30 LaVonne Dr. (66-51) r ,') , - ..."1;'~. : ;(eJ /3 I Jr~1 , ' , ,;; / ! I vV PLANNING DEPART>lENT CITY OF CAIviPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE ~ ~ . CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA Date .:' - .'J -.' CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "S" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF . ~:.) 0\ <;; '- ,..lit .:..:;art:.,Jit TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: ~ I ~ .1.1. \ : t ../, \ l : '. Section 9316.1 of the Camp~ell ~unicipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after tile date upon whic~l such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commis"ion at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit shall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a new approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE ..1d" DAY OF ,,' J.. \! ~ j CITY OF CM1PBELL PLANNING COMMISSION By: E"elyn;\AdamSGB, Secretary , .. ~. t _.) ~J. ~ ~,,~ l,--.......; ......'14.(. ,;.~) ; .. i . STAFF COMHENT SHEET - Continued): "s" 66-51 G. H. Coombs ORDINANCE 1. Parking and driveway area to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Camp~ell Municipal Code. Applicant to~comply with all other conditions of Variance 1966-5. 2. RECO'.!,vtENDA TI ONS 3. Landscaping and fencing to be provided as indicated on plan. 4. Landscape plan indicating type of plant material to be submitted for approval at time of appli- cation for buildin~ permit. s. Remainder of building site area south to Ca~phell Avenue to be cleared of all trees, debris and grass and oiled. 6. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of SSOO to be posted to insure landscaping, fencing, and clearing of lot within three (3) months of completion of building. 7. Developer to construct an enclosure with a concrete floor to house metal trash container for occurJants. liS" 66-:'.1. '\. I - - DES C B I P T ION All that certaln real property 11tuate 1n the Clty Qf Ca.pbell, County ot Santa Clara, State ot Calitorn1a, descr1bed al tollow.. BeFlun1ng at the Southwesterl1 oorner ot Lot lJl 1n the Ea.terl, l1ne ot La Vonne Dr1.e a. ..14 Lot -.d Drlye are shown on that certain Map entitled, -Tract Ho. 2747 CG.ent~ Village Unit No. )", which Map was tlled for reoord In the oft10e ot the aecorder of the Count1 of Santa Clara, State ot Ca11forn1a, on June 2), 1960 In Book 122 of Mapl, pas.s 4 and 5, thenoe South O. 17' 20. E., aloQl .ald Ea.terl, line ot La Venne Dr1.e, 179.29 teet to the beflDD1Dg or a our.e! to the left, thence Southea.terl, along .a 4 OUrT, to the lert, ha.1ns a ~adlu. ot 20 teet, a oentral angle ot 92- )2' 10. for an aro 41stance or )2.)0 t.et to a polnt In the Northerl, 11ne ot C-.pbel1 A.enue as Ihown on sa14 Map, thence North 870 10' )0. E. alone ..1d Norther1T l1ne or Caapbell A.enue 79.19 teet to the Ea.terl, line ot that. certaln parcel ot land con.e,ed to Dura-S~,le Ro.... a Partnerlhlp by need recorded Aprl1 '0, 1959 1n BOok 4401, ot Ottlclal Record., p&<<e 616, th.noe North 0- 17' 20. W., along the Ea.terl, llne of 8814 parc.l of land con.eTed to Dura-St,le Ho..., .a14 llne a1.0 be1ng the Souther1, prolon,at10n ot the Easterl, llne or .a14 Tract No. 2747, 200.20 teet to the South.asterl, corner ot la14 Lot 1)1, thence South 87- 10' )0. W. alone the Souther1, 11ne ot .a14 Lot. 1)1, 100.10 teet to the polnt ot bel1nnlng. ;".~ , , ! I I '06-'8-1~ 10-011 J./Ilb -2- ~ .. ,.....', ,,~