620 Nello Drive (68-16) ~A ~.I'/i \~LJ\NNING DU.)ART. :\.IEN.TT CI TI' OF CAr.1PBELL 7S NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA /~".. ~ r7 DATE: March 20, 1968 CONDITIONS ATTACIIED TO ItS" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF Ray Kanawyer , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF five 4-unit apartments TO BE LOCATED AT: 620, 642 and 650 Ne110 Drive and 246 and 247 Echo AVenue CONDITIONS: see attached Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundn,d eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an cxtens i on for s veh approval is ob tained by making \{r it ten app 1 i c at i on for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a ne~ approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY TilE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANN I NG CO 01:-.n SSI ON AT ^ REGULAR rlEET ISG HELD ON TIlE 18th DAY OF March, 1968 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING CO~ThIISSION By :'---1://.') ~/ . / / ~ R t:-V ~ ~r1~:{N 7'?& ~re fai'v ------- / I l. Property to be fenced ,and landscaped as indicated and C' adclcd in "red" on plans. deql1ate watering systc.u to all landscaped areas to be provided. Plants as indicated (#1 and 3 to be changed). 2. Applicant to indicate location of hose bibs or sprinkler system on plans prior to obtaining a building permit. 3. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $500.00 per lot, or $2,500 for the 5 lots, to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking area within three (3) months of completion of construction. $2,500 bond to remain in effect until construction com- pleted on all lots. Applicant may file written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and striping of parking areas prior to final building apartment clearance. Agreement required for each lot if this option taken. 4. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounde~ · by a 6' high solid wall or fencc shall be constructed to house trash container in an area approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. 5. Cabinets to be constructed to house fire extinguishers on second floor balcony, covered carports and laundry room. The applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to meet the following conditions in accordance with Ordinances of the City of Campbell. 6. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 7. Appliacnt to obtain excavation permits for driveway approaches. 8. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. "S" 68-16 PagcTwo 9. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilties including water, sewert electric, telephone and television cables, etc. The applic~nt is notified that he shall. comply with all o~her applicable Codes or Ordinances of thc CIty o~ Campb~l~ WhIch pertain to this development and are not hereIn speCIfIed.