300 Orchard City Dr. (85-11) TO: CITY CLERK PLEASE COLLECT AND RECEIPT FeR mE FOLLOWING MONIES P.W. FILE' NO. 5 c-- (;/ ) / ACCT. . ITEMS 3372 ENVIRONotENTAL ASSI::SSMENT ($420) 3370 STORM DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER ACRE (R-I. $1.875; MULTI -RES.. 12,060; ALL 011iER.. 12,250 ) 3372 PLAN EXAMINATlat AND Ca6TRUCTlat ,INSPECTION FEE (7'10 OF VALUE) 3372 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ($300) ~ 3 " ", ,,) 3,U/ ....-" '--.3372 3372 3372 3395 3373 3373 3373 3373 3372 3373 3521 35Z1 3521 3520 3510 NAME TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FILING FEE ($290) FINAL PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ( $215) FINAL TRACT MAP FILING FEE (1275) VACATION OF PUBLIC STREETS AND EASEMENTS ($455) ASSESSMENT SEGREGATlat eR REAP~TI<::INt'ENT ($420 FOR FIRST PLUS, $130 EACH ADDITIONAL) LOT LINE AD.JUSTMENT FEE/CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ($300) PARK DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT ($I,097.00t) COP I ES OF ENG I NEER I NG MAPS AND PLANS ($.50 PER SQ. FT.) WORK AREA TRAFF I C CatTROL HANDBOOK ($ 2 ); ADD I T I ONAL( $1 . 50 1 PRO.JECT PLANS AND SPECIFICA~Ia6 ($10) MAP REV I SlatS TO MAP COMPAN I ES( I I 0 ) EXCAVATIC>>l PERMIT APPLICATlat FEE (13!) GFNERAL C(XIU) I T I a6. STD. PROVI S IONS' & DETA I LS ($10; eR $I/PG) CASH DEPOSIT FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE DEPOSIT M.' I NTENANCE BOND DEPOS I T FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ($I9S/EA) POSTAGE OmER TOTAL AMOUNT 275" -e> ,.--- $27S~ Wate ,r A .s JO L--" ~ {-y ]/1-: ( -:J 7L.t - Iboo PHONE Ci9(/):J74- loe ZIP r j-OO ~/ ..-:- J owe !-- Or l:- h Ct..,,,J ADDRESS J 00 FeR CITY CLERK Q,lLY RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT PAID RECE I VED BY DATE .JULY 1984 TO: CITY CLERK PLEASE COLLECT AND RECEI~r FOR THE FOLLOW I NG MON I ES f' ACCT. ITEMS 3372 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ($420) 3370 STORM DRAINAGE AREA FEE PER ACRE (R-I, '1,875; MULTI-RES., $2,060; ALL OTHER, $2,Z50) 3372 PLAN EXAMINATION AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION FEE (7"10 OF VALUE) TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ($300) TENTATIVE TRACT MAP FILING FEE ('290) FINAL PARCEL MAP FILING FEE ('27S) FINAL TRACT M.~ FILING FEE ($275) V ACAT ION OF PUBL I C STREETS AND EASEMENTS ($455) e 3372 3372 3372 3372 ::l372 ASSESSMENT SEGREGATION OR P.EAPPORTI~ENT ('420 FOR FIRST PLUS $130 EACH ADDITIONAL) LOT LINE .~.JUSTMENT FEE/CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ($300) PARK DEDICATION IN-LIEU FEE PER UNIT ($1,097.00t) COP I ES OF ENG I NEER I NG MAPS AND PLANS ('. SOPER SQ. FT. I 3372 3395 3373 3373 WORK AREA TRAFF I C CONTROL HANDBOOK ($ 2 ); ADO I T I ONAL ($ I .50 I PRO.JECT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ($10) MAP REVISIONS TO MAP COMPANI ES ($10) 3373 3373 3372 EXCAVATION PERMIT APPLICATION FEE ($35) 3373 GE'NEP-AL CONO IT J ONS. STD. PROV I S I ONS lit DETA I1.S ($10; OR 'I/PG) 3521 CASH DEPOSIT 3521 FAITHFUL PERF~~CE DEPOSIT 3521 M.~ I NTENANCE BOND DEPOS I T 3520 FIRE HYDRANT MAINTENANCE ($195/EA) 3510 POSTAGE OTHER TOTAL NAME uJ~ \e V ADDRESS ~ 0 0 0.... c.-.~ C.f V d A;,s ~ ~~)Y :P~. ,-,-- \ O~ ( y' L- PHONE " ~LU.~~~LJ FOR C I TV CLERK ONLY RECEIPT NO. AMOUNT PAID RECEIVED BY DATE FILE NO, JJ/!\ (. AMOUNT '"300 bO -- .00 $ "300- 3-'~- lObO 7 J-C>~~ ZIP .JULY 198 Santa Y-tl Cr~n~ Ie ompany ~ 701 MILLER STREET AT TAYLOR, SAN JOSE. CA 95110 ............ (408) 288-7800 10301 SARATOGA AVENUE, LOS GATOS, CA 95030 .................. (408) 395-70n 04010 MOORPARK AVENUE, SUITE 102, SAN JOSE, CA 95117 ......... (408) 985-8120 o 700 SOUTH BERNARDO AVENUE. SUNNYVALE, CA 94087 .......... (4081 733-5591 01475 SO. BASCOM AVENUE, SUITE 209, CAMPBELL, CA 95008 ...... (408) 371-G104 0419 SO. SAN ANTONIO ROAD, SUITE 106, LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 .... (4151 949-0870 02 PALO ALTO SQUARE. SUITE GF, PALO ALTO, CA 94306 ........... (415) 858-1281 020230 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, CUPERTINO, CA 95014 ...... (408) 252-0600 CLTA PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT (Form Rev. 11-18-82) Subject to a minimum charge required by Section 12404 of the Insurance Code. 413-07-030,30.01,30.02 Davis & Assoc. . Attn: Dee Davis . 300 Orchard City · Campbell, CA. UPDATE IMPORTANT WHEN REPLYING REFER TO OFFICE NOTED ABOVE. OUR NO. SPll087-D. Drive YOUR NO. ESCROW OFFICER: Darlene Ferrill TITLE OFFICER: Ed Brouillard/tj FORM OF POLICY COVERAGE REQUESTED: o CLTA STANDARD 0 ALTA RESIDENTIAL 0 ALTA LENDER'S 0 ALTA OWNER'S FORM B In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, this Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinater set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reasOn of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said Policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Exhibit A attached. Copies of the Policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements or amendments hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby. If it is desired that liability be assumed prior to the Issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. ..L" . Dated as of May 5 , . 19~ at 7,30 a''!I-~f/4~ - ~.a Officer The form of policy of title insurance contemplated by this report is: '" CLTA The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A Fee as to Parcels One and Three; and Easement as to Parcel Two Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: SEE EXHIBIT "B" The land referred to in this Report is situated in the State of California, County of Santa Clara and is described as follows: (See "Legal Description:' Schedule C attached) At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed Exceptions and ExRiE iGcE'lyYn&9>e as follows: MAY 1 5 1987 DANFORTH E. APKER CIVil ENGINEER See following page for exceptions. EXHIBIT "B" SPl1087-D EDWIN J. PARISH, a married man, as to an undivided 25% interest and NEWCAL REALTY COMPANY, a New York general partnership, as to an undivided 14.5% interest and STAN M. DAVIS, a married man, as to an undivided 85.5% as to an undivided 75% of Parcels One and Two and the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation, as to Parcel Three ~AR~-t{ ': ;;2... c; /-0 'OAJ \s e; 8~.5 6{ 7~'O N€~elC+.C;~ 75% SP 11087-D Page 2 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 1986-87, a lien, not yet due or payable. Such additional amounts which may be assessed by reason of: (a) Improvements added subsequent to March 1, 1975; (b) Changes of ownership occurring subsequent to March 1, 1975; (c) Any final judgment determining that constitutional article XIII A has been applied improperly; (d) Reappraisal of property values as of March 1, 1975. 2. "The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5, (commencing with Section 75) to the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California". 3. Bond for Parking Pro #IA, LID #27 Under Act of 1915 Assessment No. 3 Series 80T Issued August 2, 1978 Amount collected on Tax Roll each installment $36,503.33 Amount to pay in full (not including amounts payable with 1986-87 tax installments) $1,964,300.10 which includes $1,091,519.92 principal and $872,780.18 interest if paid prior to August 1, 1987 Said Bond payable to CITY OF CAMPBELL. 4. An Agreement to construct Land Development Improvements, upon the terms, covenants and conditions therein imposed which shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors in interest. Executed by: Richard B. Millen, Denyce K. Millen, William H. Mac Laughlin and March B. Mac Laughlin, and the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation Recorded: May 16, 1973 in Book 0379, Page 457, Official Records Reference to the record is hereby made for further particulars. 5. An agreement, affecting said land, for the purposes, stated herein, upon the terms, covenants and conditions referred to therein, between the parties named herein For :Instal1ation and maintenance of off-street automobile parking improvements Dated :Ju1y 10, 1978 Executed by :THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation, SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA and THE FACTORY LTD., a limited partnership Recorded :Ju1y 17, 1978 in Book D 817, Page 365, Official Records by ALTA Survey prepared by Danforth Apker, Civil Engineer, #10007. 6. the limitation (public parking purposes) as contained in the Deed Executed by: The Factory, LTD., a California limited partnership In Favor of: City of Campbell, a municipal corporation Recorded: September 25, 1978 in Book D 971, Page 442, Official Records By Resolution No. 6682 of the City of Campbell, the rights of Public Parking within the area described herein as Parcel Three were vacated, a certified copy of which was recorded on February 28, 1984 in Book I 336, Page 587, Official Records. SP l1087-D Page 3 7. Unrecorded leases, affecting said land. executed by and between the parties named herein, for the terms and upon the terms, covenants and conditions therein provided, Lessor: WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California general partnership Disclosed by: An assignment of the Lessor's interest in said leases together with all rentals and sums due and to become due thereunder, given as additional security for the payment of the indebtedness secured by the deed of trust recorded March 21, 1985 in Book J 298, Page 1777, which assignment was Executed by: WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California general partnership In Favor of: PACIFIC PIONEER FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a corporation Recorded: March 21, 1985 in Book J 298, Page 1811, Official Records LESSEE AMBAR FINANCIAL GROUP INSTA LEASE URBAN PROPERTY ANALYSTS DESIGN FOUR, INC. DAVIS & ASSOCIATES POLETTI DESIGN VULCAN SOFTWARE STEVENS, PATRICK & LANG STEPHENZ GROUP GOULD ELECTRONICS ELITE SOFTWARE RUSH FRANKLIN GOURMET ELECTRONICS MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS RESOURCES MARY'S MAGNE TS CIRCLE K STEPHEN M. HOWARD BONNETT CONSTRUCTION SAN ANDREAS REG. CENTER AUTOMOTIVE INFO. SYSTEMS DATED 1/85 8/84 3/84 1/85 2/85 6/84 4/84 6/84 2/85 2/84 10/84 2/84 2/84 12/83 12/85 1/85 4/84 3/85 8/84 Restaurant Tenants (Tenants pay pro-rata share of taxes, common area maintenance and utilities) Address: 4/80 10/82 9/82 12/74 Pioneer Financial Corporation, a corporation PACIFIC SAVINGS BANK, a corporation March 19, 1985 March 21, 1985 in Book J 298, Page 1833, Official Records c/o Miller, Morton, Caillat & Nevis 777 North First Street, Suite 500, San Jose, CA 95112 KHARTOUM KOMATSU LARIAT PARLOR The interest of Pacific was assigned to: By Assignment dated: Recorded: SP 11087-D P ag e 4 8. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount stated herein Dated :March 21, 1985 Amount :$7,000,000.00 Trustor :WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California General Partnership Trustee :SANTA CLARA LAND TITLE COMPANY Beneficiary :PACIFIC PIONEER FINANCIAL CORPORATION Recorded :March 21, 1985 in Book J 298, Page 1777, Official Records Address :1641 North First Street, Suite 105, San Jose, CA 95112 Loan No :None shown (AFFECTS PARCELS ONE AND TWO) A financing statement, given as additional security for the payment of the indebtedness secured by the deed of trust shown above, Dated :March 21, (no year shown) Debtor :WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California General Partnership Secured party :PACIFIC PIONEER FINANCIAL CORPORATION Recorded :March 21, 1985 in Book J 298, Page 1823, Official Records The beneficial To By assignment Recorded Address interest of record under said deed of trust was assigned PIONEER SAVINGS BANK, a corporation dated: March 19, 1985 March 21, 1985 in Book J 298, Page 1828, Official Records c/o Miller, Morton, Caillat & Nevis 777 North First Street, Suite 500, San Jose, CA 95112 An undivided 90% of the beneficial interest of Pioneer Savings Bank, F.S.B., a corporation was assigned to Coast Savings and Loan, a corporation By assignment dated: May 20, 1985 Recorded: May 31, 1985 in Book J 359, Page 2019, Official Records Address: 5770 Roosevelt Blvd., Clearwater, FL 33520 9. The limitation (public parking purposes) as contained in the Deed Executed by: Water Tower Associates, a California general partnership In Favor of: City of Campbell, a municipal corporation Recorded October 7, 1986 in Book J873 Page 1267 of Official Records Affects Parcel Three By Resolution No. 6682 of the City of Campbell, the rights of Public Parking within the area described herein as Parcel Three were vacated a certified copy of which was recorded on February 28, 1984 in Book I 336, Page 587, Official Records. 10. An assignment and Security Agreement, affecting said land and other property, for the purposes, stated herein, upon the terms, covenants and conditions referred to therein, between the parties named herein, For Security for and unrecorded Put Agreement Dated November 16, 1986 Executed by STAN M. DAVIS AND BONNIE M. DAVIS, his wife and the STAN M. DAVIS AND BONNIE M. DAVIS TRUST formed under Trust Agreement dated June 9, 1981 (collectively "Davis" In Favor of NEWCAL REALTY COMPANY, a New York general partnership (Company) Recorded November 18, 1986 in Book J 0927, Page 1557 of Official Records and recorded November 18, 1986 in Book J 927, Page 1585, Official Records Which instrument provides in part that, Davis will not, without the prior written consent of Company : (i) Sell, assign or convey Davis' rights in the Collateral or transfer Davis interest in the Entities; or (ii) create Contintued: SP 11087-0 Page 5 any other security interest in, mortgage or other encumbrance on the Properties or the collateral or any part the reo or of Davis' interest in the Entities or any part thereof. Reference to the records is hereby made for further particulars. Memorandums of said Assignment and Security Agreement were recorded on November 18, 1986 in Book J 927, Page 1576 of Official Records and in Book J 927, Page 1596 of Official Records. 11. A financing Dated Debtor Secured party Recorded statement to secure an indebtedness as therein provided November 17, 1~86 STAN M. DAVIS, BONNIE M. DAVIS AND STAN M. DAVIS AND BONNIE M. DAVIS TRUST METROPOLIS CAPITAL COMPANY November 18, 1986 in Book J 927, Page 1643, Official Records Said instrument provides in part as follows: All right, title and interest of Debtor in Water Tower Associates, a California general partnership created pursuant to that certain Statement of Partnership executed on October 20, 1983 and recorded October 28, 1983 as amended by that certain First Amended Statement of Partnership, executed on March 13, 1986 and recorded in the Official Records of Santa Clara County on June 12, 1986. Together with all right, title and interest of Debtor to all proceeds from Debtor's sale or other transfer of his interest in Water Tower Associates 12. A financing Dated Debtor Secured party Recorded statement to secure an indebtedness as therein provided November 17, 1986 STAN M. DAVIS, BONNIE M. DAVIS AND STAN M. DAVIS AND BONNIE M. DAVIS TRUST NEWCAL REALTY COMPANY November 18, 1986 in Book J 927, Page 1643, Official Records Said instrument provides in part as follows: All right, title and interest of Debtor in Water Tower Associates, a California general partnership created pursuant to that certain Statement of Partnership executed on October 20, 1983 and recorded October 28, 1983 as amended by that certain First Amended Statement of Partnership, executed on March 13, 1986 and recorded in the Official Records of Santa Clara County on June 12, 1986. Together with all right, ti~le and interest of Debtor to all proceeds from Debtor's sale or other transfer of his interest in Water Tower Associates SP 11087-0 Page 6 13. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount stated herein Dated December 31, 1986 Amount $586,500.00 Trustor NEWCAL REALTY COMPANY Trustee SANTA CLARA COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, a California corporation Beneficiary STAN M. DAVIS Recorded December 31, 1986 in Book J 986, Page 199, Official Records Address Eller, Burt & Stoelker, 95 South Market Street, San Jose, CA. Loan No. Not shown Said deed of trust affects an undivided 14.5% of an undivided 75% interest in Parcels One and Two and purports to affect Parcel Three and other property. At the date of the execution thereof, the Trustor named herein had no record interest in Parcel Three and the other property, nor have they since acquired any. 14. The effect of Executed by In favor of Recorded a Quitclaim Deed, CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California general partnership April 6, 1987 in Book K 097, Page 1540, Official Records At the recording date of said deed, the grantee named therein, Water Tower Associates was not entity capable of acquiring title to said land, as the partnership was Terminated by a instrument recorded on December 31, 1986 in Book J 984, Page 219 of Official Records. Also, said deed did not contain a Resolution of Authorization for the execution thereof. Affects : Parcel Three 15. Possible community property interest of BONNIE M. DAVIS, the spouse of STAN M. DAVIS, the grantor in the deed, Dated December 31, 1986 Executed by STAN M. DAVIS, a married man In favor of NEWCAL REALTY COMPANY, a New York general partnership Recorded December 31, 1986 in Book J 986, Page 192 of Official Records Said matter affects : An undivided 14.5% undivided in an undivided 75% interest, being the interest of NewCal Realty Company, a New York general partnership 16. Possible community interest of BONNIE M. DAVIS, the spouse of STAN M. DAVIS, one of the vestee's named herein. 17. Possible community property 'interest of the spouse of EDWIN J. PARISH, a married ,man, one of the vestee's named herein. 18. Encroachment of building at most Easterly corner of Parcell onto Parcel Three, as disclosed by ALTA Survey prepared by Danforth Apker, Civil Engineer, #10007. 19. Rights of parties in possession of said land by reason of unrecorded leases, or rental agreements, if any. SP 11087-D Page 7 NOTE: The Records of Santa Clara County Recorder's Office disclose that a Statement of General Partnership has been recorded as follows: Name :WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES Recorded :October 28, 1983 in Book I 021, Page 329, Official Records General Partners: Stan M. Davis, Edwin J. Parish and Ken H. Earp NOTE: "On or after July 1, 1985, the County Recorder's office will charge, in addition to the regular recording charges, an extra $20.00 recording fee, unless a document evidencing a change of ownership is accompanied by a Preliminary Change of Ownership Report. In lieu of said report, signed by the transferee, the Recorder will accept an affidavit that the transferee is not a resident of California. Title billing will be adjusted to reflect such additional fees when applicable." NOTE: The California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy - 1973 form has been revised as to paragraphs 5, 7 and 9 of Part I of Schedule B. Please read the revised versions of said paragraphs in either (1) the printed policy exclusions shown in this report, or (2) a copy of the California Land Title Association Standard Coverage Policy - 1973 (Amended 12-6-85 and 2-20-86) form which will be provided to you upon request. NOTE: There is an additional $10.00 fee for recording a deed with a Legal Description other than an entire lot on a recorded final map. VYDEC# 597 SCHEDULE "c" SPII087-D LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that certain real property situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL ONE: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Southwesterly line of a parcel of land described in Deed and recorded in 1975 under series number 5194638 in the Santa Clara County's Recorders Office, Santa Clara County, California, and the Northwesterly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 580 06' 21" West, 292.40 feet to an iron pipe as shown on that certain Parcel Map recorded March 12, 1974 in Book 337 of Maps at Page 19, Santa Clara County Records; thence North 310 44' 30" East, 228.57 feet to an iron pipe as shown on said map thence, North 00 O~ 35" West 31.26 feet to an iron pipe as shown on said map; thence North 890 55' 46" Eaf 10.48 feet to an iron pipe as shown on said map; thence North 310 19' 32" East, 22l.3i feet to an iron pipe as shown on said map; thence North 00 02' 27" East, 32.98 feet to an iron pipe as shown on said map thence North 890 56' 17" West, 126.21 feet, more or less to the Easterly right-of-way of South First Street; thence, Northerly along said Easterly right-of-way, North 00 09' 35" West, 50.39 feet, more OJ less to the Southerly right-of-way line of Orchard City Drive; thence, Easterly along said Southerly right-of-way line 236.34 feet, to a tangent curve concave to the South. west having a radius of 275.00 feet; thence, along said tangent curve concave to the Southwest, 72.99 feet, more or less through a central angle of 150 12' 28" to the Wesl right-of-way line of Central Avenue; thence Southerly along said Westerly right-of-wa) line 115.00 feet, more or less to an iron pipe, as shown on said map marking an angle point in said Westerly right-of-way line to the Southeast; thence, South 580 27' 19" I along said Southerly right-of-way line, 122.84 feet to an iron pipe as shown on said D marking the intersection of said Southerly right-of-way line with the Northwesterly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company; thence, Southwester] along said right-of-way line, South 310 34' 10" West, 544.54 to the TRUE POINT OF BEG] NING. Excepting from above, the following described parcels: PARCEL A: BEGINNING at an iron pipe marking the intersection of the Northwesterly right-of- way line of the South Pacific Railroad Company and the Southerly line of Central Avenue; thence, South 310 34' 10" West along said Northwesterly right-of-way line 18.00 feet; thence, North 580 27' 19" West, parallel to the Southerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue and at right angles, 18.00 feet distant, 52.00 feet; thence, North 310 34' 10" East, 3.00 feet, to a tangent curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 1.5 feet; thence, along said tangent curve concave to the South- west, 2.36 feet, through a central angle of 900; thence, North 580 27' 19" West, 19.00 feet; thence, North 310 32' 41" East, 14.00 feet, more or less, to the South- erly right-of~way line of Central Avenue; thence, Easterly along said Southerly right-of-way line, South 580 27' 19" East, 73.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. (CONTINUED) SP 11087-D (CONTINUED) PARCEL B: All that certain parcel of land situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Southwesterly line of a parcel of land described in Deed and recorded in 1975 under series number 5194638 in the Santa Clara County's Recorders Office, Santa Clara County, California, and the Northwesterly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence North 580 06' 21" West, 292.40 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 310 44' 30" East, 200.00 feet; thence South 580 06' 19" East, 291.80 feet; thence South 310 34' 10" West, 200.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C: BOUNDED on the West by the East right-of-way line of South First Street; bounded on the North by the Southerly right-of-way line of Orchard City Drive; bounded on the East by the Westerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue; bounded on the South by the following described line: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the Easterly right-of-way line of South First Street, 50.39 feet Southerly on said Easterly right-of-way line from the Southerly right- of-way line of Orchard City Drive; thence, South 890 56' 17" East 126.21 feet to an iron pipe; thence, South 00 02' 27" West 8.00 feet; thence, North 730 33' 43", East 36.50 ft., to a tangent curve concave to the South having a radius 39.00 feet; thence along said tangent curve concave to the South, 18.04 feet, through a central angle of 260 30' 00"; thence, South 790 53' 41" East, 25.00 feet to a tangent curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 2.00 feet; thence, along said tangent curve concave to the Southwest, 2.79 feet, through a central angle of 790 52' 41"; thence, South 000 01' East, 19.00 feet; thence, North 890 59' East, 19.00 feet, to a tangent curve to the Southwest having a radius of 159.00 feet; thence, along said tangent curve concave to the Southwest, 87.56 feet, more or less, to the intersection of said curve with the Westerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue. PARCEL TWO: AN EASEMENT for Building Encroachment upon the followng described parcel: BEGINNING at the most Southwesterly corner of that certain parcel of land described by that certain Grant Deed recorded September 25, 1978 and filed in Book D 971 at Official Records at Page 453 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; thence along the Southerly boundary of said parcel of land the following courses and distances: South 890 56' 17" East 126.21 feet to an iron pipe; South 00 02' 27" West 8.00 feet; North 730 33' 43" East 17.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING being a point on a nontangent curve concave Southerly having a radius of 25.00 feet; thence from a tangent bearing North 180 39' 19" East Northeasterly and Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 1300 02' 40" a distance of 56.74 feet, to its intersection with afore- said Southerly boundary of said parcel of land; thence along aforesaid boundary the following courses and distances: North 790 53' 41" West 8.63 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve that is concave Southerly and has a radius of 39.00 feet; Westerly along the arc of last mentioned curve through a central angle of 260 30' 00" a distance of 18.04 feet; South 730 33' 43" West 19.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. SP 11087-C (CONTINUED) PARCEL THREE: BEGINNING at an iron pipe marking the intersection of the Northwesterly right of way line of the South Pacific Railroad Company, and the Southerly line of Central Avenue; thence South 310 34' 10" West along said Northwesterly right of way line 18.00 feet; thence North 580 27' 19" West parallel to the Southerly right of way line of Central Avenue and at right angles 18.00 feet distant 52.00 feet; thence North 310 34' 10" East 3.00 feet to a tangent curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 1.5 feet; thence along said tangent curve to the Southwest 2.36 feet, through a central angle of 900; thence North 580 27' 19" West 19.00 feet; thence North 310 32' 41" East 14.00 feet, more or less, to the Southerly right of way line of Central Avenue; thence Easterly along said Southerly right of way line, South 580 27' 19" East 73.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM a strip of land 3.00 feet wide, the Northerly line of which is coincident with the Southerly right of way line of Central Avenue. - , , , CITY OF CAMIlBE[[ 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 Department: Public Works November 24, 1987 Ms, Liz Zankich Santa Clara Title Company 701 Miller Street San Jose, CA 95110 RE: WATER TOWER PLAZA 300 ORCHARD CITY DRIVE Dear Liz: This is to confirm our conversation regarding the status of two agreements recorded against the referenced properties. The first agreement was executed by the City and Richard Millen, with others, and recorded in Book 0379 at page 457. It obligates the owners of the property to install street improvements in First Street, This agreement may be considered terminated through satisfaction of the terms. The second agreement, between the City and the Factory, Ltd., recorded July 17, 1978, in Book D 817 at page 365, obligates the owners to provide off-street parking. This obligation was subsequently satisfied by owners' participation in Assessment District No. 27. This agreement, like the first, may be considered terminated through satisfaction of the terms of the agreement. Sincerely, James Penoyer Engineering Technician JP/le .. ~ .... I Public Works WlMl&1l.Y HANDuN.., I HElMs -"~.~ RcruRN TO I Y AlKENAAR - -, DISCARD DIAZ If1LE MANLEY -=1 PENOYeR CASE - - ETl July 8, 1987 Darlene Ferrill, Escrow Officer Santa Clara Land Title Company 701 Miller Street San Jose, CA 95110 - --_...---J RE; QUITCLAIM DEED TO STAN DAVIS, ET AL YOUR ESCROW #SPlI087-D Dear Darlene: Enclosed is a quitclaim deed from the City of Campbell to the owners of Water Tower Plaza of a portion of a parking easement fronting the complex at 300 Orchard City Drive, Also included is a certified copy of the City Council's resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute the quitclaim. Please record this document upon delivery to you of a quitclaim deed to the City executed by Stan Davis, et aI, of the property described as parcel one in the deed filed in Book D 971 of Santa Clara County Official Records at page 442. If for any reason the deed to the City is not forthcoming, please return the enclosed deed without recording it, Ed Brouillard of your office is familiar with the two deeds previously referred to and can probably answer any questions you may have. By copy of this letter we are asking Stan Davis to forward the City's quitclaim to you. Sincerely. James Penoyer Engineering Technician JP/le encl. cc: Stan Davis J)Y RESOLUTION NO. 6694 BEING A RESOLUTION GRANTING AN EASEMENT TO WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, A CALIFORNIA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that an easement for the purpose of allowing an existing structure to remain on certain real property be granted to WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California general partnership. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st 1984, by the following vote: day of February AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Ashworth, Kotowski, Doetsch NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: /) , v1(/6:'~o~4~- Mayor ATTEST: (~4~ Anne G. Coyne, C~ y Clerk j" ::: r' I.:, I , . .~,\~ /:~l,f.__ ,;:. :' _ "_ ':~_ c :~:_, y .. ",_ (,..~. vi" "'" C,.._.., [{ "":;i~_ DA T [~ .:z.i;]...BiBL --_._,-, Cu'~;' ~-.:' .',', ,"\~,::;;:>.:.LL 75 NO~(-(i; c:.~\rn{AL AVE. CAMPBZLL. CALIFORNIA 95008 TO bL r~:...,_c,.", ",..i,.':':'01 r~t SECTION 61C3 GG'.r.~:~l/DH CODE: AT THE REQUEST OF CITY OF CAMPBELL GRANT OF EASEMENT The CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereby grants unto WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California general partnership, an easement to allow the exist- ing structure to remain on that certain real property within said City, more particularly described as fol- lows: BEGINNING at the most southwesterly corner of that certain parcel of land described by that certain Grant Deed recorded September 25, 1978, and filed in Book D 971 at Official Records at page 453 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; THENCE, along the southerly boundary of said parcel of land the following courses and distances: South 890 561 1]11 East 126.21 feet to an iron pipe; South 00 021 27" West 8.00 feet; North 730 331 43" East 17.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING being a point on a nontangent curve concave southerly having a radius of 25.00 feet; THENCE, from a tangent bearing North 180 391 19" East northeasterly and southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 1300 021 40", a distance of 56.74 feet, to its intersection with aforesaid southerly boundary of said parcel of land; THENCE, along aforesaid southerly boundary the following courses and distances: North 790 531 41" West 8.63 feet to a point on a non- tangent curve that is concave southerly and has a radius of 39.00 feet; 1 of 2 Westerly along the arc of last mentioned curve o through a central angle of 26 30' 00", a distance of I 8. 04 fee t ; South 730 33' 43" West 19.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. said City has caused its name to be hereunto affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk, thereunto duly authorized by resolution of the City Council. CITY OF CAMPBELL e ~~~ l ~//d~' ~, ,...' { Maya r // ,~/} (j/7l')U x:,~ t~j ty Clerk 2 of 2 ( CITY OF CAMPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE C AMP BEL L, C A L I FOR N I A 9 5 0 0 8 (408) 378-8141 Department: Pub 1 i c Works December 27, 1983 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: FROM: Joseph Ell iott, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: ENCROACHMENT OF liTHE FACTORY II BUILDINGS ON CAMPBELL PARKING DISTRICT NO.1 PROPERTY A portion of the porch, steps and roof overhang at the most northwesterly corner of The Factory complex may encroach 10,5 feet, more or less, on land that was deeded to Parking District No.1. The City of Campbell in- tends to take the following actions in regard to the encroachment: (1) Ascertain and verify whether or not an encroachment exists; and (2) If such encroachment exists, request that the City Council take such action as is necessary to give up any claim to land that may be under the above mentioned porch, steps and roof overhang. Action (1) and, if necessary, action (2) will be taken as quickly as pos- sible by the City. Very truly yours, Joseph Ell iott Director of Public Works (7-0 ~..{~ bY\~M. Helms Engineering Manager BMH/le cc: Mr. Steven D. Apker 1495 Park Avenue San Jose, CA 95126 (5 copies) SAN'{.1{ (LARA COUNTY TITLE CO,~oANY '_ 7" P. O. BOX 1276 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95108 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: THE CITY OF Campbell 75 No. Central Avenue Campbell, CA 95006 J \) 971.\)~.\'lt 453 ~........-----'" D 971;J~G: 453 RECORaED AT T'~E REQUEST Of SANTA CI.ARA GOIINTY TITLE COMPAN'fJ S EP 2 5 1978 8:00 A.M. GRANT DEED ~ GEORGE A, MANN, RECORDER SANTA CLARA COUNTY. OFFICiAl RECORDS NO TAX DUE - SALE TO CITY -l Z -l t- o:( CL ~I ~~f t'- G -i ~ ~ We, The Factory, ~TD., a California limited partnership, hereby grant unto the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for public parking purposes, all that certain real property within said City and more particularly described as follows: )( Bounded on the West by th e Eas t ri ght-of-way 1 i ne of South Fi rs t Street; bounded on the North by the southerly right-of-way line of Orchard City Drive; bounded on the East by the westerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue; bounded on the South by the following described line: ci Z co 0:: <( Beginning at an iron pipe on the easterly right-of-way line of South First Street, 50.39 feet southerly on said easterly right-of-way line from the southerly right-of-way line of Orchard City Drive; thence 890 561 17" East 126.21 feet to an iron pipe; thence, South Ou 02' 27" West 8.00 feet; thence, North 730 331 _43" East, 36.50 feet, to a tangent curve concave to the South having a radius 39.00 feet; thence along said tangent curve concave to the South, 18.04 feet, through a central angle of 260 301 00"; thence South 790 53' 41" East, 25.00 feet to a tangent curve con- cave to the Southwest having a radius of 2.00 feet; thence, along said tangent curve concave to the Southwest, 2.79 feet, through a central angle of 790 521 41"; thence, South 000 011 East, 19.00 feet; thence, North 890 591 East, 19.00 feet, to a tangent curve to the Southwest having a radius of 159.00 feet; thence, along said tangent curve concave to the Southwest, 87.56 feet, more or less, to the intersection of said curve with the westerly right- of-way line of Central Avenue. by THE FACTORY, LTD., a California limited partnership By: BRONDON CORPORATION, Managing General Partner by \.- of? 1P . : ' l"~ , . '8-'3":'-- -:"\ 1'1, ",1, (1' J . V- _____ ~ _~ 1 , -..---........- . t . ~U)S PO , \.4T " ; 0~ I 'fl \' ~ )V\\ ~ ~,~ ......... \ , -...r~:. ...~" ~ ~\; - . ~ .I\)"~\;)~ ~ ~ ~~ \.Y ~ 't, 'i.. (' \:j i' \t\ " \ i .' -' . . . ~ . . . f .. . , . I . ." t ENCROA OET AIL I" = IO~ . , , , , I , 1 r , ~ , , , !- I' . . j . , . : 1 .f. .~ ~-J--i. " I: : :p , i. I . . + o J o , I __---1-_ o , J 0 . I : ' t _ .____...o..-L- I . :- ~ ~ : : t : o ;1. , :'i': : .1 : ,~ · ' t r : : f': .... 1 ", ~ !- i _ I-...f - i-- . , -! i ! . , t 0 . t . ~ ~ r' . ... . ! o , I 10 I . 1 . I // C^ 10-041 APN 413-07-55, ct; -A (l,ARA COUNTY TITLE CaMPA.," P. O. BOX 1276 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95108 RECORDED MAIL TO: :ity of Campbell l. Central Avenue lell, CA 95006 6145544 D 971p!G~ 442 RECOR'JED AT T'~E REQUEST Of. SANTA CLARA COIJNTY TITLE COMPANY ,x DUE - SALE TO CITY D 9711'G[ 442 Ad' GRANT DEED {J' ~~~ ;.: :~~. S E P 2 5 1978 8:00 A.M. crOADE A, MANN. RECORDER SANTA CLARA COUNTY. OFFICIAL RECORDS WE, The Factory, LTD., a California limited partnership, hereby grant unto the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for public parking purposes, all that certain real property within said City and more particularly described as follows: ')( i .... Q ~ J~ 'to ~ \j to '- '" . 0 z en ~, . FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND ~\DE APART HEREOF DI\TED:~8 THE FACTORY, LTD., A California limited par~nership BY: BRONDON CORPORATION, Managing General Partner ~~j" \,. r' I , \ , . ":,..<' I '~.,.: , ," <,;.. 'F' '\' \ .';'- , ).e.:: ~ ~'ro =~. .';0>'-"'"", (;> '- ~ c. ~ -' C1'l (.(..;. ~ ;,,: ~. t;..'..- -. '" ~ , .._ 0-0 ..;y, , ". v":', ;)rtr: t.Y'.,. ":~ "'" /.'0 (' . I'" (11:/ ...J fI~ v . 't/, " ./ EX~l DIT ".z\" I ~ P2\RCEL ONE: D 971p~GE 444 Lot 4, as sho'..Jn on the Hap of campbell's couth"'le:"tern Addition to the To\m of Campbell, recorded August ~~8, 1894 in Book "H" puge 85,of Maps, records of Santa Clara County, CaliforGia. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that portion thereof conveyed to Morning Light Lodge #42, I.O.O.F., a Fraternal ~ssociation, hy deed recorded April 29, 1963 in Book 6021, page 222 of Official ~ecords. Pi;RCEL Ti~O: Portion of Lot 5, as shown on the Map of Campbell1s Southwestern Addi tion to the To\vn of campbell, recorded August 28, 1894 in Book "H" page 85, of Maps, Records of santa Clara County, California, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the Northerly line of Lot 5 distant thereon South 890 431 East 110.97 feet from an iron bar at the North- westerly corner of Lot 5 in the Easterly line of First Street, as said Lot and Street are shown upon the Map herein ah0ve referred to; Thence leaving said line of Lot 5 and parallel with the Easterly line of said Lot 5, (South) 000 181 50" East 50.00 feet to un iron pipe in the Sou th- erly line of said Lot 5; Thence along said Southerly line of Lot 5, South 890 431 East 51.67 feet to an iron pipe at the Southeasterly corner of said Lot 5; Thence along the Easterly line of said Lot 5, North 000 18' 50" i'lest 50.00 feet to an iron bar at the Northeasterly corner of said Lot 5; Thence along the Northerly line of said Lot 5, North 890 431 West 51.67 feet to the point of Beginning. P.c\RCEL THREE BEGINNING at an iron pipe marking the intersection of the lJorthvlesterly right-of-way line of the South pacific Railroad Company, and the southerly line of Central Avenue;Thence,south 31034'10"owest along said Northwesterly right-of-way line 18.00 feet;Thence, North 58 27119" Hest,parallel to the southerly right-of-way line of central Avenue and at right angles 18.00 o ' feet distant, 52.00 feet~ thence, North 31 34110" East, 3.00 feet to a tangent curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 1.5 feet~Thence along said tangent curve to the Southwest, 2.36 feet, through a central angle of 900. Thence North 580 27' 19" Hest, 19.00 feet. I , , -.r I I i I i I I ! I I , I . 1'" Thence, North 310 32' 41" East 14 Southerly right-of-way line of'cen~~~lf~et, more or less, to the along said Southerly righ-of-way 1" c . venue; !henCc, Easterly 73.00 feet 1 lnc, Sou+:h 58 27' 19" East , more or ess to the Point of Be" . ' , . glnnl hg RECORDER' FAINT WRIT'S MEMO OR CARBON '~G OR ryPINCJ POOR PHOTOG~Ple;s MAKES PHIC RECORO . CITY OF CAMPBELL . : . 75 NORTH CENTRAL -' 'CAMPBELL. CALlFORNI~ ..15008 TO BE RECORDED WiTHOUT FEE ~~~ SECTION 6103 GOVERNMENT CODE <0 ~ AT THt REQUEST OF CITY OF CAMPBELL RESOLUT I ON NO. 6682 <l~ ~ FIL~D Fg~ ~.~C8r.D BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~ . CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALlFoRrt~,Ze 9 If; n VACATING A PORTION OF A PUBLIC PARKING EASEMENT S lT~rFiC!AL h[\;'.;f~QS ATE SOUTH OF ORCHARD CITY DRIVE AND NORTHWEST OF Ttl~tc,,\ CLAH/l. (,;OUHTY SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION COMPANY RIGHT OF W~~CE0RGE h. M~HN , qrr; '~Tn A p ~ F(;()ROER WHEREAS, the City of Campbell acquired that certain public parking ease- ment described by that certa i n Grant Deed recorded September 25, 1978, and filed in Book D 971 of Official Records at page 442 in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara; and, 7989385 1336~bt587 WHEREAS, a portion of said easement, which portion is described by the attached "Exhibit A," is excess and not required for present or future public parking purposes; and, WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has recommended that said portion be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell as follows: SECTION ONE: That it elects to proceed in accordance with the provi- sions of Division 9, Part 3, Chapter 4, Section 8334, et sequens, of the Streets and Highways Code. SECTION TWO: That the City Council does hereby summarily vacate afore- sa i d port i on of pub lie pa rk i ng easement. SECTION THREE: That the City Clerk is directed to record a certified copy of this Resolution in aforesaid office of the County Recorder. SECTION FOUR: That from and after the date the resolution is recorded, aforesaid portion vacated no longer constitutes a public parking easement. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th 1984, by the following vote: day of February AYES: Councilmen: Chamberlin, Ashworth, Doetsch, Kotowski, Paul NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None APPROVED: i: ./ .. I ~ . ",,',':-''114 1,~t j'''" r~ <. ., .. I) ~/~~4 orman Pau I , Mayo r BY: RALPH DOETSCH, SR., VICE-MAYOR ,., ') . 1.1 : I. , r ~' . ,,\"': ATi{.E~ ~ . f;A;d!::4tv~erk -: \., " . \ EXH I B IT "A" All of that certain real property described by that certain Grant Deed recorded September 25, 1978, and filed in Book D 971 of Official Records at page 442 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; EXCEPTING THEREFROM a strip of land 3.00 feet wide, the northerly 1 ine of which is coincident with the southerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue, as said Central Avenue is described by said Grant Deed. J 33G P!GE 588 RESOLUTION NO. 7142 BEING A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A QUITCLAIM DEED OF A PUBLIC PARKING EASEMENT AT 300 ORCHARD CITY DRIVE WHEREAS, the City of Campbell acquired that certain public parking ease- ment described by that certain Grant Deed recorded,ISeptember 25, 1978, and filed in Book D 971 of Official Records at page 442 in the office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara; and, WHEREAS, a portion of said easement, which portion is described by the attached "Exhibit A," is excess and not required for present or future public parking purposes; and, WHEREAS, the City of Campbell vacated the portion described in attached "Exhibit A" by Resolution No. 6682 adopted February 7, 1984; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell as follows: That the City Council does hereby quitclaim all its interest in the aforesaid portion of the public parking easement. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of 1986, by the following vote: April AYES: Councilpersons: Ashworth, Doetsch, Vvatson, Podgorsek, Kotcmski NOES: ABSENT: Councilpersons: None Council persons: None APPROVED: ..J~4i.. ic 0 ki yor t'~. ~. Sr.. Vice lIayor ATTEST: rL ~,g~, Anne G. Coyne, Clty Clerk QUITCLAIM DEED WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California general partnership, does hereby quitclaim unto the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for public parking purposes all that certain real property situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California described as follows: All that certain real property designated as parcel one, as described in that certain grant deed recorded September 25, 1978, and filed in Book D 971 of Official Records at page 442 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; EXCEPTING THEREFROM a strip of land 3.00 feet wide, the northerly line of which is coincident with the southerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue, as said Central Avenue is described by said grant deed. ..!!Ll.ITNESS WHEREOF, I have placed my name this '2.. 8 -la...--- , 1987. day of ~ General Partner: Stan Davis ~~~ General Partner: Edwin J. Parish - NOTARY FOR PARTNERSHIP SIGNATURE County of ~A.. ~ lJ:4.A.. I I ss. I STATE OF CALIFORNIA On this va day of ~~, , 19'0'1 , before me ~~. ~u\4L ~.A r j ..Af.,rlA , S ta te 0 f a Notary Public in and for the County of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ~'" ~ \7~ \~ ~LJ IN:! . fA..~\S+\ personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person that executed this instrument on behalf of the partnership and acknowledged to me that the partnership executed it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offical seal the day and year on this certificate first above written. OFFICIAL SEAL KIRK T. POWELL NOTARY PUBUC' CAUFORNIA SANTA CLARA COUNTY My Comm. Expires Jon. 26, 1990 Notar Pu lic in and for the County of ~~ / .u....f-A ' State of Cali forni a IINOTARY SEALII My commission expires: ~~. Z1~ \O\~O . .""~' -- --------- ~--I ..... ..... :pI 921940'0 ,. l!-tD ;-Of( I1ECCJRO AT REQUEST OF CITY OF CAMPBELl. ArR 6 9 48 AM '87 OFf-i(/, ~..',' """')' - 'I-.vt.. .1:'" ~ ~ANTA CLJ.R!.l COUNTY LAURIE KANE RECORDER ~C~!)..) ':,':r :<.:UT f=2 1C:), GC: ":':, l-.:T (<J~~ ~CA'~B~(C (~;: U,'''P~'~LL First Street I, California 95008 K 097PAGE1540 QUITCLAIM DEED For valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation in the COunty of Santa Clara, State of CAlifornia, does hereby quitclaim unto Water Tower Associates, a California general partnership, a portion of that certain parcel designated for public parking purposes described as followsl All that certain real property designated as parcel three, as described in that certain grant deed recorded September 25, 1978, and filed in Book D 971 of Official Records at page 442 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of CAlifornia, EXCEPTING THEREFROM a strip of land 3.00 feet wide, the northerly line of which is coincident with the southerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue, as said Central Avenue is described by said grant deed. IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, said City has caused its name to be affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk. CITY OF CAMPBELL .-) - -.. ,-, " ~1.' '../J.-d"t/~, ~;"<~f,r('-//_ Ralph: Doetsch, Sr. /. '"i.x/) / , !o'.ayC'r \ ... . ~ "'.. . ::;",::::J.:, .'.~:: :.::.- . .. . (> f\ i' '. c.,I:J:_" i I.CC~;7=D O~J THiS ;//'ik day ot./~ 0<-' I 1~7 f~r r,! "., !":"~:{ of the Cl't\l of C"\~,,hell \... ,-.. -. "".. o.jV., _.. i..}:...,,1! :i1"..J i .".. 'r " r,r,.. f a ), ~.,. ",,-.,...\ -." "---',~"'<""'~ ~'I' --p, "......'~-.1 n. > . . v"'" :1... ....;'i...,;~~__' \..;. ~!~c .~. '.!...-' U c.. .0"1 1-''' ';~ ,",', '.C'C:.C!'U"l',L" ""9 ~..., . .'~ '''{',J , .. " I .. . .... , I ~ ..... -. r '-'-__ ~~...t id L..~O { 4~;l)S - ~~~~\.,lJ:J'"-'?~~l*~',;S~~ra , - - ~" '. ",' _~;'l , - ': "/?"'" '.- - :, / ,~;. !:'l ".. /(.,~"'}',,,-t .- ~~b~a C<:~%~e~~:J , .'~'''''' f/ Co~::~y h2cords. . , .."., , 1>~ \,~. _~ ~. " ~. " ":t ~'. 1"....- -,'*"^ <<. "," '4 ~, ~ .~ >~ TO BE RECORDED W:T'~OUT.ftl: SEe ION 61C3 GO,,/ER:~i,'E;;r CODE AT THE REQUEST OF CITY OF CAMPBEll j}H d' a{ECEIVED 8973442 I SEP 23 1986 r- CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 North First Street Campbell, California 9500e QUITCLAIM DEED h.lu",/C ~.v .".J mGINEEkjj~G , J.~!aPAGE1267 WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California general partnership, does hereby quit- claim unto the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for publ ic parking purposes all that certain real property situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL ONE: Lot 4, as shown on the Map of Campbell's Southwestern Addition to the Town of Campbell, recorded August 28, 1894, in Book IIH," page 85 of Maps, records of Santa Clara County, California. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that portion thereof conveyed to Morning Light Lodge #42, I.O.O.F., a fraternal association, by deed recorded April 29, 1963, in Book 6021, page 222, of Official Records. PARCEL TWO: Portion of Lot 5, as shown on the Map of Campbell's Southwestern Addition to the Town of Campbell, recorded August 28, 1894, in Book-"H," page 85 of Maps, records of Santa Clara County, California, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the' northerly line of Lot 5 distant thereon South 890 43' East 110.97 feet from an iron bar at the northwesterly corner of Lot 5 in the easterly line of First Street, as said lot and street are shown upon the map herein above referred to; thence leaving said line of Lot 5 and parallel with the easterly line of said Lot 5, (South) 000 18' 50" East 50.00 feet to an iron pipe in the southerly line of said Lot 5; thence along said southerly line of Lot 5, South 890 43' East 51.67 feet to an iron pipe at the southeasterly corner of said Lot 5; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 5, North 000 18' 50" West 50.00 feet to an iron bar at the northeasterly corner of said Lot 5; thence along the northerly line of said Lot 5, North 890 43' West 51.67 feet, to the Point of Beginning. PARCEL THREE: BEGINNING at an iron pipe marking the intersection of the northwesterly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and the southerly line of Central Avenue; thence South 310 34' 10" West along said northwesterly right-of-way 1 ine 18.00 feet; thence North 580 27' 19" West, parallel to the southerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue and at right angles, 18.00 feet distant, 52.00 feet; thence North 310 34' 10" East, 3.00 feet, to a tangent curve concave to the southwes~ having a radius of 1.5 feet; thence along said o tangent curve to the southwest, 2.36 feet, through a central angle of 90 ; thence North 5So 27' 19" Wes~ 19.00 feet; thence North 310 32' 41" East, 14.00 feet, more or less, to the southerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue; thence easterly along said southerly right-of-way line, South 580 27' 19" East, 73.00 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning. IN WITNESS WHEREOF i have placed my name this '12. t.lD d<!lY of S I: PI E 1Vl 21 t::'R , 1986 . ~ Jt..O co N ~~ ~ ~ ~I- '-0 ~ c:~ .1- ~ a:::::'~~ t'.... 00 - ,,- ~LIJ '" 0 a::.......... r-- Cl: ~~~ t; ,~~ = ~ VI... ,~ :- - -::' t;,l ~~, ~.~~ ~ 0: ~)- ~ liJ J"" ,~. 0 7>2w'E' p~ 5 Q t .~ ,",' ::l u.. ~<<a lJ.. .' ..J L!.. .... 0% < en ~~ GENERAL PARTNER: Stan M. Davis c::::::-..:::.:::.-:::-.. ~ --~c -, --'" . ~... -.-. . .~ ,,"- GENERAL PARTNER: Edwin J. Parish NOTARY FOR PARTNERSHIP SIGNATURE J 8 73PA6EJ 269 C t f c=--- '"""\ C ' (, oun y 0 ~Y.,j.(' G. " ("""1 \\ CJ... I I ss. I STATE OF CALIFORNIA C--- - ' 0'1 ,) ti~ On thi s (:2-"] 1"1,.1 day of '>4-S1c:- M ~f r ,19QL, before m~ ~r r. ~,/f j- , 'l "'jt- ~" _ I ' ! ! a Notary Pubiic in and for the County of ~nl{a ClnL-~, ,State of California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared c;" T-)" - rl I .""), '^ d ' ~ r- I ":S)'- c:::::-"'-\ '"d c-;- v", -0) \~ I J,''S " personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the perso~that executed this instrument on behalf of the partnership and acknowledged to me that the partnership executed it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offical seal the day and year on this certificate first above written. N~t~~ it 1n ~'rl ~lc~ C \c~ II l "NOTARY SEAL II My commission exp;res~M,.4 )3, I c:; "i 0 ~IUL IIMCIMIT A. HMO\' NOTAIIV~ ~ -.. SIIII CIlIa llIllIlJ "J' ........ ...., 23,1tIi8 5e F '2.. )~/ (~7 Y I~< Fac-+cjY 1r<:t~+) fcl> ),/ "l.. 5:J I'~ <"1 e .1<:.. t:J. Fe-b 'l. f( YLf I Cb un c.. \ \ " D. (0- t t..!> Ct Il ::s 'fG- { ~ ~ / '3 " Ilt. )(C.~\ hi't . f) A f \" ; \ \ q ~" Lou~~ \ Q\".)t\'\O\-;~"J &'-'l~c-l~,',~ -l'1",{ rel:.DrG.!q../ -~ Je;l:., tOe. ~ . 1" I ?f.b Wev+.(.v IOGUev (Q,J; \~(4'lI~1S f <--I.> (/ <. J( :5 Out I 11 I 't & let ! ( q c ~ r L- ( 1 hI' \,4 ,; ~41 ~ < . 1)l<., )~ J"IH~ W4tzV /o~~1/ AJJoL-. pct,...in~f'5~'r d~jJor.J#:J, tt~J"t:t 1/"Ct"bJ to. S1-4V\ Pt<";)/ E.J Pay,s't /' 1 !Je<.>J~&1 Re4-/j;, Jq" 2.t} IrI 1Ja\Jl~ '~ n..;, ~ ~ Q G fvl I ~j W,,<-1lY" }c.uJCY' A~JO~. C ({ lOr 5 41)~~ ;f UJc"1f t-.o r('c.ol-~('V" ~ ~c. s ("~N("OLJ lo...,t Lto y<ctlv-J~cl 4lPL. 111 tl'l~. A fr', \ f//"IS7 t ~ +1 0 c ~ i <:..1 -:) LD 0. tc...- ,.,- (!) ~.c. r ~~c<rt foe", j/~t.",'t' ;\5 JOC.-_ l~ ..-7 Iro ~ os <-_ ~ p.....{ '3 ~)(L-f!:rt. , . A H (\ 0l !.(> v .,. <:: c. ~ c\~5 c.. 1-... 00+ \. t6 <9. L ) t'~ ~lSi" J, 2. Q c fc-( +0 Va v \.t o . ~ I ~ewc~ I '"3 10. V"l 1 I / "3 , I-i Q ~t- Va." }'" / Pet v "5 ~ ~ {\Je..w L'~ ( <Q. L- f<-( I h G, :y, . ~ I ~:VZ~.~ sT~ saf' :z..s~ 1'I7t' -r I.... F~~J I Uj, / d"", ~ t. -rL. Wy ~ ~ ~ 1)"\7) o1Z441- p~ :1.; a...J ~ to. L4 ............':1 L '7 U- ~ lU-t 5..J. ~ O~ Gl7 D~ f~7-/ 0~~ ~ 1 s~ F~ ~ o~ c40 II $0 I~ I/o I 1;: 'P~ ::s: I~ ~~ 'I~ -f .~~- ~sM~ s~~ ~~-li,~ 'P~~ R'JU two' u~/~ 11~J - St~ +- ~... /;. ~ ,,;tLk C<- 1~~ \ K",^,~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~,:3 d~,J ~7 .~ Fa.-J""1' ~1 )~~~ /.d..J. ~ of ~~ .LOU ~~ /~~ -~ ,-rU '-"'-' ~~ ~ ~~ fn- f~ f~L, Fe.b 7, t'n., c.L:tcr ~J . \l ~/LoY ~"" -l~~ No. , fob~:z. ~O 4- ~~ J.- ~ ~ .~. ~ ~L-<Jt ~ t;; ~ ~ f ~ :1 ~ -<,<~ (L CL 3 f4' A~ ,,)1;( 5~ ~Je {~~ . .. Cj~ I Jdd J~~ ~~ )~ ~ 4 4~~ JJ ~ J~ f-' jJ ~ ~ 171 oR.. /(-fz ~f Cc "3 I~ -4~J .~ ~ ~. rd. 1.",l1ff --r~ .~~ t ~'-=-> ~ ~ ~.-A-- ~.L "33(.. o~ Slr7. ){CI\'" 'Pc....~, r~11.1csL i-e. . Ar..-.l"/i'fl- ~ ~~~ fM.7 k. -'7<~ CL. ,\4 ~. ) ~ l S{~,,- tr 0.\,.t ~ ~.~n,-- ~ ~ 1L I<~~ ~ ~~~. tJo ~.fL<}~~ t..0~ d:J~. ( '( 7 E-v.". ;1'1 A "'''-t'''rtc I, c" l-L,,,-h.,j 1-... ~a.C<.1-I~'" .ot sc..p \J ~ v" e. J . D<.-\. '1,I'i'yL wcJ~ 1~~J~ J!J t, c.J1 -tt ~ .. -t -J~ ~J .Q.~- tL.. ~~ ~ ~ ~~ j rL T~"^d' 1Jk,J &-'73(f)R..1?.~7 ? D~ 1'I,11i6 ~\l.. G\'(f ~J~ rf~ 1 ~ ~ . ~ ~~ JL'~T~ )/ J~ ~ J H6 oR \cP5.3.,1v:-, J~~Lm..- ~~ ~ ~ ~ 6AL- 1 rti ~'4~ J~ 1fJ ~ ~~ 1, ~~~ 'ji0r ~& . .. i r(i) ~~~~. 'D"-b. 31,1"11'(" W",*",,- -T~ ~-'-'- rot*...-u4 -A-~~~. /~~ /t ~ ~ ~. fl~, f0~~ Kktl-r Cert.u ~ '6 ~ S-t<>-"<.- V ~ . .1'-:\\,\ 1'2, 1"(Y7 S -t<> '" y ~ ~~ &" ~ 4- ~ l~~" l>J~ -rL J~~~. trc,lr~7 'R~ ~ ~ W ~ T~ J~~ ~-t~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~- *':/~O' Ii. ~ ~~/ J~ ~ L. 7-Y,lrY7 st~:D~ ~ ~~ 1. p~ ~~ r- J~~-f' \~~J io W, ~ ~ ~~ J~l~P-~oI~/~ ~ )~~ ~ ~ cOd. fL(, Itf'(,.. w-€- ~~ .Yt-i"- ht_/J~~ ;;tLt- /(1- A~ ~ Cc- ~ J -+L ~ )~ -rL LVtO cU~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -Ac 1L ~ F~ lI7f7~~~ / . I . @ Q~ I'll ['N-). ~ ~ ~ Ll4--4 ~-J ~ ~ ~~ A<"A- ~ A~ t4 ~A<~ !W A~ ,,~~~ ~ ~ ,;:/~ /7tL ~~ U>-8L-d ~~~. (~ ~1' A~ A<..A ~ ~ wo-F~ ?~~~? 7' F~.1.D,I''1f7 ~ C7f~"J .A<~ r.dJ~ i, w,J-~ -r ~ ~.y. ~1 /lL--l~ A ~~ ~ cLa.J L\.oJ.. ..A-t ,vfaJl-.iy-J ~ J.t,,( CL--, L.O ( CZ 8"7 . / ~rJ~(1f.-7 f'J~ ~~ 0 ~ 3 4<'; r '3' sf'!,) ~ ~ ?J~ -'f\ roOf? o(~ IS-tO. Yf.( {- 111-1 rf~ ~ ~-O ~ r:-d~ ~ .A--4~i~ ~ '.:t~~ .J ~.~ ~ ~~!c ~~ A- d~ r '.jJe-f /AJ7;; /11'7 ~ r:;- ~ ~,.7<:~ h ~ '4 ,/~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~o ~lVLr-t~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ -W ~~ ~e.J. ..~ CITY' OF CAMPBEW J'- 70 ,North First Street "- Campbell, California 95008 clL-H- 898-1179 J 880PA6E1653 ftIW') fl)til ~ .'- AT UCUPT tI C vt.v- 'Df~~ Oell ~ I 14 PM 'a' r- O"JCAL RECORDS 'MIrA C1.AllA COUNTY LAURIE KAHE RECOROER lQ II! RECOROEO WITHOUT FEE ~tw ~N 6103 GOVERNMEt-lT CODE .... JHE REQUEST OF CITY Of CAMP8Ell. QUITCLAIM DEED 8981179 For valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, does hereby quitclaim unto Water Tower Associates, a California general partnership, a portion of that certain parcel designated for public parking purposes described as follows: All that certain real property designated as parcel one, as described in that certain grant deed recorded September 25, 1978, and filed in Book D 971 of Official Records at page 442 in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California, EXCEPTING THEREFROM a strip of land 3.00 feet wide, the northerly line of which i. coincident with the southerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue, as said Central Avenue is descri~d by R&id qrant deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said City has caused its name to be affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk. ,_,.......CIT,YLAOF ,~' '-, ';./ (~ - , ~ ~ ' , - <-0.--- ---- / 0 ~ Michael F. Kotowski, Mayor , J880PAGE 1654 -:; ACC:PTED ON TlHS 7tL daY.Df t:kb. /9ft; for and on behalf of the City of Campbell, a Muni,ciPal Corporation, :~f. Jh~~ S~'*'~\ C2'if~~!";2, pursuant to Ri,s.l!lt~.5>l.~!?l~' rcc:~ded in Book 4509 ;-"ooPage 188 'Santa~jra ~: ,'();" <." ' " - " r- Co~nty Records, &,)..tl;l1L ;o~if!fJ; f3:!r~. Olsss k~: Cfty- 'c K Ci~bf :'C~~etI/ ~Tifornia 1- ~ ...... ,.' '" '<; 'I ~ I.'. \ I f l kl:Qursr rem. (;/\j,CLI,LATI0:'; , I'AXE:,> I;l' l'lJnUC: /'.(~ENCY BECAl OF Ti'~lll year 1986-87 ^C~\.~'jSITIOS U;\j)L1~ JU:VL:<UE tv. TAX!.TiO:-; COUE SLeT lCE-J 19)']:; 1:1' SEQ. [ta:,' (,r "PI,lical:"f: 12-10-86 TO: BOAI'.D OF SUPEg\'ISOl:~; of Sallt~ CI,.~a Count)', State of C:!:Jorni;; Gcntkmcr. : TIle unrlmigncd .",,!hnrizcd agent of tbe .............~.I.':IT.J?f...~.~.~~.~~............................................................... (puL!ic agency) h('rc~,:)' r('qu('~t; that YOll c(m~!.:nt Ir. the cancdbli0!1 of taxes agaiw.t the folk,w;rl6 ducrib('d properly, specific de~cr;pti()n at- t.ar,hu1, lx:cau~e (If i'..rqilj~ition br til;: s7.iJ pU!llic ~,r,t:ncy p:Jrsu::r.t to ReVclJuC' {.:. T~atjon Co~!(; S-::clic.n 498G l't ~~q., and hertLi dcc.l;.;rc~ under p:::r.~,lt)' of V:rjllTY on bcLdf (,f the said public agency that Ihe infonnati~m herein is true amJ ((,ITect. N;m:o;: of Requestinr; A~ency CITY OF CAMPBELL ~r~~~l~:~~ AUlh~;Zd~~ARA OLSASKY CITY CLERK ~ ~ ' S!&ncd at CI CAMPBELL 70 N FIRST ST., CAMPBELL CA 95008 Dat= A<<juircd: Recorder's Selial N"./book &:. pg. Am~s~ed to 10/7 /86 J873-1267 8973442 WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES How A<<ju ire cl : Do.,.~. ASSEss~,n"NT !'<O. (ArN) CODE AREA o BY t>t:ED OrlNAL nnork 413-07-61,63,64 Dkdund b)' Court Order. (1-'lcllSe attach or~cr for paYln~nl to public agenC)') L......m IMP. rE.RS. PROP. LXE.MPT NET TOTAL OTHER SEE ATTACHED RECEIVED DEe 16 1986 PUBLIC WOHKS ENGlNEERlNG TO BE RECORDED Wm~OUT,r- SF.r:ION 6103 GO'/ER.'~Iv'E,~T' .E AT THE REQUEST OF CITY OF CA,V.PBE:LL 1]H d' ..!:.' EC E IV~D SEP 23 1986 8973442 -- I .. r- CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 North First Street Campbell, California 95008 QUITCLAIM DEED Pl.Iu...IC ~. 0.;;\,J ENGINEERH~G ,. J. ~! ~PAGE126 7 WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California general partnership, does hereby quit- claim unto the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, for publ ic parking purposes all that certain real property situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL ONE: Lot 4, as shown on the Map of Campbell's Southwestern Addition to the Town of Campbell, recorded August 28,1894, in Book "H," page 85 of Maps, records of Santa Clara County, California. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that portion thereof conveyed to Morning Light Lodge #42, I.O.O.F., a fraternal association, by deed recorded April 29~ 1963, in Book 6021, page 222, of Official Records. ' PARCEL TWO: Portion of Lot 5, as shown on the Map of Campbell's Southwestern Addition to the Town of Campbell, recorded Augus t 28, 1894, in Book" "H," page 85 of Maps, records of Santa Clara County, California, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe in the' northerly line of Lot 5 distant thereon South 890 431 East 110.97 feet from an iron bar at the northwesterly corner of Lot 5 in the easterly line of First Street, as said lot and street are shown upon the map herein above referred to; thence leaving said line of Lot 5 and parallel with the easterly 1 ine of said Lot 5, (South) 000 181 50" East 50.00 feet to an iron pipe in the southerly line of said Lot 5; thence along said southerly line of Lot 5, South 890 43' East 51.67 feet to an iron pipe at the southeasterly corner of said Lot 5; thence along the easterly line of said Lot 5, North 000 18' 50" West 50.00 feet to an iron bar at the northeasterly corner of said Lot 5; thence along the northerly line of said Lot 5, North 890 43' West 51.67 feet, to the Point of Beginning. PARCEL THREE: BEGINNING at an iron pipe marking the intersection of the northwesterly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company and the southerly line of Central Avenue; thence South 310 34' 10" West along said northwesterly right-of-way line 18.00 feet; thence North 580 271 19" West, parallel to the southerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue and at right angles, 18.00 feet distant, 52.00 feet; thence North 310 341 10" East, 3.00 feet, to a tangent curve concave to the southwes~ having a radius of 1.5 feet; thence along said o tan~nt curve to the southwest, 2.36 feet, through a central angle of 90 ; thence North 580 27' 1911 Wes~ 19.00 feet; thence North 310 32' 4111 East, 14.00 feet, more or less, to the southerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue; thence easterly along said southerly right-of-way line, South 580 27' 19" East, 73.00 feet, more or less, to the Point of Beginning. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have placed my name this 'l2.~d~y of S i:F\E tv'\ 21 r:~ 1986. N ~ ~ rr ~ '4 LO o ~ a:: tL ::r.:: 00 -:= ~I- '-0 (/) .- C:::W -r .x:::, ~ ~ 00 - lI.'" o ex:......... r-- ~~~ t; ~ ~ 'I1 ~'f..:" ~ tfl -,.. c::; ~o~o: l.-; <_: ~ UJ L.j ."~. ~t' 0 ::~ 2. w 'f ,.c...:.. _ '-' .." ..J .3::. (.) .-l;Q:::lW ~<C(a ~. ...J L/...... 0% ~ en ~~ ),...,--~ GENERAL PARTNER: Stan M. Davis <::::::::::::::-.~ ~ /-=.=~~ ---:---,. GENERAL PARTNER: Edwin J. Parish .. 6 '-- I NOTARY FOR PARTNERSHIP SIGNATURE J 873PA6EJ 269 STATE OF CALIFORNIA I I SSe County ofS;-~~G C'J rl \r CJ.. I c--...... ()1 'I / / I On thisc:2.:"J t"!r1day of ,x.;f~it?m~~r t 19~t before me'\., ~r''''''''-Y l:J ('i<..{V'd'ff, , ../ I (I a Notary Pubi ic in and for the County of ~.b~{a (' t.') ~-e:, t State of ' Californiat residing thereint duly commissioned and swornt personally appeared 6-\c7 ""' '01 \~ d,'S .. Cd ( 'J' \"3 (~'2 X'/ ~t,_ personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the perso~that executed this instrument on behalf of the partnership and acknowledged to me that the partnership executed it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offical seal the day and year on this certificate first above written. N~t~UI/; ic~n ~l~\Ct (' \0 1ft "NOTARY SEAL" My commission expires ~~h-k ;)3, I "i '1 0 CITY OF CAMPBEll MEMORANDUM To: Arthur A. Kee, Planning Director Date: Fe.. b. 4) 1.9195" From: Joseph Ell i ot t, Director of Pub 1 i c Works Subject: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP LANDS OF WAIER TOWER A.P.N. 4t"'3.-01-0fp2, A SSO G . ------------------------------------------------------------ This office recommends approval of the proposal, subject to the following conditions: 1. File a parcel map in accordance with the provisions of the State Subdivision Map Act. Santa T-tl ~a,,~ I e Company o 701 MILLER STREET AT TAYLOR, SAN JOSE, CA 95110 ' O' 12226 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE ROAD, SARATOGA, CA 95070 o 4010 MOORPARK AVENUE, SUITE 102, SAN JOSE, CA 95117 o 700 SOUTH BERNARDO AVENUE, SUNNYVALE, CA 94086 o 1475 SO BASCOM AVENUE, SUITE 209, CAMPBELL, CA 95008 o 167 SO, SAN ANTONIO ROAD, SUITE 8, LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 C 2 PALO ALTO SQUARE. SUITE GF, PALO ALTO, CA 94306 (408) 288-7800 (408) 725-1303 (408) 985-8120 (408) 733-5591 (408) 371-0104 (415) 949,0870 (415) 858-1281 CLTA PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT . DAVIS & ASSOCIATES 300 Orchard City Drive Campbell, CA 95008 Attn: DEE UPDATE 413-7-12 13 & 30 IMPORTANT WHEN REPLYING REFER TO OFFICE NOTED ABOVE OUR NO, 907109-A (Form Rev, 11-18-82) Subject to a minimum charge required by Section 12404 of the Insurance Code. Suite 126 . . YOUR NO, ESCROW OFFICER TITLE OFFICER DARLENE FERRILL SUE AGUIRRE-MEAD/ph FORM OF POLICY COVERAGE REQUESTED: o CLTA STANDARD 0 ALTA RESIDENTIAL 0 ALTA LENDER'S 0 ALTA OWNER'S FORM B In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, this Company hereby reports that it is prepared to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinater set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said Policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Exhibit A attached, Copies of the Policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements or amendments hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby, If it is desired that Ii ility beassumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. Dated as of January 8, , 1~~, at 7:30 a.m. J Title Officer The form of policy of title insurance contemplated by this report is: CLTA The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A fee Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California general partnership The land referred to in this Report is situated in the State of California. County of Santa Clara and is described as follows: (See "Legal Description" Schedule C attached) At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed Exceptions and Exclusions in said policy form would be as follows: See following page for exceptions. 907109-A Page 2 1. TAXES for the fiscal year 1984-85, shown as follows: 1st Installment $31,160.65 PAID 2nd Installment $31,160.65 OPEN Assessor's Parcel No. 413-07-062 Code Area Land $421,260.00 IMP $2,179,740.00 PP NONE 10-078 Exemp NONE Such additional amounts which may be assessed by reason of: (a) Improvements added subsequent to March 1, 1975; (b) Changes of ownership occurring subsequent to March 1, 1975; (c) Any final judgment determining that constitutional article XIII A has been applied improperly; (d) Reappraisal of property values as of March 1, 1975. 2. There has been a miscellaneous increase on Assessor's Parcel No. 413-07-062, which has been posted on the first and second installment of the 1984-85 taxes. This amount is in addition to the original tax bill and is shown asrsuant to the Assessor's Parcel No. 413-07-062-M1 of the State of California." First Installment Second Installment $50,000.00 PAID $50,000.00 OPEN , 3. "The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provision of Chapter 498, Statutes of 1983 of the State of California." 4. Bond Series 80T, dated August 2, 1978 for Parking Proj., No. I-A LID No. 27 Assessment No.3, payable in semi-annual installments with taxes. Amount to pay in full: Remaining Principal: Interest: Amount sent to 1984-85 Tax Roll: Payable to: Figures good until: $1,839,017 .85 $ 837,589.93 $1,001,427.92 $ 60,077.30 CITY OF CAMPBELL August 1, 1985 5. An Agreement to construct Land Development Improvements, upon the terms, covenants and conditions therein imposed which shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors in interest. Executed by: Richard B. Millen, Denyce K. Millen, William H. Mac Laughlin and March B. Mac Laughlin, and the City of Campbell, a municipal corporation May 16, 1973 in Book 0379, Page 457 Official Records Recorded: 6. Agreement for the Installation and Maintenance of Off-Street Automobile Parking Improvements dated July 10, 1978 by and between THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, a municipal corporation, Santa Clara County, California hereinafter called "City" and THE FACTORY LTD., a limited partnership, hereinafter called "Factory", recorded July 17, 1978 in Book D 817, Page 365 of Official Records, reference to the records is hereby made for further particulars. (Affects This and Other Property) 907109-A Page 3 7. Encroachment of building at most Easterly corner of Parcell, as disclosed by ALTA Survey prepared by Danforth Apker, Civil Engineer, #10007. 8. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount stated herein Dated :August 10, 1984 Amount :$6,500,000.00 Trustor :WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California corporation Trustee :SANTA CLARA COUNTY TITLE COMPANY Beneficiary :PACIFIC PIONEER FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a corporation Recorded :August 10, 1984 in Book I 784, Page 275, Official Records Address :1641 North First Street, Suite 105, San Jose, CA 95112 Loan No :None shown An assignment of the lessor's interest in the lease herein referred to, given as additional security for the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, which assignment was Executed by :WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California corporation In Favor of :PACIFIC PIONEER FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a corporation Recorded :August 10, 1984 in Book I 784, Page 308, Official Records Lease :Shown as exception No~ 9 The beneficial To interest of record under said deed of trust was assigned :PIONEER FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation :August 9, 1984 :August 10, 1984 in Book I 784, Page 322, Official Records :c/o Miller, Morton, Callat and Nevis 777 North First Street, Suite 500, San Jose, CA 95112 By assignment dated Recorded Address An assignment of the lessor's interest in the lease herein referred to, given as additional security for the payment of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, which assignment was Executed by :PACIFIC PIONEER FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a corporation In Favor of :PIONEER FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, a corporation Recorded :August 10, 1984 in Book I 784, Page 326, Official Records Lease :Shown as exception No.9 A financing statement, given as additional security for the payment of the indebtedness secured by the deed of trust shown above, Dated :August 9, 1984 Debtor :WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California general partnership Secured party :PACIFIC PIONEER FINANCIAL CORPORATION Recorded :August 10, 1984 in Book I 784, Page 330, Official Records 9. Terms and provisions of unrecorded leases executed by and between Water Tower Associates, a California general partnership: (Continued) TENANT PLAZA FINANCIAL SERVICES -I-NFOTRAN S- INSTA LEASE URBAN PROPERTY ANALYSTS VULCAN SOFTWARE RUSH FRANKLIN PUBLISHING GOURMET ELECTRONICS CIRCLE K MARKETING COMM. RESOURCES MICRO LAB INC. GOULD ELECTRONICS J. F. BEARDSLEY DESIGN FOUR BONNETT CONSTRUCTION STEVENS, PATRICK & LANG GREG POLETTI DAVIS & ASSOCIATES KHARTOUM LARIAT KOMATSU PARLOR 907109-A Page 4 LEASE SIGNED SUITE NO. 4/84 6/84 7/83 3/84 4/84 3/84 3/84 2/84 12/83 4/84 2/84 10/83 6/84 4/84 5/84 6/84 8/84 4/80 2/80 9/82 12/7,,4 102 147 104 108 131 134 143 145 146 148 170 142 122 168 132 130 126 Restaurant Tenant Restaurant Tenant Restaurant Tenant Restaurant Tenant As disclosed by instruments recorded August la, 1984 in Book I 784, Page 308, and August 10, 1984 in Book I 784, Page 322. The beneficial interest of WATER TOWER ASSOCIATES, a California general partnership was assigned to :PACIFIC PIONEER FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a corporation By assignment dated:August 10, 1984 Recorded :August 10, 1984 in Book I 784, Page 308, Official Records Address :1641 North First Street Suite 105, San Jose, CA 95112 The beneficial interest of PACIFIC PIONEER FINANCIAL CORPORATION, a corporation was assigned to :PIONEER FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN A~SOCIATION, a corporation By assignment dated:August 9, 1984 Recorded :August 10, 1984 in Book I 784, Page 322, Official Records Address :777 North First Street, Suite 500, San Jose, CA 95112 10. Rights of parties in possession of said land by reason of unrecorded leases, or rental agreements, if any. NOTE: THIS REPORT DOES NOT REFLECT REQUESTS FOR NOTICE OF DEFAULT, SUBSEQUENT T~~SFERS OF EASEMENTS, AND SIMILAR MATTERS NOT GERMANE TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ANTICIPATED HEREINUNDER. STR: 8-10-84 CONV . UF VYDECff330 907109-A SCHEDULE "c" LEGAL DESCRIPTION: All that certain real property situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: PARCEL ONE: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Southwesterly line of a parcel of land described in Deed and recorded in 1975 under series number 5194638 in the Santa Clara County's Recorders Office, Santa Clara County, California, and the Northwesterly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence North 580 06' 21" West, 292.40 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 310 44' 30" East, 28.57 feet to an iron pipe; thence, North 00 09' 35" West 31.26 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 890 55' 46" East, 10.48 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 310 19' 32" East, 221.37 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 00 02' 27" East, 32.98 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 890 56' 17" West, 126.21 feet, more or less to the Easterly right-of-way of South First Street; thence, Northerly along said Easterly right-of-way, North 00 09' 35" West, 50.39 feet, more (K' less to the Southerly right-of-way line of Orchard City Drive; thence, Easterly along said Southerly right-of-way line 236.34 feet, to a tangent curve concave to the South- west having a radius of 275.00 feet; thence, along said tangent curve concave to the Southwest, 72.99 feet, more or less through a central angle of 150 12' 28" to the Westerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue; thence Southerly along said Westerly right-of-way line 115.00 feet; more or less to an iron pipe, marking an angle point in said Westerly right-of-way line to the Southeast; thence, South 580 27' 19" East along said Southerly right-of-way line, 122.84 feet to an iron pipe marking the intersection of said Southerly right-of-way line with the North- westerly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company; thence, Southwesterly, along said right-of-way line, South 310 34' 10" West, 544.54 to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. Excepting from above, the following described parcels: PARCEL A: BEGINNING at an iron pipe marking the intersection of the Northwesterly right-of- way line of the South Pacific Railroad Company and the Southerly line of Central Avenue; thence, South 310 34' 10" West along said Northwesterly right-of-way line 18.00 feet; thence, North 580 27' 19" West, parallel to the Southerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue and at right angles, 18.00 feet distant, 52.00 feet; thence, North 310 34' 10" East, 3.00 feet, to a tangent curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 1.5 feet; thence, along said tangent curve concave to the South- west, 2.36 feet, through a central angle of 900; thence, North 580 27' 19" West, 19.00 feet; thence, North 310 32' 41" East, 14.00 feet, more or less, to the South- erly right-of-way line of Central Avenue; thence, Easterly along said Southerly right-of-way line, South 580 27' 19" East, 73.00 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. 907l09-A PARCEL B: All that certain parcel of land situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BEGINNING at the point of intersection of the Southwesterly line of a parcel of land described in Deed and recorded in 1975 under series number 5194638 in the Santa Clara County's Recorders Office, Santa Clara County, California, and the Northwesterly right-of-way line of the Southern Pacific Transportation Company, said point being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence North 580 06' 21" West, 292.40 feet to an iron pipe; thence North 310 44' 30" East, 200.00 feet; thence South 580 06' 19" East, 291.80 feet; thence South 310 34' 10" West, 200.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL C: BOUNDED on the West by the East right-of-way line of South First Street; bounded on the North by the Southerly right-of-way line of Orchard City Drive; bounded on the East by the Westerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue; bounded on the South by the following described line: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the Easterly right-of-way line of South First Street, 50.39 feet Southerly on said Easterly right-of-way line from the Southerly right- of-way line of Orchard City Drive; thence, South 890 56' 17" East 126.21 feet to an iron pipe; thence, South 00 02' 27" West 8.00 feet; thence, North 730 33' 43", East 36.50 ft., to a tangent curve concave to the South having a radius 39.00 feet; thence along said tangent curve concave to the South, 18.04 feet, through a central angle of 260 30' 00"; thence, South 790 53' 41" East, 25.00 feet to a tangent curve concave to the Southwest having a radius of 2.00 feet; thence, along said tangent curve concave to the Southwest, 2.79 feet, through a central angle of 790 52' 41"; thence, South 00. 01' East, 19.00 feet; thence, North 890 59' East, '19.00 feet, to a tangent curve to the Southwest having a radius of 159.00 feet; thence, along said tangent curve concave to the Southwest, 87.56 feet, more or less, to the intersection of said curve with the Westerly right-of-way line of Central Avenue. PARCEL TWO: AN EASEMENT for Building Encroachment upon the followng described parcel: BEGINNING at the most Southwesterly corner of that certain parcel of land described by that certain Grant Deed recorded September 25, 1978 and filed in Book D 971 at Official Records at Page 453 in the offic~ of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California; thence along the Southerly boundary of said parcel of land the following courses and distances: South 890 56' 17" East 126.21 feet to an iron pipe; South 00 02' 27" West 8.00 feet; North 730 33' 43" East 17.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING being a point on a nontangent curve concave Southerly having a radius of 25.00 feet; thence from a tangent bearing North 180 39' 19" East Northeasterly and Southeasterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 1300 02' 40" a distance of 56.74 feet, to its intersection with afore- said Southerly boundary of said parcel of land; thence along aforesaid boundary the following courses and distances: North 790 53' 41" West 8.63 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve that is concave Southerly and has a radius of 39.00 feet; Westerly along the arc of last mentioned curve through a central angle of 260 30' 00" a distance of 18.04 feet; South 730 33' 43" West 19.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 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