3600 Mona Way (76-4) '" ~ .ze7c;<h17 ~~ o I{ DIN 1\ N C [ NO. I 0:3:3 BEING AN OKDINANCE OF THE CITY COUIKIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CAMF'13ELL BY CHANGING TIlE ZONL FROI" 1{-2-S TO P-D (PLANNED D[VELOpr'\EtJT) OtJ PROPERTY KNOvIN I\S 3600 MOtJA \.JAY. (Applicdtion of .BriJn J. Kelly on behalf of Kelly- Gordon Company, I ne.) The City Council of tile City of Colllpbell docs ordain as follov-I5: SECTION ONt.: That the ZoniWl Map of the Ci ty of Campbell, being a part of the Campbell Municipal Code, together v-lith amendments thereto, is hereby chanqed dlld amended by adoptin~J Exhibit "A" entitled "Plans and Elevations,'1 and Exhibit "B" entitled "Development Schedule," and Exhibit I'C" entitled 11~\ap of said Property,'1 as per ,the appl ication of Brian J. Kelly on behal f of the Kelly-GonIon Company Company, Inc. on property located at 3600 Mona Way. Said appr.ovill ~lranted subject to the follov-ling conditions: A. Applicant to submit detai led fence plan for approval of the Planning Director- with an accompanying report by an acoustical engineer that the fence wi 11 provide adequate sound atten8ation for the residents within the project from the noi se gcnerilted by adjacent land uses. B. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added in II re el" on p I a n s. C. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material, location of hose bibs 01. sprinkler system clnd type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at tillle of application for building per-mit. D. Landscdpin~l shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscClpe plan. E. /\11 parkin~l dnd drive\'-Iay are.:lS to be developed in campI iance wi th Section 21.50 of the Campbcl I Municipal Code. Al I parking spaces to be pro- vided \vi th appl.opl iate concrete curbs or bumper guards. F. Underground uti I i ties to be provided as required by Section 20.16.070 of the Campbc II MUll i c i pd I Code. G. Plans submitted to the buildill~l department for plan check shall indicate clearly the loc,1tion of illl connections for under-ground utilities includin~ water, sewer. electric, telephoflc and television cables, etc. H. Sign applicdtion to be submitted in dccorddncl' \-lith prOVISions of the si~JI) ordin.::mce for "ll si~lI)S. No siqn to be. inst;lllcd until .lpplication is approved and pernd l iS~1I1'd by the l3ui Idinlj lkpdrtfllent. I. Ordinanu' No. 782 of the C.lmpbell Municip.l1 Codl' q ipulates that ,lny c,)ntr.Hl tor thl' c<lII,'cti'1n "nd disP')~"ll of rerusl'. q.lrb.H](', \-Il't garb,lqe. dlld rubbish plodllll'd \-litiJill till' lilldb 01 tilL' City of (.lIllpl;l,ll Sh~11l bl.' m.ld.' witli GIt'l'll Vdlll'y Di..pl)~i11 COII![LlI1Y, This rl'ljllill'flk'nt .1ppli,',:> to all Sill~lk fdlllily d,'lcllifH)s, multiple apdrtlllent unit,;, to .11\ COllllllcrcLll, bu~,iness, i n d us lr- i d I, IlliJllll f .J C t II r i I) 9, a fl d c () r) s t r lJ c I i () n e~, 1 db lis h IIIL' n t 5 . J. Trash cUrltoirlcr(s) or a SiLt.: clfld qUdfllity necessary to serve the devl~loplllcllt shell I be locilted in ,He;r(',) approved by the Fi rc Dcp<lrtlJ1ent. Unless otherwist~ noted, cnclosure(s} shall c()llsi~,t 01 a concrete floor sur-rounded by a ~,ol id v<!ill1 or rence arid 11JVe sclf-closinq c!uur-s of a size speci ficd by the Fire Depilrtlllent. All enclosures to be cOllstrlJcted at qrade level. K. AppliccJllt shall IllCCt all State rcquirclllents for the handic<lpped. PURL I C WOI\l(S DEPAfnMENT L. Tr-ansition to San Tomas Aquino Parkvvay to be rei:lligned. H. Fi Ie and process a subdivision map. FIHE DEPARTMENT N. Provide street fire hydrants. O. If any ~Jas fir-cd dl'vices are installed in the garages, an automatic fire extinCJuishillCJ system shall be in:,talled therein. The ilPplicant is notified th,]t he shall cOlllply I-lith all applicable Codes or Ordindnccs of the City of Call1pbell \-vhich pt~rtZlin tu this development and are not herein specified. PASSED AND f,DOPTED tl1 i s follO\"in~J roll Cd!! vote: 1 J 1 b del Y u f Oct nl)('l' ,1976, by the AYES: COUI)C i llllcn: l'!t:1I:1b.' t'l ill, HamllH'r, Pau 1, Podgor:c;ek, Doetsch NOES: COUI)C i Illlen: :".))1(' AHSENT: Counci 1111en: f\.)llt' !\PPf{OVED: Hdyor A TT EST; .' I . " . --'-.--[TlY-(tT('I~' ----.--.--'-.-. - -- - ---- ,I. '_ f _"..., f~. t. . '. J I{ - ~, t, '," (~:. H II C" tI t.. 1 Y I '.:' L 11 (:; " I II 0-~ "/1'4 :'t.e 1-" ,} '13'; I ~ ^ .c..:~ ..I \ 'J' 11 ;.,.1 .., "t',( , ---- '\, ~;ii1kIl:::"""':-' -.--:::.::. ::.:...~ -. ~"~ V' pet A \~~ 4.30G7 AC. NET' I .-1-- /-, 52 zc ~.> \\~ Al\ _~/ ...o~ ,\ 7 f4:1'~ (~2[ ~-:-~~?R ~ 2.. s -to f- D 10 A o ~ V (j) (SEC.27 '75 R 1\'/.) V) >> . .Z /-\.~ ( \\ \' - II, _._._ .- -..,. 'j \\ ~" ~._:=:~/.' ~ \, ~\ CJ ,-., . \ ~Z ,,~.,_~;..._\-. . t) )> '.'~ ,'." )..,"' ..- . :? ' ,........-'.~..::. ~l:... . V) _-Vs~ -_ -..., "- .\."d~r.~- ..1..,-:" ."'-<d,!,? . ______.- __ ---:.~, ,.~!{Cl'7.....A. '.I '7<'1 ~,-S.-.- - I~ ,_ \(~ --, . I....\~ 1; 'i .4 411./; ''\I () :. "= ~<.:,~:-: ... . . 01 , . '//';., \".\., _ -no ~\f" .. '{n"' '"' - < 'r:): '-.,I' '\ . "1)1..~ ,\ - ,':::" :~\ i.. ~ \'. _'_ . _ _ .Jr', - .. ~,\' I \::; 8' , , IC' :. :\":'-:- "" "I.c. .c., :. ~." Ll'~ \ I \ (9~ \...:.j bel!:e . "" t,C NE 1 -" Cy .. Ie?; E ( - Res 0 lu t ion No . 1 5 22 2 Public hearing h~ld the Campbell Planning Commiss iOll'OIl July 15, 1.(3? AC N[ 1 t'.' EXHI[)IT "C" -'- .3 .. " " ~ ,~ r !>O!l ~ C1 - I.lb AC.. N[l ,<J ... 4 . I ." '<f( C;' i _1 )- Lt ct: <r C) _ i _~_~..------~--.. ..I r . AVE ~' \ ..\ . J. . '... , ~'- .. .... \~. . # " HAI.~\LIO:\ ~ 2 ?"", ... . '. \ ,\ " . rn )t... -0 ?J 0"' (j) en - : t, " < .. .,- "9 ~ \ \..