Marathon Dr. (TR 3906/4185) CITy ENc;;rr,lr-'1" - "", [';~,1 \ FILE RESOLUTION NO. BEING A RESOLUTION AND ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CM4PBELL OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, VACATING CERTAIN PUBLIC SERVICE EASEMENTS WITHIN TRACT NO. 3906 AND TRACT NO. 4185 SITUATE WITHIN SAID CITY. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, state of California, pursuant to the provisions of the Public Service Easement Vacation Law of the State of California, namely, Title 5, Division 1, Part 1, Chapter 2, Article 5, Section 50430, et sequens, of the Government Code of the State of California, did heretofore on the 8th day of May , 19 67 , pass and adopted its Ordinance No. 598 , being an Ordinance of Intention to vacate certain public service easements situate within said subdivisions; and WHEREAS, this 12th day ni= June , 1967, at the hour of 8 ~ 00 0 I clock_ P~, in the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, 75 Nor~h Central Avenue, Campbell, California, is the time and th~ place fixed for hearing all persons interested in or having obj ecti.ons to said proposed vacation: and WHEREAS, at said hearing evidence was presented by persons interested in said proposed vacation, and no persons appeared in objection thereto; and WHEREAS, said City Council does find, determine, and affirm from the evidence submitted to it that those certain public service easements described upon said Ordinance of Intention is unnecessary for present or prospective public uses; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Campbell that those certain public service easements hereinafter described be, and they are hereby ordered vacated, abandoned, and closed from public uses, and that those certain public service easements hereinabove referred to are situate within the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: Those certain public service easements situate within Tract No. 3906, Westmont Estates Unit 1, the map of which Tract No. 3906 was recorded June 2, 1966, and filed in Book 210 of Maps, at Page 36, in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: 1 of 2 L'lj'''\7 _ . 1. .t'-'.:-. 1\(.(:,.. . ---1.,_1 Y J:E' i-',' ,. ,/, Ii 01 r r-, 1 '-.,.(~ , 1 PARCEL ONE: That certain public service easement, two (2) feet in width, contiguous to the easterly line of Lot 24 and within said Lot 24. PARCEL TWO: Those certain public service easements, two (2) feet in width, contiguous to the common boundary line of Lots 20 and 21 and situate within said Lots 20 and 21. Those certain public service easements situate '"ithin Tract No. 4185, Westmont Estates Unit 2, the map of which Tract No. 4l85,was recorded June 2, 1966, and filed in Book 210 of Maps, at Pages 38 and 39, in the office of said County R9corder, described as follows: PARCEL THREE: Those certain public service easements, two (2) feet in width, contiguous to the common boundary line of Lots 55 and 56 and situate within said Lots 55 and 56. PARCEL FOUR: Those certain public service easements, two (2) feetin width, contiguous to the common boundary line of Lots 59 and 60 and situate within said Lots 59 and 60. PARCEL FIVE: That certain public service easement, four (4) feet in width, contiguous to the northerly line of Lot 64 and with said Lot 64. PASSED AND ADOPTED this by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen: NOES: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: day of , 19 APPROVED: l-1ayor ATTEST: City Clerk 2 of 2 Co }' , ." AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING NOTICE OF PUBLIC SERVICE EASm-n;NTS VACATION #4)...57 state of California ) ) ss. County of Santa Clara ) I, WILLIAM GQ WREN, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That I am a citizen of the United States of America and am over twenty-one years of age: That for and on behalf of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell I posted Notice of Public Service Easement Vacation, pursuant to Ordinance No. 598 , being an Ordinance of Intention to vacate, passed upon and adopted on the 8th day of May _, 19 67 , by the City Council of said City of Campbell; That said Notices of Public Service Easement Vacation were posted along the lines of the easements where such are proposed to be vacated at not more than three hundred (300) feet and that not less than three (3) such notices were posted for each separate easement, and that said posting was fully completed on the 26 day of May , 19~, and that a copy of said notice is hereto attached, and by reference made a part hereof. Subscr ibed and sworn to before me this .2t? day, of 7J2-.tji. 19~. (~(~(/.J ~ ~A1A~ Notary Public in and for the County of Santa Clara, State of California. My Commission expires (',.HARl T<",' ,'.1 1,.\..,'''''''' H, "'. 'PuJr~- ~'~:n:niss;on Expires OctoLcr 1. 1967 _",,-'~"n F'l\ [;' ("'OPY '-'IcI'Y Y'N! -" "I' l' 1-. ~t 1'--'1-'.. ./.. L.-. L.l \.:AlL ._,...-,1 1 of 1 r""~ . \--,1 Iy /.;'\, ,', "'-'l V "-TllJEi,'r:- /" LJ... L ..'III/i" NOTICE OF PUBLIC SERVICE h~ f EASEMENT VACATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Ordinance No. 598 , being an Ordinance of Intention to vacate, abandon, and close to public uses those certain public service easements situate within Tract No. 3906, Wes~ont Estates Unit 1, and those certain public service easements situate within Tract No. 4185, westmont Estates Unit 2, public service easements situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, passed upon and adopted on the 8th day of May ,1967, by the City Council of the City of campbell, the 12th day of June ,1967, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M. of said day, at the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, California, have been set as the ttme and the place for hearing all persons interested in said vacation or having objections thereto. Reference is hereby made to the description, together with the map thereof, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Campbell at City Hall for further particulars. The following are the descriptions of those certain public service easements Which are proposed to be vacated: Those certain public service easements situate within Tract No. 3906, westmont Estates Unit 1, the map of which Tract No. 3906 was recorded June 2. 1966, and filed in Book 210 of Maps, at Page 36, in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, state of California, described as follows: PARCEL ONE: That certain publiC service easement, two (2) feet in width, contiguous to the easterly line of Lot 24 and within said Lot 24. PARCEL TWO: Those certain public service easements, two (2) feet in width, contiguous to the common boundary line of Lots 20 and 21 and situate within said Lots 20 and 21. Those certain public service easements situate within Tract No. 4185, westmont Estates unit 2, the map of which Tract No. 4185 was recorded June 2, 1966, and filed in Book 210 of Maps, at pages 38 and 39, in the office of said County Recorder, described as follows: 1 of 2 (-,.~ '1'\:"1" '--,) 1 J', 1;11' r:-',',' ,..Il \; \..::r1r~ I;!lLjL~ 'y PARCEL THREE: Those certain public service easements, two (2) feet in width, contiguous to the common boundary line of Lots 55 and 56 and situate within said Lots 55 and 56. PARCEL FOUR~ Those certain public service easements, t'Y'O (2) fee'l: in width, contiguous to the common bound:lry line of Lots 59 and 60 and situate within said Lots 59 and 60. PARCEL FIVE: That certain public service easement, four (4) feet in width, contiguous to the northerly line of Lot 64 and with said Lot 64. Dated: May 26, 1967 CITY COlJNCIL CITY OF C~~BELL by Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk 2 of 2 ,~1d-L . -II- 42. s 7 ORDIDNCB HO.---,;;:.r BaING AN OR1)INANCB OF INTENTION OF THE .-e.ITY COUNCIL 01' '1'HB Cl'l'Y OP CAMPBELL To VACATE TB)SB CBRTAIN PUBLIC SBRVICE EASDlEm.'S SI'lUA'R WITHIN TRACT NO. 3906 AND TRACT NO. 4la5~ HBUINAFTBR DESCRIBED, LYING WITHIN 'l'HB CITY OP CAMPBELL, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF CALIPORNIA, AND SBTTING A TIME AND A PLACE OF THE BlARING THBRBON AND GIVING NO'J.'ICB THEREOF. WHEREAS. the City of campbell, a municipal corporation of 'the state of California, did, by v1rtueof that certain map of Tract Ho. 3906. Westmont Estatea Unit 1, recorded June 2, 1966, in Book 210 of Maps, at Page 36, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Banta Clara. State of California, and that certain map of Tract No. 4185, Weetmont Estates Unit 2, recorded JUne 2, 1966, in Book 210 of Maps, at Pages 38 and 39, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of santa Clara, state of California, acquire those certain public service easeJDents, a description of whichi together with a map thereof, is on file in the office of the City Clerk of 8aid City of CUlpbell, at City Hall, 75 North Central Avenue, Campbell, Calif- ornia; and WHBRBAS, 8aid City Council does find, determine, and affirm that saiel public service eas..nts or any parts thereof have not been used for 'the purpose for which they were dedicated; and WHBRBAS, said City Council does find, determine, and aff1rm,_~ that the period cluring which aiel publiC service easements or any parts thereof have not been usea 18 that certain per ioO frail .~::" June 2, 1966, to May 8, 1967 , inclu8ive; and . WHBRBAS, saia City Council does find, c1etermine, and affirm that said public service easements or any parts thereof are not necessary for anYpIE"esent or prospective public uses; and WHEREAS, said City Council does hereby elect to proceed in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Easement Vacation law of the State of california, namely, Title 5, Division 1, Part 1, Chapter 2, Article 5, section 50430. et sequens of the Government Code of the state of California; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 of 3 SECTION ONE: SIC'l'ION TWO: That it is the intention of ~e City Council of the City of campDell to vacate, abandon" and close to public use those certain public service easements, a description of which, together with a map thereof, is on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City o~ Camp- bell, *t City Hall, 75 North Central AVenue, Campbell, California. Notice is hereby given that on Monday the 12th of June , 1967, at the hour of 8: 00 0' clock PM of said day, in the City Council Chambers in the City Hall, 7S North Central Avenue, campbell. California, is herebyfixec1 as the time and the place for hearing all persons interested in or having objecti.ons to the proposed vacatJa1. , SECTION THREE: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND DIRECTED that a copy of this Ordinance be forthwith published t.wice, once each week for two successive weeks, Which latter publication shall be made not less than fifteen (15) day. prior to the elate of the hearing, in the Campbell Press, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in aaid City of Campbell, and that notices of the pUblic service easements' vacation be posted conspicuously along the line of the easements or parts thereof proposed to be vacated at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date set for the hearing. said notice shall be posted not more than three hundred (300) feet apart, but at least three (3) such notices shall be posted for each separate easement. Said notices shall sta te the passaqe of this ordinance of Intention and notify of the tilDe, date, and place of the hearing on the proposed vacation. SECTION FOUR: That the following is the description of the public service easement Which is proposed to be vacated: Those certain public service easements situa~e within Tract No. 3906, westmont Estates Unit 1, the map of which Tract No. 3906 was recorded June 2, 1966, and filed in Book 210 of Maps, at Page 36, in the office of the County Recorder, County of Santa Clara, state of California, described as follows: PARCEL ONE: That. cert.ain public service easement, two (2) feet in width, contiguous to the eaaterly line of Lot. 24 and within said Lot 24. 2 of 3 PARCBL TWO: Those certain public service easements, two (2) feet in width, contiguous to the common boundary line of Lots 20 and 21 and situate within ea1d Lots 20 and 21. Those certain public service easements situate within Tract No. 4185, Wrastmont Estates Unit 2, the map of which Tract No. 4185 was recorded June 2, 1966, and filed in Book 210 of Maps, at Pages 38 and 39, in the office of said County Recorder, described as follows: PARCEL THREE: Those certain public service easements, two (2) feet in width, contiguous to the CClIlIftOn boundary line of Lots 55 and S6 and situate within said Lots S5 and S6. PARCEL FOUR: Those certain publiC service easements, two (2) feet in width, contiguous to the CORDon boundary line of Lots 59 and 60 and situate within said Lots 59 and 60. PARCEL FIVE: That certa1n publiC serv1ce easement, four (4) feet in width, contiguous to the norther ly line of Lot 64 and situate within said Lot 64. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of May, 1967, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilmen: Doetsch, Hyde, Rose, Smeed, Rogers None None APPROVED: ATTEST: Edward J. Rogers, Mayor Dorothy Trevethan, City Clerk 3 of 3 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY )12) cIV ~@I IE + 86 SOUTH THIRD STREET. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114 . TELEPHONE 298-3333 March 1, 1967 ':7) . jj- C--7 C' ':;0 (~ The Honorable City Council City of Campbell City Hall Campbell, California Attention: City Engineer's Office Abandonments in Tracts No. 3906 and 4185 - File 640 Gentlemen: This Company has no objections to the abandonment of the two foot public service easements in lots 20, 21 and 24 of Tract No. 3906 and in lots 55, 56, 59 and 60 of Tract No. 4185. This abandonment was requested by Mr. William E. Heiss of J ennings- McDermott & Heiss, 601 North First Street, San Jose, California zip code 95112. Any questions or correspondence should be directed to ~~. Jason Walker of our San Jose Division Land Department at 20065 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Cupertino, California 95014, 253-2010, e.x:t. 29. ~dI S. E. Howatt District Manager cc : W. E. Heiss 61-9671 COpy FOR MR. WH. G. w...,N /:h ~J)i. y- ~ jI't, . L t-I Jc.-~ , ,( rr-. -- THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY SOUTH BAY DIVISION . 855 LENZEN AVENUE. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95126 AREA CODE 408 288-9000 E C. ELWOOD DIVISION PLANT MANAGER rebruary 23, 1967 Miss Dorothy Trevethan City Clerk City Hall Campbell, California Dear Madam: At the request of .Jennings-McDermott & Heiss, Civil Engineers, 601 North Fir.t Street, San Jose, California 95112, this ("Dmpany hereby consents to the abandonment of the following described pubHc service easements located on Lot. 20, 21 and 24, Traet No. 3906, Weltmont Eltates, Unit 1, Campbell, California, and Lots 55, 56, 59 and 60, Tract No. 4185, Westmont Estates, Unit 2, Campbell, California. a. AU of that certain 4 foot P.S.I. lying equally on each side of the COll'I1lIOn boundary line COIlltlOn to said Lots 20 and 21 of said Tract and extending from the southerly boundary line of Gale Drive southerly 95 feet to the northerly line of that certain 5 foot P.8.E. lying northerly of and eontiguous to the southerly boundary line of said Lots. b. All of that certain 2 foot P.S .E. lying westerly of and contiguous to the easterly boundary line of said Lot 24 of said Traet and extending from the southerly boundary line of Gale Drive southerly 95 feet to the north line of that certain 5 foot P.S.I. which ltes northerly of and contiguous to the southerly boundary line of said Lot. e. All of those certain 4 foot P.S.E'. lying equally on eaeh side of the cOUlllOn boundary Hnes COl1IDOn to said Lots 55 and 56 and 59 and 60 of said Tract and extending from the southerly boundary line of Gale Drive southerly 95 feet to the north Hne of that certain 5 foot P.8.1. which lies northerly of and contiguous to the southerly boundary lines of said Lots. -2- Said easements to be abandoned are not neces8ary, u8eful or occupied by telephone facilities. If further information il desired, please direct correspondence to Mr. E. R. Church, Right of Way Supervisor, 1190 Coleman Avenue, Room 154, San JOle, California 95110. Yours truly, f~' )C)I> ( (-'~ue k ) ^ ~\; ,I ~'/''\. ~V TO: City Council q~1..,l~C. CS~ Date: 9/20/66 FROM: Planning Commission Recommended conditions of approval of tentative resubdivision of Lots 19 through 24, Tract #3906, and Lots 55 through 64 of Tract #4189, as imposed by Planning Commission at the regular meeting September 19, 1966. 1. Utilities are to be placed underground. (Sec. 9110.6, Campbell Municipal Code) 2. Street lighting system to be redesigned to conform to standard illumination for new zoning. 3. Electrolier energy costs to be recomputed for new design. 4. Improvement plans for Tract No. 3906 and Tract No. 4185 to be revised to show underground utilities and new street lighting design. 5. Existing public utility easements adjacent to Lots 20 and 21, Tract 3906; adjacent to Lots 55 and 56, 59 and 60 of Tract No. 4185 to be abandoned. Subdivider to pay for all cost necessary to accomplish abandonment. 6. Subdivider to pay all costs of reapportionment of existing assessments, if any. 7. Cost of removal of existing electrolier bases to DC borne by subdivider. CITY OF CAMPBELL, CALIFORXiA PLANNING COMMISSION '-:) I: / /- ,"" / / '----' ~'/ " , //,/::' ,: , ',(.-/ /'--'" '.- .." //,', ,./ / R. V". IIogan,/ccretary Ratified by City Council 9/26/66 CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF CAMPBELL ~;\'LIF. ... ,,/, ! //,7 ,~., ,/ . -/' "I../, / / ' / I //. " / ~/ /.,; ../ /~/P-- v. M. Sheehy, Dep}lty ~ v.. , -:"CT""\ RECEIPT CITY OF CAMPBELL CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA CAL PAC BUILDERS, INC. NAME 1142 WINCHhSlbK BLVD. SAN JOSE, CALIF. ADDRESS FOR TRACT NOS. 3906 & 4185 ~ap Filing Fee (361-A) ~eappor~loning of (390-G) Assmt. L.I.D. 13 Tr. 3096 Process vaca~lon of Existing Easements Yr. 3906 & 4185 (39U-u) $64.00 390.00 500.00 $954.00 REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. FUND NUMBER DATE AMOUNT THIS RECEIPT MUST BE MACHINE VALIDATED AND SIGNED BELOW. MY -If-67 101 ****9511.00 MY -If-67 90 001 G "*890.00 MY -If-67 61 001 A "**6.,.00 :IIiff/d q CHECK o MONEY ORDER o CASH No. 442 0 Thank You CITY OF CAMPBELL !!t~ con ccm BY .t