~ : :if~4~'~'lO :l~'t;B j ~tp 'id 'tfg~tie,.T1.td . qi'lJlt . ".~dp.tO'~'!;'1i \Ut" !;'~Udtlli1ttd~')t''''Ucryjfp~ jtq.Ot~'aql:~;+~O~.',O~~':P'.,.tTn17N tSl'S\{ ~VtIl UOl~~:lII"dd~Sll.{l}O ~~~d. sv " palll,;d~ 'S!, ;lUv~Ttdd1!' oqJ;' ~"JZI r<.:..(:: ,:,-'" I' , .. ,,-,,-", ")~'; l-. .....:'.~ _'~: '~~," ,'~;: :-' .....,~,., ' "l" d., ',' .,', ":,t- d' .p'OAie~a.xd~,Cr' I.o''i' dUlt A'l:IodtS~d .l1te'i .ttosa.~i ';n'Uti~ )[~t1t' ""S;; . ..i ;.'1, tt~lil.l8d.dj'ln l:fi.pti1'J' ",,' ~Ol:le~la aU1UU"SId Aq pOAo~ddB U01~S~Ol B Ul ~aul.luo:> qS'8~l ,,;QSnpq,o;pal;)I~1-S"UO,~ .a,q \'t.J;.:qs 0~u.el ~o 'tI'81>\ P1IOS q8PlY9 ii'..<q p*pUno~.InS'.IOolJ.ialEUjtto:.') vJe"tllllS1SUO~ · e~nSot:lua uv · t' " : .J ~ t", . ; ~ ", . ~ .. '" ~ .... .' ",~ ",; ~. J ~ . n.. f- . Boot.B375 PAGE301 ~)C::68 ""n- !;,tv iS~~ Recorded at request of:"" :.) { ( ! ' ~ l'~- ,',,0 U 0 d :,4~) When recorded mail to: :' "'-"=~~r~'~.9,o,r-~37~,".PAtE,~a~ ~ C~'.' . ':.:,,::(~;:,,;~~ ~Co ~I i ;<;~ 6 19G41-;LO,~>~1;~ ~ , ::t:._... .,hoi fi: &"; .~-., ~~... ~"" . ~ , .) I..!-,:, r:.~";,,,.,!., '~, \,. I,' (." ~ ',~ ~',t C" ,''', . ";~'f ;. ~~...!tJ'o..:.~l1'\j ............. t . ,'" IfCI~1 "CCO:clF~ . I~........t>-ll..~ . fd) ABOVE SPACE SOLELY FOR RECORDER'S Z .-- .......,. .~~ ~.~~:r)___ ~.~.. .~~?~ !.~,.,~,~.,. ~~.~g.~..........,. ... .......~~J..f...M~J~~.r.~y...~~~.~....,...,",__" ,. ,.......... .__....__.$.~~...~.C?~.~.__~.?,.", ~~~.;J9.~~.~.~"....___,..__ ... ROBERT L. DODGE and DOROTHY T. DODGE, his wife, as tenants in common IRS 10.45 THE AINSLEY CORPORATION a corporation ~~~~~~X~?P~K~~~~~~~ does hereby GRANT to all that real property situated in the County of Sant a Clara State of California, described as follows: PARCEL ONE: BEGINNING at the point of inter~ection of the center line of Casey Road with the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line of ~cGlincey Avenue, said last named point of intersection being the Southeasterly corner of that certain 6 acre tract of land described in the Deed from H. F. Wheeler, et ux, to Edward A. Uhl, et ux, dated July 20, 1942, recorded August 14, 1942 in Book 1099 of Official Records, page 536, Santa Clara County Records; thence along the West- erly line of McGlincey Avenue and its prolongation and Easterly line of said 6 acre tract, North 00 35' West 800 feet; thence leaving said line and running parallel with the center line of Casey Road, North 890 48' West 10 feet to the true point of beginning of this description; thence from said ~rue point of beginning and parallel with the North- er ly pro Ion gat ion of the We s ter 1 y 1 ine of \,1cG 1 incey Avenue North 00 35' W~st 50 fe~t; thence parallel with the center line of Casey Road North 890 48' West 194 feat; thence parallel with the Northerly prolongation of the Westerly line of McGlincey Avenue, South 00 35' East 50 feet; thence parallel with the center line of Casey Road, Soutn 89v 48' East 194 feet to said true point of beginning, being a part of said 6 acre tract situated in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 35, Township 7 South, Range 1 West, M.D.B. & ~. PARCEL TWO: / A R I GIlT OF i'i AY for ingres 5 and e gre s s ~)ver the fo i j owi ng described parcel of land: BEG .NING at the point of iniersection 0t the center line ~r- ~ C .eY Road with the Southerly prolongation of the Westerly line . ~~Glincey Avenue; thence North 00 35' West 128~.63 feet; thence North 890 48' West 10 feet; thence South 0 3S' East 1282.03 feet to the center of Casey Road; thence South 890 48' East 10 feet to the point of beginning. ~ ~_ : ~!)rPo....ratl~e,-freiK/~d the same, . . . . ""- - ",. \, ~~, . ~ \(SEA~~r. /;'.' / "- . '" ''\ /" ,.,..---: --' .. / / ' /-, ,"' .' '. ,.. , .,' 7,-<.' t-<-7 -l J (';, {-7 .My ,lomfiflU""'. ~xptres :.........,............,<..........6._... ....:./............. ........ I' ..... . ~. . .." ," .' .___._............._._......................;<~~:L,=..~....~.....~...:...7______._.._ 7Notary Public 7 ..... ._............~.... E. _....,F..~r.,l. e.y..,.. ....'....'..m.....'.,..................,..,..,.,. Printed or typed name of Notary Public FORM 3C CITY TITlEoll\I~URANCE COMPANY Bill No. 413-12-006, Code Area lU- Ut> cr Application No.............~,~.~...~............