890 W. Hamilton Ave. (65-1) Vl<~ .., ::ll n ~ C rn =t -;r:.C-t z < N Or-Vl:r CI rr1 Z--t_ Z m mOlllOVl ~~ Z C Z O)>m;llJ ~ 004 m C rr1 n lllIm~n R>-.. ~ )> 0 ,.J:::::. mO)>m [D () ." r-)>n_ ~ < oz:r:!l rr1 () () c..n :Eoz ::ll 0 0') c - m Z () -I -i )> -< z ~ 0 0 1l 0 ::0 () OJ ~ [D -< rr1 ." m -i -i s: r -< ~ ~ '" 0 ~ ~ f" (') o ;! ,I :;Q z () m '" () "'0 I I -< "" )> )> ()~ \0 \0 0 !: "'0 )>< I . :u ~ -.J -.J 0 ~ .., -l ~o 0 0 '" 0 ." llC :u ::ll [D Z lD rr1 r 0\ )> /TI r C'\ r 0 0 r 0 0 0 w w C"') ,. () ~ Q * s: ,. ~ * Jlo 0 (f) -; J: ~ -< It- * e -> - z n -i r :i:- :i:- I\~ '" " \.0 \.0 ^ \.0 \.0 ~ b b 0 0 .., ::ll Vl<~ C IT' n ~ z < -)>C:-t rr1 =- Or-!!l:r 0 z N ZOlllliii ~~ z C m Z ~)>m;llJ C rr1 --'" lllIn:~n ~ )> n mO;r:.m ^ ~ [D () () 0 ~ ." r-;r:.n- c.. rr1 () < c.T1 Oz:r:!l ::ll 0 - :Eoz c () -I c.J"1 m Z )> -< -i ~ Z 1l 0 :::0 0 9 [D rr1 ." m OJ ~ r (') -< -i s: f" ~ ~ ~ 0 () () ." z '" )> )> -< r "'0 I I I 0 .., ~ -l \0 \0 \0 :u 0 . ~ ~ 0 ::ll ." -.J 0 0 '" z lD 0 :u :; /TI 0\ r 0\ r 0.., .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N C"') > ,. () ! ,. n (f) " =i * * J: ~ ~ -< * * n * ,.. ~ r \.0 '" -.J -.... " V1 V1 0 \~ 0 ^ 0"'\ \.0 ,\<:. ~ IJ-l b b b 0 0 0 .., ~ C Vl<C:-t Z n a~!!l~ CI =- n z N ZOllllVl J: C m m>m;llJ '" () Z 0004 m n" s: ..-:a. lllIm~n [D - n mO>m ~ rr1 () -I 0 .,J::::. r->n_ ::ll )> -< ." OZ:r:!l ~ < c.n ~OZ 1l 0 ::0 .,J::=. m [D rr1 ." m r (') 0 r ~ () () m -i s: )> )> - ~ '" 0 r "'0 z 3: -l '" .., I -< 0 ." I \0 \0 0 ::ll . . :u Z CD -.J -.J 0 t 0 0 '" )> FTI :u r r 0-, '""" 0 0 0 Q 0 .... >- n * ,. (f) ,.. * J: n * =i It- -< * * n N N r co co '" .r:: " .r:: ^ b b 0 0 f~ I- f J ;; ORDINANCE if 722 ,Jet/i) ;~. 1 ,', I .' BEING A.N ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AMENDING THE ZONING MAP Of THE CITY OF CAMPBELL BY ADOPTING PLANS, ELEVATIONS AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FOR A PORTION Of THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE AS ESTA3LISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 455, ADOPTED ON THE 22ND DAY OF JUNE, 1964. _~ The City Council of the City of Campbell do~s ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Latimer Neighborhood Dist~ict Map of the City of Campbell, being a part of Chapter 3, Article IX of the Campbell Hunicipal Code, as referred to in the Appendix of said Code, together with a~endments thereto is hereby changed and amended "DY adopting the attached "Exhibit A" entitled Plans and E'levations; "Exhibit B" entitled Property Description; and "Exhibit C" entitled ....Development SchedUle, copies of said Ex h i bit sA, Ban d Car eon .- f i 1 e in the 0 f fi ceo f the P I ann in g Department,as a part of Ordinance No. 455, subject to the follow- ing conditio::1s: . 1. Property to be fenced and landscaped as indi~ated ~ and as added in "red" on plans. 2. Landscape plan indicating type of plant materialt loc2tion of hose bibs or sprinkler system and type of fencing to be submitted for approval of the Planning Director at time of application for building peroit. ' 3. Faithful performance bond in the amount of $1,500.00 fo De posted to insure landscaping, fencing and striping of outdoor parking areas within three (3) months of comDletion of construction or applicant may file wriiten agreement to complet~ landscaping, fencing: and striping of outdoor parking area p~ior to final bui2ding depar~ment clearance. 4. Landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with the approved landscape plan. 5. An enclosure consisting of a six-foot solid fence with a concrete floor and. self-closing gates of suffi- 'cient size to house all trash containers to be located in area approved by the Fire Department. (' /1 .... . , . 1 6. Construction plans should show sprinkler system layout. for building. 7. All parking and driveway areas to be developed in compliance with Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 8. Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 91la.6 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 9. Plans submitted to the building department for plan check shall indicate clearly the location of all connections for underground utilities including .water, sewer, electric, telephone and television cable.s, etc. 10. Sign application to be submitted !n accordance with provisions of the sign ordinance for all signs. No sign to be installed until application is approved and per m i tis sue d .!',b Y the b u i I din g d e par t men t . ,- II. All properties owned by this developer and surrounding the project must b~ cleared of all trash, grass and piles of dirt that now exist. 12. Applicant to construct balance of street impr?vemcnts on Marathon Drive frontage. 13. Applicant to pay storm drainage fee at .rate 6f $765.00 per acre. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13th hy the following roll call vote: day of April , 1970, AYES: Councilmen: Chamherlin, Doetsch, Rogers, Smeed, Hyde NOES: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: N~ne APPROVED: Homer H. Hyde Hayor ATTEST: Dorothy Trevethan -CiG-Clerk---- (I':') \I r1'.:. \\' F)'~' ~ ~, L,,- ! / i .!/i ,'.J q .,'- la.l .-:~~.. ~ oj 't/ -;,.; :,; ;. _" ... -:/ .... - -~ r~ ii".) ~.: ,~;o,j 7' " ~"v ...- 6- ",. .. 11111 8 9 G Page 3 I BEGINNING at a point on the East line of Parcel "0" as shoHn on that certain Record of Survey Map filed-for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on Ma~ch 14, 1966 in Book 206 of Maps, at page 29 said point being distant thel"80n No:r'th 0055' 20" West 192,.49 feet from the North line of,Gale Drive as said Drive is shown upon that certain Hap entitled, "Tract No. 3906'1 ylhich Nap \-las filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the above mentioned County and State on June 2, 1966 in Book 210 of Maps at page 36, said point also being an angle corner in the land described in the Deed dated Decer:lber 27, 1967 and recorded December 28, 1967 in Book 7976 of Official Records, at page 734, from Settimo Prestigiacomo, as Executor of the Estate of Calogero Orlando, deceased, to Sutter Hill Develop~ent Company a corpOl~ation; thence South 880 59' 41}" 'Hest along a south line of the above mentioned property for a distance of 233.05 feet to the southwest corner thereof and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence North 00 55' 20ll \-lest along a Vlest line of said property for a distance of 215.00 febt to another angle corner in said property; thence South 880 59' 441~along a south line of the above mentioned property to Sutter Hill Development Company, a distance of 155.00 feet to a southwest corner of said property; said point being on a line drawn parallel with and distant 30 feet easterly at right angles from the ~'lesterly line of the above mentioned Parcel llD"; thence along said parralel line South 00 55' 20" East 215.00 feet to a point on the Westerly extension of a Southerly line of the land conveyed to said Sutter Hill Development Company; thence North 880 59' 44" East along said extension line for a distance of 155.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. / '/, I Jlt.\' . V:;' . ~ PLANNING DEPARLIENT CITY OF CAJ.'IPBELL 75 NORTH CENTRAL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA ~~"'); t) \. 'f; \."0 p.@ Date 2-8-66 CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO "s" APPROVAL OF PLANS OF free eft.. (HAMILTON ':SNTtJRB) TO BE LOCATED AT: CONDITIONS: , FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ..yvi.. .,..i.a aad 818& 898 11..11 ten. Ave,,,.. (a..th..at ..Her .f H..il ,.. Avenue and Marathon Drive. 1. Plan indicating plant material to he submitted for approval and said pl.nting to be completed within three (3) months of completion of building. 2. Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of $1000.00 to be posted to insure landscaping within stated time limit. 3. Paving and landscaping to be provided and maintained as required ~ by Section 9319 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 4. Parking to be provided as required by Section 9309.1 (2) h. . . . . . . *. . Section 9316.1 of the Campbell Municipal Code reads as follows: Any approval granted under this section shall expire one hundred eighty (180) days after the date upon which such approval was granted, unless an extension for such approval is obtained by making written application for same to the Planning Commission at least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration date of such approval. No building permit ~hall be issued after the expiration date of any approval until a ~pw approval has been obtained in the manner provided for in this chapter. GRANTED BY THE CITY OF CAiVlPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION AT A REGULAR MEETING HELD ON THE 7ta DAY OF iellnary 1966 CITY OF CAMPBELL PLANNING COMMISSION I I j .../' By: x~it~ix~iiii2i' S~cretary R. V. Hogan ' , / RVH: bt att-l set plans ~1X /~ ~' CITY OF CM1PBELL PLANNING CUf\lMISSION APPLICATION FOR "s" APPROVAL 20 Jan. Date 19 66 In ~ccordance with Section 9316, Ch~pter 3, Aftitle IX of the Cam?bell MUJllcipal Code of the City of Campbell, the undersigned hereby makes appli- cation for app'Y'oval of the attached .Jlans. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: (Insert or attach legal description) Attaohed hereto a:Jd, made a part hereot b, thla reterenoe. ,: I .'. 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed i~provements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement settine forth any information he believes will he"helpful to the Planning Commission and other City officers in con- sid~rin~ his application).' Servloe statlon as part ot tlr8t phase ot P-D development. 3. The proposed improvements will cost approximately $ 70,600.00 4. Applicants should attach three (3) copies of the site plans and ele- vations of proposed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Plan- ning Commission, one by the City Engineer and one returned to applicant. Filed in the Office of the Planning Department Qn: c3~O ~, U S1gnature of 3PPI1C~ HAMILTON VE1\TURE 17930JU.olmell Bt- AdQress of pplicant Loa ~atoa, Calif. C1ty State / ,/ /:(/ /y // 1.,.:;. 3~4-441~ Te ephone Number 19 ?~. ~~ Se retary DESCRIPI'ION OF A HOErr. orr. CONPANY S:s2.VICE STATION SITE flT. SOUTHEASTERLY COPJJER OF HAJelILTON AVEI-IDE ;:'8 FUTURE HARATHON DRIVE A parcel of l~nd situate in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: BEGIIJNING at the Southwesterly corner of that certain 1.152 acre parcel of land' conveyed by Robert Kumaki Takata, et al to City of Campbell, a IID.L.TIcipa1 corporation, by Deed recorded October 28, 1964, in-Book 6718 at page 714, Official Records of Santa Clara Count:r, said South'Vlesterly corner being in the ~'!esterly line of that cert2.iIl parcel of laI1d conveyed b;T Eas2.kichi Tak2.ta, et ux to Robert Kumachi Takata, et al, by Deed recorded Decewber 28, 1956, in Book 3695 at page 203, Official Records of S&n~a Clara County; thence from said ~noint of beginning clon; the ':! esterl:;r line of said pcrcel conve:Ted to Tc:.k2.t2" 00uth 00 551 2011 East 19.92 feet; thence 2.t right ccngles to silid ~Iesterly line, Horth 890 04' 4011 East 30.00 feet to a point On a line drm'm. parallel vri:.h o..nd dist2Ult 30.00 feet :Gasterly, measured at right angles from said Hesterly li-De of said p2.rcel conveyed to Takata, said poi:r.t being the TillE POIllT OF B3GDJNING of this descrintionj thence from said true point of beginr..ing along said paraD.el line, South 00 551 2011 East 155.03 feet; thence parc.1lel with the Southerly line of said 1.152 acre parcel, IJorth 280 591 41" East 180.00 feet; thence paraD.e1 ..lith said 'iIcsterly line of said parcel conveyed to T2.kata, Eorth 00 551 20" '.'Jest 175.00 feet to a point in said Southerly line of said 1.J.52 acre parcel; thence 2.lcng said So':therly line, South 880 59' 4P ,Jest 160.0.3 feet; thence ler-,Ving said So'.:therly line clo:::g an arc of c. tangent curve to the left ".~th a radius of 20.00 feet through a centr<ll anele of 890 55' Oll' an ere distance of 31.39 feet to the true point of beginning of this description. f PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CAilPBELL. C^LI~f)fHJI^ TO: j\PPL"ICANTS FOR "S" APPROVAL. VARIA'iC~, 9RlJ~_E, P~I~pI TS The name (5) and RecorJer's Number, of legal owner (5) of subject property must be supplied as part of ap?lication. A photo co;y of deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: FRED E. CHEZ Name TsT-as'-'srlo \.,ri- ori- IJe e-d--'- SUNRISE INVESTMI~r CO. ~aJ]Hi-Ts) as shown on Deed # 2..~ / ~t195 Recorder's Nu~ber For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for Filed by I J wHE... lte>::o'~.:tO "'''''l. TO i f :,1 ",,I / - /;''}',-'. ;' ,f'~ /~;~I,.;i;~4095 "<r~ ~8tf2~ 267 80016886 i1L[ 267 "l":, ~ UR ~ECOIUl 6f llEQUESl Of YAUn mil CO~?ANY MAH \'7 12 511 PH 1965 ,I....;;~ "".~-'~-Ui; .'Ou'l!Y (J (" ?":l', kill< / Y-' "I~ ,<I> ...-y ,I --,~_.., 2~fA095~ 'fCQ'OI~ 'iV'JKr~ ~. ".' / . --;' ,- Ii )4S~A,fIf1tjr:'~ ---, ,.t' ..:' 0'0..' J06-2J..J.. .......: *.i.-~' t;4..~"':~---- .~ I I " Fred E. C~ez, at al 912 Dea&rt Isle ~a~ J03e. California , ,~-,,--.~. ,....'""......~.'-'''' ---.-------..-.-'---- ____-,._ """."""-"_4 'OllEr TITLE C0MPA,N'( (;UAIYJ' HEEn c,. "" .'."L":" J."..,,___Marc.h J.,~'-.!J.i>5,_____,.._. fo' 'J ,l1ivUOie co~s.d"'ah1>n, R08EltT KUMAn TAKATA ANi) H,)SH; IJAfWKO TAKATA", his ''''if~; 8['lj1 TO~lIZ;) TAKATA All[) CRAC!k:.1'AH':'A, his Wire; 'r1ior,:';,j'HID.::,) TAKATA. a Single mall; I-rASAiCC'1r TAKATA A/;D Yosa TAKATA. his wife, AHi. IRS $ ]';<).0'i. , '.,c'.l', CRANT ;51 ".' FRED E:. CHiZ, liS ':.0 an unHvided 1/2 inte:-est. and BUNRISB INYSST:.!ENT CO., a CaHfornia corporation, as to an u:ldivided 1/2 interest, ih, ~f~~~i~~"~'r~ .\;,,~ f'" P''''y '" "". s""., "j (ol,krn,o. CCUn!i of , Be,innlng af tho lnter.eetion or the Xortherly l1no ot Latimur Avenue 40.00 roet in wl<lth as o. tobl tshud by tho D"od to the County ot Santa Clara. which Bald DcuJ Wi}-; r.'('"r.!,'J ,~ Book Ie,'; or D<."'d,. pogo 1T~1 Santo Clara Couuty Il'''',rds. k', It, tl,,' Lt...' Qr ,.)' ! iJ", 'J: lhlll certaln parcel or lauoJ d"-;Crjl",,! lIt r:, /,.,,,; Iro:'!:."..'".,,[ Takatd, ot ,....,. to ftl)b"rt I\uml" f L. l"tr " , '" .1, r.. rd .,~ 'II t"., ,; I .:...., If/56 In Bou!t 3(j95 at Orrl(LJ! Iin;'"r,I." p .:' ", -;.,'1t Cl .r., I'j ", R<:r'or,lH; thllnc" trOll sald 1>01:.1 ,or ""0>>' ," "Oil ", I"".; ,:.' 1111" of soH l<1nd d',eded to F,d"':-L f:"",hl .',. Iii, 1'1 ,d. \, .1.... .'. " 1112.61 foot to thu SOUlh",I.'ll',rl\' (',Hd"; Uj II;d . Irl.,,,: 1.11': ,...ro parcel of land a8 dascribcd In tilt, Do"d feu", hol.lt,rt K."""ld rdi{je.. et ell to the City of Cnllll'"ell, n r.tunl.cl pol cr>rporatl<>ll, recordr'd October ZB, 196. In Book 6718 ot Otflcl01 R0UDrds, paID 7l~, Santo Clara County Records;' thonea olon6: the Southerly lille of slItd 1.152 lIcro parcel ot 18nd S. 890 02' It'., ~18.00 feot to tho SOUlhw(..1terly corner thoreof 00 tha Ve.terly line ot881d land deeded to Robert Kumakl Takata, et ali thance 810n, the leneral Woslerly lluH of said land deedod to Robart KUlllak~ Tlllenta. et al, the throe t011owio;.: courses and d lstances, S. 00 ~6' E., 802.67 faet, N, 890 02' E" 2-'0,00 feet and S. 00 56' E.. 310,00 faet to 8 point on the Xorth~rly llno or sold Latimer Avenue; th&no8 810n, the Northerly line ot Bald Latimer Avenue, N, 890 02' E., 168.00 ta8t to the poiot of be~ln"ln" Santa Clara PARCEL 1"'(0 . B~8iI""lu.. Bt the tntersection ot the EIl.terly 11ne ot that oertalo parcel ot land describad in the Doed frOM Musaklchl Takata, et ux, to Robert Kumakl Tskata, ot ai, recorded DeceMber 28. 1956 10 Book 3695 ot Ottlelel Reoords, paga 203, Santa Clara Caullty Records with tho SOrthorly line ot that eartain 1,152 a~re porcol of land 05 de8cribed In the Deed trom Robert KUMale1 Takata. et ai, to the City of Camphell, a municipal oorporatlon, record~d October 2S, 1964 1n Book 6718 of Offlclal Records, p~,e 714. Santa Clara County Records; thence rrom said poiot or beglnnill& eOd 81001 the Easterly llne of sald l~lld deedod to Robert K~~ak! T<1kata, at ai, N'. 00 56' 10'1 408.21 toot to tho Xorlbeasterlycorner thereof; thence eloo~ tbe Nortbarly lino thereof, S. 89" 03' W., 418.00 feet to the Nortbweeterly oorner thereor; theuco along the We,.titrly l1ne thereof, S. O. 56' E., .08.~6 feot to tho tnter.ectlon thereot wlth tho Northarly line ot 881d 1.152 acre parcel of land; thence along the Northerly 11ne of eeld 1.152 acre parcel ot land, S. 89. 02' E., 418.00 teet to the point ot be~lnnln&, \\i:, <(' \h;:-..7i'... . . ".. ~:;, ,.,"~, ..~ .'.....1,J..J" ., "" ., '...."'d I', .... ,,13uddy Tcml.zo .:'~.:lt<l "1<.0,;";,,,.. St., "'0,..../....::., 't-/,;." ., - , "c, -1';>J- ~ ,,, '.""'" """,.. J' . 'J.I ...J' is '''' ..~, ... "',,,.... '. I.", \ '".,~J'.c-, """~'t''' !\ IIlr\[jS~lItRuHI'n"''',,a''''/~' a..J .oJ "lnJ~, "I '''''' .. "'" '~""''';i"h~'-')' ..,/(' T C..llt, "f ...;I.i;-,t a ::lara tI" "i_, ~.J ,'tAr .. ,"" ,n"'f".o, ~.o:<< Y C I' ....4>" "'''Uln --... ',:~, ? '~I ,,- l' /" ~" /' ..._-~// / L) 1/ ,"'" ,. (::t , - /.... I;::; ,.:,:;) ! ,,-1' ~ ~ ...... " en V- IX ,,. :,f ..,., , ;~, -- ~c<<G88fj 'Oi! 2fl8 ~~' ~~ ~~~ J0-~~ ~[DlYr_.,.Tt:!!t1. ~1 -,' . "'i r"'i~~,;';t ,:->,,~,,:'~,:'h ;f~~,~.;'~t fl;400671~r.,~:!:. ',...~:.' :...(ij" .... \'1': . _ "'-"' "'..t 1~;_ ,,~~....t). \, l'tI \; . ...., ./,"', l' .~. .i . ~.!i. '11'1." (1 """'....'\ 1'~ : ~.' ,,,....... ~ll- 4 . 11" '\ I l' , ..,! I' .' ." 't, i !o j "'" ,..... , . ..' ) ... Ii )- ;. - ',,,'. ~ J ~.... t. ~ I 'l, ~, . :-\ : 1 . ."'.. ;',' , / I \ . -~t -1 1 " I l f'-.. - _'.. I!,~.,z 'iJ t:~ .:o} L" L . :\ . ...., 1. ;. .,~ t.'i. ..~ r 675Sl;~ 'J , 675:" ~ ~ , 6E~'-"! l' \~. ' ~ ~~" I ~ il,Jl<., "~ kM';:'::::r";' ~~~,cit,u: ;.;; lif;':IF.i~.~'~ tttIt;.::~;:..J1 .~. !J". '........r[..l,.\ '. -. '::-,'~.~,h~.:.... :~. - - _-1....... .-'-~ '-'",- C._~ ,"""-,,,.,,'"1 " '. ,,'. ~'rH111 " "~'~~~':)"J :1:,. '. 't v . .,;,':;:" ~. ...., :!. , -:, ':I:I ;r ;)i.j'~':1b}:' . '(('~/;;""'~,,J,' A.J. l~ll k'<<,O",i <v{~~ Oil",:,! K:;;,: iC:: ':'AKArA x '(/:J~~.. ":--~,"~~..c"..'" --z ol'_........C.= ROSh; HAiiJh.O 7J..n,J. L'{ 71' ~.t."-""4 ..:It'' .......-..M ~.. 'l...t'"". t..... ~~.......... ''wo,...J.~.,."" tlUJ.J. 1 Uhl.lu r Ar.~l' A .t..f~....~T...~.. ~_.r , ~ '1<. ~~_ vl\l\~c. 1'... ,A Mt I\. , .l-.t ~"'I~....r.... ...a:...~~t"';" p .... () ~ i-hhv :t.J.-......k ll..~ rHU~:S 1u.~J.1.U iAf\.A1A ;( X In 1/l.4..Ilx;,~I..~' -r;..K-JI,~ MA.:JAl\.1.'vtl.L ..J\r~ALA 'I" '<Id~ tu;,o Il.M1A ..xx StAfE O~ C...tl~~ i.... l\ ) COUNf''( ". ~ .2a~ta_ Clar:~__J n 0.. March 1.5_ 1965 ,hlo,.. ~... No'.,,, '",b-1.( 11'1. ....d br I.d ~r,._., r< \;"'. "'h """ ~~."" ROb. el;'t K),lm3. ki . T1~ata~ RO~? aruKQlaKatn"" 1 Om'l" Hid~.9 :rilkat,l. n~i'''>.:Hd chl T.1kiltl 050 Takata, ~~>l r:b:....~j;Q,:<~~'{ ."::1." .. -. !o t. ~p,. ~"'...,.. s ."'(>~. ..."".$ are I..t>><:"kd to 110.. .;,"',,\ ;n;lr~I'I'.~' 'l'Id '~."-O'wl.J~"-J ':l ""'. to,., t h. Y ...>:vt.d tfII. ..",., IN WITNESS Wf-OEQ€-,~)F 1 ...... fI.r."I'I'O ", ....r Iilud .1'>4 .H,..d W''f oH.(:,.1 \..' ,1'1 "". Co"."It'f ~f Santa Clara ,It.. d4-y ,"d y..r'~ ,..,. c:.~,f>c.,. '",t .ho... "'.1'.,, 4~~/f'Lu.~ ..... ,..11 '-f ,..... .::" ... ...~~\. :. . . ~.....~ 1..';.'___.._ ..,~ . "'4(".." Not,,,. "-tJ;.c ;" .ftd '0' >>id COo.I"'''''' ,"d St.t. ..,._ CO...........Oll f",..~ NTR" M NAKAtot"Ill:A ,. '- .' C-Q-..l."O" ...,,'.... ~\8.I'" ,,+ r -.,.-...----...--.- ..~---...,...._._. .....--. Q--........ ..... --..--.-... . :j.t; . /' J'i . - \~ 3 \ :."," \\ 1 ;IJ ,Q ~ Q (.~ .. ~ ;;. ~ ~ . C'8 "'fH~Ol~'" c.= 1,~td.<U 00 ~,.-) g ~-~ CtJ >< <'<l r: :f-' ~..: ..... ...J~" t ~ It) ~ ~ ;~ ~ lr.?. ~ l Q) 1 :. ~ ~ ~ 1 ii .. i M .: ~ 1:' ie' ~ . ; i - l.: . , - . III .. Ol .'< '" e< 1 1 ~: ',,- ~ .:. "" , t,: ~ ~ \"~ . . ~ ..:,... nJ r~ ~~ ~~q ~~Q .: <'l ~:: ~ ! ~ :'~' 1 .... j. ,. ~ ...~-. .;.e - ~ ~ ... ~ i . ~ i .! . ! . :.J ..,; .. 1. ~~ : ~ ..; ;-~: ! 1 ~~ ~ i ; ~ ~/i\' ,; u '" .. ... ZIil; 'I ~ ~ .~>>q,;I ~ il ...' "t ; ~$'.:," ~:;:. 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" :: ...: "'- . . 1 .. 1 ; . ~ ~ ~~ ", t, ~ l-bo ",f -'.F~ /~:i: ,(~~; WI r':t ~J ~::...' ,~ o~., '" .... ~ -5 ~ /'/,) /~ _." ~ M l-' .....~ 01,.,.1 ", :~c.. 1/ <' . .,., ~ if' .,. 0; !lO:,~::" \ ~ "\ {, 1 ~'/,j... .. .~."/ ' ..,~..t" .', \ i. ;;l '~ e ~ :;;. . ~ . . ~ i U ~. ~ ! ,. Z .. 0 c: 1 'i ( ... :I ~ I ~ ,-.;; CTJ .. ,... u .. ... 8 ';"1 ::s po , :;lC - ..... en V" t i ': I j \ , !t:L_~~~::~~~(E:__! (( ORDINANCE NO. 514 BEING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, AND SETTING FORTH' , THE DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE FOR PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE. /' . / r; , I' , I The City Council of the City of Campbell does ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Zoning Map of the City of Campbell, being par~ of Chap~er 3, Ar~icle IX of ~ho Campbell Municipal Code as referred to in the Appendix of said Code, toge~her with amendments thereto, is hereby changed and amended. Said ame~dments being outlined on the attached map, entitled Exhibit "C". SECTION TWO: That the following attached Exhibit "A" entitled Development Schedule and Exhibit liB" entitled Plans and Elevations, copies of which are on file in the Planning Department, be adopted by reference and hereby made a part of the Planned Development, Zoning District, subject to the following conditions: 1. ,Dedication to 120' R/W on Hamilton Avenue and dedica~ tion to 60' R!W on Marathon Drive along entire frontage of proposed development. ' 2. ,Full street improvements, along entire frontage of proposed development. 3. Storm drainage ~:ea fee in the amount of $950.00 (this coverl,;~ .........;;e ::. ~evelopment only). 4. Fire h:-_ ...r.~ .'~~._....... fee ::'n the amount of $195.00 per hydrz..n.t. S. Plan check and inspection fee in the amount of 3% of the .::;s:::mated cost of '_. :; st::-(;et improvements. (This re. ~ -":;l1ent is :0 be w ~ led ~:. improvements are co~~~. _~ed ~_ _ ?art 0: L.I.D. #12). 6. Ap. ~ic.....'':Si to ;:,uomit plans fo-: all buildings for Archi- tec.:ural Revi(;" oy the Planni:.1g Commission prior to obtaining Buil~ing Permits. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of November , 1965, by the following roll call vote: AYES~ Councilmen Doetsch, McElroy, .=-.ogers, Smeed, Rose NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen None ATTEST: CITY OF CAHPBELL PLANNING COi'lMISSION APPLICATION FOR "s" APPROVAL 1fA.I 21 Date 1965 In accordance with Section 9316, Chapter 3, Article IX of the Cam?bell Municipal Code of the City of Campbell, the undersigned hereby makes apr1i- cation for approval of the attachedi)lan.s. 1. The said improvements will be located on land described as follows: (Insert or attach legal description) Seta _ttaebed 1Allm."al. 2. The nature and purpose of the proposed i~provements are: (Applicant should attach a written statement setting forth any information he believes will be helpful to the Planning Commission and other City officers in con- sidering his application). See attached eula1ttal. Exact PlAtmiq of plan:ned d~ projeet. 3. The proposed improvements will cost approximately S17~.OOO.OD 4. Applicants should attach three (3) copies of the site plans and ele- vations of pro?osed improvements. One copy will be retained by the Plan- ning Commission, one by the City Engineer and one returned to applicant. ~~~:X~ <?:~1 f; (',I Signature of applicant J 131' r;:.ATTfJR. LA1m OGress of App11cant Filed in the Office of the Planning Department on: !WI JO~ Y CALT1IO~ tate .f;?/ 19~5- AN ...1400 Telephone Number ~- -~) ~~) ~tarY PLANNING DEPARTMENT CITY OF CArlPJ3ELL, CALIFORNIA TO: APPLICANTS FOR "S" APPROVAL, VARIAi'iCE OR USE PER~HTS The name (5) and Recorder's Number, of legal owner (s) of subject property must be supplied as part of application. A photo co~y of deed may be submitted for this information. Please fill in necessary information: ___';:.. L. / /v )? I 5;:: /~f Ir- ,c-_S' /..-1.-1 L" /1-- T (> [7 Name (s) as shown on Deed L . t::. eEl) ,L.:', (~- ,/-/ L::- Z- Name (5) as shown on Deed 2- 7{ Z 2lf(, # 2. 7i2Z 4t ~ Recor errs Num er For Office Use Only Filed as part of application for for +- .~------.- ::le~L;:: _