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I -.l G"l (j) III rt ..... 0 U1 (j)tJj H n () \TI ..... ..... :u 1-" I-'::l ::r: Z 0 t:::I 0- wrt 0 0 <: )> )> fT1 III CD r "'D ::u f-h oC::: M 3: tj rt ." -I :l>(j) (j) 0 ~ 11 0 0 :l> r-<M >-3 ;0 ""0 v, <<: f-h CIl H :s: Z OJ 0 0 I-' r-<CIl 1-rJt::l M )> [T1 0 0 ::r: -en o CD . :;d z: l..l l..l 0 t:::Illl -l= () CIl H >-3 I > tj :3 0 III CIl w<: (j) I ". III )> n 1-" 1-" 1-'9 U1 M" n 0 =< .. .. i:: )> <: I-' CD 0 -< .. .. 0 lfl CD rt o H::l :t: 0 H n ,.. ,.. c 0 o 9 rt z: z w r .z::: or """ ::l '0 CIl 0 '" :u 0 0 tj '" 0 0 ~ g b :l> 0 <: <: 0 CD CD Second Reading - Ordinance No. 1610 - fixing the amount of revenue necessary to pay City indebtedness during the 1986-87 fiscal year Resolution No. 7249 approval plans and specifications and authorizing call for bids - Corporation Yard hazardous materials storage/compressor building Resolution No. 7250 - authorizing release of agreement - street improvements - 851 Hamilton Ave. Resolution No. 7251 - authorizing execution of agreement - use of city-owned property for recreation - Apple Computer Resolution No. 7252 - authorizi~g execution of agreement - Senior Nutrition Services Minute Action - accepting monthly investment report Resolution No. 7253 - authorizing execution of agreement - release of property (cardboard bailer) -5- I~ . Ii.... . Ii I. I I I i ~ ~ ~ i: This is second reading and final adoption of Ordinance No. 1610 - fixing the amount of revenue necessary to pay City indebtedness during the 1986-87 fiscal year This is a resolution approving plans and specifications and authorizing call for bids Corporation Yard hazardous materials storage/compressor building This is a resolution authorizing release of agreement - street improvements - 851 Hamilton Ave. This is a resolution authorizing execution of agreement - use of city-owned property for recreation - Apple Computer Councilmember Podgorsek asked, for the record, if the city would be held harmless in this agreement. Acting City Attorney Se1igmann responded. This is a resolution authorizing execution of agreement - Senior Nutrition Services This is minute action accepting Monthly Investment Report for the Month of August, 1986 This is a resolution authorizing execution of agreement - release of property (cardboard bailer) ,;YJ 0f~ - ... P.M. 71-4 I~'€ (&')~t1t~ C"> c.., 'S- lo -1, <- "},c! ~ CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO APPROVAL OF PARCEL MAP OF LANDS OF CAPITOLA BERRY FARMS, INC. LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF WEST HAMILTON AVENUE BETWEEN MARATHON AND DARRYL DRIVES. 1. Parcel B to be deleted and Parcel A, Parcel C or Union Oil Company site to be expanded to include Parcel B :.-- 2. Final map to indicate Darryl Drive as a 3Q-foot half street instead of a 35-foot half street. 3. Owners to pay City fees for the reapportionment of assessments levied pursuant to Local Improve- ment District No. 12 and No. 13 in the amount of $400.00. 4. Final map to be submitted for examination, approval and recordation. Approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Camphell CD March 1, 1971. ,/'./ ,~/ /. ( ./ ..-' / // ..-/' /;- ,/./ /" .. ./ .'-" ....r i ._,' .:. - . "..." ," _ ,'.' __ /' , Arthur Kee,Secretary '/. Ratified by City Council of the City of Campbell on M&rch 8, 1971 I . ,j -/ /' L>, f' i. "~ " '..'" _ Dorothy Trev~than, '--'. "", / '/. City C~1?l'k .,' .''/ ../.~.- REITER RfflllRTfD COmPRnlfS 4206 J. M. REITER CO. - CAPlTOLA BERaY FARMS, INC. REITER BERRY FARMS HUENEME BERRY FA'lM, INC. . REITER PROPERTIES SWEETSRIAFt BERRY FARMS Clerk of the Board City Council of Campbell 75 North Central Avenue Ca~pbell, CA 95008 /)vJ 668 CLU8H DRIVE APTOS.C .95003 408 . 688-3256 March 3, 1971 Subject: Tentative parcel map Lands of Capitola Berry Farm) North Side of Hamilton Avenue Marathon and Darr~l.r~~___ In~. between Gentlemen: It has l1een brought to our attention the abov~ mentioned tentative parcel map was approved at the last meeting of the planning commission and is to corne before you Monday Harch 8th. We were not advised that this was to he on the planning commission agenda nor were i.;e aclvised of the chang(~ :recommencled by the Public i'jorks department "that parcel B be deleted and that parcel A be expanded to include parcel BIl. There \-laS a specific reason for this small parcel. Namely to accomodate the pro-rata cost of asse(0;ments and taxes against the i;oial frontage of Hamil ion Avenue. behleen Darryl and Narathon. I have since talked with Mr. Gomez of Publi,c ~lorks and he advised me that this recommendation was not something that i..as required uncon- ditionally. Since there was a good and specific reason for recording the map this way he indicated he would havo no objection to doing so. I trust that you will be able to act favorably upon our request. Very tr-l.11y yours, \ ) /--- -'I / I ..".1 ( ,,/ 1'/ ~" <.......~~ ~.;1 f ,,-, .c~. .,; J - ..'_~ _ ....t,.. .....~ -.... , .;,' ",' ...... <1'".:" ..," ';". '1"',' .......... /' /JAI,iES H. DuM01m for ( // CAPITOlul BERRY FARr-I, Inc. ....~...-.../ JHD / ac 1y-Public Works attn: Mr. Gomez 1y-Arthur Kee-Planning Director 1y-JHD 2y-fiels l~// i,,1 ;.-" "t'V j , , I .. "~,) ,. j'-Y. ~ \l"y/' (1'./ / i .i/ \v '/1 " V! }. . I )<, -.,/ ~ ~ C\ ~ ~ f\\' ~~\- ~l t:-E- February 18, 1971 M E 11 0 TO: Arthur Kee, Plannjng Director FROM: William G. Vlren, Director of Public vlork.s, Cit:y Engineer: StJDJECT: Tentat ive Parcel H"lP I..I:'.1"Ja.S of Cap, i to la 3c:I'rj" Fe. ~'iT; S I Tn c" lJ01~tll f;i(l.,:~ ()T I\::~Tq t.1 C.(~i1 .:'\~J,-::rlt1C' :.~c~tT.\'-C':'::l-t l:'~~.!~.~_~~-~_l}:.~ 1.).. ..(~~~ 1~.-L_L!.;~~_;~:l_]:_}_~23~:j~.~~r_t?~__ ..~.-___.'~' .-...-.-...-. ---~.. Jr't-lis (")ffi(;(~ re(~()rnrn~_?rlO.S tl1e 2pE.:rC)'13.1 of t}l.(-~ Flap arlcl that U".,2 final Juap thcj:e:of be submitted for examina- ./ tion, approval and recordation in acco~d2nce with the Subdivision Map Act. He also recormnend that Parcel B be deh~ted and that I)clrcel A be expanded to i.nclude Parc,~l B .110' t"" vle note that the map shows D3-rryl Dr ivc to be a 35-foot half street. It is a.30-toot half street, ~ and the final map is to show it as a 30-foot half street. O\mers are to pay City fees for the reapportioD.ment of assessments levied pursuant to Local Improvemen~ Distr ict~,~~ .1-:Clr}':J_1;3'_n:?=10~O 00.) WILL IAt\1 G. WHEN, DIRECTOR or PU:2.LIC Yo'ORKS, CITY El:TGIt-."EER ~i/ 0' t!!;-t-_- By Bi.ll M:. Hel~ i\ssoc-i~--Clvil Engineer ,.... vi) " )- \\. ~"V 'v ~r:> ~~ ~\: o ^~ ...,"" ^- ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~~ , \...... ~~ () ,,>}, BHH: 1 w , A .- I I July 21, 1970 Capitola Berry Farms, Inc. 668 Clubhouse Drive Aptos, California ATTENTION: Mr. Joseph M. Reiter, president SUBJECT: Apportionment of Assessments, Parcel 3A, Local Improvement District No. 12 and Parcel 3A, Local Improvement District No. 13 Gentlemen: Mr. James H. DuMond, Realtor, has requested information concerning the apportionment of the assessments levied against subject property pursuant to subject assessment districts. This is to advise you that pursuant to your request of March 7, 1969, the office of the Superintendent of Streets of thi~ City, pursuant to the provisions of the Streets and Highways Code, on September 3, 1969, transmitted to the County of Santa Clara all data necessary to effect the apportionment of the assessments. Enclosed herewith are copies of items transmitted to the County of Santa Clara for your information. Also requested by Mr. DuMond was information concerning how the assessments would be spread upon property if you should sell or lease portions of it. To aid you in determining what the assessments would be, we enclose the applicable formulas used in accordance with the original apportionments. very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER CSG:cc cc: James H. DuMond Cruz S. Gomez, Jr. Civil Engineer r I , ~ -IJ:,(J,.~ ;<" f..-.2" U (2c:~ C'c \ P T kJO. I G'LC) E2> June 30, 1969 Capito1a Berry Farms, Incorporated 668 Clubhouse Drive Apt08, California ATTENTION: Mr. J. M. Re iter SUBJECT: Parcel Map for Division of APN 306-23-035 and Apportionment of Assessments L.I.D. Nos, 12 and 13 Dear Mr. Re iter: We wish to advise you that to elate we have not received the tentative parcel map filing fee which must accompany the application for the division of the land. we also wish to advise you that we apportioned the assessments which were levied against the property pursuant to Local Improvement Diau iet No. 12 and 13 in accordance with the map which was originally sul:mitted to us. That particular map delineated the property as having a depth of 155 feet from the northerly line of HBmilton Avenue. The map which was subsequently s~itted to us on March 26, 1969, by sandis and Associates of 812 Mountain View, changed the depth of the parcel to 150 feet. It is requested that you pay the sum of forty dollars to defray the City's expense for reapportioning the assessments. As soon as we are in receipt of the above fees we will proceed with the filing of the map with Planning Commissionand the reapportioning procedure. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. WREN, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ~ ;j,#n By Cruz S~/~ez, ~ Civil EnSAneer. Jr. U WGW/CSG:al cc: Mr. Paul Nowack, Bandia & Associates Mr. Boyd, Builder Boyd r Ii. ~, '--' I I March 25, 1969 Capitola Berry Far.ms, Inc. 668 Clubhouse Drive Apto., CAlifornia A'l'TEN'rIObl: Mr. J. M. Reiter SUBJECT: Apportioning of Asse.saents Parcel lA, Local IIIlprovezaent Oiatr ict #12 Parcel 3A, Local Improvement 01str ict #13 Dear Mr. Reiter: ''''1.'1::' In reapen_ to a request made 'by Mr. Robert C. 1I:)we, Jr., Realtor, we wish to adv1_ you that 11M have determ1ned the original principal aaaount of .....-.at for 'the parcel which the Red Barn Restaurant will occupy to be a. follows: The parcel will 'be D'pbered. Parcel lA-I, Local Improvement Di.trict So. 12 of the City of Campbell, and it. oriq1nal principal a.sea_nt waa $3,450.56. '!'he parcel will a180 be nUlDbered Parcel 3A-l, Local Daprovement D1atrict No. 13 of the City of Campbell, and there was no ....._ent to th1s parcel by this aa8.._ant district. '!'bi. parcel i8 contiguous to the union Oil CclIapany .ite and to the east, baa a frontage of 150 feet along BBmllton Avenue, and has a depth of 155 feet from Biuailton Avenue to the north. Should you have any questions concerning thi8 matter pleas. contact our office. Very truly yours, WILLIAM G. wREN, DIRBC'l'OR OF PUBLIC WORKS t ~'/ L-jL'~ ,--" WGW/CSGsal by Cruz S. Gaaez, Civil Eng1neer, Jr. cc: Well. Pargo Bank Attention: Mr. Allen PLANN I j,IC DEPARTi'.ILNT CITY OF CA:-'IPBELL, CALIFOR \ \ ~ #'+/)7 -- \D 1'-tl March 3, 19~9 C"'--::::,(>'1 PLANNED DEVELOP;JENT PUenT 1969..1 BUILDER BOYD is is hereby issued a Planned Development Permit to construct a Red Barn Restaurant as approved by Ordinance 11654, adopted by the City Council of tho City of Campboll on tho 12th day of November, 1~)()8, subject to the folIo\\'- Ing conditions: 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indicated and as added In "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan inclicating type of plant T:wterial, location of Iwse bibs or sprinkler system and type of fei1cing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for build- ing permi t. 3. Faithful Performance bond in the amount of $3,000 to he posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of parking area within thrce (3) months of complction of construction, or applicant may file h'ri tten agrecment to complete landscaping, fencing and strip-- ing of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid wall or fence shall be constructed to house trash containers for builc1inr:s, A, 13, anele[) Building C shall be provided with one or more enclosures of same type depending on number of units. Enclosures to be in area approved by the Planning Director and Fire Department. Said enclosure to be 8' x 12' minimum with 6' self-closing gates. 5. All p2rking and drivc\'lay arellS to be developed In compliance \,ith Section 9319 of the Campbell ~;unicipal Code. 6. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of t.:w Cam110ell Hunicipal Code. 7. Plans subuittecl Lo the Duilcling department for plan check shall incll- cate clearly t:1C location of a11 connections for underground utilit- ies including Hater, S8\\er, electric, telepJlOne and television cables, etc. 8. Sign application to be su~r:litted in 2.cconlancc with provisions of the sign OHLinallce for all sigHs. No sign to be installed until applic8tio~1 is approved and permit issued by the building oepartr,lCnt. 9. No access to shopping cc'nter sll;dl be allo'.vccl via exit clrivcII'ay at cast end of Union Oil St2Lioll on Ilamiltoll Avenue. (NOlI: This condition amended by City LEginecring dcrartJ~lCJJt and Planning Director.: PLANNED r - TELOPilENT PEJV.JI T 1969-1 Page 2. 10. Balance of street improvements to be constructed along entire frontage of developments. 11. Developer to pay storm drainfec at $765.00 per acre. 12. Applicant to" file and process minor subdivision application for parcels knO\vn as 306-22-l~) and 30li-23-35 of the Count)' Assessor's Records. (NOTE: Letter of intent filed \vith City - accedpted by Ci ty Engineer and Planning Director.) {j,~/; c- /{ /. /~ ./ / - luzTITUTrKFE PLAN:'H:JG Dr JU:CTOR AppJicant to sign Plannecl Development Permit acknowledging that he is aware of, 8nc1 \\'ill develop in compliance with the conditions stated herein insofar as ~~~,~ . pertain to tha t portion of p. D 68- 2 prqSCd ~Of) deve 1 opmen t at this .~~ 7Tn,t~.fl--\rD~.L~~ ~--~ I B U J dJ:t 1\ l:U 1 ) OHner/Authorized Representative - . ~ i February 26, 1969 Builder Boyd 4940 El Camino Real P.O. Box 329 Los Altos, California ATTENTION: Mr. Boyd SUBJECTs Moreland 8 Planned Development, The Red Barn, 851 West Hamilton Avenue Dear Mr. Boyd: Enclosed please find application forms for reapportioning of assessments levied against the property for improvements constructed on Hamilton Avenue and Marathon Drive by Local Improvement District No. 12 and 13. Division 10, Part 10.5 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California provides that the owner of a parcel of land shall file an application in writing with the Superintendent of Streets requesting to apportion the remaining unpaid assessment and that the application be accompanied by a fee. The fee for apportioning the assessment pursuant to L.I.D. No. 12 is Ninety Dollars and the fee for apportioning the assessment pursuant to L.I.D. No. 13 is also Ninety Dollars. Please submit two separate checks payable to the City of C.lmpbell in the amount of Ninety Dollars each. The fees are based upon the proposed division of the land as previously authorized oy the Planning Commission i'md City Council. Very truly yours, BILL M. HELMS, ASSOCIATE CIVIL ENGINEER By Cruz S. Gome:~. Civil Engineer, Jr. CSG:cc Enclosure!:', February 25, 1969 To: File Parcel 3A, L.I.D. #12 Parcel 3A, L.I.D. #13 Moreland 8, Planned Dev. Subject: Storm Drainaqe Area Fee The subject parcel contains approximately 145,338 square feet, is a portion of Parcel C as shown upon the record of survey map recorded March 14, 1966, and filed in Book 209 of Maps at Page 29 excluding therefrom the right of way for Marathon Drive and the service station property at the northeast corner of Marathon and Hamilton, This parcel has been assessed $1361.88 for storm drainage facilities constructed by L.I.D. #12 and L.I.D. #13. Since its area is 145,338 square feet or 3.3365 acres, more or less, its storm drainage area fee is $765.00 times 3.3365 or $2552.42. $1361.88 has already been assessed against that area leaving $1190.54 still assessable against the 145,338 square feet. The "Red Barn" property has a 150 foot frontage on Hamilton and a depth of 155 feet for a total of 23,250 square feet. Its assessment per L.I.D. #12 and L.I.D. #13 has been calculated to be $217.86. Its assessment on the basis of $765.00 per acre is $408.28. Since $217.86 has already been assessed against it. We are requiring that the developers of the "Red Barn" pay the difference between $408.28 and $217.86, $190.42 or $190.00 to the nearest dollar. a.c-t::/?~. xJ .Aj-/;vx--<.~ Chuck Gomez, () Civil ~gineer, Jr. ~ MEM-O-GRAM TO " OFFICE fuWUIU& , I,)Dbk~a~ FROM OFFICE t=-:UC:;;t rLU&i, c... . ( ~() \--tR:L I SUBJECT I DAlE OfU). ~'S4-) T~ tz.-E~B~12-W Q--L - <::,9 MESSAGE: PLcr.::{"~~ fUE\lLEL'-.) ~~ NTIf::>CUED W~p. \, \JJtJS:. S.lj8>~U1TCb TO \)~ 'P'e~<;UbNT TO O\2D,~S4-. UO~ \\Ae'f Wb~T TO C~/J WG:rE- l\-\-ED'ePTB OF- ?"R-C€ L B TO \ SO , 'CoeSt---JTWE l~O' D'EP1l:4 COU~UCT L0l\\.<-l <T~~ Pt20~tD l~\'DTL4- OF- ~E D[2\''-LE.W~'~? WOULb UOT I::> l~OI C){2 l::::::. \SSi DE:PT\.J BE PQ.E~(2bBL8 TC::> 'mE \ SO' ? Co \Gtl'-{ Eurs PLEbS,"E ! c:..5~O~E.-z. REPLY PARCEL B as shown complies with the location for t:lC location of the Reel Barn Restaurant. the east of PARCEL A should either be made a portion of tne property to the east which is the assessor I s map book. The aforemen tioned a P-D lot by the Planning Department. and site area (as revisecl) approved The 43.05' strip of property to part of this map or shown as a recorded as a separate parcel in strip will not be approveel as DATE 4/11/69 "GNATU~~ 4e~-c; I PERSON RECEIVING MEM-O-GRAM - RETAIN THIS COPY FOR YOUR RECORD. IL. A ... 1 -)JuvJ!.- .. ORJHNANCE Ii 654 BEING AN OlUJlN/l.i!Cl: OF TilE ClfY Of CAt.1PEELL, CALIFORtHA, M,lLNDING CERTAI:~ I:XlIIBITS TO A POH.TIOU OF ORDINAi\CL IISl4 APF1WVING REVISED PLANS, [LEVArrU:~S, J)EV}~LOV\jEj\"T SCIlEDULE, :,;AP AND LEG/d. DFSCIU PIlON FOH PLl'.in~ED DEVELOPMENT ZONE ON HAi'il 1,'[01\ AVENU1:. The City Council of the Ci ty of C;?mpb(;11 does ordain as f 0 1 J (.II.; S : SECTION ONE: That Exhibit "A", entitled "DevclopliiCTlL Schedule", Exhibit It};:, ent.itled '1IJlaJls and Elevat:i.onsil and Exhibit "C" map an~l leBal description of Onlinance itS14 a.re hereby rescinded. snCflON TWO: That the fOllm,r]nf, [xhibit "A". entitled "J)evcJ()pjilcr~t Schedule" and Lxhibit "B" entitled "Plans iCind Elevations", copies of which are on file: in the PIJnrdllt; DcpartJ:lc;nt, and Exhibit "(1' map and leg::ll description of S~ti,d property attached hereto and lil0dc a part hereof be herehy 8dclpted subject to the fOl1m';ing con- di 'Uons: 1. Property to be fenced and ]2ncscapccl as indicated and 8S added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of p]allt material, location of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submj ttcd for clpproval of the P12nning Director at tiTlle of application for building p(.~rmit. 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $3,000 to be posted to insure land~,capins:, fendng and stri.ping of parking area' wi thin three c:~) month.s of completion of con~;tructiol1, or appliCiFlt Ti'DY filch'ritv)ll ngrccrnent to complete landscaping, fencing 2nd striping of parking area prior to final building department clearance. 4. An enclosure consisting of a concrete floor surrounded by a six foot high solid \VetIL or fence shall be constructed to house trash contail,ers for buildings, A, B, and D, Buildin\l C shall be provided wi th one or n~()(.'c enclosures of sane '-'type depending on n~:mbcr of uni 1..S. Enclosures to bc in area approved by the Planning Director and Fire DepDrtment. Said enclosure to be S' x 12' minimum with 6' scJf-closing gates. S. All parking and driveway areas to to dcvelo?ed in com- pliance with Section ~319 of the C8mpbell ~,funicip.11 Code. 6. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 9110.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. a. a A 7. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cables, etc. 8. Sign application to be submitted in accordance with pro- visions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approvell and permit issued by the building depoTtrncnt. 9. No access to shopping center shall be allowed via exit dri VCH,q at east end of Union Oil Stat.ion on Hamil ton Avenue. 10. Balance of street improvements to be constructed along entire frontage of developments. 11. Developer to pay storm drain fee at $765.00 per acre. ]2. Applicant to file and process minor subdivision application for parcels known as 306-22-19 and 306-23-35 of the County Assessor's Records. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th by the following roll call vote: Ayes Councilmen: Chamberlin, Doetsch, Hyde, Rogers, Smeed d November ay of , 1968~ Noes Councilmen: None Absent: Councilmen: None William S. Smeed -M a y oi:-------------- APPROVED: ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan Crr'{cTERK--------